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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expressão de genes envolvidos no controle molecular do desenvolvimento da musculatura esquelética em galinhas / Expression of genes involved in molecular control of skeletal muscle development in chicken

Kerli Ninov 10 November 2010 (has links)
O desenvolvimento do músculo esquelético em vertebrados é um processo bem organizado que envolve diversos eventos, inicia-se na fase embrionária e continua durante toda a vida. Esse processo biológico requer uma adequada sinalização celular e é regulado por inúmeros genes. Em busca do entendimento dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na determinação do desenvolvimento e crescimento do tecido muscular foi acompanhada a expressão gênica dos fatores miogênicos (MyoD, Myf5, Miogenina e MRF4); Pax7; Miostatina; e da via de ação Shh (Shh, Ptch1, Smo, Pka, Sufu, Gli2 e Gli3) na musculatura peitoral de duas linhagens de galinhas de composições genéticas distintas. Uma linhagem de corte, selecionada para maior deposição de massa muscular, e outra de postura, caracterizada pela baixa taxa de crescimento e pouca massa muscular. Foram utilizados 90 animais distribuídos nas duas linhagens e cinco estádios de desenvolvimento: 9 e 17 dias da fase embrionária e 1, 21 e 42 dias da fase pós-eclosão. A expressão gênica foi analisada por PCR quantitativa em tempo real. Os genes Myf5, Miogenina, MRF4, Pax7, Shh e Ptch1 foram diferencialmente expressos na ontogenia e entre as linhagens. Já os genes MyoD, Miostatina, Smo, Pka, Sufu, Gli2 e Gli3 foram diferencialmente expressos somente na ontogenia. Foi possível traçar o perfil de expressão dos genes ao longo das fases de desenvolvimento. Os genes MyoD, Myf5 e Pax7 foram mais expressos na fase embrionária, onde há maior proliferação celular. Durante as fases estudadas, os genes da Miogenina e MRF4 apresentaram uma auto-regulação entre eles, indicando a ocorrência do processo de diferenciação celular. O gene da Miostatina demonstrou estar inibindo o crescimento muscular nos dias que antecedem a eclosão. Os genes da via de ação Shh foram mais expressos nas idades embrionárias, onde esta via age como um fator de sobrevivência e proliferação celular e menos expressos nas idades posteriores a eclosão, provavelmente, para que haja o processo de diferenciação dos mioblastos. Verificou-se que esses genes foram diferencialmente expressos sendo coordenados espaço-temporalmente, permitindo assim um ajuste sutil entre proliferação e diferenciação das células musculares, colaborando para as diferenças fenotípicas observadas entre as linhagens. / The development of skeletal muscle in vertebrates is a well-organized process that involves several events, initiating in the embryonic phase and continuing throughout life. This biological process requires a proper cell signaling and is regulated by numerous genes. Aiming to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in determining the development and growth of muscle tissue, we monitored gene expression of myogenic factors (MyoD, Myf5, Myogenin and MRF4); Pax7; Myostatin; and Shh pathway (Shh, Ptch1, Smo, Pka, Sufu, Gli2 and Gli3) in the pectoralis muscle of two strains of poultry from different genetic compositions. A broiler, selected for increased deposition of muscle mass, and a layer, characterized by slow growth and low muscle mass. We used 90 animals divided into two lines and five stages of development: 9 and 17 days of embryo and 1, 21 and 42 days post-hatching. Gene expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR. The genes Myf5, Myogenin, MRF4, Pax7, Shh and Ptch1 are differentially expressed in ontogeny and among strains. The genes MyoD, myostatin, Smo, Pka, Sufu, Gli2 and Gli3 were differentially expressed only in ontogeny. It was possible to design the gene expression profile throughout the different developmental stages. The genes MyoD, Myf5 and Pax7 were more expressed in the embryo, where there is greater cell proliferation. During the four phases, the genes MRF4 and Myogenin showed self-regulation among them, indicating the occurrence of the cell differentiation process. The myostatin gene proved to be inhibiting muscle growth in the days before hatching. The genes of the Shh action were more highly expressed in embryonic ages, where this pathway acts as a survival factor and cellular proliferation, and less expressed in later times after hatching, probably to allow for the differentiation of myoblasts. We found that these genes were differentially expressed being coordinated in space and time, allowing, thus, a subtle tuning between proliferation and differentiation of muscle cells, contributing to the phenotypic differences observed between strains.

