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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Rumi cultural events centre - design for Winnipeg's second generation Muslims

Abdullaev, Umidjon 15 April 2016 (has links)
The Rumi Cultural Events Centre explores how the built environment can reflect a cultural phenomenon such as the evolution of Muslim communities in Western secular society of Canada. The centre has been designed for second generation Muslims, whose simultaneous exposure to religious and secular values change their outlook on religion and culture (Greif, 2007; Amor, 2006, Hadjiyanni, 2007; Kohut, Allan & Wike, 2006; Akyol, 2011; Mandaville, 2001; Distin, 2001). They reinvent the notion of Islam in a secular context, and create a synthesis that embodies religiosity, culture and secularism. The Rumi Centre is a new typology of space that emerges from a need to synthesize the new Muslim identity and values in order to create a non-traditional cultural environment. The Rumi Centre is not a religious institution. It is a culturally appropriate and contemporary events venue where forward looking and traditional Muslims come together with the local community. The centre’s design language reflects the attitude of Muslims who embrace modernity and secular lifestyle but remain true to their culture. / May 2016

A experiência do corpo na cerimônia do chá - subsídios para pensar a educação / Experiencing the Body in Tea Ceremony - Subsidies to Thinking Education

Hirose, Chie 17 December 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho discute valores pedagógicos associados ao corpo na tradição oriental, em diálogo com o pensamento filosófico do Ocidente. Discute uma concepção abrangente de corpo, sugerida pela antiga palavra japonesa Mi () em relação com a Cerimônia do Chá (Chanoyu)(), uma instituição que, de certo modo, resume em si a visão oriental de educação (Zen, Tao, ritos, corpo na educação etc.). Este é precisamente o método da antropologia filosófica segundo Josef Pieper (método que assumimos nesta tese): já que não se dá acesso direto ao ser do homem, mas só por caminhos indiretos, a partir de instituições, linguagem (comum) e seus modos de agir. Além do Chanoyu (neste trabalho, mera referência e não uma proposta curricular), a língua japonesa oferece também importantes indicações para a Antropologia: particularmente a palavra Mi, que aponta para um corpo expandido, relacional, e transcendente (em oposição ao corpo fragmentado, isolado proposto pela moderna filosofia ocidental desde Descartes , realidade estanque na dicotomia mente/corpo). O Chanoyu remete ao Chado (caminho do chá) (), todo um estilo de vida, com seus valores pedagógicos: voltar-se e abrir-se para o Outro, generosidade, reverência, criatividade e espontaneidade, sintonia com a natureza, ligação com a sabedoria histórica, contemplação etc. Também esses valores só podem ser acessados de modo indireto. E são especialmente importantes quando a maior parte de nossa cultura escolar contemporânea ocidental (tendência que se faz presente também no moderno Oriente) enfatiza e estimula habilidades e objetivos racionais, obtidos por meio de procedimentos operacionais, deixando pouco espaço para os valores tradicionais do Oriente: dom, voz média, ritos, educação do fingir (na qual o corpo age sobre o espírito) etc. (valores que também pertencem à tradição ocidental antiga e medieval: examinamos o caso de Tomás de Aquino). A educação propiciada pela experiência integrada: corpo que pensa mente que sente, emerge em contínua interação humana e em face da natureza. Daí a conexão com os principais valores do Chado: harmonia ( wa), respeito ( kei), pureza ( sei) e tranquilidade ( jaku). Além do wabi. Ao discutir esses temas, uma ferramenta metodológica importante nos é dada pelo pensamento confundente. Nossas conclusões apontam para uma concepção de educação na qual a dicotomia mente / corpo deve ser substituída por uma educação integrada para um ser integrado. O Chanoyu oferece um caminho. / This dissertation discusses pedagogical values in Eastern Tradition compared to Western Philosophy of Education. A comprehensive conception of body suggested by the ancient Japanese word Mi () is examined in association with Tea Ceremony (Chanoyu) (), an institution which, in a certain way, epitomizes Eastern focus (Zen, Tao, rites and education, body and education etc.). Precisely this is the anthropological method according to Josef Pieper (model which we assume): since there is no direct access to human being itself, but only by indirect means, examining institutuions, common language and ways of acting is required. Besides the Chanoyu (and in this dissertation, Chanoyu is just a reference: we do not propose Chanoyu in brazilian schools), Japanese common language also offers important hints on Anthropology: specially the word Mi, for the expanded body, the relational body, transcendent body (in opposition to the fragmented, isolated body of the modern western Philosophy since Descartes , separated by the mind/body dicothomy from the whole of human reality). Chanoyu is associated to Chado (), the way of tea, with its pedagogical values: turning and opening to the other, generosity, creativity and spontaneity, linked with history, living in tune with nature, beholding etc. These values also can be accessed only trough an indirect way. And are specially important today, when the most part modern Western School Education (and even the Modern Eastern world) stresses and encourages skills and behaviour goals, to be obtained by means of established operational procedures and there is little room for Eastern traditional way: gift, middle voice, rites, pretending education (in which body influences spirit) etc. (although Ancient and Medieval Western Tradition we examine the case of Thomas Aquinas fostered these values too). Education through integrated experience, thinking body - feeling mind, emerging in continuous human interaction and facing nature. And so the main principles Chado set forward: harmony ( wa), respect ( kei), purity ( sei), and tranquility ( jaku); are still central to Chanoyu, tea ceremony. Wabi is also examined. In discussing such matters, confounding thinking (Ortega y Gasset) is another important methodological tool. Our conclusions point to a conception of education in which mind / body dicothomy must be replaced by an integrated education for an integrated being. Chanoyu shows a way.

