Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coaching."" "subject:"broaching.""
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Digital Twin Coaching for Edge Computing Using Deep Learning Based 2D Pose EstimationGámez Díaz, Rogelio 15 April 2021 (has links)
In these challenging times caused by the COVID-19, technology that leverages Artificial Intelligence potential can help people cope with the pandemic. For example, people looking to perform physical exercises while in quarantine. We also find another opportunity in the widespread adoption of mobile smart devices, making complex Artificial Intelligence (AI) models accessible to the average user.
Taking advantage of this situation, we propose a Smart Coaching experience on the Edge with our Digital Twin Coaching (DTC) architecture. Since the general population is advised to work from home, sedentarism has become prevalent. Coaching is a positive force in exercising, but keeping physical distance while exercising is a significant problem. Therefore, a Smart Coach can help in this scenario as it involves using smart devices instead of direct communication with another person. Some researchers have worked on Smart Coaching, but their systems often involve complex devices such as RGB-Depth cameras, making them cumbersome to use. Our approach is one of the firsts to focus on everyday smart devices, like smartphones, to solve this problem.
Digital Twin Coaching can be defined as a virtual system designed to help people improve in a specific field and is a powerful tool if combined with edge technology. The DTC architecture has six characteristics that we try to fulfill: adaptability, compatibility, flexibility, portability, security, and privacy.
We collected training data of 10 subjects using a 2D pose estimation model to train our models since there was no dataset of Coach-Trainee videos. To effectively use this information, the most critical pre-processing step was synchronization. This step synchronizes the coach and the trainee’s poses to overcome the trainee's action lag while performing the routine in real-time.
We trained a light neural network called “Pose Inference Neural Network” (PINN) to serve as a fine-tuning architecture mechanism. We improved the generalist 2D pose estimation model with this trained neural network while keeping the time complexity relatively unaffected. We also propose an Angular Pose Representation to compare the trainee and coach's stances that consider the differences in different people's body proportions.
For the PINN model, we use Random Search Optimization to come up with the best configuration. The configurations tested included using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 layers. We chose the 2-Layer Neural Network (2-LNN) configuration because it was the fastest to train and predict while providing a fair tradeoff between performance and resource consumption. Using frame synchronization in pre-processing, we improved 76% on the test loss (Mean Squared Error) while training with the 2-LNN. The PINN improved the R2 score of the PoseNet model by at least 15% and at most 93% depending on the configuration. Our approach only added 4 seconds (roughly 2% of the total time) to the total processing time on average. Finally, the usability test results showed that our Proof of Concept application, DTCoach, was considered easy to learn and convenient to use. At the same time, some participants mentioned that they would like to have more features and improved clarity to be more invested in using the app frequently.
We hope DTCoach can help people stay more active, especially in quarantine, as the application can serve as a motivator. Since it can be run on modern smartphones, it can quickly be adopted by many people.
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Principles of Coaching for Coaching of Principals: A Self-Directed ApproachKimball, Suzanne M. 18 April 2022 (has links)
Research on school districts has repeatedly found that focusing on student learning and instructional leadership is a key component to effectiveness (Murphy & Hallinger, 1988; Leithwood, 2010; Anderson & Young, 2018). Districts are currently undergoing a redefinition of roles in order to specifically support principals as instructional leaders in their schools. This qualitative case study describes how one district began to develop a system for supporting principals through incorporating leadership coaching. This study shares the perspectives of principal supervisors and other district specialists as they built their own capacities to be effective coaches. The complexity of simultaneously developing skills in both the principal supervisors learning to coach and the principals being coached is contextualized in this study. I find that the self-direction of coaches learning to coach was significant in principal supervisors and district specialists learning to understand the key principles of coaching. As individuals and as a collective of district leaders, it is the element of choice that creates a meaningful beginning to implementing leadership coaching for principals and has set forth a clear vision for the future of supporting principals in their instructional leadership goals.
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Teachers' Experiences with Literacy Coaching: Instructional Spaces to Teach Third and Fourth Grade Reading ComprehensionLiddell, Peggie Joice 15 August 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to understand teachers’ knowledge and experiences associated with teachers’ sense-making of their literacy coaching experiences. The researcher used qualitative research methods in the form of interview data and classroom observations to examine teachers’ sense-making experiences informed through sociocultural theories. The researcher collected data from 5 teacher participants, mostly African Americans, who taught students who were also predominantly African American. Teachers’ years of teaching experience ranged from 9 years to 40 years. The study found that literacy coaching may improve teachers’ abilities to scaffold students’ cognitive reasoning. The study suggested that more, in-depth learning of subject-matter content, an understanding of students’ instructional tasks, and an increase of duration in literacy coaching may be required before teachers can implement literacy instruction above literal comprehension. In contrast, the findingssuggested that additional efforts in literacy coaching may be required to improve teachers’ scaffolding of students’ background knowledge.The findings revealed that few teachers may understand the influences of students’ cultural backgrounds upon students’ learning. The present study implied that additional and closer examination of how teachers scaffold cultural background knowledge during reading instruction may provide insight related to the role of knowledge about teachers’ metacognition while engaged in literacy coaching. Moreover, the results of the present study suggested that literacy coaching may promote teacher and student learning over extended periods of time. The study found that 4thgrade students showed small achievement gains among individual students moving from 3rd grade to 4thgrade during the year of the intervention. Finding of small gains occurring during the year that the intervention was provided may suggest an expectant growth projection over time. Nonetheless, the present study did not find that literacy coaching conclusively impacted gains in literacy achievement.
