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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enabling communication between Wireless Sensor Networks and The Internet-of-Things : A CoAP communication stack

Aloisi, Alessandro January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on enabling the communication between Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet-of-Things applications.  In order to achieve this goal, the first step has been to investigate the concept of the Internet-of-Things and then to understand how this scenario could be used to interconnect multiple Wireless Sensor Networks in order to develop context-aware applications which could handle sensor data coming from this type of network.  The second step was to design and implement a communication stack which enabled Wireless Sensor Networks to communicate with an Internet-of-Things platform. The CoAP protocol has been used as application protocol for the communication with the Wireless Sensor Networks. The solution has been developed in Java programming language and extended the sensor and actuator layer of the Sensible Things platform.  The third step of this thesis has been to investigate in which real world applications the developed solution could have been used. Next a Proof of Concept application has been implemented in order to simulate a simple fire detection system, where multiple Wireless Sensor Networks collaborate to send their temperature data to a control center. The last step was to evaluate the whole system, specifically the responsiveness and the overhead introduced by the developed communication stack.

IoTA: Internet of Things Assistant

Okumura, Brandon M 01 July 2017 (has links)
The Internet of Things is the networking of electronic devices, or “Things”, that enables them to collect and share data, as well as interact with their physical surround- ings. Analyzing this collected data allows us to make smarter economic decisions. These interconnected networks are usually driven by low-powered micro-controllers or cheap CPUs that are designed to function optimally with very little hardware. As scale and computational requirements increase, these micro-controllers are unable to grow without being physically replaced. This thesis proposes a system, IoTA, that assists the Internet of Things by pro- viding a shared computational resource for endpoint devices. This solution extends the functionality of endpoint devices without the need of physical replacement. The IoTA system is designed to be easily integrable to any existing IoT network. This system presents a model that allows for seamless processing of jobs submitted by endpoint devices while keeping scalability and flexibility in mind. Additionally, IoTA is built on top of existing IoT protocols. Evaluation shows there is a significant performance benefit in processing computationally heavy algorithms on the IoTA system as compared to processing them locally on the endpoint devices themselves.

Evaluating the Security and Resilience of Typical off the Shelf CoAP IoT Devices : Assessing CoAP and Wi-Fi vulnerabilities

Müller, Wolfgang January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att utvärdera säkerheten och motståndskraften hos CoAP-protokollet som används av ett multinationellt företag för kommunikationen mellan en gateway och appen för kontroll av smarta produkter. Utvärderingen började med att koppla gatewayn till nätverket och installera operativsystemet Kali Linux på datorn. För att utvärdera säkerheten och motståndskraften hos CoAP-protokollet genomfördes en serie DoS-attacker med olika intervall, antal paket och paketstorlek. Antalet paket som skickas visas av programvaran som genomför DoS-attacken, och tiden mäts med ett tidskommando i Kali Linux som mäter hur lång tid ett givet kommando tar att köra. Resultaten visar att appen kopplas bort från företagets gateway efter att ha blivit attackerad med 59 UDP-paket innehållande 0 byte data. Attacken kan delas upp i två mindre attacker på 30 och 29 packet med ett 10-timmars uppehåll mellan attackerna, utan att det påverkar det totala antalet paket som behövs för en lyckad DoS attack mot gatewayn. Appen kan inte återansluta till gatewayen efter att ha blivit attackerad med 59 paket. Gatewayn måste startas om genom att kopplas bort från elförsörjningen för att återhämta sig. / The purpose of this study has been to evaluate the security and resilience of the CoAP protocol used by multinational company for communication between the gateway and app. The evaluation began with setting up the gateway to the network and installing the required software to the computer. To evaluate the security and resilience of the CoAP protocol, a series of DoS attacks with different intervals, amount of packets and packet size were performed. The amount of packets sent are shown by the software that performs the DoS attack, while time is measured with the time command in Kali Linux that measures how long a given command takes to run. The results show that the app gets disconnected from the company’s gateway after being attacked with 59 UDP packets containing 0 bytes data. The attack can be split into two smaller attacks with a 10 hour window between them, without any change of amount of packets required for the gateway getting disconnected from the network. The app can’t reconnect to the gateway after being attacked with 59 packets, the gateway has to be disconnected from the power outlet to recover.

