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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cervical Spondylomyelopathy in the Great Dane Breed: Anatomic, Diagnostic Imaging, Functional, and Biochemical Characterization

Martin Vaquero, Paula 28 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Κακώσεις κατώτερης αυχενικής μοίρας της σπονδυλικής στήλης: αντιμετώπιση και επιπλοκές που σχετίζονται με τη μέθοδο της σπονδυλοδεσίας

Κασιμάτης, Γεώργιος 10 October 2008 (has links)
Σκοπός: Η προσέγγιση και η αντιμετώπιση των κακώσεων της Αυχενικής Μοίρας της Σπονδυλικής Στήλης (ΑΜΣΣ) εξακολουθεί και σήμερα να παρουσιάζει διαφορές μεταξύ των διαφόρων κέντρων. Κατά καιρούς μάλιστα έχουν προταθεί πλείστοι τρόποι αντιμετώπισης: από συντηρητική με κρανιακή έλξη μέχρι πολύ επιθετική χειρουργική αντιμετώπιση με συνδυασμένες πρόσθιες και οπίσθιες προσπελάσεις. Στόχος της διατριβής ήταν η παρουσίαση της χειρουργικής εμπειρίας της Ορθοπαιδικής Κλινικής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών στην αντιμετώπιση των ασθενών αυτών και η ανάλυση των επιπλοκών των διαφόρων μεθόδων σταθεροποίησης. Έγινε προσπάθεια να απαντηθούν τα ακόλουθα ερωτήματα: 1) Ποια πρέπει να είναι σήμερα η διαγνωστική προσέγγιση των ασθενών με κάκωση στην ΑΜΣΣ; 2) Ποιοι ασθενείς χρειάζονται σταθεροποίηση; 3) Τι είδους σταθεροποίηση και ποιες είναι οι επιπλοκές αυτής; Ακολούθως, ποιος πρέπει να είναι ο σύγχρονος αλγόριθμος προσέγγισης των ασθενών με κακώσεις στην ΑΜΣΣ; 4) Ποιες είναι οι μακροχρόνιες επιπτώσεις της σταθεροποίησης; Μεθοδολογία: Εκατόν-δώδεκα ασθενείς με ασταθείς κακώσεις στην ΑΜΣΣ υποβλήθηκαν στην Κλινική μας σε πρόσθια, οπίσθια σταθεροποίηση ή και στις δύο. Ένας ασθενής θεωρούνταν ότι είχε ασταθή κάκωση της ΑΜΣΣ εάν είχε 5 ή παραπάνω βαθμούς με βάση τα κριτήρια αστάθειας των White & Panjabi. Τουλάχιστον ένας χρόνος παρακολούθησης (follow-up) ήταν αναγκαίος για να ενταχθεί ένας ασθενής στη μελέτη, με αποτέλεσμα να επιλεγούν τελικά 97 ασθενείς. Εβδομηντατέσσερις ασθενείς υποβλήθηκαν σε αριστερή προσθιοπλάγια προσπέλαση [Ομάδα Α]. Σε 65 ασθενείς έγινε πρόσθια αποσυμπίεση και τοποθέτηση φλοιοσπογγώδους λαγονίου αυτομοσχεύματος και σταθεροποίηση με πλάκα και βίδες, είτε με πλάκα της AO/ASIF ή με πλάκα CSLP. Στους υπόλοιπους 9 ασθενείς, η αποκατάσταση της σπονδυλικής στήλης περιελάμβανε τη χρήση κλωβού πλέγματος τιτανίου στο οποίο τοποθετούνταν σπογγώδη αυτομοσχεύματα από την περιοχή της σωματεκτομής. Εικοσιτρείς ασθενείς υποβλήθηκαν σε οπίσθια σταθεροποίηση είτε με πλάκες πλαγίων ογκωμάτων (πλάκες Roy-Camille) (19 ασθενείς), ή με πολυαξονικές βίδες (4 ασθενείς) [Ομάδα Β]. Αποτελέσματα – Συμπεράσματα: 1) Εφόσον η κλινική εικόνα ενός ασθενούς με κάκωση στην ΑΜΣΣ επιβάλλει τη διενέργεια αξονικής τομογραφίας, η διερεύνηση μπορεί να γίνει με ασφάλεια με τη χρήση ενός σύγχρονου πολυτομικού αξονικού τομογράφου (MDCT) και μόνο, παραλείποντας τις απλές ακτινογραφίες. 2) Τα κριτήρια αστάθειας των White και Panjabi υπαγορεύουν μια ασταθή κάκωση στην ΑΜΣΣ, η οποία θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζεται κατά προτίμηση με χειρουργικό τρόπο. 3) Η στατιστική ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων δεν ανέδειξε στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές μεταξύ των 2 ομάδων σταθεροποίησης όσον αφορά τις κλινικά σημαντικές επιπλοκές (p=0.26). Ομοίως, οι κλινικά μη σημαντικές επιπλοκές, καθώς και το ποσοστό επανεγχειρήσεων δε διέφεραν στατιστικά μεταξύ των δύο ομάδων (p=0.245 και p=0.475 αντίστοιχα). Ωστόσο, η πρόσθια σταθεροποίηση παρουσιάζει σημαντικά πλεονεκτήματα, μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσει το σύνολο σχεδόν των κακώσεων της ΑΜΣΣ συμπεριλαμβανομένου των εξαρθρημάτων, και μόνο κατ’ εξαίρεση απαιτείται συμπληρωματική σταθεροποίηση. Επιπλέον, η εξέλιξη της μεθόδου βοήθησε στην εξάλειψη επιπλοκών που παρατηρούνταν με τα παλαιότερης τεχνολογίας υλικά. Ως εκ τούτου, οι τρέχουσες ενδείξεις για οπίσθια σταθεροποίηση είναι τα μη ανατασσόμενα εξαρθρήματα, οι κακώσεις πολλαπλών επιπέδων και οι ασθενείς με τραχειοστομία. 