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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MENICHETTI DELOR, JULIA PAOLA 23 February 2018 (has links)
Obiettivo: Accrescere la conoscenza relativa a come supportare il coinvolgimento attivo dei pazienti anziani, descrivendo i contenuti di interventi per il coinvolgimento attivo con pazienti anziani attualmente presenti sul panorama scientifico, sviluppando un nuovo intervento e studiando le prime fasi della sua implementazione. Metodo: Nel primo studio, in risposta al primo obiettivo, è stata condotta una analisi sistematica della letteratura scientifica sul tema. Il secondo studio ha visto la conduzione di focus groups con professionisti sanitari e interviste individuali a pazienti anziani per raffinare e validare qualitativamente un nuovo intervento per il coinvolgimento attivo. Nel terzo studio, si è studiata l’implementazione iniziale dell’intervento in un contesto italiano di cure integrate attraverso una ricerca partecipativa. Risultati: Il principale risultato del primo studio è stato la sbilanciata attenzione tra i 35 interventi per il coinvolgimento attivo presenti in letteratura per le componenti emotive a favore di quelle educative e comportamentali. È sulla base dei risultati del primo studio e di un modello teorico che è stata sviluppata una prima bozza di intervento. Nel secondo studio, la prospettiva di professionisti sanitari e pazienti anziani ha fornito indicazioni per modificare l’intervento e renderlo potenzialmente implementabile nella pratica clinica. L’intervento che è risultato consiste di almeno due incontri mensili individuali, più un set personalizzato di esercizi riflessivi per il paziente da compilare in autonomia a casa. Infine, il terzo studio ha osservato come le diverse pratiche educative presenti nei diversi setting – ospedaliero, ambulatoriale, territoriale - di un contesto di cura integrato hanno generato diverse, specifiche, difficoltà per l’implementazione. Un certo sforzo di flessibilità e personalizzazione dei contenuti e delle procedure dell’intervento è stato dunque richiesto. Implicazioni: L’intervento sviluppato mostra potenzialità nel supportare il coinvolgimento attivo dei pazienti anziani, ma necessita di ulteriori studi relativi all’implementabilità sul lungo termine e alla sua efficacia. / Aim: To contribute knowledge about how patient engagement support can be provided to older adults, by describing the contents of interventions aimed at patient engagement for older adults, developing a patient engagement intervention, and studying its early-stage implementation. Methods: In study 1, a systematic review of the literature was performed. In study 2, a qualitative study with focus groups involving healthcare professionals and individual interviews to older adults was conducted to develop the intervention. In study 3, a qualitative study of a participatory process was accomplished to explore the early-stage implementation of the intervention in one integrated-care organization. Results: The main finding of study 1 was that the emotional dimension was less used than the educational and behavioural dimensions among the 35 patient engagement interventions for older adults. The findings from the study 1 were used, together with a theory of patient engagement, to develop a draft of an individual patient engagement intervention for older adults (PHEinAction). In the study 2, the views of healthcare professionals and older adults were used to refine and finally endorse it. The final version of PHEinAction consisted of at least two face-to-face one hour individual sessions one month apart, plus a set of personalized home-based exercises aimed to facilitate a range of emotional, behavioural, cognitive changes for patient engagement. Finally, the study 3 observed how the existing patient education practice of inpatient, outpatient and territorial settings differently challenged the implementation. A certain degree of flexibility of PHEinAction’s contents and procedures was required to address these challenges. Implications: PHEinAction shows promise as an intervention to improve patient engagement in older adults. However, more research is needed, especially focusing on long-term implementation studies and evaluation of effects with experimental studies.


STANCHINA, ELENA 09 June 2014 (has links)
Il coinvolgimento di utenti e familiari nella progettazione, gestione e valutazione dei servizi di salute mentale consente di migliorare i servizi, facendo valere gli interessi e la prospettiva di stakeholders che spesso vengono visti esclusivamente come ricettori passivi di prestazioni. La tesi prende il via da queste considerazioni, legate ad approcci recovery oriented, con l’obiettivo di analizzare come le organizzazioni sociosanitarie possono favorire la partecipazione e accogliere il punto di vista degli utenti e dei familiari attraverso l’introduzione di pratiche innovative. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo si è scelto di analizzare due casi: il Fareassieme del Servizio di salute mentale di Trento e il Social Point del Dipartimento di salute mentale di Modena. Attraverso osservazione e interviste, sono stati raccolti dati qualitativi che hanno portato a una interpretazione complessa e sfaccettata. In particolare, sono emersi due versanti: (1) quello del cambiamento culturale necessario per introdurre nell’organizzazione un nuovo approccio centrato sulla partecipazione e (2) quello della formalizzazione delle nuove pratiche partecipative, con i risvolti positivi e negati dell’incardinamento nell’organizzazione. Nelle conclusioni, si ipotizzano possibili sviluppi per la ricerca futura e si elencano i suggerimenti operativi emergenti dalla ricerca per i manager dei servizi sociosanitari. / The participation of users and family members in the design, management and evaluation of mental health services can improve services, relying on the interests and perspective of the stakeholders that are often seen only as passive recipients of services. The thesis takes away from these considerations, related to recovery-oriented approaches. The aim is to analyze how organizations can promote the health and social participation and accept the point of view of users and their families, through the introduction of innovative practices. I analyze two Italian cases: “Doing Together” (a project of the Mental Health Service of Trento) and “Social Point” (a service of the Department of Mental Health of Modena). Two issues emerged from qualitative data: (1) the organizational cultural change related to the introduction of a new approach, centered on participation and (2) the formalization of the participatory practices, with positive and negative consequences. In conclusion, I propose possible development for future research and suggestions to managers of health services.

