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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A play of signifiers : absence and presence in the picturebooks of Shaun Tan

Lebedeva, Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an exploratory study into the signification potential of contemporary, postmodern picturebooks, specifically focusing on the way in which a seemingly 'simplistic' medium has the potential to initiate a vastly complex play of meanings. Picturebooks are traditionally considered to be a medium which implies a child reader, and conveys a simple linear narrative for educational and entertainment purposes. Traditional picturebooks thus assume a clear division between an author and reader, whereby the author is a 'knowing' adult, who conveys a moral or message to a passive child reader. These assumptions are arguably unsettled by the appearance of postmodern picturebooks, broadly defined as a medium which, while retaining the traditional picturebook format, opens itself up to multiple interpretations, instead of presenting the reader with an encoded message or 'meaning'. A number of postmodern picturebook authors, such as Shaun Tan, intentionally subvert the traditional dynamic between the author and reader of picturebooks by creating complex texts which display a general absence of clear accessible 'meaning', thereby allowing the reader to actively participate in the meaning-making process. With aid of the theories of signification set out by poststructuralist Jacques Derrida, this study aims to illustrate how a purposeful absence of apparent 'meaning' in picturebooks has the potential to allow for unlimited interpretations of a single text, thus by extension widening the 'implied' audience of such picturebooks. The objective is to set postmodern picturebooks apart from other texts (in particular more traditional picturebooks), and to provide a new outlook on the ways picturebooks are created, and the way they are read. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is 'n ondersoekende studie na die betekenispotensiaal van kontemporêre, post-moderne prenteboeke, met spesiale verwysing na die manier waarop 'n sogenaamde “simplistiese” medium die potensiaal openbaar om 'n hoogs-komplekse verskeidenheid betekenisse te ontlok. Prenteboeke word tradisioneel gesien as 'n medium van eenvoudige, liniêre vertellings gerig op die jong leser met die doel om op te voed of te vermaak. Tradisionele prenteboeke handhaaf dus 'n duidelike afbakening tussen die leser en die outeur, die sogenaamde “alwetende” volwassene, wat 'n morele les/ boodskap aan 'n passiewe, jong leser oordra. Hierdie veronderstelling word egter omvergewerp deur die verskyning van die post-moderne prenteboek wat, alhoewel in die tradisionele formaat van die prenteboek gegiet, die leser die geleentheid bied om veelvoudige interpretasies te maak in plaas van om net die beoogde geënkodeerde betekenis of boodskap van die boek te aanvaar. 'n Aantal post-moderne prenteboekskrywers soos Shaun Tan het die tradisionele dinamiek tussen prenteboekskrywer en -leser bewustelik omver kom werp deur komplekse teks te skep wat gekenmerk word aan die afwesigheid van 'n duidelik waarneembare betekenis en wat die leser dus toelaat om aktief deel te neem aan die interpretasieproses. Die doel van hierdie studie is om met behulp van die betekenispotensiaal-teorie, soos uiteengesit deur post-strukturalis Jacques Derrida, te illustreer hoe die doelbewuste weglating van 'n duidelik waarneembare betekenis of boodskap dit moontlik maak om die teks op veelvoudige maniere te interpreteer en daarmee saam ook die lesersprofiel van prenteboeke te verbreed. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is dus om die post-moderne prenteboek te onderskei van die tradisionele prenteboek en ander tekste en om nuwe waarnemings en insigte te verskaf in die wyse waarop prenteboeke geskep en gelees word.

Die wye wêreld in : ’n ondersoek na landskap en identiteitskonstruksie in Suid-Afrikaanse en Nederlandse prenteboeke

