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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de mortalidade de mulheres em idade reprodutiva no município de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil / Study of women mortality in reproductive age in Ribeirao Preto, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mariana Marcos Gil 28 September 2012 (has links)
Os óbitos de mulheres em idade reprodutiva correspondem a 16% do total de óbitos femininos em todo o Brasil, indicando a dificuldade dos serviços de saúde em implementar ações baseadas na atenção integral à saúde da mulher no Sistema Único de Saúde, sob o enfoque ampliado da assistência, incorporando a perspectiva de gênero. Objetivo: analisar óbitos de mulheres em idade reprodutiva, residentes em Ribeirão Preto-SP, no período de 2007 a 2009, com ênfase nas causas de morte. Método: foram analisadas 532 Declarações de Óbito (DO) de mulheres de 10 a 49 anos residentes no município de Ribeirão Preto/SP que foram a óbito no período de 2007 a 2009, obtidas por meio do Comitê Municipal de Prevenção da Mortalidade Materna para transcrição integral dos dados. As mortes foram classificadas em maternas declaradas, não maternas e presumíveis. Procedeu-se com a análise dos dados com o software STATA, codificação das causas de acordo com a CID 10 e seleção da causa básica de óbito. Resultados: Os principais grupos de causas de morte foram: neoplasias 137 (26%), doenças do aparelho circulatório 94 (18%), doenças infecciosas e parasitárias 67 (13%) e causas externas 65 (12%). As mortes por causas maternas representaram a antepenúltima causa de óbito. Foram identificadas, após análise dos campos preenchidos na DO, 467 (88%) mortes não maternas, 5 (1%) mortes maternas declaradas e 60 (11%) mortes maternas presumíveis. Conclusão: O padrão de mortalidade do município é semelhante ao do país, apontando a necessidade de incrementar ações nas três esferas de governo voltadas para a saúde da população feminina. Conhecer o perfil de mortalidade de mulheres em idade reprodutiva possibilita a compreensão de suas principais demandas e problemas de saúde oferecendo subsídios para o planejamento de ações focadas em reduzir mortes por causas evitáveis. / The deaths of women in reproductive age represent 16% of all female deaths in Brazil, indicating the difficulty of health services to implement actions based on comprehensive health care of women in the National Health System, under the approach extended care, incorporating a gender perspective. Objective: To analyze deaths of women in reproductive age residing in Ribeirao Preto-SP, in the period of 2007 to 2009, focusing on causes of death. Method: We analyzed 532 Death Certificates of women aged 10 to 49 years residing in Ribeirao Preto - SP who died in the period 2007 to 2009, obtained through the Municipal Committee for the Prevention of Maternal Mortality for transcription full of data. The deaths were classified as declared maternal, not maternal and presumed. Proceeded with the analysis of the data with STATA software, coding causes according to ICD 10 and selecting the underlying cause of death. Results: The main groups of causes of death were neoplasms 137 (26%), circulatory diseases 94 (18%), infectious and parasitic diseases 67 (13%) and external causes 65 (12%). Deaths from maternal causes represented the antepenultimate cause of death. Were identified after analysis of the fields filled in Death Certificates, 467 (88%) not maternal deaths, 5 (1%) declared maternal and 60 (11%) presumed maternal deaths. Conclusion: The pattern of mortality in the municipality is similar to the country, pointing to the need for increased action in the three spheres of government focused on the health of the female population. Knowing the profile of women mortality in reproductive age furthers our understanding of their main demands and health problems, offering support for the planning of actions focused on reducing deaths from preventable causes.

