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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag

Maasdorp, David Isak 07 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die hoofdoel van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n studie te maak van die interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SuidAfrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Die benadering wat in hierdie studie gevolg word, is om die historiese pad van politieke stryd van deelnemende magte in die SANW te volg tot en met die historiese integrasie proses wat sy aanvang in 1994 geneem het. Hierdie samestelling van weermagte wat bestaan uit die SAW (Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian's People Liberation Army), TBVC state, het elkeen respektiewelik sy eie militere- politieke ideologiese pad geloop. Om die verskille verder te aksentueer bestaan hierdie magte uit verskillende kulturele-, etniese-, en godsdienstige agtergronde. Die grootste verskil setel daarin dat hierdie magte aardsvyande van mekaar was. Die verdere verloop van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n blik te werp op hierdie diversiteit en die samehangende vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit die integrasie van magte waarin diepgewortelde verskille setel. Teneinde samehorigheid en 'n gees van vreedsame naasbestaan te ontketen,word daar 'n indringende soeke geloods om effektief oor kultuurgrense heen te kommunikeer. Hierdie soeke om sinvol en effektief te kommunikeer geskied ook langs die weg van refleksie vanuit die Skrif. In die lig daarvan dat hierdie verhandeling vanuit die Sendingwetenskap bedryf word, word vraagstukke vanuit die Skrif benader, met antler woorde, watter leiding vind ons vanuit die Woord van God op die problematiek in die SANW. W anneer daar 'n introspeksie gehou word, oor die vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit die proses van transformasie in die SANW, dan word daar indringend besin oor die rol wat die kapelaansdiens in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SANW vertolk, gegee die vraagstukke en problematiek waarin die organisasie gewikkel is. Hierdie navorsing het tot die een slotsom gekom, tewete, dat die kapelaan die rol as fasiliteerder van versoening moet vertolk. Hy doen dit langs die weg van identifisering met die uitdagings waarmee lede worstel en begelei hulle pastoral om die visie van'n verenigde weermag vir die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te intemaliseer. Sy pastoraat bereik sy diepste wese wanneer koninkryksbeginsels soos vrede, geregtigheig, naaste liefde, vergewingsgesindheid en versoening in die konteks van die SANW as uitkomste verkondig word. / The main objective of this thesis is to make a study of the intercultural ministry in the cultural-diverse context of the South African National Defence Force. The approach of this study was to follow the political struggle of participating forces in the SANDF, up to the point of integration in 1994. These forces consists out of the SADF (South African Defence Forces), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian People's Liberation Army), TBVC States, who travelled their own military, politically and ideological routes. They also differ culturally, ethnically and religiously in their make-up. The thesis focuses on the problems and challenges which were caused by the integration of forces in which deep-seated differences are entrenched. In order to maintain a peaceful co-existence an urgent search was lodged to find ways of effective intercultural communication. Being a missiological study, the focus was on Scripture to find guidance that can overcome problems and challenges in the SANDF. This brings the role of the Chaplain in sharp focus in his ministry to the SANDF. The research came to one conclusion that the Chaplain must fulfill the role of facilitator of reconciliation. He is doing it by way of identification with the challenges with which the members struggle and guide them pastorally to internalize the vision of a United Defence Force for the Republic of South Africa. His pastorate reaches its depths when Kingdom principles, such as peace, righteousness, neighbourly love, forgiveness and reconciliation are proclaimed as outcomes within the context of the SANDF. / Theology / D.Th. (Theology)

Interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag

Maasdorp, David Isak 07 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die hoofdoel van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n studie te maak van die interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SuidAfrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Die benadering wat in hierdie studie gevolg word, is om die historiese pad van politieke stryd van deelnemende magte in die SANW te volg tot en met die historiese integrasie proses wat sy aanvang in 1994 geneem het. Hierdie samestelling van weermagte wat bestaan uit die SAW (Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian's People Liberation Army), TBVC state, het elkeen respektiewelik sy eie militere- politieke ideologiese pad geloop. Om die verskille verder te aksentueer bestaan hierdie magte uit verskillende kulturele-, etniese-, en godsdienstige agtergronde. Die grootste verskil setel daarin dat hierdie magte aardsvyande van mekaar was. Die verdere verloop van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n blik te werp op hierdie diversiteit en die samehangende vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit die integrasie van magte waarin diepgewortelde verskille setel. Teneinde samehorigheid en 'n gees van vreedsame naasbestaan te ontketen,word daar 'n indringende soeke geloods om effektief oor kultuurgrense heen te kommunikeer. Hierdie soeke om sinvol en effektief te kommunikeer geskied ook langs die weg van refleksie vanuit die Skrif. In die lig daarvan dat hierdie verhandeling vanuit die Sendingwetenskap bedryf word, word vraagstukke vanuit die Skrif benader, met antler woorde, watter leiding vind ons vanuit die Woord van God op die problematiek in die SANW. W anneer daar 'n introspeksie gehou word, oor die vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit die proses van transformasie in die SANW, dan word daar indringend besin oor die rol wat die kapelaansdiens in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SANW vertolk, gegee die vraagstukke en problematiek waarin die organisasie gewikkel is. Hierdie navorsing het tot die een slotsom gekom, tewete, dat die kapelaan die rol as fasiliteerder van versoening moet vertolk. Hy doen dit langs die weg van identifisering met die uitdagings waarmee lede worstel en begelei hulle pastoral om die visie van'n verenigde weermag vir die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te intemaliseer. Sy pastoraat bereik sy diepste wese wanneer koninkryksbeginsels soos vrede, geregtigheig, naaste liefde, vergewingsgesindheid en versoening in die konteks van die SANW as uitkomste verkondig word. / The main objective of this thesis is to make a study of the intercultural ministry in the cultural-diverse context of the South African National Defence Force. The approach of this study was to follow the political struggle of participating forces in the SANDF, up to the point of integration in 1994. These forces consists out of the SADF (South African Defence Forces), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian People's Liberation Army), TBVC States, who travelled their own military, politically and ideological routes. They also differ culturally, ethnically and religiously in their make-up. The thesis focuses on the problems and challenges which were caused by the integration of forces in which deep-seated differences are entrenched. In order to maintain a peaceful co-existence an urgent search was lodged to find ways of effective intercultural communication. Being a missiological study, the focus was on Scripture to find guidance that can overcome problems and challenges in the SANDF. This brings the role of the Chaplain in sharp focus in his ministry to the SANDF. The research came to one conclusion that the Chaplain must fulfill the role of facilitator of reconciliation. He is doing it by way of identification with the challenges with which the members struggle and guide them pastorally to internalize the vision of a United Defence Force for the Republic of South Africa. His pastorate reaches its depths when Kingdom principles, such as peace, righteousness, neighbourly love, forgiveness and reconciliation are proclaimed as outcomes within the context of the SANDF. / Theology / D.Th. (Theology)

Fundamentos bíblico-teológicos da capelania hospitalar : uma contribuição para o cuidado integral da pessoa

Daniel Hoepfner 29 February 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O cuidado pastoral, em meio ao contexto, hospitalar recebe o nome de capelania hospitalar. Os três primeiros capítulos do trabalho apresentam uma reflexão em torno de temáticas apresentadas como fundamentos bíblico-teológicos da capelania hospitalar. O primeiro elucida o conceito cuidar, o significado dessa atitude e sua importância para com a própria vida humana e busca relacionar a atitude do cuidar com o tema da dignidade humana fundamentada a partir da teologia da imago Dei, conforme Gênesis 1.26-27. A segunda parte do trabalho apresenta o ser humano à luz da antropologia bíblica, a partir dos conceitos alma, coração, carne e corpo. Estas noções antropológicas apresentam o ser humano em termos existenciais basicamente e como uma unidade viva animada por Deus. A terceira parte apresenta as características da ação pastoral a partir do conceito poimênica. Esta expressão remete à metáfora do pastorear o rebanho de Deus e fundamenta-se na imagem bíblica do Deus-Pastor e do Cristo como sendo o Bom Pastor. Assim, o capítulo visa a elucidar e conceituar, sobretudo, a partir da passagem bíblica de João 10, o ministério pastoral de Cristo, bem como apresentar o ministério da poimênica como uma expressão da comunidade cristã ao longo da história da Igreja. O quarto capítulo faz uma breve incursão histórica em torno do hospital, busca fundamentar uma assistência hospitalar humanizada a partir do tema da dignidade humana e aponta para a necessidade de cuidados integrais para com a pessoa internada. Encerra-se o trabalho abordando o surgimento do treinamento em clínica pastoral, seu contato com a psicologia e apresentando os conteúdos descritos nos capítulos anteriores como fundamentos bíblico-teológicos da capelania hospitalar: a dignidade humana, a antropologia bíblica e o ministério pastoral de Cristo. / Pastoral care in the context of hospital visiting is entitled hospital chaplaincy. The initial three chapters of this paper analyze themes which are the biblical theological foundations of hospital chaplaincy. The first deals with the concept of taking care, the meaning of this action and its importance towards human life grounded on the theology of imago Dei, according to Genesis1.26-27. The second part of the paper presents the human being based on the biblical anthropology and the concepts of soul, heart, flesh and body. These anthropological notions present the human being solely in terms of existence and as a live unit animated by God. The third part describes the features of pastoral action related to the concept of pastoral care. The term refers to the metaphor of pastoralising the herd of God and is founded by the biblical image of God-shepherd and Christ as the good shepherd. Therefore, the chapter sheds light to conceptualizing, mainly from John 10, the pastoral ministry of Christ, as well as it introduces the pastoral care ministry as a means of expression of the Christian community along the history of the Church. The fourth chapter is briefly developed under a historical perspective of the hospital, it aims at grounding the hospital assistance as a human act from the theme of human dignity. Moreover, it leads to the necessity of integral care to the patient. The paper finishes by approaching the beginnings of Clinical Pastoral Training and its borders to psychology, it also ends by presenting the contents which were described in the previous chapters as biblical theological foundations of hospital chaplaincy: the human dignity, the biblical anthropology and the pastoral ministry of Christ.

