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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obraz české církve v období vlády Karla IV. / The Image of the Church in Bohemia during the Reign of Charles IV.

Prokopová, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis " The image of the church in Bohemia during the reign of Charles IV." deals with state of the Czech church in the late Middle Ages during the reign of Charles IV. The aim is to outline the image of the Church before the advent of Charles IV. to the Czech throne and especially to capture the state during his reign. The first part deals with the description of the situation in the church before the beginning of the reign of Charles IV. in Bohemia. It also includes the biography of the last bishop of Prague, John IV. of Dražice, but also efforts and attempts at the creation of the Prague archbishopric in the country. A special chapter deals with a biography of Charles IV. and his achievements especially in the role of the Czech and Roman king and emperor. The third chapter is dedicated to the main theme of the work, and that is the state of the Czech Church in Bohemia, the Prague Archbishopric and other religious institutions in the Czech kingdom. Part of the chapter is devoted to the first archbishop of Prague, Arnošt of Pardubice and his relationship and cooperation with Charles IV. The last part deals with the spiritual heritage, which Charles IV. left after his death, and which still exists.

Le monde de l'édition sous le règne de Charles IV (1789-1808) à travers les annonces de librairie des journaux madrilènes / The pulishing industry under the reign of Charles IV (1789-1808) throughout Madrid’s newspapers’ bookshop publications

Cavaillon Giomi, Joan 15 June 2013 (has links)
Longtemps délaissée comme source primaire des études historiques en Espagne, la presse est devenue, depuis les travaux pionniers d'Alberto Gil Novales, une source incontournable pour nombre de chercheurs. A côté des rubriques consacrées aux seules informations et des articles de fond, qui intéressent essentiellement l'histoire événementielle et celle des mentalités, les diverses annonces qu'accueillent généralement les périodiques permettent des études socio-économiques particulièrement utiles en ce qui concerne le XVIII° siècle. María José Seoane a déjà exploité ce genre de sources pour la période 1808-1819 à partir de la Gaceta de Madrid et du Diario de Madrid. Pour notre part, nous attachant à la période qui couvre le règne de Charles IV (1788-1808) et utilisant les annonces de librairie publiées dans l'ensemble des périodiques madrilènes de cette période, nous entendons ne pas nous contenter dans notre thèse de produire les listes des ouvrages annoncés mais, à partir de celles-ci, faire le bilan de la production imprimée pendant la seconde moitié du XVIII° siècle, étudier les réseaux de diffusion de ces ouvrages ainsi que les stratégies mises en place par les auteurs et les éditeurs avant de constater les succès et échecs de leurs entreprises. Nous pensons apporter ainsi une contribution utile à l'étude du livre et de la lecture et permettre ainsi de mieux appréhender ce qui fut le premier vecteur de diffusion des Lumières en Espagne. / Long neglected as a primary source of historical studies in Spain, the Press has become a valuable source for a lot of researchers since the pioneering work of A.G.N. Alongside sections solely devoted to information and feature stories, which are of particular interest to the history of events and mentalities, the numerous notices which make up the contents of periodicals allow for particularly useful socio-economic studies as regards the eighteenth century.Maria José Seoane already relied on this kind of sources from La Gaceta de Madrid and Diario de Madrid for the period spanning between 1808 and 1819. As far as we are concerned, focusing on the period covering Charles IV's reign (1788-1808) and using bookshop publications from all of Madrid 's periodicals of the time, we intend not to confine our thesis to the simple enumeration of the reading lists but, on the contrary, to evaluate the print production of the second half of the eighteenth century, at the light of those reading lists. We also intend to study the diffusion networks as well as the strategies that were developed by writers and editors alike before the successes or failures of their undertaking. We thus hope to make a valuable contribution to the study of books and book reading and therefore allow for a better understanding of what was the first vehicle for the dissemination of the ideas of The Enlightenment in Spain.

Thronis meis binis : validation through history in the court art of Charles IV

Bushnell, Taissa. January 2001 (has links)
Bohemian art of the second half of the fourteenth century is closely associated with the personality of Charles IV, Emperor of the Romans and King of Bohemia (1316--1378). In an effort to legitimize his reign as ruler of the Holy Roman Empire and to raise the profile of his ancestral Bohemian lands, he leaned on the power of history to reveal his heritage as stemming, on one side, from an illustrious line of emperors including Charlemagne, and on the other, from the dynasty of Bohemian sovereigns. He recognized that art could display this legitimization and so implemented a programme of historicism in his artistic commissions. His impact on Bohemian art was indirect as well: his ideas influenced the art patronage of his closest court advisers, as seen in this paper through the examples of two illuminated manuscripts, the Evangeliary of John of Opava and the Liber viaticus.

