Spelling suggestions: "subject:"charity"" "subject:"c1arity""
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Potere e Misericordia nel Quattrocento. La Repubblica Ambrosiana, il principe Francesco Sforza e la 'gran riformatione' degli ospedali milanesi (1447-1466) / Macht und Misericordia im Quattrocento. Die Ambrosianische Republik, der Fürst Francesco Sforza und die 'gran reformatione' der Mailänder Hospitäler (1447 - 1466) / Power and Misericordia in Quattrocento. The Ambrosian Republic, the Prince Francesco Sforza and the 'gran riformatione' of the Milanese Hospitals (1447-1466)HAAS, JURI 02 April 2009 (has links)
La ricerca ha mostrato come per mezzo della riforma ospedaliera e della fondazione di un capitolo – l’organo d’autogestione dell’ospedale - il ceto decurionale milanese riuscì dopo la caduta della Repubblica Ambrosiana a perpetuare l’esistenza di una sorta di micro-repubblica (uno spazio cioè che garantiva la conservazione di un potere pluralistico). Con l’assunzione del patronato sul sontuoso edifico dell’Ospedale Maggiore il neo-duca Francesco Sforza invece, trasformò l’immagine della riforma ospedaliera in emblema del suo principato e in espressione della sua potenza. In questo senso allora il fenomeno della riforma ospedaliera - fenomeno molto precoce in Lombardia rispetto al resto dell’Europa centrale - trova a Milano una propria spiegazione nel contesto della contrapposizione politica di due autorità, che, attraverso il riferimento al concetto medievale della misericordia, si impegnavano a far trionfare un potere legittimo. Non vi sono attestazioni che permettono di inserire la riforma milanese nella tipologia dei riordinamenti sociali realizzatesi in Europa centrale negli anni venti e trenta del Cinquecento, che la moderna storiografia considera secondo i paradigmi del 'disciplinamento sociale' e della 'esclusione'. / The research has shown how, through hospital reform and the foundation of a chapter - the body for the self-government of the hospital – the local governing classes (ceto decurionale) of Milan succeeded in perpetuating the existence of a kind of micro-republic (a place where the conservation of a pluralistic proportion of power was guaranteed) after the fall of the Ambrosian Republic. On the other hand, by assuming patronage of the sumptuous building housing the Ospedale Maggiore, the new Duke, Francesco Sforza, transformed hospital reform into an emblem of his principality and a manifest sign of his power. In this sense, therefore, the phenomenon of hospital reform, which came about very early in Lombardy compared to the rest of central Europe, can be explained in terms of a political confrontation between two authorities which, using the medieval concept of misericordia as their landmark, endeavoured to make a certain legitimate seat of power committed themselves to the triumph of legitimate power. At the same time there is no evidence to warrant the Milanese reform being classified together with the type of social re-ordering carried out in central Europe in the fifteen-twenties and fifteen-thirties, which modern historical scholarship considers according to the paradigm of 'disciplinary action' and 'exclusion'.
