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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indicadores epidemiológicos de mastite subclínica, previsão da contagem de células somáticas do tanque e seu impacto relacionado ao pagamento por qualidade do leite em rebanhos leiteiros brasileiros / Epidemiological indicators of subclinical mastitis, somatic cell count prediction and its impact related to the payment for milk quality in Brazilian dairy herds

Marcos Busanello 11 April 2017 (has links)
A mastite subclínica (MS) é a doença mais prevalente em rebanhos leiteiros e pode ser identificada pela contagem de células somáticas (CCS) individual das vacas. A partir disso, indicadores podem ser calculados como, por exemplo, prevalência e incidência. A prevalência diz respeito à proporção do rebanho infectada em determinado momento, enquanto que a incidência estima a taxa de novas infecções intramamárias ao longo do tempo. Altos valores de prevalência e incidência acabam resultando em elevada CCS do tanque de resfriamento (CCST), que por consequência leva a penalizações oriundas dos programas de pagamento por qualidade do leite (PPQL). Desta forma, estimar os valores atuais de prevalência e incidência de MS relacionados com valores futuros de CCST e as perdas financeiras oriundas dos PPQLs se torna importante para estimular a melhoria da qualidade do leite produzido no Brasil. Portando, o objetivo deste trabalho é estimar os indicadores epidemiológicos de MS em rebanhos leiteiros brasileiros, além prever a CCST relacionando-a as perdas financeiras devidas ao PPQL. Para isso, foram utilizados dois bancos de dados, sendo o primeiro com dados de CCS individual de vacas para estimação da prevalência e incidência de MS, e o segundo com dados de CCST para a previsão e cálculo de perdas financeiras devido ao PPQL. Como análise estatística, foi utilizado o modelo linear generalizado misto para comparar a prevalência e incidência de MS entre anos, regiões, tamanho de rebanhos e categorias de número de testes enviados durante o período de estudo, além de modelos de séries temporais para previsão da CCST e regressão linear múltipla para prever a probabilidade de mudança de classe de pagamento por qualidade do leite do PPQL. Os resultados encontrados indicam que, ambos, prevalência e incidência de MS permaneceram elevados e com leve tendência de aumento ao longo dos anos estudados, sendo que não houve diferenças entre regiões e tamanho de rebanhos. Por outro lado, rebanhos que realizaram mais testes ao longo do período estudado apresentaram menor prevalência, mostrando a importância da análise rotineira de CCS individual. Para CCST, os valores tem se mantido altos nos recentes anos e sem tendência de melhora. A probabilidade de mudança de classe foi fortemente afetada pela média e desvio padrão de CCST para as classes 1 e 2 (1.000 a 200.000 e 201.000 a 400.000 céls/mL, respectivamente). Os modelos de séries temporais indicaram que em algum ponto do ano, as fazendas não podiam permanecer na sua classe atual do PPQL e acumulavam perdas financeiras. Por fim, este estudo permite concluir que prevalência e incidência de MS estão elevadas e não melhoram ao longo dos anos, sendo que isto acaba elevando os valores de CCST. Além disso, existem perdas financeiras em todas as classes do PPQL, mostrando que os produtores não tem sido eficientes em captar a bonificação máxima dos PPQLs. Por isso, o desenvolvimento de programas de qualidade do leite deve ser uma prioridade em busca da melhoria da qualidade do leite de rebanhos brasileiros. / Subclinical mastitis (SM) is the most prevalent disease in dairy herds and can be identified by individual somatic cell counts (SCC) of cows. From this, indicators can be calculated as, for example, prevalence and incidence. Prevalence refers to the number of infected cows in a herd at a given time, while the incidence estimates the rate of new intramammary infections over time. High prevalence and incidence values result in high bulk tank SCC (BTSCC), which consequently leads to penalties from payment programs based on milk quality (PPBMQ). In this way, estimating current values of prevalence and incidence of SM related to future values of BTSCC and financial losses from PPBMQs becomes important to stimulate the improvement of the quality of milk produced in Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this study is to estimate the epidemiological indicators of SM in Brazilian dairy herds, besides to predicting the BTSCC and relating it to the financial losses due to the PPBMQ. For this, two databases were used, the first one with individual SCC data from cows to estimate the prevalence and incidence of SM, and the second with BTSCC data for prediction and calculation of financial losses due to PPBMQ. For statistical analysis, the mixed generalized linear model was used to compare the prevalence and incidence of SM between years, regions, herd size and number of test-day categories sent during the studied period, as well as time series models for prediction of BTSCC and multiple linear regressions to predict the probability of changing the current payment class for milk quality. The results indicate that both prevalence and incidence of SM remained high and with a slight tendency to increase over the years studied, and there were no differences between regions and herd sizes. On the other hand, herds that performed more test-day during the studied period presented a lower prevalence, showing the importance of the routine analysis of individual SCC. For BTSCC, values have remained high in recent years and no trend for improvement. The probability of class change was strongly affected by the mean and standard deviation of BTSCC for classes 1 and 2 (1,000 to 200,000 and 201,000 to 400,000 cells/mL, respectively). Time series models indicated that at some point of the year, farms could not remain in their current class and accumulated financial losses due to PPBMQ. Finally, this study allows to conclude that the prevalence and incidence of SM are high and do not improve over the years, and this ends up increasing the BTSCC values. In addition, there are financial losses in all classes of PPBMQ, showing that producers have not been efficient in capturing the maximum PPBMQs bonus. Therefore, the development of milk quality programs should be a priority in order to improve the quality of milk from Brazilian herds.

