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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza současné situace organizací občanské společnosti v oblasti čerpání evropských dotací v Praze / Analysis of the Current Relationship of Civil society organizations and European Programmes in Prague

Svěchotová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to map out the possibilities of Prague civil society organizations regarding the drawing of EU funds. In the search I focused on mapping of current European programs for the Prague civil society organizations (programs provided for the programming period 2007 - 2013). I will also present opportunities compared with those in the previous programming period 2004 - 2006. Part of the search are chapters dedicated to the financing of civil society and the transformation of their organizational structure. In the empirical part I focused my on selected civil society organizations that administrated project under the Operational Programme Prague - Adaptability. The aim of the research were through semi-structured interviews to determine how individual civil society organizations look at the whole process of administration of European projects, whether they were faced with some problems or have comments on how the whole process. When analyzing the interviews and documents I have also monitored whether the selected civil society organizations in connection with the drawing of EU funds somehow transformed their organizational structure is concerned. Key words The European Union, European funds, civil society organizations, the Operational Programme Prague - Adaptability,...

Srovnání image Kontaktního centra Netopeer - Víceúčelové drogové služby z pohledu klientů, zaměstnanců a veřejnosti / The Comparison of the Image of the Contact Center Netopeer - Multi-Purpose Drug Service from the Clients', Employees'and Public's Point of View.

Kocourková, Pavlína January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the image factors of the Contact Center Netopeer - Multi-Purpose Drug Service Znojmo, which is one of the subsidiaries of organization called Sdružení Podané ruce, o.s. The theoretical part focuses on the gathering the information concerning the individual aspects of organization image and its following application on civil society organizations. I determine the factors, which influence a good name of the Contact Center - Netopeer from the employees', clients' and public's point of view, with the help of the qualitative research method. Research shows that the important image factors for this organization are: staff behavior during the communication with customers and clients, helpfulness, efficiency and responsibility of the staff, staff competence and professionalism, trust of customers and clients in the institute, quality of offered products, services and ideas and hygiene, cleanness and aesthetics of the institute premises.

Analýza poskytovaných služeb občanskými sdruženími v sociální oblasti v ČR / The Analysis of Services Provided by Civic Associations in Social Sphere in the Czech Republic

Janotová, Marcela January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on civic associations operating in social sphere in the Czech Republic. Social sphere is in regard to the used methodology in the thesis delimited by the social service definition specified in Act No. 108/2006 Coll. The aim of the thesis is to analyze services provided to civic associations in the social sphere, to map the range of provided services, and to highlight the position of civic associations as social enterprises in the social sphere. The theoretical part deals with terms related to civil society, civil society organizations, social enterprises, and social services. The empirical part is then based on data earned from Register of Social Service Providers and provides comprehensive overview of the size and spheres the civic associations as social services providers operate in.

Participace fanoušků na dění v profesionálním fotbale / Participation of fans in proffesional football

Klügl, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on fan participation in current state of play in professional football. The paper provides three case-studies of the establishment of fan teams and associations in the background of professional football in the Czech Republic. The objective of thesis is to compare the situation of three fan teams in the Czech Republic and the world. Secondarily, the paper seeks to analyze fan teams as part of civic society and to what extent the teams contribute to the fulfillment of basic functions of civic society.

Samarbete eller samverkan, samtal eller dialog? : En kvalitativ studie av interaktionen mellancivilsamhällesorganisationer och kommunen inom socialthållbarhetsarbete i Malmö / Cooperation or collaboration, conversation or dialogue? : A qualitative study of the interaction between civil society organizations and the municipality in social sustainability work in Malmö

