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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FRANCISCO JOSE MARQUES FILHO 22 May 2009 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho é uma proposta de reflexão acerca da mobilidade religiosa e da necessária abertura para um engajamento efetivo dos leigos, em especial destacando a contribuição do carisma palotino. Sem pretender exaurir o tema, buscou-se, inicialmente, analisar as pesquisas CERIS/2004 e CENSO/1991 e 2000 acerca das mudanças religiosas da população brasileira. Posteriormente, apresentando uma breve biografia de Vicente Pallotti, procurou demonstrar sua contribuição, avançada para o seu tempo, no campo da Cultura da Cooperação, que objetiva uma maior participação da comunidade na vida da Igreja. Este religioso, com suas intuições, procurou a inclusão do laicato na vida eclesial, reavivando a fé e reacendendo a caridade. Por fim, desenvolvendo a questão da Cooperação, este trabalho buscou mostrar que os atuais documentos elaborados pelo Magistério da Igreja procuram uma maior integração ad extra, deixando o envolvimento dos leigos ad intra, velado. Com esta posição, a hierarquia tutela os leigos, deixando-os passivos perante as decisões da própria Igreja. Isto gera uma não-identificação com a Igreja, de maneira efetiva, não se sentindo, o leigo, sujeito ativo da mesma, contribuindo, assim, para a sua emigração silenciosa. Este tema é um campo aberto a discussões acirradas, em especial dentro da própria Igreja. Outrossim, é certo que ainda urge por debates e pesquisas, propondo-se este estudo a trazer à lume alguns pontos nodais, uma breve apresentação do carisma palotino, estimulando o engajamento de toda a comunid ade eclesial no reavivar da fé católica participativa. / [en] This work is a proposal of reflection concerning a crime still without penalty: the mobbing in job environments. Initially, it was proposed an analysis of its social context and employment relationship. It was looked to carry through a boarding of its consequences and gravity when done under hierarchy relations and subordination, that by itself already weaks the person. The necessity of healthful job environment already comes being argued has times. However, the concern with the mental health of the workers is sufficiently recent. In order to keep the coherence of the research, it was analyzed the legal goods directly affected by the behavior, as well as a possible criminal boarding in order not to oppose the modern trend of the minimum state intervention (mainly criminal) in the human being relationships. Thus, through the exposition of concrete cases and projects of law already in elaboration, it was faced the question of the vulgarization of the behavior, duly warned to reach the current vulgarization of the pain and suffering. In this direction, it was questioned in what level of moral attack it could be considered crime. It is certain that the subject still needs very debate and research, but also it is a picture of an unhappy reality of many citizens. Despite personal opinions and politics, that would be limited to try to explain the sprouting or aggravation of the siege, it was intended to demonstrate the gravity of the subject, that urges for regulations short-term and consistent changes long-term, based on effective laws and operating public agencies.


