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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydraulic Fracturing and Cause-Specific Mortality: A Multicity Comparative Epidemiological Study

Nduka, Uzoma C 01 January 2019 (has links)
Cause-specific mortality (CSM), among other global health estimates, has garnered prominence in the contemporary public health field. CSM has been associated with several factors, however, research comparing CSM for prefracking versus postfracking periods is sparse. Hydraulic fracturing or fracking is a technique of extracting oil and gas from deep underground. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the difference among mean CSM scores from 1975 through 2015 in the available cities and counties of residence in Colorado and to determine the impact of gender, marital status, county of residence, and city of residence on CSM scores (prefracking period 1975-1977 versus postfracking period 1999-2015) among adults aged 45-70 years. In this retrospective quantitative study, the socioecological model of health was used to analyze 73,251 cases obtained from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. One-way analysis of variance and multiple regression were used to analyze data. Results showed that Denver County had a higher mean CSM score compared to other counties in Colorado. Regression results revealed a significant but weak association between CSM scores and gender, marital status, city of residence, and county of residence. If gender, marital status, and county of residence can be significant predictors of CSM, this information could have social change implications by influencing decisions regarding CSM and fracking.

Exploring Audience Perception of a Cause-Related Sponsorship Campaign : The Case of Hummel and the Danish National Football TeamDuring The 2022 FIFA World Cup

Kószás, Franciska, Tudesko, Patricia January 2023 (has links)
Background: There has been a noticeable growth in the use of sponsorships and corporate social responsibility in the world of professional sports, especially in football. This phenomenon is not particularly surprising given that modern companies are forced to compete for the attention of more socially conscious audiences. The socially responsible reputation of a firm may be significantly strengthened by incorporating CSR and CRM efforts. Audiences have shown to have a more positive opinion of these initiatives when they are implemented in the sports industry, often differentiating them from direct corporate marketing due to their perceived authenticity and compassion. Hummel's decision to tone down the Danish national team's kit for The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar serves as a compelling example of cause-related marketing within the football industry.   Purpose: The development of an in-depth understanding of how online communities perceive the cause-related campaign executed by Hummel at The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. Method: Qualitative Research; Interpretivism; Methodology – Exploratory Case Study; Inductive Approach; Data Collection – Systematic; Sampling – Deliberate/Nonprobability Sampling; Data Analysis – Content Analysis (creation of tree-diagrams based on quotes, generic categories and main categories)  Conclusion: The authors have undertaken a comprehensive analysis of the findings derived from content analysis, establishing meaningful connections between these findings and relevant theories regarding cause-related marketing (CRM) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). As a result, this study makes a contribution to the scholarly understanding of the potential responses exhibited by online communities towards cause-related marketing campaigns. The findings of this study shed light on the diverse range of reactions that can be anticipated when a company chooses to engage in such sponsorship endeavors.

Den orena revisionsberättelsen / The qualified opinion

Kesen, Ulas, Koc, Serdar January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisionsberättelsen är den rapport som intressenter kan ta del av. Det är revisorns uttalande som har högt värde då det är revisorn som är informationsmedlare mellan parterna. Tolkningar som revisorn gör, är grund för andras beslut. Tidigare forskning visar att en revisionsberättelse inte signalerar tillräckligt om företagets fortsatta drift, samt att det var endast 20-27% som erhållit orena revisionsberättelser innan företagen inlett konkurs. De olika anmärkningarna i orena revisionsberättelsen har olika allvarlighetsgrader enligt andra studier. Syfte: Vi vill med denna studie undersöka om aktiebolagens sist erhållna orena revisionsberättelser, har ett statistiskt signifikant samband med aktiebolagens inledda konkurs under året 2010. Teori: De teorier som har använts i denna studie är agentteorin och intressentmodellen. I kapitlet definieras även begrepp som används inom revision. Metod: En kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats har gjorts i form av dokumentstudie. Urvalet har utgått från svenska aktiebolag som inlett konkurs under 2010. Kontrollgruppen bestod av svenska aktiebolag som inte hade inlett konkurs under samma år. Resultat och slutsats: De mest uppkomna anmärkningarna är förbrukat mer än det registrerade egna aktiekapitalet samt skatte- och avgiftsanmärkning. Anmärkningar som är av den allvarligaste graden förekommer inte ofta. Däremot vid de uppkomna tillfällena med dessa anmärkningar har företagen i de flesta fallen gått i konkurs. Vidare visar resultatet att det finns ett samband mellan företagens orena revisionsberättelse och konkurs.

