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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Ondersoek na onderrigpraktyke in skryfvaardighede aan milieu-geremde leerders by plattelandse skole in die Wes-Kaap

Plaatjies, Bernadictus O’Brain 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Leerders wat uit swak sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede kom, die sogenaamde milieu-geremde leerders, se prestasie in geletterdheid is dikwels baie swakker as diegene wat uit meer bevoorregte huise uit kom. Skryf, as ‘n kernaspek van geletterdheidsvaardighede, kan tereg beskou word as een van die ingewikkeldste vaardighede. Die bemeestering daarvan stel ‘n bykans onbereikbare eis aan die milieu-geremde leerder en kan grootliks toegeskryf word aan die leeragterstande wat sulke leerders ondervind. Die probleem word dikwels vererger deur ‘n gebrek aan opvoederbekwaamheid en die algemene afwesigheid van goeie onderwys waar hierdie leerders skoolgaan. Hoewel baie ingrypingsmaatreëls en strategieë deur die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement (WKOD) en ook die Departement van Basiese Onderwys (DBO) al van stapel gestuur is om die talle uitdagings rondom veral geletterdheidsprestasie hok te slaan, blyk dit dat ingrypings om leerders se skryfvaardighede te verbeter, dikwels afgeskeep word. Hierdie konstruktivistiese studie was daarop gemik om ‘n omvattende ondersoek te doen en die uitdagings wat milieu-geremde leerders ten opsigte van skryfvaardighede ondervind, op ‘n holistiese wyse binne die konteks van arm plattelandse skole aan te spreek. Hierdie kwalitatiewe ondersoek is uitgevoer by nege plattelandse skole in die Weskusdistrik van die Wes-Kaap. Taalopvoeders in die Intermediêre Fase is in die studie betrek. Die skole is geleë in woongebiede waar opsigtelike tekens van swak sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede voorkom, en gekies vanweë hulle status as skole in die laer kwintiele. Die teoretiese perspektiewe van Piaget, Vygotski, Bronfenbrenner en Bandura met hul fokus op sosiokulturele teorieë van leer, is bestudeer. Bepaalde strategieë en beginsels is vanuit hierdie perspektiewe met hierdie studie in verband gebring. Die bevordering van skryfvaardighede in die konstruktivistiese klaskamer is bestudeer met klem op Brian Cambourne (1934-) se invloedryke werk wat fokus op die voorwaardes vir leer en ook op die wyse waarop opvoeders ‘n klaskameretos kan skep om goeie skryfvaardighede te ontwikkel. Die konstruktivistiese beskouing het ook die dataversamelingsproses gerig en uit die data is temas en subtemas geïdentifiseer wat bespreek en ontleed is. Bevindinge in hierdie navorsing het getoon dat skryf ‘n ingewikkelde aktiwiteit vir beide opvoeders en leerders is en dat die onderrig en bevordering daarvan in vele opsigte te kort skiet. Opvoeders beskik oor beperkte kennis en begrip ten opsigte van die onderrig en assessering van skryfvaardighede. Die bevindinge toon ook dat min maatreëls in plek is om die eiesoortige eise wat milieu-geremde leerders stel, aan te spreek. Die studie het ook getoon dat die ouers van milieu-geremde leerders ‘n belangelose, apatiese houding teenoor hul skoolwerk openbaar. In ‘n neutedop kan gesê word dat hierdie studie getoon het daar beslis baie meer gedoen moet word om nie net die skryfvaardighede van milieu-geremde leerders by armer plattelandse skole te verbeter nie, maar dat daar ook indringend na oplossings gesoek moet word vir die talryke ander uitdagings wat milieu-geremde leerders by plattelandse skole ervaar. / The performance in literacy of learners hailing from poor socio-economic circumstances, the so-called environmentally deprived learners, is often much poorer than those from more advantaged homes. Writing, as a core aspect of literacy skills, can rightly be viewed as one of the most complicated skills. The mastering thereof puts an almost unattainable demand on the environmentally deprived learner. This situation is largely attributed to the learning deficit experienced by such learners. The problem is often exacerbated by a lack in educator proficiency and the general absence of good education where these learners go to school. Although many intervention measurements and strategies have been initiated by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to inhibit the many challenges surrounding especially literacy performance, it would seem that interventions to improve learners’ writing ability is often neglected. This constructivist study was aimed at undertaking an encompassing investigation and to address the challenges that environmentally deprived learners experience in terms of writing skills in a holistic manner within the context of poor rural schools. This qualitative investigation was executed at nine rural schools in the West Coast district of the Western Cape. Language educators in the Intermediary Phase were involved in the study. The schools are situated in areas where there are visible signs of poor socio-economic circumstances, and chosen for their status as schools in the lower quintiles. The theoretic perspectives of Piaget, Vygotski, Bronfenbrenner and Bandura, with their focus on socio-cultural theories, were studied. Specific strategies and principles from these perspectives were aligned with this study. The promotion of writing skills in the constructivist classroom was studied, with a focus on the influential work of Brian Cambourne (1934-), which focuses on the conditions for learning and also the way in which educators can create a classroom ethos to develop good writing skills. The constructivist view also guided the data collection process and from the data themes and subthemes were identified that were discussed and analysed. Findings of this research has shown that writing is a complicated activity for both educators and learners and that the teaching and promotion thereof are lacking in many aspects. Educators have limited knowledge in respect of the teaching and assessment of writing skills. The findings also show that few measures are in place to address the unique demands made by environmentally deprived learners. The study has also shown that the parents of environmentally deprived learners display an uninterested, apathetic attitude towards their schoolwork. In a nutshell it can be said that this study has shown that there is indeed much to be done not only to improve the writing ability of environmentally deprived learners in poorer rural schools, but that solutions should also urgently be sought to the countless other challenges experienced by environmentally deprived learners in rural schools. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Kurrikulumstudies)