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Benägenheten att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer : En empirisk forskningsstudie utförd i Linköpings stad / The propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charity : An empirical research study conducted in Linkoping cityCollryd, Mattias, Lindau, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
Antalet hemlösa EU-migranter har på senare år ökat kraftigt i Sverige, och närmare hälften av dem saknar inkomstkälla helt medan många andra försörjer sig genom tiggeri. Numera måste individer förutom att ta ställning till huruvida de ska ge pengar till etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer även besluta om de ska ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter. Utifrån antagandet att det existerar asymmetrisk information, och institutionella faktorer som kan påverka individers givande till respektive typ av välgörenhet är det intressant att undersöka om det finns skillnader i benägenheten att ge till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer.Forskningsstudiens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka benägenheten hos individer att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. Vidare är syftet också att identifiera och analysera olika individspecifika egenskaper som tänkbart påverkar individers givande till respektive typ av välgörenhet. För att besvara syftet samlas primärdata in i Linköpings stad genom en enkätundersökning och analyseras sedan med hjälp av ekonometriska verktyg.Forskningsstudiens resultat indikerar att individer generellt är mindre benägna att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. De egenskaper som har betydelse för att förklara individers givande till tiggande EU-migranter är kön, ålder, härkomst, kunskap om tiggande EU-migranters livssituation och inställning till lagförslag att förbjuda tiggeri. I jämförelse till detta har ålder, utbildning, härkomst, äktenskap och sociala faktorer betydelse för att förklara givandet till etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. / In recent years, the number of homeless EU migrants has increased substantially in Sweden, and almost half of them lack an income whereas many others live by begging. Nowadays, individuals in addition to decide whether to give money to established charities also have to decide whether to give money to begging EU migrants. Based on the assumption that asymmetric information and institutional factors exists, which can affect each type of willingness to donate to charity, it is interesting to investigate whether there are differences in propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charities.The purpose of the research study is to examine individual’s propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charities. Furthermore, the aim is also to identify and analyze various individual characteristics that conceivably affect individuals' donation to each type of charity. To answer the purpose of the research study primary data is collected in Linkoping city by a questionnaire and the material is analyzed with econometric models.The results of the study indicate that individuals generally are less likely to give money to begging EU migrants compared with established charities. Variables that affect individuals' willingness to give money to begging EU migrants are gender, age, descent, knowledge of begging EU migrants living situation and attitude towards banning begging. Compared to this, factors that affect the willingness to donate to established charities are age, education, descent, married and social factors.
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The participation of nongovernmental organizations in social service: a study of religious drug treatmentagencies and their relationship with governmentYip, Hau-yu, Hannah., 葉巧瑜. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Public Administration / Master / Master of Public Administration
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Λάκωνες ευεργέτες και δωρητές και η προσφορά τους στην εκπαίδευση και τον πολιτισμόΜανωλάκος, Προκόπης 12 June 2015 (has links)
Βασικός σκοπός της εργασίας μας ήταν η ανάδειξη της ευεργετικής και κοινωνικής προσφοράς στην εκπαίδευση και τον πολιτισμό των Λακώνων ευεργετών, δωρητών και κληροδοτών και της προσφοράς τους στην Ελλάδα και την ιδιαίτερη πατρίδα τους αλλά και των αποδήμων, οι οποίοι προσέφεραν και στο νέο τόπο στον οποίο εγκαταστάθηκαν. Επιδίωξή μας υπήρξε η συνολική διερεύνηση και καταγραφή των Λακώνων ευεργετών, ανεξάρτητα από την προσφορά τους, μεγάλη, μικρή ή πολύ μικρή, στη διαδικασία διαμόρφωσης της εκπαίδευσης και του πολιτισμού, από τη δημιουργία του Ελληνικού Κράτους μέχρι τις μέρες μας. Επιδιώξαμε να δείξουμε τη χρονική συνέχεια που υπάρχει στις δωρεές, χορηγίες και ευεργεσίες από το 1821 μέχρι τις μέρες μας. Η ύπαρξη σημαντικού αριθμού Λακώνων ευεργετών και δωρητών από το 1821 μέχρι σήμερα αναδεικνύει τη διαχρονικότητα και την επικαιρότητα του λακωνικού ευεργετισμού. Καταβλήθηκε προσπάθεια για ανάδειξη της διάστασης και του μεγέθους του λακωνικού ευεργετισμού σε σχέση με το συγκεκριμένο τόπο και το χρόνο.
Βασικό ερώτημα που μας απασχόλησε ήταν οι λόγοι που ώθησαν τους Λάκωνες ευεργέτες και δωρητές να προβούν σε πράξεις δωρεάς για την ενίσχυση της εκπαίδευσης και του πολιτισμού. Προσπαθήσαμε να επιχειρήσουμε μια σκιαγράφηση της προσωπικότητας των Λακώνων ευεργετών - δωρητών και των δράσεών τους.