The ritualisation of political power in early Rus (10th-12th centuries)

Vukovic, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines the ceremonies and rituals involving the princes of early Rus’ and their entourage, how these ceremonies and rituals are represented in the literature and artefacts of early Rus’, the possible cultural influences on ceremony and ritual in this emergent society, and the role of ceremony and ritual as representative of political structures and in shaping the political culture of the principalities of early Rus’. The process begins by introducing key concepts and historiographic considerations for the study of ceremony and ritual and their application to the medieval world. The textological survey that follows focusses on the chronicles of Rus’, due to their compilatory nature, and discusses the philological, linguistic, and contextual factors governing the use of chronicles in this study. This examination of the ceremonies and rituals of early Rus’, the first comprehensive study of its kind for this region in the early period, engages with other studies of ceremony and ritual for the medieval period to inform our understanding of the political culture of early Rus’ and its influences. The structure of this dissertation is dictated by the chronology of ceremonies and rituals that structure the reigns of Rus’ princes in literary sources. The first chapter investigates—both comparatively and locally—the development of enthronement rituals depicted in textual sources and on coins. The second chapter focusses on rituals of association that are represented as mediating relations between princes in a non-central functioning dynastic culture. Oath-taking (and breaking) and association through commensality—dining and gift-giving—are examined in terms of historical context and the internal categorisation of associative acts in textual sources from Rus’. The final chapter builds on recent studies of ritualised warfare in early Rus’ and examines the ritualisation of princely movement—the most common action associated with the princes of Rus’ in textual sources—in times of war. The celebration of triumph and princely entry along with ritualised invocations for intercession in war are acts examined—both in textual sources and iconographic artefacts—as rituals of triumphal rulership reflecting both Byzantine and wider medieval culture. This study concludes with a discussion of the themes explored in its three chapters and offers further considerations about the influence of the Church and monastic culture inherited from Byzantium (and developed in Rus’) on the preservation, creation, and promulgation of ritualised political power.

Objets et ornemements liturgiques en Alsace / Liturgical objects and ornaments in Alsace : from protestant Reform to french Revolution