L'EMPATIA NELL'ESPERIENZA FILMICA / Empathy and the Film Experience

D'ALOIA, ADRIANO 03 May 2010 (has links)
Negli ultimi decenni i film studies stanno spostando la propria attenzione sul livello corporeo e affettivo dell’esperienza filmica. Adottando un approccio fenomenologico e focalizzandosi sulla nozione di empatia, la tesi studia le strategie del coinvolgimento dello spettatore cinematografico nei film di successo contemporanei. Il capitolo 1 rintraccia le diverse accezioni di empatia in filosofia, estetica, psicologia e nelle neuroscienze cognitive. Il capitolo 2 traccia una genealogia dell’empatia nelle teorie psicologiche ed estetiche del film. Il capitolo 3 esplora la rilevanza della teoria dell'atto empatico di Edith Stein per la filmologia e ne propone un'applicazione allo studio dell’esperienza filmica contemporanea. Il capitolo 4 analizza un ampio corpus di film contemporanei individuando quattro “figure aree” del coinvolgimento filmico: l’acrobazia, la caduta, il volo e il movimento in assenza di gravità. Attraverso la simulazione empatica dei movimenti nel film e del film, lo spettatore esperisce inavvertitamente l’intenzionalità implicata nelle forme e negli oggetti della rappresentazione, cogliendo con la propria sensibilità il senso di un’esperienza che trascende l’immanenza del film e contribuisce al processo di attribuzione di senso al Mondo, all’Altro e al Sé. / In recent decades film studies have shifted their focus to the emotional and bodily level of film experience. By adopting a phenomenological approach, this dissertation deals with the strategies of the film spectator’s involvement in contemporary mainstream narrative films. Chapter 1 reconstructs the meanings of the notion of empathy in philosophy, aesthetics, psychology and neurocognitive research. Chapter 2 traces a genealogy of empathy in film theories, from Bergsonism to Cognitivism, and evaluates the relevance of Simulation-Theory to film studies. Chapter 3 explores the relevance of Edith Stein’s phenomenological theory of empathy to film theory and assumes it is a theoretical model to investigate the “intensified” nature of both film design style and film reception style. A film is constructed and experienced on the basis of the “circuit of empathy”, a stratified system of different species of empathetic interaction, acting at senso-motorial, perceptual, cognitive and emotional levels with the aim of generating both an aesthetic and an inter-subjective experience. Chapter 4 analyses a vast corpus of contemporary films and focuses on four “aerial figures” of involvement and their combination: acrobatics, falling, flying, and non-gravitational movements, both of the actor’s human body and of the film’s anthropomorphic body. In the Conclusions, it is argued that the spectator internally imitates these “double” movements and inadvertently experiences the intentionality implied in the figures. Contemporary film spectators empathetically “get”, with their own sensibility, the senses of an experience that transcends the immanence of the film and contributes to the process of “giving” sense to the World, the Other, and the Self.

Hyperactive Behavior and Participation in Social Play in a Swedish Preschool Context : A Cross-Sectional Study

Pozneanscaia, Cristina January 2020 (has links)
The present thesis sought to compare participation in social types of play of children with and without hyperactivity in a Swedish preschool context. Based upon observational design of cross-sectional type, this study was built on a secondary analysis of data collected within two previous research projects that were merged into one dataset. A total of 583 children (n = 298 boys) aged 16 to 72 months (M = 52.55, SD = 11.01) were initially included in the sample. Preschool teachers rated children’s behavior difficulties on a hyperactivity scale using Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Structured observations of children’s attendance, engagement, verbal interaction, proximity and location during associative and cooperative interaction were conducted across day-long visits by three trained researchers using Children Observation in Pre- school (COP) tool. Conditional probability looping syntaxes were created and Independent sample t-Tests were used to analyze the data. Out of 572 children included in the analysis, n = 60 (10,2%) were rated as having some form of hyperactivity. On the whole, the findings illustrated that the observed averages of attendance and overall engagement in social types of play did not differ significantly between children with and without hyperactivity. However, an in-depth analysis of participation patterns, linked to contextual and environmental factors such as proximity and play location, revealed several considerable differences between the two groups of children. It seems that preschoolers with hyperactive behavior seek social play opportunities as much as their typical behavior peers, but the quality aspects of their experience defined by a specific context and environment may differ further as the interaction develops. Contextual and environmental factors are crucial determinants to take into account when studying participation. Play, operating as a natural booster of self-regulation and engagement may have the potential to serve as a mediating factor accommodating hyperactivity and promoting participation in Early Childhood Education settings.

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