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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Historic Fire Regimes on Eastern Great Basin (USA) Mountains Reconstructed from Tree Rings

Kitchen, Stanley G. 08 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Management of natural landscapes requires knowledge of key disturbance processes and their effects. Fire and forest histories provide valuable insight into how fire and vegetation varied and interacted in the past. I constructed multi-century fire chronologies for 10 sites on six mountain ranges representative of the eastern Great Basin (USA), a region in which historic fire information was lacking. I also constructed tree recruitment chronologies for two sites. I use these chronologies to address three research foci. First, using fire-scar data from four heterogeneous sites, I assert that mean fire interval (MFI) values calculated from composite chronologies provide suitable estimates of point MFI (PMFI) when sample area size is ≈&frac; ha. I also suggest that MFI values for single trees can be used to estimate PMFI after applying a correction factor. Next, I infer climate effects on regional fire patterns using 10 site chronologies and tree-ring-based indices of drought and of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation ([PDO), Pacific Ocean surface temperature variability known to affect North American climate. Regional fire years (≥33% of recording sites) were synchronized by wet-dry cycles where the probability of occurrence was highest in the first year of drought following a wet phase and lowest when climate conditions transitioned from dry to wet. Regional fire probability was highest when ENSO and PDO were negative (Southwest pattern). Local fire years occurred under a broad range of conditions. Fire seasonality was bimodal with early and late-season fires dominant. I imply that Native American burning practices were responsible for differences in historic and modern fire seasonality. Lastly, I assess fire regime and tree recruitment variability within two fire-sheds. PMFI varied more than 10-fold within each site. A mixed-severity regime was dominant. A majority (>60%) of fires were small (<10 ha) but together accounted for a minor proportion of area burned. Recruitment pulses varied spatially from stand to landscape-scales and were often synchronous with multi-decade, fire-quiescent periods. I recommend that management strategies employ fire and fire-surrogate treatments to restore disturbance processes to these and similar landscapes at spatial and temporal scales consistent with the historic record.

Post-dispersal seed predation in a conifer-broadleaf forest remnant : the importance of exotic mammals

Berry, Christopher J.J. January 2006 (has links)
Despite extensive international acceptance of the critical role of mammalian post-dispersal seed predation in many plant communities, in New Zealand we have limited knowledge of these predators’ influence on plant recruitment in our forests. The principle objective of my thesis was to determine the importance of exotic mammals as post-dispersal seed predators in a New Zealand conifer-broadleaf forest remnant. To address this goal, I used a series of field-based experiments where the actions of different post-dispersal seed predators were separated by wire-mesh exclosures. My study was conducted at Mount Peel Forest Park Scenic Reserve, South Canterbury, New Zealand. Being a human modified conifer forest currently dominated by broadleaf species, it is typical of forest remnants in New Zealand. This presented an opportunity to study a wide range of both potential post-dispersal seed predators and broadleaf tree species. My findings indicate that exotic mammals are not only post-dispersal seed predators at Peel Forest, but are responsible for the majority of post-dispersal predation events observed. Ship rats (Rattus rattus) were the dominant post-dispersal seed predators, while brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), house mice (Mus musculus) and native invertebrates were also important post-dispersal seed predators for several tree species. Through use of time-lapse video and cafeteria experiments I found that exotic mammalian seed predators, when compared to native invertebrate seed predators, preyed upon larger-seeded plant species and were responsible for considerable seed losses of several tree species. However, exotic mammalian seed predators do share several foraging characteristics with native invertebrate seed predators, as predators foraged in similar habitats and responded in a similar way to changes in seed density. In investigating if post-dispersal seed predation by mammals had a flow-on effect to plant recruitment, I observed natural seedling densities at Peel Forest were significantly higher in the absence of mammalian seed predators, but I found no evidence that the presence of mammals significantly altered the overall species richness. At the community level, I did not find an interaction between habitat and exotic mammals, however I present evidence that for individual plant species a significant mammal : habitat interaction occurred. Consequently, even though my cafeteria experiment implied there was no significant difference in the overall amount of seed preyed upon within different habitats, the less favourable microsite conditions for germination under an intact continuous canopy allows mammals to exacerbate habitat-related patterns of seed mortality and have a noticeable effect on seedling establishment. In an effort to validate the use of manipulative experiments to predict the long-term effect of post-dispersal seed predation on plant dynamics, I attempted to link results of my cafeteria experiment with observed seedling abundance at Peel Forest. Seven tree species were used in this comparison and a strong correlation was observed. This result shows that the level of post-dispersal seed predation determined in the cafeteria experiment provided a good predictor of the effect of mammalian post-dispersal seed predation on seedling establishment. To fully gauge the impact of mammalian post-dispersal seed predators on seedling establishment, the relationship between these seed predators and the type of recruitment limitation experienced by a plant species was also investigated. By using a combination of seed addition, plot manipulations and seed predator exclusion I was able to investigate this relationship. I found evidence that seed limitation at Peel Forest is positively correlated with seed size, and that while mammalian post-dispersal seed predators can further reduce plant recruitment of plant species experiencing seed limitation, the influence of mammals in determining plant recruitment was limited for plant species experiencing microsite limitation. My study has proven that exotic mammals are now the dominant post-dispersal seed predators at Peel Forest, the amount of seed preyed upon varies among plant species, and post-dispersal seed predation by mammalian species can lead to differences in seedling richness and abundance. I proved that the influence of exotic mammals on seedling establishment is also linked to habitat structure and recruitment limitations. When combined these observations suggest that exotic mammalian post-dispersal seed predators may play an important role in determining landscape abundance and distribution of plants at Peel Forest.