Religiös fostran och omsorg bakom svenska fängelsemurar : Svenska fängelseprästers beskrivningar och tolkningar av brottsorsaker, fångar, samhällsproblem och fostrande lösningar under 1900-talets början

Lundstedt, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
This study examines Swedish prison priests in the early 20th century, more specifically the years 1900-1909 and 1925-1932. Prison chaplains arose in the early 1800s as a result of reforms to Sweden's penal code in the 1840s. Sweden adopted the so-called Philadelphiasystem which meant that the prisons placed prisoners in complete isolation and only had access to the "morally good" staff, such as the prison chaplains. In theory, the aim was to talk with prisoners and "rehabilitate" them, so they could return to society. The priests' main method of establishing rehabilitation attempts was achieved through constant observation and dialogue with prisoners. Unlike other prison studies, which are often associated with analyzing the typical power dynamics between "superior" and "subordinate", this study will investigate and present, through the prison chaplains' annual reports and books, what they believed and considered to be cause of crime, the right way to rehabilitate prisoner and what problems they could face after their time in prison. The study will focus on comparing their relationships and interpretations of prisoners and how this was linked to similar discussions related to Sweden's social problems and solutions such as alcoholism, prostitution, modern city life, industrial workculture, parenting and neglectful households.

Perceptions of personnel on police suicide and the role of a chaplain

Mabe, Sello Edwin 02 1900 (has links)
Suicide is a common phenomenon in all Police Agencies. Perceptions about police suicide, different Suicide Prevention Strategies and the Chaplain's role in preventing Police Suicide are researched. Data gathering employed two methods, namely:- A questionnaire to assess Perceptions of Personnel on Police Suicide and the Role of a Chaplain in the prevention thereof, and A case study to substantiate qualitative data. Information gathered through questionnaires was presented as percentages of personnel agreeing with statements. Results indicate that the following factors influence police perceptions on suicide:- Job characteristics, Lack of care and support, Low morale, Ineffective coping skills and Police culture. Recommendations are made on how Police Chaplains and SAPS Department can get involved in suicide prevention. This include Pastoral role fulfilment, in cooperation with the multidisciplinary effort by Employee Assistance Service (EAS). Recommendations are also made regarding future research on police suicide and chaplain's intervention. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Singing the Lord's song in a strange land : a practical theological investigation into the spiritual experiences of South African expatriates in Africa after 2000 A.D.

Ferguson, Clifford Stanley 08 1900 (has links)
An evaluation of the spiritual experience of South African expatriates living in or migrating to other African countries, as a process of practical theology, established that expatriates do not isolate themselves from their churches in South Africa (SA). SA churches only make provision for traditional missionary outreaches and do not make provision for the SA expatriates, black or white, living in these African metropolitan areas. The subjects studied included SA expatriates, the relationships between SA churches, local African churches and expatriates, the act of migration, repatriation and its challenges together with the spiritual and social impact on individuals, marriages and families. A topical view implicates a direct relationship between fieldworkers, missionaries and chaplains deployment into African countries from SA. Furthermore, from research it is implied that the church in SA remains the spiritual home and resource centre of the migrant. The practical theological call for a realignment of mission praxis is vital and is linked to Christ’s parable of the ninety nine sheep, whilst one is lost (Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:4-7). This analogy produces the direct requirement of the Church to reconstruct missions to encompass combined support for their congregants in SA, the ninety nine, and those expatriates living in other African countries, the one. The missions to Africa should no longer be missions that only seek to convert African tribes to Christianity, but rather to serve Africans and others immigrating to countries on the continent. Church resources for SA expatriates would be made available when a visionary change occurs at the planning stages of strategies for African missions. Proposed mission strategies should include cell church, care group and discipleship models geared for missions and the African expatriate terrain. A realistic strategy that harmonises resources within the church to serve those abroad shall ensure positive impact on the spirituality, family and marriage of the expatriate. Finally two challenges are laid before the SA church, one, to continue with missions in Africa according to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, Matthew 28:19-20, with the second, to combine the expatriate discipleship models into its mission strategies. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Dosavadní praxe duchovní služby ve vězení / The Existing Practice of Prison Chaplaincy Service