Análise estereológica postmortem do córtex orbitofrontal de indivíduos acomeditos por transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo ou por transtorno afetivo bipolar / Postmortem stereological analysis of orbitofrontal cortex of the subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder or. bipolar disorder

Katia Cristina de Oliveira 04 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB) e o transtorno obsessivocompulsivo (TOC) estão entre as dez condições médicas mais incapacitantes. No entanto, suas bases neurobiológicas são ainda desconhecidas. Os estudos postmortem podem dar uma boa contribuição para o entendimento da fisiopatologia desses transtornos, pois permitem a comparação das alterações celulares, citoarquitetônicas e moleculares com as manifestações clínicas, além de auxiliarem numa melhor compreensão dos achados dos estudos de neuroimagem. OBJETIVOS: Comparar a densidade neuronal, volume e número total de neurônios do córtex orbitofrontal (COF) e suas sub-regiões: antero-medial (AM), médio-orbitofrontal (MO) e antero-lateral (AL) entre casos psiquiátricos e controles; Verificar se há diferenças de densidade neuronal, volume e número total de neurônios do COF entre os casos de TAB e casos de TOC e controles. MÉTODOS E CASUÍSTICA: 17 encéfalos de indivíduos acima de 50 anos foram coletados, diagnosticados e submetidos a análises estereológicas, sendo três indivíduos acometidos por TAB, sete indivíduos acometidos por TOC e sete controles saudáveis pareados por idade, gênero e hemisfério cerebral analisado. Um hemisfério foi fixado por perfusão com formalina 20% e processado para estudos neuroestereológicos, enquanto o outro teve as 45 regiões de interesse dissecadas e congeladas a -80ºC para futuros estudos moleculares. RESULTADOS: O COF e suas sub-regiões apresentaram menor densidade neuronal no grupo total de casos vs. controles (p < 0,05). No entanto, não houve diferença em relação ao volume. A subregião MO apresentou um número menor de neurônios nos casos que em controles (p < 0,05). Curiosamente, na análise de densidade neuronal das camadas corticais, apenas a camada IV não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante entre casos e controles. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos achados mostram que alterações no COF podem estar envolvidas com a fisiopatologia do TOC ou TAB, e indicam que podem haver interações entre elas e, além disso, concordam com estudos de imagem funcional e de atividades cerebrais na região MO que nos faz refletir que além de uma perda neuronal, há também uma hipoativação e uma redução funcional. Estudos com um número maior de amostras e com diferenciação celular poderão trazer novas contribuições para o entendimento da fisiopatologia desses transtornos neuropsiquiátricos / INTRODUCTION: Bipolar disorder (BD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are within the ten medical condition promoving incapacity worldwide. To date, their neuropathological substrates are yet to be disclosed. Postmortem studies designed to estimate cytoarchitectonic and molecular changes for clinical and imaging correlation, have the potencial to undercover pathophysiological aspects of these conditions. OBJECTIVE: Objective: To compare neuronal density, volume and total neuron number of orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) as a whole and divided by sub-regions: anteromedial (AM), medio-orbitofrontal (MO) and antero-lateral (AL) among BD, OCD and matched controls. METHODS: We used 17 postmortem brains sourced from the Psy- BBBABSG. All the subject were older than 50 years and were classified based on clinical evaluation in BD, OCD and healthy control. Subjects were matched by age, gender and brain hemisphere. One hemisphere were perfusion fixed with 20% formalin and used for neuroestereological studies. The second hemisphere had ROIs dissected and snap frozen for future molecular studies. OUTCOMES: Neuron density in OFC and the sub-regions were decreased in cases vs. controls (p < 0,05). This result was observed in cortical layers analyses with exception of layer IV. We did not observed significant changes in volume. The MO sub-region had reduced total neuron number in cases than in controls (p < 0,05). CONCLUSION: Ours results suggest that OFC changes may be part of BD and OCD pathogenesis. These results go in line with functional imaging findings. Further studies with a higher number of cases and adressing specific neuron types are needed

