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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors that Influence Cross-validation of Hierarchical Linear Models

Widman, Tracy 07 May 2011 (has links)
While use of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to predict an outcome is reasonable and desirable, employing the model for prediction without first establishing the model’s predictive validity is ill-advised. Estimating the predictive validity of a regression model by cross-validation has been thoroughly researched, but there is a dearth of research investigating the cross-validation of hierarchical linear models. One of the major obstacles in cross-validating HLM is the lack of a measure of explained variance similar to the squared multiple correlation coefficient in regression analysis. The purpose of this Monte Carlo simulation study is to explore the impact of sample size, centering, and predictor-criterion correlation magnitudes on potential cross-validation measurements for hierarchical linear modeling. This study considered the impact of 64 simulated conditions across three explained variance approaches: Raudenbush and Bryk’s (2002) proportional reduction in error variance, Snijders and Bosker’s (1994) modeled variance, and a measure of explained variance proposed by Gagné and Furlow (2009). For each of the explained variance approaches, a cross-validation measurement, shrinkage, was obtained. The results indicate that sample size, predictor-criterion correlations, and centering impact the cross-validation measurement. The degree and direction of the impact differs with the explained variance approach employed. Under some explained variance approaches, shrinkage decreased with larger level-2 sample sizes and increased in others. Likewise, in comparing group- and grand-mean centering, with some approaches grand-mean centering resulted in higher shrinkage estimates but smaller estimates in others. Larger total sample sizes yielded smaller shrinkage estimates, as did the predictor-criterion correlation combination in which the group-level predictor had a stronger correlation. The approaches to explained variance differed substantially in their usability for cross-validation. The Snijders and Bosker approach provided relatively large shrinkage estimates, and, depending on the predictor-criterion correlation, shrinkage under both Raudenbush and Bryk approaches could be sizable to the degree that the estimate begins to lack meaning. Researchers seeking to cross-validate HLM need to be mindful of the interplay between the explained variance approach employed and the impact of sample size, centering, and predictor-criterion correlations on shrinkage estimates when making research design decisions.