Van Zyl, Janienke Dorothea 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The hypothesis of this study is that literary theory and theories concerning space, landscape and the construction of identity, are not only applicable to written texts, but also to visual texts. To prove this, the relevant theories were applied in the analyses of four selected Afrikaans and Dutch picture books, as well as to my own picture book, the practical component of this MA study. Space, which is transformed into landscape when observation becomes perception, interacts with the construction of identity in texts in different ways, inter alia because changes regarding space lead to changes regarding identity. Although social identity (how others see us) is important, it can lead to stereotyping, while a focus on selfidentity (how we see ourselves) is conducive in treating children as individuals – as is done regarding adults – with a wide variety of interests and inclinations. Space, landscape and the construction of identity are important vehicles to convey meaning in narratives – not only in literature for adults, but also in picture books, where it can play a role in both written text and illustrations to bring extra depth and dimension. Illustrations are most frequently in a complementary relationship with words because they activate additional meaning, but it can also convey messages in a contrapuntal or even contradictory manner. The utilization of these aspects links with the fact that many South African and Dutch writers and illustrators are of the opinion that both children and adults enjoy really successful children’s books. This study indicates that the use of theories on landscape and identity in the analyses of picture books can lead to the discovery of deeper meanings, which show the literary merit of the texts. In this regard, illustrations should not be regarded as having only an aesthetic, supplementary function, but should be appreciated as an equal partner in conveying meaning, which gives an extra dimension to picture books. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hipotese in hierdie studie is dat literêre teorie en ander teorieë rakende ruimte en landskap, asook identiteitskonstruksie, nie net van toepassing is op geskrewe tekste nie, maar ook op visuele tekste. Om dit te bewys, is die relevante teorieë toegepas in die analise van vier gekose Afrikaanse en Nederlandse prenteboeke, asook van my eie prenteboek as praktiese komponent van dié Magisterstudie. Ruimte, wat getransformeer word tot landskap wanneer waarneming oorgaan in gewaarwording, hang op verskillende maniere saam met identiteitskonstruksie in tekste, onder andere deurdat ’n verandering in ruimte ook ʼn verandering in identiteit tot gevolg het. Hoewel sosiale identiteit (hoe ander ’n individu of groep sien) belangrik is, kan dit lei tot stereotipering. Daarteenoor lig ’n fokus op self-identiteit (hoe individue hulself sien) uit dat kinders, net soos volwassenes, as individue gesien moet word met ʼn wye verskeidenheid belangstellings en smake. Ruimte, landskap en identiteitskonstruksie is belangrike betekenisdraers in narratiewe – nie alleen in literatuur vir volwassenes nie, maar ook in prenteboeke, waar dit in beide die geskrewe teks én in die illustrasies ’n rol kan speel om ekstra diepte en dimensie te verleen. Die illustrasies staan meestal in ’n komplementêre verhouding tot die woorde deurdat dit bydra tot betekenisverruiming, maar dit kan ook kontrapuntale of selfs teenstrydige boodskappe oordra. Die ontginning van hierdie tipe aspekte sluit aan by die feit dat heelwat Suid-Afrikaanse én Nederlandse skrywers en illustreerders meen dat ʼn werklik suksesvolle kinderboek deur beide kinders en volwassenes geniet kan word. Uit die ondersoek blyk dat die analise van prenteboeke aan die hand van teorieë oor landskap en identiteit kan lei tot die uitlig van dieper betekenisse, wat die letterkundige waarde van prenteboeke bevestig. Illustrasies het hierby nie bloot ’n estetiese funksie as aanvulling tot die geskrewe teks nie, maar kan beskou word as volwaardige draers van betekenis wat ’n waardevolle ekstra dimensie aan prenteboeke verleen.

Die plek van die inheemse kinderprenteboek in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika, met spesiale verwysing na die Nama taal

Steenkamp, Janita 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study discusses the role of the indigenous picturebook in South Africa and the positive aspects it holds with regards to developing a reading culture in this country. Specific focus is placed on postmodern picturebooks and it discusses why these types of books are more succesfulsuccessfulin teaching children to read than “traditional” picturebooks, and finally to promote a healthy reading culture. The main argument is that picturebooks occupy a void where different factors such as didactic and economic elements should be taken into consideration. The possible role picturebooks can play in the rehabilitation of the dying Nama language and culture is also considered as well as links between Nama and Afrikaans stories. HibridityHybridity theory is also taken into account and possibilities of merging Afrikaans and Nama to create a bilingual picturebook is also explored. The picturebook is also discussed as a form consisting of different factors.These factors include elements regarding narrative theory and semiotics. The premise of this discussion is based on Roland Barthes’ theory regarding the meaning of signs, namelysemiotics. Narrative theory is also taken into consideration with special reference to Perry Nodelman’s theory regarding the combination of narratology and semiotics in the dissection of picturebooks. In the conclusion it is discussed why it is very important for writers and illustrators to have a sound understanding of the theory regarding picturebooks in order to create quality picturebooks. The main theme in this study is that picturebooks are a perfect medium for children to learn how to read and develop their visual literacy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bespreek die inheemse kinderprenteboek in Suid-Afrika en die bydrae wat dit kan lewer om hierdie land se agteruitgaande leeskultuur te stuit. Die postmoderne kinderprentboek word uit die oogpunt van 'n illustreerder bespreek deur klem te plaas op die positiewe bydrae wat hierdie tipe boeke tot 'n gemeenskap se leeskultuur kan lewer. Daar word hoofsaaklik geredeneer dat kinderprenteboeke in Suid–Afrika oor die algemeen 'n problematiese ruimte beset waar elemente soos die didaktiese invloed, die ekonomie en ook taal in ag geneem moet word. Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek ook die rol wat die inheemse kinderprenteboek kan speel in die behoud van die sterwende Nama gemeenskap se taal en kultuur, asook die verband tussen Afrikaans en Nama. Deur te kyk na hibriditeitsteorie word ook bepaalof Afrikaans en Nama suksesvol saam in 'n kinderprenteboek kan funksioneer. Die verskillende faktore wat tot die kinderprenteboek as 'n geheel bydra, word ook bespreek, naamlik narratief- en semiotiekteorie. Deur staat te maak op Roland Barthes se semiotiekteorie en Perry Nodelman se narratiefteorie word kinderprenteboeke as 'nkunsvorm bespreek. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie bespreek waarom dit vir illustreerders en skrywers van kinderprenteboeke noodsaaklik is om te besef hoe kinderprenteboeke as 'n visuele teks funksioneer om sodoende'nkwaliteit produk vir kinders te kan skep. Die kinderprenteboek is 'nideale medium waarin kinders kan leer om teks en beeld bymekaar te bring.

