Spelling suggestions: "subject:"classics"" "subject:"lassics""
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Duae M. A. Mureti Orationes in Platonis <em>Rem Publicam</em> Commentariis InstructaeHill, Robert Stephen 01 January 2016 (has links)
Marcus Antonius Muretus, qui inde ab anno 1526o usque ad 1585m vixit, modo Latine scribendi optimo insignis et apud aequales et apud posteriores, annis 1573o et 1574o duas in Platonis Rem Publicam habuit orationes. Quarum contextus in hoc opusculo editur commentariisque instruitur, quo facilius a lectoribus hodiernis sententiae Mureti legantur ac intellegantur. In praefatione quam huic opusculo adiunximus tractantur etiam res nonnullae quae ad Muretum et ad has orationes de Platone habitas pertinent: videlicet Mureti vita, sententiae eius ad artem rhetoricam pertinentes, controversiae Ciceronianae, studia Graeca, philosophia Platonica, denique ratio quam ad hanc editionem perficiendam adhibuimus.
Marc-Antoine Muret (1526-1585), known for his excellent Latin style both in his own time and afterwards, gave two inaugural speeches on Plato's Republic in 1573 and 1574. This thesis contains an edition of these speeches together with a commentary aimed at readers comfortable in classical Latin but perhaps new to Muret and to Renaissance studies. In a preface to this edition and commentary, several subjects are discussed that are essential for understanding Muret and the context of these speeches: Muret's life; his views on rhetoric and the imitation of Cicero; Greek studies in the Renaissance; Platonic philosophy; and finally the text of the speeches and other matters specific to this edition.
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<em>Carthago Indiarum Obsessa, Sed Non Expugnata</em>: Praefatio, Editio Critica, Commentarius, Paraphrasis Versuum Quibus Celebratur Victoria Hispanorum a Britannis Anno 1741 ReportataToscano, Dennis 01 January 2016 (has links)
Opus cui titulus est "Carthago Indiarum obsessa sed non expugnata" est carmen divulgatum sine nomine auctoris saeculo duodevicesimo ad celebrandam vic- toriam quam Hispani a Britannis Carthagenae Indiarum anno 1741 in bello auris illius Ienkins (vulgo, the War of Jenkins’ Ear) reportaverunt. In hac thesi tractantur modo satis compendiario res gestae huius proelii quo melius lectores carmen ipsum possint intellegere. Necnon hic inveniuntur ea quae spectant ad huius opusculi genus, indolem et momentum litterarium. Postremo, praebetur hic editio critica, paraphra- sis Latina, commentarius in hoc carmen scriptus. Ex hoc carmine potest conspici quomodo litterarum Latinarum patrimonium pertineat ad omnes aetates, ad omnes gentes, ad omnes patrias.
The work Carthago Indiarum obsessa, sed non expugnata ("Cartagena de Indias, Assailed but not Captured") is an eighteenth century anonymous poem that celebrates the Spanish victory over the English at Cartagena de Indias during the War of Jenkins’ Ear in 1741. This thesis presents a summary of the battle in order to contextualize the significance of the poem. It further presents a literary analysis of the poem’s genre, characteristics, and literary importance, as well as a critical edi-tion, a paraphrase in Latin prose, and a commentary. From analyzing this poem, one can see some ways in which the Latin literary patrimony brought from the ancients pertains to all ages, peoples, and nations.
