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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing failure prediction from timeseries histogram data : through fine-tuned lower-dimensional representations

Jayaraman, Vijay January 2023 (has links)
Histogram data are widely used for compressing high-frequency time-series signals due to their ability to capture distributional informa-tion. However, this compression comes at the cost of increased di-mensionality and loss of contextual details from the original features.This study addresses the challenge of effectively capturing changesin distributions over time and their contribution to failure prediction.Specifically, we focus on the task of predicting Time to Event (TTE) forturbocharger failures.In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to improve failure pre-diction by fine-tuning lower-dimensional representations of bi-variatehistograms. The goal is to optimize these representations in a waythat enhances their ability to predict component failure. Moreover, wecompare the performance of our learned representations with hand-crafted histogram features to assess the efficacy of both approaches.We evaluate the different representations using the Weibull Time ToEvent - Recurrent Neural Network (WTTE-RNN) framework, which isa popular choice for TTE prediction tasks. By conducting extensive ex-periments, we demonstrate that the fine-tuning approach yields supe-rior results compared to general lower-dimensional learned features.Notably, our approach achieves performance levels close to state-of-the-art results.This research contributes to the understanding of effective failureprediction from time series histogram data. The findings highlightthe significance of fine-tuning lower-dimensional representations forimproving predictive capabilities in real-world applications. The in-sights gained from this study can potentially impact various indus-tries, where failure prediction is crucial for proactive maintenanceand reliability enhancement.

Impact of smart EV charging on grid network with PV and BESS : Case study for Hammarby Sjöstad

