Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cententering"" "subject:"ärinventering""
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Seismic Displacement Demands on Self-Centering Single-Degree-of-Freedom SystemsZhang, Changxuan 11 1900 (has links)
M.A.Sc. Thesis / Most conventional seismic design intends for key structural members to yield in order to limit seismic forces, leading to structural damage after a major earthquake. To minimize this structural damage, self-centering systems are being developed. But how to estimate the peak seismic displacement of a self-centering system remains a problem for practical design. This thesis addresses this need by presenting a parametric study on the seismic displacement demands of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems with flag-shaped hysteresis considering 13,440,000 nonlinear time history analyses. Ground motion records that represent seismic hazards in active seismic regions with stiff soil and rock site conditions are used. The influences of the four independent parameters that define a flag-shaped hysteresis are presented in terms of median displacement ratios, facilitating the design-level estimation of nonlinear displacement demands on self-centering systems from the spectra displacements of elastic systems. The influence of initial period on self-centering systems is similar to its influence on traditional systems with elastoplastic hysteresis, but a much lower linear limit can be adopted for self-centering systems while achieving acceptable peak displacements. Supplemental energy dissipation suppresses the peak displacement but additional energy dissipation becomes less effective as more is added. The effect of nonlinear stiffness is small as long as it is positive and close to zero, but a negative nonlinear stiffness can lead to unstable response. Self-centering systems located on rock sites usually have smaller displacement demands than those on stiff soil sites. When the damping ratio is increased or decreased, the displacement ratios do not necessarily decrease or increase consistently. A tangent stiffness proportional damping model is considered, leading to a significant increase in displacement demands but similar overall trends. Based on the observations, regression analysis is used to develop a simplified equation that approximates the median inelastic displacement ratios of self-centering systems for design. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Bio-Inspired Segmented Self-Centering Rocking FrameKea, Kara Dominique 01 July 2015 (has links)
This paper investigates the development, design and modeling of a human spine-inspired seismic lateral force resisting system. The overall goal is to create a design for a lateral force resisting system that reflects human spine behavior that is both practical and effective. The first phase of this project involved a literature review of the human spine and rocking structural systems. The goal of this phase was to identify concepts from the spine that could be transferred to a lateral force resisting system. The second phase involved creating a 3-dimensional model of the lumbar region of the spine in SAP2000 and using it to examine concepts that could be transferred to a lateral force resisting system. The third phase consisted of creating possible system designs using concepts and principles identified through phases one and two and identifying a final system design. The last phase involved modeling the final lateral force resisting system design in SAP2000, validating the model and testing the design's effectiveness. This paper shows that this system is a viable option to prevent permanent structural damage in buildings during a seismic event. / Master of Science
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Uma ferramenta para o dimensionamento automático de circuitos integrados analógicos considerando análise de produtividadeSevero, Lucas Compassi 22 November 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Sandro Camargo (sandro.camargo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2015-05-09T19:09:43Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-22 / A indústria de microeletrônica tem a sua evolução ditada pela necessidade
cada vez maior de integração de circuitos como memórias e processadores, fazendo com que os dispositivos semicondutores sejam cada vez mais miniaturizados. Esta miniaturização implica processos de fabricação cada vez mais complexos, resultando em uma grande variabilidade de parâmetros. O projeto de circuitos analógicos torna-se cada vez mais complexo, pois em geral é altamente suscetível às variações de processo, o que afeta a sua produtividade. Uma das partes mais complexas deste projeto é o dimensionamento dos dispositivos que compõem o circuito, pois o espaço de projeto é altamente não-linear e nem sempre se conhece a localização do seu ponto ótimo. