Spelling suggestions: "subject:"career maturity"" "subject:"bareer maturity""
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Approche structurale de la compétence à s’orienter : proposition d’un modèle général, hiérarchique, dynamique et multivarié. / A structural approach to career self-determination : a dynamic, hierarchical and multi-variable model.Dulu, Olivier 08 December 2014 (has links)
Quelle est la structure décisionnelle de la compétence à s’orienter ? Après avoir analysé les modèles existants et parcouru plusieurs recherches étudiant l’impact de différentes variables, nous avons proposé un modèle général qui pourrait se baser à la fois sur des modèles structuraux différenciant des axes d’internalité et d’externalité, sur des modèles hiérarchiques et sur des modèles dynamiques. La validation de ce modèle repose sur deux études empiriques distinctes. Une première expérimentation avec groupe témoin a été réalisée auprès de 665 étudiants issus de trois filières universitaires (psychologie, sciences et lettres) et a permis d’observer la mobilité de la maturité de carrière au cours d’une action d’orientation. La seconde, menée auprès de 322 étudiants en psychologie et en sciences, a montré l’interaction de nombreuses variables internes, comme le locus de contrôle, le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, l’autonomie, l’anxiété décisionnelle et la maturité de carrière, cette dernière pouvant s’inscrire comme une composante d’un modèle général, hiérarchique, dynamique et multivarié de la compétence à s’orienter. Une recherche complémentaire auprès de 186 étudiants a montré l’aspect à la fois modérateur et conflictuel des valeurs d’ouverture au changement (autonomie et stimulation) et de continuité (tradition et conformité) à l’œuvre lors du processus décisionnel. / What is the decision-making structure that underpins career self-determination? Having examined existing models and various studies of the impact of their respective variables, we propose a general model which is inspired by three others: a structural model differentiating between internal and external axes, a hierarchical model and a dynamic model. In order to confirm this hypothesis, we have conducted two distinct experiments. The first of these, with a sample group of 665 students from three university backgrounds (psychology, general science and humanities), enabled us to observe the changing dynamics of career maturity during a career guidance activity. The second experiment, carried out with 322 psychology and science students, showed the interaction of numerous internal personal characteristics, such as the locus of control, the feeling of self-efficacy, autonomy, decision stress and career maturity. As opposed to earlier general preconceptions, we suggest that this last characteristic (career maturity) is just one of the components of a general self-determination model based on hierarchy, dynamics and multiple variables. Subsequent research, carried out with 186 students, has shown the moderating and conflictual aspects of the values (autonomy and stimulation) adopted by persons open to change and the values (tradition and conformity) of persons preferring to continue without change within the decision process.
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Approche structurale de la compétence à s’orienter : proposition d’un modèle général, hiérarchique, dynamique et multivarié. / A structural approach to career self-determination : a dynamic, hierarchical and multi-variable model.Dulu, Olivier 08 December 2014 (has links)
Quelle est la structure décisionnelle de la compétence à s’orienter ? Après avoir analysé les modèles existants et parcouru plusieurs recherches étudiant l’impact de différentes variables, nous avons proposé un modèle général qui pourrait se baser à la fois sur des modèles structuraux différenciant des axes d’internalité et d’externalité, sur des modèles hiérarchiques et sur des modèles dynamiques. La validation de ce modèle repose sur deux études empiriques distinctes. Une première expérimentation avec groupe témoin a été réalisée auprès de 665 étudiants issus de trois filières universitaires (psychologie, sciences et lettres) et a permis d’observer la mobilité de la maturité de carrière au cours d’une action d’orientation. La seconde, menée auprès de 322 étudiants en psychologie et en sciences, a montré l’interaction de nombreuses variables internes, comme le locus de contrôle, le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, l’autonomie, l’anxiété décisionnelle et la maturité de carrière, cette dernière pouvant s’inscrire comme une composante d’un modèle général, hiérarchique, dynamique et multivarié de la compétence à s’orienter. Une recherche complémentaire auprès de 186 étudiants a montré l’aspect à la fois modérateur et conflictuel des valeurs d’ouverture au changement (autonomie et stimulation) et de continuité (tradition et conformité) à l’œuvre lors du processus décisionnel. / What is the decision-making structure that underpins career self-determination? Having examined existing models and various studies of the impact of their respective variables, we propose a general model which is inspired by three others: a structural model differentiating between internal and external axes, a hierarchical model and a dynamic model. In order to confirm this hypothesis, we have conducted two distinct experiments. The first of these, with a sample group of 665 students from three university backgrounds (psychology, general science and humanities), enabled us to observe the changing dynamics of career maturity during a career guidance activity. The second experiment, carried out with 322 psychology and science students, showed the interaction of numerous internal personal characteristics, such as the locus of control, the feeling of self-efficacy, autonomy, decision stress and career maturity. As opposed to earlier general preconceptions, we suggest that this last characteristic (career maturity) is just one of the components of a general self-determination model based on hierarchy, dynamics and multiple variables. Subsequent research, carried out with 186 students, has shown the moderating and conflictual aspects of the values (autonomy and stimulation) adopted by persons open to change and the values (tradition and conformity) of persons preferring to continue without change within the decision process.
