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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobile technologies for music interaction / Tecnologias móveis para interação musical

Antonio Deusany de Carvalho Junior 24 May 2017 (has links)
Mobile music applications are becoming commonplace around the world, and mobile devices are used as digital instruments everywhere. Controlling, performing, or composing music in real time with these devices encourages collaboration and interaction, as telecommunication improvements allow many people to cooperate through local networks or the Internet. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to evaluate mobile technologies that might be suitable for mobile musicians and their audiences while performing or composing. Specifically, the main goal is to explore technologies for collaborative mobile music and to obtain quantitative and qualitative data regarding these technologies and their settings, so that composers might take full advantage of the available options for mobile applications. This evaluation focuses on message exchange using Multicast, Unicast, and Cloud Services, using academic networks as the main pathway. With these services, messages are organized as packet streams, characterized by different sizes and time intervals. Evaluation also includes the development of several applications that make use of these technologies running on Android devices and web browsers. These applications were used in actual performances, serving as both evaluation tools and experimental music instruments. The results were analyzed in terms of round trip time and data loss under very different configuration scenarios, demonstrating that although some obvious impediments are unavoidable (e.g. significant delays in international settings), it is possible to choose the specific technology and achieve interesting results under most music application scenarios. I argue that although in theory Multicast appears to be the best technology to use by far, it is the most difficult to implement due to the burden of configuring every step of the network pathway. On the other hand, Cloud Services are certainly slower than direct connections, but are the most compatible and easiest technology to set up, and are definitely suitable for many collaborative music experiences. To conclude, there is a discussion of how mobile music practitioners can take advantage of these results for composition and performance by considering specific technological advantages or drawbacks that are inherent to each technology and setting. / Aplicações de Música Móvel estão se tornando populares ao redor do mundo e dispositivos móveis estão sendo utilizados como instrumentos musicais em diversos lugares. Controlar, apresentar ou compor música em tempo real com estes dispositivos estimula a colaboração e a interação, e os avanços nas telecomunicações permitem a um grande número de pessoas cooperar musicalmente através de redes locais ou da Internet. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta tese é avaliar as tecnologias móveis que podem ser úteis para músicos e público na performance ou na composição. De maneira mais específica, o objetivo principal é explorar as tecnologias para Música Móvel colaborativa e obter resultados quantitativos e qualitativos referentes a estas tecnologias e suas configurações, de modo que compositores possam usufruir de todas as vantagens das opções para aplicações móveis. Esta avaliação enfoca a troca de mensagens através de Multicast, Unicast e Serviços em Nuvem utilizando redes de computadores acadêmicas como principal caminho. Através destes serviços as mensagens foram organizadas como fluxos de pacotes caracterizados por diversos tamanhos e intervalos entre envios. A avaliação também inclui o desenvolvimento de diversas aplicações fazendo uso destas tecnologias para dispositivos Android e navegadores Web, que foram utilizados em performa música móvel, computação musical, redes de computadores, serviços de nuvens

Mobile technologies for music interaction / Tecnologias móveis para interação musical