Barriers to high performance in physical science among learners : a case of selected Township secondary schools in South Africa

Simelane, Thembile Trusty 10 1900 (has links)
The quality of matric results for Physical Sciences in South Africa is very poor and as a result few learners are able to meet the admission requirements to study careers related to Physical Science at tertiary institutions. The study investigated barriers to high performance of Physical Science learners at the township secondary schools in the Tshwane West District, in the Gauteng Province. Using a qualitative approach and a case study design, samples were chosen purposefully involving three secondary schools in the Tshwane West District. The schools that obtained a high pass rate in the Physical Science Grade 12 in the year 2017 were identified. Grade 11 and 12 Physical Science teachers and learners participated in this study. The data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews, and Physical Science lesson observation. The semi-structured interviews were conducted with four Physical Science teachers including Heads of Department (HODs) from the three selected secondary schools and 15 Physical Science learners in Grade 11 and 12. The data were analysed manually. The data were categorised according to themes, and then coded by hand and supported by the literature review. The anonymity of all participants was protected. Upon analysis of the results, some contributory barriers of high performance in Physical Science were identified from the three township schools, and these include inability to finish Grade 12 curriculum in time, parents forcing learners to do Physical Science in the senior grades (particularly in Grades 11 and 12), lack of motivation, learners with a negative attitude towards the subject, poverty, crime and dysfunctional Physical Science laboratories. Recommendations for improvement in the areas identified were provided. The Curriculum Developers of the Department of Education must review the Physical Science curriculum, particularly with the view of reducing the number of topics covered in Grades 11 and 12. Poverty and crime must be attended to as learners cannot learn when they are hungry and in an unsafe environment. It was also recommended that the Department of Education must assist in provision of resources necessary to teach Physical Science efficiently. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Science and Technology Education)

The relationship between a disadvantaged home environment and the self-concept of children : a guidance and counselling perspective