Redistribution of heart failure as the cause of death: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study

Snyder, Michelle, Love, Shelly-Ann, Sorlie, Paul, Rosamond, Wayne, Antini, Carmen, Metcalf, Patricia, Hardy, Shakia, Suchindran, Chirayath, Shahar, Eyal, Heiss, Gerardo January 2014 (has links)
BACKGROUND:Heart failure is sometimes incorrectly listed as the underlying cause of death (UCD) on death certificates, thus compromising the accuracy and comparability of mortality statistics. Statistical redistribution of the UCD has been used to examine the effect of misclassification of the UCD attributed to heart failure, but sex- and race-specific redistribution of deaths on coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality in the United States has not been examined.METHODS:We used coarsened exact matching to infer the UCD of vital records with heart failure as the UCD from 1999 to 2010 for decedents 55years old and older from states encompassing regions under surveillance by the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study (Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, and North Carolina). Records with heart failure as the UCD were matched on decedent characteristics (five-year age groups, sex, race, education, year of death, and state) to records with heart failure listed among the multiple causes of death. Each heart failure death was then redistributed to plausible UCDs proportional to the frequency among matched records.RESULTS:After redistribution the proportion of deaths increased for CHD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertensive heart disease, and cardiomyopathy, P<0.001. The percent increase in CHD mortality after redistribution was the highest in Mississippi (12%) and lowest in Maryland (1.6%), with variations by year, race, and sex. Redistribution proportions for CHD were similar to CHD death classification by a panel of expert reviewers in the ARIC study.CONCLUSIONS:Redistribution of ill-defined UCD would improve the accuracy and comparability of mortality statistics used to allocate public health resources and monitor mortality trends.

Targeting Non-obvious Errors in Death Certificates

Johansson, Lars Age January 2008 (has links)
Mortality statistics are much used although their accuracy is often questioned. Producers of mortality statistics check for errors in death certification but current methods only capture obvious mistakes. This thesis investigates whether non-obvious errors can be found by linking death certificates to hospital discharge data. Data: 69,818 deaths in Sweden 1995. Paper I: Analysing differences between the underlying cause of death from the death certificate (UC) and the main discharge condition from the patient’s last hospitalization (MDC). Paper II: Testing whether differences can be explained by ICD definitions of UC and MDC. Paper III: Surveying methods in 44 current studies on the accuracy of death certificates. Paper IV: Checking death certificates against case summaries for: i) 573 deaths where UC and MDC were the same or the difference could be explained; ii) 562 deaths where the difference could not be explained. Results: In 54% of deaths the MDC differed from the UC. Almost two-thirds of the differences were medically compatible since the MDC might have developed as a complication of the UC. Of 44 recent evaluation studies, only 8 describe the methods in such detail that the study could be replicated. Incompatibility between MDC and UC indicates a four-fold risk that the death certificate is inaccurate. For some diagnostic groups, however, death certificates are often inaccurate even when the UC and MDC are compatible. Conclusion: Producers of official mortality statistics could reduce the number of non-obvious errors in the statistics by collecting additional information on incompatible deaths and on deaths in high-risk diagnostic groups. ICD conventions contribute to the quality problem since they presuppose that all deaths are due to a single underlying cause. However, in an ageing population an increasing number of deaths are due to an accumulation of etiologically unrelated conditions.


陳羽珊 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在對台灣區企業施行藝文理念行銷活動作實證研究,以建立企業藝文理念行銷行為模式之觀念架構,並以Sull之關鍵成功因素模式,求得企業藝文理念行銷之關鍵成功因素。本研究選定誠品書店、裕隆汽車、Agnes b.、圓神出版事業機構、以及荷蘭銀行等五家施行藝文理念行銷的企業作深度訪談,除提出企業藝文理念行銷修正後之觀念架構,並發現當理念行銷以「藝術文化」為主題時,應將Kotler主張的參與形式重新定義。 本研究另針對藝文理念行銷的構面影響提出命題,概述如下:企業主題推廣仍為企業建立品牌、知名度塑造時的基本方式,但現有的趨勢漸漸向聯合議題推廣靠攏;企業最在意藝文夥伴與其形象及目標市場是否相合,最重視企業夥伴或公部門夥伴的資源多寡;企業藝文理念行銷動機強調經營者興趣與認同者,活動類型較為多元,最重視議題的獨特性,較不重視議題與產品的關聯性;藝文理念行銷動機強調短期自利或長期自利的企業,活動類型較單一固定,最重視議題的社會顯著性與產品關聯性;另,對議題性質的謹慎選擇搭配靈活的時間運用、整合行銷傳播、本身及合作夥伴的資源分享,為台灣企業施行藝文理念行銷最重視的共同關鍵成功要素。 本研究並對實務界提出以下建議:1. 具通路特質的企業,可善用體驗行銷並持續性舉辦長期或短期活動;2. 注重與合作夥伴目標市場的分享以擴大市場;3. 掌握整合行銷傳播的關鍵為:快速的內部溝通及不輕易更改的核心策略。