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The Critical Factors of Coaching Practice Leading to Successful Coaching OutcomesMarshall, Margaret K. 14 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Coaching på AIC? En studie om arbetssökandes förväntningar och deras respektive coachens uppfattning av coachingWentzel Malmberg, Caroline January 2009 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att ta reda på de arbetssökandes respektive coachens förväntningar, och även vilken roll de arbetssökande tillskriver coacherna på Arbets- och Integrationscenter (AIC) i Malmö. Examensarbetet är skrivet utifrån den kvalitativa metoden och är en intervjustudie med sammanlagt åtta intervjuer då sju intervjuer med arbetssökande och en intervju med en coach. Den tidigare forskningen behandlar den sökandes förväntningar på vägledningen. I Kristina Johanssons uppsats som handlar om vägledningen ur ett sökande perspektiv studerar hon den sökandes förväntningar samt hur förväntningarna på vägledningen uppnåtts eller ej. I Anders Lovéns avhandling handlar om elevers förväntningar och möten med vägledare i grundskolan. De teorianknytningarna som används i studien är Erving Goffmans som handlar om roller, Gunnel, Lindhs verk som handlar om sökaren och hjälparen, Susanne Gjerdes verk där begreppet coaching förklaras samt vikten av en god relation mellan den sökande och coachen.I resultatet framkommer de arbetssökandes respektive coachens bild av vad coachingen på AIC, vilket visar att de inte har en enhetlig bild av coachingen. Bilderna jämförs med varandra och coachen uttalar sig om vart eventuellt missförståndet kan komma ifrån. Det visar sig att de arbetssökande lägger stor vikt vid en bra relation och kontakten med coachen anses vara oerhört viktig. De arbetssökande vill även få hjälp med att skriva CV, få kontakter ute i arbetslivet och få hjälp med att söka arbete. Resultatet analyseras utifrån frågeställningarna med hjälp av litteraturen för att svara på frågorna. Det blir uppenbart att de arbetssökande och coachen inte har samma syn på vad coaching är på AIC. Även betydelsen av en bra relation mellan de arbetssökande och coacherna utforskas.I slutdiskussionen diskuteras coacherna vid AIC´s titel och hur relevant det är att även kalla dem för coacher. Dessutom diskuteras coachernas arbetsuppgifter som analyseras med hjälp av litteraturen. I metoddiskussionen diskuteras den kvalitativa metoden som användes i studien.
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”Mentorskap och co-coaching” på Komvux KronborgBorgström, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
Under våren 2005 gick uppsatsförfattaren med i en mentorsgrupp som fanns på Komvux Kronborg i Malmö. Syftet var dels att genomföra sitt examensarbete och dels att bidra till skolans, men framförallt till elevernas utveckling och intressen för studierna. Under sommaren arbetades det samman ett förslag till ett mentorsprogram. Förslaget gick ut på att man, i stället för att arbeta med traditionella samtal mellan mentor och elev, skulle arbeta med värderingsövningar och en form av coaching eleverna mellan. Syftet med denna metod var dels att spara tid och dels att stimulera elevernas kontakt med varandra. Mentorerna, från början fem stycken, testade under hösten förslaget i varsin klass. Resultatet har sett olika ut i de olika klasserna men överlag har det varit positivt. Under vårterminen 2006 har mentorsförsöket fortgått löpande. Det ursprungliga förslaget på mentorsmodell är reducerat utifrån de lärdomar gruppen fått efter höstens försök. Detta innebär att grunden och tanken från förslaget är densamma, men att vissa ändringar är gjorda utifrån gruppens önskemål, bl.a. har antalet gånger för arrangerad verksamhet blivit två istället för tre. Resultatet har varit positivt vad gäller mottagandet hos eleverna, dock har problemen som en kursanpassad skola medfört, lagt hinder i vägen för en fortsättning av projektet i den form som testats under de gångna två terminerna. I stället kommer detta projekt att fortgå i en annan form och bland annat kommer en bank med övningar liknande de vi testat under dessa två terminer att läggas ut på intranätet.
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A Study of the Impact of Brevard Public School's Peer Coaching Model on Student Achievement Outcomes and Teacher Evaluation ResultsPace, Debra 01 January 2015 (has links)
This study investigated the effectiveness of a sustained professional development initiative, Brevard's Peer Coaching Model, on improving teacher performance and student achievement in a large Central Florida school district. The study analyzed professional practices scores and value-added scores for teachers who participated in a minimum of six of nine days of professional learning before the study, after year one of the training, and after year two of the training to evaluate growth in professional practices and student achievement, and also compared the scores of BPCM participants to the scores of teachers who did not participate in the study. The findings of the study replicated those of previous researchers who found that peer coaching generally has a positive impact on improving teacher practice but limited impact on student achievement. Both professional practices scores and value-added results improved over the course of the study, during and after implementation of BPCM. However, the results were not statistically significant when comparing improvements of value-added results for BPCM participants with the VAM scores of the population of Brevard Public Schools teachers who did not participate in the professional development. BPCM participants showed significant growth over the course of the study and demonstrated stronger improvements in observation scores when compared to the non-BPCM teachers. The most significant growth occurred after the first year of the BPCM training, with smaller levels of growth in year two. Implications for practice and recommendations for future research were provided.
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A Study of the Development and Use of Films in the Coaching of FootballKisselle, Charles T. January 1959 (has links)
No description available.
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A Study of the Development and Use of Films in the Coaching of FootballKisselle, Charles T. January 1959 (has links)
No description available.
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The knowledge of elite level coaches of swimmers with a physical disability /Cregan, Kerry January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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