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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trade, Interaction and Change: Trace Elemental Characterization of Maltese Neolithic to Middle Bronze Age Ceramics Using a Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

Pirone, Frederick S. 05 July 2017 (has links)
The insular nature of the Maltese archipelago provides a unique opportunity to explore trade and cultural change from the Neolithic to the Bronze Ages in the central Mediterranean. I hypothesize that, during the period in which the Maltese islands were experiencing a form of isolation—owing either to their distance from Sicily and other populated regions, to the collective formation of an inwardly-focused culture, or to a combination of these factors—it is unlikely that pottery played a significant role as either an import or export in the archipelago’s exchange relationships with other communities in the central Mediterranean. I accordingly propose that ceramics were only significant in the interaction networks between Malta and its neighbors during periods when the archipelago was culturally connected to Sicily. Except for a limited number of archaeometric studies (Barone et al. 2015; Molitor 1988; Mommsen et al. 2006), analysis of similarities among ceramic wares produced in Malta and elsewhere that allow archaeologists to draw conclusions about the nature of Malta’s connectivity to other communities has been based on macroscopic observation. The present study builds on the few archaeometric studies by determining the provenance of ceramic samples based on their trace elemental composition. Included in this study were both clay samples and ceramic artifacts representing each of Malta’s chronological phases from the Neolithic to the Bronze Ages. Specifically, in order to address the question of the role that pottery played in the prehistoric trade of the Maltese islands, 392 Maltese ceramic sherds were analyzed using a Bruker III-V handheld portable X-ray fluorescence device, which revealed the relative abundance of six trace elements, namely thorium, rubidium, strontium, yttrium, zirconium, and niobium. The trace elemental composition of the Maltese pottery was compared with that of 18 Sicilian ceramic sherds and clay samples from both Malta and Sicily. The results of this research support my hypothesis in part, suggesting that neither ceramics nor raw clay materials played a significant role in overseas trade during Malta’s period of cultural isolation, which extended from the Ġgantija phase to the end of the Tarxien phase. On the other hand, ceramics played a more active role in Malta’s interaction networks during periods of connectivity with Sicily, for instance in the Neolithic Age. This study also provides the first chemical evidence that Malta exported pottery to Sicily during the Bronze Age and that Malta’s contact with Mycenaeans was indirect in nature. The findings presented here thus contribute to understanding Malta’s role in trade and interaction networks from the Neolithic to the Bronze Ages and point to new approaches to exploring the cultural change that becomes apparent in the Maltese Temple Period.

The effect of water pH on swimming performance, blood pH, red cell pH, ion concentrations and catecholamine concentrations in plasma, and gill potential in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)

Ye, Xuemin January 1986 (has links)
The effect of transferring fish from water at pH 7.0 to either more acid or more alkaline conditions was to reduce the maximum critical velocity of the fish. In water of pH 4.0, 5.0, and 10.0, the maximum critical velocity was only 54.5%, 66.5%, and 61% respectively of that recorded for fish in the water of pH 7.0. Thus, both acid and alkaline conditions in the water reduce the aerobic swimming capacity of trout. Exposure to acid conditions increased mucus secretion and this was associated with an increase in coughing and breathing frequency in resting fish. Coughing rate increased from 41/hr to 592/hr; and respiration frequency increased from 81/min to 104/min when fish were transferred from water at pH 7.0 to water at pH 4.0. In comparing fish exposed to acid and alkaline waters, the results indicates that fish have a greater capacity to regulate blood pH in acid than in alkaline conditions. The gill potential was strongly dependent on water pH, being negative in neutral water, but positive in acid water and more negative in alkaline solution. Catecholamine levels increased significantly during acid exposure, but were not altered during alkaline exposure. The increasing catecholamine levels appeared at different time periods in different fish during acid exposure and seemed to be associated with the death of the fish. Na⁺ and C1⁻ ion concentrations in plasma decreased significantly after 24hrs of acid exposure, but did not change significantly in alkaline water. This may indicate that ionoregulatory disturbance in plasma is one of the reasons for the decrease in the maximum critical velocity in acid water, but not in alkaline water. / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate

Avaliação microbiologica e fisico-quimica do polen apicola in natura e desidratado sob diferentes temperaturas / Evaluation microbiological and physico-chemical in nature the pollen and dried at different temperatures

