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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding charismatic leadership within militant Islamism : a motivational study of Osama Bin Laden and Anwar Al Awlaki

Wester, Isabel January 2016 (has links)
Militant Islamism is a phenomenon that has received significant attention during the lastdecades. Security scholars and policymakers have attempted to cope with the growingconcern of sympathizers willing to carry out terrorist attacks, but until today the need for afurther understanding of circumstances motivating this violence still remains. This causesdifficulties in effective policy responses to tackle militants as well as it strengthens hatredand equivocal perceptions on Islamic practices. This thesis is constituted on the idea that charismatic leadership partakes in the motivationalforces behind militant sympathizers. The aim of this thesis is to explore the relationship ofself-concepts provided by charismatic leadership theory towards the contents exposed bymilitant leaders within Islamism. This relationship is examined in an analytical study ofspeeches through the cases of two former representative and inspirational leaders of militantIslamism: Osama Bin Laden and Anwar Al Awlaki. The idea is to contribute with a motivational account that is also sensitive to the context ofthis specific leadership based on past research. Remarks are thus exposed through aframework of concepts by Boas Shamir in charismatic leadership and the assisting tools of aqualitative content analysis. A deeper comprehension of how charismatic leadershipfunctions is significant for the future of policies in Islamist militancy and leadership.Following results indicates to pursue the joint study of Islamist militancy in relation tocharismatic response for more conclusive research.

Le populisme comme matrice de la politique extérieure : Le cas du Venezuela. / Populism as a matrix for forein policy. The forein policy. : The venezuelan case.

Joffres, Adeline 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet les corrélations existant entre le leadership charismatique populiste et la politique extérieure vénézuélienne alors que, traditionnellement, ces deux objets sont considérés indépendamment l’un de l’autre. L’étude géo-historique de la construction de l’État-Nation vénézuélien aux XIXe et début du XXe siècles explique celle d’une « identité de corps ». L’État précède la Nation qui se construit par le conflit externe et la reconnaissance mutuelle, à la faveur de leaderships politiques dominants (personnalistes et/ou autoritaires) et, pour surmonter le traumatisme suscité par ces conflits et l’échec du projet supranational réunificateur (Grande Colombie), de représentations politiques mythifiantes du peuple et du pouvoir. Ce processus présage le façonnage d’une matrice populiste du politique ayant vocation à compléter cette identité en prolongeant l’interpellation du peuple, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur. Ce travail se focalise alors sur les mécanismes de construction et de routinisation du leadership charismatique populiste d’Hugo Chávez Frías et étudie les canaux de diffusion et de globalisation de ce type de leadership qui sont aussi ceux de la diplomatie multiple « bolivarienne ». Ainsi, le peuple n’est plus seulement un groupement de nationaux vénézuéliens mais une communauté « bolivarienne » plus élargie. Le populisme n’est plus envisagé comme un moment ni comme s’exprimant exclusivement sur le territoire national, mais comme un système global qui alimente autant qu’il se nourrit de l’autre et de l’extérieur. La politique extérieure peut alors être analysée sous l’angle d’une politique transnationalisée. / This thesis aims to show evidence for existing correlations between populist charismatic leadership and the Venezuelan foreign policy, whilst these two topics are traditionally considered independently from each other. The geo-historical study of the construction of the Venezuelan nation state in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries explains its « corporate identity ». The state precedes the nation that builds up from external conflict and mutual recognition, for dominant political leadership reasons (personalistic and / or authoritarian), and to overcome the trauma caused by the conflict and the failure of the unifying supranational project (Gran Colombia) by mythifying political representations of the people and power. This process suggests the shaping of a populist political matrix aiming to complete this identity by prolonging the appeal to the people, both inside and outside the country. The work then focuses on mechanisms aiming at building and routinizing Hugo Chávez Frías’s charismatic and populist leadership. It also studies the broadcasting channels and the globalization of this type of leadership which are similar to the « Bolivarian » multiple diplomacy. Thus, the people are no longer just a group of Venezuelan nationals but a much wider « Bolivarian » community. Populism is no longer conceived as a moment nor considered as expressing itself exclusively within the country, but as a global system that feeds as much as it is fed from others and from the outside. Foreign policy can thus be analyzed in terms of a transnationalized policy.