De som slutade gå i skolan : en kvalitativ studie om hemmasittare

Lundgren, Christian, Kvist, Peter January 2014 (has links)
Hemmasittare is a new term for children and youths with a history of long term truancy. As the term indicates these youths spend most of their time in their homes. This often results in them being socially alienated and the loss of their earlier social network. The consequences of hemmasittande and social alienation are many and include not only a deficient social network but also psychological and physical problems. Research has shown that many of these problems follow on through into adult life. Earlier research in this area is limited and there is need for more research into preventative measures as well as the psychosocial causes. To carry out the project the qualitative approach has been to conduct five semi structured interviews, three interviews with professionals who work with youths who find themselves in this behavioral situation and two with youths who have been treated for this condition. KASAM and systems theory, including Bronfenbrenner's Ecological systems theory, comprise this thesis' theoretical base. The results show that, both in the youths and professionals interviews, that there is a combination of causes that lead to youths being rooted in their homes rather than attending school. This is corroborated by earlier research. The results also show that the youths experienced their schools efforts at alleviating the problem as being unproductive while being placed in a home for treatment gave results. The professionals experiences show that it is of importance to create a connection between the youth and parents in order to get all parties working in the same direction. Furthermore the professionals consider that in-depth research into each individual case is requisite for deciding upon the correct approach to treating the problem, with a major consideration being that each step in the treatment must be feasible otherwise there is a prominent risk that the treatment will be counterproductive. / Hemmasittare är ett nytt ord för de barn och ungdomar som av någon anledning har en långvarig ogiltig frånvaro från skolan. Precis som ordet syftar är dessa ungdomar en stor del av sin tid i hemmet. Det medför att ungdomen ofta blir socialt isolerad och tappar det kontaktnät som fanns tidigare. Konsekvenserna av hemmasittande och social isolering är många och inkluderar, förutom brister i kontaktnätet, såväl psykiska som fysiska följder. Forskning visar att flera av konsekvenserna även visar sig senare i vuxenlivet. Tidigare forskning på området är begränsad och ett behov av ytterligare forskning på såväl preventiva åtgärder som psykosociala orsaksfaktorer hos ungdomarna finns. Studiens syfte är att studera hemmasittande och social isolering hos ungdomar. För att genomföra syftet har en kvalitativ ansats tagits med fem stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Av dessa fem intervjuer är tre med yrkesverksamma personer som arbetar med denna typ av ungdomar och två med ungdomar som tidigare haft hemmasittandeproblematik och erhållit insatser för detta. KASAM och systemteori, inklusive Bronfenbrenners ekologiska modell, utgör uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter. Uppsatsens resultat visar, både ungdomarnas berättelser och de yrkesverksammas erfarenheter, att det är en kombination av orsaker som gör att ungdomar blir sittande hemma istället för att gå till skolan. Detta bekräftar också tidigare forskning inom området. Resultaten visar också att ungdomarna upplevde deras skolors försök att lösa situationen som verkningslösa men att situationen förbättrats efter att de blivit placerade på behandlingshem. De yrkesverksammas erfarenheter är att det i behandlingsarbetet är viktigt att skapa allians med ungdom och föräldrar och försöka få alla inblandade att dra åt samma håll. Vidare anser de att en noggrann kartläggning av varje enskilt fall är nödvändig för att veta hur man bäst kan arbeta med det specifika fallet. De yrkesverksamma påtalar också vikten av att lägga en behandling på rätt nivå, uppgifterna ska vara utmanande men görbara annars riskerar behandlingen att vara kontraproduktiv.

Discussing causality with families in a family management and therapy integrated service : a qualitative study with focus groups

Newman, Andrew January 2011 (has links)
Objective. Family Therapy (FT) and Family Management (FM) approaches to psychosis have been divided by their understanding of causality. FM holds a biological understanding which has been identified as having negative consequences for the person with psychosis. FT, by exploring family interactions has been criticised for blaming families for causing their relations psychosis. These two approaches have now been integrated, but how causality is discussed in an integrated approach has only now been explored. Design and methods. This qualitative research asked clinicians working in the most established integrated service how they discuss causality. Four focus groups were conducted and a framework approach using thematic analysis was used. Results. Five themes were explored; uncomfortable discussion; constructing a shared understanding; therapeutic style; limiting exploration; and blame. Conclusion. Discussing causality with families was identified as uncomfortable. However, through the development of a therapeutic-relationship three identified tools can be used to construct a shared understanding of causality. The therapeutic style of explorative conversation--based in FT, integrated with the stress-vulnerability model--based in FM, was identified as an important aspect of an integrated model that resolved criticisms levied at each individual approach. Factors that limited exploration were identified as major challenges to causality discussions, but techniques to remedy these problems were also identified. The risk of families feeling blamed/blaming themselves and attempts to avoid/reduce blame made up a dominant theme of the research. The research concludes by challenging the need to avoid/reduce blame, arguing that blame should be openly explored within family interventions.