Hervatin, Heloisa Litholdo 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lucia Regina Durrant / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T12:37:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Hervatin_HeloisaLitholdo_M.pdf: 1981858 bytes, checksum: ffb8ed64cae5f9232a96630b93cc06fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O pólen apícola é a aglutinação do pólen presente nas flores coletados pelas abelhas operarias, e depositados na entrada da colméia. O estudo visou avaliar a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química do pólen IN NATURA e do submetido a diferentes processos de secagem, simulando as condições de processamento do produto comercializado. Também avaliou as amostras adquiridas no comercio do estado de São Paulo. Registrou-se a escassez das pesquisas sobre a qualidade microbiológica do pólen apícola. Primeiramente a pesquisa, analisou amostras de pólen apícola obtidas através de coletores instalados nas colméias pertencentes ao apiário experimental do Pólo Regional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico dos Agronegócios do Vale do Paraíba, localizado em Pindamonhangaba-SP, pertencente à Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios. A coleta ocorreu nos intervalos de 24horas, 48horas e 72horas, objetivando a presença e/ou quantidade de microrganismos patogênicos no pólen com relação ao tempo de permanência do produto no campo. As amostras foram congeladas por 48horas, e submetidas a dois processos de secagem (circulação de ar em sistema aberto a 40-42°C e sistema de circulação de ar fechado a 30°C). Foram realizadas as análises físico-químicas para os parâmetros de pH, umidade e atividade de água e as microbiológicas com avaliação de Bacillus cereus, Estafilococos coagulase positiva, coliformes a 45°C, Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp, bolores e leveduras, além de microrganismos sulfitos redutores. Amostras de pólen apícola desidratado foram adquiridas no mercado vajerista do Estado de São Paulo, com registro no Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF), submetidas aos mesmos parâmetros. Através dos cálculos estatísticos observaram-se possíveis diferenças e/ou correlações existentes entre os parâmetros analisados (microbiológicos, físico-químicos) para os tratamentos propostos (frequência de coleta e processos de desidratação). Verificou-se que as amostras analisadas, as IN NATURA e as desidratadas, mostraram-se isentas dos principais patógenos como Salmonella sp e Estafilococos coagulase positiva, porém, a população de bolores e leveduras foi relativamente elevada. Podendo concluir que os bolores e leveduras são os parâmetros microbiológicos mais significativos para o pólen apícola, seguido por Bacillus cereus e por bactérias coliformes totais, sendo parâmetros que devem ser introduzidos na legislação; além do processo de desidratação normalmente utilizado para pólen, não reduzir a população fúngica. Com base na Legislação atual para padrões microbiológicos em alimentos, considerando o grupo da granola, todas as amostras analisadas, encontram-se dentro dos padrões estabelecidos. Bolores e leveduras não estão incluídos na Legislação do MAPA. A época do ano teve influência na contaminação de Bolores e Leveduras, paralelamente com o tempo de permanência do pólen no campo, sendo indicada a coleta do material a cada 24horas. Assim os processos de secagem devem ser otimizados para permitirem a obtenção de produto livre de contaminantes microbiológicos; juntamente com a higienização do material nas diferentes etapas de produção e processamento do pólen, com foco na busca de materiais que substituam a madeira que é extremamente porosa, de forma a permitir higienização adequada e satisfatória. Outro parâmetro a ser considerado é a embalagem para o produto que merece atenção de especialistas nesta área / Abstract: The bee pollen is the agglutination of pollen present in flowers collected worker bees, and deposited at the entrance of the hive. The study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality and physico-chemistry of the pollen in nature and subject to different processes of drying, simulating the processing conditions of the product sold. Also evaluated the samples acquired in the trade of the state. We have registered the scarcity of research on the microbiological quality of bee pollen. First the research, analyzed samples of bee pollen obtained from collectors installed in the experimental apiary hives belonging to the Regional Technology Development Center of Agribusiness of the Paraíba Valley, located in Pindamonhangaba-SP, belonging to the Agency of Technology Agribusiness Paulista. Frequency of collection in intervals of 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours, to the presence and/or amount of pathogenic microorganisms in pollen with the time of product in the field. The samples were frozen by 48 hours, and subjected to two drying processes (movement of air in the open system 40-42°C and a system of closed circulation of air at 30°C). Performed the analysis for the physical-chemical parameters of pH, humidity and water activity and with the microbiological assessment of Bacillus cereus, Coagulase positive Staphylococci, coliforms at 45°C, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, molds and yeasts, and micro sulphites reducing. Acquired samples of dried bee pollen market of the State of São Paulo, with registration at the Federal Inspection Service (SIF), subject to the same parameters. Through statistical calculations were observed possible differences and/or correlations between the analyzed parameters (microbiological, physico-chemical) for the proposed treatments (frequency of collection and processes of dehydration). It was found that the samples analyzed, the IN NATURE and dehydrated, were free of major pathogens such as Salmonella and Coagulase positive Staphylococci, however, the population of yeasts and molds is relatively high. May conclude that the yeasts and molds are the most significant microbiological parameters for the bee pollen, followed by Bacillus cereus bacteria and total coliforms, and parameters to be introduced into legislation, in addition to the dehydration process typically used for pollen, is not able to eliminate fungal its population, based on current legislation for microbiological standards in food, considering the group of granola, all the samples, are within the standards set. Yeast and molds are not included in the legislation of the MAP. The time of year influences the contamination of molds and yeasts, along with the time of pollen in the field, being given the collection of material every 24 hours. Thus the process of drying must be optimized to allow the achievement of product free of microbiological contaminants, together with the cleaning of equipment in various stages of production and processing of pollen constantly, with a focus in the search for materials to replace the wood that is extremely porous to enable proper cleaning and satisfactory. Another parameter to be considered is the packaging for the product deserves the attention of specialists in this area / Mestrado / Mestre em Ciência de Alimentos