SOLANGE MARTINS JORDAO 08 April 2009 (has links)
[pt] Essa dissertação desenvolve uma reflexão sobre a possibilidade, ou não, do novo crente realizar uma verdadeira conversão cristã. Denominamos novo crente aqueles que transitam entre as igrejas, hoje, buscando desenvolver uma religiosidade com matizes próprios. A teologia cristã percebe que o homem pósmoderno pode encontrar-se numa situação de não-salvação devido às características de sua época, entre elas: individualismo, fechamento para a partilha dos dons e para a vida comunitária, egoísmo acentuado etc. A pesquisa evidencia a necessidade da vida comunitária no processo de verdadeira conversão cristã. Essa reflexão irá mostrar que tal situação de não salvação, atinge todo ser humano porque pecador. Mas mostrará que a proposta da salvação pela Graça de Deus mediante Jesus Cristo também é universal, e provoca uma mudança de comportamento e de atitudes conformadas com o Mestre por aqueles que se dispõem a segui-Lo. Essa questão encontra sua relevância à medida que interpela os cristãos, responsáveis pelo anúncio do Evangelho, a uma tomada de posição frente à mobilidade religiosa. A Igreja Católica deverá assumir a tarefa de rever sua linguagem teológica e sua pregação, bem como suas práticas pastorais, aceitando enfrentar os desafios que a mobilidade religiosa impõe à Igreja, a fim de acolher o novo crente numa atitude de autêntica conversão a Jesus Cristo. / [en] The present dissertation develops a reflection about the possibility, or impossibility, for the new believer to accomplish a truly Christian conversion. We designate new believer those who pass through the churches, seeking to unfold religiousness with their own resources. The Christian theology perceives that the post-modern man can find himself in a non-salvation condition due to characteristics of his time, among them we find: individualism, unavailability to share gifts and to deal with communitarian life, significant selfishness etc. The research also shows the need for the communitarian life in the process of the actual Christian conversion. Our thoughts will indicate that this non-salvation condition reaches every human being as a sinner. However it will present that the proposal of salvation by means of God`s Grace through Jesus Christ is also universal and instigates a change of behavior and resigned attitudes towards the Master by those who make themselves attainable to follow Him. This matter achieves its relevance as it stimulates the Christians, responsible for the Gospel`s announcement, to position themselves regarding the religious mobility. The catholic church shall take on the task of revising its theological language and its preaching as well as its pastoral exercise, with the purpose of welcoming the new believer in a expression of authentic conversion to Jesus Christ.


MARIA CYNTHIA DE ARAUJO URBANO 18 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] A mobilidade urbana faz parte de um complexo sistema de infraestrutura, provocando problemas insustentáveis tais como congestionamento, poluição sonora, poluição atmosférica em áreas densamente urbanizadas, como centros urbanos, e resulta em prejuízos no conforto ambiental urbano. Na busca de uma sustentabilidade urbana, ações favoráveis são necessárias à mobilidade urbana e o conceito de mobilidade ativa surge a favor da priorização do deslocamento das pessoas através de meios de transportes não motorizados. Nesse contexto, leva ao objetivo da dissertação, que no atual cenário da mobilidade urbana nas vias do bairro de São José, na cidade do Recife, é identificar medidas para melhorar as condições de acessibilidade e de conforto ambiental urbano para o incentivo da mobilidade ativa. Tais vias pertencem ao Sítio Histórico da cidade, no conjunto de Zonas Especiais de Patrimônio Histórico-Cultural (ZEPH). Através do levantamento de campo, a metodologia aplicada tende a identificar as ameaças e oportunidades para incentivar a mobilidade ativa observando as condições de acessibilidade nos quesitos de rota acessível, as condições de conforto ambiental urbano referentes aos índices de ruídos, emissões de material particulado e conforto térmico, expondo os dados qualitativos e quantitativos obtidos. A pesquisa busca apresentar a mobilidade ativa como uma ação sustentável favorável à redução dos impactos socioeconômicos, ambientais e nas possíveis melhorias da acessibilidade para caminhabilidade nas vias históricas do bairro de São José, priorizando o pedestre e incentivando a mudança de comportamento do seu deslocamento diário, além de usufruir o bairro como ambiente patrimonial e cultural. / [en] Urban mobility is part of a complex infrastructure system, causing unsustainable problems such as congestion, noise pollution, air pollution in densely urbanized areas, such as urban centers, and results in damage to urban environmental comfort. In the search for urban sustainability, favorable actions are necessary for urban mobility and the concept of active mobility emerges in favor of prioritizing the displacement of people through non-motorized means of transport. In this context, it leads to the aim of the dissertation, which in the current scenario of urban mobility on the streets of the São José neighborhood, in the city of Recife, is to identify measures to improve accessibility conditions and urban environmental comfort to encourage active mobility. Such roads belong to the Historic Site of the city, in the set of Special Zones of Historical-Cultural Heritage (ZEPH). Through the field survey, the applied methodology tends to identify the threats and opportunities to encourage active mobility, observing the conditions of accessibility in terms of an accessible route, the conditions of urban environmental comfort related to noise rates, emissions of particulate matter and comfort thermal, exposing the qualitative and quantitative data obtained. The research seeks to present active mobility as a sustainable action that favors the reduction of socioeconomic and environmental impacts and possible improvements in accessibility for walkability in the historic streets of the São José neighborhood, prioritizing pedestrians and encouraging a change in their daily commute behavior, in addition to enjoying the neighborhood as a heritage and cultural environment.