Religião no brasil. Diálogo entre o moderno e o pós-moderno a partir de estudos do espiritismo kardecista e do neopentecostalismo

Nery, Maria Clara Ramos 31 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-09-11T16:44:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Clara Ramos Nery_.pdf: 1715693 bytes, checksum: 977bf15d4e683bcdeaa5d3060ecc3bbb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-11T16:44:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Clara Ramos Nery_.pdf: 1715693 bytes, checksum: 977bf15d4e683bcdeaa5d3060ecc3bbb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-31 / Nenhuma / Esta tese apresenta essencialmente a busca de estabelecer o diálogo no âmbito da Sociologia da Religião, entre o moderno e o pós-moderno, a partir de estudos do Espiritismo kardecista na França e no Brasil e do neopentecostalismo, representado pela Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus. Assim, temos como primeira temática a relação entre sociedade e religião, abordando os autores clássicos da Sociologia e os fenômenos religiosos contemporâneos à luz dos clássicos, objetivando demonstrar a atualidade desses autores para a compreensão da relação de interdependência existente entre religião e sociedade e a permanência de suas contribuições para a análise do religioso na contemporaneidade. Depois temos a abordagem da relação religião e traços característicos típicos da modernidade e da pós-modernidade, procurando clarificar a questão: Podemos falar em religião moderna e pós-moderna? Questão essa que se faz importante, na medida em que os fenômenos religiosos não são refratários aos espíritos de época ou o espírito do tempo, pois trabalhamos modernidade e pós-modernidade como eventos que caracterizam a nossa historicidade. Faz-se uma análise do Espiritismo kardecista, primeiramente na França, demonstrando suas influências históricas que se constituíram enquanto força motriz de seu desenvolvimento, sucesso e também declínio no contexto da sociedade francesa. Segue-se com análise do Espiritismo kardecista no contexto da sociedade brasileira e as especificidades que possui em nossa realidade, que o diferenciam de sua matriz francesa, pois o Espiritismo kardecista, em terras brasileiras, assume uma configuração mais alicerçada em pressupostos tradicionais do Catolicismo. Finalmente, aborda-se a temática neopentecostalismo: entre o pré-moderno, o moderno e o pós-moderno? Objetiva-se relacionar o neopentecostalismo com os traços característicos típicos da pós-modernidade e seus determinantes, representado pela Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, pois esta constitui-se no contexto do campo religioso brasileiro como um autêntico divisor de águas, pelo número crescente de seus adeptos e também por sua forte expansão em termos territoriais, bem como através de sua inserção que se encontra relacionada com os meios de comunicação de massa. Apresenta elementos que se distinguem das demais expressões de religiosidade constantes em nossa sociedade, pois possui uma forma toda característica de professar a fé cristã. Insere-se no contexto do mercado de bens materiais e simbólicos, característica essa que deve ser considerada enquanto primeva, em termos de uma abordagem do pós-moderno no contexto do universo de representações simbólico-religiosas. A presente tese constitui-se numa tentativa de dar um novo enfoque na relação entre religião e traços característicos típicos da modernidade e pós-modernidade, sem que se encontre presa por um único caminho, mas mostrar uma abordagem diferente das opções presentes no âmbito da Sociologia das Religiões. / This thesis presents essentially the search to establish dialogue within the sociology of religion, between the modern and postmodern from the Kardecism studied in France and Brazil and neo-Pentecostalism, represented by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Thus we have as the first theme the relationship between society and religion, covering the classical authors of sociology and religious phenomena in the light of contemporary classics, aiming to demonstrate the relevance of these authors to understand the interdependent relationship between religion and society and the permanence of their contributions to the analysis of religion in contemporaneity. After, we have the approach of the relationship between religion and typical traits of modernity and post-modernity, seeking to clarify the question: can, we talk in modern and postmodern religion? It’s a question which is important as for as religious phenomena are not refractory to the spirits of the spirit of the season or time, for we work modernity and post-modernity as events that characterize our historicity. It is an analysis of Kardecism, first in France, demonstrating its historical influences that have formed as the driving force of development, success and decline in the context of French society. This is followed by analysis of Kardecism in the context of Brazilian society and the particular features in our reality, that differentiate it from its French headquarters, as Kardecism in Brazil assumes a traditional configuraction more assumptions rooted on of Catholicism. Finally, addresses the thematic Neo-Pentecostalism: between pre-modern, modern and postmodern? The aim is to relate the characteristic features typical of post-modernity and its determinants, represented by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, because this constitutes the contexts of the Brazilian religious field as a true watershed, the increasing number of its fans and also for its strong expansion in terms of territory, as well as through insertion which is related with the means of mass communication. It has elements which are distinguished from other constant expressions of religiosity in our society, because every feature has a way to profess the Christian faith. It inserts in the context of the market of material and symbolic, a characteristic that should be regarded as primal in terms of a postmodern approach in the context of the universe and religious-symbolic representations. This thesis constitutes an attempt to give a new focus on the relationship between traits typical of modernity and post-modernity, without being imprisoned by a single direction, but shows a different approach from the options present within the Sociology of Religions.