Magano, Meahabo Dinah 06 1900 (has links)
The escalating figures of unemployment and poverty in South Africa are posing a threat to the nuclear family. The deteriorating conditions in the home environment, particularly regarding material provision, has led to an increase in disadvantaged home environments. The investigation in this study focused mainly on the self-concepts of adolescents from disadvantaged home environments. The aim of the research was to see how the home environment influences the self-concept of an adolescent in disadvantaged areas. The literature study showed that factors such as unemployment, poverty, low socio-economic background, single parenthood, absent parents, parents' level of literacy and parenting styles were associated with disadvantaged home environments. With regard to the self-concept the researcher probed the physical, emotional, social, academic and general self-concepts. An empirical investigation was undertaken regarding grade 9 and 11 learners in Hebron in the North West Province. A structured questionnaire was developed focusing on home environment and self-concept. By using Pearson's correlation, ANOVA and Tukey's t-test, findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between home environment and the self-concept. The adolescent's emotional self-concept is affected by religion, supervision at home (parent or guardian) and the number of siblings in the family. Moreover, girls had a better social self-concept than boys. On the whole the physical, academic, social and general self-concepts were not affected by religion, number of siblings in the family and different kinds of supervision. With regard to the physical self-concept it was found that it differed with age. Therefore, the educators who facilitate Life Orientation in the General Education and Training (GET) band and Life Skills in the Further Education and Training (FET) band should assist children who come from disadvantaged home environments by applying intervention strategies suggested by the researcher in this study to foster positive self-concepts in adolescents. Positive self-concepts are key factors for successful learning, general behavioural patterns and high participation in school activities. Upgrading of educators is also recommended so that they are fully equipped to assist a learner who is from a deprived home environment. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Psychology of Education))

Kinderversorgers se emosionele belewenisse en hantering van kontakgrensversteurings : `n beskrywende studie / The child care worker's emotional experience and management of contact boundary disturbances : a descriptive study

Van Wyngaard, Debro 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Children in children’s homes often make use of specific behaviour - defined as contact boundary disturbances in Gestalt theory - as a result of their intense emotional needs, but also to protect themselves or to be assertive in their current environment. This qualitative, applied study aimed to determine and describe the way the child care workers of a rural child and youth care centre manage and experience the contact boundary disturbances of children in the children’s home. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight child care workers. In conducting the study, the researcher found that the child care workers had inadequate knowledge and insight regarding contact boundary disturbances and how to handle it. It was concluded that the management of children’s homes must ensure that training and support are provided to child care workers so that their needs are addressed in order to prevent burnout. Recommendations that will be valuable with respect to the handling skills and emotional experiences of child care workers were made. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Taalverryking van senior kleuters in milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe : 'n ouerprogram / Language enrichment of senior toddlers in environmentally deprived communities : a parental programme

