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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determining the feasibility of using mobile phones to strengthen the information management of preventative health care in South Africa

Snyders, Frans Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa’s health sector has not yet shown enough improvement to reach the Millennium Development Goals related to health. One of the problem areas is the low infant and child vaccination coverage in certain areas of South Africa. The use of mobile phones in health care (mHealth) has the potential to strengthen the primary health care system through improved information management. A mobile health solution for vaccination (MHSV) can be used to improve information management of vaccinations, which in turn can improve vaccination coverage. However, the feasibility of implementing such an MHSV in the South African context is unknown. This study therefore investigates the feasibility of using mobile phones to improve information management for child vaccinations in South Africa. Feasibility is determined by using a feasibility framework together with business model development. The feasibility framework, which is informed by a literature study, surveys and a case study, determines the feasibility of an MHSV in terms of human factors, technical feasibility, information management, policies and ethics, and economics. It is found that an MHSV is feasible in South Africa, although certain areas pose challenges that will have to be considered. Complementing the feasibility framework, business models are developed to suggest possible ways in which an MHSV can be deployed in South Africa. These models build on the results from the feasibility framework and are developed using Osterwalder’s business model canvas. The effect of the National Health Insurance (NHI) on these business models is also examined. In order to validate the feasibility framework and business models, interviews were held with experts in health care and mobile phone solutions. These interviews show that the research is valid and that the feasibility framework and business models can be generalised to the wider field of mHealth solutions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se gesondheidsektor het nog nie genoeg verbetering getoon om die gesondheidsverwante Millenium Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte te bereik nie. Een van die probleemareas is die besondere lae inentingsdekking van babas en kinders in sekere gebiede van Suid-Afrika. Die gebruik van selfone vir gesondheidsorg hou die potensiaal in om die primêre gesondheidsorgstelsel te versterk deur inligtingsbestuur te verbeter. ’n Inentingsoplossing wat gebruik maak van selfone, bekend as ‘n “mobile health solution for vaccination” (MHSV), kan inligtingsbestuur van inentings verbeter, wat hoër inentingsdekking tot gevolg kan hê. Die haalbaarheid van die implementering van so ’n MHSV in die konteks van Suid-Afrika is egter onbekend. Hierdie studie ondersoek dus die haalbaarheid daarvan om selfone te gebruik vir beter inligtingsbestuur van kinder-inenting in Suid-Afrika. Haalbaarheid word vasgestel deur ’n haalbaarheidsraamwerk en die ontwikkeling van besigheidsmodelle te gebruik. Die haalbaarheidsraamwerk, wat toegelig word deur ’n literatuurstudie, vraelyste en ’n gevallestudie, bepaal die haalbaarheid van ’n MHSV in terme van menslike faktore, tegniese haalbaarheid, inligtingbestuur, beleid en etiek, en ekonomie. Daar word gevind dat ’n MHSV haalbaar is in Suid-Afrika, alhoewel sekere areas uitdagings inhou. Die haalbaarheidsraamwerk word aangevul deur die ontwikkeling van besigheidsmodelle wat moontlike maniere voorstel waarop ’n MHSV in Suid-Afrika ontplooi kan word. Hierdie modelle word geskoei op die resultate van die haalbaarheidsraamwerk en word ontwikkel met behulp van Osterwalder se besigheidsmodelskema (“business model canvas”). Die effek van die nasionale gesondheidversekering op hierdie modelle word ook ondersoek. Onderhoude met kundiges in die veld van selfoonoplossings vir gesondheidsorg word gebruik om die haalbaarheidsraamwerk en die besigheidsmodelle te valideer. Die onderhoude toon dat die navorsing geldig is en dat die haalbaarheidsraamwerk en besigheidsmodelle veralgemeen kan word na die wyer veld van selfoonoplossings vir gesondheidsorg.

Children on e : a qualitative and quantitative study of children's rights on the e-TV News agenda

