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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanism and Function of Actin Pedestal Formation by Enterohemorrhagic <em>Escherichia coli</em> O157:H7: A Dissertation

Brady, Michael John 14 June 2007 (has links)
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli O127:H7 (EPEC) induce characteristic F-actin rich pedestals on infected mammalian cells. Each pathogen delivers its own translocated intimin receptor (Tir) to the host cell to act as a receptor for the bacterial outer membrane adhesin, intimin. Interaction of translocated Tir with intimin is essential for mammalian cell binding and host colonization, as well as to induce actin pedestal formation in vitro. In spite of these parallels, EHEC and EPEC Tir appear to generate actin pedestals by distinct mechanisms. Further, while the ability to form actin pedestals is a striking phenotype, the function of pedestals during infection remains unclear. To address these issues, a systematic and quantitative analysis of Tir-mediated actin assembly was conducted. We identified a three-residue Tir sequence involved in actin pedestal formation for both EHEC and EPEC, and developed evidence that the two pathogens trigger a common pathway for actin assembly. Further, the ability of these bacteria to promote actin assembly appears to promote both intimin-mediated bacterial binding in vitro and optimal colonization during experimental animal infection.

Molecular Dissection of the Cellular Reponse to Dengue Virus Infection

Warke, Rajas V. 14 April 2008 (has links)
The immune response to viral infection involves a complexity of both innate and adaptive pathways at the cellular and the molecular level. There are many approaches to begin to define the pathways at work to control viral pathogenesis. The approach favored in this thesis was to conduct a broad screen of the innate immune response at the gene expression level of infected cells. The innate immune response is critical to the control of viral infections. Type I interferons (IFN), IFNα and IFNβ, are antiviral proteins that are an integral part of the innate immune response. Furthermore, by virtue of their effects on maturation and activation of antigen-presenting cells, IFNs are a pivotal link between the innate and adaptive immune systems. Most cell types produce type-I IFN when exposed to viruses. However, viruses have evolved multiple strategies to suppress IFN production or signaling. It is imperative to understand the virus-host interaction at the molecular level in order to identify as yet unknown mechanisms of the host antiviral response; these additional pathways may be useful in counteracting the viral suppression of IFN. Type-I IFNs regulate expression of at least five hundred genes, suggesting a complex network of signaling pathways. Depending on the cell type different proteins regulate the induction of IFN or the expression of IFN-inducible genes. Identification of proteins that induce selected IFN-inducible genes may provide synergistic activity with or may have an advantage over type-I IFN for anti-viral therapy in the future. Many diseases are untreatable if identified late in their progression. In resource-limited countries, many diseases are diagnosed clinically, which can lead to incorrect or delayed diagnosis and treatment. The identification of biomarkers of disease has the potential to guide the correct therapy in a timely fashion. The objective of this thesis was to identify novel anti-viral therapies and disease biomarkers for dengue virus (DENV) infection. DENV is a mosquito-borne positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus, which causes an estimated 50 million infections annually. Most DENV infections result in a febrile illness called Dengue fever (DF). Less frequently, infections cause Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a potentially fatal vascular leakage syndrome associated with the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. At present patients infected with DENV can only be treated by intravenous fluid support to prevent hypovolemia and hypotensive shock. This treatment is less effective in severe cases if the diagnosis is delayed. Identification of therapeutics with both antiviral and immune-modulatory activity may lower patient mortality and reduce the burden of DENV on society. DENV infection is cleared in most individuals after a short period of viremia {Libraty, 2002 #2225}. Based on in vitro and mouse models, type-I and type-II IFN signaling pathways are thought to be critical in the regulation of DENV infection. Higher serum levels of type I and type II IFNs during acute DENV infection in patients lend support to the above hypothesis {Kurane, 1993 #2152; Libraty, 2002 #2225}. To understand the DENV-human host cell interaction at the molecular level, we performed global gene expression analysis on DENV-infected primary human cells using Affymetrix GeneChips (HG-U133A). We studied dendritic cells (DC), monocytes, B cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), all of which are known to be permissive to DENV infection. We first identified genes commonly regulated in multiple cell types in response to DENV infection; we hypothesized that understanding this common gene expression profile would identify signaling pathways involved in regulation of viral spread, activation of immune cells or induction of inflammation. Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), one of the 23 common response genes, was identified as a key link between type I and type II interferon response genes. Pretreatment of cells with recombinant TRAIL (rTRAIL) inhibited DENV replication in monocytes, B cells, HUVECs and DCs. Using the DC infection model, we showed that this inhibition of viral replication was apoptosis-independent. Type-I IFN receptor (IFNR) blocking experiments showed that signaling through the type-I IFN receptor played an important role in the antiviral activity of exogenous rTRAIL. Furthermore, TRAIL also significantly reduced the expression of mRNA and protein of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, MIP-1β and IFNα) and chemokines (MCP-2, IP-10 and IL-6) in response to DENV infection. The data that TRAIL inhibits both viral replication and pro-inflammatory cytokine production suggest that TRAIL has therapeutic value in dengue. The endothelial cell is the site of pathology in DENV infection in vivo (vascular permeability and plasma leakage). To understand the direct effect of DENV infection on endothelial cells and its role in the induction of genes regulating vascular permeability, we compared gene expression in DENV-infected HUVECs to that of uninfected cells and cells infected with other RNA and DNA viruses, including flaviviruses (West Nile, yellow fever, and Japanese encephalitis viruses), bunyaviruses (Sin Nombre and Hantaan viruses), Epstein-Barr virus and vaccinia virus. Among the genes confirmed for their differential expression, ST2 (Interkeukin-1 receptor-like-1 protein-IL1RL1) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) were identified to be upregulated specifically in response to DENV infection. Higher serum soluble ST2 (sST2) levels were detected in DENV-infected patients than in patients with other febrile illnesses (OFI) at the end of the febrile stage and at defervescence (p=0.0088 and p=0.0004, respectively). In addition, patients with secondary DENV infections had higher serum sST2 levels compared with patients with primary DENV infections (p=0.047 at the last day of fever and p=0.030 at defervescence). Higher levels of IDO activity (pIn conclusion, global gene expression analysis identified novel proteins with promising characteristics for the treatment and/or diagnosis of DENV infection. Although further studies will be needed to validate the clinical utility of TRAIL, sST2, and IDO, these studies demonstrate the utility of this unbiased genomics approach to identify therapies to currently incurable diseases.