Survival and Cause-Specific Mortality of White-Tailed Deer (<em>Odocoileus virginianus</em>) Neonates in a Southeastern Kentucky Population

McDermott, Joseph R. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Maintaining desired numbers of wildlife species requires an understanding of species-specific population dynamics. For ungulate species such as the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), understanding the neonatal survival rate of a population and factors that influence that survival rate, may be two of the most important factors to successful deer management. We examined neonatal survival in an eastern Kentucky population of deer living in relatively low densities (/ km2), with adequate habitat and supposedly poor population growth. Neonates (102) were captured in the summer birth periods of 2014 - 2016 and radio-monitored until the beginning of the fall archery deer season. We found moderate-to-low survival estimates to four months of 43% (95% CI: 29 – 57%) that are consistent with many areas in the Midwest and southeastern United States. Predation, including suspected predation events, from bobcats (Lynx rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) accounted for 80% of all neonate mortalities. A thorough examination of the survival and mortality in the neonate component of this population is discussed herein.

Cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality : influence of fitness, fatness and genetic factors

Högström, Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
Background Low aerobic fitness and obesity are associated with atherosclerosis, and thereforegreatly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and early death. It has long been known that atherosclerosis my begin early in life. Despite this fact, it remains unknown how obesity and aerobic fitness early in life influence the risks of atherosclerosis, CVD and death. Furthermore, it is unknown whether high aerobic fitness can compensate for the risks associated with obesity, and how genetic confounding affects the relationshipsof aerobic fitness with CVD and all-cause mortality. Thus, the main aims of this thesis were to investigate the associations of aerobic fitness in late adolescence with myocardial infarction (Study I), stroke (Study II) and all-cause mortality (Study III), and how genetic confounding influences the relationshipsof aerobic fitness with CVD, diabetes and death (Study IV). Methods The study population comprised up to1.3 million men who participated in mandatory Swedish military conscription. During conscription, all conscripts underwent highly standardized tests to assess aerobic fitness, body mass index, blood pressure and cognitive function. A physician also examined all conscripts. Data on subjects’ diagnoses, death and socioeconomic status during follow-up were retrieved using record linkage. Subjects were subsequently followed until the study endpoint, date of death or date of any outcome of interest. Associations between baseline variables and the risks of adverse outcomes were assessed using Cox’s proportional hazard models. Genetic confounding of the relationships between aerobic fitness and diabetes, CVD and death was assessed using a twin population and a paired logistic regression model. Results In Study I, low aerobic fitness at conscription was associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI) during follow-up (hazard ratio [HR] 0.82 per standard deviation increase). Similarly, in Study II, high aerobic fitness reduced the risk of stroke (HR 0.84 for ischemic stroke, HR 0.82 for hemorrhagic stroke; P &lt; 0.001 for all), and obesity was associated with an increased risk of stroke (HR 1.15 for ischemic stroke, HR 1.18 for hemorrhagic stroke; P &lt; 0.001 for all). In Study III, high aerobic fitness was also associated with reduced all-cause mortality later in life (HR 0.49, P &lt; 0.001). High aerobic fitness exerted the strongest protection against death from substance and alcohol abuse, suicide and trauma (HRs 0.20, 0.41 and 0.52, respectively; P &lt; 0.001 for all). Obese individuals with aerobic fitness were at higher risk of MI and all-cause mortality than were normal-weight individuals with low fitness (Studies I and III). In Study IV, fit twins had no reduced risk of CVD or death during follow-up compared with their unfit twin siblings (odds ratio 1.11, 95% confidence interval 0.88–1.40), regardless of how large the difference in fitness was. However, the fitter twins were protected against diabetes during follow-up. Conclusions Already early in life, aerobic fitness is a strong predictor of CVD and all-cause mortality later in life. In contrast to the “fat but fit” hypothesis, it seems that high aerobic fitness cannot fully compensate for the risks associated with obesity. The associationsof aerobic fitness with CVD and all-cause mortality appear to be mediated by genetic factors. Together, these findings have implications for the view of aerobic fitness as a causal risk factor for CVD and early death.

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