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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chemical abundances in main-sequence stars in open cluster M67

van den Brink, Nemo January 2011 (has links)
The discovery of a solar twin in the open star cluster M67 (Önehag et al. 2011) implies a near-solar chemical composition for the cluster. This study uses high-resolution spectroscopic data of five main-sequence stars in M67 to analyze their abundance of a few key elements and compare results to the solar-twin composition and the composition of field twins (Melendez et al. 2009). The derived composition was also compared to predictions of stellar-structure models including the effects of  element diffusion. (Richard, private communication).  It is found that all analyzed elements are, to varying degree, less abundant in the five main sequence stars than in the solar twin. With the possible exception of iron, all derived abundances also fall clearly below the diffusion predictions.

Chemical signatures of the first stars

Bengtz, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
The first stars are something many scientists are curious about. How did they formand how did the universe look like at that time? These stars however probably died along time ago, or are at a distance too far away from us to be observable. If these starsexploded and formed supernovae there might be stars observable today that formed fromthe ejecta of these supernovae. Models of nucleosynthesis in the first stars may potentiallybe used to infer parameters of progenitor supernovae from chemical abundances in old,metal-poor stars. This thesis aim is to find out how precise these abundances need to beto achieve a certain precision in the supernova parameters. This is done by perturbingthe abundances for one element at a time in four different stars and see how the recoveredsupernova parameters change. The first conclusion is that it isn’t necessarily the sameelements that are important for determining the supernova parameters in all stars, andif there is one thing that decides which elements are important it would be the star’smetallicity. The stars HE1327-2326 and HE0107-5240 metallicites are close to each other,with [Fe/H] < -5.0 and [Fe/H] = -5.3 respectively, and behaved similarly, the elementmost important in both stars was nitrogen. The star SMSS0313-6708, [Fe/H] < -7.3, hadmore elements that changed the parameters, the most important beeing C, O and Ca.The star CS 31028-001, [Fe/H] = -2.9, also had many elements that were important, andsome of them are Na, K and Ni. / De första stjärnorna är någonting många forskare är nyfikna på. Hur formades deoch hur såg universum ut vid den tiden? Dessa stjärnor dog antagligen länge sedan,eller så är de på ett avstånd för långt bort från oss för att kunna observeras. Om dessastjärnor exploderade och bildade supernovor är det möjligt att det finns stjärnor som gåratt observera som bildades ur dessa supernovor. Modeller av nukleosyntes i dessa förstastjärnor kan potentiellt användas för att anta parametrar för de föregående supernovorur den kemiska sammansättningen för gamla, metalfattiga stjärnor. Målet för dennauppsats är att ta reda på hur exakta värden som behövs på dessa kemiska sammansättningarför att nå en viss säkerhet på supernovaparametrarna. Det görs genom att ändraämneshalten för ett ämne i taget i fyra olika stjärnor och se hur de beräknade supernovamodellsparametrarnaändras. Den första slutsatsen är att det inte nödvändigtvis ärsamma ämnen som är viktiga för att bestämma supernovaparametrarna i varje stjärna,och om det är en sak som bestämmer vilket ämne som är viktigt skulle det vara stjärnansmetallicitet. Stjärnorna HE1327-2326 och HE0107-5240 har metalliciteter som är näravarandra, med respektive [Fe/H] < -5.0 och [Fe/H] = -5.3, och betedde sig snarlikt, så vardet kväve som var det viktigaste ämnet i dessa två stjärnor. Stjärnan SMSS0313-6708,[Fe/H] < -7.3, hade fler ämnen som ändrade parametrarna och de viktigaste var C, O ochCa. Stjärnan CS 31028-001, [Fe/H] = -2.9, hade också många ämnen som var viktiga ochnågra av dem var Na, K och Ni.

"Determinação de abundâncias químicas em simbióticas amarelas austrais" / Determination of chemical abundances in yellow symbiotic stars from the southern hemsiphere