Plasticidade da inervação cardíaca durante o desenvolvimento pós-natal em préas (Galea spixii, Wagler, 1831) / Plasticity of cardiac innervation during postnatal development in preás (Galea spixii, Wagler, 1831)

Ana Paula Frigo Moura 18 September 2014 (has links)
O gânglio estrelado (GE) é o principal componente da inervação cardíaca extrínseca e está envolvido na gênese de diversas cardiomiopatias. Durante o envelhecimento, o controle neural do coração dos mamíferos é alterado de forma complexa e não clara, geralmente ocasionando decremento da função cardíaca e maior propensão a doenças degenerativas. A ocorrência de resultados dissonantes quanto aos parâmetros morfoquantitativos durante o envelhecimento, como o aumento ou diminuição do número total de neurônios simpáticos, é assunto para discussões interessantes. Esta pesquisa foi conduzida em preás machos (Galea spixii), um pequeno roedor da fauna brasileira. Desta forma, estudou-se o efeito do desenvolvimento pós-natal (maturação e envelhecimento) na macro e microestrutura do gânglio estrelado esquerdo (GEe) de preás, por meio de microscopia quantitativa tridimensional (Estereologia) associada a técnicas de imuno-histoquímica. De acordo com a fase específica do desenvolvimento pós-natal, os animais foram alocados nos seguintes grupos etários: Neonatos, Jovens, Adultos e Senis. Inicialmente, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia e seus gânglios estrelados esquerdos coletados e fixados em solução de formaldeído (4%) em PBS. Foi realizada amostragem sistemática e uniformemente aleatória (SURS), estimando-se: volume do GEe, volume neuronal e número total de neurônios do GEe. Os principais achados deste estudo foram: i) aumento do comprimento do gânglio - 42% entre Neonato e Senil; 34% entre Jovem e Senil e 35% entre Adulto e Senil; ii) hipertrofia do GEe - 171% entre os grupos Neonato e Adulto; iii) aumento do tecido não neuronal - 268% entre os grupos Neonato e Adulto; iv) estabilidade no número total de neurônios uninucleados, binucleados e total (uni+bi); v) estabilidade no tamanho (volume) dos neurônios uninucleados e binucleados; e vi) estabilidade no número total de neurônios imunorreativos ao Ki-67 (uni+bi). Espera-se que os resultados gerados por esta pesquisa possam esclarecer alguns aspectos estruturais da plasticidade neural durante o desenvolvimento pós-natal de preás, avançando assim o conhecimento acerca da inervação cardíaca extrínseca / The stellate ganglion (SG) is a main component of extrinsic cardiac innervation and is involved in the genesis of various cardiomyopathies. During ageing, the neural control of heart in mammals is altered in the complex shape and unclear, generally cause decrement in the cardiac function and a greater propensity to degenerative diseases. The occurrence of discordant results regarding the morphoquantitative parameters during ageing, such as increase or decrease in the total number of sympathetic neurons, is a subject for interesting discussions. This research was conducted in males preas (Galea spixii), a small rodent of the Brazilian fauna. Therefore, this work aimed to study the effect of postnatal development (maturation and ageing) in the macro and microstructure of the left stellate ganglion (LSG) in preas by dimensional quantitative microscopy (Stereology) associated to immunohistochemistry techniques. According to a specific stage of postnatal development, the animals were allocated into the following age groups: Newborn, Young, Adult and Elderly. The animals were euthanised and the left stellate ganglia were collected and fixed in 4% formaldehyde solution in PBS. A systematic uniformly random sampling (SURS) was performed to estimate: the volume of LSG, neuron volume and the total number of LSG neurons. The main findings of this study were: i) increase in length ganglia - 42% between Newborn and Elderly; 34% between Young and Elderly and 35% between Adult and Elderly; ii) hypertrophy of LSG - 171% between the groups Newborn and Adult; iii) increase of non-neuronal tissue - 268% between the groups Newborn and Adult; iv) stability for the total number of uninucleate neurons, binucleate neurons and total (uni+bi); v) stability in the size (volume) of uninucleate and binucleate neurons; and, vi) stability for the total number of neurons immunorreactive to Ki-67 (uni+bi). It is expected that the results generated for this research may clarify structural aspects of neural plasticity during the postnatal development of preas, thus advancing the knowledge about the extrinsic cardiac innervation