The role of structural and discourse-level cues during pronoun resolution

Patterson, Clare January 2013 (has links)
Pronoun resolution normally takes place without conscious effort or awareness, yet the processes behind it are far from straightforward. A large number of cues and constraints have previously been recognised as playing a role in the identification and integration of potential antecedents, yet there is considerable debate over how these operate within the resolution process. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the parser handles multiple antecedents in order to understand more about how certain information sources play a role during pronoun resolution. I consider how both structural information and information provided by the prior discourse is used during online processing. This is investigated through several eye tracking during reading experiments that are complemented by a number of offline questionnaire experiments. I begin by considering how condition B of the Binding Theory (Chomsky 1981; 1986) has been captured in pronoun processing models; some researchers have claimed that processing is faithful to syntactic constraints from the beginning of the search (e.g. Nicol and Swinney 1989), while others have claimed that potential antecedents which are ruled out on structural grounds nonetheless affect processing, because the parser must also pay attention to a potential antecedent’s features (e.g. Badecker and Straub 2002). My experimental findings demonstrate that the parser is sensitive to the subtle changes in syntactic configuration which either allow or disallow pronoun reference to a local antecedent, and indicate that the parser is normally faithful to condition B at all stages of processing. Secondly, I test the Primitives of Binding hypothesis proposed by Koornneef (2008) based on work by Reuland (2001), which is a modular approach to pronoun resolution in which variable binding (a semantic relationship between pronoun and antecedent) takes place before coreference. I demonstrate that a variable-binding (VB) antecedent is not systematically considered earlier than a coreference (CR) antecedent online. I then go on to explore whether these findings could be attributed to the linear order of the antecedents, and uncover a robust recency preference both online and offline. I consider what role the factor of recency plays in pronoun resolution and how it can be reconciled with the first-mention advantage (Gernsbacher and Hargreaves 1988; Arnold 2001; Arnold et al., 2007). Finally, I investigate how aspects of the prior discourse affect pronoun resolution. Prior discourse status clearly had an effect on pronoun resolution, but an antecedent’s appearance in the previous context was not always facilitative; I propose that this is due to the number of topic switches that a reader must make, leading to a lack of discourse coherence which has a detrimental effect on pronoun resolution. The sensitivity of the parser to structural cues does not entail that cue types can be easily separated into distinct sequential stages, and I therefore propose that the parser is structurally sensitive but not modular. Aspects of pronoun resolution can be captured within a parallel constraints model of pronoun resolution, however, such a model should be sensitive to the activation of potential antecedents based on discourse factors, and structural cues should be strongly weighted. / Pronomenauflösung erfolgt normalerweise scheinbar mühelos und ohne bewusste Anstrengung. Jedoch ist die Verarbeitung von pronominalen Referenzen aus linguistischer Sicht ein hochkomplexer Prozess. Durch unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche Studien wurden bereits zahlreiche Faktoren ermittelt, die bei der Pronomenauflösung eine Rolle spielen, allerdings herrscht weitgehend noch keine Einigkeit darüber, wie genau diese Faktoren die Verarbeitung von Pronomen beeinflussen. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es zu untersuchen, wie der Leser/Hörer mit Pronomen umgeht, denen mehrere Antezedenten zugeordnet werden können, um zu verstehen, welche Rolle bestimmte Informationsquellen in der Verarbeitung von Pronomen spielen. Besondere Beachtung findet dabei, wie strukturelle Eigenschaften sowie Informationen aus dem vorangegangenen Diskurs für die Suche nach einem passenden Antezedenten benutzt werden. Die angewandte Untersuchungsmethode der vorliegenden Dissertation ist Eye-tracking during reading, ergänzt mit verschiedenen offline-Fragebögen. Die Experimente erforschen die Rolle der folgenden Aspekte in der Verarbeitung von Pronomen: Prinzip B der Bindungstheorie (Chomsky 1981; 1986), Koreferenz und Variablenbindung laut der Primitives of Binding Hypothese (Reuland 2001, Koornneef 2008), Antezedentenreihenfolge im Satz, und Diskursstatus des Antezedents. Obwohl es zeigt sich, dass der Hörer/Leser sensibel für subtile Veränderungen in der syntaktischen Konfiguration ist, wie z.B. für die Reihenfolge der Antezedenten im Satz und für den Diskursstatus des Antezedenten, gibt es keinen Nachweis dafür, dass Variablenbindung zeitlich vor Koreferenz erfolgt. Einige Aspekte der Auflösung pronominaler Referenzen können in einem parallel constraints model erfasst werden, allerdings sollte so ein Modell strukturelle Informationen stark gewichten und sensitiv sein für die Aktivierung potenzieller Antezedenten aufgrund von Diskursfaktoren.

A Contrastive Analysis Of The Pronominal Usages Of This And That In Academic Written Discourse

Cokal, Derya 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study presents a contrastive analysis of the pronominal uses of this and that in academic written discourse. As data, the pronominal uses of this and that are retrieved from journal articles on linguistics. From these journals, 586 articles are scanned for the pronominal uses of this and that and 198 tokens are analysed. The contrastive analysis is done in terms of the kind and span of referents this and that pick out in discourse, the types of centering transitions they signal and the rhetorical relations in which they are used. In order to investigate the types of transition they signal, the version of centering theory proposed by Grosz and Sidner (1986) and Grosz, Joshi and Weinstein (1995) is used. Also, Marcu&rsquo / s version (2000) of Rhetorical Structure Theory is used to analyze the rhetorical relations in which the expressions are used. The study also investigate the possible factors that lead an addresser to select one deictic expression instead of the other. The study concludes that this and that are cue phrases rather than discourse markers that construct local and global coherence.