Rutter, Chantal Antonia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Television is a powerful tool in the diffusion of information to the masses. It is therefore influential in the way society perceives and responds to children, and in so doing it has an influence on the provision and protection of children's rights. According to international and locally conducted studies children are not high on the media agenda, are seldom given a voice or status, and if they are, issues around them are mostly formulated by adults. This assignment sets out to determine whether the same conclusion can be drawn from South African free-to-air television station e-TV. In particular it seeks to establish whether e- News has been successful in placing children's rights in on the public agenda or whether it has reported on children in an ad hoc manner. Children's human rights issues have been defined in accordance with the United Nation's Children's Rights Charter and the South African Bill of Rights, which makes specific provision for the child/children. This assignment takes its lead from a Media Monitoring Project study. Like the MMP report this research is conducted within a human rights framework and concedes according to Section 28 (2) of the Constitution that "the child's best interests are of paramount importance in every matter concerning the child". The methodology employed in this assignment, while replicating a Media Monitoring Project study, also employs discourse analysis in the form of interviews and questionnaires conducted with e-News members of staff. The methodology was applied to a sample of 71 stories which included reference to a child or children and which were broadcast on e-News Live at 7 and e-News live at 10 between January and August 2004. In brief it was found that the rights to privacy, dignity and freedom of speech were satisfactorily upheld (as per the Bill of Rights), but that issues about children are mostly sourced by and commented on by adults. Furthermore it was found that children's rights do not form an implicit part of the e-News agenda. Given that a human rights framework is normative for e-News, it is recommended that children's rights be placed in context, that stories challenge stereotypes about children and that e- News should consider appointing 'children's correspondents'. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Televisie is n' kragtige medium vir die verspreiding van inligting na die samelewing. Om hierdie rede speel televisie n' invloedryke rol op die manier waarop mense met kinders omgaan en dus het dit ook n' groot invloed op die voorsiening en berskerming van kinderregte. Volgens internastionale en plaaslike studies is kinders nie hoog op die media se agenda nie. Hulle word selde status verleen en indien wel, word kwessies wat hulle raak, dikwels deur volwassenes geformuleer. Hierdie opdrag wil bepaal of hierdie gevolgtrekking ook spesifiek betrekking het op die televisiestasie, e-TV. Daar word spesifiek gefokus op e-News se agenda met betrekking tot kinderregte en of dit suksesvol genhandhaaf word of nie. Kindreregte-kwessies is gedefineer soos in die Verenigde Nasies se Handves van Kinderrregte en die Suid-Afrikaanse Hanves van Menseregte wat specifiek focus op voorsiening vir kinders. Hierdie opdrag is volg die voorbeeld van n' verslag van die Media Monitoring Project (MMP). Soos die MMP-verslag word hierdie narvorsing binne n' menseregte-raamwerk gedoen en neem ook artikel 28 (2) van die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet in ag, wat stipuleer dat die kind se belange van kardinale belang is asook elke aspek wat die kind betrek. Die metodologie wat in hierdie opdrag gebruik word, repliseer tegelykertyd die MMPstudie en maak gebruik van diskoersanalise in die vorm van onderhoude en vraelyste onder e- News personeellede. Hierdie metodologie maak gebruik van n' steekproefvan 71 nuusstories wat verwys na n' kind/kinders wat tussen Januarie en Augustus 2004 op e-News Live om 19hOO uitgesaai is. Ter opsomming is bevind dat privaatheidsregte, waardigheid en vryheid van spraak van kinders bevredigend benader is. Kwessies wat kinders aanraak word egter meer deur volwassenes aangespreek as deur kinders self. Daar is egter ook bevind dat kinderregte nie n' intergrale deel van e-News agenda vorm me. Gegewe dat n' menseregteraamwerk bye-News toegepas word, word dit aanbeveel dat kinderregte binne konteks geplaas word en dat berigte sal streef daarna om stereotypes oor kinders te verander en dat e-News oorweeg om kinderkorrespndente aan te stel.

Statutêre assessering van kinderslagoffers van kriminele seksuele gedrag: 'n Gestaltterapeutiese riglyn

Du Toit, Willem Johannes 30 November 2005 (has links)
Gestalt play therapy court assessment / Child victim / Sexual crime / Legal professionals / Assessment guideline / Intermediary / Text in Afrikaans / As a source of information the court needs to be convinced of the witness's credibility and the ability to recall and communicate the truth regarding the Incident. Mostly the court uses the expertise of an expert witness to assist it in making a decision regarding the way in which a child needs to testify in court. Experts in this field are challenged to align the legal requirements with those of their field of expertise. In this research the Gestalt therapeutic approach is used to design an assessment guideline to assist experts to assess the ability of child victims of sexual crimes to testify in court. The Gestalt therapeutic approach focuses on the present (here and now) and has the ability to obtain access to the information present in the child's life. In the proposed assessment guideline certain Gestalt play therapy methods are recommended to assist the expert to assessing the child victim of a sexual crime. / Play therapy / M.Diac. (Play therapy)