4) Η οστεοποίηση των παρακειμένων διαστημάτων στις κακώσεις της ΑΜΣΣ φαίνεται ότι έχει διαφορετική αιτιολογία από αυτή της αυχενικής σπονδύλωσης, μπορεί να εμφανιστεί πολύ πρώιμα στην μετεγχειρητική περίοδο και, ακόμα και όταν είναι εμφανής ακτινολογικά, σπανίως προκαλεί συμπτώματα. / Aim: The diagnostic approach and management of patients with cervical spine injuries differs among various centers. Conservative management with skeletal traction to aggressive surgical treatment with combined anterior and prosterior stabilization are within the possible alternatives. We aimed at presenting the experience from the surgical treatment of these patients gathered in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in the University Hospital of Patras. We further analyzed the complications associated with each approach and we tried to answer the following questions: 1) Which is the current diagnostic approach of patients with cervical spine injuries? 2) Which patients should be stabilized? 3) What type the stabilization should be and which are its complications? Moreover, which is the appropriate algorithm in the treatment of these patients? 4) Which are the long-term consequences of the stabilization? Materials & Methods: One hundred and twelve patients with unstable cervical spine injuries underwent anterior, posterior stabilization or both. A patient was considered to have an unstable injury if he had ≥ 5 points in the White and Panjabi checklist. At least one year of follow-up was necessary for a patient to be included in the study, which yielded a total of 97 patients. Seventy-four patients underwent a left-sided anterolateral approach [Group A]. Sixty-five of them had anterior decompression and iliac bone grafting. The remaining 9 patients underwent corpectomy and cervical spine reconstruction with titanium mesh cage, filled with morselized autograft from the corpectomy site. All these patients were instrumented using an anterior cervical plate. Twenty-three patients underwent posterior stabilization, either with lateral mass plates of Roy-Camille (19 patients), or polyaxial screws and rods (4 patients) [Group B], along with concomitant iliac bone autografting. Results – Conclusions: 1) If there is a need for computed tomography (CT) in a patient with cervical spine injury, the diagnostic work-up can be done with safety using only a modern multi-detector CT, obviating the need for plain radiographs. 2) The White and Panjabi criteria imply an unstable injury which should be preferentially stabilized by surgical means. 3) Statistical analysis of the clinically significant complications did not reveal significant difference between the posterior procedures and the anterior ones (p=0.26). Likewise, insignificant complications, as well as reoperation rates did not differ significantly among the two groups (p=0.245 and p=0.475 respectively). However, anterior stabilization for cervical spine injuries presents several advantages, can deal with almost all types of injuries and it only exceptionally requires supplemental stabilization. It should be also stressed that the advances in technology and metallurgy have eliminated the complications observed with older implants. Current indications for posterior stabilization are the irreducible dislocations, multilevel injuries and patients with tracheostomy. 4) Adjacent-level ossification in cervical spine injuries appears to be of different etiology than in cervical spondylosis, it may appear very early in the postoperative period and, even when it is evident radiographically, it very rarely (if ever) produces any symptoms.