Calbo, Silvia Ribeiro 09 June 2004 (has links)
Com o presente trabalho contribuiu-se para o estudo das composições químicas das estrelas simbióticas do hemisfério sul, muito pouco exploradas na literatura. Apresenta-se um conjunto completo de simbióticas amarelas austrais extraído do catálogo de Belczynski [Belczynski]. Alguns dos objetos analisados não possuem nem sequer dados espectroscópicos na literatura. Obtém-se os dados deste trabalho com o telescópio de 1.6 m do LNA e da base de dados do satélite I.U.E. Calcula-se o avermelhamento a partir das linhas de recombinação do H, aplicando os valores de extinção interestelar obtidos dos espectros no visível aos do U.V. A partir das razões entre as linhas do [OIII] e [NII] e supondo uma temperatura eletrônica de 12 000 K (Nussbaumer [NussbuamerNP]) encontra-se as densidade eletrônicas presentes nas nebulosas dos sistemas simbióticos. Com estes dados, mais os os fluxos das linhas derivam-se as abundâncias químicas das nebulosas dos sistemas simbióticos; C, N, O no U.V. e He, Ar, S, O e N no visível. Comparam-se as abundâncias no visível com as das simbióticas na direção do bojo (Luna [Luna]) e com nebulosas planetárias (Escudero [Escudero]). Nota-se que em geral as simbióticas são mais enriquecidas em N e He do que as planetárias isto ocorre provavelmente porque as progenitoras das estrelas simbióticas são mais massivas do que a das planetárias. No entanto, para elementos como O, Ar e S encontram-se abundâncias muito próximas entre simbióticas e planetárias. Comparam-se também, as abundâncias das simbióticas amarelas desta amostra com a de planetárias do disco extraídas do trabalho de Pottasch [Pottasch84] , cefeidas de Luck e Lambert [Luck], abundâncias das gigantes G,K e M obtidas a partir de Lambert e Ries[Lambert], as anãs G e K de Reddy et al [Reddy], as gigantes M de Smith e Lambert[Smith90], abundâncias das estrelas Ba extraídas de Smith [Smith84], as estrelas mild Ba dos tipos espectrais G8 a K3 de Berdyugina [Berdyugina] , as early R de Dominy [Dominy], estrelas C de Lambert et al [Lambert86] e por fim as estrelas M e S (MS) de Smith & Lambert [Smith90]. Pode-se distinguir dois grupos de simbióticas amarelas a partir dos diagramas C/N-O/N. Um grupo apresenta produtos do ciclo CN e situa-se próximo à curva de baixa metalicidade e metalicidade solar. O outro grupo, encontra-se próximo da curva C/O=1, que consiste de objetos enriquecidos em carbono (Schmid & Nussbaumer[Nussbaumer01]). As estrelas simbióticas amarelas enriquecidas em C não estão univocamente associadas as estrelas Ba ou early R. Estes dois grupos representam as simbióticas amarelas tipo s e d' respectivamente. Por fim, conclui-se que os sistemas simbióticos amarelos analisados neste trabalho confirmam o modelo de que seriam estrelas AGBs iluminadas por alguma fonte quente de radiação. / The present work is a contribution to the study of chemical composition of southern symbiotic stars, scarcely studied in literature. We present a complete set of yellow southern symbiotic stars extracted from Belczynski. Some of the objects analyzed had no spectroscopic data in literature. The data were obtained using 1.6m telescope in LNA, Brazil and the IUE satelite database. The reddening was calculated from Hydrogen recombination lines. From the ratio fluxes of the lines of [OIII] and [NII] and a hypothetical electronic temperature of 12 000K (Nussbaumer) we estimated the eletronic density of the nebulae present in the symbiotic system. With this data plus the fluxes of lines observed we obtained the chemical abundances in symbiotic nebulae; C,N,O in U.V. and He, Ar, S, O and N in visible. The abundances of the yellow symbiotic stars were compared to planetary disc nebulae extracted from Pottasch, cefeids form Luck & Lambert, G, K and M giant abundances from Lambert & Ries, G and K dwarfs from Reddy et. al., M giants from Smith & Lambert, Ba star abundances from Smith, mild Ba stars type G8 and K3 from Berdygina, early R from Dominy, C stars form Lambert et. al. and M and S (MS)stars from Smith & Lambert. We can distinguish two types of yellow symbiotic groups. One group presents CN cycle products and is situated near the low metalicity and solar metalicity curve. The other group is found near the C/O=1 curve that is made of rich carbon objects (Schmid & Nussbaumer).The yellow symbiotic stars enriched in carbon are not univically asociated with Ba or early R stars. These two groups represent respectively the yellow s and d' symbiotics. The yellow symbiotic stars analyzed in this work confirm the model in which they would be AGB stars iluminated by some hot source radiation.