Thronis meis binis : validation through history in the court art of Charles IV

Bushnell, Taissa. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Stavební podoba hradu Karlštejna v době Karla IV. / The form of Karlstejn Castle at the time of Charles IV.

Vávrová Hanušová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The form of Karlstejn Castle at the time of Charles IV. Diploma thesis "The form of Karlstejn Castle at the time of Charles IV." deals at first with historical reports not only about the foundation of the castle itself but also about additional events during the life of Charles IV. These events are put in context of the construction form of the castle. The main part of this text is focused on the comprehensive description of the building taking into account previous research and construction plans. Then its construction form is compared with other castles founded by Charles IV. In particular castles Kasperk, Radyne, Karlshaus and Lauf an der Pegnitz are studied in detail. Since in general, castles in the 14th century served primarily residential purposes, this thesis also mentions Karlstejn's indoor arrangements and such building components as heating systems, windows, etc.

Magie v epoše Karla IV. a jeho dědiců / The Magic in the era of Charles IV. and his heirs

Vozár, Zdenko January 2013 (has links)
The question of magic in the later middle ages has a rather long tradition in the Bohemian historical milieu in the argument over the manuscripts of Kues. However, it is only one of the very aspects of the subject, and others were until now more or less neglected. Therefore I would like to bring a new fresh perspective and clearly define the field of research into its dynamic complexity. My argument is composed from three integrally interconnected parts. Firstly, I should bring forward the question: What is magic? The exact definition of this word is still not agreed upon despite the grand effort of scholars not only from the last decades. By examination of the word "magic" I have to have as a condition a very good referential background for it. With the second question, I concentrate on diachronic of the historical context and its dynamics of the transfer and contra-transfer of learned magic in Bohemia. At last, I am taking into account the close investigation of the written sources and the overall dynamics of the bigger European picture of the period. The main argument proposed by this thesis, is that the used sources are predating the Kues manuscript and that in the 14th century the unprecedented growth of the artistic faculty of the Prague university, as one of the first, brought into play the...

Využívání historických motivů v panovnické legitimaci: srovnání francouzského a českého království v pozdním středověku / Comparison of the Use of Historical Motives in the Monarchical Legitimacy in kingdoms of France and Bohemia in the Late Middle Ages

Žůrek, Václav January 2014 (has links)
Václav Žůrek Comparison of the Use of Historical Motives in the Monarchical Legitimacy in Kingdoms of France and Bohemia in the Late Middle Ages Abstract Concepts of the past are most important parts in the formation of individual and collective identity. Medieval authors deliberately used the historical narratives as a means of enhancing the cohesion of respective social groups, usually the ruling strata of society. The doctoral thesis focuses on re-interpretations and exploitations of the past in France and Bohemia during the 14th century, on the role of historical narratives in the self-representation of the ruling dynasties Luxembourg and Valois, and on the perception of their own role in the history. Main question of the thesis is the social and literary context of the shaping of an imagination of the past: detailed comparison between the Latin and vernacular historiographical production at the royal courts in France and Bohemia bring also crucial observations as to the ways and means of cultural transfer between the respective centres of power.

Komentovaný překlad spisu Liber de coronatione Karoli IV. imperatoris Jana Porty z Annonay (Iohannes Porta de Annoniaco) / Iohannes Porta de Annoniaco, Liber de coronatione Karoli IV. imperatoris - commentary and translation

Pavlíková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the work Liber de coronatione Karoli IV. imperatoris (Book on the coronation of Emperor Charles IV) from the middle of the 14th century. Its author Iohannes Porta de Annoniaco was a personal secretary and confidant of Cardinal Peter of Colombier who was commissioned by Pope Innocent VI to perform the imperial coronation of Charles IV in Rome in 1355. As an eyewitness, Iohannes Porta describes the cardinal's and Charles's journey to Rome, focuses in more detail on the events in Rome, and above all, the very act of coronation. The author also deals with the following events of the return journey of both the cardinal and the emperor. In addition, he included in his work copies of documents and correspondence related to the coronation. The text offers a valuable source of direct testimony about the course of Charles's Italian journey. The thesis aims to present a Czech translation of selected parts of Iohannes Porta's text, supplemented by explanatory notes, the purpose of which is to clarify certain factual or linguistic particularities of the text. The translation is accompanied by an introductory study. Its first part explains the historical context of Charles's imperial coronation, the next part focuses on the author and the overall characteristics of the work.