Jordan, Benoît 09 December 2016 (has links)
L’espace alsacien est divisé principalement en deux diocèses catholiques jusqu’à la Révolution. La Réforme protestante, survenant en Alsace dès les années 1520, crée une situation particulière qui voit désormais cohabiter, dans une atmosphère conflictuelle, deux religions chrétiennes qui s’opposent notamment sur le plan cultuel. Les objets et les ornements sont au cœur du culte catholique, faisant l’objet de publications explicatives ou normatives dès la fin du XVe siècle. Le corpus, qui couvre essentiellement la fin du XVIIe siècle et le XVIIIe siècle, permet de discerner des périodes esthétiques qui répondent aux grands courants artistiques de la période prise en compte. Les objets et les ornements sont pris en compte en tant que production artisanale régionale ou venue d’ailleurs. L’étude de l'orfèvrerie permet de dessiner un réseau orienté vers les villes d’Allemagne du sud, Augsbourg notamment, alors que les textiles connaissent un espace davantage tourné vers Lyon et Paris. Le cadre régional et corporatif se trouve complété par des réseaux commerciaux, dominés en partie par des familles originaires de Savoie. Ces objets et ornements sont achetés par les institutions, notamment les fabriques, ou bien font l’objet de dons aux églises. Ils sont soumis aux aléas des événements, ce qui permet de dessiner des variations cycliques de création et de destruction. Au-delà de l’économie générée, la question des commanditaires permet de toucher à la perception du beau et du sacré par les fidèles au sein des paroisses, perception concrétisée dans la construction et dans l’aménagement des sacristies. Enfin, la question de l’utilisation des objets et des ornements débouche sur une analyse de la sacralité attachée à ces objets et de leur perception par les fidèles. Une théologie des objets peut ainsi être envisagée, entre une perception proche du tabou et une mise en péril par la profanation, la destruction ou, peut-être aussi, par leur patrimonialisation. / Until the Revolution, the Alsace area was roughly divided into two catholic dioceses. The protestant reform, which started in Alsace as soon as the 1520s, created an unusual situation, where two Christian religions confronting each others mainly on religious matters, also had to live together. Objects and ornaments were in the heart of the Catholic cult, as related in explanatory or normative publishings, as soon as the end of the XVth century. The corpus, which essentially covers the end of the XVIIth as well as the XVIIIth century, helps us distinguish the aesthetic periods which match the main artistic currents of the concerned time. The objects and ornaments are referred to as regional or imported craft. The study of silverware allows us to draw a network oriented towards the cities of Southern Germany, such as Augsburg, whereas textile is more to be found around Lyon and Paris. The regional and corporative frame is completed by business networks, partially ruled by families from Savoie. These objects and ornaments were either bought by institutions such as church councils or donated to churches. They were submitted to the randomness of events which draws cyclical variations of creation and destruction. Beyond the economic consequences, the order givers prompt us to study the way the faithful apprehended beauty and sacredness, which were made concrete in the building and furnishing of sacristies. To finish with, the study of the use of the objects and ornaments leads to an analysis of the sacred value linked to these objects and the way the faithful considered it. Thus, a theology of objects may be considered, amid a taboo related perception and the risk of desecration, destruction or maybe even by their status when classified as patrimony.

Nestinaři v jihovýchodním Bulharsku / Nestinars in southeastern part of Bulgaria

Svobodová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis Nestinars in southeastern part of Bulgaria focuses on the material and spiritual culture of Nestinars, a small group of people living in region of Strandja. The body of work describes in detail the specific phenomena of spiritual culture, which cut across the structure of traditional and contemporary Bulgarian folk customs. It describes ceremonies that are part of the clan, family, annual festivals and church calendar. Nestinars as a subculture, whose socio-cultural negotiations and ideas to some extent differ from the majority of the Orthodox population, they are perceived externally as part of it. In this work we meet with traditional clothing, folklore music and holy sacrifice. The parallel with the Greek rite anastnaria is mentioned in the work as well. Both groups represent a traditional ceremony where believers show their devotion to the saints by dance and walking on burning wood charcoal. Keywords nestinars - social group tradition - the transmission of customs and beliefs from generation to generation usually in framwork of certain culture or social group ceremony - a formal religious or public occassion, typically one celebraing particular event or anniversary; or ritual observances or procedures performed at grand and formal occassions to keep group's norms and values of...

The Role and Scope of Culture in the Development and Healing of PTSD in Leslie Marmon Silko's <em>Ceremony</em>

Persson, Annika January 2009 (has links)
<p>This essay discusses the perceived case of post-traumatic stress disorder in Leslie Marmon Silko's character Tayo from the novel Ceremony, using personal accounts of actual PTSD-suffering war veterans as a point of reference. The goal is to fathom the influence that culture may have in the development and healing of PTSD, and to identify possible trans-cultural aspects. The main focus of the analysis is therefore on personal background, interpersonal relationships, post-war experiences, and experienced symptoms.</p>

