Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chief officers"" "subject:"thief officers""
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Magistrado social? : estudo sociológico do delegado de polícia nos casos de violência doméstica contra a mulher no estado do Rio Grande do SulPredebon Junior, Ivanir January 2014 (has links)
A crise das figuras de autoridade próprias da sociedade tradicional faz surgir outras figuras sociais de autoridade que vêm preencher o espaço deixado vago. Nesta pesquisa é proposto que o delegado de polícia é uma dessas novas figuras debruçando-se sobre sua intervenção nos casos de violência doméstica contra a mulher. É discutido sobre quais são essas novas atribuições apresentadas ao delegado e posto que tal fato é trazido e fundamentado pelo fenômeno sociológico da jurisdicionalização das demandas sociais. Também se analisa o movimento que tende a institucionalizar esses novos desafios nas funções do delegado e sobre o ponto de visão dele acerca da jurisdicionalização das demandas sociais. Por fim, faz algumas considerações sobre quais são as tendências a partir do que foi exposto. / The crisis of authority felt by traditional authority beholders, from traditional society, gives rise to other social figures of authority that come on stage to fulfill the space left vacant. This article suggests that the police chief officer is invited to perform a new role in society as one of these new figures bending his intervention in cases of domestic violence against women. It argues over what are these new powers assigned to the police chief officer, and advances a proposition that this occurs as a consequence of the increased judicialisation of social demands as a sociological phenomenon. It also examines the social trend which sets forth pressures for institutionalizing these new challenges as regular functions of the police chief officer and about the view of the police chief officer about the judicialisation of social demands. Finally, it draws some considerations about future tendencies about the sociological phenomenon exposed.
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Magistrado social? : estudo sociológico do delegado de polícia nos casos de violência doméstica contra a mulher no estado do Rio Grande do SulPredebon Junior, Ivanir January 2014 (has links)
A crise das figuras de autoridade próprias da sociedade tradicional faz surgir outras figuras sociais de autoridade que vêm preencher o espaço deixado vago. Nesta pesquisa é proposto que o delegado de polícia é uma dessas novas figuras debruçando-se sobre sua intervenção nos casos de violência doméstica contra a mulher. É discutido sobre quais são essas novas atribuições apresentadas ao delegado e posto que tal fato é trazido e fundamentado pelo fenômeno sociológico da jurisdicionalização das demandas sociais. Também se analisa o movimento que tende a institucionalizar esses novos desafios nas funções do delegado e sobre o ponto de visão dele acerca da jurisdicionalização das demandas sociais. Por fim, faz algumas considerações sobre quais são as tendências a partir do que foi exposto. / The crisis of authority felt by traditional authority beholders, from traditional society, gives rise to other social figures of authority that come on stage to fulfill the space left vacant. This article suggests that the police chief officer is invited to perform a new role in society as one of these new figures bending his intervention in cases of domestic violence against women. It argues over what are these new powers assigned to the police chief officer, and advances a proposition that this occurs as a consequence of the increased judicialisation of social demands as a sociological phenomenon. It also examines the social trend which sets forth pressures for institutionalizing these new challenges as regular functions of the police chief officer and about the view of the police chief officer about the judicialisation of social demands. Finally, it draws some considerations about future tendencies about the sociological phenomenon exposed.
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Magistrado social? : estudo sociológico do delegado de polícia nos casos de violência doméstica contra a mulher no estado do Rio Grande do SulPredebon Junior, Ivanir January 2014 (has links)
A crise das figuras de autoridade próprias da sociedade tradicional faz surgir outras figuras sociais de autoridade que vêm preencher o espaço deixado vago. Nesta pesquisa é proposto que o delegado de polícia é uma dessas novas figuras debruçando-se sobre sua intervenção nos casos de violência doméstica contra a mulher. É discutido sobre quais são essas novas atribuições apresentadas ao delegado e posto que tal fato é trazido e fundamentado pelo fenômeno sociológico da jurisdicionalização das demandas sociais. Também se analisa o movimento que tende a institucionalizar esses novos desafios nas funções do delegado e sobre o ponto de visão dele acerca da jurisdicionalização das demandas sociais. Por fim, faz algumas considerações sobre quais são as tendências a partir do que foi exposto. / The crisis of authority felt by traditional authority beholders, from traditional society, gives rise to other social figures of authority that come on stage to fulfill the space left vacant. This article suggests that the police chief officer is invited to perform a new role in society as one of these new figures bending his intervention in cases of domestic violence against women. It argues over what are these new powers assigned to the police chief officer, and advances a proposition that this occurs as a consequence of the increased judicialisation of social demands as a sociological phenomenon. It also examines the social trend which sets forth pressures for institutionalizing these new challenges as regular functions of the police chief officer and about the view of the police chief officer about the judicialisation of social demands. Finally, it draws some considerations about future tendencies about the sociological phenomenon exposed.