Olsen, Elinor, Stanley, Paulina January 2022 (has links)
Sektorsöverskridande samverkan har blivit ett allt viktigare inslag i organiseringen av offentlig service och i kommunalt hållbarhetsarbete. Denna uppsats studerar interaktionen mellan kommunen och civilsamhällesorganisationer inom fältet socialt hållbarhetsarbete i Malmö stad. Civilsamhällesorganisationer har en unik samhällelig position då de arbetar närmare människor än vad kommunen gör. Metoden baseras på intervjuer med respondenter från kommunalt håll samt från olika civilsamhällesorganisationer. Uppsatsen syftar till att belysa upplevda svårigheter och förbättringsmöjligheter i samverkan och interaktion parterna emellan. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att de upplevda svårigheterna kretsar kring upplevd distans, attityder, strukturella problem samt upplevd roll av varje part. Bristande tillit, varierande syn på kompetens samt uppfattning om vem som anses vara legitim utförare av socialt hållbarhetsarbete karaktäriserar upplevda hinder för en optimal samverkan. Potentiella förbättringsområden inkluderar en mer kontinuerlig direktdialog med civilsamhällesorganisationer utanför specifika projekt. Det inkluderar också en bättre samordning rörande samverkan med civilsamhällesorganisationer, samt en förändrad syn på civilsamhällesorganisationernas kunskap, kompetens och roll. / Cross-sectoral collaboration has become an increasingly important element in the organization of public services and in municipal sustainability work. This essay studies the interaction between the municipality and civil society organizations in the field of social sustainability work in the city of Malmö. Civil society organizations have a unique social position as they work closer to people than the municipality does. The method is based on interviews with respondents from the municipal level and from various civil society organizations. The essay aims to shed light on perceived difficulties and opportunities for improvement in collaboration and interaction between the parties. The results from the interviews show that the experienced difficulties revolve around perceived distance, attitudes, structural problems and the perceived role of each party. Lack of trust, varying views on competence and perceptions of who is considered a legitimate performer of social sustainability work characterize perceived obstacles for optimal collaboration. Potential areas for improvement include a more continuous direct dialogue with civil society organizations outside specific projects. It also includes better coordination regarding collaboration with civil society organizations, as well as a changed view of the civil society organizations' knowledge, competence and role.

Idéburet offentligt partnerskap (IOP) : En kvalitativ studie om uppfattningen av samverkansformen IOP och dess implikationer för socialt arbete i Uppsala kommun

Magnström, Hanna, Nilsson, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Sociala problem beskrivs ofta som komplexa och för att möta utmaningar i samhället betonas vikten av samverkan mellan olika aktörer. Förändringar i det svenska välfärdssystemet har möjliggjort olika typer av samarbeten mellan den offentliga sektorn och civilsamhället. Idéburet offentligt partnerskap (IOP) är en överenskommelse om samarbete mellan civilsamhällets organisationer och den offentliga sektorn, i syfte att uppnå ett allmännyttigt samhälleligt mål. Eftersom formen är relativt ny och samverkan lyfts fram som viktig för socialt arbete, har syftet med denna studie varit att undersöka hur ideella organisationer och förvaltningar i Uppsala kommun upplever att samverkansformen IOP fungerar. Teoretiskt vägleds studien av teorier om samverkan samt byråkratisering. Studien antar en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt och baseras på sju kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från den offentliga och idéburna sektorn samt kompletteras med en dokumentstudie. Studiens resultat visar att aktörerna väljer att teckna IOP-överenskommelser då IOP bidrar till att uppnå gemensamma mål genom att parterna tillför viktiga resurser till varandra. Dessutom blir relationen mer jämställd och bidrar till ökad dialog samt långsiktig finansiering för organisationerna. Resultatet visar även att det generellt är svårt att mäta effekter av IOP och att IOP medför både utmaningar och nya möjligheter. Utmaningar som finns med samverkansformen är att arbetet är administrativt tungt, tar mycket tid, att det inte finns några tydliga riktlinjer och att det finns en risk för att det blir personbundet. Å andra sidan medför IOP även nya möjligheter såsom bättre insyn hos varandra, en bättre kontakt och att parterna kompletterar varandra för att kunna hjälpa Uppsalas medborgare och uppnå samhällseffekter.

Impact of peace movements on a society immersed in conflict. An analysis of the framing processes of the Basque peace movement.