Το Ελληνικό Κράτος και η Λακωνία χάρη στη συμμετοχή των ευεργετών αναπτύχθηκαν με ταχύτερους ρυθμούς, αφού οι ευεργέτες χρηματοδότησαν έργα εκπαιδευτικά και υποδομών γενικότερα. Έχοντας ως βασικό κίνητρο την ανάπτυξη της Λακωνίας, ο απλός λαός και οι ευκατάστατοι Λάκωνες γηγενείς αλλά και της διασποράς διέθεσαν το σύνολο των περιουσιών τους ή ένα τμήμα της σε δωρεές προς το Κράτος και ιδιαίτερα σε λειτουργίες που αφορούσαν την παιδεία, την υγεία, τα κοινωφελή έργα, τη φιλανθρωπία.
Βαρύτητα δόθηκε στη μικρή δωρεά και προσφορά προσώπων που προερχόταν από τα κατώτερα κοινωνικοοικονομικά στρώματα του λαού, γιατί τις περισσότερες φορές - αν όχι όλες - αυτή η δωρεά ήταν πηγαία, εξέφραζε στάση και ιδεολογία αλλά ήταν επίσης και πολύ σημαντική λόγω του πλήθους των μικρών δωρητών. Μας απασχόλησε η κατεύθυνση της δωρεάς των τοπικών ευεργετών και δωρητών.
Αναζητήσαμε τα κίνητρα της ευεργεσίας των Λακώνων ευεργετών-δωρητών, τις αιτίες του φαινομένου της ευεργεσίας καθώς και την οικονομική σημασία των προσφορών. Πολλοί από τους Λάκωνες ευεργέτες λόγω της μακρόχρονης απουσίας τους από την ιδιαίτερή τους πατρίδα οδηγήθηκαν σε πράξεις ευεργεσίας που προήλθαν από τη νοσταλγία επιστροφής σε αυτήν, αλλά και από τη συνειδητοποίηση της αναγκαιότητας της ανασυγκρότησης των υποδομών της νότιας ηπειρωτικής περιοχής της ελληνικής επικράτειας.
Μελετήθηκαν 385 διαθήκες και συμβολαιογραφικές πράξεις ως προς το χρόνο, τα κίνητρα, την προέλευση, το σκοπό της ευεργεσίας, την ιδιαίτερη καταγωγή του δωρητή, το επάγγελμά του, το φύλο, την κοινωνική και οικονομική του θέση. Η καταγραφή των πιο πάνω πράξεων έγινε σε πίνακες. Επίσης καταγράφτηκαν 1.752 πράξεις δωρεάς.
Η εργασία αποτελείται από τέσσερα κύρια μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος αναφερθήκαμε στην έννοια της ευεργεσίας και της δωρεάς, στους όρους «ευεργέτης – δωρητής», στους τοπικούς ευεργέτες και στην αξία των μικρών προσφορών, στις επικρίσεις για την ευεργεσία. Επίσης έγινε αναφορά στην ευεργεσία στην αρχαία Ελλάδα και στο Βυζάντιο, στην ευεργεσία από το 1821 και μετά και στις σύγχρονες μορφές ευεργεσίας καθώς και στο ιστορικό πλαίσιο της Λακωνίας με έμφαση στην ανάπτυξή της από το 1821 και μετά.