Estimation and optimization of layout parasitics for silicon-based millimeter-wave integrated circuits

Sen, Padmanava 06 November 2007 (has links)
Millimeter-wave has been a medium for automotive, sensor, and defense applications for a long time. But, a fully integrated silicon-based transceiver at 60 GHz or higher frequencies has become the driving force for recent research activities in integrated millimeter-wave (MMW) circuit designs. However, no integrated compact high-performance millimeter-wave system can be designed without accurate estimation and optimization of layout parasitics. In this dissertation, the estimation, modeling and optimization of parasitic effects as well as the verification of extraction methodologies for RF/MMW applications are investigated. Different circuit design- and layout-examples are considered with stress on the inclusion and optimization of wire/interconnect parasitics. A novel methodology is proposed to reduce the number of design-passes and to include layout parasitics in the design optimization procedure. An automated verification procedure for existing parasitic extraction tools is developed. Neural-network-based models are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of artificial intelligence techniques for characterizing parasitic components. The parasitic sensitivities for selected millimeter-wave circuits are demonstrated, and a parasitic benchmarking procedure is developed using MMW oscillators. Measurement results of several circuits that are implemented in state-of-the-art CMOS and SiGe-BiCMOS processes are used to demonstrate the role of parasitics and the systematic design methodology including parasitics.

Du mouvant : processus somatique de création individuelle et collective d'images et de formes vivantes / Du mouvant : Somatic process of individual and collective creation of living images and forms

Vadori, Nadia 03 November 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche est une tentative de mener un processus de création artistique, à la fois théorique et pratique, qui puisse contribuer à penser de nouvelles modalités d'images dans le champ de l'art et propose des pistes alternatives à la représentation. Ces images, fluides, autopoïétiques, sont davantage pensées ici comme translations continues que comme formes déterminées. Vivantes, elles se constituent sur leur bordure, à la limite d'une prise de consistance ou d'une dissolution. Nous partons du mouvant, de la durée bergsonienne, nous plaçant en son sein afin d'épouser le flux continuel des nos corps et des choses. Nous investissons un processus ouvert, celui d'une base d'expérimentation somatique fluide impliquant à la fois un corps sans images, en amont de celles produites par le système nerveux, et une multiplicité d'images poétiques engendrées par l'expérience. À ces pratiques, nous couplons celle d'une philosophie vécue en acte, engageant des concepts dans le processus créatif, le mouvement et la danse. Nous sommes portés à vivre, à penser, un seuil de tremblement sur lequel la perception ordinaire vacille, et à élaborer des modalités de regard qui tentent d'ouvrir les corps et les espaces les libérant d'images fixes ou d'identités trop définies. Il s'agit non seulement de voir avec la peau, les liquides, les os, mais d'épouser le vide au cœur des choses et de tenter de voir avec « les yeux du vide » afin que les images se transmutent continuellement en leur anagramme : magies. Nous pouvons alors nous connecter aux dimensions fluidiques de la vie afin que coule une nouvelle douceur entre les corps et les catégories. / This research is an attempt to establish a process of artistic creation, simultaneously theoretical and practical, contributing to the conception of new image modalities in the art field and offering alternatives to representation. Images –fluid, autopoietic– are considered here more as continuous translations than fixed shapes. They are living entities, constituting themselves at their limits, always on the verge of attaining consistency or dissolving. We start with movement, Bergsonian duration, putting ourselves inside it in order to embrace the continual flux of our bodies and of things. We enter into an open process based upon a groundwork of fluid somatic experimentation involving both (1) explorations without images (explorations antecedent to the images produced by the nervous system) and (2) a multiplicity of poetic images engendered by the process itself. We join to these practices that of a philosophy experienced in action, involving concepts in the creative process, movement, and dance. We come to experience and conceive a threshold of trembling on which ordinary perception flickers. We develop modalities of the gaze that attempt to open bodies/spaces, liberating them from set images or too-fixed identities. At issue is not merely seeing with skin, liquids, bones, but espousing the void at the heart of things and attempting to see with "the eyes of the void" in order that images be transmuted continually into their anagram: magies [spells]. We may then connect to the fluidic aspects of life and a new gentleness may flow between bodies and categories.