Bioactive coatings to control marine biofouling

Tasso, Mariana Patricia 12 November 2009 (has links)
The colonization of immersed surfaces by a myriad of marine organisms is a complex, multi-stage, species-specific process giving rise to economic and environmental costs. This unwanted accumulation of organisms in the marine environment, called biofouling, has been attacked from different fronts, going from the ‘problem-elimination-as-problem-solving’ strategy (essentially through the use of biocides) to more elaborated and environmentally-friendly options based on the principle of ‘non-stick’ or ‘easy foul-release’ surfaces, which do not jeopardize marine life viability. Several marine organisms rely on proteinaceous adhesives to secure a holdfast to surfaces. Proteolytic enzymes have been demonstrated to be effective agents against settlement and settlement consolidation onto surfaces of marine bacteria, algae, and invertebrates, their proposed mode-of-action being the enzymatic degradation of the proteinaceous components of the adhesives. So far, however, the evidence remains inconclusive since most of the published investigations refer to commercial preparations where the enzyme is mixed with other components, like additives, which obviously act as additional experimental variables. This work aims at providing clear, conclusive evidence about the potential of serine proteases to target the adhesives produced by a group of model marine biofoulers. The strategy towards the goal consisted in the preparation and characterization of maleic anhydride copolymer nanocoatings modified by a surface-bound enzyme, Subtilisin A, the active constituent of the commercial preparations reported as effective against biofouling. The enzyme-containing maleic anhydride copolymer films were characterized (enzyme surface concentration, activity, stability, roughness and wettability) and thereafter tested in biological assays with three major biofoulers: spores of the green alga Ulva linza, cells of the pennate diatom Navicula perminuta, and cyprid larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite. The purpose of the biological assays was to elucidate the efficacy of the immobilized catalyst to discourage settlement and/or to facilitate removal of these organisms from the bioactive layers. Results confirmed the initial hypotheses related to the enzymatic degradation of the biological adhesives: the immobilized protease was effective at reducing the adhesion strength of Ulva spores and Navicula diatoms in a manner that correlated with the enzyme activity and surface concentration, and deterred settlement of Balanus amphitrite barnacle cyprids even at the lowest surface activity tested. By facilitating the removal of biofilm-forming diatoms and of spores of the troublesome alga Ulva linza, as well as by interfering with the consolidation of adhesion of the calcareous Balanus amphitrite macrofouler, the enzyme-containing coatings here disclosed are considered to constitute an appealing and promising alternative to control marine biofouling without jeopardizing marine life.