Naudé, Hendrina 08 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie fokus op die taalontwikkeling en -verryking van senior kleuters in milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe. Die ondersoekgroep is 'n A:fiikaanssprekende Kleurling- en Griekwagemeenskap. Dit blyk dat die ouers in hierdie gemeenskap sekere leemtes openbaar ten aansien van bulle taalopvoedingsgedrag, wat resulteer in taalervaringsagterstande by die senior kleuters. Taalontwikkeling en -verryking is in wese "a socially mediated process" en blootstelling aan stimulerende taalervaringe bevorder begrip van taalgebruik binne die sosiale konteks. Die ontoereikende taalvoorbeeld binne die gesinne en gemeenskap resulteer in ontoereikende taalontwikkeling en -verwerwing en die senior kleuters openbaar bulle arme, ongedifferensieerde taalwereld in taaltekorte ten opsigte van taalbebeer, taalstyl en taalkode. Die senior kleuters se konsepvorming is gebrekkig en in bulle taalaanwending is bulle eerder beskrywend en konkreet-gebonde as analities en abstrak. Dit blyk dat die ouers nie bulle senior kleuters kognitief toereikend stimuleer nie, en dat uitbreiding van taalkode nie toereikend gefasilieer word nie, omdat die ouers onkundig is omtrent die benutting van toevallige leersituasies, en nie potensiele leergeleenthede skep of ontgin nie. Kognitiewe stimulasie verwys na die vaslegging van sekere konsepte en uitbreiding van taalkode verwys na die vaardigheid om juis daardie konsepte te kan omskryf, verklaar of mee te deel. 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus die resultaat van gereelde blootstelling aan 'n wye verskeidenheid stimulerende ervaringe. Hierdie ervaringsraamwerk word later die kleuter se venrysingsraamwerk wat by gebruik om inligting te berhaal, versoeke te formuleer, voorwerpe te benoem en gebeure akkuraat te beskryf 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus noodsaaklik vir latere suksesvolle leer, omdat dit die leerder in staat stel om nuwe inligting te analiseer, te sinteseer en te globaliseer. Die implikasie vir die antwerp van 'n ouerprogram is dat die ouers nie net begelei moet word ten aansien van die taalverryking van die senior kleuters nie, maar ook eksplisiet daartoe begelei te word om potensieel-stimulerende leersituasies te skep. / This study focuses on the language development and -enrichment of senior toddlers in environmentally deprived communities. The research group is an Afrikaans speaking Colouredand Griqua community. It is evident that parents in this community reveal certain deficiencies pertaining to their language-teaching behaviour, resulting in linguistic experiential backlogs in their senior toddlers. Language development and -enrichment is in essence a socially mediated process and exposure to stimulating language experiences enhances comprehension of colloquial usage within the social context. The inadequate linguistic example set by both the family and the community results in inadequate language development and -enrichment and the senior toddlers reveal their impoverished, undifferentiated world of language in deficiencies pertaining to mastery of language, style of language and code of language. The senior toddlers' conceptualization is deficient and in their language usage they are rather descriptive and concrete-bound than analytic and abstract. It is evident that the parents do not adequately stimulate their senior toddlers' cognitive abilities, and a code of language is not adequately facilitated, because the parents do not know how to derive profit from incidental learning situations and are ignorant pertaining to the creation and utilization of potential learning opportunities. Stimulation of cognition refers to the mastery and fixation.. of certain concepts, while broadening of a code of language refers to the. ability to describe, to explain, to interpret or to communicate the meaning of these concepts. A broadened and expanded code of language is thus the result of regular exposure to a wide range of stimulating experiences. This experiential framework later becomes the toddler's referential framework which he uses to repeat information, to formulate requests, to name objects and to accurately describe events. A broadened and expanded code of language is thus essential for later successful learning, because it enables the learner to analyze, to synthesize and to globalize new information. The implication for the draft of a parental programme is that parents should not .only be accompanied pertaining to the enrichment of their senior toddlers' language development, but that parents in this deprived environment also explicitly be educated to create potential stimulating learning situations at home. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkudige Opvoedkunde)

The relationship between a disadvantaged home environment and the self-concept of children : a guidance and counselling perspective

Magano, Meahabo Dinah 06 1900 (has links)
The escalating figures of unemployment and poverty in South Africa are posing a threat to the nuclear family. The deteriorating conditions in the home environment, particularly regarding material provision, has led to an increase in disadvantaged home environments. The investigation in this study focused mainly on the self-concepts of adolescents from disadvantaged home environments. The aim of the research was to see how the home environment influences the self-concept of an adolescent in disadvantaged areas. The literature study showed that factors such as unemployment, poverty, low socio-economic background, single parenthood, absent parents, parents' level of literacy and parenting styles were associated with disadvantaged home environments. With regard to the self-concept the researcher probed the physical, emotional, social, academic and general self-concepts. An empirical investigation was undertaken regarding grade 9 and 11 learners in Hebron in the North West Province. A structured questionnaire was developed focusing on home environment and self-concept. By using Pearson's correlation, ANOVA and Tukey's t-test, findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between home environment and the self-concept. The adolescent's emotional self-concept is affected by religion, supervision at home (parent or guardian) and the number of siblings in the family. Moreover, girls had a better social self-concept than boys. On the whole the physical, academic, social and general self-concepts were not affected by religion, number of siblings in the family and different kinds of supervision. With regard to the physical self-concept it was found that it differed with age. Therefore, the educators who facilitate Life Orientation in the General Education and Training (GET) band and Life Skills in the Further Education and Training (FET) band should assist children who come from disadvantaged home environments by applying intervention strategies suggested by the researcher in this study to foster positive self-concepts in adolescents. Positive self-concepts are key factors for successful learning, general behavioural patterns and high participation in school activities. Upgrading of educators is also recommended so that they are fully equipped to assist a learner who is from a deprived home environment. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.(Psychology of Education))

Kinderversorgers se emosionele belewenisse en hantering van kontakgrensversteurings : `n beskrywende studie / The child care worker's emotional experience and management of contact boundary disturbances : a descriptive study