Regionálna diferenciácia príčin úmrtnosti vo vybraných krajinách strednej Európy / Regional differentiation of cause-specific mortality in selected countries of Central Europe

Domonkos, Zsolt January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the differentiation in mortality rates at the international and regional level (NUTS 2) in selected countries of Central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland). At the country level, it examines the development of total mortality and cause- specific mortality since 1990. At the regional level, it evaluates the regional differences in total mortality and cause-specific mortality in the period 2008-2010. The thesis makes use of demographic indices (life expectancy, dispersion measure of mortality, lifespan disparity, standardised death rate) and tools of statistical analysis (Poisson regression, cluster analysis). The analysis reveals that mortality rates have decreased in Central European countries, although significant differences in the intensity of mortality can still be observed at the international as well as regional level. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Certification des causes de décès en Afrique : "Analyse de modèle au CHU Souro Sanou de Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso" / Certification of Causes of Death in Africa : « Analysis of Design at the University Hospital Souro Sanou, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso »

Barro, Golo Seydou 19 December 2014 (has links)
Les statistiques de mortalité permettent à l'OMS de mesurer l'ampleur des problèmes de santé dans les pays. Leur fiabilité est fonction de la qualité du certificat de décès. Il ressort que plus de 25% des données des pays Africains ne sont pas utilisables. La principale raison de ce déficit d'information serait la non-performance des systèmes et outils d'enregistrement des données. Notre travail avait pour objectif d'étudier un modèle d'enregistrement des décès qui tienne compte à la fois des normes de l'OMS et des réalités de l'Afrique. Nous avons cherché à savoir comment la certification des causes de décès pouvait améliorer la production des statistiques de mortalité en Afrique. Comme méthodologie, nous avons utilisé une recherche interventionnelle combinée à une démarche projet et à une approche épidémiologique. L'étude a eu comme résultat la conception et l'implémentation d'un modèle à trois scénarii de déploiement en fonction du niveau d'équipement des établissements de soins en TIC et en personnel qualifié. Le système a été validé et implémenté au CHU de Bobo Dioulasso. Les acteurs ont été formés et le dispositif fonctionne depuis le 1er janvier 2014. Une première évaluation du modèle a été réalisée après trois mois de fonctionnement. La mise en place d'un comité de suivi et d'un plan annuel de formation, l'implication du Ministère de la santé et de l'Organisation Ouest Africaine de la Santé, l'assistance technique de la Direction Générale de la Modernisation de l'Etat Civil et du CepiDc (France) sont des éléments d'appropriation, de pérennisation et d'espoir. Cependant, l'enregistrement des décès survenus hors des hôpitaux reste un autre défi à relever. / Mortality statistics are basic data the WHO employs to measure health problems in different countries. However, their reliability depends on the quality of death data collected by different doctors. It appears, however, that over 25% African data are of no use because they are not available on time or lack quality. The main reason for this lack of information could be the nonperformance of data logging systems and tools. Our work aimed at investigating a death registration model taking into account both WHO's standards and the realities of Africa. We tried to understand if certification of death causes could improve mortality statistics production in Africa. Our methodology was based on a combination of interventional research, project process, and an epidemiological approach. The study resulted in the design and implementation of a three scenarios model, depending on ICT equipment and qualified staff level of health care facilities. The system has been validated and implemented in the University Hospital of Bobo Dioulasso. All the actors were trained and the device operates since January 1st, 2014, after the training of the actors. A first evaluation of the model was performed after three months of operation. The establishment of a monitoring committee and of an annual training plan, the involvement of the Ministry of Health and of the West African Health Organization, the technical assistance of CepiDc (France) and of the General Directorate for Modernization of Civil Status, are elements of appropriation, sustainability and hope. However, deaths registration outside hospitals remains an active challenge.

Úmrtnost v českých zemích v letech 1920-1937 s důrazem na vybrané infekční choroby / Mortality in the czech countries in the years 1920-1937 with emphasis on selected infectious diseases

Skalák, Zdeněk January 2013 (has links)
Mortality in the Czech countries in the years 1920-1937 with emphasis on selected infectious diseases Abstract The aim of this work is to analyze mortality rates in the czech countries in the years 1920-1937. We focus on a group of infectious diseases that had in this period in terms of cause of death still a high proportion. The rate of mortality due to infectious diseases is dependent on many aspects, such as the correct detection of the disease, effective vaccines and the level of medicine. It is these causes that brought about the sharp decline in mortality due to infectious diseases in the late 19th century. Hovewer, the First World War interupted this permanent decline and the newly created Czechoslovak state had to deal with relatively high mortality due to these diseases. The inter-war period saw recurrent epidemies of infectious deseases, nevertheless until the Second World War we can see the change in mortality due to causes. The infectious diseases are gradually replaced by modern diseases, especially cancers and diseases of the circulatory system. Key words: mortality, causes of death, infectious diseases, decomposition, classification of causes of death, medical discoveries, the level of health