Carvalho Junior, Antonio Deusany de 24 May 2017 (has links)
Mobile music applications are becoming commonplace around the world, and mobile devices are used as digital instruments everywhere. Controlling, performing, or composing music in real time with these devices encourages collaboration and interaction, as telecommunication improvements allow many people to cooperate through local networks or the Internet. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to evaluate mobile technologies that might be suitable for mobile musicians and their audiences while performing or composing. Specifically, the main goal is to explore technologies for collaborative mobile music and to obtain quantitative and qualitative data regarding these technologies and their settings, so that composers might take full advantage of the available options for mobile applications. This evaluation focuses on message exchange using Multicast, Unicast, and Cloud Services, using academic networks as the main pathway. With these services, messages are organized as packet streams, characterized by different sizes and time intervals. Evaluation also includes the development of several applications that make use of these technologies running on Android devices and web browsers. These applications were used in actual performances, serving as both evaluation tools and experimental music instruments. The results were analyzed in terms of round trip time and data loss under very different configuration scenarios, demonstrating that although some obvious impediments are unavoidable (e.g. significant delays in international settings), it is possible to choose the specific technology and achieve interesting results under most music application scenarios. I argue that although in theory Multicast appears to be the best technology to use by far, it is the most difficult to implement due to the burden of configuring every step of the network pathway. On the other hand, Cloud Services are certainly slower than direct connections, but are the most compatible and easiest technology to set up, and are definitely suitable for many collaborative music experiences. To conclude, there is a discussion of how mobile music practitioners can take advantage of these results for composition and performance by considering specific technological advantages or drawbacks that are inherent to each technology and setting. / Aplicações de Música Móvel estão se tornando populares ao redor do mundo e dispositivos móveis estão sendo utilizados como instrumentos musicais em diversos lugares. Controlar, apresentar ou compor música em tempo real com estes dispositivos estimula a colaboração e a interação, e os avanços nas telecomunicações permitem a um grande número de pessoas cooperar musicalmente através de redes locais ou da Internet. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta tese é avaliar as tecnologias móveis que podem ser úteis para músicos e público na performance ou na composição. De maneira mais específica, o objetivo principal é explorar as tecnologias para Música Móvel colaborativa e obter resultados quantitativos e qualitativos referentes a estas tecnologias e suas configurações, de modo que compositores possam usufruir de todas as vantagens das opções para aplicações móveis. Esta avaliação enfoca a troca de mensagens através de Multicast, Unicast e Serviços em Nuvem utilizando redes de computadores acadêmicas como principal caminho. Através destes serviços as mensagens foram organizadas como fluxos de pacotes caracterizados por diversos tamanhos e intervalos entre envios. A avaliação também inclui o desenvolvimento de diversas aplicações fazendo uso destas tecnologias para dispositivos Android e navegadores Web, que foram utilizados em performances reais, servindo tanto como ferramentas de avaliação quanto como instrumentos para música experimental. Os dados são analisados com relação ao tempo de ida-e-volta e perda de pacotes em diferentes configurações de cenário, demonstrando que apesar de alguns impedimentos óbvios serem incontornáveis (como o longo atraso em configurações internacionais, por exemplo), é possível escolher tecnologias adequadamente e alcançar resultados interessantes em muitos cenários de aplicações musicais. Argumento que apesar de em teoria o Multicast se apresentar de longe como a melhor tecnologia para estes cenários, ele é o mais difícil de ser implementado devido à grande complexidade na configuração de cada parte da rede para seu uso. Por outro lado, Serviços em Nuvem são certamente mais lentos, porém se apresentam como os mais compatíveis e fáceis de configurar, sendo definitivamente os mais adequados para muitas experiências de música colaborativa. Em conclusão, discuto como profissionais de Música Móvel podem se aproveitar dos resultados apresentados, considerando as vantagens e desvantagens tecnológicas específicas que são inerentes a cada tecnologia ou configuração quando utilizada em performances e composições musicais.

The feasibility study of Chinese medicine services in cloud computing for commercial use