A case study of stakeholders' perceptions of the management implications of the discipline provisions of the 1996 Schools Act in a rural Eastern Cape high school

Luggya, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
South Africa's education management system has undergone a long history of transformation from the promulgation of the Bantu Education Act of 1953 to the realisation of democracy, and in this context, the South Mrican Schools Act (SASA) of l996. Apartheid legislation and the new democratic legislation have had a profound impact on the education leadership and management of schools, in which authoritarian management practices have been replaced by democratic management practices. However, democratic management practices have not yet had a significant effect in the leadership and management of schools, especially in the schools of previously disadvantaged areas. This thesis seeks to examine perceptions held by education stakeholders in the light of the rights of students as stipulated in the discipline provisions of the Schools Act of 1996, in one of the rural high schools in the Northern Region of the Eastern Cape Province. One of the most important discipline provisions is the ban on corporal punishment in schools. My intention in carrying out this research was not to generalise my findings but to understand the experiences and perceptions of the stakeholders in this school regarding the discipline provisions of the SASA. The data suggest that authoritarian education practices, especially corporal punishment, are still a factor in the maintenance of student discipline in this rural school. Stakeholders still believe in the use of corporal punishment as the only way of maintaining discipline and an orderly environment for teaching and learning. Such beliefs, assumptions and values concerning the use of corporal punishment are held by the principal, teachers, students and parents and have not changed since 1996. Beliefs, assumptions and values on the exclusive use of power by the principal on issues of suspension and expulsion are still being held by the above stakeholders in the school. The vision of the SASA that schools become autonomous institutions with democratic leadership and management practices does not seem to be practical because of the centralisation of power in the hands of the Provincial Head of the Education Department. This centralisation of power denies the principal and other stakeholders of the school the power to decide on crucial matters like the expulsion of misbehaving students, because it is the provincial Head who decides on the seriousness of offences committed by misbehaving students and subsequent expulsions. Apart from the location of power in the Provincial Head of the Education Department, the stakeholders of this school are also powerless on expulsion of students, or any other form of punishment because of the implication of the "right" to education in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The education department has to devise programmes that change the beliefs and assumptions of stakeholders on corporal punishment and decision-making on expulsions and suspensions. Unfortunately corporal punishment persists because parents use it in the home and support its use in school. Programmes on alternatives to corporal punishment are required for the smooth implementation of the SASA.

English language teaching and learning in the African preschool and educational achievement at grade 1: a case study

Rendel, Philip Boudewijn January 2004 (has links)
In 1998, seventy per cent of children in South Africa failed and had to repeat the Grade 1 year. This is the result of a number of factors, among them academic and cultural readiness for school. Many primary schools in South Africa teach through English, a language that is not the home language of the majority of learners. Despite recent legislation aimed at improving preschool facilities and teacher capacity, there has been insufficient consideration of which languages are taught and how they should be taught to children before they arrive at Grade 1. This study sets out to explore whether there is a relational link between preschool English language teaching and learning and subsequent educational achievement at Grade 1. It also sketches out possible recommendations for improving the teaching and learning of English in the sample schools. The study does not attempt to enter the debate over choice of language of teaching and learning (LoLT). In this longitudinal case study, four children from two different preschools, (one mainly isiXhosa medium and one English medium), were observed in their classroom environments over a period of four months. The following year, the same children were observed in their respective Grade 1 classrooms, all of which were English medium either entirely or to a degree. The parents of all four children were interviewed in their home environment, as were their teachers. The study found that there is a significant communication gap between preschool teachers and Grade 1 teachers. This was combined with a self-confessed need amongst some teachers for increased training in teaching through English. Low motivation and limited professional experience in some cases contributed to a preschool language-learning environment that lacked many of the factors identified as being essential for a positive learning environment in early childhood There was in addition a clear bias in many sites towards universality of ECD prinCiples with little regard for the hegemony of Western pedagogy, particularly in the area of literacy acquisition. The study concludes by suggesting some ways in which this situation could be improved in order to enable preschool children to cope better with the demands of Grade 1.