Urban Alevilik: Self Perceptions Of The Two Neighborhoods In Ankara

Firat, Kamil - 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Based on field research carried out in two neighborhoods of Ankara, the primary aim of this study is to explore urban Alevilik and its basic characteristics as perceived by the Alevis which is compared with traditional Alevilik and its features as perceived by the Alevis in urban setting. Additionally, this study is to examine the basic factors that are behind the differences in perceptions of the Alevis, if there are some significant differences in the perception of Alevis regarding these subjects. In this context, a field research that consisted of 208 questionnaires that were applied to the Alevis who are syncretistic religious community and 6 in-depth interviews was carried out in order to examine the basic questions of this study in Ankara. Furthermore, I divided the respondents into four groups, according to whether state of membership of any Alevi association or not and the place of residence which based on different class positions, so that I could make a comparison between these groups. Besides age, educational level and ethnic origin of the respondents, whether or not state of membership of any Alevi association significantly affect the contents of Alevilik, its social and religious institutions and basic rituals as perceived by the Alevis. On the other hand, there is no meaningful relationship between the perceptions of Alevilik and its religious and social institutions and rituals and the place of residence of the respondents.

Slavnostní vozy 16. - 18. století dochované ve sbírkách na území České republiky / The Ceremonial Carriages of 17 to 18 century as preserved in the Collections of the Czech Republic

Foltýnová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to offer a description and evaluation of the ceremonial carriages collections preserved in museums across Bohemia and Moravia, and to put them in the context of European artistic and artisan production in the 16th - 18th century. The study provides an overall account of the development of carriage from technical, as well as art history angle, together with the necessary overview of the issues of courtly hierarchies, ceremonials and visual demonstrations of the modern aristocracy, leading ultimately to the transformation of a simple personal mode of transport into a pompous work of art. Many important Baroque artists took part in carriage construction and decoration, and this study attempts to ascertain the extent of their contribution in this area. By presenting a descriptive summary of the history of the ceremonial carriages found in the collections in Bohemia and Moravia, and providing a comparison study with such carriages from other European countries, we can assert their position within the context of Europe-wide museum collections, as well as provide the opportunity for foreign scholars to take the Czech collections into account in their research.

De la morale au politique : médias, public et scandalisation en Egypte / rom Moral to Politics : Media, Public and Scandalisation in Egypt

Klaus, Enrique 22 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le giron des études en ethnométhodologie et porte sur les scandales, en tant que phénomènes sociaux à part entière, et sur leur relation à la politique. Á travers l'analyse détaillée de deux cas de scandale survenus en Égypte en 2005 et 2006, la démarche consiste à observer en contexte et en action les mécanismes de constitution spécifiques aux scandales dans l'espace public égyptien de la fin du règne de Hosni Moubarak. Il s'agit de décrire et d'analyser la manière dont un phénomène public tel qu'un scandale se produit et, ce faisant, de voir comment celui-ci peut revêtir ou non une pertinence politique, quels que soient les « faits » dénoncés au cours de son déroulement. Cette thèse est donc consacrée à une double clarification. D'une part, à partir de l'examen des pratiques méthodiques qui en sont constitutives, elle vise à jeter un peu de clarté sur la « nature » des scandales. D'autre part, en comparant un cas acquérant une coloration politique au cours de son déploiement avec un cas qui en est totalement dénué, il s'agit de sortir du « tout politique » et de voir comment la politisation peut survenir de manière contingente. Cette clarification vise en somme à bien délimiter, à partir du scandale, le domaine de compétence de la science politique quant aux phénomènes donnant « matière » à l'espace public en Égypte. / This thesis grounds in ethnomethodology and it tackles with the issue of scandals, as social phenomena in its own right, and with its relationship to politics. Through a detailed analysis of two cases of scandal that broke out in Egypt in 2005 and 2006, my approach consists in taking the scandal in consideration in itself and for itself, in order to observe in context and in action its specific mechanisms of unfolding in the Egyptian public space under the rule of Hosni Mubarak. In other words, I am concerned with describing and analyzing the method through which a public phenomenon such as a scandal occurs. On this basis, I consider how this latter can achieve a political relevancy, whatever the “facts” which are denounced in the course of its unfolding. This thesis is thus dedicated to a double clarification. On the one hand, it aims at clarifying the “nature” of scandals, through the examination of the methodological practices which are constitutive of it. On the other hand, by way of comparing a case taking on a political relevancy in the course of its unfolding with another case which is apolitical, it aims at taking it out of an all-encompassing-political-explanation and at analyzing how politization can occur in a contingent fashion. In sum, this clarification aims at delimiting political sciences' domain of competency with regards to phenomena giving “flesh” to public space in Egypt, through the analysis of scandals.