Altering the Tropism of Retroviral Vectors For In Vivo Gene Therapy: Pseudotyped Virus Targeting by Ligand-Receptor Interactions: A Dissertation

Gollan, Timothy J. 02 June 2002 (has links)
A potential approach to in vivo gene therapy is to target retrovirus to specific receptors through a ligand-receptor interaction. Previous studies have placed a ligand at or close to the N-terminus of the ecotropic Moloney murine leukemia virus envelope and require co-expression of a wild type envelope on the pseudotyped virus for successful transduction of human cells. In this study, over forty chimeric envelopes were generated, which have single or multiple insertions of a 13 or 21 amino acid RGD containing sequence, flanked by cysteine residues, that target the cellular integrin receptors (Chapter III). Virus displaying only the chimeric envelopes was generated from packaging cell lines that express the gag and pol genes. Many of the mutant envelopes demonstrated the formation of syncytia when they were transfected into the XC indicator cell line, which is frequently used to determine envelope binding and fusion capabilities. Pseudotyped virus for several of the chimeric envelopes, transduced both NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and human A375 melanoma cells. Ligands placed in the N-terminal region, within the VRA variable domain, and close to the N-terminus of the proline-rich region (PRR), demonstrated transduction into human melanoma cells. Ligands placed within the PRR and the C-terminus of the envelope did not demonstrate transduction into melanoma cells, although host cell transduction was demonstrated. Pseudotyped virus expressing an RGE containing target sequence, replacing the RGD sequence, had significantly lower transduction efficiency of melanoma cells. These data indicate that the MLV envelope tropism can be altered by insertion of short ligands at various locations throughout the envelope. These initial results were promising and helped to define regions within the envelope that could accommodate the insertion of small targeting ligands, that could redirect the tropism of pseudo typed virus to human cells. In the second part of this study, the focus shifted to targeting receptors that were expressed on specific cells, such as carcinoma cells. We inserted short ligands, flanked with cysteines, into the envelope to generate numerous targeting constructs that bind to receptors over-expressed on a variety of carcinoma cells. These pseudotyped retroviral vectors were generated by packaging cell lines that express only the viral Gag and Pol genes, with no wild-type envelope present. Select chimeric envelopes that express the 21 amino acid bombesin (BN)/gastrin releasing protein (GRP) binding sequence successfully transduced human melanoma cells, breast cancer cells, and cells that express the cloned GRP receptor gene. Nine additional chimeric envelopes were generated, that express a modified 56 amino acid heregulin sequence (HRG), that targets c-rbB-3 (Her-3) and c-erbB-4 (Her-4) receptors on breast carcinoma cells. Pseudotyped virus expressing only the BN/GRP mutant envelopes, transduced NIH 3T3 host cells, and two human carcinoma cell lines; A375 melanoma and MDA-MB-231 breast cells. The HRG chimeric envelopes demonstrated transduction of NIH 3T3 cells and human MDA-MB-453 breast carcinoma cells. Finally, a pseudotyped virus that expressed the chimeric BN/GRP envelopes and packaged the thymidine kinase gene, transduced melenoma and breast carcinoma cells and demonstrated ganciclovir cytotoxicity. Collectively, these data indicate that ligands of various sizes can be used to target pseudotyped virus to a variety of human cancer cells and transfer genes of interest. These findings may expand the feasibility and potential scope of gene therapy.