O circuito p38MAPK/MSK1 influencia o período inicial de diferenciação Th1/2. / The p38MAPK/MSK1 circuit influences the early stages of activation and differentiation of Th1/2 cells.

Cíntia Raquel Bombardieri 12 December 2007 (has links)
O sistema imune dos mamíferos forma uma complexa rede de populações celulares especializadas e vias de sinalização extremamente reguladas. Linfócitos T naïve podem diferenciar-se após encontro com o antígeno em pelo menos duas sub-populações distintas, Th1 ou Th2, sendo que o papel do circuito p38MAPK/MSK1 durante este período inicial de ativação não é completamente entendido. Linfócitos T CD4+ naïve humanos foram estimulados in vitro em condições não-polarizantes (Tnp), Th1 ou Th2, na presença de inibidor específico da p38MAPK. As células ativadas e mantidas em condições diferenciadoras Th1 ou Th2 na presença do inibidor SB203580, apresentaram menor produção de IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g e maior produção de IL-4. Através do bloqueio do RNAm da MSK1 por siRNA, observamos o mesmo efeito resultante da inibição da p38MAPK, fato que foi confirmado em experimentos com linfócitos T de camundongos MSK1-deficientes. A alteração da produção das citocinas características de cada população parece ser decorrente da alteração da expressão da IL12R<font face=\"symbol\">b2 e IL4R-<font face=\"symbol\">a dos receptores de citocinas da IL-12 e IL-4, respectivamente. Desta forma, os nossos dados sugerem que o circuito p38MAPK/MSK1 participa do processo de ativação dos linfócitos T mantidos em condições diferenciadoras Th1/2. / The mammalian immune system form a complex network of highly regulated signaling pathways and populations of specialized cells. After meeting with the antigen naïve T cells differentiate into at least two distinct sub-populations, Th1 or Th2, and the role of the circuit p38MAPK/MSK1 during this initial period of activation is not completely understood. Human CD4+ T lymphocytes were stimulated in vitro under non-polarized, Th1 or Th2 conditions, in the presence of a specific p38MAPK inhibitor. The cells activated and differentiated under Th1 or Th2 condition in the presence of inhibitor SB203580, had decreased production of IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g and increased IL-4. By silencing MSK1 through siRNA, we observed the same effect due to inhibition of p38MAPK, an observation that was confirmed in experiments with T lymphocytes from mice deficient of MSK1. The change in the production of cytokines appears to be a result of altered expression of IL12R-<font face=\"symbol\">b2 and IL4R<font face=\"symbol\">a receptors of the cytokines IL-12 and IL-4, respectively. Taken together, our data suggest that the circuit p38MAPK/MSK1 plays a key role in the activation of human T cells maintained under Th1/2 differentiation conditions.

Avaliação da citotoxicidade, proliferação celular e expressão gênica de macrófagos e células indiferenciadas da polpa dentária estimuladas com Papacárie Duo® / Cytotoxicity, cell proliferation and gene expression of macrophages and undifferentiated cells from dental pulp stimulated with Papacárie Duo®