Ou, Chih-Fang 22 August 2011 (has links)
With the rapid changes in society, improvement of living standards, and better and better living conditions, people are gradually more and more attention to the concept of self-health and preventive medicine are deeply rooted tendency, so the concept of ¡yregular health checks¡z in the general population gradually has formed at heart. Health management is aimed at preventive measures, and let us understand the physical health status of ourselves. Before clinical symptoms of the disease has occurred, people can find the earlier detection of diseases to avoid environmental factors or to take the intervention of treatment in order to maintain the health status of individuals or control the disease continues to progress. But most people still do not understand their own physical condition. Knowledge of self-care is still so inadequate that we always wait until the sick before going to see doctors. Health management not only updates the concept, but also finds the right approach, especially in science and accurate health information. To understand what their needs is effectively continuing carrying out health management. This study investigated the innovative business model which combined cloud services and Theoretical meridian (meridian treatment apparatus has been commercialized). There are four elements linked with each other on a map of Application innovation. 1. The proposition of customer value. 2. Profit formula. 3. The key resources (assets). 4. Key processes, frameworks, and the practical implementation of the program. So that people can be measured at home (endpoint) at any time by simply operating through the Internet after uploading meridian instrument, and soon there will be a preliminary report for his physical energy to do health management. People will no longer be limited to wait for few days to receive health reports to learn about their physical and mental conditions after going to hospitals to have medical examinations which cost a lot of money. The health management platform not only brings convenience to people with the technology industry for traditional Chinese medicine to bring innovative business opportunities, but more importantly continues to let people develop good habits of self-health management and preventive health care concepts for long-term waste of medical resources. It also brings opportunity to human-beings to improve the concepts of the right medication. The advent of digital home applications is expected to be a pioneer. It can be self-health management platform and also a trading platform (the health care food, beauty products, health equipment, etc...). This will not only be opportunities but also reduce the social costs of innovation.

Bekymmer och lösningar för att lagra data i moln / Concerns and Solutions of Storing Data in Clouds

Elrajeh, Dima, Issaks, Marwan January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna tekniska rapport är att studera följande aspekter: ekonomiska, återanvändning av kod och tidsåtgång för att publicera osv till flera molntjänstleverantörer för att uppnå bättre redundans. Webapplikationen kommer att publiceras till Azure, Amazon Cloud och Google Cloud. Avhandlingen täcker de vanligaste problemen som företag kan stöta på när de ska migrera sin verksamhet till molnet. De interna och yttre hot som datakorruption, skadlig insider, osäker autentisering i API: er, beteendeavbrott, dataöverträdelser, fysiska skador på datacenter och befintliga lösningar diskuteras djupt för att skapa en bättre förståelse om molntjänster är säkra för datalagring. Det praktiska projektet genomfördes framgångsrikt i tid och möjliggjorde att författarna fick en tydlig bild av de hinder som kan uppstå vid överföring av en webbapplikation mellan olika molntjänster. / The purpose of this technical report is to study the economical, code reusability and the required time for publishing a web application to multiple cloud service providers for achieving better redundancy. The web application will be published to Azure, Amazon cloud, and Google cloud. The thesis covers the most common concerns that companies have adapting cloud computing in their business. The internal and external threats such as data corruption, malicious insider, insecure authentication in APIs, denial of service attacks, data breaches, physical damage to data centers and existing solutions will be discussed in depth to create a better understanding if cloud computing is safe for data storing. The practical project was completed successfully in time and enabled the writers to give an educated description over the obstacles that were faced during the transfer of the web application between different clouds.

Tillit och misstro till molntjänster : Identifiering av vilka kriterier som skapar tillit till molntjänster / Trust and distrust in cloud computing : Identification of which criteria establishes trust incloud computing

Gustafsson, Jesper, Knutsby, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Cloud computing innebär att datorkraft och IT-resurser i form av servrar, lagring och lokala nätverk görs tillgängliga via internet, cloud computing har ökat snabbt i användning de senaste åren. Möjligheterna med molntjänster har lett till nya utmaningar avseende tillit till molntjänster genom att öppna för helt nya förhållanden mellan leverantör och kund. I dagsläget så är tillit till molntjänsterna ett stort problem för kunder såsom mikroföretag samt små och medelstora företag. Vårt examensarbete syftar till att beskriva mikroföretags samt små och medelstora företags tillit och misstro till molntjänster, samt identifiera vilka kriterier som bidrar till detta. Resultatet visar att det är svårt att tydligt definiera tillit och misstro hos företag, då deras situationer och verksamheter skiljer sig. Tack vare vår litteraturstudie i kombination med våra intervjuer har vi skapat oss en bra bild av vilka kriterier som bidrar med tillit och misstro till molntjänster. Baserat på vårt arbete har vi sammanställt en konceptuell modell som beskriver tillit och misstro till molntjänster. / Cloud Computing means the possibility to use computer power and IT-resources through internet. The use of cloud computing have rapidly increased the last few years. The opportunities it brings has led to challenges in trust to Cloud services by enabling new form of relations between customer and suppliers. Nowadays, trust in Cloud services is a problem for customers such as microenterprises, small and medium business. Our thesis work seeks to describe microenterprises, small and medium business’s trust and distrust to Cloud services and identify which criteria contributes to this. The result shows that is hard to clearly define trust and distrust in business, as their situations and activities differ from one another. Thanks to out literature review combined with the interviews we’ve conducted, we have created a good understanding of what contributes to trust and distrust in Cloud services. Based on our thesis work, we’ve compiled a conceptual model that describes trust and distrust in Cloud services.