Leading in Times of Crisis: Examining the Effectiveness of Different Leadership Styles across Stages of the Crisis Lifecycle

Jungbauer, Kevin-Lim 08 February 2016 (has links)
Crisis represents an important contextual variable in the leader-follower relationship. Never is it as important as in times of “shock” when followers experience intense uncertainty and seek for sources of protection and guidance, that leaders are required to step in and find appropriate ways to alleviate fears, restore a sense normalcy, and maintain effective functioning. Over the years, studies from multiple disciplines have accumulated to a large body of literature on the topic of crisis leadership, informing the current understanding of how crises can be defined and the role of leadership in steering followers through them. However, despite a vast empirical base, important aspects in the analysis are missing, leaving the field to suffer from three fatal flaws. First, insights into the precise working of crisis leadership phenomena have remained restricted as the majority of existing studies limit their investigation to isolated and coarsely conceptualized crises. Second, past research efforts have focused on acute crisis management as the solitary leadership function, disregarding the potentially insightful study of crisis leadership across different stages of the crisis lifecycle. Third, a problematic imbalance is observable in the field that overemphasizes the analysis of particular leadership theories (i.e., charismatic-transformational leadership) to the neglect of testing the effectiveness of other leadership approaches as crisis responses. Altogether, there has been no effort to investigate crisis leadership in a systematic and integrative manner that acknowledges the breadth of what both the notions of crisis and crisis leadership encompass. This dissertation addresses these issues with the objective of gaining novel insights on the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different crisis contexts. Synthesizing the large and disparate body of literature of crisis leadership, the current work applies theories from the safety sciences, small group research, and the management field to widen the scope of previous analyses. Specifically, it develops a theoretical framework that integrates the insights gained from these domains by utilizing a tripartite crisis lifecycle approach, identifying the stages of pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis, as the basis for further study. Based on these stages, the notion of crisis is expanded by conceptualizing it in terms of (precursory) critical incidents, (acute) team crises, and (fully manifested) organizational crises. The framework broadens the research perspective by recognizing that prevention, intervention, and resolution of crisis are equally important functions of crisis leadership. Using this framework as a departure point for empirical investigation, relationship-based, motivation-based, and functionally-based leadership approaches are examined across the crisis stages in three empirical studies. Study 1 focuses on the pre-crisis stage and examines how relationship-oriented leadership forms support the preventive function of crisis leadership by promoting the reporting of critical incidents. Building on social exchange and social identity theory, this study disentangles how leader-member exchange (LMX) influences reporting of incidents in healthcare organizations through two different mechanisms. Using survey data of 15 hospitals in Germany (N = 436) and structural equation modelling, it reveals that LMX increases both reporting-specific trust and organizational identification of employees, which in turn positively affects reporting of incidents. Furthermore, top management support is found to moderate the link between LMX and reporting-specific trust, indicating a compensatory effect of LMX for followers who perceive management support to be low. In addition, codification of safety regulations is found to moderate the link between organizational identification and reporting of incidents, indicating that the institutionalization of safety norms through a strong follow-through of the organization facilitates reporting for highly-identified employees. The findings of Study 1 demonstrate that crisis leadership can be enacted at both the supervisory and top management level and illustrate that the resulting increase of followers’ crisis preventive behaviour can be motivated from different sources. Study 2 focuses on the crisis stage and examines how motivational leadership approaches aid the intervention function of crisis leadership by influencing follower performance in team crises. This study extends charismatic leadership research by identifying boundary conditions under which charismatic leadership in teams does not improve but can even hurt follower performance. Specifically, it proposes that while charismatic leadership generally leads to higher performance in team-based settings, the occurrence of a team crisis decreases performance. In addition, the follower attribute of self-direction is hypothesized to interact with charismatic leadership and team crisis such that charismatic leadership adversely impacts performance in a team crisis if followers’ self-direction is high rather than low. The theoretical propositions are tested in a laboratory setting that uses the cover story of a brainstorming competition (N = 88) intended to promote the sales of controversial consumer products, and experimentally manipulates team crisis in the form of value-based critical team events and leadership in the form of a rhetoric-based charismatic crisis intervention. The findings support the propositions of the three-way