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Desenvolvimento e maturidade de carreira de estudantes universitários: validação de instrumetnos de medidaOliveira, Marina Cardoso de 09 April 2007 (has links)
In order to contribute to extend the knowledge about Career Maturity and Development of
college students in Brazil and offer instruments to this purpose, this work pursued two aims.
The first one was to verify the vadility and reliability of two measure instruments, been the
first one widely used in international researches: the Combined Scale of Career Development
Attitudes (CDA) and the other one, named Assessment of Attributions for Career Decision
Making (AACDM). The second aim was to describe the profile of college students, in regard
to the career maturity and development, by comparing the results of different subgroups. To
achieve such aims were collected data in three different stages, in which participated 581
college students, from state and private institutions. Students were divided into three sampling
groups: the first for semantic validation, the second for statistical (factorial) validation and the
third for construct validation. For semantic validation we translated, retranslated, analyzed
items and performed an experimental trial. The results from this stage indicated the need for
adaptations only in the CDA scale and in the Career Planning (CP) and Career Exploration
(CE) dimensions. For statistic validation, was performed factorial analyses and reliability tests
in order to verify the instruments structure and accuracy. Results confirmed the factorial
structure and indicated satisfactory reliability of CDA scale, as well as CP and CE scales.
However, the instrument AACDM showed no acceptable psychometric qualities. For
construct validation was performed correlation tests and analyses of variance. The major part
of the results of correlation and comparison tests among the groups was coherent to the
theoretical expectations. Conversely, the internality of locus of control showed no correlation
with the career maturity measures. In relation to the profile of college students, they revealed
little involvement in planning career activities, mainly in relation to planning strategies that
help them decide which work area to pursue after finishing college. Results about CE scale
indicated that the use of information sources, by college students, is basically restricted to
professors, professionals and books. Regarding the career decisions attributional style, college
students tend to attribute personal and controllable causes to their career decisions. In the
same direction, the college students showed, in average, higher internality than externality in
the locus of control, in both luck dimension and powerful others, although they tend to
disagree about their ability and efficacy to make plans. In conclusion, the results obtained in
the three stages of this work provide validity to the CDA scale as an instrument to be used in future researches to make individual diagnosis and evaluate career counseling programs
aimed at college students. / Visando contribuir para a ampliação do conhecimento sobre o Desenvolvimento e a
Maturidade de Carreira de estudantes universitários no Brasil e oferecer instrumentos para
este fim, este estudo orientou-se por dois objetivos. O primeiro foi verificar a validade e a
confiabilidade de dois instrumentos de medida relacionados ao tema, sendo um deles sobre
maturidade de carreira, amplamente utilizado em pesquisas internacionais (Escala Combinada
de Atitudes da Maturidade de Carreira- CDA) e o outro, denominado Atribuição de
Causalidade para as Decisões de Carreira - AACDM. O segundo objetivo foi descrever o
perfil dos estudantes universitários pesquisados, em relação ao desenvolvimento e à
maturidade de carreira, comparando os resultados de diferentes sub-grupos. Para atingir tais
objetivos os dados foram coletados em três momentos diferentes, em que participaram 581
universitários, de instituições públicas e particulares, divididos em três amostras. A primeira
para a validação semântica, a segunda para a validação estatística (fatorial) e a terceira para a
validação de constructo. Para a validação semântica foi feita a tradução, retradução, análise
dos itens e ensaio experimental. Os resultados desta etapa indicaram necessidade de
adaptações somente na escala CDA, nas dimensões de Planejamento de Carreira - PC e
Exploração de Carreira - EC. Para a validação estatística foram feitas análises fatoriais e testes
de confiabilidade no sentido de verificar a estrutura e a precisão dos instrumentos. Os
resultados confirmaram a estrutura fatorial e indicaram boa confiabilidade da escala CDA,
bem como das escalas PC e EC. Entretanto, o instrumento AACDM não apresentou
qualidades psicométricas aceitáveis. Para a validação de constructo foram realizados testes de
correlação e análises de variância. Os resultados do teste de correlação e comparação entre os
grupos foram, em sua maioria, coerentes com as expectativas teóricas. Contrariamente ao
esperado, a internalidade do locus de controle não se correlacionou com as medidas da
maturidade de carreira. Sobre o perfil do estudante universitário pesquisado, este se mostrou
pouco envolvido em atividades de planejamento de carreira, principalmente em relação ao
planejamento de estratégias que o ajude a decidir qual área de trabalho gostaria de atuar
depois da conclusão dos seus estudos. Os resultados sobre a escala de EC indicaram que a
utilização de fontes de informações, pelos universitários, se restringe basicamente aos
professores, profissionais da área e livros. Sobre o estilo atribucional para as decisões de