Role of Intimin and Tir in Actin Signalling by Enterohemorrhagic and Enteropathogenic <em>Escherichia coli</em>: A Dissertation

Radhakrishnan, Padhma 04 December 2003 (has links)
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli 0157:H7 (EHEC) and Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) are intestinal pathogens that induce characteristic lesions on mammalian cells called actin pedestals. Attachment to host cells by both EPEC and EHEC is an essential step towards colonization and is associated with the formation of highly organized actin cytoskeletal elements termed as attaching and effacing (AE) lesions beneath bound bacteria. The outer membrane protein intimin is required for the formation of these structures and binds its own translocated mammalian cell receptor called Translocated intimin receptor (Tir). These interactions induce a cascade of events that result in actin pedestal formation. In this thesis, we characterized pedestal formation and the requirements of pedestal formation by host adapted and in vitro cultivated EHEC. Our data indicate that growing EHEC in the mammalian host enhances bacterial cell attachment, expression and translocation of virulence effectors and actin signaling, and this enhancement is likely to entail more than one bacterial activity involved in host cell interactions. We also focused on the interaction between the two key bacterial players involved in pedestal formation, intimin and Tir. We randomly mutagenized the Tir-binding domain of intimin and isolated point mutants that disrupted Tir recognition. The ability of intimin mutants to bind to recombinant Tir correlated with their ability to trigger AE lesions on pre-infected mammalian cells. Half of the mutations fell within the previously identified 50 amino acid C-terminal region of intimin, and alanine scanning mutagenesis of this region identified four residues of EHEC intimin that are critical for Tir recognition. In a model of the EHEC intimin-Tir complex that is based on EPEC intimin and Tir, these four amino acids are predicted to be located at the intimin-Tir interface, indicating that these residues play a functional role in intimin recognition by Tir. To identify critical residues involved in intimin recognition and intimin mediated actin signaling, we generated point mutations in the extracellular domain of EHEC Tir. Based on our data, we conclude that Tir-intimin interaction is essential for triggering actin pedestals, and intimin function in the context of Tir signaling can be replaced by proteins that are entirely unrelated to intimin but that bind to Tir. These data are concordant with the model that intimin functions to cluster Tir in the membrane to induce actin assembly. Finally, as a step to study downstream actin signaling processes after Tir translocation, we mapped the domain of Tir involved in host cell signaling. We found that the clustering of a 12 amino acid stretch of C-terminus encompassing the Nck binding sequence of Tir generated actin nucleation indistinguishable from that mediated by the entire C-terminus, and abrogation of Nck binding by mutation of Y474 to Phenylalanine abolished actin assembly. Although these results do not rule out a role for other domains of Tir involved in actin pedestal formation, this suggests that the essential element of Tir consists of the Nck binding domain.

Nucleic Acid Sensing by the Immune System: Roles For the Receptor For Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) and Intracellular Receptor Proteins: A Dissertation

Sirois, Cherilyn M. 14 July 2011 (has links)
As humans, we inhabit an environment shared with many microorganisms, some of which are harmless or beneficial, and others which represent a threat to our health. A complex network of organs, cells and their protein products form our bodies’ immune system, tasked with detecting these potentially harmful agents and eliminating them. This same system also serves to detect changes in the healthy balance of normal functions in the body, and for repairing tissue damage caused by injury. Immune recognition of nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, is one way that the body detects invading pathogens and initiates tissue repair. A number of specialized receptor proteins have evolved to distinguish nucleic acids that represent “threats” from those involved in normal physiology. These proteins include members of the Toll-like receptor family and diverse types of cytosolic proteins, all of which reside within the confines of the cell. Few proteins on the cell surface have been clearly characterized to interact with nucleic acids in the extracellular environment. In this dissertation, I present collaborative work that identifies the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) as a cell surface receptor for nucleic acids and positions it as an important modulator of immune responses. Molecular dimers of RAGE interact with the sugar-phosphate backbones of nucleic acid ligands, allowing this receptor to recognize a variety of DNA and RNA molecules regardless of their nucleotide sequence. Expression of RAGE on cells promotes uptake of DNA and enhances subsequent responses that are dependent on the nucleic acid sensor Toll-like receptor 9. When mice deficient in RAGE are exposed to DNA in the lung, the predominant site of RAGE expression, they do not mount a typical early inflammatory response, suggesting that RAGE is important in generating immune responses to DNA in mammalian organisms. Further evidence suggests that RAGE interacts preferentially with multimolecular complexes that contain nucleic acids, and that these complexes may induce clustering of receptor dimers into larger multimeric structures. Taken together, the data reported here identify RAGE as an important cell surface receptor protein for nucleic acids, which is capable of modulating the intensity of immune responses to DNA and RNA. Understanding of and intervention in this recognition pathway hold therapeutic promise for diseases characterized by excessive responses to self nucleic acids, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, and for the pathology caused by chronic inflammatory responses to self and foreign nucleic acids.