Resource constrained Industrial IoT device

Wernersson, Henrik Wernersson, Atwa, Yassin January 2016 (has links)
I dagens läge är industriella nätverk inte anpassade för att koppla upp resursbegränsade enheter pga av att industriella nätverks-protokollen som används är mer anpassade för real time applikationer. Det skulle vara ett stort steg för de industriella nätverken att kunna koppla upp resursbegränsade enheter för enkel övervakning samt analysering av data. Efter en undersökningsperiod av ett flertal olika IoT-protokoll, gjordes valet att implementera CoAP på en Anybus CompactCom-modul för testning. Under projektets gång användes det en del white-box testning i början vid implementationen av libCoAP. Efter att en fungerande implementation var gjord, påbörjades testning av input och output överensstämmelser med hjälp av black-box testning istället. Resultatet jämfördes i slutändan med den existerande lösningen att skicka parameterdata med hjälp av TCP. Resultatet hade en responstidsskillnad som var 92,3 % snabbare. Samtidigt tog det sammanlagt 24,2 % mindre plats i minnet (FLASH och RAM) för implementationen på Anybus CompactCom-modulen.

Passive interoperability testing for communication protocols / Le test d'interopérabilité passif pour les protocoles de communication

Chen, Nanxing 24 June 2013 (has links)
Dans le domaine des réseaux, le test de protocoles de communication est une activité importante afin de valider les protocoles applications avant de les mettre en service. Généralement, les services qu'un protocole doit fournir sont décrits dans sa spécification. Cette spécification est une norme ou un standard défini par des organismes de normalisation tels que l'ISO (International Standards Organisation), l'IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), l'ITU (International Telecommunication Union), etc. Le but du test est de vérifier que les implémentations du protocole fonctionnent correctement et rendent bien les services prévus. Pour atteindre cet objectif, différentes méthodes de tests peuvent être utilisées. Parmi eux, le test de conformité vérifie qu'un produit est conforme à sa spécification. Le test de robustesse vérifie les comportements de l'implémentation de protocole face à des événements imprévus. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement au test d'interopérabilité, qui vise à vérifier que plusieurs composants réseaux interagissent correctement et fournissent les services prévus. L'architecture générale de test d'interopérabilité fait intervenir un système sous test (SUT) composé de plusieurs implémentations sous test (IUT). Les objectifs du test d'interopérabilité sont à la fois de vérifier que plusieurs implémentations (basées sur des protocoles conçus pour fonctionner ensemble) sont capables d'interagir et que, lors de leur interaction, elles rendent les services prévus dans leurs spécifications respectives. En général, les méthodes de test d'interopérabilité peuvent être classées en deux grandes approches: le test actif et le test passif. Le test actif est une technique de validation très populaire, dont l'objectif est essentiellement de tester les implémentations (IUT), en pratiquant une suite de contrôles et d'observations sur celles-ci. Cependant, une caractéristique fondamentale du test actif est que le testeur possède la capacité de contrôler les IUTs. Cela implique que le testeur perturbe le fonctionnement normal du système testé. De ce fait, le test actif n'est pas une technique appropriée pour le test d'interopérabilité, qui est souvent effectué dans les réseaux opérationnels, où il est difficile d'insérer des entrées arbitraires sans affecter les services ou les fonctionnements normaux des réseaux. A l'inverse, le test passif est une technique se basant uniquement sur les observations. Le testeur n'a pas besoin d'agir sur le SUT notamment en lui envoyant des stimuli. Cela permet au test d'être effectué sans perturber l'environnement normal du système sous test. Le test passif possède également d'autres avantages comme par exemple, pour les systèmes embarqués où le testeur n'a pas d'accès direct, de pourvoir effectuer le test en collectant des traces d'exécution du système, puis de détecter les éventuelles erreurs ou déviations de ces traces vis-à-vis du comportement du système. / In the field of networking, testing of communication protocols is an important activity to validate protocol applications before commercialisation. Generally, the services that must be provided by a protocol are described in its specification(s). A specification is generally a standard defined by standards bodies such as ISO (International Standards Organization), IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), ITU (International Telecommunication Union), etc. The purpose of testing is to verify that the protocol implementations work correctly and guarantee the quality of the services in order to meet customers expectations. To achieve this goal, a variety of testing methods have been developed. Among them, interoperability testing is to verify that several network components cooperate correctly and provide expected services. Conformance testing verifies that a product conforms to its specification. Robustness testing determines the degree to which a system operates correctly in the presence of exceptional inputs or stressful environmental conditions. In this thesis, we focus on interoperability testing. The general architecture of interoperability testing involves a system under test (SUT), which consists of at least two implementations under test (IUT). The objectives of interoperability testing are to ensure that interconnected protocol implementations are able to interact correctly and, during their interaction, provide the services predefined in their specifications. In general, the methods of interoperability testing can be classified into two approaches: active and passive testing. Among them, active test is the most conventionally used technique, which aims to test the implementations (IUT) by injecting a series of test messages (stimuli) and observing the corresponding outputs. However, the intrusive nature of active testing is that the tester has the ability to control IUTS. This implies that the tester interrupts inevitably the normal operations of the system under test. In this sense, active testing is not a suitable technique for interoperability testing, which is often carried out in operational networks. In such context, it is difficult to insert arbitrary testing messages without affecting the normal behavior and the services of the system. On the contrary, passive testing is a technique based only on observation. The tester does not need to interact with the SUT. This allows the test to be carried out without disturbing the normal operations of the system under test. Besides, passive testing also has other advantages such as: for embedded systems to which the tester does not have direct access, test can still be performed by collecting the execution traces of the system and then detect errors by comparing the trace with the behavior of the system described in its specification. In addition, passive testing makes it possible to moniter a system over a long period, and report abnomality at any time.