Srovnávací analýza odvratitelné úmrtnosti ve vybraných evropských zemích v období 1980-2010 / Comparative analysis of avoidable mortality in selected European countries during 1980-2010

Pražák, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis is the evaluation of the development of avoidable mortality in selected European countries during 1980-2010 with emphasis on comparison of East and West. Concept of avoidable mortality was established to measure the effectiveness of the health care system in 70s of the past century. The main results of the thesis indicate different development of avoidable mortality during 80s in both parts of Europe. Inefficient medical care and inappropriate health policy in formal Eastern Bloc contributed to divergent trends of avoidable mortality in Europe. Different trends of mortality were observed in East European countries especially during the transformation process. The importance of selection of avoidable causes and age limits was confirmed. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Mortalidade no primeiro dia de vida no Brasil: causas e prevenção / Mortality in the first day of life in Brazil: causes and prevention

Teixeira, João Alexandre Mendes 08 May 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As mortes no primeiro dia de vida correspondem a 25-45% daquelas em período neonatal, associadas principalmente à assistência prestada às gestantes e aos recém-nascidos durante os períodos pré-parto, intraparto e pós-parto. Estudos epidemiológicos sobre a mortalidade no primeiro dia de vida são necessários para identificar a evitabilidade desses óbitos e, assim, produzir evidências para a tomada de decisões e melhorar os indicadores da mortalidade neonatal precoce no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Calcular as taxas de mortalidade no primeiro dia de vida entre 2010-2015 em oito estados brasileiros com melhor qualidade de informação, avaliar fatores associados e classificar os óbitos segundo causa básica e evitabilidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo com dados secundários do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e do Sistema de Informações sobre NV (SINASC) disponibilizados pelo Ministério da Saúde através do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os dados correspondem aos óbitos infantis ocorridos nos anos de 2010 a 2015 de sete estados brasileiros (Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul) e do Distrito Federal. Foram calculadas as taxas de mortalidade no primeiro dia de vida (número de óbitos ocorridos no primeiro dia de vida, por mil NV, no local e ano considerado) e a proporção dos óbitos no primeiro dia de vida em relação às mortes de menores de um ano de idade no período entre 2010 e 2015, para os estados selecionados. As análises de tendência temporal foram realizadas por meio de regressão linear, após verificação de não correlação entre os erros-padrão ao longo do tempo, através do teste de Breusch Godfrey. Na análise de regressão linear simples as taxas de mortalidade foram consideradas como variáveis dependentes e os anos do período como variável independente. As taxas de mortalidade no primeiro dia de vida foram comparadas em termos relativos (risco relativo, RR) e absolutos (risco atribuível, RA, diferença absoluta entre taxas) conforme características do NV, do parto e da mãe no período estudado. Os testes estatísticos foram baseados no teste de qui-quadrado. As causas básicas de óbito no primeiro dia de vida foram descritas conforme a Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde 10ª edição (CID-10). Para análise da evitabilidade dos óbitos foi utilizada a \"Lista brasileira de causas de mortes evitáveis por intervenções do Sistema Único de Saúde em menores de cinco anos\". RESULTADOS: 21,6% dos óbitos infantis ocorreu no primeiro dia de vida. A taxa de mortalidade reduziu-se de 2,7 a 2,3 óbitos/1000nascidos vivos (NV). Maiores taxas foram observadas em NV com baixo peso, pré-termos e filhos de mães sem escolaridade. As principais causas dos óbitos foram síndrome da angústia respiratória (8,9%) e imaturidade extrema (5,2%). 66% das causas de óbito foram consideradas evitáveis por adequada atenção à mulher na gestação e ao recém-nascido. CONCLUSÃO: Uma atenção adequada à gestante, ao parto e ao recém-nascido poderiam evitar mortes no primeiro dia de vida / INTRODUCTION: Deaths on the first day of life correspond to 25-45% of the neonatal period, mainly associated with the care given to pregnant women and newborns during the prepartum, intrapartum and postpartum periods. Epidemiological studies on mortality on the first day of life are necessary to identify the avoidance of these deaths and, thus, produce evidence for decision-making and improve the indicators of early neonatal mortality in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the rates mortality in the first day of life between 2010 and 2015 in eight Brazilian states with a better quality of information; evaluate associated factors and classify the deaths as to their basic cause and avoidability. METHODS: A descriptive study with secondary data from the Information System on Mortality (ISM) and Information System on Live Births (ISLB) provided by the Ministry of Health through the Department of Informatics of National Health System. The data correspond to the infant deaths occurred between 2010 and 2015 in seven Brazilian states (Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul) and the Federal District. The mortality rate on the first day of life (number of deaths occurring on the first day of life, per thousand live births, at the place and year considered) and the proportion of deaths on the first day of life relative to deaths of children under one year in the period between 2010 and 2015, were calculated for the states above. Time trend analyses were performed using linear regression, after verification of non-correlation between the standard errors over time, using the Breusch Godfrey test. In simple linear regression analysis, mortality rates were considered as dependent variables and the years of the period were considered as independent variables. The mortality rates on the first day of life were compared in relative terms (relative risk, RR) and absolute (attributable risk, AR, the absolute difference between rates) according to the characteristics of the live births, birth and the mother during the studied period. Statistical tests were based on the chi-square test. The basic causes of death on the first day of life were described according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th edition (ICD-10). To analyze the evitability of death was used the \"Brazilian list of causes of deaths preventable by the interventions of the National Health System in children under five years\" RESULTS: 21.6% of infant deaths occurred on the first day of life. The mortality rate decreased from 2.7 to 2.3 deaths/1,000 living births. Higher death rates occurred on living birth with low weight, preterm birth and children of mothers with no schooling. The main causes of death were respiratory distress syndrome (8.9%), severe immaturity (5.2%); 66% of those were considered avoidable. CONCLUSION: Adequate attention to pregnant women, parturition, and newborn could avoid deaths on the first day of life