Comparação do transporte, centralização e extrusão apical de detritos após o uso de sistemas de NiTi em canais radiculares curvos

Boijink, Daiana January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Os objetivos do presente estudo foram comparar a extrusão apical de detritos durante o preparo apical #25 com os sistemas Twisted File Adaptive (TFA), WaveOne Gold (WOG) e técnica manual (TM), registrar o tempo de preparo; e comparar WOG com TFA em relação ao transporte do canal radicular (TCR) e centralização (CR) com diâmetros apicais #25 e #35. Metodologia: Quarenta e cinco canais mésio-vestibulares de molares inferiores foram preparados e divididos em 3 grupos (n=15) para avaliar extrusão apical. A extrusão de detritos foi quantificada subtraindo-se o peso final do peso inicial dos tubos Eppendorf. TCR e CR foram avaliados em micro-TC com os sistemas TFA e WOG (n=15). A normalidade dos valores obtidos para cada grupo foi verificada usando teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Para quantificar detritos extruídos e tempo de preparo, os dados foram paramétricos, sendo utilizado o Teste ANOVA de 1 via e post hoc de Tukey’s. Para avaliar TCR e CR, o teste estatístico foi Mann Whitney e Wilcoxon (α=.05). Resultados: Em relação aos detritos, o sistema WOG foi associado com menos extrusão em comparação com TM (P<0,05) ou com o sistema TFA (P> 0,05). O tempo de preparo exigido pela TM foi significativamente maior do que o exigido pelas outras técnicas (P<0,05). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre WOG e TFA em relação à centralização em todos os níveis, quando usado diâmetro apical #25 ou #35 (P> 0,05). Para TCR, diferença significativa foi encontrada entre TFA e WOG a 1 e 7mm com diâmetro apical #25 e #35 (P<0,05). Foi encontrada diferença significante para TFA em 4mm, quando os diâmetros apicais #25 e #35 foram avaliados no mesmo sistema (P <0,05). Conclusões: Todos os sistemas de instrumentação causaram extrusão de detritos apicais em algum grau. TFA e WOG podem ser usados em canais radiculares curvos com segurança com diâmetros apicais# 25 ou 35. / Introduction: The aims of this study were to assess the amount of apically debris during root canal preparation with apical size #25 with the Twisted File Adaptive system (TFA), WaveOne Gold system (WOG) and manual technique (MT), and recorded working time; and to assess WOG with TFA in relation to root canal transportation (RCT) and centering ratio (CR) with apical diameters # 25 and # 35. Methods: Forty-five mesiobuccal root canals of mandibular molars were prepared and assigned into 3 groups (n = 15) to evaluate apical extrusion. Debris extrusion was quantified by subtracting the final from the initial weight of the Eppendorf tubes. RCT and CR were evaluated in Micro-TC with the TFA and WOG systems (n = 15). The normality values obtained for each group were tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. To quantify extruded debris and preparation time, the data were parametric, using the Tukey's 1-way and post-hoc ANOVA test. To evaluate RCT and CR, the statistical test was Mann Whitney (α =.05). Results: The WaveOne Gold reciprocating single-file system was associated with less extrusion of debris compared with hand files (P < 0.05) or with the Twisted File Adaptive system (P > 0.05). The preparation time required by hand files was significantly longer than that required by the other techniques (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found between WOG and TFA regarding CR for all levels when used #25 or #35 apical size preparation (p>0.05). For RCT, significant difference was found among TFA and WOG at 1 mm and 7 mm with diameter apical #25 and #35. (p<0.05). Statistically different for the TFA in 4 mm was observed when the apical diameters # 25 and # 35 was evaluated in the same system (P <0,05). Conclusions: All of the instrumentation systems caused apical debris extrusion to some degrees. TFA and WOG can be used in curved root canals with safety with #25 or 35 apical diameters.

Comparação do transporte, centralização e extrusão apical de detritos após o uso de sistemas de NiTi em canais radiculares curvos