interaction. In sum, Study 2 provides first experimental evidence that charismatic leadership can have negative performance effects in specific types of team crises, if such leadership is enacted on highly self-directed followers. Study 3 focuses on the post-crisis stage and examines how functional leadership approaches assist the resolution function of crisis leadership in different types of organizational crisis. This study proposes that different crisis situations necessitate alternative leadership styles, which may additionally depend on follower characteristics. To this effect, it examines the interplay of (a) crisis types (sudden vs. gradual) with (b) leadership styles (pragmatic vs. charismatic), and (c) follower characteristics (pragmatism vs. idealism), hypothesizing favourable leader evaluations based on a principle of fit. The proposed relationships are tested in three experimental substudies (Ns = 62, 49, 204). Substudy 1 shows that pragmatic leadership is evaluated more favourably than charismatic leadership in gradual (vs. sudden) crises. Substudy 2 identifies the time horizon of crisis consequences as a further boundary condition and highlights that charismatic leadership can, conversely, be evaluated more favourably than pragmatic leadership if crisis consequences are perceived to manifest in the distant (vs. in the near) future. Substudy 3 replicates and extends the findings of Substudy 1 by providing evidence that the positive effects of pragmatic leadership are mediated by collective crisis efficacy and that this effect is enhanced for individuals high in pragmatism. The results of Study 3 indicate that both pragmatic and charismatic leadership represent a potentially effective approach to crisis leadership; however, their effectiveness depends on the specific crisis circumstances and the expectations that different types of followers have towards the ideal crisis leader. Combined, the findings of the three studies offer novel theoretical conclusions that are integrated in an overarching model of crisis leadership. This model advances four propositions concerning leadership in times of crisis related to (1) the formation of the leader-follower-relationship as a basis for crisis leaders’ social influence attempts, (2) the relevance of context factors found in the organizational environment, the individual follower, and the crisis itself, (3) the specific mechanisms that underlie the crisis leadership process, and (4) the different domains of organizational life that are affected by crisis leadership. The empirical studies contribute to research in unique ways. Study 1, in departure from research on organizations that have already achieved the goal of being “crisis-prepared” (i.e., high-reliability-organizations), extends the analysis to the healthcare sector by linking ideas and insights from the safety sciences with those from organizational behavior research. It tests a dual-process model of LMX that advances the social exchange and social identity literature and provides insights on how supervisory leadership interacts with higher level leadership functions in preventing crisis escalation. Study 2, in contrast to previous research on charismatic crisis leadership which has primarily found positive effects in large-scale crises, detects potentially negative effects at the team level. By applying a novel operationalization of crisis in the form of critical team events and considering the individual difference variable of self-direction, it adds to the event-based crisis literature and answers scholarly calls for a more follower-centric view of leadership. Study 3 takes up a new development in the leadership field by experimentally investigating pragmatic leadership approaches in a crisis context for the first time. It builds on a theoretically established, but as of yet empirically unexplored crisis typology in order to gain novel insights into the fit between crisis type, leadership style, and follower characteristics, and identifies boundary conditions in a moderated-mediation framework that simultaneously recognizes collective crisis efficacy as an important mechanism. Taken as a whole, the dissertation’s primary contribution is that it develops and empirically tests a theoretical framework that uniquely integrates multiple crisis conceptualizations situated at different stages of the crisis lifecycle with important, so far disregarded leadership approaches. In doing so, the current work informs the understanding of crisis leadership also from a practical point of view: The findings highlight the importance of leader adaptability and point out concrete ways of selecting and training leaders for assignment in crisis contexts. By virtue of a solid understanding of the nature of a crisis and its specific leadership requirements, crisis leaders can be better prepared to effectively engage their followers in different crisis situations with the aim of achieving desired outcomes despite difficult circumstances. / Krisen stellen eine wichtige Kontextvariable in der Beziehung zwischen Führungskraft und Geführten dar. Nie ist es so wichtig wie in Zeiten eines „Schocks“, wenn Geführte intensive Unsicherheit erleben und nach Schutz und Orientierung suchen, dass Führungspersonen eingreifen und angemessene Wege finden müssen, um Ängste zu lindern, ein Gefühl der Normalität wiederherzustellen, und die effektive Bearbeitung von vorhandenen Aufgaben sicherzustellen. Im Laufe der Jahre haben Studien aus den verschiedensten Disziplinen eine umfassende Literatur zum Thema Krisenführung zusammengetragen, die zum heutigen Verständnis des Krisenbegriffs sowie der Rolle der Führung in Zeiten der Krise beitragen. Trotz einer großen empirischen Basis sind allerdings