JOSIE RODRIGUES FERRAO QUINTELLA 04 October 2012 (has links)
[pt] A injeção de emulsão óleo-água vem sendo estudada como método de recuperação avançada, levando a um incremento no volume de óleo recuperando através de um controle de mobilidade do fluido injetado e aumento da eficiência de deslocamento de deslocamento do óleo. A aplicação deste ,étodo requer o entendimento do escoamento tanto na escala de poros como na escala de reservatórios. Neste trabalho, o efeito de emulsão no escoamento bifásico é modelado através de curvas de permeabilidades relativas que variam com a concentração de gotas da fase dispersa da emulsão. Estas curvas descrevem dois fenômenos físicos observados nestes escoamentos, o controle de mobilidade, representado pela diminuição da permeabilidade relativa da fase aquosa devido à presença de gostas, e a melhora na eficiência de deslocamento, representada pela diminuição da saturação residual da fase oleosa. O modelo proposto foi implementado em um simulador comercial (STARS-CMG) em uma geometria bi-dimensional com dois poços verticais ( injetor e produtor). A produção de óleo durante o processo de injeção alterada de água/ emulsão/ água é estudado em diversas condições do escoamento com o objetivo de analisar separadamente o mecanismo de controle de mobilidade e da melhoria do deslocamento no processo, determinando as condições ótimas de operações. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a injeção de emulsão óleo-água pode representar uma importante alternativa na produção de óleo como processo de recuperação avançada. / [en] Emulsion injection has been studied as an enhanced oil recovery method, leading to an increase on the recovered oil volume by mobility control of injected fluid and increase of oil displacement efficiency. The use of this method requires understanding the flow both in pore and reservoir scales. The effect of emulsion on the two phase flow is modeled by using relative permeability curves that vary with the concentration of the dispersed phase of the emulsion. Those curves describe two physical phenomena observed on these flows: control of mobility, represented by a lower relative permeability of the aqueous phase due to the presence of droplets and improved displacement efficiency, represented by the decrease in the residual oil saturation. The proposed model was implemented in a commercial simulator (STARS-CMG) in a two-dimensional geometry with two vertical wells (injector and producer). The oil production during alternate injection of water/emulsion/water process is studied with several flows condition with the purpose to analyze separately the effect of mobility control and improvement of the oil displacement in the process and finding the optimum operating conditions. The results obtained show that the oil-water emulsion injection can represent an important alternative in oil production as an enhanced oil recovery method.


ALZIRO AZEVEDO CARVALHO NETO 24 July 2015 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa relativa ao tema da mobilidade urbana sustentável, mais especificamente o uso da bicicleta como um meio de transporte urbano. Para esta pesquisa, levantou-se a evolução da tecnologia ao longo dos séculos em especial o desenvolvimento da indústria automobilística no período pós-guerra e identificou-se os principais impactos no território da cidade e seus reflexos nas dinâmicas sociais contemporâneas. A partir disto, foi traçado um panorama dos benefícios da bicicleta como um meio de transporte urbano através de quatro estudos de caso pelo mundo, cada um com suas particularidades: Nova Iorque, Londres, Bogotá e Copenhague. A partir destes exemplos destacaram-se alguns dos principais fatores que influenciam no potencial que uma cidade possui para a utilização da bicicleta como um meio de transporte urbano. Baseado nestes fatores traçou-se um estudo comparativo do Rio de Janeiro dentro de sete categorias de análises distintas: a taxa de motorização; o clima; a segurança e qualidade da malha cicloviária; a integração com outros meios de transporte; as distâncias a serem percorridas; o relevo e a forma urbana; e as políticas de incentivo. / [en] This paper presents a study related to the theme of sustainable urban mobility with a focus on the factors that contribute to the development of a city s potential in regards to the use of the bicycle as a means of urban transportation. For this study, changes in technology over the past centuries, in particular the development of the automobile industry in the postwar period, were examined and main impacts on the city and their reflections in contemporary social dynamics were identified. Based