The relative effectiveness of three treatment protocols in the management of temporomandibular disorder

Poacher, Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / The relationship between TMD and dysfunction in the cervical spine has been reported in the literature and there are many case studies which have shown favourable results when treatment was aimed at the TMJ, cervical spine relationship. However, the numerous TMD treatment protocols described in the literature concerning this relationship, and the effectiveness of these treatments have not been well established. In spite of this many chiropractors treat TMD. TMD is a multifactoral condition and conservative treatment options need to be further investigated in order to determine if manual interventions directed at the cercival spine in the treatment of TMD are beneficial. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare myofascial trigger point therapy and manipulative therapy of either the TMJ, cervical spine or a combination of the two in order to determine their effectiveness for the TMD. Method: Thirty participants with TMD were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Participants in each group received two treatments per week for two weeks with a follow up consultation in the third week. Data were collected before the commencement of the first, second, and fourth treatments and at the follow up consultation. Outcome measures included algometer readings, CROM, Mouth opening readings, NRS and a disability questionnaire. SPSS version 15.0 was used for analysis of the data. A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Multivariate testing was used for intra- and inter-group comparisons. Profile plots were generated to assess the direction and trend of the effect and to visually compare the trends in the different treatment groups. Results: Inter-group comparisons did not reveal any statistically significant different improvements between the three treatment groups. Conclusion: All groups responded favourably to treatment and showed trends towards improvement. However, statistically analysis revealed that no one treatment protocol was superior to the other. Although no definitive inferences may be drawn regarding the effectiveness of each treatment approach, within group trends indicated that the combination of the two treatment approaches may be preferred.

Einfluss zweier Bandscheibenprothesen auf die Kinematik des C3/C4-Segmentes / Influence of two different types of total disc arthroplasty on the kinematic properties of C3/C4-segments

Wagner, Markus 17 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The relative effectiveness of three treatment protocols in the management of temporomandibular disorder

Poacher, Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / The relationship between TMD and dysfunction in the cervical spine has been reported in the literature and there are many case studies which have shown favourable results when treatment was aimed at the TMJ, cervical spine relationship. However, the numerous TMD treatment protocols described in the literature concerning this relationship, and the effectiveness of these treatments have not been well established. In spite of this many chiropractors treat TMD. TMD is a multifactoral condition and conservative treatment options need to be further investigated in order to determine if manual interventions directed at the cercival spine in the treatment of TMD are beneficial. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare myofascial trigger point therapy and manipulative therapy of either the TMJ, cervical spine or a combination of the two in order to determine their effectiveness for the TMD. Method: Thirty participants with TMD were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Participants in each group received two treatments per week for two weeks with a follow up consultation in the third week. Data were collected before the commencement of the first, second, and fourth treatments and at the follow up consultation. Outcome measures included algometer readings, CROM, Mouth opening readings, NRS and a disability questionnaire. SPSS version 15.0 was used for analysis of the data. A p value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Multivariate testing was used for intra- and inter-group comparisons. Profile plots were generated to assess the direction and trend of the effect and to visually compare the trends in the different treatment groups. Results: Inter-group comparisons did not reveal any statistically significant different improvements between the three treatment groups. Conclusion: All groups responded favourably to treatment and showed trends towards improvement. However, statistically analysis revealed that no one treatment protocol was superior to the other. Although no definitive inferences may be drawn regarding the effectiveness of each treatment approach, within group trends indicated that the combination of the two treatment approaches may be preferred. / M

Traumatismo raquimedular por mergulho em águas rasas: proposta de um programa de prevenção / not available