Influence of Escherichia coli feedstock properties on the performance of primary protein purification

Råvik, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the present study was to increase the understanding of how the cell surface properties affect the performance of unit operations used in primary protein purification. In particular, the purpose was to develop, set up and apply methods for studies of cell surface properties and cell interactions. A method for microbial cell surface fingerprinting using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is suggested. Four different Escherichia coli strains were used as model cells. Cell surface fingerprints were generated by registration of the interaction between the cells and four different surfaces, with different physical and chemical properties, when a cell suspension was flown over the surface. Significant differences in fingerprint pattern between some of the strains were observed. The physical properties of the cell surfaces were determined using microelectrophoresis, contact angle measurements and aqueous two-phase partitioning and were compared with the SPR fingerprints. The generated cell surface fingerprints and the physical property data were evaluated with multivariate data analysis that showed that the cells were separated into individual groups in a similar way using principal component analysis plots (PCA). Studies of the behaviour of the model cells on stirred cell filtration and in an interaction test with different expanded bed adsorption (EBA) adsorbents were performed. It could be concluded that especially one of the strains behaved differently. Differences in the properties of the model cells were indicated by microelectrophoresis and aqueous two-phase partitioning which to some extent correlated with observed differences in behaviour during filtration and in an interaction test with EBA adsorbents. The impact of high-pressure homogenisation of E. coli cell extract was examined, with a lab scale and a pilot scale technique. The DNA-fragmentation, visualised with agarose gel electrophoresis, and the resulting change in viscosity was analysed. A short homogenisation time resulted in increased viscosity of the process solution that correlated with increased concentration of released non-fragmented DNA. With longer homogenisation time the viscosity decreased with increasing degree of DNA-fragmentation. The results show that strain dependant cell surface properties of E. coli may have an impact on several primary steps in downstream processing. / QC 20101129

Adhesion of Neurons and Glial Cells with Nanocolumnar TiN Films for Brain-Machine Interfaces

Abend, Alice, Steele, Chelsie, Jahnke, Heinz-Georg, Zink, Mareike 22 January 2024 (has links)
Coupling of cells to biomaterials is a prerequisite for most biomedical applications; e.g., neuroelectrodes can only stimulate brain tissue in vivo if the electric signal is transferred to neurons attached to the electrodes’ surface. Besides, cell survival in vitro also depends on the interaction of cells with the underlying substrate materials; in vitro assays such as multielectrode arrays determine cellular behavior by electrical coupling to the adherent cells. In our study, we investigated the interaction of neurons and glial cells with different electrode materials such as TiN and nanocolumnar TiN surfaces in contrast to gold and ITO substrates. Employing single-cell force spectroscopy, we quantified short-term interaction forces between neuron-like cells (SH-SY5Y cells) and glial cells (U-87 MG cells) for the different materials and contact times. Additionally, results were compared to the spreading dynamics of cells for different culture times as a function of the underlying substrate. The adhesion behavior of glial cells was almost independent of the biomaterial and the maximum growth areas were already seen after one day; however, adhesion dynamics of neurons relied on culture material and time. Neurons spread much better on TiN and nanocolumnar TiN and also formed more neurites after three days in culture. Our designed nanocolumnar TiN offers the possibility for building miniaturized microelectrode arrays for impedance spectroscopy without losing detection sensitivity due to a lowered self-impedance of the electrode. Hence, our results show that this biomaterial promotes adhesion and spreading of neurons and glial cells, which are important for many biomedical applications in vitro and in vivo.

Aqueous Biphasic 3D Cell Culture Micro-Technology

Atefi, Ehsan January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Regulation of sodium iodide symporter expression/function and tissue-targeted gene transfer of sodium iodide symporter

Lin, Xiaoqin January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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