Khalid, Mutayab January 2021 (has links)
The transition in the transport sector by the integration of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) brings a new challenge for the system operators to ensure the balance between supply and demand. The installation of new EV charges poses a surge in electricity demand in the coming years which jeopardizes the grid reliability and stability. With the new EV policies in place, Sweden will have a huge growth of BEVs and the associated charging infrastructures. The challenges faced by the electricity transmission and distribution will depend on the type and smart capability of the infrastructure. Therefore, research is conducted to analyze the impacts of the mix of public and private residential EV charging and how smart charging can help in mitigating the impacts. This thesis studies the impact of the mix of private residential and public EV chargers on the power network of Hammarby Sjöstad, a neighborhood of Stockholm. Four substations out of 20 corresponding to the areas with the highest proportion in the residential and commercial sectors in the network were chosen for the study and power flow analysis was carried out to analyze the impacts in the year 2025. EV chargers were categorized into public and private residential chargers. The public chargers had rated power of 22 kW each while residential chargers were rated at 3.68 kW each. EVs can behave as energy vectors, and it is possible to optimize their charging as a part of demand-side management which includes peak shaving or shifting. Optimizing EV charging was treated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem to schedule EV charging for both reducing losses and the cost of electricity import from the grid. Two optimization strategies were investigated to analyze their potential to reduce the peaks due to uncontrolled charging. Renewable energy generation from solar PVs integrated with EV chargers reduces the import of electricity from the grid during the day which not only reduced the losses but also the cost of importing electricity from the grid. The effect of intermittency of solar PV generation was reduced by implementing BESS. At low price periods, the BESS was charged using the excess PV power and at higher price periods, the BESS was discharged. Three scenarios were developed, where the Reference scenario refers to the base case without PV and BESS, With PV scenario considered only PV generation while With PVBESS scenario considered the implementation of BESS with PV. Three test cases were simulated for each of the scenarios, and it was found that by the implementation of smart charging, the losses in the network reduce by 35.5% and it also significantly reduced the losses in all the other scenarios. Implementation of smart charging reduced the cost of electricity import from the grid by 4.3%. The integration of PV generation led to a 7% further reduction in the losses and cost of electricity import as compared to the Reference scenario. The integration of BESS increased the losses in the network, but it also enhanced the self-consumption of PV power. The implementation of smart charging not only reduces the losses and costs of import but will lead to savings in grid reinforcement costs. / Övergången inom transportsektorn genom integrering av batteri -elektriska fordon (BEV) medför en ny utmaning för systemoperatörerna att säkerställa balansen mellan utbud och efterfrågan. Installationen av nya elavgifter innebär en kraftig ökning av elbehovet under de kommande åren, vilket äventyrar nätets tillförlitlighet och stabilitet. Med den nya EV -politiken på plats kommer Sverige att ha en enorm tillväxt av BEV och tillhörande ladd infrastrukturer. Utmaningarna för elöverföring och distribution beror på infrastrukturens typ och smarta kapacitet. Därför forskas för att analysera effekterna av blandningen av offentliga och privata EV -laddningar för bostäder och hur smart laddning kan hjälpa till att mildra effekterna. Denna avhandling studerar effekten av blandningen av privata bostäder och offentliga EV -laddare på kraftnätet i Hammarby Sjöstad, en stadsdel i Stockholm. Fyra transformatorstationer av 20 motsvarande de områden med den högsta andelen inom bostads- och kommersiella sektorer i nätet valdes ut för undersökningen och effektflödesanalys utfördes för att analysera effekterna år 2025. EV -laddare kategoriserades offentligt och privata bostadsladdare. De offentliga laddarna hade en nominell effekt på 22 kW vardera medan bostadsladdare var 3,68 kW vardera. Elbilar kan bete sig som energivektorer, och det är möjligt att optimera laddningen som en del av hanteringen på efterfrågesidan som inkluderar topprakning eller växling. Optimering av EV -laddning behandlades som ett blandat heltal linjärt programmeringsproblem (MILP) för att schemalägga EV -laddning för både minskning av förluster och kostnader för elimport från nätet. Två optimeringsstrategier undersöktes för att analysera deras potential att minska topparna på grund av okontrollerad laddning. Förnybar energiproduktion från solcellsanläggningar integrerade med EV -laddare minskar importen av el från nätet under dagen vilket inte bara minskade förlusterna utan också kostnaderna för att importera el från nätet. Effekten av intermittency av solcellsgenerering genererades genom att implementera BESS. Vid lågprisperioder debiterades BESS med överskott av PV -effekt och vid högre prisperioder laddades BESS ur. Tre scenarier utvecklades, där referensscenariot hänvisar till basfallet utan PV och BESS, med PV -scenario endast betraktat PV -generering medan With PVBESS -scenario övervägde implementeringen av BESS med PV. Tre testfall simulerades för vart och ett av scenarierna, och det visade sig att genom implementering av smart laddning minskar förlusterna i nätverket med 35,5% och det minskade också avsevärt i alla andra scenarier. Genomförandet av smart laddning minskade kostnaden för elimport från nätet med 4,3%. Integrationen av PV -produktion ledde till en ytterligare minskning av förlusterna och kostnaderna för elimport med 7% jämfört med referensscenariot. Integrationen av BESS ökade förlusterna i nätet, men det förbättrade också självförbrukningen av PV-kraft. Genomförandet av smart laddning minskar inte bara förluster och kostnader vid import utan leder till besparingar i nätförstärkningskostnader.

Développement de chargeurs intégrés pour véhicules hybrides plug-in / Development of integrated chargers for plug-in hybrid vehicles