Évolution de la mortalité différentielle selon le sexe au Canada : variations régionales, 1921-2004 /

Zanfongnon, Ramana January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Causas de morte em Passeriformes: comparação entre aves de vida livre residentes na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e aves oriundas do tráfico / Causes of Passeriformes death: comparison between free-living birds in São Paulo city and those from illegal wildlife trade

Sanches, Thaís Caroline 03 March 2008 (has links)
Os Passeriformes compõem a maior ordem de aves do mundo. No Brasil, representam 55,52%, sendo os animais mais envolvidos no tráfico da fauna silvestre. Só no município de São Paulo são registradas aproximadamente 150 espécies. Embora componham um grupo importante e bem representativo, pouco se sabe sobre as causas de morbidade e mortalidade de Passeriformes de vida livre da fauna nacional. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar, caracterizar e comparar as causas de morte de Passeriformes de vida livre residentes na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e Passeriformes oriundos do tráfico apreendidos na mesma localidade. Foram estudadas 149 aves, sendo 42,3% de vida livre e 57,7% oriundas do tráfico. As causas de morte nas aves provenientes de tráfico e de vida livre foram respectivamente iguais a 51,17% e 24,42% decorrentes a processos infecciosos; 34,92% e 42,86% a processos não infecciosos; 10,46% e 12,70% à suspeita de processos infecciosos e 13,95% e 9,52% à causas indeterminadas. Óbitos devido a processos infecciosos foram os mais predominantes entre os animais de tráfico, caracterizados principalmente por infecções mistas por agentes bacterianos e fúngicos, enquanto os processos não infecciosos, principalmente traumatismos, se destacaram entre aqueles de vida livre. Os resultados obtidos permitem atuar como importante ferramenta auxiliando e direcionando o atendimento clínico, diagnóstico e tratamento, além de gerar informações que contribuam com os programas de conservação in situ, como as solturas, hoje amplamente realizadas e ainda muito controversas. / Passeriformes are the largest and most diverse avian order in the world. In Brazil, they are around 55,52% and most aimed in the illegal wildlife trade. There are 150 species in São Paulo city and surroundings. Although passerines are an important and very representative group, morbidity and mortality of brazilian free-living birds are unknown. The goal of this work was to identify, characterize and compare the causes of death of free-living Passeriformes in the São Paulo Metropolitan area and those from illegal wildlife trade in the same area. In the total of 149 birds studied, 42,3% was free-living and 57,7% from illegal trade. The causes of death of passerines from illegal wildlife trade and free-living are: infectious diseases (respectively, 51,17% and 24,42%); non-infectious diseases (34,92% and 42,86%); suspicious infeccious diseases (10,46% and 12,70%) and indeterminate causes (13,95% and 9,52%). Deaths due to infectious diseases were the majority among birds of illegal trade, mainly concomitant bacterial and fungic infections, while non-infectious diseases, specially trauma, were more predominant among the free-living ones. Obtained results play as an important tool helping and guiding clinic assistance, diagnosis and treatment, besides to contribute with conservation programs in situ, like releases, that are very frequent nowdays, but they are still controversial.