Noblesse et pouvoir princier dans la Lorraine ducale (vers 1620-1737) / Nobility and princely power in the duchies of Lorraine (from the 1620s to 1737)

Motta, Anne 04 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les relations entre la noblesse et le prince dans les duchés de Lorraine au coursd’une période qui s’étend des années 1620 à 1737. Elle les explore dans le cadre d’un renforcement du pouvoirducal et dans une période de transition troublée.Dans cet État souverain des confins, la noblesse représentée par quelques puissantes familles issues del’ancienne chevalerie incarne l’élite sociale, morale, et politique. Étroitement associée aux responsabilités, elleest affectée au premier plan par les ruptures qui scandent le XVIIe siècle : la guerre, l’occupation française etl’exil. Autant d’évènements qui déstabilisent le service princier et éprouvent la fidélité au duc, fondementessentiel des rapports de la noblesse au pouvoir. Cette étude revisite les notions de service, de devoir etd’honneur, constitutives de l’identité nobiliaire.Après plus d’un demi-siècle de désordres, la paix de Ryswick (1697) ramène la stabilité et le princeretrouve ses duchés. Le rétablissement de l’État s’effectue dans une dialectique entre tradition et changement. Lanoblesse qui aspire à retrouver sa place auprès du duc est confrontée à de nouvelles incertitudes qu’elle surmontegrâce à la résurgence de la faveur princière et au prix d’une recomposition de l’ordre.L’équilibre des forces est mis à mal en 1729 avec l’avènement de François III dont le destin se joue pardelàles frontières. Détaché de son territoire patrimonial, le jeune souverain rompt le lien avec la noblesselorraine et met fin à l’impératif absolu du service princier.L’étude des relations entre la noblesse et le duc durant le long XVIIe siècle est une réflexion sur lasociété politique d’un État aux limites sensibles et aléatoires. / This study tackles the relation between nobility and prince in the Duchies of Lorraine during the periodthat spans from the 1620s to 1737. The academic frame in which it is explored is one marked by reinforced ducalpower and by much turmoil within a transitory period.In such a border-line sovereign state, the nobility as represented by a few powerful houses stemmingfrom ancient chivalric backgrounds, embodies the social, moral and political elite of the day. Closely involved inthe Duke’s wields of executive power, and more than any other social body, nobles suffered from the manypoints of rupture that punctuated the 17th century : wars, French occupation and exile did indeed challeng thePrince’s service. These points of rupture jeopardized the fidelity to the Duke, one of the essential foundations ofthe link between the nobility and Power. The study revisits such key-notions as service, duty, and honour,notions which shape up nobles’ identity.After more than a half-century of disorders of all kinds, the Ryswick Peace (1697) brought the situationback to a relative stability and the Prince regained his Duchies. Putting back the State to its feet implied adialectical tension between tradition and change. The nobility eager to regain former responsabilities isconfronted with new uncertainties that will be partly overcome by the resurgence of princely favours and areshuffling of the Order.The balance of forces is put at stake in 1729 when Francois III comes to the throne and his fate is tomaterialize beyond frontiers. Detached from its heritage territory, the prince unbinds the ties which linked thenobility and puts an end to the absolute imperative of a prince’s service.The study of relations between nobility and duke throughout the long 17th century consists in an overallquestioning of a political society in a border-conscious and border-moving state.

Začlenění Lucemburska mezi země Koruny české / Incorporation of Luxembourg among the Lands of the Bohemian Crown

Stehlík, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is the incorporation of Luxembourg among the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. This theme was chosen primarily for the reason that it have not been compiled and analyzed by historiography so far. Available literature usually takes the incorporation of Luxembourg in the Bohemian Crown automatically as a fact without further reasoning. As a result of this approach there is considerable amount of inaccuracies and mistakes in literature. Primary inaccuracy is in a date or in a time period determining the incorporation of Luxembourg in the Bohemian Crown, when literature often indicate the reign of King Charles IV or even the reign of King John of Luxembourg. The purpose of this diploma thesis is not only analyzing the process of incorporation, but also disproves continuing inaccuracies. For this reason the diploma thesis draws and analyzes essential facts primarily from original sources and confront them with available literature. First chapter briefly introduces the institution of the Bohemian Crown for her distinguish from the Kingdom of Bohemia. Further it analyzes the terms "crown" and "incorporation". At last it describes a beginning of the Bohemian Crown and analyzes fundamental documents of this institution. Following second chapter describes the personal union...

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