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para o dimensionamento automático de circuitos integrados analógicos, capaz de lidar com a variabilidade dos parâmetros e visando aumentar a produtividade do circuito gerado. Esta ferramenta baseia-se no dimensionamento do circuito como um problema de otimização baseado em simulação elétrica SPICE. O objetivo principal é receber as especificações requeridas de uma topologia de circuito e, através de técnicas de inteligência artificial, explorar o espaço de soluções em busca de soluções otimizadas que atendam às restrições impostas. Além disso, espera se obter soluções que atendam às especificações requeridas mesmo com variações no processo de fabricação. Para isso, são empregadas técnicas de design centering de modo a maximizar a produtividade do circuito. A ferramenta desenvolvida foi implementada de maneira modular, permitindo que a análise do dimensionamento do circuito possa ser realizada sob diferentes aspectos. Como resultado, este trabalho apresenta duas topologias de amplificadores operacionais automaticamente dimensionadas em tecnologia CMOS, tendo como objetivo a minimização da área de gate e da potência dissipada, além da maximização da produtividade. Os circuitos gerados apresentaram melhor desempenho em comparação com resultados descritos na literatura. / The microelectronics industry has the CMOS technology evolution dictated by the capability of integration of digital circuits such as memories and processors, causing the semiconductor devices miniaturization. The miniaturization leads to complex manufacturing processes with high parameters variation. Analog circuit designs are complex and highly susceptible to process variations, affecting the circuit yield. One of the most complex part of the analog design is the circuit sizing, since the possible solutions have a highly nonlinear design space and the optimal solution is not known. In this context, this work aims at developing a tool for the automatic sizing of analog integrated circuits that is able to deal with parameter variation in order to yield maximization. This tool is based on the circuit sizing as an optimization problem based on electrical SPICE simulations. The main objective is to receive the required specifications of a circuit topology and, by means of artificial intelligence techniques, to explore the design space for optimized solutions that meet the circuit constraints. Furthermore, it is expected to obtain solutions which meet the specifications required even with the presence of variations in the manufacturing process. For this purpose, design centering techniques are implemented for yield maximization. The tool is implemented with modular functions, enabling the sizing process on different configurations. As results, this work present the automatic design of two CMOS operational amplifiers topologies, with the goal to reduce the power dissipation and the gate area and to maximize the yield. The results present good performance when compared to similar designs found in literature.
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Occupy Wall Street in alternative and mainstream media : A comparative analysis of the social movement’s framing in the mediaNegus, Andra Stefania January 2012 (has links)
The thesis provides an analysis of the different ways the Occupy Wall Street was presented by OccupyWallSt.org ( the movement’s own media source), and The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today from July 2011 up to the end of June 2012. This was done by using Entman’ theory of media framing together with Castells’ network theory of power. The former provided a way of addressing the different types of frames that mainstream media utilize, while the latter offered an understanding of how power is built through the media processes. Additionally, Castells’ theory described another type of media frame which is mostly used by alternative media, the counter frame, which could successfully be applied to study the content that the social movement decided to provide about itself.The study first employs a quantitative approach by using Crawdad, a centering resonance analysis (CRA) software. This provides a reliable pool of data that was then analyzed by using the above theories. Additionally, in order to check the reliability of the qualitative conclusions, a statistical test was done for the overall top centers resulting from the CRA.
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Att ha personlig assistans i familjen : En litteraturöversikt / Having personal assistance in the family: A literature reviewEngqvist, Carin, Nilsson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Ungefär 15 % av världens befolkning har en funktionsnedsättning, en del av dessa är i behov av stöd i sin vardag. För att ge ett gott stöd behövs insikt i individernas upplevelser. Syftet med studien är att beskriva kunskapsläget inom befintlig forskning gällande upplevelser av att leva i ett hushåll där en person till följd av fysisk funktionsnedsättning har personlig assistans, samt hur detta kan förstås utifrån person- och familjecentrering. En litteraturstudie har genomförts med sökning i 2 vetenskapliga databaser där 17 kvalitativa studier identifierats. Tematisk analys användes i bearbetandet av materialet. 3 huvudteman och 8 subteman togs fram. Dessa teman handlar om roller och relationer, hur assistansen kan bidra till en normal tillvaro samt att assistansen ibland kan bli till ett hinder. Resultatet visar att person- och familjecentrering kan öka tillfredsställelsen med assistansen. / About 15% of the population in the world have a disability, some of whom need support in their daily lives. To provide good support, insight into the individuals' experiences is needed. The purpose of the study is to describe the state of knowledge in existing research regarding experiences of living in a household where a person due to physical disability requires personal assistance, and how this can be understood based on person- and family centering. A literature review was conducted with a search in 2 scientific databases. 17 qualitative studies were identified. Thematic analysis was used in the processing of the material. 3 main themes and 8 sub-themes were developed. These themes involve roles and relationships, how assistance can contribute to a normal life and that assistance can become an obstacle. The results show that person- and family centering can increase satisfaction with the assistance.