Laura Alves Bastos 14 October 2016 (has links)
O tratamento minimamente invasivo tem sido cada vez mais empregado no tratamento das lesões de cárie dental, especialmente em crianças jovens. Com isso, a remoção do tecido cariado pelo método químico-mecânico permite uma maior conservação das estruturas dentais saudáveis. O Papacárie Duo® é um material de fácil aplicação e possui propriedades bactericidas e anti-inflamatórias. Este material é aplicado sobre a dentina cariada, a fim de promover um amolecimento desta, facilitando a sua remoção. Os efeitos celulares de Papacárie Duo® são pouco conhecidos, dessa forma esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do Papacárie Duo® em células indiferenciadas da polpa dental (Capítulo 1) e a capacidade do Papacárie Duo® induzir a ativação de macrófagos e a síntese de mediadores inflamatórios (Capítulo 2). O Papacarie Duo® foi preparado nas concentrações de 0,5 e 5% por meio de diluição seriada, a partir do gel obtido comercialmente. Células OD-21 e macrófagos J774.1 foram mantidas em cultura com os diferentes tratamentos por um período de estimulação de 24 horas para realização do teste de citotoxicidade (Ensaio LDH) e por 36 horas para avaliação da proliferação celular (Ensaio Colorimétrico MTT). A seguir foi realizada avaliação da expressão gênica relativa dos genes Ibsp, Runx2 e Spp1 em células OD-21; e dos genes Il10, Mmp9, Ptgs2 e Tnf em células J774.1, pelo método de transcrição reversa e reação em cadeia de polimerase em tempo real (qRT-PCR), utilizando o sistema TaqMan® após estimulação o período de 24 horas. O Papacárie Duo® a 5% foi citotóxico às células da polpa dental e inibiu a proliferação celular, assim como a expressão de Runx2 e Ibsp. Porém em ambas as concentrações estimulou a expressão de Spp1, a qual foi maior na concentração de 5%. Em macrófagos, o Papacárie Duo® foi citotóxico na concentração de 5%, mas não influenciou a proliferação celular em nenhuma das concentrações (0,5 e 5%). O LPS inibiu a proliferação celular na presença ou não de Papacárie Duo®, sem apresentar citotoxicidade. O Papacárie Duo® induziu a expressão de Ptgs2 e Il10, sem alterar Tnf e Mmp9. Portanto, o Papacárie Duo® foi citotóxico, dependendo da concentração, e apresentou efeito inibitório na diferenciação de células da polpa (OD-21), sem entretanto influenciar a proliferação celular. Papacárie Duo® não impediu a proliferação de macrófagos, porém foi citotóxico na concentração de 5% mas não à 0,5%. Adicionalmente, Papacárie Duo® modulou a ativação de macrófagos pela indução da expressão de Ptgs2 e Il10, sem alterar a expressão de Tnf e Mmp9. / The minimally invasive treatment has been increasingly used in the treatment of dental caries, particularly in young children. Thus, the removal of carious tissue by chemical-mechanical method allows greater conservation of healthy tooth structure. The Papacárie Duo® is an easily applied material, and has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. This material is applied over the carious dentin in order to promote a softening thereof, facilitating its removal. The cellular effects of Papacárie Duo® are little known, therefore this research was to evaluate the effect of Papacárie Duo® in undifferentiated cells from dental pulp (Chapter 1) and the capacity of Papacárie Duo® to induce macrophage activation and synthesis inflammatory mediators (Chapter 2). The Papacárie Duo® was prepared at concentrations of 0.5 and 5% by serial dilution from the gel obtained commercially. OD-21 cells and J774.1 macrophages were maintained in culture with the different treatments for a period of 24 hours to perform the cytotoxicity assay (LDH assay) and for 36 hours for evaluation of cell proliferation (MTT colorimetric assay). The following, was carried out the assessment of the relative gene expression of Ibsp, Runx2 and Spp1 genes in OD-21 cells, and Il10, Mmp9, Tnf and Ptgs2 in J774.1 cells by reverse transcription method and reaction in real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) using the TaqMan system after the stimulation period of 24 hours. The 5% Papacárie Duo® was cytotoxic to cells of dental pulp and inhibited cell proliferation and the expression of Runx2 and Ibsp. However, in both concentrations stimulated the expression of Spp1, which was higher at a concentration of 5%. In macrophages, the Papacárie Duo® was cytotoxic at concentrations of 5%, but did not affect the cell proliferation in any of the concentrations (0.5 and 5%). LPS inhibited cell proliferation in the presence or absence of Papacárie Duo® without giving cytotoxicity. The Papacárie Duo® induced the expression of Ptgs2 and Il10, without changing Tnf and Mmp9. Therefore, the Papacárie Duo® was cytotoxic, depending on the concentration, and showed inhibitory effect on the differentiation of pulp cells (OD-21), but without influencing cell proliferation. Papacárie Duo® not prevent macrophage proliferation, but was cytotoxic at a concentration of 5% but not more than 0.5%. Additionally, Papacárie Duo® modulated the activation of macrophages by inducing Il10 and Ptgs2 expression without altering the expression of ,Tnf, and Mmp9.