on this, an overview of the benefits of the bicycle as a means of urban transportation was defined employing four case studies from around the world, each with its own peculiarities: New York, London, Bogota and Copenhagen. From these examples, several key factors that influence a city s potential for the use of the bicycles as a means of urban transportation were extracted. Using these factors as a foundation, a comparative study of Rio de Janeiro was performed employing seven different categories of analysis such as: the rate of motorization; the weather; the safety and quality of bicycle paths; integration with other means of transportation; the distances to be traveled; terrain and the urban form; and incentive policies. The impact of the rate of change on the social environment, coupled with the territorial impact of transportation infrastructure, has been gradually reducing, fragmenting and marginalizing the behavior and available space for the pedestrian. As a general consequence, statistics and studies tend to disregard non-motorized transportation as a part of the overall system. This contributed greatly, as pointed out by GRAHAM and MARVIN (2001), to the social drain in transportation planning which initiated in the 1970s. Thus, it is possible to state that the way we commute in a city directly influences not only our perception of the area, but also the way we interact socially. This assumption reinforces the centrality of mobility as a fundamental aspect of a healthy urban environment. The individual who rides in a car does not perceive the important aspects of the urban environment. The car distances the individual from the surroundings and creates a controlled and isolated environment for the passengers. Aspects that define the ambiance of a city such as temperature, sounds, smells and urban textures, go unnoticed when commuting within isolated environments. The same applies to subways, trains and buses, whereas just the opposite occurs when we commute on foot or bicycle. Consequently, the reduction of public space is directly related to the process of technological acceleration, which occurred mainly during the twentieth century, but that began a few years earlier at around 1870. Accordingly, a paradigm shift in transportation planning has become essential. Access to diverse means of transportation, including the bicycle, needs to be promoted. In this context, the use of the bicycle, as a more efficient and affordable means of transportation, has been gaining more importance in urban centers by being able to serve as a complementary infrastructure to the existing mobility network and increasing the penetration in the territory. In addition, the bicycle is an inclusive means of transportation, when we take into account the low investment and maintenance costs, making it widely affordable and highly efficient. However, when analyzing the need of a transportation policy focused on sustainability, we realize that the use of the bicycle as a means of effective transportation has been lacking over the years in Brazil. This discernment becomes clearer when we analyze some of the European cities where bicycle use was amplified and maintained, both on the local and national level, through deliberate action. Although enormous potential to increase bicycle use in the city of Rio de Janeiro does exists, this can only be achieved through the development of a coherent approach. If we take the other main metropolitan regions into consideration, the Greater Rio area has the sixth largest motorization rate in the country following Curitiba, São Paulo, Distrito Federal (DF), Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte. This is extremely significant. Not surprisingly, the motorization rates of London, Copenhagen and New York are also below their national average. In other words, a motorization rate below the national average could represent potential for the bicycle as a means of urban transportation. Another important factor, the weather, was considered. However, periodic data from cyclists in Rio de Janeiro does not exist making it difficult to assess any variations. In general, for the most part of the year, the weather for biking in the city of Rio de Janeiro is usually favorable. Nonetheless, the summer months are extremely hot and humid. Still, a policy that encourages companies to build changing rooms for employees could be an important incentive for the use of bicycles in the city, even during the hottest times. As previously mentioned, the quality and efficiency of a biking infrastructure is not measured by its length. For example, the extension of the existing network in Rio de