Composição fenólica e atividade antioxidante de frutas tropicais / Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of tropical fruits

Adna Prado 23 October 2009 (has links)
As frutas são conhecidas por serem fontes naturais de antioxidantes dentre os quais estão as vitaminas C e E, carotenóides e compostos fenólicos, responsáveis pela prevenção de várias doenças no homem quando consumidas. Os compostos fenólicos apresentam forte relação com a atividade antioxidante em frutas e o estudo dessa atividade biológica tem sido alvo de muitas pesquisas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a composição fenólica e a atividade antioxidante de frutas tropicais. O extrato etanólico de sete frutas foi utilizado para a quantificação dos compostos fenólicos, avaliação da atividade antioxidante, medida por meio dos métodos do radical livre DPPH, do ABTS+, da auto-oxidação do sistema -caroteno/ácido linoléico e da estabilidade oxidativa em Rancimat, e identificação química por meio da técnica de cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas. O teor de compostos fenólicos expressos em miligramas equivalentes ao ácido gálico das frutas variou na faixa de 0,128 15,8 mg AG/mL extrato. A acerola, pitanga, goiaba e manga apresentaram as maiores quantidades destes compostos, enquanto que o melão foi a fruta que apresentou o menor teor. Quanto a atividade antioxidante, a pitanga e goiaba foram as frutas que apresentaram os melhores resultados em todos os métodos utilizados. Os valores da atividade antioxidante para a pitanga e a goiaba foram maiores que 70% pelo método do radical livre DPPH; 6,3 e 5,14 µM Trolox/g polpa (base seca), respectivamente, pelo método do ABTS+, atividade antioxidante próxima a 60% no método da auto-oxidação do sistema -caroteno/ácido linoléico e fatores de proteção de 1,07 e 1,13, respectivamente, pelo Rancimat. Os compostos fenólicos identificados nos extratos foram os ésteres trimetilsislil do ácido benzóico nos extratos do abacaxi, manga, maracujá e pitanga e quercetina no extrato de acerola. O ácido ascórbico foi identificado nos extratos de acerola e goiaba, além de açúcares e outros ácidos orgânicos em todos os extratos das frutas. O estudo confirmou a boa atividade antioxidante de frutas tropicais, fontes naturais de antioxidantes. / The fruits are known to be natural sources of antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids and phenolic compounds. When they are consumed, the fruits are responsible to prevent many diseases in humans beings. The phenolic compounds are strongly correlated with the antioxidant activity in fruits and the biological activity study has been the aim of many researches. The purpose of the present study was to determine the phenolic content and the antioxidant activity in tropical fruits. The ethanolic extract of seven fruits was used to determine the phenolic content, to measure the antioxidant activity by DPPH free radical sacavenging, ABTS+, -carotene/linoleic acid system oxidation and oxidative estability in Rancimat assays and, chemical identification by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry technique. The phenolic content expressed as milligram gallic acid equivalents of fruits ranged from 0.128 to 15.8 mg GA/mL extract. Acerola, pitanga, guava and mango had higher phenolic contents. Melon had the smallest phenolic content among seven fruits. About the antioxidant activity study, pitanga and guava showed good activity all the used assays. The two fruits presented antioxidant activity higher up 70% in DPPH free radical scavenging; 6.3 and 5.14 µM Trolox/g pulp (dry basis), respectively, in ABTS+ assay; antioxidant acitivity about 60% in -carotene/linoleic acid system oxidation; protection factors values of 1.07 and 1.13, respectively, in Rancimat. The identified phenolic compounds in fruits extracts were benzoic acid trimethylsilyl ester in pineapple, mango, passion fruit and pitanga extracts and quercetin in acerola. The ascorbic acid was identified in acerola and guava extracts besides sugars and others organic acids in all fruits extracts. This study confirmed the good antioxidant acitivity of tropical fruits, natural sources of antioxidants.