Boijink, Daiana January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Os objetivos do presente estudo foram comparar a extrusão apical de detritos durante o preparo apical #25 com os sistemas Twisted File Adaptive (TFA), WaveOne Gold (WOG) e técnica manual (TM), registrar o tempo de preparo; e comparar WOG com TFA em relação ao transporte do canal radicular (TCR) e centralização (CR) com diâmetros apicais #25 e #35. Metodologia: Quarenta e cinco canais mésio-vestibulares de molares inferiores foram preparados e divididos em 3 grupos (n=15) para avaliar extrusão apical. A extrusão de detritos foi quantificada subtraindo-se o peso final do peso inicial dos tubos Eppendorf. TCR e CR foram avaliados em micro-TC com os sistemas TFA e WOG (n=15). A normalidade dos valores obtidos para cada grupo foi verificada usando teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Para quantificar detritos extruídos e tempo de preparo, os dados foram paramétricos, sendo utilizado o Teste ANOVA de 1 via e post hoc de Tukey’s. Para avaliar TCR e CR, o teste estatístico foi Mann Whitney e Wilcoxon (α=.05). Resultados: Em relação aos detritos, o sistema WOG foi associado com menos extrusão em comparação com TM (P<0,05) ou com o sistema TFA (P> 0,05). O tempo de preparo exigido pela TM foi significativamente maior do que o exigido pelas outras técnicas (P<0,05). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre WOG e TFA em relação à centralização em todos os níveis, quando usado diâmetro apical #25 ou #35 (P> 0,05). Para TCR, diferença significativa foi encontrada entre TFA e WOG a 1 e 7mm com diâmetro apical #25 e #35 (P<0,05). Foi encontrada diferença significante para TFA em 4mm, quando os diâmetros apicais #25 e #35 foram avaliados no mesmo sistema (P <0,05). Conclusões: Todos os sistemas de instrumentação causaram extrusão de detritos apicais em algum grau. TFA e WOG podem ser usados em canais radiculares curvos com segurança com diâmetros apicais# 25 ou 35. / Introduction: The aims of this study were to assess the amount of apically debris during root canal preparation with apical size #25 with the Twisted File Adaptive system (TFA), WaveOne Gold system (WOG) and manual technique (MT), and recorded working time; and to assess WOG with TFA in relation to root canal transportation (RCT) and centering ratio (CR) with apical diameters # 25 and # 35. Methods: Forty-five mesiobuccal root canals of mandibular molars were prepared and assigned into 3 groups (n = 15) to evaluate apical extrusion. Debris extrusion was quantified by subtracting the final from the initial weight of the Eppendorf tubes. RCT and CR were evaluated in Micro-TC with the TFA and WOG systems (n = 15). The normality values obtained for each group were tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. To quantify extruded debris and preparation time, the data were parametric, using the Tukey's 1-way and post-hoc ANOVA test. To evaluate RCT and CR, the statistical test was Mann Whitney (α =.05). Results: The WaveOne Gold reciprocating single-file system was associated with less extrusion of debris compared with hand files (P < 0.05) or with the Twisted File Adaptive system (P > 0.05). The preparation time required by hand files was significantly longer than that required by the other techniques (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found between WOG and TFA regarding CR for all levels when used #25 or #35 apical size preparation (p>0.05). For RCT, significant difference was found among TFA and WOG at 1 mm and 7 mm with diameter apical #25 and #35. (p<0.05). Statistically different for the TFA in 4 mm was observed when the apical diameters # 25 and # 35 was evaluated in the same system (P <0,05). Conclusions: All of the instrumentation systems caused apical debris extrusion to some degrees. TFA and WOG can be used in curved root canals with safety with #25 or 35 apical diameters.

Interaction Effects in Multilevel Models

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Researchers are often interested in estimating interactions in multilevel models, but many researchers assume that the same procedures and interpretations for interactions in single-level models apply to multilevel models. However, estimating interactions in multilevel models is much more complex than in single-level models. Because uncentered (RAS) or grand mean centered (CGM) level-1 predictors in two-level models contain two sources of variability (i.e., within-cluster variability and between-cluster variability), interactions involving RAS or CGM level-1 predictors also contain more than one source of variability. In this Master’s thesis, I use simulations to demonstrate that ignoring the four sources of variability in a total level-1 interaction effect can lead to erroneous conclusions. I explain how to parse a total level-1 interaction effect into four specific interaction effects, derive equivalencies between CGM and centering within context (CWC) for this model, and describe how the interpretations of the fixed effects change under CGM and CWC. Finally, I provide an empirical example using diary data collected from working adults with chronic pain. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Psychology 2015