Janeiro is comparable to Bogota and Copenhagen; however, its efficiency falls short of the above-mentioned examples. In addition, a relationship does exists between the number of cyclists and the implementation of measures that control traffic speed and prioritize safe, fast, and comfortable access, while at the same time, respect the rights of the cyclists. In Rio de Janeiro, the current infrastructure for cyclists is confusing and inconsistent, ranging from excellent bicycle paths, which serve mainly for cycling as a leisure activity, to precarious pathways that put the riders safety at risk. This in turn generates distrust in regards to the infrastructure and the general functioning of the cycling grid. The bicycle paths around the Lagoon and along the edge of the South Zone are the best examples of well-marked and maintained bicycle paths, while the cycling infrastructure of Botafogo, for example, is confusing, discontinuous and deprived of maintenance. The possibility of using the bicycle in combination with other means of transportation greatly enhances the rider s reach. In Rio de Janeiro, this is still an aspect that is underdeveloped. The bike-sharing system, located almost exclusively in the south zone of the city, has been making strides but still has its glitches. In addition, the use of the bicycles during the week is only permitted up to 21:00, while the use on weekends and holidays has no restrictions. This reinforces the stance of the City Hall and the concessionaires that the bicycle is used more for leisure rather than transportation. From the cyclist s point of view, the distances in Rio de Janeiro are generally shortened. However, the high temperatures during the summer months can reduce these distances to a range of 2 km and 8 km, but the bicycle, as compared to other modes of transportation, can serve as means of transport for shorter trips. In addition to these and other factors, Rio de Janeiro has one crucial factor that stands in the way of implementing an efficient cycling grid: the urban form of the city that is often determined by its terrain. This directly influences the street layout of the city, creating difficult constrictions, as for example, in the case of Botafogo. Aspects involving public policy, regulatory bodies and public awareness also have an impact on urban cycling indices. Municipal Law No. 4,678, which encourages the use of bicycles as a form of urban transportation, establishes overall objectives by compiling a series of good ideas, but lacks solid guidelines regarding the measures to be taken to ensure its execution. Bicycle use incentive policies should be based on studies and technical reports that can quantify the benefits of cycling as a means of urban transportation so that the results of implemented projects can be evaluated and measured. The analysis and monitoring must be executed on a regular basis in order to build a reliable database to assist in decision making. Setting of numerical goals and evaluation of project results was extremely effective in the cases presented. Despite the potential of the city, the reduced quantity of data available to serve as a basis makes the analysis of any future project very difficult. Unlike what takes place in Copenhagen, London, New York and Bogota, this lack of data makes it very difficult to understand the present situation and to prepare a strategic plan based on numerical targets. For example, the government of the city of Rio de Janeiro has few channels for the observation and monitoring of data on non-motorized transportation. This makes it difficult to establish goals and deadlines for improving the infrastructure. We are aware of the problem but do not know the exact cause. We must invest in research and diagnostic tools that allow, over time, for the consolidation of a database that is reliable and easy to access. There is insufficient research and data on traffic accidents involving cyclists and on the economic impacts of the industry that revolves around the bicycle. There is a lack of cyclists associations and an absence of specialized research institutes and transportation department data that effectively considers the bicycle as a means of transportation. Planning, implementation and evaluation of results is crucial in order to progress in the construction of bicycle paths and to encourage cycling as a means of transportation. However, this is a challenge in the city of Rio de Janeiro, mainly due to the lack of collection and systematization of data collected. The potential to transform the city through the use of the bicycle as a means of transportation does exists, but is not taken advantage of.