Silva, Carmem Lúcia Cadurim da 26 October 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho avaliou a incidência de pacientes com lesão traumática da coluna cervical causada por mergulho em águas rasas, que foram atendidos nos Hospitais da cidade de Ribeirão Preto-SP, entre janeiro de 1989 a dezembro de 1996. O estudo epidemiológico foi realizado mediante investigação feita nos prontuários médicos desses pacientes. Complementou-se as informações por meio de uma entrevista realizada com 12 deles. Com base nos números apresentados, elaborou-se um programa de prevenção decorrente desses traumatismos a implantou-se uma Campanha de prevenção das lesões cervicais por mergulho em águas rasas em Ribeirão Preto. Um Programa de Campanha foi encaminhado à Assembléia Legislativa do Estado e transformado em Projeto de Lei. Os resultados mostraram que, dos 355 casos estudados, 69 deles foram por acidentes em águas rasas, a dentre estes, 58% tiveram danos neurológicos. Os locais mais freqüentes dos acidentes foram rios, córregos, lagos, cachoeiras,com a ocorrência de 75,4% dos casos, enquanto que a incidência em piscinas foi de 24,6%. A média de idade variou entre 10 a 30 anos, havendo diferença significativa com outras faixas etárias. Quanto ao sexo, 92,8% ocorreram em homens a 7,2% com mulheres. Em relação ao estado civil, 68,2% eram solteiros e 31,9% eram casados. O período do ano em que houve um número mais elevado dos traumatismos da coluna cervical causado pelo mergulho nas chamadas águas rasas foi nos meses de estações mais quentes na região (primavera, verão a outono). Dos 17,4% dos pacientes entrevistados de um total de 40 que tiveram lesão medular, todos mostraram desconhecimento desse tipo de acidente, bem como suas conseqüências. A Campanha de prevenção teve início em setembro de 1996 e está em fase de desenvolvimento em Ribeirão Preto. O Projeto de Lei estadual nº 183 aguarda aprovação da Assembléia. Conclui-se que, a incidência de acidentes com lesão traumática da coluna cervical por mergulho em águas rasas é elevada, sendo a terceira causa de danos traumáticos. A desinformação da população no que diz respeito ao perigo de um mergulho em águas rasas é elevado. A redução deste tipo de acidente pode acontecera partir de um processo educacional da população a da atuação decisiva do poder público. / This study is an evaluation of the incidence of patients treated in the hospitals in Ribeirão Preto - SP for traumatic injury of the cervical cord caused by diving in shallow waters. The epidemiological study was held by means of an investigation of the medical charts of patients who underwent treatment from January 1989 to December 1996. The information on the charts was complemented through interviews held with 12 of these patients. Based on the results of these investigations, a campaign to prevent cervical injury caused by diving into shallow waters was elaborated and sent to the State Legislature, where it was transformed into a bill. The study revealed that in the 355 cases of cervical injury investigated, 69 were the result of accidents in shallow waters, and of these, 58% suffered neurological dysfunction. Rivers, lakes and waterfalls were most frequently cited as locations for the occurrence of these injuries (75,4% of the cases), with the incidence of accidents in swimming pools at 24,6%. The average age of patients varied between 10 to 30 years of age, with a significant difference in other age groups. In relation to sex, 92,8% of the accidents occurred in men, and only 7,2% in women. As to marital status, 68,2% were single and only 31,9% were married. The greatest number of cases of trauma of the cervical cord caused by diving in shallow waters occurred in the warmer seasons of the year (spring summer and fall). 17,4% of the patients interviewed out of a total of 40 with medullar injury, claimed not to know about this kind of accident and its consequences. The Prevention Campaign began in September 1996 and is presently being carried out in the city of Ribeirão Preto. The Bill of Law no. 183 awaits approval from the State Legislature. One may conclude that the incidence of traumatic injury of the cervical cord due to diving in shallow waters is high (third place as the cause of injury). The lack of information on the part of the population regarding the dangers of this type of accident may be one of the reasons behind these high statistics. The reduction of this type of accident may occur as the result of an educational process involving the population as well as decisive action on the part of the government.

Einfluss von Cagedesign, Carriersystemen und Wachstumsfaktoren auf die intervertebrale Spondylodese