Στο δεύτερο μέρος αναφερθήκαμε στους Λάκωνες ευεργέτες - δωρητές και τους παρουσιάσαμε μέσα από τις διαθήκες τους. Αναφερθήκαμε στον ευεργέτη και την τύχη του κληροδοτήματος, στην περιπέτεια της δωρεάς η οποία μπορούσε υπό προϋποθέσεις να μεταβληθεί, στο χρόνο που έφθανε στον αποδέκτη, την καθυστέρηση. Προσπαθήσαμε να διερευνήσουμε την τύχη των κληροδοτημάτων. Επίσης τη γεωγραφία της ευεργεσίας, σ’ αυτούς που βρέθηκαν και σε δεύτερη πατρίδα και ευεργέτησαν και τις δύο πατρίδες. Ιδιαίτερη αναφορά έγινε για τους Λάκωνες ομογενείς ευεργέτες και δωρητές και συγκεκριμένα για αυτούς που βρέθηκαν και προσέφεραν στη γη που τους φιλοξένησε. Αναφέραμε τις βιογραφίες Λακώνων δωρητών, την επαγγελματική τους δράση και την κοινωφελή δραστηριότητα τους. Αναφερθήκαμε στα κίνητρα της ευεργεσίας και ειδικά σε εκείνα που συνδέονταν με την παιδεία. Το χρέος που ένιωθαν προς την πατρίδα, τις επιρροές και τα πρότυπα των ευεργετών, την οικογενειακή κατάστασή τους, την υστεροφημία και την αναγνώριση και ανακήρυξή τους ως ευεργετών.
Στο τρίτο μέρος μάς απασχόλησε η δωρεά σε συγκεκριμένους επιμέρους τομείς της εκπαίδευσης. Στην πρωτοβάθμια, δευτεροβάθμια, επαγγελματική, τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση όπως ανωτέρω εκτέθηκε. Αναφερθήκαμε στην ανέγερση και συντήρηση των σχολείων, στις δωρεές που έγιναν για εποπτικά μέσα, βιβλιοθήκες, υποτροφίες.
Στο τέταρτο μέρος αναφερθήκαμε στην κατεύθυνση της δωρεάς προς θέματα πολιτισμού, όπως τη δημιουργία δημοσίων και δημοτικών βιβλιοθηκών, δωρεές σε μουσεία, πινακοθήκες. Επίσης αναφερθήκαμε σε δωρεές σε εκκλησίες, νοσοκομεία, ορφανοτροφεία, γηροκομεία, άσυλα ανιάτων, προσφορές για τον αθλητισμό, την φιλανθρωπία, προσφορές για έργα κοινής ωφέλειας, στο Κράτος, σε δήμους και κοινότητες, σε συλλόγους. Η εργασία ολοκληρώθηκε με τα γενικά συμπεράσματα των όσων προηγήθηκαν. / The main purpose of our project was the emergence of the beneficial and social offer to education and culture of the Laconian benefactors, donators and legators and their offer to Greece and their hometown but also of the emigrants, who offered to the new land in which they were settled in. Our pursuit was the overall investigation and the record of the Laconian benefactors without regard to their offer, big, small or very small, to the process of the configuration of education and culture, from the creation of the Greek State until today. We have tried to show the temporal continuity that there is in donations, sponsorships and benefactions since 1821up to the present time. The existence of an important number of Laconian benefactors and donators since 1821 up to now highlights the timelessness and the timeliness of the Laconian benefaction. An effort was made for the emergence of the dimension and size of the Laconic benefaction in relation to the specific location and time.
A basic question that occupied us was the reasons that led the Laconian benefactors and donators to make transactions of donation for the reinforcement of education and culture. We tried to attempt a delineation of the personality of the Laconian benefactors – donators and their actions.
The Greek State and Laconia thanks to the participation of benefactors developed faster, since the benefactors funded educational and infrastructure projects generally. Having as a basic motive the development of Laconia, the common people and the wealthy native Laconians as well as of the dispersion gave their entire properties or a part of them in donations to the State and especially in functions concerning education, health, the public utility projects, charity.
It was given leadenness to the small donation and offer by people who were coming from the lower socioeconomic layers of people, because most of the times – if not all – this donation was effortless, it expressed attitude and ideology but it was also very significant due to the large number of small donators. It occupied us the direction of the donation of the local benefactors and donators.
We looked for the motives of the benefaction of the Laconian benefactors – donators, the causes of the phenomenon of the benefaction as well as the economic importance of the offers. Many of the Laconian benefactors, due to their longtime absence from their hometown, were led to acts of benefaction which came from the nostalgia of the returning to it, as well as from the realization of the necessity of the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the south mainland of the Greek territory.