Van Wyngaard, Debro 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Children in children’s homes often make use of specific behaviour - defined as contact boundary disturbances in Gestalt theory - as a result of their intense emotional needs, but also to protect themselves or to be assertive in their current environment. This qualitative, applied study aimed to determine and describe the way the child care workers of a rural child and youth care centre manage and experience the contact boundary disturbances of children in the children’s home. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight child care workers. In conducting the study, the researcher found that the child care workers had inadequate knowledge and insight regarding contact boundary disturbances and how to handle it. It was concluded that the management of children’s homes must ensure that training and support are provided to child care workers so that their needs are addressed in order to prevent burnout. Recommendations that will be valuable with respect to the handling skills and emotional experiences of child care workers were made. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Taalverryking van senior kleuters in milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe : 'n ouerprogram / Language enrichment of senior toddlers in environmentally deprived communities : a parental programme

Naudé, Hendrina 08 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie fokus op die taalontwikkeling en -verryking van senior kleuters in milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe. Die ondersoekgroep is 'n A:fiikaanssprekende Kleurling- en Griekwagemeenskap. Dit blyk dat die ouers in hierdie gemeenskap sekere leemtes openbaar ten aansien van bulle taalopvoedingsgedrag, wat resulteer in taalervaringsagterstande by die senior kleuters. Taalontwikkeling en -verryking is in wese "a socially mediated process" en blootstelling aan stimulerende taalervaringe bevorder begrip van taalgebruik binne die sosiale konteks. Die ontoereikende taalvoorbeeld binne die gesinne en gemeenskap resulteer in ontoereikende taalontwikkeling en -verwerwing en die senior kleuters openbaar bulle arme, ongedifferensieerde taalwereld in taaltekorte ten opsigte van taalbebeer, taalstyl en taalkode. Die senior kleuters se konsepvorming is gebrekkig en in bulle taalaanwending is bulle eerder beskrywend en konkreet-gebonde as analities en abstrak. Dit blyk dat die ouers nie bulle senior kleuters kognitief toereikend stimuleer nie, en dat uitbreiding van taalkode nie toereikend gefasilieer word nie, omdat die ouers onkundig is omtrent die benutting van toevallige leersituasies, en nie potensiele leergeleenthede skep of ontgin nie. Kognitiewe stimulasie verwys na die vaslegging van sekere konsepte en uitbreiding van taalkode verwys na die vaardigheid om juis daardie konsepte te kan omskryf, verklaar of mee te deel. 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus die resultaat van gereelde blootstelling aan 'n wye verskeidenheid stimulerende ervaringe. Hierdie ervaringsraamwerk word later die kleuter se venrysingsraamwerk wat by gebruik om inligting te berhaal, versoeke te formuleer, voorwerpe te benoem en gebeure akkuraat te beskryf 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus noodsaaklik vir latere suksesvolle leer, omdat dit die leerder in staat stel om nuwe inligting te analiseer, te sinteseer en te globaliseer. Die implikasie vir die antwerp van 'n ouerprogram is dat die ouers nie net begelei moet word ten aansien van die taalverryking van die senior kleuters nie, maar ook eksplisiet daartoe begelei te word om potensieel-stimulerende leersituasies te skep. / This study focuses on the language development and -enrichment of senior toddlers in environmentally deprived communities. The research group is an Afrikaans speaking Colouredand Griqua community. It is evident that parents in this community reveal certain deficiencies pertaining to their language-teaching behaviour, resulting in linguistic experiential backlogs in their senior toddlers. Language development and -enrichment is in essence a socially mediated process and exposure to stimulating language experiences enhances comprehension of colloquial usage within the social context. The inadequate linguistic example set by both the family and the community results in inadequate language development and -enrichment and the senior toddlers reveal their impoverished, undifferentiated world of language in deficiencies pertaining to mastery of language, style of language and code of language. The senior toddlers' conceptualization is deficient and in their language usage they are rather descriptive and concrete-bound than analytic and abstract. It is evident that the parents do not adequately stimulate their senior toddlers' cognitive abilities, and a code of language is not adequately facilitated, because the parents do not know how to derive profit from incidental learning situations and are ignorant pertaining to the creation and utilization of potential learning opportunities. Stimulation of cognition refers to the mastery and fixation.. of certain concepts, while broadening of a code of language refers to the. ability to describe, to explain, to interpret or to communicate the meaning of these concepts. A broadened and expanded code of language is thus the result of regular exposure to a wide range of stimulating experiences. This experiential framework later becomes the toddler's referential framework which he uses to repeat information, to formulate requests, to name objects and to accurately describe events. A broadened and expanded code of language is thus essential for later successful learning, because it enables the learner to analyze, to synthesize and to globalize new information. The implication for the draft of a parental programme is that parents should not .only be accompanied pertaining to the enrichment of their senior toddlers' language development, but that parents in this deprived environment also explicitly be educated to create potential stimulating learning situations at home. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkudige Opvoedkunde)