Kandziora, Frank 23 October 2003 (has links)
Der Effekt des Cagedesigns, von Carrier-Systemen und Wachstumsfaktoren auf die intervertebrale Spondylodese am Tiermodell der Schafshalswirbelsäule wurde in einer anatomisch-biomechanischen, einer rein biomechanischen und sechs tierexperimentellen Teilstudien untersucht. Cages weisen eine designspezifische in vitro Primärstabilität auf. Jedoch besteht kein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der in vitro Primärstabilität und der in vivo Sekundärstabilität der Implantate. Daher sind rein biomechanische in vitro Untersuchungen nicht dazu geeignet das Einheilungsverhalten eines Cages zu prognostizieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien zeigen auch, dass die Auflagefläche für das Sinterungsverhalten eines Cages in vivo nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung ist. Hingegen sind das "stress-shielding" und die Volumen-bezogene-Steifigkeit eines Cages für das Einheilungsverhalten des Implantates in vivo entscheidend. In den vorliegenden Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die biodegradierbare PDLLA-Beschichtung intervertebraler Implantate eine sichere, einfache und effektive Applikation von Wachstumsfaktoren im Intervertebralraum gewährleistet. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass der PDLLA-Carrier dem Kollagen-Carrier in seiner Effektivität signifikant überlegen ist. Nebenwirkungen der PDLLA-Beschichtung konnten in diesen Untersuchungen nicht ermittelt werden. Die Applikation einer geeigneten Dosis von IGF-I und TGF-(1 mittels PDLLA-beschichtetem Cage ist in der Lage, die intervertebrale Spondylodese signifikant zu stimulieren. Des weiteren konnte demonstriert werden, dass die verwendeten Wachstumsfaktoren IGF-I und TGF-(1 eine signifikante Verbesserung der intervertebralen Fusionsergebnisse im Vergleich zu autologem Knochenmaterial ermöglichen und gleichzeitig die Entnahme dieses Knochenmaterials überflüssig machen. Die Applikation von IGF-I und TGF-(1 mittels PDLLA-Carrier zeigte außerdem im Vergleich zum bisherigen Standard BMP-2 appliziert mittels Kollagen-Carrier signifikant bessere Fusionsergebnisse. Lokale oder systemische Nebenwirkungen konnten in den bisherigen Untersuchungen für die verwendeten Wachstumsfaktorendosen nicht ermittelt werden. Weiterführende Untersuchungen müssen belegen, ob die kombinierte lokale Applikation von IGF-I und TGF-(1 mittels PDLLA-beschichtetem Cage auch beim Menschen zu einer signifikanten Verbesserung der Ergebnisse der zervikalen Spondylodese führen können. / Anatomical, biomechanical and animal experimental studies were carried out to determine the effect of cage design, carrier systems and growth factors on interbody fusion in a sheep cervical spine model. Primary stability of cages was influenced by the implant design. However, there was no direct correlation between primary and secondary stability of cages. The dimension of the endplate-implant-contact area had no significant influence on subsidence of cages. Yet, stress-shielding and volume-related-stiffness significantly influenced bone matrix formation inside the cage. Biodegradable PDLLA-coating of cages allowed a safe, simple and effective intervertebral application of growth factors. The PDLLA-carrier was more effective than the collagen sponge carrier. No side effects were associated with the use of the PDLLA-carrier. An adequate dose of IGF-I and TGF-(1 applied by a PDLLA-coated interbody fusion cage stimulated interbody bone matrix formation. In comparison to autologous bone grafts the local application of IGF-I and TGF-(1 demonstrated significantly better fusion results and eliminated donor site morbidity. Further, in comparison to the golden standard BMP-2 applied by a collagen sponge carrier the combined application of IGF-I and TGF-(1 by a PDLLA-carrier significantly increased fusion results. No local or systemic side effects were associated with the use of the growth factors. Further studies have to determine, if the local combined application of IGF-I and TGF-(1 by a PDLLA-coated interbody cage increases fusion results in the human cervical spine.

Biomechanical and Clinical Aspects on Fixation Techniques in the Cervical Spine

Henriques, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
<p>The present work is analyzing the general biomechanical aspects of fixation techniques in the upper and lower cervical spine along with clinical implications.</p><p>The in vitro biomechanical properties of five different posterior atlanto-axial fixation techniques are compared. They provided for either a one, two or three-point fixation between atlas and axes. A new device, the C1 claw was biomechanically tested, which allow for fixation without the need for a structural bone graft. The three-point reconstructions indicated superior biomechanical properties compared to all others.</p><p>The new C1 claw device was clinically evaluated in a series of 26 patients treated with a posterior C1-C2 fusion. There were no clinical or radiological failures in the series, Twenty-one patients out of twenty-three with any length of follow up either showed a solidly healed fusion or a healed fracture. </p><p>Distractive flexion (DF) injuries in the lower cervical spine treated with anterior plate alone were analyzed with respect to healing rate and complications in a consecutive series of 36 patients. Results indicated that DF injury stage 1 and 2 according to Allen and Ferguson healed without complication, whereas DF injuries stage 3 had a high frequency of failure, needing an additional posterior fixation. </p><p>The in vitro biomechanical properties of four different fixation techniques for a distractive flexion injury stage 3 were analyzed. The result indicated that anterior plate alone for fixation of a DF injury stage 3 is insufficient supporting the clinical finding in the previous study.</p><p>Adjacent level motion was analyzed following a one segment fusion in the lower cervical spine. Motion was found to increase in adjacent levels possibly contributing to accelerated degeneration.</p>