Šindlerová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The existing practice of prison chaplaincy service. Master's thesis called The Existing Practice of Prison Chaplaincy Service is about purpose and object of prison chaplaincy service from the view of prison chaplains. The theoretical part presents volunteer pastoral care in prison and employee pastoral care in prison including history and object of these both parts. Master's thesis looks into personal character of chaplain, summarizes scope of his employment and different duties in custodial sentence and in sentence of imprisonment. The practical part come out from qualitative elaboration interviews with four chaplains (two were men and two were women) and also with one former user of prison chaplaincy service. The original intention of this master's thesis (purpose and object of prison chaplaincy service from the view of chaplain) has been extended by two new objects (describe personal way of faith and surroundings of prison) pursuant to interview with former user. Results brings different perception of purpose and objects of prison chaplaincy service - hope, change, self-improvement, correction of personal character and self-understanding. The conclusions include chaplains visions of the future of prison chaplaincy service -supervision support, positive medialization, to profile role of chaplain, help for...

Vývoj pastorace mládeže v českobudějovické diecézi v posledních 10 letech / The development of the youth ministry in the Diocese of Ceske Budejovice compared to neighboring dioceses in the last ten years

MARTANOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the development of youth pastoral care in the diocese of Ceske Budejovice in the last 10 years. The most important part of this thesis is the description of individual activities that were held for the youth in the diocese of Ceske Budejovice in 2008 - 2018 and the folowing evalution of interviews held with staff of DCM and DCŽM.

Singing the Lord's song in a strange land : a practical theological investigation into the spiritual experiences of South African expatriates in Africa after 2000 A.D.

Ferguson, Clifford Stanley 08 1900 (has links)
An evaluation of the spiritual experience of South African expatriates living in or migrating to other African countries, as a process of practical theology, established that expatriates do not isolate themselves from their churches in South Africa (SA). SA churches only make provision for traditional missionary outreaches and do not make provision for the SA expatriates, black or white, living in these African metropolitan areas. The subjects studied included SA expatriates, the relationships between SA churches, local African churches and expatriates, the act of migration, repatriation and its challenges together with the spiritual and social impact on individuals, marriages and families. A topical view implicates a direct relationship between fieldworkers, missionaries and chaplains deployment into African countries from SA. Furthermore, from research it is implied that the church in SA remains the spiritual home and resource centre of the migrant. The practical theological call for a realignment of mission praxis is vital and is linked to Christ’s parable of the ninety nine sheep, whilst one is lost (Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:4-7). This analogy produces the direct requirement of the Church to reconstruct missions to encompass combined support for their congregants in SA, the ninety nine, and those expatriates living in other African countries, the one. The missions to Africa should no longer be missions that only seek to convert African tribes to Christianity, but rather to serve Africans and others immigrating to countries on the continent. Church resources for SA expatriates would be made available when a visionary change occurs at the planning stages of strategies for African missions. Proposed mission strategies should include cell church, care group and discipleship models geared for missions and the African expatriate terrain. A realistic strategy that harmonises resources within the church to serve those abroad shall ensure positive impact on the spirituality, family and marriage of the expatriate. Finally two challenges are laid before the SA church, one, to continue with missions in Africa according to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, Matthew 28:19-20, with the second, to combine the expatriate discipleship models into its mission strategies. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Perceptions of personnel on police suicide and the role of a chaplain

Mabe, Sello Edwin 02 1900 (has links)
Suicide is a common phenomenon in all Police Agencies. Perceptions about police suicide, different Suicide Prevention Strategies and the Chaplain's role in preventing Police Suicide are researched. Data gathering employed two methods, namely:- A questionnaire to assess Perceptions of Personnel on Police Suicide and the Role of a Chaplain in the prevention thereof, and A case study to substantiate qualitative data. Information gathered through questionnaires was presented as percentages of personnel agreeing with statements. Results indicate that the following factors influence police perceptions on suicide:- Job characteristics, Lack of care and support, Low morale, Ineffective coping skills and Police culture. Recommendations are made on how Police Chaplains and SAPS Department can get involved in suicide prevention. This include Pastoral role fulfilment, in cooperation with the multidisciplinary effort by Employee Assistance Service (EAS). Recommendations are also made regarding future research on police suicide and chaplain's intervention. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

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