Causas de morte em Passeriformes: comparação entre aves de vida livre residentes na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e aves oriundas do tráfico / Causes of Passeriformes death: comparison between free-living birds in São Paulo city and those from illegal wildlife trade

Thaís Caroline Sanches 03 March 2008 (has links)
Os Passeriformes compõem a maior ordem de aves do mundo. No Brasil, representam 55,52%, sendo os animais mais envolvidos no tráfico da fauna silvestre. Só no município de São Paulo são registradas aproximadamente 150 espécies. Embora componham um grupo importante e bem representativo, pouco se sabe sobre as causas de morbidade e mortalidade de Passeriformes de vida livre da fauna nacional. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar, caracterizar e comparar as causas de morte de Passeriformes de vida livre residentes na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e Passeriformes oriundos do tráfico apreendidos na mesma localidade. Foram estudadas 149 aves, sendo 42,3% de vida livre e 57,7% oriundas do tráfico. As causas de morte nas aves provenientes de tráfico e de vida livre foram respectivamente iguais a 51,17% e 24,42% decorrentes a processos infecciosos; 34,92% e 42,86% a processos não infecciosos; 10,46% e 12,70% à suspeita de processos infecciosos e 13,95% e 9,52% à causas indeterminadas. Óbitos devido a processos infecciosos foram os mais predominantes entre os animais de tráfico, caracterizados principalmente por infecções mistas por agentes bacterianos e fúngicos, enquanto os processos não infecciosos, principalmente traumatismos, se destacaram entre aqueles de vida livre. Os resultados obtidos permitem atuar como importante ferramenta auxiliando e direcionando o atendimento clínico, diagnóstico e tratamento, além de gerar informações que contribuam com os programas de conservação in situ, como as solturas, hoje amplamente realizadas e ainda muito controversas. / Passeriformes are the largest and most diverse avian order in the world. In Brazil, they are around 55,52% and most aimed in the illegal wildlife trade. There are 150 species in São Paulo city and surroundings. Although passerines are an important and very representative group, morbidity and mortality of brazilian free-living birds are unknown. The goal of this work was to identify, characterize and compare the causes of death of free-living Passeriformes in the São Paulo Metropolitan area and those from illegal wildlife trade in the same area. In the total of 149 birds studied, 42,3% was free-living and 57,7% from illegal trade. The causes of death of passerines from illegal wildlife trade and free-living are: infectious diseases (respectively, 51,17% and 24,42%); non-infectious diseases (34,92% and 42,86%); suspicious infeccious diseases (10,46% and 12,70%) and indeterminate causes (13,95% and 9,52%). Deaths due to infectious diseases were the majority among birds of illegal trade, mainly concomitant bacterial and fungic infections, while non-infectious diseases, specially trauma, were more predominant among the free-living ones. Obtained results play as an important tool helping and guiding clinic assistance, diagnosis and treatment, besides to contribute with conservation programs in situ, like releases, that are very frequent nowdays, but they are still controversial.