CAMILA DANIEL 20 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como foco analisar a experiência migratória de jovens peruanos que se dirigem ao Brasil como estudantes universitários. Entendendo a experiência migratória como um conjunto de vivências proporcionadas pelo deslocamento por diferentes espaços geográficos e simbólicos concomitantemente, a tese examina os significados que preenchem de sentido a mobilidade estudantil internacional. Baseando-se no método etnográfico, que tem na intersubjetividade uma condição para produção de conhecimento, a presente pesquisa analisa como os estudantes se apropriam das condições oferecidas pela sociedade peruana e brasileira para a realização deste tipo particular de mobilidade. Quando ainda estão no Peru, os jovens descobrem através de suas redes as oportunidades de estudar no Brasil, um país próximo geograficamente, mas distante culturalmente. No país de destino, as redes apoiam a adaptação dos jovens à vida cotidiana no Rio de Janeiro. Se tornar um estudante no exterior é a estratégia que os jovens peruanos elaboram para se integrar ao fluxo internacional de pessoas de forma mais socialmente prestigiada, lidando com as hierarquias de poder da sociedade peruana, que atribuem um maior valor àqueles que já viveram no exterior. Negociando com as condições estruturais dentro e fora do seu país, estes jovens encontram na mobilidade estudantil uma oportunidade para almejar novos horizontes. Neste processo, os jovens peruanos encontram um terreno fértil para (re)pensar a si mesmos, seu país de origem, o destino e o mundo. / [en] This work aims to analyze the migratory experience of Peruvian young people who go to Brazil as university students. Understanding the migratory experience as a set of experiences provided by displacement towards different geographical, and symbolic space concomitantly, this thesis examines the meanings that give a sense to international student mobility. Through ethnographic method, which consider intersubjectivity as inherent to knowledge production, the present study examines how peruvian students appropriate the conditions that Brazilian and Peruvian society offers to make this specific kind of mobility possible. Still in Peru, their network inform them about oportunities to study in Brazil, a country that is geographic close, but cultural distant from them. Once peruvian students arrive there, network in Brazil uphold their adaption to everyday life in Rio de Janeiro. To become an international student is a strategy that Peruvian young people ellaborate to be integrated into international people flow in a more prestigious way. In this process, they deal with power hierarchy of Peruvian society, that attribute greater valeu to those who have lived abroad. Negotiating against structural conditions in and outside their homecountry, these young people find in student mobility an opportunity to crave new horizons. In such process, they find a fruitful terrain to (re)think themselves, their homeland, the destination and the world.


GIOVANE BARROSO LIMA NOGUEIRA 19 August 2011 (has links)
[pt] Emulsões podem ser utilizadas como agentes de controle de mobilidade em diferentes processos de recuperação melhorada de petróleo e armazenamento de carbono em reservatórios porosos. A aplicação desta técnica, com a escolha correta das características das emulsões injetadas e a determinação das condições de operação ótimas, requer um entendimento adequado do escoamento de emulsões em meios porosos. As características macroscópicas do fluxo de emulsões através de meios porosos estão diretamente ligadas ao escoamento bifásico na escala de poros. Modelos de rede de capilares permitem a implementação dos mecanismos de fluxo das gotas nas gargantas de poros e fornecem parâmetros macroscópicos do escoamento. Neste trabalho, o escoamento de emulsões em meios porosos é analisado através de um modelo dinâmico de rede de capilares tridimensional e não-estruturada. A distribuição de pressão nos poros, e consequentemente o fluxo em cada capilar da rede, é determinada pelo balanço de massa em cada poro. O efeito das gotas da fase dispersa no comportamento do escoamento em cada elemento da rede é descrito por um fator de bloqueio de fluxo baseado em resultados experimentais de escoamento de emulsões através de micro capilares com gargantas. O fator de bloqueio descreve a mudança da condutividade de cada elemento e é uma função da geometria da garganta, do tamanho e concentração volumétrica da fase dispersa e do número de capilaridade local. A distribuição de concentração da fase dispersa ao longo da rede é descrita através de uma equação de transporte de massa, permitindo assim o estudo do processo de filtragem de gotas nos poros e o estudo da injeção alternada de água e emulsão. A integração no tempo do modelo dinâmico é feita por um método semi-implícito e o sistema de equações não linear obtido a cada passo de tempo é resolvido através de um método iterativo. Os resultados apresentam a evolução da redução da