Biomechanical and Clinical Aspects on Fixation Techniques in the Cervical Spine

Henriques, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
The present work is analyzing the general biomechanical aspects of fixation techniques in the upper and lower cervical spine along with clinical implications. The in vitro biomechanical properties of five different posterior atlanto-axial fixation techniques are compared. They provided for either a one, two or three-point fixation between atlas and axes. A new device, the C1 claw was biomechanically tested, which allow for fixation without the need for a structural bone graft. The three-point reconstructions indicated superior biomechanical properties compared to all others. The new C1 claw device was clinically evaluated in a series of 26 patients treated with a posterior C1-C2 fusion. There were no clinical or radiological failures in the series, Twenty-one patients out of twenty-three with any length of follow up either showed a solidly healed fusion or a healed fracture. Distractive flexion (DF) injuries in the lower cervical spine treated with anterior plate alone were analyzed with respect to healing rate and complications in a consecutive series of 36 patients. Results indicated that DF injury stage 1 and 2 according to Allen and Ferguson healed without complication, whereas DF injuries stage 3 had a high frequency of failure, needing an additional posterior fixation. The in vitro biomechanical properties of four different fixation techniques for a distractive flexion injury stage 3 were analyzed. The result indicated that anterior plate alone for fixation of a DF injury stage 3 is insufficient supporting the clinical finding in the previous study. Adjacent level motion was analyzed following a one segment fusion in the lower cervical spine. Motion was found to increase in adjacent levels possibly contributing to accelerated degeneration.

Biomechanical methods and error analysis related to chronic musculoskeletal pain

Öhberg, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Background Spinal pain is one of humanity’s most frequent complaints with high costs for the individual and society, and is commonly related to spinal disorders. There are many origins behind these disorders e.g., trauma, disc hernia or of other organic origins. However, for many of the disorders, the origin is not known. Thus, more knowledge is needed about how pain affects the neck and neural function in pain affected regions. The purpose of this dissertation was to improve the medical examination of patients suffering from chronic whiplash-associated disorders or other pain related neck-disorders. Methods A new assessment tool for objective movement analysis was developed. In addition, basic aspects of proprioceptive information transmission, which can be of relevance for muscular tension and pain, are investigated by studying the coding of populations of different types of sensory afferents by using a new spike sorting method. Both experiments in animal models and humans were studied to accomplish the goals of this dissertation. Four cats where were studied in acute animal experiments. Mixed ensembles of afferents were recorded from L7-S1 dorsal root filaments when mechanical stimulating the innervated muscle. A real-time spike sorting method was developed to sort units in a multi-unit recording. The quantification of population coding was performed using a method based on principal component analysis. In the human studies, 3D neck movement data were collected from 59 subjects with whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) and 56 control subjects. Neck movement patterns were identified by processing movement data into parameters describing the rotation of the head for each subject. Classification of neck movement patterns was performed using a neural network using processed collected data as input. Finally, the effect of marker position error on the estimated rotation of the head was evaluated by computer simulations. Results Animal experiments showed that mixed ensembles of different types of afferents discriminated better between different muscle stimuli than ensembles of single types of these afferents. All kinds of ensembles showed an increase in discriminative ability with increased ensemble size. It is hypothesized that the main reason for the greater discriminative ability might be the variation in sensitivity tuning among the individual afferents of the mixed ensemble will be larger than that for ensembles of only one type of afferent. In the human studies, the neural networks had a predictivity of 0.89, a sensitivity of 0.90 and a specificity of 0.88 when discriminating between control and WAD subjects. Also, a systematic error along the radial axis of the rigid body added to a single marker had no affect on the estimated rotation of the head. Conclusion The developed spike sorting method, using neural networks, was suitable for sorting a multiunit recording into single units when performing neurophysiological experiments. Also, it was shown that neck movement analysis combined with a neural network could build the basis of a decision support system for classifying suspected WAD or other pain related neck-disorders.

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