Mirtingumo nuo savižudybių ir išorinių priežasčių dinamika Lietuvoje ir kituose Europos Sąjungos šalyse 1996 – 2006 metais / Mortality trends due to suicide and external causes in lithuania and other european countries in 1996 – 2006

Gerasimavičiūtė, Vaiva 25 November 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas. Nustatyti mirtingumo nuo savižudybių ir išorinių priežasčių dinamikos tendencijas Lietuvoje ir kitose ES (Europos Sąjungos) šalyse 1996–2006 metais, pritaikant šiuolaikinius dinamikos analizės metodus. Metodai. Naudotas aprašomasis epidemiologinis tyrimas. Tirtas mirtingumas nuo visų išorinių priežasčių bendrai (pagal TLK-10 kodavimą V01-Y98), bei nuo savižudybių (pagal TLK-10 kodavimą X60-X84) 18-oje ES šalių. Darbe naudoti 18-os ES valstybių populiacijų vidurkiai ir mirusiųjų nuo išorinių priežasčių, ir nuo savižudybių skaičius 18-oje penkmetinių amžiaus grupių, iš viso 324 amžiaus grupės. Remiantis šiais duomenimis, tiesioginės standartizacijos būdu apskaičiuotas kiekvienos populiacijos standartizuotas (pagal Europos standartą) mirtingumo nuo išorinių priežasčių ir savižudybių rodiklis 100 000 gyventojų, nustatytos ir palygintos rodiklių tendencijos tarp šalių. Duomenų suvedimui ir analizei panaudotos MICROSOFT EXCEL 2003, WINPEPI modulis Describe (v. 1.78), JOINPOINT (v. 3.2.0), Harward Graphics 98 (v. 6.50), MAP WIEVER (v. 5.00) programos. Buvo skaičiuojami šie statistiniai rodikliai: standartizuoti mirtingumo rodikliai, standartinė paklaida (SE), kasmetinis absoliutus pokytis (KAP), kasmetinis procentinis kitimas (KPK), 95 proc. pasikliautinieji intervalai (95% PI), duomenys laikyti statistiškai reikšmingi, kai p<0,05. Rezultatai. Daugelyje ES šalių 1996–2006 m. buvo stebimos mirtingumo nuo išorinių priežasčių mažėjimo tendencijos, tačiau šio periodo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY The aim of study was to determine the trends of mortality from external causes and suicides in Lithuania and other EU (European Union) countries in 1996-2006, using advanced trend analysis methods. Methods. Study design – descriptive epidemiology. Mortality from all external causes (by ICD-10 coding V01-Y98) and from suicides (by ICD-10 coding X60-X84) was analyzed in eighteen EU countries. It was used midyear of every countries population, numbers of deaths from external causes and from suicides based on five-year age groups, which totaled to 324 groups. Age-standardized (European standard population) mortality rates (per 100 000 persons) from causes mentioned above was calculated calculated using direct method. These standardized values were used to determine the trends, comparisons with other countries was made. MICROSOFT EXCEL 2003, WINPEPI module Describe (v. 1.78), JOINPOINT (v. 3.2.0), Harward Graphics 98 (v. 6.50), MAP WIEVER (v. 5.00) statistical packages and programmes were used for data processing and analysis. The following indices was calculated: standardized mortality rates, weighted standard error (SE), annual absolute change (AAC), annual percentage change (APC), 95% confidence intervals, data considered significant, when p<0,05. Results. In most of the EU countries it was observed decreasing mortalityrates from external causes over the period 1996-2006, but at the earlier phase of this period in some countries mortality rates increased. At the latest... [to full text]

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