carreira, os universitários tendem a atribuir causas pessoais e controláveis para as suas decisões de carreira. Nesta mesma direção os universitários apresentam, em média, maior
internalidade no locus de controle do que externalidade, tanto na dimensão acaso, quanto
outros poderosos, entretanto, tendem a discordar da sua capacidade ou eficácia para realizar
planos. Diante do exposto, os resultados obtidos nas três etapas desta pesquisa conferem
validade à escala CDA para uso em futuras pesquisas ou como instrumento de diagnóstico
individual e avaliação de programas de orientação de carreira destinados ao público
universitário brasileiro. / Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada
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Maturidade para a escolha da carreira em adolescentes de um serviço de orientação profissional / Maturity for career choice with adolescents attending a career guidance service.Maria Luiza Junqueira 30 November 2010 (has links)
Uma das tarefas mais importantes do desenvolvimento pessoal, na adolescência e início da idade adulta, é a escolha de uma carreira. A fim de tomar uma decisão informada e autônoma, espera-se que a pessoa tenha um certo nível de maturidade. Com perspectiva desenvolvimentista, este estudo objetiva avaliar a maturidade para a escolha da carreira em adolescentes usuários de um serviço-escola de orientação profissional. Mais especificamente, este estudo visa: (a) descrever o perfil sociodemográfico dos clientes; (b) descrever o nível de maturidade; (c) verificar se o nível de maturidade varia de acordo com as características sociodemográficas (sexo, idade, escolaridade, escola pública ou privada e nível de escolaridade dos pais), com a modalidade de atendimento e a permanência no serviço de atendimento; (d) avaliar a evolução da maturidade dos usuários do serviço após a conclusão atendimento e (e) comparar o nível de maturidade dos clientes que concluíram o atendimento com o dos que não concluíram. Os dados originam-se dos registros das intervenções com 748 clientes, com idades entre 14 e 21 anos, realizadas no Serviço de Orientação Profissional de uma universidade pública no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 2001 a 2006. O corpus de análise consiste em informações dos seguintes documentos: Registro da entrevista de triagem, Resumo do atendimento e Escala de Maturidade para a Escolha Profissional (EMEP). A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de procedimentos estatísticos: análises descritivas, testes de hipóteses, modelo linear de efeitos mistos e construção de valores percentis para a amostra. A caracterização sociodemográfica dos clientes mostra a predominância de participantes do sexo feminino (69,39%), de alunos da terceira série do Ensino Médio (55,21%) e provenientes de escolas privadas (65,64%). Do total de usuários, 74,33% concluíram o atendimento e 89,71% participaram do atendimento em grupo. Os filhos de pais que concluíram o Ensino Superior prevalecem (56,70%), seguidos por aqueles cujos pais concluíram o Ensino Médio (31,80%). A maioria dos sujeitos classificou-se com nível de maturidade abaixo de médio na escala total (62,9%) e em três subescalas: determinação (70,99%), autoconhecimento (60,03%) e conhecimento da realidade (59,89%). Houve variações apontando nível médio de maturidade para as subescalas responsabilidade (50,67%) e independência (54,95%). A comparação da maturidade antes e depois da intervenção, com 492 adolescentes, mostrou evolução com resultados estatisticamente significativos para a maturidade total e subescalas (p <0,001) na amostra total, com exceção do sexo masculino na subescala responsabilidade e dos filhos de pais sem escolaridade formal nas subescalas responsabilidade e independência. Destacam-se resultados estatisticamente significativos na evolução da maturidade total, favoráveis ao sexo feminino e aos clientes que foram atendidos na modalidade individual. Os alunos de escolas particulares destacaram-se no conhecimento da realidade e os clientes que não concluíram a intervenção destacaram-se na subescala determinação, no início do processo. Os resultados mostram que a intervenção vocacional/profissional favoreceu o desenvolvimento da maturidade para a escolha da profissão. Este estudo espera contribuir para aprofundar a compreensão sobre o construto maturidade para a escolha da carreira e para a produção do conhecimento em avaliação de resultados de intervenções no domínio da Orientação Vocacional/Profissional. / One of most important tasks for personal development, in adolescence and early adulthood, is choosing a career. In order to make an informed and autonomous decision, the person is expected to have a certain level of maturity. According to the developmental approach, this study aims at assessing the maturity for career choice with adolescents attending a career guidance service. More specifically, this study aims at: (a) describing the clients socio-demographic profile; (b) describing their maturity level; (c) verifying whether their maturity level varies with the socio-demographic characteristics (sex, age, schooling level, public or private school and the parents schooling level), with type of attendance and adherence to attendance; (d) assessing the maturity progress of the service users after completing attendance; and (e) comparing maturity level of clients who had concluded attendance with that of the ones who had not concluded attendance. The data came from records of interventions with 748 clients, aged 14 to 21 years, carried out at the career guiding service of a public university in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2001 to 2006. The corpus for analysis consists of information from the following documents: assessment interview, attendance record and