"Determinação de abundâncias químicas em simbióticas amarelas austrais" / Determination of chemical abundances in yellow symbiotic stars from the southern hemsiphere

Silvia Ribeiro Calbo 09 June 2004 (has links)
Com o presente trabalho contribuiu-se para o estudo das composições químicas das estrelas simbióticas do hemisfério sul, muito pouco exploradas na literatura. Apresenta-se um conjunto completo de simbióticas amarelas austrais extraído do catálogo de Belczynski [Belczynski]. Alguns dos objetos analisados não possuem nem sequer dados espectroscópicos na literatura. Obtém-se os dados deste trabalho com o telescópio de 1.6 m do LNA e da base de dados do satélite I.U.E. Calcula-se o avermelhamento a partir das linhas de recombinação do H, aplicando os valores de extinção interestelar obtidos dos espectros no visível aos do U.V. A partir das razões entre as linhas do [OIII] e [NII] e supondo uma temperatura eletrônica de 12 000 K (Nussbaumer [NussbuamerNP]) encontra-se as densidade eletrônicas presentes nas nebulosas dos sistemas simbióticos. Com estes dados, mais os os fluxos das linhas derivam-se as abundâncias químicas das nebulosas dos sistemas simbióticos; C, N, O no U.V. e He, Ar, S, O e N no visível. Comparam-se as abundâncias no visível com as das simbióticas na direção do bojo (Luna [Luna]) e com nebulosas planetárias (Escudero [Escudero]). Nota-se que em geral as simbióticas são mais enriquecidas em N e He do que as planetárias isto ocorre provavelmente porque as progenitoras das estrelas simbióticas são mais massivas do que a das planetárias. No entanto, para elementos como O, Ar e S encontram-se abundâncias muito próximas entre simbióticas e planetárias. Comparam-se também, as abundâncias das simbióticas amarelas desta amostra com a de planetárias do disco extraídas do trabalho de Pottasch [Pottasch84] , cefeidas de Luck e Lambert [Luck], abundâncias das gigantes G,K e M obtidas a partir de Lambert e Ries[Lambert], as anãs G e K de Reddy et al [Reddy], as gigantes M de Smith e Lambert[Smith90], abundâncias das estrelas Ba extraídas de Smith [Smith84], as estrelas mild Ba dos tipos espectrais G8 a K3 de Berdyugina [Berdyugina] , as early R de Dominy [Dominy], estrelas C de Lambert et al [Lambert86] e por fim as estrelas M e S (MS) de Smith & Lambert [Smith90]. Pode-se distinguir dois grupos de simbióticas amarelas a partir dos diagramas C/N-O/N. Um grupo apresenta produtos do ciclo CN e situa-se próximo à curva de baixa metalicidade e metalicidade solar. O outro grupo, encontra-se próximo da curva C/O=1, que consiste de objetos enriquecidos em carbono (Schmid & Nussbaumer[Nussbaumer01]). As estrelas simbióticas amarelas enriquecidas em C não estão univocamente associadas as estrelas Ba ou early R. Estes dois grupos representam as simbióticas amarelas tipo s e d' respectivamente. Por fim, conclui-se que os sistemas simbióticos amarelos analisados neste trabalho confirmam o modelo de que seriam estrelas AGBs iluminadas por alguma fonte quente de radiação. / The present work is a contribution to the study of chemical composition of southern symbiotic stars, scarcely studied in literature. We present a complete set of yellow southern symbiotic stars extracted from Belczynski. Some of the objects analyzed had no spectroscopic data in literature. The data were obtained using 1.6m telescope in LNA, Brazil and the IUE satelite database. The reddening was calculated from Hydrogen recombination lines. From the ratio fluxes of the lines of [OIII] and [NII] and a hypothetical electronic temperature of 12 000K (Nussbaumer) we estimated the eletronic density of the nebulae present in the symbiotic system. With this data plus the fluxes of lines observed we obtained the chemical abundances in symbiotic nebulae; C,N,O in U.V. and He, Ar, S, O and N in visible. The abundances of the yellow symbiotic stars were compared to planetary disc nebulae extracted from Pottasch, cefeids form Luck & Lambert, G, K and M giant abundances from Lambert & Ries, G and K dwarfs from Reddy et. al., M giants from Smith & Lambert, Ba star abundances from Smith, mild Ba stars type G8 and K3 from Berdygina, early R from Dominy, C stars form Lambert et. al. and M and S (MS)stars from Smith & Lambert. We can distinguish two types of yellow symbiotic groups. One group presents CN cycle products and is situated near the low metalicity and solar metalicity curve. The other group is found near the C/O=1 curve that is made of rich carbon objects (Schmid & Nussbaumer).The yellow symbiotic stars enriched in carbon are not univically asociated with Ba or early R stars. These two groups represent respectively the yellow s and d' symbiotics. The yellow symbiotic stars analyzed in this work confirm the model in which they would be AGB stars iluminated by some hot source radiation.