wichtige Aspekte in der Analyse bisher noch nicht berücksichtigt und das Feld leidet an drei erheblichen Schwächen. Erstens ist die Kenntnis zu den genauen Wirkmustern der Krisenführung bisher begrenzt, da die meisten der vorhandenen Untersuchungen ihre Analysen auf voneinander isolierte und grob konzeptualisierte Krisen beschränkt haben. Zweitens haben sich vergangene Untersuchungen auf das aktive Krisen-Management als die einzige Führungsaufgabe konzentriert, ohne die potenziell interessante Analyse der Krisenführung in den verschiedenen Phasen einer Krise im Rahmen ihres Lebenszyklus zu berücksichtigen. Drittens ist im Forschungsfeld ein problematisches Ungleichgewicht zu beobachten, das die Analyse von bestimmten Führungstheorien (insb. die charismatisch-transformationale Führungstheorie) überbetont – zu Ungunsten einer Prüfung der Wirksamkeit anderer Führungsstile als alternative Krisenreaktionen. Insgesamt gab es bisher noch keine systematische und integrative Untersuchung der Führung in Krisenzeiten, welche der Bandbreite dessen, was sowohl der Begriff der Krise als auch der der Krisenführung umfasst, gerecht werden würde. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit diesen Problemen und hat als Ziel, neue Erkenntnisse zu der Wirksamkeit verschiedener Führungsstile in unterschiedlichen Krisenkontexten zu gewinnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit synthetisiert die umfangreiche und verstreute Literatur zum Thema Krisenführung und zieht Theorien aus den Sicherheitswissenschaften, der Kleingruppenforschung und dem Management-Bereich heran, um den Umfang der bisherigen Analysen zu erweitern. Insbesondere entwickelt die Arbeit ein theoretisches Rahmenmodell, das die aus diesen Bereichen gewonnenen Erkenntnisse integriert und einen dreigliedrigen Ansatz des Lebenszyklus von Krisen nutzt, um die Phasen vor der Krise, während der Krise und nach der Krise als Grundlage für weitere Forschungsbemühungen zu identifizieren. Basierend auf diesen Phasen wird der Begriff der Krise durch die Konzeptualisierung als kritische Ereignisse (Vorläufer einer Krise), Teamkrise (akuter Zustand einer Krise) und Organisationskrise (volle Manifestation einer Krise) ausgeweitet. Das Rahmenmodell erweitert die Forschungsperspektive durch die Erkenntnis, dass Prävention, Intervention, und Resolution der Krise gleichermaßen wichtige Funktionen der Krisenführung sind. Mit diesem Rahmenmodell als Ausgangspunkt für die empirische Untersuchung werden sodann beziehungsbasierte, motivationsbasierte, und funktionsbasierte Ansätze der Führung entlang den Krisenphasen in drei empirischen Studien untersucht. Studie 1 konzentriert sich auf die Phase vor dem Eintreten der Krise und untersucht, wie beziehungsorientierte Formen der Führung die präventive Funktion der Krisenführung durch die Förderung des Meldens von kritischen Ereignissen unterstützen. Basierend auf der sozialen Austausch- und sozialen Identitätstheorie zeigt diese Studie auf, wie Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) auf das Melden von kritischen Ereignissen im Gesundheitswesen über zwei verschiedene Mechanismen wirkt. Unter Nutzung von Fragebogendaten aus 15 Krankenhäusern in Deutschland (N = 436) und mittels Strukturgleichungsanalyse zeigt sich, dass LMX sowohl das den Meldestrukturen entgegengebrachte Vertrauen sowie die organisationale Identifikation der Mitarbeiter erhöht, was sich wiederum positiv auf das Melden von kritischen Ereignissen auswirkt. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Befunde, dass Unterstützung vonseiten des Top-Managements die Beziehung zwischen LMX und Vertrauen moderiert, was auf eine kompensatorische Wirkung von LMX für Geführte hinweist, die eine geringe Management-Unterstützung wahrnehmen. Außerdem wird aufgedeckt, dass die Verschriftlichung von Sicherheitsrichtlinien die Beziehung zwischen organisationaler Identifikation und dem Melden von kritischen Ereignissen moderiert, was vermuten lässt, das die Institutionalisierung von Sicherheitsnormen im Sinne einer hohen Implementierungstiefe organisationaler Maßnahmen das Meldeverhalten für hoch identifizierte Mitarbeiter verbessert. Die Ergebnisse von Studie 1 zeigen, dass Krisenführung sowohl auf der Vorgesetzten- als auch der Top-Management-Ebene stattfinden kann und veranschaulicht, dass die daraus resultierende Anregung der Krisenpräventionsbemühungen der Geführten aus verschiedenen Quellen motiviert sein kann. Studie 2 konzentriert sich auf die akute Krisenphase und untersucht, wie motivationale Führungsansätze die Interventionsfunktion der Krisenführung durch Beeinflussung der Geführtenleistung in Teamkrisen fördert. Diese Studie erweitert die Literatur zur charismatischen Führung und identifiziert Randbedingungen, unter denen charismatische Führung in Teams die Leistung von Geführten nicht verbessert, sondern sogar verschlechtern kann. Obwohl charismatische Führung in der Regel zu einer höheren Leistung in teambasierten Kontexten führt, nimmt die Studie an, dass das Auftreten einer Teamkrise die Leistung senkt. Darüber hinaus wird erwartet, dass ein Persönlichkeitsmerkmal der Geführten, die Selbstbestimmung, mit charismatischer Führung und der Teamkrise so interagiert, dass charismatische Führung sich negativ auf die Leistung während einer Teamkrise auswirkt wenn die Geführten eine hohe statt einer geringen Selbstbestimmung aufweisen. Die theoretischen Annahmen werden in einer Laborstudie getestet, die als Coverstory einen Brainstorming-Wettbewerb (N = 88) nutzt, bei dem der Verkauf von umstrittenen Verbraucherprodukten gefördert werden soll, und manipuliert experimentell die Teamkrise in Form eines wertebasierten kritischen Team-Ereignisses sowie Führung in der Form einer Rhetorik-basierten charismatischen Krisenintervention. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die theoretischen Annahmen einer Dreifach-Interaktion. In der Summe erbringt Studie 2 den ersten experimentellen Nachweis dazu, dass charismatische Führung negative Leistungsauswirkungen in bestimmten Arten von Teamkrisen haben kann, wenn die Führung auf hoch selbstbestimmte Geführte trifft. Studie 3 konzentriert sich auf die Phase nach dem Eintreten der Krise und untersucht, wie funktionale Führungsansätze die Krisenresolution in unterschiedlichen organisationalen Krisen unterstützen. Diese Studie nimmt an, dass unterschiedliche Krisensituationen alternative Führungsstile erfordern, was zusätzlich von den Eigenschaften der Geführten abhängt. Zu diesem Zweck untersucht sie das Zusammenspiel von (a) Krisentypen (plötzlich vs. graduell) mit (b) Führungsstilen (pragmatisch vs. charismatisch) und (c) Geführteneigenschaften (Pragmatismus vs. Idealismus) und stellt die Hypothese auf, dass Führungskräfte bei Passung dieser Faktoren vorteilhaft bewertet werden. Die theoretischen Annahmen werden in drei experimentellen Teilstudien getestet (Ns = 62, 49, 204). Teilstudie 1 zeigt, dass pragmatische Führung im Vergleich zu charismatischer Führung als effektiver in graduellen (vs. plötzlichen) Krisen evaluiert wird. Teilstudie 2 identifiziert den Zeithorizont von Krisenfolgen als weitere Randbedingung und hebt hervor, dass charismatische Führung umgekehrt besser als pragmatische Führung bewertet werden kann, wenn die Krisenfolgen als weit entfernt in der Zukunft (vs. nah in der Zukunft) wahrgenommen werden. Teilstudie 3 repliziert und erweitert die Befunde von Teilstudie 1 und erbringt den Nachweis, dass die positiven Effekte pragmatischer Führung durch kollektive, krisenbezogene Selbstwirksamkeit vermittelt wird und dass dieser Effekt für Personen mit hoher pragmatischer Grundausrichtung stärker ausfällt. Die Ergebnisse von Studie 3 zeigen, dass sowohl pragmatische als auch charismatische Führung einen potenziell wirksamen Ansatz der Krisenführung darstellen; allerdings hängt deren Wirksamkeit von den spezifischen Krisenbedingungen sowie den Erwartungen ab, die unterschiedliche Geführte von dem idealen Krisenführer haben. In der Gesamtheit lassen sich durch die Ergebnisse der drei Studien neue theoretische Schlussfolgerungen ziehen, die in einem übergreifenden Modell der Krisenführung integriert werden. Dieses Modell trifft vier Aussagen über das Führen in Krisenzeiten in Bezug auf (1) den Aufbau der Beziehung zwischen Führungskraft und Geführten als Grundlage für soziale Einflussversuche seitens des Krisenführers, (2) die Relevanz von Kontextfaktoren im organisationalen Umfeld, in der Person des Geführten, und der Krise selbst, (3) die spezifischen Mechanismen, die dem Prozess der Krisenführung zugrunde liegen, und (4) die verschiedenen Bereiche der organisationalen Lebenswelt, die von Krisenführung berührt werden. Die empirischen Studien liefern jeweils einen eigenen theoretischen Beitrag zur Forschung. Studie 1, in Ergänzung zu wissenschaftlichen Befunden zu Organisationen, die bereits das Ziel der „Krisenbereitschaft“ erreicht haben (i.e., High Reliability Organisationen), weitet die Analyse durch Verknüpfung von Erkenntnissen der Sicherheitswissenschaften mit denen der Organisationspsychologie auf den Gesundheitssektor aus. Die Studie testet ein duales Prozessmodell von LMX, das die Literatur der sozialen Austausch- und sozialen Identitäts-Theorie erweitert und Erkenntnisse dazu gewinnt, wie Führung des direkten Vorgesetzen mit übergeordneten Führungsfunktionen bei der Verhinderung einer Kriseneskalation interagiert. Studie 2 entdeckt entgegen bisheriger Forschung, die in erster Linie positive Effekte charismatischer Führung bei Großkrisen gefunden hat, potenziell negative Auswirkungen dieses Führungsstils auf Teamebene. Durch die Anwendung einer neuartigen Operationalisierung von Krisen in Form von kritischen Team-Ereignissen und unter Berücksichtigung der individuellen Variable der Selbstbestimmung, dockt sie an die ereignisbasierte Krisenliteratur an und erfüllt wissenschaftliche Forderungen nach einer stärkeren Betrachtung der Zusammenhänge aus der Geführtenperspektive. Studie 3 nimmt eine noch sehr junge Entwicklung in der Führungsforschung auf und untersucht mit einem experimentellen Ansatz erstmalig pragmatische Führungsansätze im Krisenkontext. Basierend auf einer theoretisch etablierten, aber empirisch bisher noch nicht untersuchten Krisentypologie, eröffnet die Studie neue Einblicke in die Passung zwischen Krisentyp, Führungsstil und Geführteneigenschaften, und identifiziert Randbedingungen in einem moderierten-Mediations-Modell, das darüber hinaus die kollektive, krisenbezogene Selbstwirksamkeit als wichtigen Mechanismus identifiziert. Als Ganzes genommen ist der wesentliche Forschungsbeitrag der Dissertation die Entwicklung und Testung eines theoretischen Rahmenmodells, das verschiedene Krisenkonzeptualisierungen in unterschiedlichen Phasen des Krisenlebenszyklus mit wichtigen, bisher vernachlässigten Führungsansätzen vereint. Dabei vertieft die vorliegende Arbeit das Verständnis der Krisenführung auch aus praktischer Sicht: Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Bedeutung der Anpassungsfähigkeit von Führungskräften in Zeiten der Krise und zeigen konkrete Möglichkeiten der Auswahl und Entwicklung von Führungskräften für deren Einsatz in Krisenkontexten auf. Durch das genaue Verständnis der Eigenschaften einer Krise und ihrer spezifischen Führungsanforderungen können Krisenführer besser darauf vorbereitet werden, auf effektive Art und Weise ihre Geführten in verschiedenen Krisensituationen zu motivieren, um gewünschte Ergebnisse trotz schwieriger Umstände zu erreichen.