Mitochondrial ROS direct the differentiation of murine pluripotent P19 cells

Pashkovskaia, Natalia, Gey, Uta, Rödel, Gerhard 13 December 2018 (has links)
ROS are frequently associated with deleterious effects caused by oxidative stress. Despite the harmful effects of non-specific oxidation, ROS also function as signal transduction molecules that regulate various biological processes, including stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Here we show that mitochondrial ROS level determines cell fate during differentiation of the pluripotent stem cell line P19. As stem cells in general, P19 cells are characterized by a low respiration activity, accompanied by a low level of ROS formation. Nevertheless, we found that P19 cells contain fully assembled mitochondrial electron transport chain supercomplexes (respirasomes), suggesting that low respiration activity may serve as a protective mechanism against ROS. Upon elevated mitochondrial ROS formation, the proliferative potential of P19 cells is decreased due to longer S phase of the cell cycle. Our data show that besides being harmful, mitochondrial ROS production regulates the differentiation potential of P19 cells: elevated mitochondrial ROS level favours trophoblast differentiation, whereas preventing neuron differentiation. Therefore, our results suggest that mitochondrial ROS level serves as an important factor that directs differentiation towards certain cell types while preventing others.

MYC and E1A Oncogenes Alter the Response of PC12 Cells to Nerve Growth Factor and Block Differentiation: A Thesis

Schiavi, Susan C. 01 August 1988 (has links)
PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells respond to nerve growth factor (NGF) by neuronal differentiation and partial growth arrest. Mouse c-myc and adenovirus E1A genes were introduced into PC12 cells to study the influence of these nuclear oncogenes on neuronal differentiation. Expression of myc and E1A blocked morphological differentiation and caused NGF to stimulate rather than inhibit cell proliferation. NGF binding to cell surface receptors, activation of ribosomal S6 kinase, and ornithine decarboxylase induction were similar in myc and E1A expressing clones compared with wild-type PC12 cells, suggesting that changes in the cellular response to NGF were at a post-receptor level. The ability of myc and E1A expression to block the transcription-dependent induction of microtubule associated proteins by NGF further suggested that these genes may inhibit differentiation by interfering with NGP's ability to regulate transcription. These results illustrate that NGF can promote either growth or differentiation of PC12 cells, and that myc or E1A alter the phenotypic responses to growth factors.

Vecteurs synthétiques et approche mécano-biologique permettant d’optimiser l’utilisation des cellules souches en médecine régénérative / Synthetic vectors and mechano-biological approach to optimize the use of stem cells in regenerative medicine