Routin in wireless sensor networks / Routage dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil

Krol, Michal 15 March 2016 (has links)
Le paradigme d’Internet des objets (IoT) envisage d’élargir Internet actuelle avec un grand nombre de dispositifs intelligents. Réseaux de Capteurs sans Fil (WSN) déploie les dispositifs fonctionnant sur des approvisionnements énergétiques maigres et mesurant de phénomènes environnementaux (comme la température, la radioactivité, ou CO 2). Des applications populaires de WSN comprennent la surveillance, le télémétrie, et la prévention des catastrophes naturelles. Des défis majeurs de WSN sont comment permettre à l’efficacité énergétique, surmonter les déficiences de support sans fil, et d’opérer dans à la manière auto-organisée. L’intégration de WSN dans IoT se posera sur des standards ouvertes efforçant d’offrir évolutivité et de fiabilité dans une variété de scénarios et conditions de fonctionnement. Néanmoins, l’état actuel des standards a les problèmes d’interopérabilité et peuvent bénéficier de certaines améliorations. Les contributions de la thèse sont :Nous avons effectué une étude approfondie des filtres de Bloom et de leur utilisation dans le stockage de caractéristiques de nœud dans l’adresse IP. Différentes techniques de compression et de variantes de filtres nous ont permisde développer un système efficace qui comble l’écart entre le routage de caractéristiques et l’approche classique compatible avec les réseaux IPv6.Nous proposons Featurecast, un protocole de routage / service de nommage pourWSN. Il permet d’interroger les réseaux de capteurs en utilisant un ensemble de caractéristiques tout raccord en entête de paquet IPv6. Nous intégrons notre protocole dans RPL et introduisons une nouvelle mesure, qui augmentent l’efficacité de routage. Nous vérifions sa performance contre dans des simulations approfondies et des test sur des capteurs réels dans un bancd’essai à grande échelle. Simulations approfondies démontrent les avantagesde notre protocole en termes d’utilisation de la mémoire, le surcharge de con-trôle, le taux de livraison de paquets et la consommation d’énergie.Nous introduisons WEAVE - un protocole de routage pour les réseaux avec géolo-calisation. Notre solution n’utilise pas de message de contrôle et apprend sesvoies seulement en observant le trafic. Plusieurs mécanismes sont introduitspour garder un en-tête de taille fixe, contourner à la fois les petits commeles grands obstacles et fournir une communication efficace entre les nœuds.Nous avons effectué des simulations à grande échelle impliquant plus de 19000noeuds et des expériences avec des capteurs réels sur banc d’essai IoT-lab.Nos résultats montrent que nous atteignons bien meilleures performances enparticulier dans les réseaux grands et dynamiques sans introduire de surcharge / Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm envisages to expand the current Internet witha huge number of intelligent communicating devices. Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) deploy the devices running on meagre energy supplies and measuring environmental phenomena (like temperature, radioactivity, or CO 2 ). WSN popularapplications include monitoring, telemetry, and natural disaster prevention. Major WSN challenges are energy efficiency, overcome impairments of wireless medium, and operate in the self-organisation. The WSN integrating IoT will rely on a set of the open standards striving to offer scalability and reliability in a variety of the operating scenarios