Productivité des forêts mélangées : effet de la diversité en essences dans un contexte climatique et édaphique variable / Productivity of mixed forests : effect of tree species diversity along climatic and edaphic gradients

Toïgo, Maude 11 March 2015 (has links)
Les changements environnementaux à l’échelle globale peuvent se traduire par une modification des conditions abiotiques et de la diversité biologique. La fonction de production des écosystèmes forestiers a la particularité d'être à la fois soumise à, et régulatrice de ces changements environnementaux. Il apparaît alors primordial de comprendre la manière dont la diversité en essences et les facteurs abiotiques exercent le contrôle de cette fonction. Au cours de mes travaux j’ai étudié la variation de l'effet du mélange d’essences sur leur productivité dans un contexte climatique et édaphique changeant. Grâce à une double approche, basée sur des données locales et des données de l'Inventaire forestier national, je me suis concentrée sur cinq espèces forestières européennes majeures en peuplements purs et bispécifiques : Quercus petraea, Pinus sylvestris, Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba et Picea abies. En plaine je montre que l'effet du mélange d’essences varie peu avec les facteurs abiotiques. De plus cet effet est déterminé par la tolérance à l'ombrage de l'espèce accompagnatrice. En montagne l’effet du mélange d’essences sur leur productivité est plus fort et positif lorsque les facteurs abiotiques sont les plus limitants pour la croissance. Ces résultats illustrent l’intérêt d'intégrer les facteurs abiotiques et les caractéristiques fonctionnelles des espèces comme déterminants de l'effet de la diversité biologique sur les fonctions de l'écosystème. / Global environmental changes may lead to a modification of abiotic factors and biological diversity. The production function in forest ecosystems has the particularity to be both subjected to, and a regulator of, these environmental changes. Understanding how forest productivity is driven by species diversity and environmental factors is therefore a critical issue. This PhD thesis studies how tree species mixture affects their productivity along edaphic and climatic gradients. Based on an approach using both an original dataset and the national forest inventory dataset, I focused on five major species of European forests in pure and two-species forests: Quercus petraea, Pinus sylvestris, Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba and Picea abies. In lowlands, abiotic factors had little impacts on the outcome of tree species mixture on productivity. In addition, the effect of tree species mixture was determined by the shade tolerance of companion species. In highlands, the positive effects of tree species mixture were strongest when the abiotic factors were the most limiting for growth. These results highlight the importance of considering abiotic factors and the functional characteristics of species as drivers of the effect of biological diversity on ecosystem functions.