Rmaidi, Assia 01 July 2019 (has links)
Une approche de la médecine régénérative du système nerveux consiste à développer des substituts biologiques avec une fonction réparatrice en utilisant des cellules souches et des biomatériaux qui peuvent être recouverts des molécules de la matrice extracellulaire. Nous avons ainsi développé des microcarriers pharmacologiquements actifs, MPA. Ce sont des microsphères (MS) polymériques à base de PLGA, biodégradables et biocompatibles, recouvertes des molécules d’adhérence qui fournissent un support en 3-dimensions aux cellules. Les microcarriers ainsi associés aux cellules souches permettent, après implantation, d’augmenter la survie et de maintenir l’état de différenciation des cellules qu’ils portent,renforçant leurs effets de réparation tissulaire. Ces MPA peuvent également libérer des facteurs de croissance encapsulés et afin d’améliorer le relargage de protéines encapsulées une nouvelle combinaison de polymère : PLGA-Poloxamer188 (P188) -PLGA a été développé dans notre laboratoire. Il a aussi été montré que les MPA de PLGA-P188-PLGA fonctionnalisées avec de la fibronectine et poly-D-lysine induisaient une meilleure prolifération de cellules souches mésenchymateuses que les MPA de PLGA.Ces cellules sont très largement utilisées en médecine régénérative car elles sont faciles à prélever, se trouvant dans la moelle osseuse, et capables de se différencier vers le lignage chondrogénique, ostéogénique et dans certaines conditions, neuronale. Nous travaillons avec une sous population de ces cellules appelées cellules MIAMI (marrow isolated adult multilineage inducible) qui s’engagent vers une différenciation en cellule neuronale après un traitement avec 2 facteurs de croissance (EGF/ bFGF) et sur un support matriciel de laminine. Dernièrement, il a été mis en évidence que les propriétés physicochimiques des supports polymériques régissent également le comportement des cellules souches(adhésion, survie et différenciation). L’objectif de cette étude est d’étudier l’effet des propriétés physicochimiques et mécaniques des surfaces i) des MS sur l’adsorption de laminine et poly-D-lysine et ii) des MPA sur l’adhérence et la différenciation neuronale des cellules MIAMI. Nous avons montré que la présence du bloc hydrophile « poloxamère 188 » dans la composition du polymère PLGA-P188-PLGAdiminue l’adsorption de molécules d’adhérence en formant une couche sur ces surfaces. Sur les MPA de PLGA, les molécules d’adhérence s’adsorbent bien quelle que soit la charge globale des molécules. Cesdeux MPA ont une charge globale positive et permettent l’attachement de cellules à leur surface. Cependant, l’adhérence à court terme de cellules est plus forte sur les MPA de PLGA comparé aux MPA de PLGA-P188-PLGA mais à la longue les cellules finissent par adhérer aux deux supports. Le PLGAP188-PLGA présente une forte énergie libre de surface et ces MPA présentent une surface moins rigide que les MPA de PLGA. Nos résultats suggèrent que ces caractéristiques de surface permettent aux cellules d’adhérer malgré la faible quantité de laminine sur ces supports. A long terme les cellules présentent le même comportement quel que soit le type du support. Elles se différencient en cellule de type neuronal exprimant des marqueurs de neurone mature comme le neurofilament et nous trouvons le même nombre de cellules adhérées à leur surface. En outre, nous avons montré que les cellules sont capables de sécréter de la même manière des molécules de la matrice extracellulaire sur les deux types de MPA expliquant probablement la similitude de comportement à long terme. / An approach to regenerative nervous system medicine is to develop biological substitutes with restorative function using stem cells and biomaterials that can be coated with extracellular matrix molecules. We have developed pharmacologically active microcarriers, PAMs. These are PLGA based, biodegradable and biocompatible polymeric microspheres (MS) coated with adhesion molecules that provide 3-dimensional support for cells. The microcarriers thus associated with the stem cells make it possible, after implantation, to increase the survival and maintain the state of differentiation of the cells they carry, reinforcing their tissue repair effects. These PAMs can also release encapsulated growth factors and to enhance the release of encapsulated proteins a new polymer combination: PLGA-Poloxamer188 (P188) -PLGA has been developed in our laboratory. It has also been shown that PLGA-P188-PLGA PAMs functionalized with fibronectin and poly-Dlysineinduce better proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells than PLGA PAMs. These cells are very widely used in regenerative medicine because they are easy to collect, found in the bone marrow, and able to differentiate towards the chondrogenic lineage, osteogenic and under certain conditions,neuronal. We are working with a subpopulation of these cells called MIAMI cells (marrow isolated adult multilineage inducible) that engage in neuronal cell differentiation after treatment with 2growth factors (EGF / bFGF) and on a laminin matrix support. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the physicochemical properties of polymeric supports also regulate the behavior of stem cells (adhesion, survival and differentiation). The objective of this study is to study the effect of physicochemical and mechanical properties of surfaces i) MS on laminin and poly-D-lysineadsorption and ii) PAMs on adhesion and neuronal differentiation of MIAMI cells. We have shown that the presence of the hydrophilic "poloxamer 188" block in the PLGA-P188-PLGA polymer composition decreases the adsorption of adhesion molecules by forming a layer on these surfaces.On PLGA PAMs, the adhesion molecules adsorb well regardless of the overall charge of the molecules. These two PAMs have a positive overall charge and allow the attachment of cells to their surface. However, in short-term cell adhesion is stronger on PLGA PAMs compared to PLGA-P188-PLGA PAMs, but in the long-term the cells eventually adhere to both supports. PLGA-P188-PLGAhas a high free surface energy and these PAMs have a less rigid surface than PLGA PAMs. Our results suggest that these surface characteristics allow cells to adhere despite the low amount of laminin on these supports. In the long-term the cells exhibit the same behavior whatever the type of PAMs. They differentiate into neuronal cells expressing mature neuron markers such as the neurofilament-M and we find the same number of cells adhered to their surface. Furthermore, we have shown that cells are able to secrete extracellular matrix molecules in the same way on both types of PAMs, probably explaining the similarity of the behavior in long-term.

