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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Design and Development of an Online Database-Driven Peer Assessment Tool Using Division Rule Theory

Lian, Hongri 11 April 2014 (has links)
Peer assessment has been adopted as a means of fair and equitable measurement of individual contributions to group work (Cheng and Warren, 2000; Conway and Kember, 1993; Gatfield, 1999; Goldfinch and Raeside, 1990; Lejk and Wyvill, 2001; Lejk, Wyvill, and Farrow, 1996) and it usually requires a certain mechanism or formula to quantify peer assessment criteria. The problem, however, is that it leads to circumstances where a student can be strategic and be easily able to obtain a higher score by simply giving lower scores to other members within a group. The need is to find a new mechanism and the purpose of this study is to develop an Online Database-Driven Peer Assessment Tool (ODDPAT) using the Division Rule mechanism as its core computational algorithm. This developmental study used modified Collaborative Create-Adapt-Generalize (CAG) model (Hicks, Potter, Snider, and Holmes, 2004) as its design and developmental framework. The process of design, development, and evaluation of the entire project was documented. Three experts were interviewed and detailed analysis of data was discussed. Finally, recommendations were made for its implementation and future research. / Ph. D.

Social Media as Connected Learning Technology:  A Mixed Methods Investigation of Facebook for Undergraduate Education

Won, Samantha Gwai Lan 04 May 2015 (has links)
Social media technologies are networked technological tools that can provide opportunities for productive socialization and collaboration. While social media are being incorporated increasingly into formal classroom settings, there is very little research available providing specific evidence for the affordances and limitations of social media as educational tools. It is also unclear whether undergraduates are open to, or already using social media for educational purposes. The current study explores Facebook as a collaborative and participatory learning tool to provide information on sex-related topics to undergraduate students. Connected learning was used as the guiding framework for exploring the ways that social media blend peer culture, academics, and learner interests to promote learning through interactions with a learning community. Results of the study indicate that undergraduate students were open and willing to using social media in academic contexts. However, students did not contribute comments directly to the study page resulting in a lack of evidence confirming whether connected learning occurred. Based on student responses, instructors hoping to integrate social media into their courses would do well to focus on maintaining responsiveness to students, promoting the development of a learning community, and varying the style and format of posts. It was determined that social media sites such as Facebook would serve best as supplemental, but intentional educational technologies rather than the basis for creating entire courses. Further research should center on understanding the participation and lurking patterns of students in educational social media environments, as well as the driving factors behind these participation patterns. / Ph. D.

Healthcare practice placements: back to the drawing board?

Millington, Paul, Hellawell, Michael, Graham, Claire, Edwards, Lisa 08 March 2019 (has links)
Yes / Sourcing healthcare practice placements continues to present a challenge for higher education institutions. Equally, the provision of clinical placements by healthcare providers is not at the forefront of their agenda. In view of this, the historic and traditional models of clinical placements is becoming more difficult to provide. In light of this, new models of clinical placements are being explored. Aims: This literature review explores the differing models of clinical placements in use and examines the merits and limitation of each. Methods: A mixed-methods literature review with a pragmatic approach has been used. Findings: Several placement models were described, including the traditional 1:1 model as well as 2:1, 3:1. The hub and spoke, capacity development facilitator, collaborative learning in practice and role emerging placement models were also discussed. Conclusion: There is a considerable paucity of high-quality evidence evaluating differing placement modules. Further research is required to evaluate the differing placement models from a students, clinical educators and service user’s perspective.

Evaluating the introduction of Team-Based Learning in a pharmacy consultation skills module

Tweddell, Simon 12 May 2020 (has links)
Yes / The learning and teaching strategy for a pharmacy consultation skills module was changed to Team-Based Learning (TBL) with the aim of motivating students to engage with course material pre-class and take deeper approaches to learning during class. Results from administering a validated TBL instrument suggests that students are more accountable and are satisfied with and have preference for TBL over traditional methods. Exam results show a 13% improvement in mean end-of-year examinations compared with pre-TBL results. Thematic analysis of written comments on the module evaluation survey suggest that they enjoyed learning using TBL and found it more engaging, stimulating and more effective for their learning; however, it could be improved through better management of workshop timings and more effective facilitation of discussion. TBL appears to have potential as a pedagogic approach in pharmacy education.