Career Choice Maturity Scale (Escala de Maturidade para a Escolha Profissional, EMEP). Data analysis was done by statistics procedures: descriptive analysis, hypothesis tests, linear model of mixed effects, and construction of percent values for the sample. The socio-demographic characterization of clients shows the prevalence of female sex (69.39%), high school seniors (55.21%) and attending private schools (65.64%). Out of the total users, 74.33% had completed attendance and 89.71% had joined group attendance. Children of parents who had completed higher education prevail (56.70%), followed by those whose parents had finished high school (31.80 %). The maturity profile, when starting attendance, was below average (62.9%), divided into three subscales: determination (70.99%), self-knowledge (60.03%) and knowledge of reality (59.89%). There were variations for average level of maturity for the subscales responsibility (50.67%) and independence (54.95%). The comparison of maturity before and after intervention, with 492 adolescents, showed progress with statistically significant results for total maturity and subscales (p< 0.001) for the total sample, excepting the male sex in the responsibility subscale and the children of low schooling parents in the subscales responsibility and independence. Statistically significant results stand out for progress in total maturity, favoring the female sex and the clients who were attended individually. Knowledge of reality favored students from private schools before intervention. The clients who had not concluded intervention stood out in the determination subscale at the beginning of the process. The results show that career intervention favored the development of maturity for career choice. This study is expected to contribute for improving the comprehension about the construct maturity for career choice and for the production of knowledge about assessment of results of career guidance interventions.
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Investigating the impact of “the gap year” on career decision-makingCoetzee, Melinda 02 October 2007 (has links)
In this study the experiences of young people who engage in a gap year were explored. The focus of the study was on how the gap year influenced career decision-making. A case study design was used to gather information about the experiences of three young people who engaged in various types of gap years. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews, life-lines and collages created by the participants. They were also consulted throughout the research process and participated in the data analysis. Content analysis was applied to the gathered data, and various themes and sub-themes were identified. These were confirmed by the participants before the completion of the study. This study found that the value of the gap year may be in the personal growth that it facilitates, the time it allows people to take before finalising their decisions, and its impact on career maturity. The findings indicate that the gap year may help people to resolve their career indecision by providing opportunities to experience the world and gain self-knowledge, thereby becoming more career mature. This in turn leads to the ability to make a career decision. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted
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An Investigation of How Career-Related Influences Shape Career-Related Decisions and Behaviors of Black Male CollegiansSuddeth, Todd M. 20 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Identity and Career Maturity in Kinesiology StudentsJohnson, Malia 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore athletic identity, identity foreclosure, and career maturity in a sample of undergraduate college students currently enrolled in kinesiology and physical education classes at a university in the southern United States. Students were provided with an internet link that requested them to complete a demographic survey, the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS), the foreclosure subscale of the Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status, and the Attitude Scale (Form A-2) of the Career Maturity Inventory. Examination of the Pearson moment correlations indicated that the higher the sport participation during high school, the greater the athletic identity and identity foreclosure, and lower the career maturity attitudes. ANOVAs were performed to examine differences between males (n = 123) and females (n = 183), kinesiology (n = 181) and non-kinesiology majors (n = 125), and white (n = 144) and non-white students (n = 162) on athletic identity, identity foreclosure, and career maturity. Results showed that males scored significantly higher on athletic identity and identity foreclosure, and significantly lower on career maturity than females. Kinesiology students had scores significantly higher on athletic identity and identity foreclosure, and lower on career maturity. Finally, individuals that identified their ethnicity as White had higher athletic identity, lower identity foreclosure, and significantly higher career maturity than individuals who identified as an ethnicity other than white. Although the relationships in this study are in line with what has been found in previous research, the relationships among this sample of undergraduate students were weak. Future research should replicate the study using a measurable level of sport skill level. Future research should also consider introducing an intervention with a career development program, and track participants' athletic identity, identity foreclosure, and career mature before, during, and after implementation of the program.