Anton, Egoitz G. January 2011 (has links)
The Basque conflict has waged since the 1950s in its current form. However, with the arrival of democracy 36 years ago, the Basque Country has been the scene of an intense peace mobilization, dominated by two peace organizations: Gesto por la Paz, a group of community organizations that mobilize to publicly reject political violence, and Lokarri/Elkarri, an organization that includes a conflict resolution proposal based on dialogue between conflicting parties. While there is some literature on these organizations, none has analysed their extraordinary impact on Basque society. This research explores how the Basque peace movement has impacted on the social and political culture of the Basque conflict. It seeks to understand the nature of this impact and to determine the channels and methods by which it was achieved, using frame analysis. Three interlinked questions serve to guide the research, asking first if there is a Basque Peace Frame and if it could be considered a master frame, how this Basque Peace Frame has evolved, and, finally, how the Basque Peace Frame has impacted on other Basque Civil Society Organizations related to the conflict. This qualitative research spans the period between the March 2006 declaration of ceasefire by ETA and the end of fieldwork for this research in September 2008. The research includes 18 in depth interviews, written media, and analysis of seven notable Basque social organizations related to the conflict, in addition to the two peace organizations mentioned above. The research found the impact of the Basque peace movement in the Basque Country is significant and rich. The Basque Peace Frame developed based on the rejection of the use of violence as a political tool and identifies that violence as the main barrier to achieving an inclusive conflict resolution. The Basque peace movement organizations developed a specific kind of mobilization to enforce the Basque Peace Frame based on silent and symbolic acts. The objective was to counter the former dynamics of mobilization that were contentious and directed to promote Basque national rights. The Basque Peace Frame proposed a change in the way the political collective identity was constructed in the Basque Country, showing that an association between nationalism and violence is not obligatory. The Basque Peace Frame has evolved and spread between social organizations in the Basque Country, using sympathetic identity networks as the main channel of frame diffusion. Even organizations that did not reject the use of contentious methods of protest are now questioning the use of violence, signifying exciting prospects for the future of non-violent political action in the Basque Country. / La Fundacion La Caixa. Consejeria de Educación Universidades e Investigación of the Basque Country Government.

Mediální reprezentace organizací občanské společnosti / Media representation of civil society organizations

Hartová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis introduces media representations of civil society organizations (CSOs) through quantitative content analysis of four dailies (HN, LN, MFD and Právo). The aim is to analyze and describe CSOs media representations in relation to media elements that characterize these representations, as well as through space and priority, organizations and actors that are associated with. The selected method allows the comparison of media representations for particular newspapers. The study builds on a social-constructivist paradigm, focusing on the agenda-setting theory, gatekeeping and news values. Thesis also discusses specifics of the CSOs and non-profit logic in relation to media and journalistic logic and their influence on the final CSOs media representations, including potential nonprofit dilemmas. The media representations are strongly determined by regionality and relationship with other sectors. CSOs are presented through positive and uncontroversial theme of good deeds. Regionality is together with social themes the most frequent topics associated with CSOs.

Valores pessoais e organizacionais no contexto de entidades do terceiro setor em municípios do Sul/Sudoeste de Minas Gerais

ALVES, Sarah Santos 05 May 2017 (has links)
As Organizações da Sociedade Civil têm assumido no Brasil, ao longo das últimas cinco décadas, uma representação cada vez maior na prestação de serviços públicos como saúde, educação, assistência social, cultura, meio ambiente, entre outros. Mais recentemente, essa conduta tem sido realizada por meio de um processo de parcerias entre o Estado e a Sociedade, o que justifica a necessidade de estudos mais profundos e particularizados sobre as singularidades que envolvem o Terceiro Setor. Neste sentido este estudo buscou contribuir com o tema ao analisar as orientações valorativas nos níveis individual e organizacional junto aos trabalhadores em Organizações da Sociedade Civil que possuam o certificado de Utilidade Pública Federal ou o título de Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público atuantes em municípios do Sul/Sudoeste de Minas Gerais. A amostra não probabilística por conveniência foi escolhida por três principais motivos: (a) Heterogeneidade das organizações; (b) Alta rotatividade dos trabalhadores; (c) Informações desatualizadas em plataformas de registro. A amostra foi constituída por 208 trabalhadores – contratados com remuneração, terceirizados e voluntários – nos municípios de Poços de Caldas, Pouso Alegre e Varginha, Minas Gerais. Esta pesquisa possui caráter predominantemente quantitativo e foi desenvolvida com a aplicação do Inventário de Valores Pessoais, conhecido como Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ-21), traduzido e adaptado, com evidências de validade testadas por Sambiase et al. (2014), do Inventário de Perfil de Valores Organizacionais (IPVO) desenvolvido e validado por Oliveira e Tamayo (2004) e de uma ficha sociodemográfica. Pode-se constatar uma prioridade dos trabalhadores para os valores pessoais de Benevolência e Universalismo, seguidos pelos de Segurança, Autodeterminação e Tradição. De forma semelhante, os valores organizacionais priorizados foram os de Preocupação com a coletividade e de Conservação. Percebeu-se, também, uma tendência de associação entre os valores pessoais e organizacionais, assim como uma constatação de que as dimensões de valores pessoais foram boas preditoras de sete dos oitos polos de valores organizacionais como Preocupação com a coletividade, Conformidade, Prestígio, Realização, Autonomia, Tradição e Domínio. / Civil Society Organizations have assumed the provision of public services such as health, education, social assistance, culture, environment and others over the last five decades in Brazil. More recently, this has been done through a partnership process between the State and the Society, which justifies the need of a deeper and more detailed study on the singularities that involve the Third Sector. In this sense, this study aims to contribute to the theme by analyzing the value orientations at both individual and organizational levels of employees of Civil Society Organizations that hold the certificate of Federal Public Utility or the title of Civil Society Organization of Public Interest that are active in the municipalities of the South/South-West of Minas Gerais. The convenience non-probabilistic sample was chosen for three main reasons: (a) Heterogeneity of organizations; (b) High turnover of workers; (c) Outdated information on registration platforms. The sample consisted of 208 workers (paid employees, subcontractors and volunteers) in the municipalities of Poços de Caldas, Pouso Alegre and Varginha - Minas Gerais. This research has a predominantly quantitative characteristic and was developed with the application of the Personal Values Inventory (known as the Portrait Values Questionnaire - PVQ-21), translated and adapted, with evidence of validity tested by Sambiase et al. (2014), Organizational Profile Values Inventory (OPVI) developed and validated by Oliveira and Tamayo (2004) and a socio-demographic record. A priority of workers for benevolence and universalism personal values was verified, followed by the values related to security, self-direction and tradition. In a similar way, the prioritized organizational values were those related to the concern with the community and conservation. It was also observed a tendency of association between personal and organizational values, as well as the confirmation that personal values dimensions were good predictors of seven from the eight organizational values such as concern with the community, conformity, prestige, realization, autonomy, tradition and domain.