Metrics for Evaluating Machine Learning Cloud Services

Tataru, Augustin January 2017 (has links)
Machine Learning (ML) is nowadays being offered as a service by several cloud providers. Consumers require metrics to be able to evaluate and compare between multiple ML cloud services. There aren’t many established metrics that can be used specifically for these types of services. In this paper, the Goal-QuestionMetric paradigm is used to define a set of metrics applicable for ML cloud services. The metrics are created based on goals expressed by professionals who use or are interested in using these services. At the end, a questionnaire is used to evaluate the metrics based on two criteria: relevance and ease of use.

Cloud connectivity for embedded systems

Eldh, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Deploying an embedded system to act as a controller for electronics is not new.  Today these kinds of systems are all around us and are used for a multitude of purposes. In contrast, cloud computing is a relatively new approach for computing as a whole. This thesis project explores these two technologies in order to create a bridge between these two wildly different platforms. Such a bridge should enable new ways of exposing features and doing maintenance on embedded devices. This could save companies not only time and money while dealing with maintenance tasks for embedded systems, but this should also avoid the needed to host this maintenance software on dedicated servers – rather these tasks could use cloud resources only when needed. This thesis explores such a bridge and presents techniques suitable for joining these two computing paradigms together. Exploring what is included in cloud computing by examining available technologies for deployment is important to be able to get a picture of what the market has to offer. More importantly is how such a deployment can be done and what the benefits are. How technologies such as databases, load-balancers, and computing environments have been adapted to a cloud environment and what draw-backs and new features are available in this environment are of interest and how a solution can exploit these features in a real-world scenario.  Three different cloud providers and their products have been presented in order to create an overview of the current offerings.  In order to realize a solution a way of communicating and exchanging data is presented and discussed. Again to realize the concept in a real-world scenario. This thesis presents the concept of cloud connectivity for embedded systems. Following this the thesis describes a prototype of how such a solution could be realized and utilized. The thesis evaluates current cloud providers in terms of the requirements of the prototype. A middle-ware solution drawing strengths from the services offered by cloud vendors for deployment at a vendor is proposed. This middle-ware acts in a stateless manner to provide communication and bridging of functionality between two parties with different capabilities. This approach creates a flexible common ground for end-user clients and reduces the burden of having the embedded systems themselves process and distribute information to the clients.  The solution also provides and abstraction of the embedded systems further securing the communication with the systems by it only being enabled for valid middle-ware services. / Att använda ett inbyggt system som en kontrollenhet för elektronik är inget nytt. Dessa typer av system finns idag överallt och används i vidt spridda användningsområden medans datormolnet är en ny approach för dator användning i sin helhet. Utforska och skapa en länk mellan dessa två mycket olika platformar för att facilitera nya tillvägagångs sätt att sköta underhåll sparar företag inte tid och pengar när det kommer till inbyggda system utan också när det gäller driften för servrar. Denna examensarbete utforskar denna typ av länk och presenterar för endamålet lämpliga tekniker att koppla dem samman medans lämpligheten för en sådan lösning diskuteras. Att utforska det som inkluderas i konceptet molnet genom att undersöka tillgängliga teknologier för utveckling är viktigt för att få en bild av vad marknaden har att erbjuda. Mer viktigt är hur utveckling går till och vilka fördelarna är. Hur teknologoier som databaser, last distrubutörer och server miljöer har adapterats till molnmiljön och vilka nackdelar och fördelar som kommit ut av detta är av intresse och vidare hur en lösning kan använda sig av dessa fördelar i ett verkliget scenario. Tre olika moln leverantörer och deras produkter har presenterats för att ge en bild av vad som för tillfället erbjuds. För att realisera en lösning har ett sett att kommunicera och utbyta data presenterats och diskuterats. Åter igen för att realisera konceptet i ett verkligt scenario. Denna uppsats presenterar konceptet moln anslutbarhet för inbyggda system för att kunna få en lösning realiserad och använd. En mellanprograms lösning som drar styrka ifrån de tjänster som erbjudas av molnleverantörer för driftsättning hos en leverantor föreslås. Denna mellanprogramslösnings agerar tillståndslöst för att erbjuda kommunikation och funktions sammankoppling mellan de två olika deltagarna som har olika förutsätningar. Denna approach skapar en flexibel gemensam plattform för olika klienter hos slutanvändaren och minskar bördan hos de inbyggdasystemet att behöva göra analyser och distrubuera informationen till klienterna. Denna lösning erbjuder också en abstraktion av de inbyggdasystemen för att erbjuda ytterligare säkerhet när kommunikation sker med de inbyggdasystemet genom att den endast sker med giltiga mellanprogram.