385 wills and notarial deeds were studied in respect of the time, the motives, the origin, the purpose of the benefaction, the specific origin of the donator, his profession, his sex, his social and economic status. The record of the above actions was made in tables. Moreover, 1.752 acts of donation were recorded.
The project is consisted of four main parts. In the first part, we were referred to the concept of benefaction and donation, to the terms “benefactor – donator”, to the local benefactors and the value of the small offers, to the criticism concerning the benefaction. Also, there was a reference to the benefaction in the ancient Greece and the Byzantium, to the benefaction since 1821 and onwards and to the contemporary forms of benefaction as well as and to the historical frame of Laconia with emphasis on its development since 1821 and onwards.
In the second part, we were referred to the Laconian benefactors – donators and we presented them through their wills. We were referred to the benefactor and the destiny of the bequest, to the adventure of the donation, which could be altered under premises, to the time that it reached the receiver, to the delay. We tried to explore the destiny of the bequests. Also the geography of the benefaction, to those who were found and in a second country and benefited both countries. A special reference was made to the Laconian expatriate benefactors and donators and namely to those who were situated and offered to the land that hosted them. We mentioned the biographies of Laconian donators, their professional action and their charitable activity. We referred to the motives of the benefaction and especially to those, which were associated with education. The duty that they were feeling towards the country, the influences and the standards of the benefactors , their marital status, their posthumous fame, and the recognition and their nomination as benefactors.
In the third part, we were occupied by the donation to specific sub-sectors of education. To the primary, secondary, professional, higher education as it was stated above. We were referred to the construction and maintenance of schools, to the donations that made for teaching aids, libraries, scholarships.
In the fourth part, we were referred to the direction of the donation to cultural issues, as the creation of public and municipal libraries, donations to museums, galleries. Moreover, we were referred to donations to churches, hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, hospices, to offers for sport, for charity, to offers for projects of public interest, to the State, to municipalities and communities, to clubs. Our project was completed with the general conclusions of the foregoing.
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Zakladatelky českých špitálů 13. století Svatá Anežka a svatá Zdislava - jejich život a dílo / Founder of Czech hospitals of the 13th century Saint Agnes and St. Zdislava - their life and workLEITGEBOVÁ, Zdeňka January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the life and work of St. Zdislava and St. Agnes of Bohemia. In the first part, there is a description of biographies of both saints, their vocation in life, charity and foundation work, their life-works. The second part compares the differences between St. Zdislava and St. Agnes of Bohemia and vice versa, it mentions their commonalities, further it describes motivation and source of strength St. Zdislava and St. Agnes of Bohemia for their foundation and charity activities. The conclusion is devoted to the reference and relevance of the topic of marriage and religious life today.
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Study of the work of the Hungarian Baptist Aid with a special stress on the relationship between the social responsibility and evangelismNagy-Ajtai, Erzsébet 02 1900 (has links)
In this study we studied how holistic mission should be accomplished. May we speak about social and evangelical mandates? This search is done through the examination of a Christian relief organisation, the Hungarian Baptist Aid. Our main research question was: Is the work of this service holistic?