Qualidade do leite cru e práticas de manejo em fazendas leiteiras / Quality of raw milk and management practices in dairy farms

Cristina Simões Cortinhas 18 December 2013 (has links)
O objetivo geral do estudo foi avaliar os fatores de risco associados com práticas de manejo e a qualidade higiênica do leite cru, e caracterizar o nível de conhecimento e opiniões de produtores de leite sobre controle de mastite e qualidade do leite. Os objetivos específicos foram avaliar os fatores de risco associados com a qualidade higiênica do leite, determinar o efeito do tipo de agente causador de mastite sobre a qualidade do leite cru, e avaliar a associação entre o nível de conhecimento dos produtores e a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) do leite de tanque. O presente estudo foi dividido em três experimentos. No experimento 1, para avaliação de práticas de manejo associadas à qualidade higiênica do leite cru em rebanhos leiteiros, foram selecionados 120 rebanhos de acordo com a média geométrica da contagem bacteriana total (CBT) de 10 amostras de leite/ rebanho coletadas durante dois meses consecutivos, para compor dois grupos: 60 com alta CBT (1,11x104 UFC/mL) e 60 com baixa CBT (4,4x103 UFC/mL). Após a seleção, amostras de leite foram coletadas uma vez por semana durante dois meses para determinação da CBT, contagem do leite com incubação preliminar (CIP), contagem do leite pasteurizado (CLP), contagem de coliformes (CC), CCS e de concentrações de gordura, proteína e sólidos totais. Após a realização das análises, 63 rebanhos foram selecionados e visitados para aplicação de questionário sobre: a) informações gerais de manejo do rebanho; b) manejo de ordenha; c) procedimentos de limpeza de equipamento de ordenha e utensílios; d) programa de controle da mastite; e) condições de limpeza do úbere. Para o experimento 2, o nível de conhecimento e as opiniões dos produtores de leite sobre mastite e qualidade do leite, foram avaliados em 63 rebanhos selecionados e distribuídos de acordo com as médias geométricas da CCS (8 coletas semanais consecutivas durante dois meses) em três grupos: a) baixa CCS: &#8804; 250.000 céls/mL(n = 16); b) média CCS: >250.000 &#8804; 400.000 céls/mL (n = 24); c) alta CCS: > 400.000 céls/mL(n = 23). Nos rebanhos selecionados, foram aplicados questionários aos responsáveis pelo manejo do rebanho, com questões sobre: características socioeconômicas, conhecimentos a respeito de CCS, CBT e mastite e comportamentos dos produtores com relação a práticas de prevenção da mastite. No experimento 3, para avaliação da associação entre patógenos causadores de mastite e qualidade do leite, foram selecionados 90 rebanhos com base na CCS do tanque de 10 amostras/ rebanho coletadas durante dois meses consecutivos, para compor os seguintes grupos: a) &#8804; 250.000 céls/mL (n = 30); b) >250.000 &#8804; 600.000 céls/mL (n = 30); c) >600.000 céls/mL (n = 30). As amostras do leite de tanque foram coletadas, a cada 15 dias por um período de 3 meses, para determinação da contagem de Staphylococcus aureus, contagem de Streptococcus agalactiae, contagem de estafilococos coagulase-negativa, contagem de estreptococos ambientais, contagem de Escherichia coli, contagem de coliformes totais, CBT, CCS e de concentrações de gordura, proteína e sólidos totais. A alta quantidade de matéria orgânica presente na válvula de saída do tanque de expansão é um fator de risco para a qualidade higiênica do leite cru; o uso do desinfetante de tetos pré e pós-ordenha são práticas de manejo que reduzem a contagem dos principais indicadores de qualidade higiênica do leite e a prática de ordenha com o bezerro ao pé da vaca está associada ao aumento de CBT, CIP e CC. Outros fatores socioeconômicos como ter o leite como principal atividade econômica na propriedade, o tipo de