Lagring av sekretessreglerade uppgifter i molntjänster : En analys kring förutsättningar för användning av molnleverantörer bland myndigheter

Bengtsson, Hampus, Knutsmark, Ludvig January 2020 (has links)
Background: Swedish authorities' use of popular cloud providers is today the subject of an intense debate. Legislations, like the U.S. CLOUD Act, are applicable across borders, which makes data that is stored on servers located in Sweden affected by U.S. law. Several Swedish organizations mean that the usage of affected cloud providers for storage of sensitive records breaks the Swedish law - Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen. The program for collaboration between Swedish authorities, eSam, says that there is a possibility of withstanding the law, if suitable encryption is used, but states that more research is needed. Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to research which requirements for encryption mechanisms are needed for Swedish authorities' use of cloud providers affected by legislations like CLOUD Act, without them breaking Swedish laws. The three most popular cloud providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud will be compared and examined if requirements on encryption are met. Historically, providers' access to encryption keys is a major threat to data confidentiality. Therefore an alternative encryption method that withholds both encryption keys and clear text, but preserves functionality will be researched. Method: To create fair and good requirements on encryption mechanisms, several threat models are created from the perspective of today's- and future laws. A SWOT-analysis will be used to compare the cloud providers. To research the possibility and usability of alternative encryption in the cloud, a system that withholds both encryption keys and clear text data from the provider is proposed. Result: The result shows that the most popular services like Office 365 and G Suite are not suitable for use by Swedish authorities for the storage of sensitive records. Instead, Swedish authorities can use IaaS-services from both AWS and Microsoft Azure for storage of sensitive records - if the requirements for encryption mechanisms are met. The result also shows that alternative encryption methods can be used as part of a document management system. Conclusion: Swedish authorities should strive to expand their digitalization but should be careful about the usage of cloud providers. If laws change, or political tensions rise, the requirements for the encryption mechanisms proposed in this thesis would not be applicable. In a different situation, Swedish authorities should use alternative solutions which are not affected by an altered situation. One such alternative solution is the document management system proposed in this thesis. / Bakgrund: Idag pågår det en delad debatt gällande lämpligheten för svenska myndigheter att använda utländska molntjänster. Lagstiftningar som bland annat amerikanska CLOUD Act utgör ett hot för svensk suveränitet, eftersom data lagrad i svenska serverhallar kan komma att vara föremål i amerikanska domslut. Vissa organisationer menar då att uppgifter som omfattas av offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (OSL) kan sannolikt betraktas som röjda. Nyttan med att använda molntjänster är generellt sett stor - och bör därför strävas efter att användas. eSam, som är ett program för myndighetssamverkan, menar i ett uttalande att kryptering skulle kunna förhindra ett röjande och möjliggöra användande av dessa molntjänster, men ifrågasätter hur det bör gå till. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilka krav på krypteringsmekanismer som krävs för att lagra sekretessreglerad information i molntjänster utan att bryta mot svensk lagstiftning. Molntjänstleverantörerna, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure och Google Cloud, kommer att undersökas för att se om dessa lever upp till de identifierade kraven. Historiskt sett är tjänsteleverantörers tillgång till krypteringsnycklar ett stort hot. Därför ska en alternativ krypteringsmetod som bevarar krypteringsnyckel undangömd från tjänsteleverantören undersökas, men som samtidigt bevarar viss funktionalitet med molntjänsten. Metod: För att kunna skapa korrekta och rimliga krav på krypteringsmekanismer skapas hotmodeller som utgår från juridiken. En SWOT-analys kommer användas för att jämföra vilka molntjänstleverantörer som lever upp till kraven. För att undersöka möjligheten och nyttan med alternativa krypteringsmekanismer, implementeras ett förslag på system där varken krypteringsnyckel eller data i klartext tillgås molntjänstleverantören. Resultat: Resultatet visar att populära tjänster som exempelvis Office 365 och G Suite är direkt olämpliga för användning av svenska myndigheter. Det visar sig att IaaS-tjänster som tillhandahålls av AWS och Microsoft Azure i viss mån lämpar sig för användning - förutsatt att vissa krav uppfylls. Resultatet visar även att det är möjligt att använda alternativa krypteringsmetoder som en del i ett dokumenthanteringssystem. Slutsats: Svenska myndigheter bör sträva efter att öka sin digitalisering, men bör ta ordentliga försiktighetsåtgärder innan eventuella upphandlingar av molntjänster sker. Skulle det juridiska eller säkerhetspolitiska läget förändras kommer de krav på krypteringsmekanismer som presenteras i arbetet inte längre vara tillämpliga. I ett förändrat läge bör svenska myndigheter istället använda alternativa lösningar som inte påverkas, likt det dokumenthanteringssystem som arbetet presenterar.