Análise, através de tomografia computadorizada, do preparo promovido pelo alargamento cervical em molares inferiores e sua influência na determinação do diâmetro anatômico apical por meio de MEV / Analysis of the cervical preflaring of lower molars by means of cone beam computed tomography, and its influence on the determination of apical gauging by scanning electron microscopy

Homero Casonato Júnior 19 April 2011 (has links)
O objetivo no presente estudo foi avaliar, por meio de tomografia computadorizada cone beam, o transporte do canal, o aumento da área do canal e o desgaste da dentina intrarradicular na região voltada para a furca de molares inferiores com diferentes instrumentos e verificar a influência do desgaste na determinação do instrumento apical inicial (IAI) por meio de MEV. Os dentes foram dispostos (n=10) em três bases de resina (corpos de prova) de acordo com o tipo de preparo cervical e submetidos ao escaneamento em tomógrafo computadorizado de feixe cônico. Em seguida foi realizado o preparo cervical nos canais mesiais G1: Gattes-Glidden 2 e 3 nos canais mesiais e 3 e 4 no distal; G2 LA Axxess 20.06 e 35.06 nos canais mesiais e 35.06 e 45.06 no canal distal. Concluído o preparo do terço cervical os corpos de prova foram submetidos a novo exame tomográfico. O IAI foi determinado inserindo-se passivamente limas tipo K de aço inox, seqüencialmente a partir da lima #10 até obter a sensação de travamento do instrumento no comprimento de trabalho, em seguida este instrumento foi fixado utilizando-se adesivo à base de cianoacrilato para posterior corte apical e observação em MEV. O índice de centralização não mostrou diferença estatística entre os grupos estudados. O aumento percentualda área do canal pós preparo apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante apenas no canal mesio-lingual (p=0,023), o desgaste da dentina intraradicular na região voltada para a furca foi estatisticamente diferente somente na raiz distal. Os resultados mostraram que o percentual médio de ocupação da área do canal pelo IAI não apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos estudados. Concluiu-se que o desgaste da região de cervical com Gates-Glidden e LA Axxxes não influenciou na determinação precisa do diâmetro anatômico apical nos canais de molares inferiores. / The aim of this study was to evaluate, by means of cone beam computed tomography, the transportation, the increased of the area, and the dentine thickness of the cervical third of the root canal of thirty lower first molars prepared with different instruments and the influence of this preparation to determining the initial apical file to bind (IAI), through scanning electron microscopy. The teeth (n = 10) were fixed on three resin plates (samples) according to the instrumentsused in the cervical preflaring and scanned with a cone beam computed tomography device. Then, preparation was performed in the cervical third of the canals: G1 Gattes-Glidden burs #2 and #3 in the mesial canals and #3 and #4 in the distal canal; G2 - LA Axxess #20.06 and #35.06 in the mesial canals and #35.06 and #45.06 in the distal canal. After preparation, the specimens were submitted to a new CT scan. Each canal was sized using manual K-files, starting with size 08 files, until the working length (WL) was reached. File sizes were increased until a binding sensation was felt at the WL, and the instrument sizewas recorded for each canal. The files were fixed with methylcyanacrylate at the WL. Teeth were then sectioned transversally 1 mm from the apex, with the binding file in the position. The apical region was then observed under a scanning electron microscope. The centering ratio showed no statistical difference between groups; the percentage of area increase after preparation showed statistical significance only in the mesio-lingual canal (P = 0.023); the thickness of the dentine in the region facing the furcation showed statistical difference only in the distal root. SEM analysis showed that the mean percentage area of the IAI in relation to the root canal area at the WL showed no statisticalsignificant difference between groups. It was concluded that cervical preflaring with Gates-Glidden or LA Axxess did not influence the determination of the apical gauging in lower molars.

エネルギー消費機構を有する圧着型プレキャストプレストレスト構造に関する研究 / エネルギー ショウヒ キコウ オ ユウスル アッチャクガタ プレキャスト プレストレスト コウゾウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

市岡, 有香子 23 March 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14565号 / 工博第3033号 / 新制||工||1452(附属図書館) / 26917 / UT51-2009-D277 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 井上 一朗, 教授 田中 仁史, 教授 西山 峰広 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

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