A experiência do corpo na cerimônia do chá - subsídios para pensar a educação / Experiencing the Body in Tea Ceremony - Subsidies to Thinking Education

Chie Hirose 17 December 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho discute valores pedagógicos associados ao corpo na tradição oriental, em diálogo com o pensamento filosófico do Ocidente. Discute uma concepção abrangente de corpo, sugerida pela antiga palavra japonesa Mi () em relação com a Cerimônia do Chá (Chanoyu)(), uma instituição que, de certo modo, resume em si a visão oriental de educação (Zen, Tao, ritos, corpo na educação etc.). Este é precisamente o método da antropologia filosófica segundo Josef Pieper (método que assumimos nesta tese): já que não se dá acesso direto ao ser do homem, mas só por caminhos indiretos, a partir de instituições, linguagem (comum) e seus modos de agir. Além do Chanoyu (neste trabalho, mera referência e não uma proposta curricular), a língua japonesa oferece também importantes indicações para a Antropologia: particularmente a palavra Mi, que aponta para um corpo expandido, relacional, e transcendente (em oposição ao corpo fragmentado, isolado proposto pela moderna filosofia ocidental desde Descartes , realidade estanque na dicotomia mente/corpo). O Chanoyu remete ao Chado (caminho do chá) (), todo um estilo de vida, com seus valores pedagógicos: voltar-se e abrir-se para o Outro, generosidade, reverência, criatividade e espontaneidade, sintonia com a natureza, ligação com a sabedoria histórica, contemplação etc. Também esses valores só podem ser acessados de modo indireto. E são especialmente importantes quando a maior parte de nossa cultura escolar contemporânea ocidental (tendência que se faz presente também no moderno Oriente) enfatiza e estimula habilidades e objetivos racionais, obtidos por meio de procedimentos operacionais, deixando pouco espaço para os valores tradicionais do Oriente: dom, voz média, ritos, educação do fingir (na qual o corpo age sobre o espírito) etc. (valores que também pertencem à tradição ocidental antiga e medieval: examinamos o caso de Tomás de Aquino). A educação propiciada pela experiência integrada: corpo que pensa mente que sente, emerge em contínua interação humana e em face da natureza. Daí a conexão com os principais valores do Chado: harmonia ( wa), respeito ( kei), pureza ( sei) e tranquilidade ( jaku). Além do wabi. Ao discutir esses temas, uma ferramenta metodológica importante nos é dada pelo pensamento confundente. Nossas conclusões apontam para uma concepção de educação na qual a dicotomia mente / corpo deve ser substituída por uma educação integrada para um ser integrado. O Chanoyu oferece um caminho. / This dissertation discusses pedagogical values in Eastern Tradition compared to Western Philosophy of Education. A comprehensive conception of body suggested by the ancient Japanese word Mi () is examined in association with Tea Ceremony (Chanoyu) (), an institution which, in a certain way, epitomizes Eastern focus (Zen, Tao, rites and education, body and education etc.). Precisely this is the anthropological method according to Josef Pieper (model which we assume): since there is no direct access to human being itself, but only by indirect means, examining institutuions, common language and ways of acting is required. Besides the Chanoyu (and in this dissertation, Chanoyu is just a reference: we do not propose Chanoyu in brazilian schools), Japanese common language also offers important hints on Anthropology: specially the word Mi, for the expanded body, the relational body, transcendent body (in opposition to the fragmented, isolated body of the modern western Philosophy since Descartes , separated by the mind/body dicothomy from the whole of human reality). Chanoyu is associated to Chado (), the way of tea, with its pedagogical values: turning and opening to the other, generosity, creativity and spontaneity, linked with history, living in tune with nature, beholding etc. These values also can be accessed only trough an indirect way. And are specially important today, when the most part modern Western School Education (and even the Modern Eastern world) stresses and encourages skills and behaviour goals, to be obtained by means of established operational procedures and there is little room for Eastern traditional way: gift, middle voice, rites, pretending education (in which body influences spirit) etc. (although Ancient and Medieval Western Tradition we examine the case of Thomas Aquinas fostered these values too). Education through integrated experience, thinking body - feeling mind, emerging in continuous human interaction and facing nature. And so the main principles Chado set forward: harmony ( wa), respect ( kei), purity ( sei), and tranquility ( jaku); are still central to Chanoyu, tea ceremony. Wabi is also examined. In discussing such matters, confounding thinking (Ortega y Gasset) is another important methodological tool. Our conclusions point to a conception of education in which mind / body dicothomy must be replaced by an integrated education for an integrated being. Chanoyu shows a way.

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