permeabilidade e concentração de gotas na saída do meio poroso em função do tamanho das gotas, da vazão de injeção, da concentração da emulsão injetada e do volume injetado de emulsão. A análise da injeção alternada de água-emulsão mostra claramente o bloqueio de poros por gotas da emulsão e a alteração no padrão de escoamento após reiniciada a injeção de água. / [en] Emulsions can be used as mobility control agents in different enhanced oil recovery and carbon storage methods in oil reservoirs. The application of this technique, with the correct choice of the injected emulsion characteristics and the determination of optimal operating conditions, requires an adequate understanding of the emulsion flow in porous media. The macroscopic characteristics of the emulsion flow through porous media are directly linked to the two-phase flow at the pore scale. Capillary network models allow the implementation of the drop flow mechanisms in the pore throats and the determination of macroscopic flow parameters. In this work, emulsion flow in porous media is analyzed through an unstructured 3D dynamic network model. The pressure distribution, and consequently the flow rate in each capillary of the network, isdetermined by mass balance equation in each pore. The effects of the drops of dispersed phase in the flow behavior within each element of the network is described by a flow blocking factor based on experimental results on emulsion flow through single microcapillary tubes with throats. The blocking factor describes the changes in the conductivity of each element and it is a function of the throat geometry, the size and volumetric concentration of the dispersed phase and the local capillary number. The concentration distribution of the dispersed phase along the network is described by a mass transport equation, allowing the study of the filtration process of the drops in the pores and the analysis of the alternate injection of water and emulsion.Time integration in the dynamic model is performed by a semi-implicit method and the non-linear system of equations obtained in each time step is solved by an iterative method. The results illustrate the evolution of the permeability reduction and the effluent concentration of drops as a function of the drops size, injection flow rate, concentration of the injected emulsion and injected volume of emulsion. The analysis of the emulsion/water alternate injection clearly shows the pore blockage by the emulsion drops and the change in the flow pattern after the reinjection of water.


CRISTOL DE PAIVA GOUVEA 07 April 2017 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese de doutoramento apresentamos a técnica de microscopia de feixe duplo (MEV e FIB) como uma ferramenta modificadora das propriedades físico-química dos semicondutores orgânicos, a qual pode ser eficaz para alterar e controlar a mobilidade dos portadores de carga nestes materiais semicondutores. Neste caso, filmes finos e dispositivos orgânicos, principalmente à base de tiofeno, foram bombardeados com diferentes doses de íons de Ga com objetivo de induzir modificações na estrutura polimérica a partir das diversas interações entre o íon e o polímero. As propriedades dos filmes finos e dos dispositivos bombardeados foram caracterizadas através das técnicas de UV-Vis, Espectroscopia Raman e CELIV, as quais indicaram a existência de dois regimes de comportamentos governados pela dose de íons empregada. Técnicas avançadas de microscopia eletrônica indicaram a formação de uma estrutura tipo grafítica, em torno de 50 nm da superfície do bombardeamento, decorrente da interação entre os íons de gálio e a camada polimérica. A possibilidade de construir dispositivos orgânicos intercalados com camadas grafíticas pode ser explorada de forma a construir arquiteturas mais eficientes, explorando a alta resolução espacial que a técnica FIB proporciona. / [en] In this doctoral thesis we presented the dual-beam microscopy (SEM and FIB) technique as a modifier tool of physicochemical properties of the organic semiconductors, which it can be effective to change and control the charge carrier mobility into these semiconductor materials. In this case, organic devices and thin films, especially at thiophene base, were bombarded with different Ga ion doses in order to induce modification in the polymeric structure from the various interactions between the ion and the polymer. The bombarded thin films and devices properties were characterized by UV-Vis, Raman spectroscopy and CELIV techniques, which indicated the existence of two behavior regimes governed by the ion dose employed. Advanced electron microscopy techniques indicated the formation of a graphitic structure, around 50 nm from the surface bombardment, resulting of the interaction between the gallium ions and the polymer layer. The possibility to fabricate organic devices interspersed with graphitic layers can be exploited in order to construct more efficient architectures, using the high spatial resolution of the FIB technique.