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A philological study of the Chu bamboo text of the Warring States period as seen in volume two of the monograph seriescompiled on the basis of the collection housed in Shanghai Museum =Lai, Kwong-ki., 黎廣基. January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Chinese / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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A Rome Away From Rome: Isidorus Hispalensis and Roman Astronomical Traditions in Medieval SpainFinan, ALICIA 15 April 2013 (has links)
In the past the works of Isidorus Hispalensis have been regarded as nothing more than a rehashing of the works of earlier ecclesiastical authors, with no direct reference to Roman sources. He has been called at best a compiler and at worst a plagiarist. However, a greater understanding of the historical context shows that it is likely that Isidorus Hispalensis was working directly from Roman sources. In addition, by studying the historical context within which Isidorus is writing, evidence of his originality is seen in his ability to cater specific works to his specific context. By outlining Rome’s presence in Spain from the very beginning, as well as the changing understanding of the barbarian invasions, I show through a study of the astronomical chapters of Isidorus Hispalensis’ De Natura Rerum that Roman traditions in Spain persisted well into the Visigothic period, and that Isidorus Hispalensis is a perfect symbol of the survival of Roman culture after the fall of the western Empire. / Thesis (Master, Classics) -- Queen's University, 2013-04-12 17:33:29.356
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'Scottish Cato'? : a re-examination of Adam Ferguson's engagement with classical antiquityNicolai, Katherine Cecilia January 2011 (has links)
Adam Ferguson (1723-1816) was one of the leading figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, an influential eighteenth-century moral and political philosopher, as well as a professor of ethics at the University of Edinburgh from 1764 to 1785. There has been a wealth of scholarship on Ferguson in which central themes include his role as a political theorist, sociologist, moral philosopher, and as an Enlightenment thinker. One of the most frequent topics addressed by scholars is his relationship to ancient philosophy, particularly Stoicism. The ease with which scholars identify Ferguson as a Stoic, however, is problematic because of the significant differences between Ferguson‟s ideas and those of the „schools‟ of classical antiquity, especially Stoicism. Some scholars interpret Ferguson‟s philosophy as a derivative, unsystematic „patchwork‟ because he drew on various ancient sources, but, it is argued, did not adhere to any particular system. The aim of my thesis is to suggest an alternative interpretation of Ferguson‟s relationship to ancient philosophy, particularly to Stoicism, by placing Ferguson in the context of the intellectual history of the eighteenth century. The first section of this thesis is an examination of Ferguson‟s response to the Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns, modern eclecticism and the experimental method to demonstrate how Ferguson‟s approach to and engagement with ancient philosophy is informed by these intellectual contexts. The second section is a close analysis of the role that ancient schools play in his discussion of the history of philosophy as well as the didactic purpose found in his lectures and published works thereby determining the function of ancient thought in his philosophy. The third section is a re-examination of Ferguson‟s concept of Stoicism and his engagement with Stoic ethics in his moral philosophy re-interpreting his relationship to the ancient school. With a combination of a new understanding of Ferguson‟s methodology and new assessment of his engagement with ancient thought, a new interpretation of Ferguson‟s moral philosophy demonstrates his unique contribution to eighteenth-century thought.
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Lighting the Wine Dark Sea : a typology of ancient lighthouses based on archaeological evidencesBouchard, Renée A. January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Fleets and manpower on land and sea : the Italian "classes" and the Roman Empire 31 BC - AD 193Hopkins, Lloyd David Charles January 2014 (has links)
This thesis re-evaluates the nature and roles of the Italian classes (fleets) of the Roman empire between 31 BC and AD 193. Studied through the prism of naval history, the classes have been portrayed either as ineffective forces left to decay, or maritime institutions supporting military logistics. By starting from the position that the classes cannot easily be compared to other fleets, I argue that they should be regarded as a flexible manpower pool, placed in the same broad category as other soldiers in the Roman empire, who were drawn upon to perform a range of tasks on land and sea to the benefit of the Emperor, and who were integrated into systems supporting the functioning of the empire, which I term imperial organics. Chapter One discusses primarily epigraphic evidence for the classis servicemen, to argue that they considered themselves and were considered as milites who were trained to row, and who could be given tasks suitable to their abilities and places of deployment. Chapter Two, building on earlier discussion of the origins of the servicemen, examines second century AD papyrological evidence for recruitment from the Egpytian Fayoum. It posits recruitment systems which relied on several elements outside the control of Roman authorities, but which nonetheless ensured that the Italian classes were a well supplied manpower pool, perhaps because they did not rely on the so-called gens de mer. Chapter Three re-examines the main “naval bases” of the classes at Misenum and Ravenna, arguing that rather than purely military ports they should be understood as sites concentrating imperial resources to aid imperial activity in regions where concentrations of imperial property are attested. Drawing on arguments in the previous chapters, Chapter Four considers three case-studies for the functions of the Italian classes: their role in Roman military mobilisation and redeployment systems, their involvement in imperial communications, and their possible place in a coastal system on the western coast of Italy suggestive of imperial authority and benefaction. In all three it seeks to present evidence for imperial organics, low-level systems, possibly engendered by imperial activity, but which could persist of their own accord and which were essential to the workings of empire.