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Konflikthantering till sjöss : En studie i hur överstyrmän upplever och hanterar konflikter till sjöss / Conflict Management at Sea : A study in how chief officers experience and manage conflicts at seaCole, Sebastian, Appelberg, David January 2014 (has links)
Till sjöss är den hierarkiska organisationsstrukturen den vanligast förekommande. Detta sträcker sig från befälhavaren till den individuella sjömannen. Överstyrman, nummer två i däcksbefälsordningen, har flera olika ansvarsområden. Några vanliga exempel är bland annat att prioritera underhåll av fartyget, övervaka och leda arbetet på däck samt att ha huvudansvar för lastning och lossning. Med detta i åtanke är det inte svårt att tänka sig att man i denna roll upplever konflikter ombord, både arbetsrelaterade och privata. Syftet med denna studie är att försöka besvara vilka konflikter som är vanligast utifrån en överstyrmans perspektiv samt utreda om överstyrmän i sin roll använder några definierade metoder för att hantera de konflikter som uppstår. Avslutningsvis besvaras också frågan hur benägna överstyrmän är att deltaga i kurser kring utveckling av sin egen konflikthantering. Genom djupintervjuer med aktiva överstyrmän så har slutsatsen dragits att de mest vanliga konflikterna är de som uppstår från små irritationer i vardagen. Dessa mindre konflikter, om de lämnas utan åtgärd, har en tendens att växa och eskalera till större tvister som kräver konflikthantering. Ur ett konflikthanteringsperspektiv så visar undersökningen på att alla överstyrmän använder sig av en fördefinierad konflikthanteringsstrategi. Alla som har deltagit i undersökningen anser att vidare utbildning inom området konflikthantering skulle gynna dem både i deras roll som överstyrman och samtidigt ha en positiv inverkan på ombordkulturen. / At sea, a strict hierarchy is the natural chain of command. This ranges from the captain to the individual sailor. The Chief Officer, second in command on deck, has many areas of responsibility. For instance, he or she is commonly in charge of prioritizing aspects of ship maintenance, supervise and manage crew work-orders and the main responsibility for loading and discharging cargo. With this in mind, it is not hard to imagine that a mustered chief officer will experience a variety of conflicts on-board, both work related and personal. The purpose of this study is to answer what conflicts are the most common from a chief officers perspective on-board a merchant vessel. Also it will gauge if there are any specific conflict management methods that are used by chief officers to advert or intervene in the conflict situations that can arise. The concluding section of this study will look at the possibility and interest for chief officers to attend a course in conflict management to further develop their tools within this area. Through in-depth interviews with active chief officer the result showed that the most common conflicts were perceived as the ones that arose from everyday problems on-board. These minor issues, if left to their own accord, tend to escalate. From a conflict management perspective, all findings indicate that chief officers tend to use a predefined strategy in regards to solving or manage conflicts on-board. However, all respondents agree that further education within the field would surely benefit them as individuals and also the on-board culture as a whole.
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Arbetsmotivationen på däck : Vad kan överstyrman göra och vilka andra aspekter påverkar arbetsmotivationen på handelsfartyg / The motivation to work on deck : What can the Chief Officer do and what other aspects affect the motivation on merchant shipsBåryd, Björn, Johansson, Johan January 2018 (has links)
I detta arbete har uppfattningar beträffande överstyrmans roll i förhållande till däcksmanskapets motivation till arbetet undersökts. Data har samlats in från åtta personer som arbetat som överstyrmän genom ett skriftligt formulär och en intervju som gett kvalitativa utsagor inom tre huvudområden: Motivationshöjande åtgärder från överstyrman, Övriga faktorer som påverkar motivationen samt Organisatoriskt stöd som överstyrman har i sitt arbete med att motivera matroserna. En majoritet av de intervjuade anger att det är viktigt med: Arbetets innehåll och att det känns meningsfullt och sammanhållningen i arbetsgruppen. Särskilt viktigt uppfattar överstyrmän är att ge personalen ansvar och feedback på utfört arbete, skapa delaktighet för verksamheten ombord samt arbeta med mål och resultatuppföljning. Deras uppträdande gentemot sina medarbetare är viktigt för motivationen ombord. Man ska bemöta besättningen respektfullt. Andra faktorer som är viktiga för motivationen är bland annat: anställningsförhållanden, maten, trivselaktiviteter, tillgång till gym och internet. Det organisatoriska stödet till överstyrman har visat sig förhållandevis svagt utvecklat och verkar inte heller saknas i någon större utsträckning. Den faktorn som anses viktigast och som fungerar är tydliga mål och förväntningar från befälhavaren. / In this thesis perceptions of the role of the Chief officer in relation to the crew's motivation for work has been investigated. Data has been collected from eight people who worked as Chief officers through a questionnaire and interviews which has given qualitative statements in three main areas: Motivational measures from Chief officer, Other factors influencing motivation, and Organizational support for the Chief officer. A majority of the interviewees indicate that important for motivation are: The content of the work and that it feels meaningful and the cohesion of the working group. Of particular importance for the respondents are to provide employee responsibilities and to give feedback on accomplished work, create involvement for the operation onboard, as well as using objectives and results follow-up. Their behavior towards the ratings are important. Other factors that are important for the motivation include: Employment conditions, Food, Recreation Activities, Gym and Internet. The organizational support for the Chief officer has been found to be relatively weak and are also not sought after by the Chief officers to any greater extent. The factor considered most important and effective factors are clear objectives and expectations from the Master.
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