GUSTAVO LUIZ BASTOS BAPTISTA 11 September 2009 (has links)
[pt] Os avanços nas tecnologias de redes de computadores, telecomunicações, e dispositivos móveis portáteis têm gerado uma demanda por aplicações e serviços que sejam apropriados para ambientes com conectividade intermitente e mobilidade dos dispositivos. Uma questão central para a viabilização de tais aplicações em ambientes como estes são as possíveis soluções para o Gerenciamento de Mobilidade, isto é, a manutenção automática da conectividade entre componentes de um sistema em cenários nos quais os dispositivos mudam de endereço IP dinamicamente, à medida que se reconectam a diferentes domínios de rede. Partindo de uma investigação inicial das principais soluções existentes, este trabalho apresenta a implementação de uma solução na camada de aplicação baseada no protocolo SIP. Em seguida, apresenta a adaptação de um sistema publish/subscribe existente para fazer com que o mesmo utilize a solução implementada, com o objetivo de prover suporte à mobilidade e à desconexão dos produtores e consumidores de eventos, bem como para a travessia de firewalls e NATs, permitindo que o sistema publish/subscribe possa ser usado na Internet, e não somente em redes locais. O modelo publish/subscribe foi escolhido como estudo de caso, pois oferece interações assíncronas e anônimas que se adéquam muito bem aos requisitos de um cenário de mobilidade. A adaptação deste sistema partiu da investigação de alguns dos principais requisitos que um sistema pub/sub deve atender para tratar mobilidade e desconexão de dispositivos. O referido sistema foi testado para diferentes cenários, e seu desempenho foi avaliado para diferentes configurações, e comparado ao do sistema publish/subscribe convencional. / [en] Advances in computer networks, telecommunications, and portable mobile devices have increased the demand for applications and services that are suitable for environments with intermittent connectivity and mobility of devices. A central question for the viability of such applications on environments like these are the possible solutions for Mobility Management, i.e., the automatic maintenance of the connectivity between system components in scenarios where the devices change their IP addresses dynamically as they reconnect to different network domains. Starting from an initial investigation of the main solutions for Mobility Management, this dissertation presents the development of a solution on the application layer based on the SIP protocol. Then, it presents the adaptation of an existing publish/subscribe system to make it use the developed Mobility Management solution, in order to provide support for the mobility and disconnection of event producers and consumers, and also NAT and firewall traversal, enabling the system to be used on the Internet, and not only on local networks. The publish/subscribe model has been chosen as a case study for the implemented solution, because it provides asynchronous and anonymous interactions that are very well suited to the requirements of a mobility scenario. The adaptation of the publish/subscribe system started from an investigation of the main requirements a system like this should meet in order to support mobility and disconnection of devices. The referred system has been tested for different scenarios, and its performance has been evaluated for different configurations, and it has been compared to the conventional publish/subscribe system.


RICARDO RESENDE 12 May 2010 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo objetiva capturar a forma com a qual o consumidor mais velho percebe e utiliza o serviço de telefonia celular e o aparelho em si. O trabalho objetiva também propor um modelo de explicite a forma e as restrições ou barreiras que têm esses consumidores ao uso mais pleno do serviço celular. Através de uma abordagem qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas com consumidores com idade superior a 50 anos. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas para análise. Os resultados mostram as especificidades de uso entre os consumidores de mais idade, particularmente a baixa percepção dos dispositivos como um artefato multifunção, com potencial para auxiliá-los em muitas tarefas de seus respectivos cotidianos, através das múltiplas funcionalidades que incorpora. O estudo propõe um modelo que explicita a existência de dimensões distintas de restrições, onde cada dimensão dá conta de um conjunto específico de barreiras ao pleno uso da telefonia e do telefone celular. / [en] This study targets to capture the way in wich the older consumer (age 50+) perceives and uses the mobile cellular service and the celular phone as well. That work also proposes an model that reveals the way and constraints or barriers these consumers have to full use of mobile cellular service. By using an qualitative approach, some interviews was done with older consumers. The interviews was recorded and transcripted for analisys. The results show the specificities of use for those consumers, notably the low perception they have regarding the phones as an multifunction devices with potential to help them in many tasks of their lives. The work also proposes an model that show the presence of multiple dimensions of constraints to cellular phone and service use. Each constraint reveiling an specific set of barriers to full use of telephony and cellular phone.

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