and conditions. Nevertheless, the current state of the standards have interoperability issues and can benefit from further improvements. The contributions of the thesis work are:We performed an extensive study of Bloom Filters and their use in storing nodetext-based elements in IP address. Different techniques of compression andvariants of filters allowed us to develop an efficient system closing the gapbetween feature-routing and classic approach compatible with IPv6 networks.We propose Featurecast, a routing protocol/naming service for WSN. It allowsto query sensor networks using a set of characteristics while fitting in anIPv6 packet header. We integrate our protocol in RPL and introduce a newmetric, which increase the routing efficiency. We check its performance inboth extensive simulations and experimentations on real sensors in a large-scale Senslab testbed. Large-scale simulations demonstrate the advantagesof our protocol in terms of memory usage, control overhead, packet deliveryrate and energy consumption.We introduce WEAVE - a routing protocol for networks with geolocation. Our so-lution does not use any control message and learn its paths only by observingthe traffic. Several mechanisms are introduce to keep a fixed-size header andbypass both small as well as large obstacles and provide an efficient communication between nodes. We performed simulations on large scale involvingmore than 19000 nodes and real-sensor experimentations on IoT-lab testbed. Our results show that we achieve much better performance especially in large and dynamic networks without introducing any control overhead.

Object Security in the Internet of Things

Palombini, Francesca January 2015 (has links)
The Internet of Things and the constrained environment that comes from the growth of constrained devices connected to the Internet brings new security challenges that cannot be solved in a satisfactory way with only transport layer security. A more flexible solution is required, both to protect sensitive data and user privacy but also to distribute policies in a secure and standardized way. The same privacy problems arise in the general web setting with processing and storage more and more moving into the cloud. One solution is to move the security higher up in the network stack and to protect objects instead of byte streams, as proposed in the IETF draft [15] evaluated in this thesis. Focusing on this solution, an implementation has been proposed, and tests and measurements have been carried out to show its overhead. The implementation, as well as the measurement results, is presented in this work. / I takt med att ”Internet of things” växer och antalet begränsade enheter ökar uppstår allt fler säkerhetsutmaningar som inte kan lösas tillräckligt bra med transport layer security. Det finns ett behov av en mer flexibel lösning, dels för att skydda känslig data och användarnas integritet och dels för att distribuera policyer på ett säkert och standardiserat sätt. Samma integritetsproblem återfinns i generella webbmiljön då beräkning och lagring blir mer molnbaserat. En lösning på problemet är att flytta säkerhetsåtgärder högre upp i internetstacken och skydda objekt istället för byte-strömmar. Dessa säkerhetsåtgärder har föreslagits i utkastet från IETF [15] som utvärderas i denna avhandling. En implementation, med fokus på denna lösningen, föreslås i avhandlingen. Tester och mätningar har utförts för att visa lösningens overhead. Genomförandet av testerna och mätresultaten presenteras också i detta arbete.