Onnistuneen yhteisöllisen verkko-oppimisen edellytykset:näkökulmina yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kokemukset ja verkkovuorovaikutus

Vuopala, E. (Essi) 22 October 2013 (has links)
Abstract This study focuses on requirements of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). The aim is to investigate the factors university students experience to promote or hinder collaborative learning. In addition the aim is to examine interactional features in successful collaborative learning situations and the effect of pedagogical scripts into the interaction. The theoretical approach is sosiocognitive, and the interactional processes are seen as a key mechanism fostering learning and knowledge construction. This thesis consisted of two empirical case studies, which were implemented in the context of international web courses. The first data consist of questionnaires, interviews, learning diaries and on-line discussions. The second data includes questionnaires and on-line discussions. The analysis combines qualitative and quantitative methods in order to create a comprehensive understanding of students’ experiences and interactional features in collaborative learning situations. There is plenty of research concerning CSCL, but the focus is seldom on students’ experiences. Also interactional processes in collaborative learning situations have been studied, but studies are often short-term studies conducted in laboratory settings. Recent research of CSCL has been concentrating on the effects of pedagogical scripts, but the results have been contradictory. This study supplements earlier studies by analysing the requirements for successful collaborative learning from the perspective of students’ experiences and interactional features during authentic and long-term web courses. The results indicated that students experienced fluent interaction, group-oriented learning task, studying skills and motivation as main factors promoting collaborative learning. Communication in foreign language and passive group members were experienced most significant hindering factors. Interaction in successful collaborative learning was most often group-related instead of task-related. Groups used a lot of effort in organizing their collaboration. Task-related discussion was commentative and questioning. However, theorybased knowledge was seldom presented. This study also indicated that learning tasks had more effect to different forms of ineraction than pedagogical scripts. The findings supports planning and implementation of collaborative learning. / Tiivistelmä Väitöstutkimus tarkastelee tietokoneavusteisen yhteisöllisen oppimisen edellytyksiä. Tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät yliopisto-opiskelijat kokevat yhteisöllistä oppimista edistäviksi ja vaikeuttaviksi. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää vuorovaikutuksen muotoja onnistuneissa yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteissa sekä pedagogisten skriptien vaikutusta vuorovaikutukseen. Teoreettisesti tutkimus pohjautuu sosiokognitiiviseen näkemykseen oppimisesta, jolloin korostetaan vuorovaikutuksen merkitystä tiedon rakentamiseen. Tutkimus koostuu kahdesta tapaustutkimuksesta, jotka on toteutettu kansainvälisten verkkokurssien konteksteissa. Ensimmäisen tapaustutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kyselylomakkeista, haastatteluista, päiväkirjoista ja verkko-oppimisympäristön keskusteluviesteistä. Toisen tapaustutkimuksen aineisto sisältää kyselylomake- ja verkkokeskusteluaineiston. Aineiston analyysissa on yhdistetty sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä menetelmiä. Vaikka tietokoneavusteista yhteisöllistä oppimista on tutkittu paljon, analyysin kohteena ovat harvemmin olleet oppijoiden kokemukset. Myös yhteisöllisiä vuorovaikutusprosesseja on tutkittu aiemmin, mutta tutkimukset on toteutettu usein lyhytkestoisina laboratoriotutkimuksina. Viimeaikaisissa tutkimuksissa on analysoitu pedagogisten skriptien vaikutusta vuorovaikutukseen, mutta tulokset skriptien hyödyistä ovat osin ristiriitaisia. Tämä tutkimus täydentää aikaisempia tutkimuksia analysoimalla yhteisöllisen oppimisen edellytyksiä autenttisten ja pidempikestoisten verkkokurssien aikana. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat yhteisöllistä oppimista edistäviksi tekijöiksi sujuvan vuorovaikutuksen, yhteistä ponnistelua vaativan oppimistehtävän, opiskelutaidot ja motivaation. Vaikeuttavia tekijöitä puolestaan ovat viestinnän haasteet vieraalla kielellä opiskeltaessa sekä passiiviset ryhmän jäsenet. Vuorovaikutus onnistuneissa yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteissa oli useammin ryhmään kuin sisältöön keskittyvää. Ryhmät käyttivät paljon aikaa yhteisen työskentelyn organisointiin. Sisältöön liittyvä keskustelu oli kommentoivaa ja kysymyksiä esittävää. Teoriaperustaisen tiedon esiin tuomien oli kuitenkin harvinaista. Tulokset osoittavat myös oppimistehtävän voivan vaikuttaa pedagogisia skriptejä enemmän vuorovaikutukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat käytännössä yhteisöllisten oppimistilanteiden suunnittelua ja toteutusta.