Marzouk, Mounir 08 October 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse consistent en la conception et la réalisation d’une chaîne de tractionintégrée pour véhicule hybride plug-in. L’étude s’oriente vers une solution de convertisseur mutualisé,dans l’objectif de partager la traction et les modes chargeurs de batteries, la structure en NPC à 3niveaux est retenue. Le chargeur monophasé se base une topologie de redresseur à MLI monophaséavec trois bras entrelacés, avec l’utilisation des enroulements du moteur pour le filtrage. En chargeurtriphasé nous adaptons la topologie pour réaliser un montage en double boost triphasé. Pour chaqueconfiguration, les passifs sont dimensionnés pour répondre aux contraintes en courant BF et HF. Lecontrôle adopté se base sur les correcteurs résonants. Enfin, un prototype de 5 kW a été réalisé pourvalider les différents modes de l’application.Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons une solution de chargeur isolé sans étage continu auprimaire à double ponts actifs (DAB). La topologie est modélisée au premier harmonique et unecommande assurant l’absorption sinusoïdale est étudiée. Une configuration isolée triphasée permetl’accès aux puissances plus élevées ainsi que la réduction des ondulations de courant BF en sortie. / This thesis consists on the design and realization of a plug-in hybrid vehicle integrated tractiondrive supply. The work turns to a solution of a mutualized converter, in the objective to imagine asolution which shared drive and battery chargers modes, the three-level NPC topology has beenretained. The single phase charger is based on an interleaved PWM rectifier, and motor windings areused as smoothing inductors. A double-boost PFC configuration is introduced to ensure the threephasecharger. Passives are sized in each configuration in order to take in account the whole currentconstraints (LF and HF). The PFC behavior is based on the resonant controllers. Then, a 5 kWprototype has been realized to validate the different application modes.In a second part, a single-stage isolated charger based on a Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) isproposed. The topology is modeled to the fundamental and the PFC control law is studied. A threephaseconfiguration is simulated in order to achieve higher charging powers and to reduce batterycurrent low-frequency ripple.

Záložní zdroj / Uninterruptible Power Supply

Mrázek, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and associated problems of backup power in case of unexpected outages of electricity. Start of work is dedicated to limitation of the electricity supplies, as well as their causes and consequences. Furthermore, brief history of UPS and subsequently distinguish between UPS’s architectures. There is also a description of the energy sources such as batteries, flywheels or fuel cells. Part of thesis describes security of electricity supply in health care facilities, including requirements for emergency power. The own design of UPS is described in the end.

Ověřovací série rychlonabíječů pro olověné akumulátory 12V a 6V / Verification series of fast-chargers for lead-acid accumulators 12V and 6V

Benada, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an engineering design of an intelligent fast-charger for lead-acid accumulators. It contains calculations of each component. The switching power supply is the mainstay of the charger that makes the charger portable, lightweight and small. The Intelligent fast-charger for lead-acid accumulators charges the accumulator by method of constant voltage with current limitation of 0,5A, 5A, 10A, 50A. 50A current is used in winter during starting of a car, when the battery can´t provide sufficient current. There are three LEDs placed on the front side of the charger reflecting status of the device. The device comprises safety protection for the charger, supply network and battery.

Záložní zdroj (UPS) / Uninterruptible Power Supply

Mrázek, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and associated problems of backup power in case of unexpected outages of electricity. Start of work is dedicated to limitation of the electricity supplies, as well as their causes and consequences. Furthermore, brief history of UPS and subsequently distinguish between UPS’s architectures. There is also a description of the energy sources such as batteries, flywheels or fuel cells. Part of thesis describes security of electricity supply in health care facilities, including requirements for emergency power. The own design of UPS is described in the end.

Fotovoltaické dobíjecí regulátory v ostrovních systémech / Solar charge controllers for off-grid systems

KRČKA, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with photovoltaic rechargable regulators used in isolated, or off-grid photovoltaic systems. First, basic types of off-grid installations, including their functions and applications in practice are described. Then, possibilities of electric energy accumulation in photovoltaic systems are mentioned, considering actual, accesible technologies. Matters of electric energy accumulation in leaden accumulators are examined in detail. Main part of the diploma thesis is about electronic designs of photovoltaic, also called solar, rechargable regulators. These are the main connecting part between photovoltaic panels, accumulator, but also often connected charge, which is appliance. Individual electronic regulators concepts are described narrowly, then compared and evaluated in thesis´ conclusion.

Monitorovací systém vodních toků s GSM komunikací / River mionitoring system with GSM communication

Pačinek, David January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis is dedicated to system of water monitoring for use of alternative source power supply and GSM communication. The thesis carried out research on the possibilities to take measurements on watercourses, also detailed research of photovoltaic panel, available accumulators and their charging and a synopsis of similar systems. Furthermore, the master thesis also captures design and implementation datalogger device type with possibility to send measured data to the website.

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