Catalysts for Change: Unveiling Leadership Behaviours and Interventions of Nature-Based Athletes in Cultivating Pro-Environmental Behaviour among Fans

Thaller, Hanna, Makin, Ben January 2023 (has links)
With billions of sports fans all over the globe, athletes have a considerable platform to advocate for the environment and catalyse behaviour change. The purpose of this paper was to explore the role of leadership in athlete environmental activism. Furthermore, this study aimed to add to the existing literature on pro-environmental behaviour change by investigating the interventions performed by nature-based athletes when encouraging their fans to adopt pro-environmental behaviours. In this paper, a qualitative research design was employed and semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten individuals who were identified as fans of nature-based athletes. The collected data was analysed using deductive thematic analysis, based on the leadership theory of Charismatic Leadership (CL) and the pro-environmental behaviour change theory of Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) Theory. The results indicated that all but one of the Charismatic Leadership Behaviours described in theory were performed by nature-based athletes, the exception being “setting goals with moral overtones.” Moreover, the study deduced that all VBN Interventions detailed in the academic literature were made by nature-based athletes when encouraging pro-environmental behaviour. The analysis process also revealed two additional findings: nature-based athletes mainly communicate their activism through social media and nature-based athletes’ fans want their favoured athletes to incorporate pushing for systemic change in their activism, in addition to encouraging individual behaviour change. Finally, a model was proposed that synthesises the theories of CL Behaviours and VBN Interventions, based on the findings of this study. This study contributes to the literature on pro-environmental behaviour change under the VBN framework and Charismatic Leadership. Additionally, this paper explores the role of leadership in athlete activism and athlete environmental activism, two topics which have not been extensively researched.