Application of cloud computing in South African libraries : a case study of Polokwane Municipal Libraries

Molaudzi, Amogelang Isaac January 2020 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Information Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2020 / International, national and local public and private sectors are shifting into Cloud Computing (CC). This paradigm shift is fuelled by technological and transformational changes of CC in every sector, including libraries. Presently in South Africa, some libraries still operate on the traditional ICT based desktop applications, whereas some hardly notice that CC is part of their daily activities such as carrying out transactions in the cloud services like emailing on Gmail. There is a major gap in terms of adopting and understanding CC technology in public libraries. Hence the study proposed to describe and explore the application and understanding of CC in Polokwane Municipal libraries. The study identified CC tools used by librarians and determined the level of librarians’ knowledge and understanding of CC. The study further measured perceptions of librarians towards CC and established factors influencing the use of CC in libraries. The researcher used a mixed-methods research approach and case study research design, located within postpositivism and interpretivism paradigm. The study was a census in nature because of the small population. Data was collected using questionnaire and interviews from 30 respondents who were librarians and participants who were library managers. Collected data were analysed through descriptive statistics and thematic data analysis. Findings from the study reveal that librarians are not fully using CC but use some of the CC applications such as google scholar, without having detailed knowledge and understanding. The study further found out that Polokwane Municipal libraries fail to adopt CC as a result of limited budget and poor internet connection. The study recommends intensive study on factors influencing adoption of CC, workshops and training for librarians, and initiatives on fundraising within these libraries.