Invasion de la punaise américaine Leptoglossus occidentalis en Europe : une contribution à la compréhension des invasions fulgurantes / European invasion of the Western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis : a contribution to improve understanding of rapid invasions

Lesieur, Vincent 23 June 2014 (has links)
Les dernières décennies représentent un tournant majeur concernant les invasions biologiques avec une augmentation sans précédent de leur rythme et de leur ampleur, en lien direct avec les activités humaines, en particulier la mondialisation. Certains invasifs se propagent à une vitesse très rapide dans leur nouveau milieu. L’invasion européenne de la punaise Leptoglossus occidentalis, illustre parfaitement ce phénomène et offre un modèle d’étude particulièrement intéressant. Cette thèse a pour but de tester des hypothèses permettant d’expliquer la rapidité de cette invasion. Pour répondre à cet objectif, nous avons choisi d’utiliser une approche pluridisciplinaire combinant des études de génétique des populations (natives et introduites) à des études de biologie et d’écologie des populations invasives. Grâce à l’utilisation de marqueurs moléculaires et de méthodes Bayésiennes (ABC), nous démontrons que l’invasion en Europe suit un scénario " tête de pont ", au sens où la population invasive de l’Est de l’Amérique du Nord a servi de source pour l’invasion européenne. Nos résultats confirment les soupçons d’introductions multiples dans des zones géographiquement déconnectées. En outre, l’étude de génétique des populations, associée aux mesures expérimentales des capacités de vol, indique que les capacités intrinsèques de dispersion de cette espèce sont particulièrement élevées. Les conditions rencontrées en Europe par les populations introduites ne sont pas un frein à l’invasion. L’espèce s’accommode parfaitement des nouvelles essences de conifères rencontrées sur le continent. La polyphagie observée dans la zone native est confirmée dans la zone d’introduction européenne, constituant un atout pour l’établissement des populations. De plus, cette étude révèle les risques écologiques que cette espèce représente pour la flore native européenne. Les dégâts occasionnés semblent s’additionner à ceux des ravageurs natifs, diminuant ainsi le potentiel de régénération naturelle. L’ensemble de ces résultats constitue une contribution à la connaissance des mécanismes sous-tendant les invasions biologiques, notamment sur la rapidité de propagation de certains invasifs, et met l’accent sur des phénomènes sous-estimés il y a encore peu de temps comme le scénario d’invasion " tête de pont ". / During the last decades, biological invasions were observed to increase exponentially, at an unprecedented rate and magnitude, in direct relation with the human activities, especially globalization. In this context, some invasive species spread very quickly in the area of introduction. The European invasion of Leptoglossus occidentalis is a good example of this phenomenon. This study aimed at testing some hypotheses to explain the rapidity of this invasion. To reach this goal, we used a multidisciplinary approach combining population genetics (analyzing samples from native and invaded areas) with a study of biological and ecological characteristics of the invasive populations. Through the use of molecular markers and Bayesian methods (ABC), we confirmed previous suspicions and demonstrated that the European invasion proceeded from multiple introductions in distant geographic areas. Our results also indicated that a primarily invaded area of Eastern North America acted as a bridgehead for the invasion in Europe. Moreover, population genetics, combined with an experimental measurement of the bug flight capabilities using flight mills, revealed that the intrinsic capacities of dispersion of this species are particularly high. The environmental conditions of the newly invaded areas in Europe did not constitute a barrier to the invasion of L. occidentalis. Its high degree of polyphagy was confirmed on European conifers, quite all species being susceptible to be exploited, thus favoring population establishment. . Furthermore, this study highlights the ecological threat represented by this insect which can affect the native flora in Europe. Actually, bug damage which can be important, seems to be additive to those of native insects exploiting cone and seed resources, thus decreasing the potential of natural regeneration. This work contributes to improve knowledge on biological invasions, especially to understand the reasons underlying the rapid spread observed in some invasive species, and highlights phenomenon underestimated until recently such as the Bridgehead scenario.