Kompetice buněk v populacích kolonií kvasinek / Competition of cells within the population of yeast colony

Očková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Competition is a very important natural phenomenon, which causes the rivalry of organisms, in cases such as space limitation or lack of nutrients. It occurs mainly in situations where organisms, including microorganisms live in large populations. Multicellular yeast colonies represent an example of such a population. After the population of yeast cells spends nutrients from the environment, the cells in colonies are able to respond to these changes by production of ammonia functioning as a signaling molecule. Subsequently, the cells are able to change their morphology and metabolism and, dependently on their location within the colony, to create a subpopulation of cells with specific characteristics and functions. It is likely that in the case of mixed colonies formed by the two different strains, a competition between the cells of these two strains could exist. Such rivalry can result in changes in the ratio of cells of the two strains within the colony population, so that the cells of one strain outweigh the other. In this diploma thesis, I compared the growth and development of giant colonies and competition between the cells of selected pairs of strains forming mixed colonies. I focused on the parental strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY and its variants labeled with fluorescent proteins. For...

Die Rolle des Tyrosinkinase-Rezeptors VEGFR-2 im neuronalen Kontext

Groot, Marcel 20 November 2006 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle des Rezeptors VEGFR-2, Flk-1, im neuronalen Kontext untersucht. In einem ersten Schritt wurde in embryonalen Stammzellen der Maus das fluoreszierende Protein eGFP unter der Kontrolle regulatorischer Sequenzen des flk-1-Promotors, -Enhancers exprimiert. Nach der Differenzierung zu Sphäroiden wurden Endothelzellen nachgewiesen, die sowohl eGFP als auch das zelltypspezifische Oberflächenantigen CD31 ausprägen. Ebenso wurden nach der neuronalen Differenzierung in Gegenwart von Stromazellen eGFP-exprimierende Zellen identifiziert. Diese standen mit Zellen, die das für neuronale Vorläuferzellen charakteristische Protein Nestin ausprägten, in einem räumlichen Zusammenhang. Die Vorgehensweise, die Inaktivierung des flk-1-Gens mit der Differenzierung embryonaler Stammzellen in vitro zu kombinieren, sollte hier die Interpretation des Phänotyps des flk-1-defizienten Mausmodells ermöglichen. Der Rezeptor war während der neuronalen Differenzierung der Stammzellen auf Stromazellen in vitro für die Regulation der Anzahl der Vorläuferzellen essentiell. Ferner spielte der Rezeptor im Rahmen eines weiteren Differenzierungsmodells, das auf der Zugabe relevanter Wachstumsfaktoren beruht, eine instruktive Rolle im Hinblick auf die Identität der Neuronen. Kriterium war hier die differentielle Expression Homeobox-enthaltender Transkriptionsfaktoren. In einem zweiten Schritt wurden mit Hilfe dieses Modells differentiell-exprimierte Gene von Stammzellen des Wildtyps sowie Zellen mit einer Inaktivierung des flk-1-Gens nach der neuronalen Differenzierung durch subtraktive Hybridisierung in Verbindung mit der PCR identifiziert. Tatsächlich wurde das Protein PEA-15 nicht nur differentiell exprimiert sondern auch als Bestandteil des VEGFR-2-vermittelten Signalwegs identifiziert. Die biologischen Funktionen des Proteins PEA-15 wurden durch VEGF-vermittelte Phosphorylierung reguliert. Die Stimulation durch VEGF führte zunächst zu einer Aktivierung des Proteinkinase B-, Akt-Signalwegs. Für die Stimulation des Akt-Signalwegs war die Phosphorylierung der intrazellulären Tyrosinreste Y1052 und Y1057 des Rezeptors essentiell. Damit einhergehend wurde PEA-15 gegenüber der proteasomalen Degradation stabilisiert. Es wurde gezeigt, daß das Protein PEA-15 die Teilungsaktivität von Zellen beeinflusst. Die VEGF- vermittelte Stimulation führte zur Phosphorylierung der Mitogen-aktivierten Proteinkinasen ERK1 und ERK2. Die weitere Phosphorylierung der Substrate dieser Kinasen im Zellkern wurde durch Interaktion mit PEA-15 unterdrückt. Die Regulation des c-fos-Promotors war zugleich Indikator der Inhibition der Phosphorylierung betreffender Substrate sowie der proliferativen Aktivität. Auf diese Weise ist die Phosphorylierung von PEA-15 nach Stimulation durch VEGF für die Selektivität des Flk-1-vermittelten Signalwegs von unmittelbarer Bedeutung. Die Regulation der biologischen Funktion von PEA-15 erklärt die differentielle Ausprägung im Rahmen der neuronalen Differenzierung embryonaler Stammzellen in vitro. So war die Anzahl GFAP- beziehungsweise PEA-15-exprimierender Zellen nach Differenzierung muriner Stammzellen mit einer Inaktivierung des flk-1-Gens deutlich geringer. Die differentielle Expression identifizierter Gene wurde im Mausmodell nach konditionaler Inaktivierung des flk-1-Gens überprüft. Tatsächlich wurde Vimentin in verschiedenen Arealen des Gehirns differentiell ausgeprägt. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der differentiellen Expression des Proteins PEA-15, der Anzahl GFAP-exprimierender Zellen und der Ausprägung des Rezeptors Flk-1 ergab sich aus der Identifikation einer Zellpopulation in der subgranulären Zone des Gyrus Dentatus. Dort wurde in flk-1-defizienten, adulten Mäusen eine geringere Anzahl GFAP-exprimierender Zellen nachgewiesen. Schließlich wurden sowohl im Cerebellum als auch im Cortex histologische Unterschiede deutlich, die sich im adulten Organismus aus der Inaktivierung des Rezeptors Flk-1 ergeben. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, daß der Rezeptor VEGFR-2, Flk-1, im neuronalen Kontext eine Rolle spielt, die sich nicht ausschließlich auf die Vermittlung eines Schutzmechanismus gegenüber der neuronalen Apoptose beschränkt, sondern auch auf eine Beteiligung an der Neurogenese hinweist. Die Vorgehensweise, mit Hilfe der subtraktiven Hybridisierung Bestandteile Rezeptor-vermittelter Signalwege vor dem Hintergrund der Differenzierung embryonaler Stammzellen zu identifizieren, verdeutlicht die Eignung der Methode auch bei komplexen Zellpopulationen.