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Parametric Study of Self-Centering Concentrically-Braced Frames with Friction-Based Energy DissipationJeffers, Brandon 15 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa parte do pressuposto de que vivemos um momento
ímpar de transformação planetária, no qual está evidenciada a crise do Antropoceno, e que para expandir o horizonte das formas de pensar, de imaginar e de sentir,
visando uma reconstrução do eixo da vida no planeta, é urgente valorizar as dimensões sensíveis do corpo como alternativas às abordagens objetificantes perpetradas
pelas tradições epistemológicas ocidentais racionalistas, colonizadoras e capitalistas que nos conduziram até aqui. Tomando como eixo central a abordagem somática de anatomia experiencial Body-Mind Centering, a pesquisa se propõe a pensar
alguns princípios advindos de suas práticas, em diálogo com reflexões teóricas de
pensadoras contemporâneas, a partir de uma metodologia difrativa, tal qual proposta por Donna Haraway (2004, 2019) e Karen Barad (2007, 2012, 2017). A questão
investigada versa sobre como uma poética da matéria corpórea pode contribuir para
o pensamento e para a arte contemporâneas comprometidas com a tarefa de gerar
uma postura-ação micropolítica de reconfiguração das potências de presença e de
atuação do corpo com o meio ambiente, tanto na cena quanto na vida. A pesquisa é
teórico-prática e se propõe a investigar as noções de saber celular e de performatividade da matéria, relacionando simpoieticamente insights brotados de práticas
pessoais, com relatos de experiências e ressonâncias criativas geradas nos Laboratórios Performativos de Anatomia Sensível (oferecidos em 2020 e 2021), e com
abordagens da física quântica, da biologia, das somáticas, da dança e das ciências
sociais. A tese pretende, através do jogo entre esses diferentes registros de escrita,
fabular uma poética do Body-Mind Centering, entendido como uma metodologia
de fabulação especulativa do corpo. / [en] This research is based on the assumption that we re living in an unparalleled moment of planetary transformation, where a crisis of the Anthropocene
becomes evident, and that, to expand our thinking, imagining, and feeling horizons, intending to rebuild the axis of life on this planet, it s urgent to value the
body s sensitive dimensions as alternatives to the objectifying approaches perpetrated by rationalist, colonizing, and capitalist Western epistemological traditions
that have brought us here. Using as its core the somatic approach of Body-Mind
Centering experiential anatomy, this research intends to consider some principles
born from its practices, in dialogue with theoretical reflections by contemporary
thinkers, through diffractive methodology, as proposed by Donna Haraway (2004,
2019) and Karen Barad (2007, 2012, 2017). The issue investigated here deals with
how a physical matter poetics can contribute to contemporary thought and art that is
committed to the task of generating a micropolitical action-posture to reconfigure a
body s presence and action powers in regards to the environment, both on stage and
in life. The research is theoretical-practical, and intends to investigate the notions
of cellular knowledge and the performativity of matter, sympoietically connecting
insights stemming from personal practice to experience reports and creative resonance generated in the Laboratórios Performativos de Anatomia Sensível [Sensitive
Anatomy Performance Workshops] (offered in 2020 and 2021), as well as perspectives from quantum physics, biology, somatics, dance and social sciences. Through
the interplay of these different writing registers, the dissertation attempts to fabulate
a type of Body-Mind Centering poetics, understood as a methodology for speculative body fabulation.