Impactites from the Hiawatha crater, North-West Greenland

Gustafsson, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
The recent discovery of the 31-km-wide Hiawatha impact crater has raised unanswered questions about its age, impactor and highly unusual organic carbon component. Previous research suggests a fractionated iron meteorite impactor, a probable maximum 3–2.4 Ma impact age and a possible Younger Dryas impact age. The first objective in this study has been to investigate a possible link between the Cape York meteorites and the Hiawatha impact crater by comparing the chromium isotopic signature in chromite from a Cape York meteorite with the chromium isotopic signature in potential chromite from the Hiawatha impactor. The second objective has been to investigate a possible Hiawatha signature in the Younger Dryas deposits from Baffin Bay. The third objective has been to study the organic carbon component in impactites derived from the Hiawatha impact crater. Heavy mineral grains were separated from glaciofluvial sediment which contains Hiawatha impactite grains. Not a single chromite grain was found and the possible link to the Cape York meteorites could not be tested. The petrographic examination of Younger Dryas marine deposits resulted in absence of impact-related Hiawatha grains. A petrological investigation revealed that organic carbon was likely found in five of six variably shocked impactites derived from the Hiawatha impact crater. The character of the organic carbon varies between the samples and also within individual samples. Vitrinite reflectance measurements of the organic carbon in two impactites yielded low reflectance values compared to charcoalification experiments of wood. Organic particles with different reflectance in the same sample suggest that the particles had different impact histories prior to settling and becoming a rock. Diagnostic conifer cellular texture was found in at least one of the samples. The character of the organic particles in the impactites supports the suggestion in a previous study that the sources of the Hiawatha organic carbon component are unmetamorphosed surficial deposits containing dead conifer tree trunks and fine-grained layered clay and organic matter.  In this study it is concluded that the apparent absence of chromite in the examined glaciofluvial sediment sample corroborates the significance of previous research which suggests that the Hiawatha impactor was an iron meteorite. The apparent absence of impact related grains in the Younger Dryas deposits suggests that although a Younger Dryas age for the Hiawatha impact crater is less likely now, the possibility remains open. The organic carbon with diagnostic conifer cellular texture in the Hiawatha impactites corroborates the conclusion in a previous study that the Hiawatha impact-related organic carbon component stems from local, thermally degraded conifer trees with a probable age of ca. 3–2.4 Ma. It is also concluded that the relatively low reflectance values of the organic carbon in the Hiawatha impactites seem to be related to the short duration of the high-temperature excursion during the hypervelocity impact event.

Mortality Assessment of Redwood and Mixed Conifer Forest Types in Santa Cruz County Following Wildfire

Auten, Steve R 01 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
On August 12, 2009, the Lockheed Fire ignited the west slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains burning approximately 7,819 acres. Foresters and other land managers were left with challenging decisions on how to evaluate tree mortality. Big Creek Lumber Company, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly)’s Swanton Pacific Ranch (SPR), and other resource professionals familiar with this region teamed up to develop a method for evaluating damage and thereby mortality for redwood, California nutmeg, live oak, tanoak, California bay, Pacific madrone, big leaf maple, Douglas-fir, Monterey pine, and knobcone pine. Quantitative damage criteria were used to design three Mortality Assessment models (MA), divided into three diameter at breast height classes (1-8.9, 9-16.9, >17 inches), for all tree species. These models were compared against pre-fire data from 82, one-fifth acre fixed plots from SPR’s Continuous Forest Inventory. Since the initial evaluation using the new MA in Fall 2009, each of the 2,877 trees were re-evaluated in Spring 2010 and Spring 2011 to determine if initial evaluations from the MA in 2009 were correct. To date, predictions to determine individual tree mortality using the Mortality Assessment models have been 89.3% correct.