Security in Smart Object Networks / Säkerhet i smartobjektnätverk

Sethi, Mohit January 2012 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to an inter-connected world where physical devices are seamlessly integrated into the Internet and become active participants of business, information and social processes. This involves the inter-connection of a large number of heterogeneous networked entities and networks. Emergence of technologies such as Zigbee, Bluetooth low energy and embedded sensors has transformed simple physical devices into smart objectsthat can understand and react to their environment. Such smart objects form the building blocks for the Internet of Things. The communication infrastructure for these objects is based on an extension of the Internet protocol stack. Although the need for security is widely accepted, there is no clear consensus on how IP-based Internet security protocols can be applied to resource-constrained smart object networks. In this thesis  we develop a new secure and energyefficient communication model for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), a light-weight communication protocol designed for smart object networks. We contribute to the standardization of the generic communication architecture by adding security and delegation components for smart objects that sleep for large amounts of time during their operational phase. This architecture ensures data integrity and authenticity over a multi-hop network topology. It also provides a mirroring mechanism that uses a proxy to serve data on behalf of sleeping smart objects, thereby allowing them to act as always-online web servers. A working prototype implementation of the architecture is also developed. The security features in the architecture presented in this thesis are based on using strong public-key cryptography. Contrary to popular belief, our performance evaluation shows that asymmetric public-key cryptography can be implemented on small 8-bit micro-controllers without modifying the underlying cryptographic algorithms. / Internet of Things (IoT, ”Föremålens Internet") syftar på en sammankopplad värld där fysiska apparater är sömlöst integrerade till Internet och blir aktiva deltagare i affärslivs-, informations- och sociala processer. Detta innefattar sammankopplingen av ett stort antal heterogeniskt nätverkade enheter och nätverk. Uppkomsten av teknologier som Zigbee, låg energi Bluetooth och inbyggda sensorer har förvandlat enkla fysiska apparater till smarta objekt som kan förstå och reagera till sin omgivning. Dessa smarta objekt utgör byggstenarna för Föremålens Internet. Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen för dessa objekt bygger på en utvidgning av internetprotokollstacken.  Även om behovet av säkerhet är allmänt känt, finns det inget konsensus om hur IP-baserade internetsäkerhetsprotokoll kan tillämpas i resursbegränsade smartobjektnätverk. I denna avhandling utvecklas en ny säker och energisnål kommunikationsmodell för Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP, “Begränsat applikationsprotokoll"), ett lätt kommunikationsprotokoll avsett för smartobjektnätverk. Avhandlingen bidrar till standardiseringen av den generiska kommunikationsarkitekturen genom att tillsätta säkerhets- och delegationskomponenter för smarta objekt som sover under en stor del av sin operativa fas. Denna arkitektur garanterar dataintegritet och autenticitet över en flerhopps nätverkstopologi. Arkitekturen bidrar också med en återspeglingsmekanism som använder sig av en proxyserver för att erbjuda data för sovande smarta objekts del, vilket låter dem agera som alltid-online webbservrar. I avhandlingen utvecklas också en fungerande prototypimplementation av arkitekturen. Säkerhetsegenskaperna i den arkitektur som presenteras i denna avhandling är baserade på användningen av stark publik-nyckel kryptering. I motsatts till den allmänna förväntningen, visar prestationsbedömningen i denna avhandling att asymmetrisk kryptering med publik nyckel kan tillämpas i 8-bitars mikrokontrollrar utan att ändra på de underliggande kryptografiska algoritmerna.