ordenha utilizada no rebanho, o uso de métodos para detecção de mastite e o conhecimento das exigências legais de CCS e CBT foram fatores associados à CCS do leite de tanque. Adicionalmente, altas contagens de Streptococcus agalactiae reduzem a qualidade do leite de tanque por estarem correlacionadas com o aumento de CCS. / The overall objectve of this study was to evaluate risk factors associated with management practices and hygienic raw milk quality, and to caracterize the farmer\'s knowledge and opinions about mastitis control and milk quality. The specific objectives were to evaluate the risk factors associated with hygienic milk quality, to determine the effect of mastitis pathogens on raw milk quality and to assess the association between framers knowledge about mastitis control and somatic cell count (SCC) of bulk tank. Therefore, we proposed three experiments. For experiment 1, to evaluate management practices associated with hygienic quality of raw milk in dairy farms, 120 dairy herds were selected according to the geometric mean of the total bacterial count (TBC) from 10 milk samples collected during two consecutive months, which were distributed in two groups: high TBC (1.11 x104 CFU / mL, n = 60) and low TBC (4.4 x103 CFU / mL, n = 60). After selection of herds, milk samples were collected weekly for two months to perform analyzes of TBC, preliminary incubation count (PIC), laboratory pasteurization count (LPC), coliform count (CC), somatic cell count (SCC) and fat, protein and total solids concentrations. After laboratory analysis, 63 herds were visited for on-farm data collection by a questionnaire about: a) general aspects of farm management; b) milking management; c) milking equipment and utensils cleaning procedures; d) mastitis control; e) udder cleaning conditions. For experiment 2, to evaluate the knowledge and opinions of dairy farmers about mastitis control and milk quality, 63 herds were selected and distributed according to geometric means of SCC (8 weekly milk sampling during two consecutive months) into three groups: a) low SCC: &#8804; 250,000 cells / mL (n = 16); b) medium SCC: >250,000 &#8804; 400,000 cells / mL (n = 24); c) high SCC:> 400,000 cells / mL (n = 23). Previously formulated questionnaires were submitted to the herd manager, with questions about the following topics: socioeconomic characteristics, knowledge about SCC, TBC, mastitis and mastitis prevention practices. For experiment 3, to evaluate the association between mastitis pathogens, SCC and TBC, 90 herds were selected based on the SCC of 10 milk samples collected during two consecutive months, to compose the following groups: a) &#8804; 250,000 cells / mL (n = 30), b) >250,000 &#8804; 600,000 cells / mL (n = 30), c)> 600,000 cells / mL (n = 30). Bulk Tank milk samples were collected every 15 days for a period of three months, for Staphylococcus aureus count, Streptococcus agalactiae count, coagulase-negative staphylococci count, environmental streptococci count, Escherichia coli count, coliform count, TBC, SCC and fat, protein and total solids concentrations. The high amount of organic matter in the bulk tank outlet valve is a risk factor for the raw milk hygienic quality, the use of pre and post teat dipping is associated with a reduction of major indicators of raw milk hygienic quality and the presence of suckling calves before milking was associated with increased TBC, PIC and CC. Other social and economical factors, such as the milk as main economic activity in the farm, type of milking procedures used, the use of methods for mastitis detection and knowledge about legal requirements for SCC and TBC were correlated with CCS in bulk tank milk. Additionally, high Streptococcus agalactiae counts is associated with reduced bulk tank milk quality because of increased SCC.