Práticas organizacionais do Movimento Cultural Arte Manha: desafios e caminhos no desenvolvimento institucional

Alves, Jaqueline 25 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-03-19T19:06:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final com Ata.pdf: 2435299 bytes, checksum: ce7ed495ce611f31471c966533190d9d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-03-20T19:22:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final com Ata.pdf: 2435299 bytes, checksum: ce7ed495ce611f31471c966533190d9d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-20T19:22:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final com Ata.pdf: 2435299 bytes, checksum: ce7ed495ce611f31471c966533190d9d (MD5) / Esta dissertação investiga as práticas organizacionais do Movimento Cultural Arte Manha, uma associação institucionalizada em 1992 em Caravelas - BA. A instituição é responsável pela execução do Projeto PerErê Resgate e fortalecimento da identidade cultural Afro-Indígena, através do Programa Mais Cultura, viabilizado pelo Ministério da Cultura e Secretaria de Cultura do Estado da Bahia, nos moldes de Ponto de Cultura. Devido às dificuldades organizacionais e institucionais que emergiram após a execução do Ponto de Cultura, objetivou-se descrever as práticas organizacionais do “Movimento Cultural Arte Manha” após esse projeto, analisando as dificuldades e as potencialidades na promoção do seu desenvolvimento institucional, através da descrição da trajetória e práticas organizacionais da instituição, perfil dos participantes; grau de pertencimento dos participantes ao espaço social; relevância da missão institucional e valores; estratégias de mobilização de recursos e contribuição no funcionamento/continuidade da instituição.Além dos objetivos mencionados, esta dissertação apresenta as intervenções realizadas com os participantes da organização com objetivo de discutir e fomentar os valores, a missão, a valorização dos indivíduos e das relações pessoais como parte do processo de desenvolvimento institucional. Revelaram-se fragilidades e potencialidades institucionais, a relevância da política pública - Ponto de Cultura para o desenvolvimento a partir do lugar e o papel da instituição como gestora social. This dissertation investigate the organizational practices of the Movimento Cultural Arte Manha, an association institutionalized in 1992 in Caravelas - BA. The institution is responsible for implementing the Project PerErê Rescue and strengthening of africanindigenous cultural identity, through More Culture Program, made possible by Culture Ministry and Culture Department of the State of Bahia, in the mold of Culture Point. Due to organizational and institutional difficulties that emerged after the implementation of Culture Point to describe the organizational practices of the “Movimento Cultural Arte Manha”, after this project, analysing the difficulties and the potentialities in promoting their institutional development, by describing through the trajectory and organizational practices of the institution,the profile of participants; degree of belonging to the social space the participants, relevance institutional mission and values; strategies of mobilizing resources and assistance in the operation/continuity of the institution. Besides the mentioned objectives, this dissertation presents the activities performed with the participants of the organization in order to discuss and promote the values, mission, valuing individuals and personal relationships as part of the process institutional development.Institutional potentialities an fragilities were revealed, the public policy relevance - Culture Point to the development from the place and the institution´s role as a social manager.

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