Kritischer Perspektivenwechsel im virtuellen Klassenzimmer: Charakteristika einer erfolgreichen virtuellen Zusammenarbeit aus Studierendensicht

Dörl, Maria, Kurz, Jonathan, Clauss, Alexander 18 December 2019 (has links)
Arbeitsbedingungen verändern sich immer deutlicher, insbesondere im Bereich der Wissensarbeit. Die moderne Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) führt zu einem Bedeutungsverlust zentraler, lokal begrenzter Arbeitsplätze. Gleichzeitig gewinnt die Fähigkeit zur Zusammenarbeit in dezentralen, interkulturellen, interdisziplinären Teams an Bedeutung (Perez-Sabater, Montero-Fleta, MacDonald, & Garcia-Carbonell, 2015). Neben inhaltsbezogenen Fachkompetenzen gewinnen dadurch Sozial-, Selbst-, Medien- und Methodenkompetenzen in Unternehmen an Relevanz (Kummer, Wolff, Lieske, & Schoop, 2012). Die Vorbereitung der Studierenden auf diese veränderten Arbeitsbedingungen ist eine entscheidende Herausforderung für die Hochschulen (Coyne, 2008). [... aus der Einleitung]

Fostering active learning through the use of feedback technologies and collaborative activities in a postsecondary setting

Guerrero, Camilo 04 October 2010 (has links)
Technology is enjoying an increasingly important role in many collegiate pedagogical designs. Contemporary research has become more focused on the ways that technology can contribute to learning outcomes. These studies provide a critical foundation for educational researchers who seek to incorporate and reap the benefits of new technologies in classroom environments. The aim of the present study is to empirically assess how combining an active, collaborative learning environment with a classroom response system (colloquially called “clickers”) in a postsecondary setting can influence and improve learning outcomes. To this end, the study proposes an instructional design utilizing two feedback response-formats (clickers and flashcards) and two response methods for answering in-class questions (collaborative peer instruction and individual). The theoretical bases that provide the academic structure for the five instructional conditions (control, clicker-response individual, clicker-response peer instruction, flashcard-response individual, and flashcard-response peer instruction) are the generative learning theory and social constructivism. Participants were 171 undergraduate students from an Educational Psychology subject pool from a large Southwest university. The researcher used a two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with two treatments (response format and collaboration level) as the between-subjects factors; students’ posttest scores as the dependent variable; and pretest scores as the covariate. Results showed no significant main effects; however, the study produced statistically significant findings that there was an interaction effect between the use of clickers and a peer instruction design. To follow up the interaction, the researcher conducted tests of the simple effects of response format within each collaboration condition, with the pretest as the covariate. Results showed that for students who collaborated, clickers were better than flashcards, whereas when students worked individually, there was no difference. This study builds upon existing studies by using a stronger empirical approach with more robust controls to evaluate the effects of a variety of instructional interventions, clicker and flashcard response systems and peer instruction on learning outcomes. It shows that clicker technology might be most effective when combined with collaborative methods. The discussion includes implications, limitations, and directions for future research. / text

Collaborative learning and the mitigation of UK ammonia emissions

Howard, Ethan January 2017 (has links)
This is a study on the conditions of collaborative learning in the context of UK ammonia emissions. By conducting an extensive review of over 40 scientific articles, this study identifies and synthesizes a list of nine conditions deemed necessary for successful collaborative learning processes and explores their extent and overall influence between three stakeholders involved in UK ammonia emissions. Hybrid focus group/key informant interviews provided the data for this exploration. This study suggests that the extent of these 9 conditions are present enough between the three stakeholders to initiate a collaborative learning process. By conducting further studies with a wider field of stakeholders, a collaborative learning process could identify possible ways to mitigate UK ammonia emissions.

Une approche Multi-agents à Architecture P2P pour l'apprentissage collaboratif / A Multi-agent Approach based on P2P Architecture for Collaborative Learning