The Effects of a Pyk2 Kinase Inhibitor on the Proliferation and Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells

McIntyre, Patrick January 2021 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Introduction: Regenerative endodontic procedures are an effective treatment option for immature teeth with infected necrotic pulps to allow for healing and potential continued root development, yet challenges to ideal treatment outcomes remain. Consistent development of root length and width of dentin remains a challenge, as does development of the pulp-dentin complex. Previous in vitro studies have assessed the role of different growth factors and bioactive molecules in combination with scaffolds to potentially facilitate continued development of the pulp-dentin complex using dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). The proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) is linked with osteoblast activity and the regulation of bone mass. Further, the Pyk2 inhibitor PF-4618433 (PF-46) has been shown in previous studies to enhance osteoblast activity and mineral deposition in vitro. However, whether Pyk2 targeting promotes the osteogenic differentiation of DPSCs remains unknown. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a Pyk2 inhibitor, PF-46, on the proliferation, differentiation, and mineralization of human DPSCs. Materials and Methods: Human DPSCs were cultured in 24-well plates with α-MEM with 10% FBS, and containing 0 μM (vehicle control) or 0.1 μM, 0.3 μM, or 0.6 μM PF-46. Fresh media and treatments were replaced every 2-3 days. After 1 day incubation, cytotoxic effects were evaluated by using an MTS proliferation assay. After 4 days of treatment, direct cell counting was performed. To induce osteogenic differentiation, ascorbic acid and β-glycerol phosphate were added to the culture media and the DPSCs were cultured with PF-46 for 14 days. Then, an alkaline phosphatase (ALP) assay and mineral deposition assay were performed. Differences between treatment groups were analyzed by a one-way ANOVA followed by pair-wise tests conducted using Tukey’s multiple comparisons procedure with a 5% significance level. Results: The 0.6 μM PF-46 group had a significantly higher cell count, ALP activity and mineral deposition when compared to 0 μM PF-46. The 0.1 and 0.3 μM PF-46 groups also had significantly higher ALP activity compared to the 0 μM PF-46 group after 14 days of incubation. There was a general trend of increased differentiation and mineral deposition as the concentration of PF-46 increased from 0.1 μM to 0.6 μM. Conclusion: There was a general concentration-dependent increase in cell count, differentiation, and mineral deposition by human DPSCs as the concentration of PF-46 increased from 0 μM up to 0.6 μM, with the highest activity observed with 0.6 μM PF-46. Although further research is needed, these results suggest that strategies that target Pyk2 may potentially be used to improve the osteogenic differentiation of DPSCs to aid endodontic regeneration.