Finding new members of the VelHel-4 stream

Johansson, Lucas January 2023 (has links)
According to the paradigm of lambda-CDM cosmology, the stellar halo ofour Galaxy has been built-up over time through the accretion of other galaxiesand star clusters. The remnants of some of these are still observable today asstellar streams, but are typically very faint and difficult to resolve amidst the farmore numerous foreground Milky Way stars. The VelHel-4 stream, discoveredby Helmi et al. [2017], consists of seven members selected based on their energiesand angular momenta. Further studies of these stars has shown evidence ofglobular cluster (GC) abundance patterns, suggesting that the stream originatedfrom a GC progenitor, but a larger sample is needed to verify this signature. Theobjective of this thesis is to find new candidate members of the VelHel-4 stellarstream in order to better characterize its properties and to confirm a possibleGC origin.The preliminary selection of stars was done kinematically, by computing theorbital actions and energies using astrometric data and radial velocities for abright subset of the Gaia DR3 database, and then analyzing the clustering ofstream members in different combinations of action space. The selected samplewas then cleaned by analyzing the positions of these stars in a colour-magnitudediagram. In total, 34 stars were included in the final selection. Follow-up high-resolution spectroscopy of these candidates is needed to study their stellar abun-dances and confirm the possible GC origin of this stream.

Archaeologic inspection of the Milky Way using vibrations of a fossil : Seismic, spectroscopic and kinematic characterization of a binary metal-poor Halo star

Byström, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
The Milky Way has undergone several mergers with other galaxies during its lifetime. The mergers have been identified via stellar debris in the Halo of the Milky Way. The practice of mapping these mergers is called galactic archaeology. To perform this archaeologic inspection, three stellar features must be mapped: chemistry, kinematics and age. Historically, the latter has been difficult to determine, but can today to high degree be determined through asteroseismology. Red giants are well fit for these analyses. In this thesis, the red giant HE1405-0822 is completely characterized, using spectroscopy, asteroseismology and orbit integration, to map its origin. HE1405-0822 is a CEMP-r/s enhanced star in a binary system. Spectroscopy and asteroseismology are used in concert, iteratively to get precise stellar parameters, abundances and age. Its kinematics are analyzed, e.g. in action and velocity space, to see if it belongs to any known kinematical substructures in the Halo. It is shown that the mass accretion that HE1405-0822 has undergone has given it a seemingly younger age than probable. The binary probably transfered C- and s-process rich matter, but how it gained its r-process enhancement is still unknown. It also does not seem like the star comes from a known merger event based on its kinematics, and could possibly be a heated thick disk star. / Vintergatan har genomgått flera sammanslagningar med andra galaxer under sin livstid. Dessa sammanslagningar har identifierats genom rester av stjärnor i Vintergatans Halo. Arbetssättet för att kartlägga dessa sammanslagningar kallas galaktisk arkeologi. För att kunna göra en arkeologisk undersökning krävs tre egenskaper hos de undersökta stjärnorna: kemi, kinematik och ålder. Historiskt sett har den sistnämnda varit svår att bestämma, men kan idag bestämmas med hög precision m.h.a. asteroseismologi. Röda jättar lämpar sig väl för dessa analyser. I denna uppsats undersöks den röda jätten HE1405-0822. Den kartläggs helt m.h.a. spektroskopi, asteroseismologi och bananalys. HE1405-0822 är en CEMP-r/s-förhöjd stjärna i ett binärt system. Spektroskopi och asteroseismologi används tillsammans, iterativt, för att få precisa stjärnparametrar, kemiskt innehåll och ålder. Dess kinematik analyseras, t.ex. i verkan- och hastighetsrummet, för att se om den tillhör någon känd kinematisk substruktur i Halon. Det visas att massöverföringen som HE1405-0822 genomgått har gett den en skenbart yngre ålder än vad som är troligt. Denna binära kompanjon har troligtvis övertfört C- och s-process-rikt material, men hur den fick sin mängd r-processämnen är fortfarande okänt. Det verkar inte som att stjärnan kommer från någon tidigare kartlagd sammanslagning baserat på dess kinematik, och skulle kunna vara en stjärna med upphettad kinematik från Vintergatans tjocka disk.

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