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Career maturity across career stages in the South African militaryThemba, Mfaniselwa Abednigo 03 1900 (has links)
The present study explores career maturity across career stages in the South African
military. The Career Development Questionnaire (CDQ) and a biographical
questionnaire were administered to a sample of South African military officers (n = 333).
The data were statistically analysed for significant mean differences in career maturity
according to demographic and military-specific variables. The results revealed an
adequate level of career maturity among the participants. The participants’ overall mean
scores in career maturity showed no significant mean differences according to
demographic variables. Significant mean differences were, however, observed for the
sample according to their arm of service in the South African military. Whilst the results
did not indicate a developmental progression of career maturity among the participants,
it did reflect the equivocal nature of previous career maturity research. Conclusions for
the study are made, limitations are discussed, and recommendations are provided for
practice and future research. / Industrial and Organizational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organizational Psychology)
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The factors that relate to the career maturity of school-going girls in Gauteng : a case studyBuys, Sulize 06 1900 (has links)
The first aim of this research was to identify the factors that relate to the career maturity of school-going girls and more specifically the factor positive possible selves. Secondly, the study aimed to measure the stability of the construct career maturity as learners progress from one grade to the next without any guidance intervention. The work of Super (1957), Crites (1969) and Langley (1988) formed the theoretical framework for the investigation of the contextual factors such as subject choice and career choice and the biological and psychological factors such as grade, self-efficacy, self-esteem, perceived and actual academic achievement and positive possible selves in relation to career maturity. Quantitative research that involved a cross-sectional and longitudinal research design was implemented. Career choice and self-esteem were the strongest predictors of career maturity Self-efficacy showed marginal significance and possible selves explained only 2% of the variance of the dependent variable career maturity. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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Career choice patterns of learners in Eastern Cape schools with special references to the Northern RegionKopele, Bonisiwe Unity Carol 11 1900 (has links)
The choice of a career is an important decision that a person has to make in his
life. The purpose of this study was to identify factors at play at the time that
learners' have to commit themselves to chosen career paths.
From the literature it became,evident that there exists an interplay between
personal and situational factors. This interplay results in the formation of a
certain identity which is later actualised in a chosen career.
The empirical study revealed that factors like the type of school attended, the
school curriculum the socio-economic location of the school and the availability
of guidance services played an important role in the choice of a career. Family
factors and other factors such as prestige and remuneration were also
influential. It appeared however that the level of a learner's career maturity
would be a major factor influencing career identity formation, choice and
subsequent satisfaction. / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Een van die belangrike besluite wat In mens moet maak in sy lewe is die van In
beroepskeuse. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om die faktore te identifiseer
wat In rol speel gedurende die tyd wanneer leerders hulself verbind tot In
gekose loopbaan.
Uit die literatuur blyk dit dot daar In wisselwerking best a an tussen persoonlikeen
omstandigheidsfaktore. Hierdie wisselwerking lei tot die vorming van In
sekere identiteit wat later verwesenlik word in In gekose beroep.
Die empiriese ondersoek toon dot faktore soos die tipe skool bygewoon, die
kurrikulum, die sosio-ekonomiese ligging van die skool en die beskikbaarheid van
voorligtingsdienste In belangrike rol gespeel het in die keuse van In beroep.
Gesinsfaktore en onder faktore soos aansien en vergoeding het ook 'n rol
gespeel. Dit het veral geblyk dot die vlak van die leerder se
beroepsvolwassenheid In aansienlike faktor was wat beroepsidentiteitsvorming,
keuse en die daaropvolgende beroepsbevrediging, be'invloed het. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (guidance and Counselling)
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