Stanovení tenzidů v hasebních prostředcích / Determination of surfactants in fire extinguishing devices

Janebová, Bibiana January 2011 (has links)
Nowadays are foam concentrates used as the primary extinguishing agent for flammable liquid fires (especially hydrocarbons), means of transports fires, the release of chemical substances in environmental accidents, and their importance is still growing with the industrial development. All units of fire protection have foam concentrates in their equipment, so it is important that firefighters to have some necessary knowledge about their characteristics and to be able to use them effectively and safely for the environment. The basic component of foaming concentrates are surfactants. This diploma thesis analyzes foam samples which are commonly used, by methods for analysis of drinking, surface and wastewater and determines cationic, anionic and nonionic surfactants.

Caractérisation des émissions gazeuses et des odeurs en compostage : étude de la corrélation entre la concentration d'odeur et la composition chimique des émissions / Characterization of gas emissions and odors upon composting : study of the correlation between the odor concentration and chemical composition

Rincon Mejia, Carlos Andrés 04 April 2019 (has links)
La valorisation des déchets par le compostage et la méthanisation est encouragée par les politiques de l'UE. Cependant, ces technologies de recyclage des déchets sont confrontées à un défi crucial en matière de libération et de contrôle des émissions de gaz odorants. En effet, la pollution par les odeurs est la principale cause d'opposition du public au traitement des déchets, ce qui a entraîné la fermeture et des poursuites en justice pour les unités de traitement des déchets. À l'heure actuelle, les inventaires des émissions d'odeurs et de produits chimiques pour appuyer les plans de gestion des odeurs et de la pollution atmosphérique font défaut, en raison de la complexité des évaluations des odeurs, impliquant généralement des analyses sensorielles et chimiques. L'objectif de cette thèse était donc de caractériser de manière détaillée les émissions de gaz et les odeurs lors du processus de compostage. À cette fin, les émissions d’odeurs et de polluants ont tout d’abord été étudiées au cours des différentes étapes opérationnelles du processus de compostage, à savoir le stockage, la phase active, le retournement et la maturation. Les résultats ont montré que la phase active et le retournement jouent un rôle essentiel dans les générations de nuisances olfactives causées principalement par les composés soufrés volatils (CSV). Des efforts supplémentaires ont ensuite été consacrés à la caractérisation des émissions de gaz au cours de la phase active de compostage de quinze déchets solides et du digestat, permettant ainsi de corroborer l’importance des CSV sur la production d’odeurs lors du compostage et de différencier l’impact des émissions de gaz sur les odeurs en fonction des matières premières des déchets. La dernière partie de ce travail de recherche a été consacrée à la corrélation des mesures sensorielles et chimiques, par le biais de méthodes de régression simple et multiple visant à faciliter et à renforcer le contrôle des odeurs dans les unités de traitement des déchets. Notamment, un modèle des moindres carrés partiels améliore la prévision de la concentration d'odeurs grâce à la composition chimique des gaz émis. / Waste valorization through composting and methanization are actively promoted by the EU policies. However, these waste recycling technologies face a crucial challenge regarding the release and control of odorous and hazardous gas emissions. Indeed, odor pollution is the principal cause for public opposition to waste processing, leading to the closure and lawsuits for waste treatment units. Currently, there is a lack of odor and chemical emissions inventories to support odor and air pollution management plans due to the complexity of odor assessments, generally involving sensory and chemical analysis. Hence, the aim of this PhD thesis was to characterize extensively the gas emissions and odors released during the composting process. To this end, the patterns of odor and pollutant emissions were first traced throughout different operational stage of composting process, namely, storage, active phase, turning and curing. The results showed that the active phase and turning played a pivotal role in odor nuisance generations which were mainly caused by volatile sulfur compounds (VSC). Then, further efforts were focused on characterizing the gas emissions released along the composting active phase of fifteen solid wastes and digestate. The results corroborated the relevance of VSC on odors production during composting and enabled to differentiate the odor impact of gas emissions as a function of the wastes’ feedstock. The last part of this research work was devoted to correlate both, sensory and chemical measurements, through univariate and multivariate regression analysis to ease and strength odor monitoring in waste treatment units. Notably, a partial least squares model improved odor concentration prediction based on the chemical composition of emitted gases.