Matilda, who told lies and was burned to death : ʼn vergelykende analise van die illustrasie van ʼn vermaan-verhaal

Visser, Carla 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study comprises a comparative visual analysis of three picture books, illustrated by Steven Kellogg, Posy Simmonds and Edward Gorey. The illustrators reinterpret the cautionary tale, Matilda, who told lies and was burned to death by Hilaire Belloc (1908). Not only does this study present a brief historical overview of the genre but it also interrogates the manner in which different styles of illustration underscore the pedagogical didactic narrative. The visual interpretations of these three illustrators are compared in order to establish whether or not they have succeeded in sustaining the subversive or grotesque elements of this cautionary tale. Belloc’s narrative as well as the illustrations are analysed in terms of gender. I discuss my own version of Belloc’s cautionary tale as a parody of this tale that serves to exaggerate the sometimes overt gendering of girl characters in cautionary tales. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie skripsie behels die visuele analise van drie verskillende prenteboeke, onderskeidelik geillustreer deur Steven Kellogg, Posy Simmonds en Edward Gorey. Al drie illustreerders bied ʼn visuele herinterpretasie aan van die vermaan-vers Matilda, who told lies and burned to death deur Hilaire Belloc. Die skripsie bied nie net ʼn geskiedkundige oorsig oor die genre nie, maar ondersoek die manier waarop verskillende illustrasie-style die opvoedkundige, didaktiese narratief onderstreep. Die illustreerders se prenteboeke word vergelyk en daar word vasgestel of hulle daarin geslaag het om die subversiewe en selfs groteske elemente in hierdie vermaan-verhaal te behou. Belloc se narratief en die illustrasie daarvan is ook in terme van gender geanaliseer. Ek bespreek my eie weergawe van Belloc se vermaan-verhaal, wat ek aanbied as ʼn parodie om die soms duidelike “gendering” van meisie-karakters in vermaan-verhale te oordryf.

The roles of the visual in picturebooks beyond the conventions of current discourse /

Catalano, Dominic, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2005. / Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 555 p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 512-555). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center.

Die Anglo-Boereoorlog in Afrikaanse kinderboeke

15 January 2009 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / The Anglo-Boer War had a far-reaching impact on the Afrikaner community and on the relationship between the Afrikaners and the English. As a result of the Black segment of the population’s involvement in the war, either as involuntary victims or as collaborators with the English, the relationships between the various population groups was further complicated. For many years there was a distinction between them and us in the South African society. Irrespective of pleas for so-called nation building there remains distance and ignorance between the population groups in the country. This article portrays the relationship between the various population groups as represented in Afrikaans children’s books with the Anglo-Boer War as theme. Although most of the early books show a clear ethnocentricity, there is often also a corrective for the "nobleness" of "our side" and the "evilness" of "their side". Love affairs between people of different cultural groups, for example, were not possible in the early books, but it seems that more recent books want to bring about conciliation - also by means of the portrayal of such affairs. Just as most South African historians ignored the role and fate of blacks in the war for many years, no Afrikaans, and few English authors has really tackled the subject. Black characters usually move on the periphery of the war - usually as factotums of the English, but sometimes also as loyal subjects to the Boers.