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Comparação do transporte, centralização e extrusão apical de detritos após o uso de sistemas de NiTi em canais radiculares curvosBoijink, Daiana January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Os objetivos do presente estudo foram comparar a extrusão apical de detritos durante o preparo apical #25 com os sistemas Twisted File Adaptive (TFA), WaveOne Gold (WOG) e técnica manual (TM), registrar o tempo de preparo; e comparar WOG com TFA em relação ao transporte do canal radicular (TCR) e centralização (CR) com diâmetros apicais #25 e #35. Metodologia: Quarenta e cinco canais mésio-vestibulares de molares inferiores foram preparados e divididos em 3 grupos (n=15) para avaliar extrusão apical. A extrusão de detritos foi quantificada subtraindo-se o peso final do peso inicial dos tubos Eppendorf. TCR e CR foram avaliados em micro-TC com os sistemas TFA e WOG (n=15). A normalidade dos valores obtidos para cada grupo foi verificada usando teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Para quantificar detritos extruídos e tempo de preparo, os dados foram paramétricos, sendo utilizado o Teste ANOVA de 1 via e post hoc de Tukey’s. Para avaliar TCR e CR, o teste estatístico foi Mann Whitney e Wilcoxon (α=.05). Resultados: Em relação aos detritos, o sistema WOG foi associado com menos extrusão em comparação com TM (P<0,05) ou com o sistema TFA (P> 0,05). O tempo de preparo exigido pela TM foi significativamente maior do que o exigido pelas outras técnicas (P<0,05). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre WOG e TFA em relação à centralização em todos os níveis, quando usado diâmetro apical #25 ou #35 (P> 0,05). Para TCR, diferença significativa foi encontrada entre TFA e WOG a 1 e 7mm com diâmetro apical #25 e #35 (P<0,05). Foi encontrada diferença significante para TFA em 4mm, quando os diâmetros apicais #25 e #35 foram avaliados no mesmo sistema (P <0,05). Conclusões: Todos os sistemas de instrumentação causaram extrusão de detritos apicais em algum grau. TFA e WOG podem ser usados em canais radiculares curvos com segurança com diâmetros apicais# 25 ou 35. / Introduction: The aims of this study were to assess the amount of apically debris during root canal preparation with apical size #25 with the Twisted File Adaptive system (TFA), WaveOne Gold system (WOG) and manual technique (MT), and recorded working time; and to assess WOG with TFA in relation to root canal transportation (RCT) and centering ratio (CR) with apical diameters # 25 and # 35. Methods: Forty-five mesiobuccal root canals of mandibular molars were prepared and assigned into 3 groups (n = 15) to evaluate apical extrusion. Debris extrusion was quantified by subtracting the final from the initial weight of the Eppendorf tubes. RCT and CR were evaluated in Micro-TC with the TFA and WOG systems (n = 15). The normality values obtained for each group were tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. To quantify extruded debris and preparation time, the data were parametric, using the Tukey's 1-way and post-hoc ANOVA test. To evaluate RCT and CR, the statistical test was Mann Whitney (α =.05). Results: The WaveOne Gold reciprocating single-file system was associated with less extrusion of debris compared with hand files (P < 0.05) or with the Twisted File Adaptive system (P > 0.05). The preparation time required by hand files was significantly longer than that required by the other techniques (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found between WOG and TFA regarding CR for all levels when used #25 or #35 apical size preparation (p>0.05). For RCT, significant difference was found among TFA and WOG at 1 mm and 7 mm with diameter apical #25 and #35. (p<0.05). Statistically different for the TFA in 4 mm was observed when the apical diameters # 25 and # 35 was evaluated in the same system (P <0,05). Conclusions: All of the instrumentation systems caused apical debris extrusion to some degrees. TFA and WOG can be used in curved root canals with safety with #25 or 35 apical diameters.