In-Source, Droplet-Based Derivatization in an LC-MS Platform: Development, Validation, and Applications

Heiss, Derik 23 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The chemical composition of baby spinach (Spinacia oleracea L,) as affected by nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrition

Zikalala, Bongekile Octavia 01 June 2015 (has links)
Baby spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is considered to be the one of the extremely nutritious vegetables, rich both in phytochemicals and core nutrients. Nowadays, phytochemicals in plants are raising interest in consumers for their roles in the maintenance of human health. Variation in content of bioactive compounds and core nutrients is the main concern in vegetable production. Factors such as cultural practices specially fertilization, may affect the nutritional and medicinal properties of the plants Therefore, three parallel trials for NPK to investigate the response of baby spinach leaves to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) on chemical composition were conducted, with treatments arranged as follows: 0, 45, 75, 105, 120 kg·ha-1 N and P and 0, 60, 85, 106, 127, 148 kg·ha-1 K in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The results demonstrated that, application of nitrogenous, phosphorus, potassium fertilizers significantly increased the total phenolic content, total antioxidant activity, total flavonoid content and vitamin C while magnesium, iron, zinc and selenium did not exhibit significant response to all treatments applied. The increase in concentrations on total phenolic content, total antioxidant activity, total flavonoid content and vitamin C was observed, reaching maximum at 45 kg·ha-1 N, 75 kg·ha-1 P and 85 kg·ha-1 K. The optimum rates of 45 kg·ha-1 N, 75 kg·ha-1 P, 85 kg·ha−1 K were then used to formulate the NPK treatment combinations as follows: 0, 30: 30: 40, 45:45:60, 60:60:70, 75:75:90 kg·ha-1, arranged in a RCBD with three replicates. The results showed that total phenolic content, total antioxidant activity , total flavonoid content and vitamin C reached maximum in baby spinach leaves at N45:P45:K60 kg·ha-1 / Agriculture,  Animal Health & Human Ecology / M.Sc. (Agriculture)

Crystallisation and structural studies of monodisperse nylon oligomers and related polymers

Sikorski, Pawel Tadeusz January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of Insoluble Organic Material in Carbonaceous Meteorites by Combined Vacuum Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Bandurski, Eric Lord January 1975 (has links)
The polymer-like organic material in the Orgueil (Cl) chondrite was analyzed by high vacuum pyrolysis/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, a new technique specially developed for this type of polymer analysis. Orgueil powder, previously solvent-extracted to remove all soluble organic compounds, whether indigenous or contaminant, was pyrolyzed in temperature steps at 150°, 300°, 450°, and 600°C. Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis of the vacuum pyrolyzates revealed a series of alkenes to C₈, an extensive series of alkylbenzene isomers, thiophene, alkylthiophenes, and benzothiophene, and the nitrogen compounds acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, and benzonitrile. Comparison of the Orgueil polymer fragments with those reported in polymer analyses of the Murchison and Allende meteorites suggests that qualitatively and quantitatively the Orgueil and Allende polymeric materials are very similar. The presence of acetonitrile, acrylonitrile, and benzonitrile, typical breakdown products of amino acids, in Orgueil pyrolyzates suggests the presence of amino acids in an insoluble form in the meteorite polymer matrix. Changes in the distribution of polymer fragments occurred during high vacuum pyrolyses as the temperature was increased stepwise from 150° to 600°C. These changes imply a progressive alteration in the character of the polymeric material toward a condensed aromatic structure through the preferential loss of aliphatic and heteroaromatic portions at lower temperatures. A possible inference is that the polymeric material in Orgueil is a complex mixture of polymerized materials having different thermal stability. Comparison of vacuum pyrolyzates of the Orgueil polymeric material with pyrolyzates of terrestrial kerogen indicates similarities in composition and structure. These similarities suggest the possibility that meteorite polymers may have formed near the surfaces of meteorite parent bodies by low temperature processes similar to those by which terrestrial kerogen is formed.

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