Clinical and immunological response of HIV/AIDS patients receiving ART in Nyangana mission hospital in Namibia

Kangudie, Didier Mbayi January 2008 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / This study aims to analyse the clinical and immunological responses and survival pattern of HIV/AIDS patients receiving ART in Nyangana District

Banque de cornée : 10 ans d’innovations en contrôle qualité du greffon cornéen et projets d’avenir / Eye bank : 10 years of innovation in corneal quality control and new perspectives

Laverne-Acquart, Sophie 17 October 2013 (has links)
Le contrôle qualité réalisé sur les cornées en organoculture dans les banques de cornées est primordial pour l'évaluation de la qualité des greffons. Dans une première partie, nous avons montré, sur 505 cornées en routine, que les paramètres mesurés avec notre analyseur d'images Sambacornea (CV de taille et hexagonalité cellulaire endothéliale) étaient tout à fait cohérents avec ceux mesurés en microscopie spéculaire in vivo chez les patients. Notre dispositif fournit une méthode fiable, validée pour la mesure de la densité cellulaire endothéliale DCE et de la morphométrie cellulaire. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons analysé les erreurs inhérentes à la méthode de comptage à cadre fixe (grille calibrée ou réticule) lors de la mesure de la DCE par les banques de cornées. Nous avons mesuré sur 3000 zones, la DCE de 20 mosaïques cornéennes gravées, en utilisant des grilles dont la maille variait de 50 à 300 µm. La méthode était répétable avec des grilles de 200 µm à condition de considérer la moyenne sur 10 comptages et présentait une variabilité résiduelle de 5 % vs la DCE réelle. Les grilles classiques de 100 µm utilisées en comptage manuel devraient être abandonnées et remplacées par des grilles de 200 µm. L'analyse d'images numériques demeure cependant la meilleure solution. Dans une troisième partie, le développement d'un dispositif de mesure de la transparence et des diamètres utiles en greffe de cornée (cornée claire et diamètre total) est décrit. La transparence est appréciée via la mesure de la fonction de modulation de transfert à travers la cornée sur une mire originale dessinée dans notre laboratoire. Les mesures étaient reproductibles. D’après l’analyse de 358 cornées en routine, la transparence n'était pas corrélée à l’âge du donneur, ni à la DCE, et baissait au fil de la conservation. Ce dispositif simple et objectif permet de standardiser la «transparence» ; il devra être redéployé sur notre bioréacteur, et pourrait mener à la définition d'un seuil de transparence / The corneal quality control (QC) in eye banks is essential for the assessment of the quality of grafts. In the first part, we showed on 505 consecutive corneas, that the parameters measured by our image analyzer Sambacornea (size CV and hexagonality of endothelial cells) were entirely consistent with those measured by specular microscopy in vivo in patients. Our device provides a reliable validated method for the measurement of the Endothelial Cell Density ECD and cell morphometry. In a second part, we analyzed the inherent errors of the fixed-frame counting method (calibrated grid or graticule) for corneal ECD in eye banks. We measured in 3000 areas, the 20 corneal mosaic ECD using grids ranged from 50 to 300 µm. The method was repeatable with 200 µm long grids if the average of 10 counts were used: it showed a residual variability of 5 % vs the real ECD. Conventional 100 µm long grids used in manual counting should be abandoned and replaced by 200 µm grids. The digital image analysis, however, is the best solution. In the third part, the development of a device for measuring the transparency and effective diameters in corneal transplantation (clear cornea and total diameter) is described. Transparency is assessed by measuring the modulation transfer function through the cornea on an original pattern designed in our laboratory. The measurements were reproducible. Based on the analysis of 358 corneas routine, transparency was not correlated with donor age, or the ECD, and decreased with duration of stockage. This simple and objective device standardizes the QC "transparency" and it should be used with our bioreactor, and could lead to the definition of a level for transparency