Although we concluded in the light of David Bosch's mission interpretation that their mission is not yet holistic, the model of Hungarian Baptist Aid is encouraging how we could multiply our resources that are placed in God's hand. How we can see a commission that seemed impossible can become possible, and how we can find our way in God's mission. / Christian Spirituality, Curch History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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Saving a Saint : A Study of the Representation of Maria Goretti (1890-1902): a Saint, a Martyr, a Virgin, a ChildCadavid Yani, Helwi Margarita January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the legend of the Italian virgin martyr, Saint Maria Goretti (1890-1902). Her legend states that she died at the age of eleven protecting her virginity from her assailant Alessandro Serenelli who stabbed her numerous times, and that she granted him forgiveness before she died. Hence, she has been promoted as an example of purity and mercy. The continued relevance of Saint Maria Goretti is demonstrated by the fact that her figure was used to promote the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis and first announced in March 2015. The aim of the current study is to examine how Maria Goretti has been portrayed in the Catholic tradition. This is done by analysing Maria Goretti’s official representation found in the papal discourse about her (which consists of homilies, discourses, Angelus, messages and a letter), as well as by analysing the devotional discourse which in this study is comprised of two books that belong to the genre of hagiography. The chosen books: St. Maria Goretti, by Marie Cecilia Buehrle (1950), and St. Maria Goretti: In garments all red, by Fr. Godfrey Poage, C.P. (1950) can be included among the classics written about Saint Maria Goretti in English. I deploy a thematic narrative analysis as method in which I’m concerned with content in terms of themes, and with the ways in which characters are represented. Uncovering the themes that are discussed in the papal discourse and the devotional discourse about Saint Maria Goretti contributes to a better understanding of her representation and, in some measure, to a reconsideration of what she represents. A part of this thesis focuses on the aspects of Maria Goretti’s representation that can be considered problematic because of the claim that it is preferable to choose to be killed rather than to be raped. Therefore, it becomes necessary to include the discourse that treats Goretti’s story from a critical point of view which in this study embraces ethical, psychological, and feminist perspectives. The legend of Maria Goretti has been the object of arguably many studies. This thesis, nonetheless, contributes with a more detailed analysis of the discourse about Maria Goretti at the official level as well as the devotional level. I also seek to give insight into the genre of hagiography and to elucidate that the edeavour of portraying a wholly virtuous individual does not come without it’s complications in terms of the interpretations that can be made of the images that are conveyed. The analysis shows, among other things, that the representation of Maria Goretti misses aspects of reality and the complexity and multifariousness of the subject of sexual violence. I argue that a wholesome and more comprehensive representation of Saint Maria Goretti should include expert knowledge of sexual violence, especially that which can be found within the field of psychology.
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Saving a Saint : A Study of the Representation of Maria Goretti (1890-1902): a Saint, a Martyr, a Virgin, a ChildCadavid Yani, Helwi Margarita January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the legend of the Italian virgin martyr, Saint Maria Goretti (1890-1902). Her legend states that she died at the age of eleven protecting her virginity from her assailant Alessandro Serenelli who stabbed her numerous times, and that she granted him forgiveness before she died. Hence, she has been promoted as an example of purity and mercy. The continued relevance of Saint Maria Goretti is demonstrated by the fact that her figure was used to promote the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis and first announced in March 2015. The aim of the current study is to examine how Maria Goretti has been portrayed in the Catholic tradition. This is done by analysing Maria Goretti’s official representation found in the papal discourse about her (which consists of homilies, discourses, Angelus, messages and a letter), as well as by analysing the devotional discourse which in this study is comprised of two books that belong to the genre of hagiography. The chosen books: St. Maria Goretti, by Marie Cecilia Buehrle (1950), and St. Maria Goretti: In garments all red, by Fr. Godfrey Poage, C.P. (1950) can be included among the classics written about Saint Maria Goretti in English. I deploy a thematic narrative analysis as method in which I’m concerned with content in terms of themes, and with the ways in which characters are represented. Uncovering the themes that are discussed in the papal discourse and the devotional discourse about Saint Maria Goretti contributes to a better understanding of her representation and, in some measure, to a reconsideration of what she represents. A part of this thesis focuses on the aspects of Maria Goretti’s representation that can be considered problematic because of the claim that it is preferable to choose to be killed rather than to be raped. Therefore, it becomes necessary to include the discourse that treats Goretti’s story from a critical point of view which in this study embraces ethical, psychological, and feminist perspectives. The legend of Maria Goretti has been the object of arguably many studies. This thesis, nonetheless, contributes with a more detailed analysis of the discourse about Maria Goretti at the official level as well as the devotional level. I also seek to give insight into the genre of hagiography and to elucidate that the edeavour of portraying a wholly virtuous individual does not come without it’s complications in terms of the interpretations that can be made of the images that are conveyed. The analysis shows, among other things, that the representation of Maria Goretti misses aspects of reality and the complexity and multifariousness of the subject of sexual violence. I argue that a wholesome and more comprehensive representation of Saint Maria Goretti should include expert knowledge of sexual violence, especially that which can be found within the field of psychology.