Adaptive Counteraction Against Denial of Service Attack / Adaptiv Motverkan mot Denial of Service Attack

Atiiq, Syafiq Al January 2017 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next generation of networked society where billions of, everyday-life, devices are directly connected to the Internet and able to communicate with each other. In particular, the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) has become the de-facto IoT standard for communication at the application layer, as a lightweight web transfer protocol affordable also for resource-constrained platforms. However, as IoT devices are directly connected to the Internet, they are especially vulnerable to a number of security attacks including Denial of Service (DoS), which can seriously worsen their performance and responsiveness, and even make them totally unavailable to serve legitimate requests. In this Master's Thesis project, we have developed a cross-layer and context-aware approach that adaptively counteracts DoS attacks against CoAP server devices, by dynamically adjusting their operative state according to the attack intensity. This considerably limits the impact of DoS attacks and preserves service availability of victim devices to the best possible extent. The proposed approach leverages a trusted Proxy that adaptively shields victim devices, while effectively forwarding and caching messages if needed. We have made a proof-of-concept implementation of our solution for the Californium framework and the CoAP protocol, and experimentally evaluated its effectiveness in counteracting DoS and preserving availability of devices under attack. This Master's Thesis project has been conducted in collaboration with RISE SICS, a research institute for applied information and communication technology in Sweden. / Sakernas Internet (IoT) är nästa generations nätverkssamhälle där miljarder av, vardagliga, enheter är direkt anslutna till Internet och har möjlighet att kommunicera med varandra. Särskilt har CoAP, ett lättviktsprotokoll för webbtrafik som även fungerar för plattformar med begränsade resurser, blivit Sakernas Internets standard för kommunikation på applikationslagret. Men eftersom IoT-enheter är direkt anslutna till Internet så är de också speciellt utsatta för ett antal säkerhetsattacker, inklusive DoS, som kan försämra deras prestanda och mottaglighet avsevärt och i värsta fall göra dem helt otillgängliga för legitima förfrågningar. I detta examensarbete har vi utvecklat en lageröverskridande och kontextmedveten metod som adaptivt motverkar DoS attacker mot CoAP serverenheter genom att dynamiskt anpassa enhetens operativa tillstånd i enlighet med attackintensiteten. Detta begränsar DoS-attackers påverkan på enheterna avsevärt samtidigt som det bibehåller tillgänglighet för tjänster på utsatta enheter till största möjliga utsträckning. Den föreslagna metoden utnyttjar en betrodd proxy som adaptivt skyddar utsatta enheter, samtidigt som den effektivt vidarebefordrar och sparar meddelanden om så behövs. I detta arbete har vi skapat en proof of concept-implementation av vår lösning för Californium-ramverket och CoAP protokollet. Arbetet har utvärderats experimentellt för att undersöka lösningens effektivitet när det gäller att motarbeta DoS-attacker samt hur den bibehåller enheters tillgänglighet under attacker. Detta uppsatsprojekt har utförts i samarbete med RISE SICS som är ett forskningsinstitut för tillämpad informations- och kommunikationsteknik i Sverige.

A comparison between database and Internet of Thing solutions : For remote measuring of radon

Svensson, Wictor January 2018 (has links)
More and more devices around us are connected to the internet and communicate to each other. This includes devices such as radon sensors. Radon is a radio active gas and is the cause of several hundred cases of lung cancer. Smart connected radon sensors can be helpful to reduce the levels of radon as they provide remote access to the user. This study examines the opportunity to connect an already existing radon sensor to the “Internet of Things”. The aim of this study has been to answer the problem “find a better solution for the IoT system and develop it”. The study was performed with a literature study of three Internet of Things platforms. This resulted in one Internet of Thing platform being used throughout the study. A database system and a system with the chosen platform was implemented and a time measurement of the different systems was performed. The study has shown that a less secured system is faster and it is also shown that the Amazon Web Service IoT Core is fast with respect to the many features offered. The study concludes that the choice of system depends on where and how the system is supposed to be implement. If the system just needs to send and store data, a regular MySQL database is enough. If the system in the future is supposed to be able to communicate with other devices, a IoT platform should be used.

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