Qualidade do leite de vacas em torneios leiteiros / Milk quality in dairy cows tournaments / Qualidade do leite de vacas em torneios leiteiros

ROSA, Poliana P. S. G. 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by biblioteca unifenas (biblioteca@unifenas.br) on 2016-09-28T13:54:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Poliana Silvia Garcia Rosa Dissertacao.pdf: 823674 bytes, checksum: 729179eaf82075941fd1280b8b99f1e2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-28T13:54:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Poliana Silvia Garcia Rosa Dissertacao.pdf: 823674 bytes, checksum: 729179eaf82075941fd1280b8b99f1e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this research was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of the Dutch and crossbred cows milk originating from dairy tournaments, in the southern region of Minas Gerais, in the period from March to October 2012, using the nonparametric data for protein, fat, lactose, total solids, nonfat dry extract and somatic cell count variables. Normative Instruction 62 establishes maximum levels of somatic cell count of 500,000 cells / ml of milk, minimum fat content of 3.0%, total solids 11.4%, 2.9% protein, dry extract 8.4%. The somatic cell count reflects the health of the mammary gland of the animal. Of the 108 samples of milk collected from cows participants on the last day of the milk match, after complete milking and weighing of milk, 24% of the animals showed somatic cell counts that do not fit the parameters established by the Normative Instruction 62. The other parameters evaluated as lactose, fat, total solids and nonfat dry extract showed significant differences by comparing the milk with high somatic cell count, milk with low somatic cell count. The level of milk protein with high somatic cell count remained in the Normative Instruction 62 standard, because of the increase of plasma proteins in milk as a result of the inflammatory response. Most milk samples from dairy tournaments did not fit in Instruction 62, as the increase in somatic cells interfered in the chemical physical quality. / Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar as características físico-químicas do leite de vacas holandesas e mestiças oriundas de torneios leiteiros na região do Sul de Minas Gerais, no período de março a outubro de 2012, sendo utilizados os dados não paramétricos para as variáveis de proteína, gordura, lactose, sólidos totais, extrato seco desengordurado e contagem de células somáticas. A Instrução Normativa 62 estabelece níveis máximo de contagem de células somáticas de 500.000 células/mL de leite, teores mínimos de gordura de 3,0%, sólidos totais de 11,4%, proteína 2,9%, extrato seco desengordurado 8,4%. A contagem de células somáticas reflete na saúde da glândula mamária do animal. Das108 amostras de leite coletadas das vacas participantes no último dia do torneio leiteiro, após a ordenha completa e pesagem do leite, 24% dos animais apresentaram contagem de células somáticas que não se enquadram nos parâmetros estabelecidos pela Instrução Normativa 62. Os demais parâmetros avaliados como lactose, gordura, sólidos totais e extrato seco desengordurado não apresentaram diferenças significativas, comparando o leite com contagem de células somáticas altas, com leite com contagem de células somáticas baixas. O nível de proteína em leite com contagem de células somáticas altas se mantiveram no padrão da Instrução Normativa 62, pois houve um aumento das proteínas plasmáticas no leite em decorrência da resposta inflamatória. Conclui-se que a maioria das amostras de leite coletadas em torneios leiteiro não se enquadraram na Instrução Normativa 62.

The profile of human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with invasive cervical cancer in the Polokwane/Mankweng Complex Hospital

Dzivhani, Ndivhuwo January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (M.Med. (Radiation Oncology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / Introduction Invasive cervical cancer (ICC) constitutes almost 50% of all cancer conditions diagnosed and treated at the Polokwane/Mankweng Hospital Complex (PMHC). HIV infection is also a very common condition. There is no consensus on the relationship between the two clinical conditions among patients treated at PMHC. There is a need to describe the simultaneous occurrence of the two clinical conditions among these patients to define a rational approach to these conditions’ clinical management. Methodology This was a retrospective review of medical records of patients diagnosed with ICC who were treated at PMHC in Limpopo Province, South Africa in 2013. Results Three hundred and twenty-nine medical records were reviewed in this study; 64% of the patients were HIV-negative, and only 35% were HIV-positive. Thirty-five percent of the patients were younger than 50 years of age, followed by those aged 50–59 years (23%). Among women in the age group 30–59 years, the most common ICC stages were IIB and IIIB. In women older than 60 years, stages IIB, IIIA, IIIB and IVA were the most common. In the HIV-positive women, 18% had a CD4 cell count of less than 200/μL, compared to 2% in the HIV-negative women (p <0.05). Among the HIV-negative women, stages IIIB (49.8%) and IIB (24.6%) were the most common, where as among those who were HIV-positive, stages IIIB (55.6%) and IIB (22.6%) dominated. Conclusion This retrospective study did not find any relationship between HIV infection and ICC in patients treated at PMHC. However, it indicated that a significant proportion of HIV-positive women with ICC had lower CD4 cell counts compared to those of HIV-negative women. KEY CONCEPTS: Invasive cervical cancer, Human immunodeficiency virus, Stage, Prevalence, CD4 cell count, Age, Polokwane/Makweng Hospital Complex