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Análise, através de tomografia computadorizada, do preparo promovido pelo alargamento cervical em molares inferiores e sua influência na determinação do diâmetro anatômico apical por meio de MEV / Analysis of the cervical preflaring of lower molars by means of cone beam computed tomography, and its influence on the determination of apical gauging by scanning electron microscopyCasonato Júnior, Homero 19 April 2011 (has links)
O objetivo no presente estudo foi avaliar, por meio de tomografia computadorizada cone beam, o transporte do canal, o aumento da área do canal e o desgaste da dentina intrarradicular na região voltada para a furca de molares inferiores com diferentes instrumentos e verificar a influência do desgaste na determinação do instrumento apical inicial (IAI) por meio de MEV. Os dentes foram dispostos (n=10) em três bases de resina (corpos de prova) de acordo com o tipo de preparo cervical e submetidos ao escaneamento em tomógrafo computadorizado de feixe cônico. Em seguida foi realizado o preparo cervical nos canais mesiais G1: Gattes-Glidden 2 e 3 nos canais mesiais e 3 e 4 no distal; G2 LA Axxess 20.06 e 35.06 nos canais mesiais e 35.06 e 45.06 no canal distal. Concluído o preparo do terço cervical os corpos de prova foram submetidos a novo exame tomográfico. O IAI foi determinado inserindo-se passivamente limas tipo K de aço inox, seqüencialmente a partir da lima #10 até obter a sensação de travamento do instrumento no comprimento de trabalho, em seguida este instrumento foi fixado utilizando-se adesivo à base de cianoacrilato para posterior corte apical e observação em MEV. O índice de centralização não mostrou diferença estatística entre os grupos estudados. O aumento percentualda área do canal pós preparo apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante apenas no canal mesio-lingual (p=0,023), o desgaste da dentina intraradicular na região voltada para a furca foi estatisticamente diferente somente na raiz distal. Os resultados mostraram que o percentual médio de ocupação da área do canal pelo IAI não apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos estudados. Concluiu-se que o desgaste da região de cervical com Gates-Glidden e LA Axxxes não influenciou na determinação precisa do diâmetro anatômico apical nos canais de molares inferiores. / The aim of this study was to evaluate, by means of cone beam computed tomography, the transportation, the increased of the area, and the dentine thickness of the cervical third of the root canal of thirty lower first molars prepared with different instruments and the influence of this preparation to determining the initial apical file to bind (IAI), through scanning electron microscopy. The teeth (n = 10) were fixed on three resin plates (samples) according to the instrumentsused in the cervical preflaring and scanned with a cone beam computed tomography device. Then, preparation was performed in the cervical third of the canals: G1 Gattes-Glidden burs #2 and #3 in the mesial canals and #3 and #4 in the distal canal; G2 - LA Axxess #20.06 and #35.06 in the mesial canals and #35.06 and #45.06 in the distal canal. After preparation, the specimens were submitted to a new CT scan. Each canal was sized using manual K-files, starting with size 08 files, until the working length (WL) was reached. File sizes were increased until a binding sensation was felt at the WL, and the instrument sizewas recorded for each canal. The files were fixed with methylcyanacrylate at the WL. Teeth were then sectioned transversally 1 mm from the apex, with the binding file in the position. The apical region was then observed under a scanning electron microscope. The centering ratio showed no statistical difference between groups; the percentage of area increase after preparation showed statistical significance only in the mesio-lingual canal (P = 0.023); the thickness of the dentine in the region facing the furcation showed statistical difference only in the distal root. SEM analysis showed that the mean percentage area of the IAI in relation to the root canal area at the WL showed no statisticalsignificant difference between groups. It was concluded that cervical preflaring with Gates-Glidden or LA Axxess did not influence the determination of the apical gauging in lower molars.
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Geometry Estimation and Adaptive Actuation for Centering Preprocessing and Precision MeasurementMears, Michael Laine 06 April 2006 (has links)
Precise machining of bearing rings is integral to finished bearing assembly quality. The output accuracy of center-based machining systems such as lathes or magnetic chuck grinders relates directly to the accuracy of part centering before machining. Traditional tooling and methods for centering on such machines are subject to wear, dimensional inaccuracy, setup time (hard tooling) and human error (manual centering).A flexible system for initial part centering is developed based on a single measurement system and actuator, whereby the part is placed by hand onto the machine table, rotated and measured to identify center of geometry offset from center of rotation, then moved by a series of controlled impacts or pushes to align the centers. The prototype centering system is developed as a demonstration platform for research in a number of mechanical engineering areas, particularly: Characterization of optimal state estimators through analysis of accuracy and computational efficiency; Distributed communication and control, efficient transfer of information in a real-time environment, and information sharing between processes; Modeling of sliding dynamics and the interaction of friction with compliant body dynamic models; Motion path planning through both deterministic geometric transforms and through frequency domain command manipulation.A vision is created for future work not only in the described areas, but also in the areas of advanced controller design incorporating multiple variables, derived machine diagnostic information, and application of the distributed communication architecture to information flow throughout the manufacturing organization. The guiding motivation for this research is reduction of manufacturing processing costs in the face of global competition. The technologies researched, developments made, and directions prescribed for future research aid in enabling this goal.
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