Black Males and the Baptist Church: A Phenomenological Study of Participation and Attendance in Columbus, Ohio

Combest, Arthur June, Sr. 02 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.

"Promise of power" : an analysis of Bible Life Ministries in Botswana

Born, Jacob Bryan 11 1900 (has links)
In a manner similar to other countries on the African continent, Botswana has witnessed the explosive growth of new Pentecostal churches. These churches are most often distinguished by their recent origins, focus on the prosperity gospel and spiritual deliverance ministries. In this study, one specific church, Bible Life Ministries, in the capital city of Gaborone, was researched in an effort to understand its great appeal. I have proposed that their rapid growth is a result of their "promise of power" - spiritual power that provides individuals with temporal results such as health, wealth and control over one's environment. Faced with the rapid changes brought about by external forces such as urbanization and globalization, these churches are deliberately seeking to bridge western and Setswana culture in an effort to contextualize the gospel for contemporary Batswana. Of major missiological concern is whether or not the gospel message has been distorted in this process. / Church Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Shedding light on a muddled field : a Christian ethical appraisal of transforming and transformational leadership

Meier, Elke Annette 02 1900 (has links)
Principles of “transforming leadership” have been widely promoted since the publication of James McGregor Burns’ book Leadership, especially among Christian leaders. The purpose of this study is to examine the ethical foundations of his model and Bernard Bass’ “transformational leadership”. Imprecise use of the terms “transforming”, “charismatic”, and “transformational” leads to an adoption of methods without adequate understanding of the underlying value system. This literature review compares and evaluates the source texts within a framework of world view, intention, character and menschenbild, as well as the Christian ethical mandates of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Valuing the imago Dei in others has significant implications for a leader-follower relationship. Bonhoeffer’s mandates will help leaders reflect their position within their organisations and the wider society. Though the incentive for this research was leadership within the context of the Wycliffe Global Alliance, its findings will be relevant to Christian leadership in general, especially in intercultural contexts. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics with specialisation in Christian leadership in context)


邱小芸 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究發現,組織所制訂之情緒表達規則對於員工在服務顧客時所表現的情緒表達行為有正面的影響,然而,情緒表達規則究竟是透過何種管道傳遞給員工,目前文獻尚未提供明確的答案;且傳遞方式的不同是否會增強或削弱組織規範對員工行為的影響力,也是過去文獻所忽略的部分。本研究以主管的教導行為作為主要變項,探討其是否會影響員工在服務顧客時,所展現之正向情緒表達與失態行為;同時,本研究亦探討主管平時與員工互動時所展現的魅力領導行為與不當對待領導行為,是否會干擾主管教導行為與員工情緒表達之間的關係。 本研究以國內飯店業之櫃台服務人員為實證對象,蒐集了總共101家飯店、360位櫃台服務人員的資料。結果顯示,主管的教導行為對於員工正向情緒表達行為具有正面的影響;且當主管展現出高度的魅力領導行為時,會強化主管教導行為與員工正向情緒表達之間的正向關係。 / Although previous studies have found that organizations’ display rules have positive impacts on employee affective displays in the service industry, the issue of how these emotional display rules be conveyed to employees remains relatively unexplored so far; and it is also been neglected as to whether the way of conveying display rules can influence the effects of organizational norm on employee positive affective displays. Therefore, this study examined whether supervisory guidance can affect employee positive affective displays and breaking character. In addition, this study examined whether charismatic leadership and abusive supervision performed by supervisors will moderate the relationships between supervisory guidance and employee affective displays. Data were collected from 360 front desk clerks in 101 hotels in Taiwan. Results showed that supervisory guidance had a positive impact on employee positive affective displays. In addition, this study found that high level of charismatic leadership behaviors strengthened the positive relationship between supervisory guidance and employee positive displays.

Shedding light on a muddled field : a Christian ethical appraisal of transforming and transformational leadership

Meier, Elke Annette 02 1900 (has links)
Principles of “transforming leadership” have been widely promoted since the publication of James McGregor Burns’ book Leadership, especially among Christian leaders. The purpose of this study is to examine the ethical foundations of his model and Bernard Bass’ “transformational leadership”. Imprecise use of the terms “transforming”, “charismatic”, and “transformational” leads to an adoption of methods without adequate understanding of the underlying value system. This literature review compares and evaluates the source texts within a framework of world view, intention, character and menschenbild, as well as the Christian ethical mandates of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Valuing the imago Dei in others has significant implications for a leader-follower relationship. Bonhoeffer’s mandates will help leaders reflect their position within their organisations and the wider society. Though the incentive for this research was leadership within the context of the Wycliffe Global Alliance, its findings will be relevant to Christian leadership in general, especially in intercultural contexts. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics with specialisation in Christian leadership in context)

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