Experiences, challenges and coping strategies of unaccompanied migrant children in South Africa : guidelines for Social Work

Mathe, Memory 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate unaccompanied migrant children (UMC )experiences, challenges and coping strategies in South Africa as they navigate their lives with no parental care and protection in a foreign country. The continuous inflow of UMC remains a major challenge globally and more so in South Africa. The inflow resulted in unaccompanied migrant children facing adverse challenges such as exploitation, marginalisation, discrimination and violation of human rights. In response to this influx, the South African Government embarked on several commendable initiatives, notwithstanding the national guidelines by the Department of Social Development, which unfortunately could not provide adequate guidance for social workers, on how to respond effectively to challenges facing UMC. The study was qualitative guided by exploratory, descriptive, and contextual designs. A sample was drawn using purposive sampling. Participants sampled for data collection were UMC and social workers tending them, from two shelters; one in the Limpopo and one in the Gauteng provinces, respectively. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and analysed using Tesch’s eight steps of data analysis in Creswell (2013). The findings confirmed that unaccompanied migrant children do not receive satisfactory services from social workers who are mandated by the Department of Social Development to look after all the vulnerable children in South Africa. In addition, the findings further confirmed the contradictions and misalignment of legal frameworks that make it difficult for social workers to provide effective services to the UMC, thus exposing the latter to a continued plethora of daily challenges. Despite the magnitude of challenges presented by the host country, it emerged that unaccompanied migrant children demonstrate a range of coping mechanisms to survive the challenges experienced within the borders of South Africa. Prominent in the findings was the dissatisfaction of social workers regarding lack of clarity and inconsistencies in the current Social Development Guidelines on; Separated and Unaccompanied Children Outside their Country of Origin in South Africa. Based on these findings, recommendations are made for practice and additional guidelines were developed to enhance service delivery to the UMC. / Social Work / D. Litt. et Phil. (Social Work)

Exploring the influence of demographic factors on mothers’ nutritional knowledge through the use of Food Based Dietary Guidelines

Majija, Yolisa Christina 04 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, isiXhosa and isiZulu / Mother’s nutrition knowledge, one of the guiding factors in developing children’s healthy eating patterns, has received relatively little research attention. This study determines the influence of demographic factors on mothers’ nutritional knowledge in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Quantitative, exploratory descriptive survey used group administrative questionnaire. Closed and open ended questions solicited data in 350 purposely and conveniently selected respondents. SSPS 26.0 Version analysed the data and Factor Analysis summarized for easy interpretation. Although SA FBDG are based on the current consumption of locally available foods, respondents were largely unaware of this tool. Mothers receive informal education on Dietary Guidelines from health centres, but no one knows the extent to which they understand and apply the information. There is general lack of correlation between nutrition knowledge and its application. Mothers require nutrition education and practical application of FBDG to improve their and children’s nutrition security. / Luncinane kwaye alukho nzulu uphando olukhe lwenziwa ngolwazi lomzalikazi ngendlela yokondla. Olu lwazi yenye yeenqobo zokukhokela isiqhelo sokutya ngokunempilo. Esi sifundo senziwe eMthatha, kwiMpuma Koloni yoMzantsi Afrika kwaye siqwalasela ifuthe leempawu zesimo soluntu kulwazi lomzalikazi ngendlela yokondla. Uphando lwenziwe ngokuqwalasela ulwazi olufunyenwe kubantu abaninzi ngokunika amaqela abantu uludwe lwemibuzo. Imibuzo enempendulo ethe gca (evalekileyo) okanye enempendulo exhomekeke kwizimvo zomntu (evulekileyo) yabuzwa kubantu abangama-350 ababekhethwe ngobuchule. Iinkcukacha zolwazi zahlalutywa ngokusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe beSSPS 26.0 lwaze uhlalutyo olwaziwa ngokuba yiFactor Analysis lwashwankathela ukuze ulwazi olufunyenweyo lutolikeke lula. Nangona isikhokelo sendlela yokutya esaziwa ngokuba yiSouth Africa food-based dietary guidelines (SA FBDG) sisekelwe kukutya okufumanekayo endaweni, abathathi nxaxheba abaninzi kolu phando babengazi nto ngesi sikhokelo. Abazalikazi bafumana imfundo engekho sesikweni ngesikhokelo sendlela yokutya kumaziko empilo, kodwa akukho mntu waziyo ukuba bayiqonda kangakanani, beyilandela kangakanani loo nto bayifundiswayo. Kukho ukungahambelani okuxhaphakileyo eluntwini phakathi kolwazi ngendlela yokutya nokulusebenzisa olo lwazi. Abazalikazi badinga ukufundiswa ngendlela yokutya nokusebenzisa isikhokelo iFBDG ukuze baphucule indlela yokutya bona nabantwana babo ngokukhuselekileyo. / Lusathole ukunakwa okuncane kakhulu kwezocwaningo ulwazi lukamama mayelana nokudla okunomsoco, okungenye yezinto eziqondisayo ekuthuthukiseni izindlela zokudla okunempilo ezinganeni. Lolu cwaningo luzocubungula futhi luhlonze umthelela wezimo zenhlalo ezigabeni zabantu abahlukahlukene olwazini lomama mayelana nokudla okunomsoco eMthatha esifundazweni saseMpumalanga Koloni eNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningokuhlola (isaveyi) olukhwantithethivu (olugxile emananini kanye nobuningi) oluhlolisisayo futhi oluchazayo, lwasebenzisa iphephamibuzo eligcwaliswa ngababambiqhaza abayiqembu. Imibuzo evalekile kanye nemibuzo evulekile yasetshenziswa ukuthola idatha kubabambiqhaza bocwaningo abangama-350 ababekhethwe ngabomu ukufezekisa izinhloso zocwaningo. I-SSPS 26.0 Version yahlaziya idatha kanti futhi i-Factor Analysis yafingqa idatha ukuze ihumusheke kalula. Nakuba imihlahlandlela yokudla okunomsoco yaseNingizimu Afrika (SA FBDG) isuselwe ekudliweni kokudla okutholakala kuleli lizwe njengamanje, ababambiqhaza babengenalo ulwazi lokuthi kukhona imihlahlandlela enjengalena. Omama bayafundiswa, ngendlela engahlelekile, ezizindeni zezempilo mayelana neMihlahlandlela Yokudla Okunempilo, kodwake akekho owaziyo ukuthi baluqonda kangakanani ulwazi abaluthola lapho, futhi balusebenzisa kangakanani. Kuvamise ukuthi kungabi khona ukuhambisana nokuxhumana phakathi kolwazi oluphathelene nokudla okunomsoco kanye nokusetshenziswa kwalo. Omama bayakudinga ukufundiswa mayelana nokudla okunomsoco futhi kuqinisekiswe ukuthi imihlahlandlela yama-FBDG isetshenziswa ngendlela ephathekayo futhi ebonakalayo ukuze bakwazi ukwenza ngcono ukutholakala kokudla okunomsoco, kubona omama ngokwabo kanye nezingane zabo. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M.C.S.