Cloud Service Orchestration Using Constraint Programming

Anestos, Nikolaos-Ektoras January 2016 (has links)
Cloud applications and services are frequently built using multiple tiers and current trends such as micro-services further increase componentization, allowing us to place each component in a different physical machine in a distributed cloud. Ericsson owns and manages very large networks, which offer diverse infrastructure in terms of computational power, storage but most importantly position in the network. Typically, a machine which is closer to the edge of the network (closer to the end user) will have limited resources but it will offer less latency, for a higher price. At the same time, several enterprise/industrial areas expect to benefit from the cloud business model in a large-scale distributed environment. These types of applications have very diverse end-2-end Service-Level Agreements (SLA) to be fulfilled, while at the same time the cloud environment needs to optimize processing, storage, and networking costs. Moreover, customers might want to change and adjust SLAs/requirements themselves using selfmanagement portals. The objective of this project is to model the network and services offered by Ericsson. Then, given the SLA, finding a valid solution of the problem, using a constraint solver. A solution is a set of physical machines that host the components the required service is composed from. This approach has many challenges since the same service can be composed from different sets of components. The connected components form a connectivity graph, where nodes in the graph are connected by physical links. But, since the connection is described by higher level components (composed by simpler components), this graph can also be expressed as a tree. Leaves in the tree are the nodes that compose the higher-level services and the ones that must be hosted in the infrastructure. The characteristics of each leaf-node depend on its parent and/or siblings in the component tree. Finally, since the components are normally connected, the physical connection between nodes in the network must be taken into consideration. The proposed model is evaluated in several cases, in order to identify how the number of the software components and the infrastructure topology affect the solution finding. The results are promising, showing fast resolution of the problem instances, varying for each test case, from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. / Molnapplikationer och tjänster är ofta byggda med flera nivåer och nuvarande trender såsom mikro-tjänster ökar ytterligare komponentiseringen, vilket tillåter oss att placera varje komponent i en annan fysisk maskin på ett distribuerat moln. Ericsson äger och förvaltar väldigt stora nätverk som erbjuder varierande infrastruktur när det gäller beräkningskraft , lagring och framför allt position i nätverket. Typiskt kommer en maskin som är närmare kanten av nätet (närmare slutanvändaren) att ha begränsade resurser, men det kommer att erbjuda mindre latens till ett högre pris. Samtidigt räknar flera företag / industriområden med att dra nytta av moln affärsmodelltjänster i en storskalig och distribuerad miljö. Den här typen av applikationer har väldigt olika end-to-end varierande servicenivåavtal (SLA) som skall uppfyllas, medan moln miljön behöver optimera bearbetnings, lagrings och nätverks kostnader. Dessutom, kan kunden komma att vilja ändra och justera SLA / krav själva med hjälp av självhantering portaler. Målet för detta projekt är att modellera nät och tjänster som erbjuds av Ericsson. Sedan, givet ett SLA, att hitta en giltig lösning på problemet, med hjälp av en villkorslösare. En lösning är en uppsättning av fysiska maskiner som är värdar för komponenterna från vilka den efterfrågade tjänsten är sammansatt. Detta tillvägagångssätt är förenat med många utmaningar eftersom samma tjänst kan bestå av olika uppsättningar av komponenter. De anslutna komponenterna bildar ett förbindelseschema, där noder i grafen är anslutna med fysiska länkar. Men eftersom anslutningen beskrivs av komponenter högre nivå (bestående av enklare komponenter), denna graf kan också uttryckas som ett träd. Löv i trädet är noderna som utgör de högre nivå tjänster och de som måste finnas i infrastrukturen. Egenskaperna hos varje löv-nod att bero på dess förälder och / eller syskon i komponentträdet. Slutligen, eftersom komponenterna i normal fall är anslutna, måste den fysiska anslutningen mellan noder i nätet tas i beaktande. Den föreslagna modellen utvärderas i flera fall, för att identifiera hur antalet programvarukomponenter och infrastrukturens topologi påverkar resultatet av lösningen. Resultaten är lovande och visar snabb lösning av problemets instanser, varierande för varje testfall, från några sekunder till ett par minuter.

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