Intervensieprogram vir graad 1-leerders uit 'n lae sosio-ekonomiese omgewing / Intervensieprogram vir graad een leerders uit 'n lae sosio-ekonomiese omgewing / Intervention programme for grade 1 learners from a low socio-economic environment / Intervention programme for grade one learners from a low socio-economic environment

Van Wyk, Maria Magdalena 15 August 2012 (has links)
Abstract in Afrikaans and English / This study was initiated when the researcher became aware of the problem that learners from low socio-economic environments tend to experience barriers to learning in numeracy and literacy. These barriers were identified in a class of Grade 1 learners through extensive literature study, after which the development, teaching and learning of numeracy and literacy in grade 1 were investigated. The researcher then developed intervention programmes for literacy and numeracy, each running for a period of six weeks, in order to overcome learners’ difficulties in these learning areas. Each programme was subdivided into three shorter programmes of two weeks each, which addressed different aspects of literacy and numeracy. Each sub-programme was supplemented by a schedule of daily activities in order to reinforce learning. Learners’ competence in literacy and numeracy was assessed before starting the programme and re-assessed at the end, using the same tests they had done at the beginning. Learners’ marks in both sets of tests were compared, which demonstrated their progress or non-progress after having participated in the intervention programmes. / Inleidend tot die studie word ‘n uiteensetting gegee van hoe die navorser bewus geword het van die navorsingsprobleem, wat as volg gestel word: Die navorser is bewus daarvan dat leerders uit ‘n lae sosio-ekonomiese milieu gewoonlik struikelblokke in leeraktiwiteite in gesyferdheid en geletterdheid ervaar. Deur literatuurstudie is die struikelblokke wat graad 1-leerders in geletterdheid en gesyferdheid ondervind, geïdentifiseer. Vervolgens is die ontwikkeling, onderrig en leer van geletterdheid en gesyferdheid volledig uiteengesit en intervensieprogramme in geletterdheid en gesyferdheid saamgestel om leerders se struikelblokke tydens leeraktiwiteite te bowe te kom. Drie intervensieprogramme in geletterdheid en drie in gesyferdheid is saamgestel, wat elk vir twee weke gevolg is. Volledige skedules van daaglikse aktiwiteite wat by elke program uitgevoer is, is ook ingesluit. Leerders se bedrewenheid in geletterdheid en gesyferdheid is geassesseer voor daar met die programme begin is. Na afloop van die intervensieprogramme het leerders weer dieselfde toetse afgelê waardeur hulle vordering of nie-vordering bepaal kon word. Verskeie tabelle is saamgestel wat leerders se vordering aantoon. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Learning experiences of inner city early childhood development managers who participated in an ECD forum: a social work perspective

McLean, Barbara Anne 05 1900 (has links)
Early childhood development is one of the critical services to support the development of young children from conception to age six. Children raised in vulnerable inner cities, with limited access to quality, well-resourced ECD services, are at risk of perpetuating cycles of disadvantage and exclusion. Even though ECD centres exist in abundance in the inner city of Durban, eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, managers of ECD centres face challenges such as meeting rigorous registration norms and standards, a lack of finances, resources, trained staff and socio-economic factors which affect the wellbeing of children. Using a qualitative approach, this study communicates the role played by the Inner City ECD Forum in the learning experiences of seven ECD managers through their participation in inter-sectoral stakeholder interventions and capacity building trainings. It further outlines the benefits of networking and collective support. Based on the findings, recommendations for practice, policy and further research are made. / School of Social Sciences / M.A. (Social Work)

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