Narratiewe pastorale versorging saam met kinders in laerskole: `n ondersoek na die etiese dilemmas van "Loosit" as `n relevante, evangelies-kontekstuele model

Lötter, Lizelle 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Loosit is a pastoral care model which may be applied to primary school children in South Africa and the use thereof is explored in this research project. Loosit consists of a series of plays as well as a discipleship program. These plays, humoristic yet contextually relevant to children, are done on a set resembling school toilets. Children are encouraged to write to the leading character, Uncle Jani Tor, and to post the letters in the `toilet` post box. Themes focused on in this project are problems with friends, social pressure, problems in the family and death. There is a specific focus on the ethics of Loosit as a model of pastoral care applicable to children. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

The influence of the parent-child relationship on the self-concept of the Southern Sotho learner

Choko, Aphiah Kekeletso 30 June 2004 (has links)
Those learners who generally struggle to relate to their teachers and peers, also appear to struggle with their parents. This research study is thus an investigation into the influence of the parent-child relationship on the self-concept of the Southern Sotho child. A literature study was done and the major dimensions of the self-concept were identified, namely, the physical self, the academic self, the social self, the value self, the family self and the psychic self. A questionnaire was developed to measure the self-concept of the child. Another questionnaire was used to measure the parent-child relationship. The results of the empirical investigation indicated that the parent-child relationship does have an influence on the self-concept of the Southern Sotho child, although certain contradictions to other research findings emerged. Problematic aspects of the research were discussed and recommendations for further research were made. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counseling)

The role of mass media socialisation in juvenile delinquency

Fernandes, Carla Maria da Silva 31 January 2003 (has links)
When It comes to the basic perspectives on personal and social reality, it is commonly assumed that these perspectives are learned within the parent-child relafionship. As a result, the family has been typically accorded a place of primary importance the explanation of socialisation. But another influence has been lurking in the background- the mass media . Media influence upon ~hildren has generally been assumed to be significant, with powerful, long lasting consequences. However, traditional explanatory attempts have predominantly dealt with the effects of media violence on juvenile behaviour. The result has been a relative neglect of empirical analysis of media socialisation as it relates to detinquent behaviour. a matter that the present study attempted to rectify. The present study proposes that the media's commitment to conformity varies in degree of congruence with societal expectations and this variation is directly "transmitted to the child influencing the child's behaviour. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A.

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