Distinct Gene Circuits Control the Differentiation of Innate Versus Adaptive IL-17 Producing T Cells: A Dissertation

Malhotra, Nidhi 10 February 2012 (has links)
T lymphocytes are distinguished by the expression of αβ TCR or γδ TCR on their cell surface. The kinetic differences in the effector functions classifies γδ T cells as innate-like lymphocytes and αβ T cells as adaptive lymphocytes. Although distinct, αβ and γδ T cell lineages produce a common array of cytokines to mount an effective immune response against a pathogen. The production of cytokine IL-17 is a shared characteristic between the γδ T (Tγδ17) cells and the CD4 T (Th17) cells. γδ T cells develop into Tγδ17 cells in the thymus whereas CD4 T cells differentiate into Th17 cells in response to antigens in the peripheral lymphoid tissues. γδ T cells exported from the thymus, as pre-made effectors, are the early IL-17 producers compared with the late IL-17 producing Th17 cells. In this thesis we describe how TGFβ-SMAD2 dependent pathway selectively regulates Th17 cell differentiation but not Tγδ17 cells generation. We further illustrate the requirement of WNT-HMG box transcription factor (TF) signaling for the thymic programming of Tγδ17 cells. Cytokine TGFβ in co-operation with IL-6 induces the differentiation of Th17 cells. Conversely, TGFβ signaling also regulates the differentiation and maintenance of CD4+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells. The mechanism by which TGFβ signals synergize with IL-6 to generate inflammatory versus immunosuppressive T cell subsets is unclear. TGFβ signaling activates receptor SMADs, SMAD2 and SMAD3, which associate with a variety of nuclear factors to regulate gene transcription. Defining relative contributions of distinct SMAD molecules for CD4 T cell differentiation is critical for mapping the versatile intracellular TGFβ signaling pathways that tailor TGFβ activities to the state of host interaction with pathogens. We show here that SMAD2 is essential for Th17 cell differentiation and that it acts in part by modulating the expression of IL-6R on T cells. While mice lacking SMAD2 specifically in T cells do not develop spontaneous lymphoproliferative autoimmunity, Smad2-/- T cells are impaired in their response to TGFβ in vitro and in vivo and they are more pathogenic than controls when transferred into lymphopenic mice. These results demonstrate that SMAD2 is essential for TGFβ signaling in CD4+ T effector cell differentiation and that it possesses functional capabilities distinct from SMAD3. Although SMAD2 is essential for the differentiation of Th17 cells, TGFβ signaling via SMAD2 is not required for the thymic programming of innate Tγδ17 cells. Among different γδ T cells, Vγ2+ (V2) γδ T cells are the major IL-17 producing subsets. We demonstrate that Sry-high mobility group (HMG) box TFs regulate the development of V2 Tγδ17 cells. We show that the HMG box TF, SOX13 functions in a positive loop for the intrathymic generation of V2 Tγδ17 cells. SOX13 regulates the programming of Tγδ17 cells by controlling the expression of B-lymphoid kinase (BLK) in developing immature V2 γδ T cells. BLK is an Src-family kinase expressed by all Tγδ17 cells. Furthermore, we show another HMG box TF, TCF1, the nuclear effector of canonical WNT signaling, is the primary negative regulator of IL-17 production by all γδ T cells. We propose that the antagonism of SOX13 and TCF1 determines the generation of IL-17 producing γδ T cells. We also show that extrinsic cues from αβ T cells do not affect the generation of IL-17 producing γδ T cells. Using OP9-DL1 culture system, we demonstrate that the progenitors of V2 Tγδ17 cells are the c-Kit+ early thymic precursors.

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