Detection and Prevention of Intramammary Infections in Primigravid Dairy Heifers

Larsen, Lindsay 28 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of treatment progression amongst patients initiated on antiretroviral therapy at the university of Limpopo, South Africa

Maselela, Tshepho Jan January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has affected all parts of the world, and as of 2019, more than 76 million people have been infected by HIV. South Africa has the largest population of people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the world and the highest infected group were aged 24 to 49, and females had the highest percentage in viral load suppression for all age groups. HIV infection leads to advanced loss of CD4 T cells and the roll out of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has bring about in significant cutbacks in HIV-associated complications by recovering the CD4+ T cell count. Some patients may not be successful in attaining this result, and some may accomplish it only after a number years of treatment. The disease progression and the health conditions amongst People Living with HIV-AIDS (PLWA) has improved substantially in the past two decades. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the disease progression of the patients initiated on ART from 2017 to 2019 at the University of Limpopo Health Centre, in Limpopo province. Methodology: A descriptive retrospective investigation was carried out which followed a quantitative approach in which secondary data from medical files of 259 patients initiated on ART at University of Limpopo Health Centre was used. where outcomes of ART initiation assessed and evaluated in association with characteristics of patients. Data analysis was done using the STATA statistical software version 12 for Windows (STATA Corporation, College Station, Texas). Frequency tables were used to make comparisons between groups for continuous and categorical variables using student t-test, and chi-square test. P-value less than 0.05 at 95% confidence level were regarded as significant. Results: The research finding revealed 80.0% of the study participants were females and the mean age group of participants diagnosed HIV positive was 28.28 years with standard deviation of ±7.5. The mean of the CD4 count cells at baseline for females was 411.4 cells/μL while for males was 341.2 cells/μL (p=0.212). The mean CD4 count cells at last ART visit for females was 613.7 cells/μL while for males was 452.9 cells/μL (p<0.001). There has been significant increase of the CD4 cell count from the baseline to the last ART visit as it is noted in the increase in proportion of patients with CD4 cell count of more than 500 in all the years. The proportion of patients with baseline CD4 cell count of 200 to 350 (moderate immunodepression) were high in 2019 and 2017 at 40.6% and 40.3% respectively. Majority of the patients were transferred out to other facilities at 79.4% as most patients are students and only 2.3% mortality rate has been reported for the study period. Majority of the patients initiated on ART at University of Limpopo were in WHO stage 2 at 45.5% followed by those in stage 3 and stage 1 at 22.2% and 21.8% respectively. Patients who were 24 years or older were 1.1 times more likely to have improved CD4 cell count at the last date of ART visit as compared to younger patients but not statistically significant while males were 3.5 times more likely to have improved CD4 cell count at the last date of ART visit as compared to females which was statistically significant. Patients who were initiated on ART at WHO stage 4 were 6.67 more likely to have improved CD4 cell count at the last date of ART visit as compared to those who were initiated on ART at WHO stage 1. Conclusion: The treatment progression in the study setting was found to be convincing and acceptable which is similar to the findings reported in other studies in many other countries. The significance of CD4 cell counts monitoring for HIV patients cannot be overemphasised. This study recommends a strengthened testing and treatment programme targeted males amongst the university community, enhance provider provider relationship when patients are transferred out to other health facilities, enhance the collection of baseline and progressive data on both the CD4 cell count and viral load.

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