Séquençage d’exomes d’une cohorte de familles caucasiennes simplex dont les patients sont atteints du syndrome d’interruption de la tige hypophysaire

Jean-Louis, Martineau 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Mixed-conifer forests of central Oregon : structure, composition, history of establishment, and growth

Merschel, Andrew G. 14 December 2012 (has links)
The structure and composition of mixed-conifer forest (MCF) in central Oregon has been altered by fire exclusion and logging. The resulting increased density, spatial contagion, and loss of fire resistant trees decrease the resiliency of this ecosystem to fire, drought, and insects. The historical and current composition and structure of MCF are characterized by steep environmental gradients and a complex mixed-severity fire regime. This inherent variation makes it difficult to determine the magnitude of anthropogenic effects and set objectives for restoration and management. As a result, there is a lack of consensus regarding how MCF should be managed and restored across the landscape. My primary research objectives were to: (1) Characterize the current structure and composition of MCF and how these vary with environmental setting; and (2) Characterize establishment and tree growth patterns in MCF in different environmental settings. To address these objectives, I collected field data on structure and composition and increment cores across a range of environmental conditions in MCF of the eastern Cascades and Ochoco Mountains. I used cluster analysis to identify four stand types based on structure and composition in the eastern Cascades study area and four analogous types in the Ochoco Mountains study area. Variation in understory composition and the presence of large diameter shade tolerant species distinguish each type. Stand types occupied distinct environmental settings along a climatic gradient of increasing precipitation and elevation. At relatively dry PIPO sites understories were dominated by ponderosa pine. At wetter PIPO/PSME and PIPO ABGC sites understories were dominated by shade tolerant species, but ponderosa pine was dominant in the overstory. At the coolest and wettest PIPO/PSME/ABGC sites understories were dominated by grand fir and shade tolerant species were common in the overstory. In the eastern Cascades current density of all live trees and snags was 432, 461, 570, 372 trees per hectare (TPH) for the four stand types identified. Stand types in the drier Ochoco Mountains were currently less dense at 279, 304, 212, and 307 TPH. Current MCF densities in both areas are 2-3 times higher than densities estimated for the late 19th and early 20th centuries from other studies in those two areas. Reconstruction of cuts in each stand type indicates that the density of large diameter ponderosa pine has been reduced by approximately 50% in all stand types in both study regions. Age histograms demonstrate that current density and composition of MCF stand types is a product of abrupt increases in tree establishment following fire exclusion in the late 19th century. The number of trees established increased after 1900 in all stand types, but the timing and composition of changes in establishment varied with climate. At dry PIPO sites increases in establishment were delayed until the 1920s and 1930s and were composed of ponderosa pine. At PIPO/PSME and PIPO/ABGC sites with intermediate precipitation, establishment was dominated by ponderosa pine prior to 1900, but after 1900 establishment was dominated by a large pulse of Douglas-fir and grand fir. At the wettest PIPO/PSME/ABGC there was less evidence of changes in structure and composition over time. My results indicate that compared to dry pine and dry-mixed conifer sites, relatively productive moist mixed-conifer sites were characterized by large changes in structure and composition. Such sites could be considered more ecologically altered by lack of fire than drier forest types that had high fire frequencies but slower rates of stand development and less plant community change. Radial growth patterns of cored ponderosa pines differed between the eastern Cascades and Ochoco Mountains. In the eastern Cascades mean growth rates and variance decreased during favorable climatic periods after 1900. This is likely related to increased competition, and provides evidence that current stand density lacks a temporal analog in the 18th and 19th centuries. Sensitivity of growth to climate and harvest suggest competition for water in the denser forest of the eastern Cascades, and indicates thinning will increase the diameter growth rate of large old pines. In the Ochoco Mountains, ponderosa pine tree growth was less responsive to climate prior to fire exclusion in the late 1800s, and growth did not respond to fire events. This suggests competition among trees was historically low in this region. After fire exclusion growth became more responsive to wet and dry climatic cycles, which may indicate that increased density and competition made trees more responsive to climate variability. Patterns of slow and fast growth appeared to differ between study regions and likely differ at the sub-regional scale. Further analysis of the relationship between growth and climate in different environmental settings is needed to distinguish where stand development has been modified by disruption of fire regimes. / Graduation date: 2013

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