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Clássicos em quadrinhos e seus editores no Brasil. O ímpeto na produção de adaptações literárias no século XXI / Classics in comics and their publishers in Brazil: The impetus for the literary adaptations in the XXI century.Borges, Renata Farhat de Azevedo 17 November 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa resgata a trajetória de um tipo de publicação muito popular no século XX em todo o mundo, cujo renascimento verifica-se atualmente no mercado editorial brasileiro: os clássicos da literatura universal em quadrinhos. Para isso, buscou-se conhecer o legado da Classics Illustrated (1941-1971), a mais emblemática série de clássicos em quadrinhos do século XX, com presença em 36 países e traduzida para 26 idiomas. Criada por Albert Kanter (1897-1973), imigrante russo radicado nos Estados Unidos, a série espalhou-se por grande parte do Ocidente e influenciou o mercado editorial brasileiro a partir da segunda metade do século XX, quando foi trazida para o País pelo também imigrante russo Adolfo Aizen (1907-1991), com o nome de Edição Maravilhosa (1948-1962). Este trabalho explora a adaptação de obras literárias para quadrinhos com base na autonomia de cada uma das linguagens, identificando sua função nas operações da memória cultural e também os principais editores que compartilharam essa prática cultural no Brasil, a partir de reflexões relacionadas às adaptações como processo e como produto. / This research measures the trajectory of a very popular editorial device in the twentieth century in the world, which revival is now verified in the Brazilian publishing market: the classics of world literature in comic book format. For this, it intended to rescue the legacy of Classics Illustrated (1941-1971), the most emblematic series of classic in comics in the Twentieth century, with presence in 36 countries and 26 languages. Created by Albert Kanter (1897-1973), Russian immigrant living in the United States, the series spread over much of the Western world and influenced the Brazilian publishing market from the second half of the twentieth century when it was brought to the country by also Russian immigrant Adolfo Aizen (1907-1991), with the name of Edição Maravilhosa (1948-1962). This research explores the definitions of classics in comics from the autonomy of each language, identifies their role in the cultural memory operations, the main publishers who shared this cultural practice in Brazil and raises reflections related to adaptation as a process and as a product.
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古代典籍傳注與異文淵源考辨. / Relation of textual variances to the commentaries of ancient texts / Gu dai dian ji zhuan zhu yu yi wen yuan yuan kao bian.January 2014 (has links)
中國古代典籍異文繁多,古人訓釋典籍,理當參詳眾本異文,考定字句意義。在校勘學研究方面,前人所論古人校書方法,亦有謂其廣集異本,進行比對校勘,把注家引用異文當作專為校勘之手段。至於訓詁學及異文研究的討論方面,前賢學者亦以為古人注書標示異文,僅為展示他本差異,校勘異同。即使論及異文,亦只局限於討論同一種書的不同版本,或今古文之別,並認為直至清人注書校書,方通過異文比對,探求古書字詞真義。 / 本論文集中討論由漢代至唐代古書注疏與異文之關係,以鄭玄《禮記注》、韋昭《國語解》、王肅《孔子家語注》、楊倞《荀子注》、成玄英《莊子疏》為中心,輯錄諸書有關異文,囊括古今文字異文、互見文獻、引書異文、出土文獻異文、類書異文等,以之比對該書注文,查考當中有關聯者。在訓詁學研究方面,本文據上述比對材料,考證漢唐注疏諸家運用異文以為訓詁之例,詳析其以異文為訓詁的方法及準則,繼而考察後代注疏對漢代經師注書方法的承傳,以及對後世訓詁方法的影響,從而梳理異文訓詁從漢代開始的發展脈絡。在語言學研究方面,則通過古籍傳注與異文的比對,分析一些古代字詞之通名與別名,以及辭書未有收錄的通假字、近義字,望能補正前說之未備。 / 在個別典籍及注家的研究方面,則根據注家所選用之異文,探討其學術思想之淵源及取向,如從鄭玄《禮記注》與出土文獻郭店簡、上博簡〈緇衣〉的相合詞例,探討三種版本於〈緇衣〉文意理解相輔相成的關係;從韋昭《國語解》的異文選材,查探其注史方法,並與杜預《春秋左傳注》相關釋項比對,考析二書之互見關係;從王肅《家語注》的選材運用,探討《孔子家語》的真偽,並王肅對《家語》學說淵源的看法;從楊倞《荀子注》對諸書之參考程度,分析楊倞對荀子與諸子關係的看法;從成玄英《莊子疏》大量採納互見文獻《淮南子》、《文子》,考析其對三書關係的看法,並側探成玄英的道家思想背景。 / It is generally believed that annotators before the Qing dynasty provided textual variances of ancient texts simply for the purpose of collation. This thesis proposes that textual variances actually serve as a type of commentaries on language and content from the Han through the Tang dynasties, and it examines the various examples of such usage. The texts covered by this study include Zheng Xuan's 鄭玄 (ca. 127-200) Liji zhu 禮記注, Wang Su's 王肅 (ca.195-256) Kongzi jiayu zhu 孔子家語注, Wei Zhao's 韋昭 (ca. 204-273) Guoyu jie 國語解, Cheng Xuanying's 成玄英 (fl. 631-656) Zhuangzi shu 莊子疏, and Yang Liang's 楊倞 (fl. 805-820) Xunzi zhu 荀子注. Through investigating their selecting criteria of textual variances, this research examines their scholarship and their influence on later scholars. The first chapter investigates the relation between the excavated texts and the received edition of "Ziyi" 緇衣. The second chapter evaluates Wei Zhao’s method in commentating Guoyu and comparing it with Du Yu's 杜預 (ca. 222-285) annotation to the Zuo zhuan 左傳. The third chapter delves into the authenticity and the origin of Kongzi jiayu 孔子家語. The fourth chapter analyzes Yang Liang’s perceptions towards the relation between Xunzi 荀子 and the other works of Han and pre-Han philosophers. The last chapter explores Cheng Xuanying's appreciation of the relation between Huainanzi 淮南子, Wenzi 文子, and Zhuang Zi 莊子, as well as his Daoist background. Ultimately, it aims to shed light on the method in citing textual variances as commentary and its development. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 林麗玲 = The relation of textual variances to the commentaries of ancient texts / Lam Lai Ling. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 168-173). / Abstracts also in English. / Lin Liling = The relation of textual variances to the commentaries of ancient texts / Lam Lai Ling.
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論阮元的學術思想及其對淸代學術的貢獻. / Lun Ruan Yuan de xue shu si xiang ji qi dui Qing dai xue shu de gong xian.January 1990 (has links)
胡志偉. / 稿本(電腦打印本). / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學歷史學部. / Gao ben (dian nao da yin ben). / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 175-177). / Hu Zhiwei. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue li shi xue bu. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 / Chapter (一) --- 引言 / Chapter (二) --- 近代學界研究阮元概況簡述 / Chapter (三) --- 本文研究方案 / Chapter 第二章 --- 阮元學術思想述論 / Chapter (一) --- 小引 / Chapter (二) --- 阮元的論學要點述評及與其學術宗旨的關係 / Chapter 1 --- 訓詁 / Chapter 2 --- 求實 / Chapter 3 --- 尚古 / Chapter 4 --- 阮元論學之獨特處 / Chapter 5 --- 阮元論學要點及其大旨的結構關係 / Chapter (三) --- 訓詁的內容 、 理據及其限制 / Chapter (四) --- 義理之層序和檢核標準 / Chapter (五) --- 『訓詁明則義理明 』 的再檢討 / Chapter (六) --- 小結 / Chapter 第三章 --- 阮元的公平學 / Chapter (一) --- 小引 / Chapter (二) --- 阮元思想與公平學的接合處 / Chapter (三) --- 阮元對公平學之態度旁證 / Chapter (四) --- 阮著 《春秋公羊傳注疏校勘記》分析 / Chapter (五) --- 小結 / Chapter 第四章 --- 阮元與 『詁經精舍』 / Chapter (一) --- 『詁經精舍』沿革述略 / Chapter (二) --- 『詁經精舍』之創辦及立學大旨 / Chapter 1 --- 《經籍纂詁》之修撰與『詁經精舍』之關係 / Chapter 2 --- 『詁經精舍』之成立日的與講學宗旨 / Chapter (三) --- 『詁經精舍』課習內容分析 / Chapter 第五章 --- 阮元與『學海堂』 / Chapter (一) --- 『學海堂』之立學緣起及與『詁經精舍』之關係 / Chapter (二) --- 『學海堂』之立學宗旨與陳建《學部道辯》之關係 / Chapter 第六章 --- 阮元與《皇清經解》 / Chapter (一) --- 小引 / Chapter (二) --- "《皇清經解》編修之緣起 , 經過和續編 / Chapter (三) --- 《皇清經解》作者群與阮元之關係 / Chapter (四) --- 《皇清經解》的學術宗尚與阮元學術規模之關係 / Chapter 第七章 --- 阮元與《十三經注疏》 / Chapter (一) --- 重刊十三經的背景,緣起和經過 / Chapter (二) --- 《十三經注疏》的輯校原則 / Chapter (三) --- 《十三經注疏》簡評 / Chapter 第八章 --- 結論 / 參考書目舉隅 / 後記
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