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Působení nekatolických církví v oblasti sociální a charitativní práce v České republice / Activity of non-catholic churches in social and charity work in Czech RepublicMERHAUT, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis was to monitor contemporary work of non-catholic churches (that unified in collective platform, Diaconies in the Czech Republic) in the field of charitable, in context of historically progression of czech reformation and basic dogmatic recourses.
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Naissance d'un mythe : Jeanne d'Arc dans l'oeuvre de Charles Péguy / Birth of a myth : Joan of Arc in the work of Charles PeguyAlabsi, Dalia 29 April 2011 (has links)
Dispersée dans la multiplicité d'ouvrages qui se nourrissent directement de sa légende et abritent son image, Jeanne d'Arc a réussi à les dépasser tous : peu importent les recherches menées sur les détails de sa vie et qui visent à ébranler l'aspect héroïque de sa mission, sa légende continue à prendre le dessus et répand l'image de la petite fille guerrière et libératrice de la France dans le monde entier. Rarement une figure aura donné lieu à autant d'interprétations différentes, à autant de débats et de récupérations de partis opposés. Symbole de la résistance à toute invasion étrangère et de l'obéissance aux ordres divins, elle n'a cessé de se prêter à d'innombrables rôles et d'exprimer les aspirations les plus contradictoires. Au XXe siècle, l'œuvre de Charles Péguy consacrée à Jeanne d'Arc est une résurrection du personnage de la Pucelle où les données historiques sont prises comme prétexte pour doubler l'acte héroïque de Jeanne d'une portée mythique qui engage le salut de l'humanité entière. À travers le mythe de Jeanne d'Arc, Péguy s'interroge sur le sort de l'humanité, sur le sens caché de l'Incarnation et sur le mystère de la Rédemption : les images se superposent, les mots doublent de sens et derrière le spectacle de la guerre se devinent, plus horribles encore, les cris sourds des âmes damnées. Avec Péguy, Jeanne dépasse son rôle d'héroïne et de sainte au service de la France et des Français, elle cherche le salut de l'humanité à travers celui de son pays. Dès lors et à travers la conception d'une vie humaine, celle de Jeanne, Péguy nous fait assister à la constitution d'un mythe à la fois personnel et universel. / Despite the numerous books that dealt with the legend story of Joan of Arc, still she managed to overcome all the expectations. Regardless the detailed researches done to reinforce the heroic aspect of her mission, her legend continues to spread all over the world the image Joan of Arc the warrior and liberator of France. In the literature rarely a character had given rise to such so different opinions and discussions as Joan of Arc had done. A symbol of resistance against any foreign invasion and obedience to divine commands, she had continued give herself to a countless roles and to be a source of inspiration in most contradictory manner. In the twentieth century, the work of Charles Peguy is a renovation of character of Joan of Arc “The Maid of Orleans”. In his book, Peguy emphasize the heroic mythic part of Jeanne concerning the salvation of whole humanity. Throughout the legend of Joan of Arc, Peguy rise the question about the fait of humanity through the hidden sense of incarnation and the mystery of redemption : the images serve to metaphor, the wards have double meanings and behind the spectacle of war which becoming more and more horrible we can hear the cries of the cursed souls. With the writings of Peguy, Joan overcome her role as a heroine and saint to serve France and the French people, she is looking forward the salvation of the humanity throughout the salvation of her country. Hence Peguy shows us the creation of a personal and universal myth with the help of simple conception of Joan’s humane life.
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