Mazyad, Hanaa 31 January 2013 (has links)
Les Systèmes multi-agents ou SMA proposent une approche originale de conception de systèmes intelligents et coopératifs. Ils se caractérisent par la distribution du contrôle global du système et par la présence d'agents autonomes évoluant dans un environnement partagé et dynamique. De plus, il existe plusieurs interdépendances entre les buts des agents, leurs capacités et les ressources qu'ils utilisent, donc afin d'éviter d'éventuels conflits, de favoriser la synergie des activités des agents et de partager les ressources de l’environnement commun, il est important que les agents coordonnent leurs actions. Nous nous sommes intéressés, dans le cadre de cette thèse, au déploiement des systèmes multi-agents sur une architecture pair à pair (Peer-to-Peer ou P2P) et ceci dans le but d’établir la communication entre ces agents et les relier entre eux. Cependant, du fait de la nature dynamique des systèmes P2P où chaque pair peut apparaître et disparaître à tout moment, des nouveaux problèmes se posent pour la coordination d’agents nécessitant des mécanismes de coordination adaptés au contexte spécifique des P2P. Pour cela, nous avons proposé une méthode de formation de groupe comme solution à ces problèmes. Nous nous sommes intéressés ensuite à l’application des systèmes multi-agents à architecture P2P au domaine d’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne où des apprenants contribuent aux apprentissages du groupe, et en retour, le groupe contribue à ceux des apprenants et c’est la cohérence du collectif qui permet d’atteindre l’objectif. Cependant, l’apprentissage collaboratif à distance implique des nouveaux rôles pour l’enseignant ainsi que pour les apprenants. Il est donc essentiel de définir ces rôles pour identifier les besoins qui en découlent pour pouvoir intégrer à l’outil informatique des fonctionnalités afin de satisfaire ces besoins. En effet, il est essentiel de fournir aux enseignants et apprenants la possibilité d’avoir des informations sur la progression de leur apprentissage ainsi que sur les niveaux de collaboration et de sociabilité de chaque apprenant et du groupe. Enfin, nous avons proposé, comme application de nos travaux, un système appelé COLYPAN (COllaborative Learning sYstem for Project mANagment) conçu pour l’apprentissage à distance et de façon collaborative de la gestion des projets. / Multi-Agents systems (MAS) propose an original approach to design intelligent and cooperative systems. They are characterized by the distribution of the overall system control and the presence of autonomous agents operating in a shared and dynamic environment. In addition, there are many interdependencies between: agents' goals, their abilities and used resources. So, in order to avoid possible conflicts, promote synergy of agents activities and share resources of the common environment, it is important that the agents coordinate their actions. We are interested, in the context of this thesis, in the deployment of multi-agents systems on Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks in order to establish communication between these agents. However, because of the dynamic nature of P2P systems where each peer may appear and disappear at any time, new problems arise concerning the coordination of agents. Thus, coordination mechanisms adapted to the specific context of P2P are required. For that, we have proposed a group formation method to solve these problems. Then, we were interested in the usage of multi-agents systems with P2P architecture in the field of collaborative e-learning. In such applications, each learner contributes in the learning process of the group, and in return, the group contributes in the learning process of its members. The consistency of the whole group allows to achieve the goal. However, collaborative e-learning implies new roles for teachers as well as for learners. It is therefore essential to define these roles in order to identify the users needs and integrate, in the platform, the functionalities that allows us to satisfy such needs. Indeed, it is essential to provide teachers and learners with the opportunity to obtain information about the progress of their learning processes as well as the level of collaboration and sociability of each learner in the group. Finally, we have proposed, as an application of our work, a system called COLYPAN (COllaborative Learning sYstem for Project management) designed for the collaborative e-Learning project management.


CARLOS ALBERTO PEREIRA DE LUCENA 27 March 2015 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa trata da relação multidisciplinar de diferentes áreas do saber. Esclarece o enfoque do Design, sob o ponto de vista da construção de uma plataforma de aprendizagem colaborativa mobile orientada a usuários específicos, no campo da Telemedicina. Como sustentação para criação desta plataforma, foram levantados conceitos ligados aos principais temas abordados, seguidos pela escolha de ferramentas adequadas para sua implantação. A partir deste estudo inicial, foi possível aplicar uma dinâmica específica de aprendizagem colaborativa entre professor e alunos, baseada em uma plataforma disponível para uso em computadores e em dispositivos móveis. Esta experiência pôde ser registrada por meio de pesquisas exploratórias de contexto de uso e de seus usuários. De acordo com os resultados qualitativos levantados ao longo das etapas da pesquisa, baseados na relação entre a Telemedicina, a aprendizagem colaborativa e o Design, foi possível verificar benefícios sobre o processo de aprendizagem de temas ligados à Medicina. Tendo a tecnologia como elemento de sustentação desta iniciativa, os resultados apontam para o surgimento de novas possibilidades de aprendizagem colaborativa no campo da Telemedicina. / [en] This research focuses on the multidisciplinary relation between different knowledge areas. It clarifies the Design approach, during the process of implementing a mobile collaborative learning platform built for specific users, in the field of Telemedicine. The gathering of concepts, related to the main elements approached, served as the foundation for the creation of the proposed platform. Searching for adequate desktop and mobile tools followed this process and established a relation with the specific collaborative learning dynamic created for the interaction between teacher and students. This experience was captured through exploratory researches about the context of use and the context of its users. According to the qualitative results gathered along the stages of the research, based on the relation between Telemedicine, collaborative learning and Design itself, it became possible to verify benefits to the learning process, related to Health. Having technology as the foundation of this initiative, the results presented indicate new possibilities for collaborative learning in the field of Telemedicine.

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