La rentrée dans les albums de littérature de jeunesse : normes et représentations d'un rite de passage de la petite enfance / The schoolyear start in children's literature picture books : standards and representations for a rite of passage in early childhood

Mangeard-Bloch, Nathalie 06 October 2017 (has links)
De nombreux albums de littérature de jeunesse se proposent de désamorcer la tension dramatique qui entoure l'entrée à l'école du jeune enfant en mettant en scène ce premier jour. Ces ouvrages qui s'adressent aux enfants les plus jeunes et à leurs parents sont inscrits dans une double dynamique : miroir social et fabrique de représentations, ils participent à l'élaboration et à la transmission des codes et règles de l'entrée dans cette nouvelle vie sociale. Ils constituent des témoins privilégiés d'une épreuve de socialisation où le « métier d'élève » est constamment redéfini. L'analyse de contenu d'un corpus de 158 ouvrages (documentaires et fictions) propose de façon diachronique (de 70 à nos jours) et synchronique, d'inventorier les normes associées aux mises en représentation de ce rite de passage. Il s'agit de saisir comment évoluent et s'organisent ces systèmes de représentation, quelles définitions sociales de l'enfance les sous-tendent, et de quelle façon ils s'inscrivent dans un univers éditorial fortement hiérarchisé. Des entretiens menés auprès des auteurs des ouvrages visent dans ce sens à interroger le processus de fabrication de ces normes en pointant les éventuels conflits de normativités générés par les logiques qui s'entrecroisent au sein du champ de production de ces livres. / Numerous children's books try to lessen the stress for young children, related to the beginning of a new school year, by depicting this first day back. These publications, which are aimed at very young children and their parents, act in two ways: they provide a mirror of society, and paint a picture, as they contribute to the development and communication of the different codes and rules linked to this new step in life. They provide a priceless account of this new challenge, in which the "role of the pupil" is constantly being redefined. In this analysis of a body of 158 works and their content (documentaries and fictions) we will try to make an inventory, diachronically (from 1970 to present day) and synchronically, of the connected norms and portrayals of this key moment in childhood. The aim is to understand how these different portrayals have evolved and have been structured, which underlying social definitions of childhood can be detected, and in what way they fit into a highly ordered editorial sphere. The interviews carried out with the authors of these publications aim to question the process used to create these norms, highlighting any potential conflicts regarding normative values generated by logical ideas which cross over in the context of the production of these books.

Passive voice in children's literature

Caputo, Ruth 07 November 2017 (has links)
The current study explores the frequency and types of passive voice constructions found in children’s literature as compared to child directed speech (CDS). Research studies indicate that children learn to understand and produce passive voice relatively late in the language acquisition process, which some researchers attribute to the scarcity of passive voice in CDS. This study expands current knowledge of passive voice input by adding another source, children’s literature, because several studies have demonstrated that children’s books may serve as enriched sources of input for academic language. Analyses of data indicate that the amount of passive voice and the types of passive voice found in children’s literature and child directed speech are not significantly different, contradicting the idea that books contain more academic language than CDS. Further research is necessary in order to fully understand why children acquire passive voice in the late stages of language acquisition.

Shaping Self-Concept with Children's Books

Disque, J. Graham, Langenbrunner, Mary R. 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

I ungdomsrevoltens tid : svensk ungdomsbok och dess mottagande åren kring 1968

Kjersén Edman, Lena January 1990 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three parts: the fourth chapter in my book Fotboll och frihet«. Studier i Max Lundgrens författarskap (Football and Freedom. Studies in Max Lundgren's Authorship), 1987, and the two studies that this volume contains: En undersökning av tillvaron. Gunnel Beckman's ungdomsroman Tillträde till festen (An analysis of existence. Gunnel Beckmans novel for young people, Tillträde till festen /Admission to the Feast/) and Barnbokskritik i förvandling. Debatt om litteratur och ungdomsläsning 1966-1970 (The transformation of children's literature reviews. The debate concerning literature and young people's reading 1966-1970). The time of the youth revolt, the late 1960s, with the year 1968 as an almost mythical period, is portrayed as part of an explanatory model for the three studies. In 1968, Max Lundgren received the Nils Holgersson Plaque for his books for young people Pojken med guldbyxorna (The Boy With the Golden Trou­sers) and Åshöjdens bollklubb (Åshöjden Football Club). I show through my interpretations of the above mentioned and Max Lundgren's other books of this time, that the texts hold an existential concept of freedom; life is not totally determined, man has a certain amount of choice. Through my interpretation of Gunnel Beckman's well-known youth novel from 1969, Tillträde till festen (Admission to the Feast) I show how the content of the story changes, in the same way as in the work of Max Lundgren, from that of the fear of death to that of the conditions and possibilities of existence. The late 1960s can be described as a golden age for Swedish literature aimed at young people thanks to Max Lundgren, Gunnel Beckman, and other authors like Hans Eric Hellberg and Sven Wernström. The debate centered a- round children's literature was at this time affected by the ideologies that were prevalent, but the critics of children's literature also showed a con­tinuous interest in aesthetic and educational aspects. / <p>Författaren beskriver sin avhandling som en sammanläggningsavhandling.</p><p>Till avhandlingen hör även kapitel 4 i boken Fotboll och frihet : studier i Max Lundgrens författarskap (Nr 25 i Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Barnboksinstitutet) författad 1987 av Lena Kjersén Edman.</p> / digitalisering@umu

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