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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The changing world of gay men, 1950-2000.

Robinson, Peter Barclay, Peter.Robinson@rmit.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is the lived experience of 80 Australian gay men in the second half of the twentieth century. The oldest man in the sample was born in 1922 and the youngest in 1980. Their understanding of what it was to be gay is historically contingent, for their lives spanned the greater part of the twentieth century: from when homosexuality was illegal through the less repressive but no less problematic eras of gay liberation and the HIV-AIDS epidemic. Qualitative in approach, the thesis was based on oral history interviews. Interviewees were asked set questions about their social, affective and sexual lives. The sample comprised an old cohort of 22 men, a middle cohort of 30 men, and a young cohort of 28 men. The majority of interviewees were of Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Celtic decent. The exceptions were Aboriginal men, and the children of migrants to Australia from South-east Asia and Southern Europe. Interviewees' personal narratives included their experiences of the repression of the Cold War period, the exuberance, and, for some, personal confusion of gay liberation and the disco culture of the 1970s, and the trauma of the HIV-AIDS epidemic. Through their life stories, the men in this sample illustrated the significant shifts in sexual attitudes and culture that Australia experienced in the latter part of the twentieth century. Aspects of the lives examined included the men's experience of coming out and development of their sexual identity, their social and affective lives, and their involvement in the gay 'scene' and gay community.

Dévoilement de l'orientation sexuelle à la famille d'origine et adaptation des jeunes gais, lesbiennes et bisexuels

D'Amico, Émilie 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Les deux dernières décennies ont été marquées par des changements sociaux et législatifs en ce qui a trait aux droits des personnes de minorités sexuelles. Des jeunes endossent maintenant une identité gaie, lesbienne ou bisexuelle (GLB) et ils la divulguent à leurs parents (coming out) de plus en plus tôt, souvent à l'adolescence. Ils sont alors confrontés aux réactions parentales et à l'impact des ces réactions sur leur adaptation. Cette thèse se penche sur l'expérience respective de jeunes GLB et de leurs parents relativement au coming out des jeunes à la famille d'origine. Elle examine, d'une part, les conditions familiales associées au coming out des jeunes GLB. D'autre part, elle examine la nature et la valence des réactions parentales post coming out et leurs associations avec le développement identitaire, l'adaptation psychologique ainsi que la présence de facteurs de risque pour la santé chez les jeunes GLB. Le premier article vise à 1) examiner les liens entre la qualité des relations parents-enfant durant l'enfance et le dévoilement de l'orientation sexuelle des jeunes GLB à la famille; 2) comparer les jeunes qui ont fait leur coming out à ceux qui ne l'ont pas fait quant à leur adaptation identitaire et psychologique, ainsi qu'aux facteurs de risques pour la santé et 3) examiner la contribution unique des relations parent-enfant passées et actuelles à l'adaptation identitaire et psychologique, ainsi qu'aux facteurs de risques pour la santé des jeunes. L'échantillon est composé de 111 jeunes GLB qui ont fait leur coming out à leurs parents et de 53 jeunes qui ne l'ont pas fait. Comparativement aux jeunes qui n'ont pas fait leur coming out, les jeunes qui l'ont fait rapportent avoir eu des attirances pour une personne du même sexe à un plus jeune âge, de même que davantage d'acceptation des parents et moins de rejet du père dans l'enfance. Les jeunes qui ont fait leur coming out rapportent des niveaux plus faibles de difficultés d'adaptation identitaire et psychologique ainsi qu'une prévalence moins élevée de facteurs de risque pour la santé. Ces résultats suggèrent qu'un environnement familial sécurisant durant l'enfance crée un contexte facilitant le coming out à l'adolescence. Par ailleurs, parmi les jeunes qui ont fait leur coming out, le rejet du père dans l'enfance ainsi que l'acceptation et le rejet parental actuel prédisent les difficultés d'adaptation identitaire et psychologique, tandis que le rejet familial actuel prédit la présence de facteurs de risque pour la santé chez les jeunes GLB. Cet article a été accepté pour publication dans le Journal of GLBT Family Studies. Le deuxième article de cette thèse vise à examiner la nature et la valence des réactions parentales au coming out el leurs associations avec le bien-être des jeunes GLB. Il répond à certaines limites soulevées dans le premier article et dans les recherches antérieures. D'une part, il collige des données indépendantes provenant de jeunes GLB et de leurs parents. L'échantillon est composé de 53 dyades parent-enfant. D'autre part, il utilise un devis de recherche à la fois qualitatif et quantitatif. L'analyse qualitative d'entrevues de parents permet d'abord d'explorer la nature des réactions parentales, au-delà de la dichotomie positive / négative. Les dix types de réactions parentales qui ont émergé de l'analyse qualitative sont à la base du système de codification des réactions parentales au coming out. Les résultats de l'analyse factorielle montrent que les réactions parentales peuvent être classifiées sous trois facteurs : le soutien apporté à l'enfant, la détresse exprimée par le parent et les doutes du parent quant à la stabilité de l'orientation sexuelle de l'enfant. Les réactions parentales ne diffèrent pas en fonction du sexe du jeune ou celui du parent. L'analyse quantitative des liens entre les facteurs des réactions parentales et l'adaptation des jeunes montre que de faibles niveaux de soutien et des niveaux élevés de difficultés exprimées par la mère sont liées à des difficultés identitaires et de la détresse psychologique chez les jeunes GLB. Quant au père, de faibles niveaux de soutien, des niveaux élevés de difficultés ainsi que des doutes quant à l'orientation sexuelle de l'enfant sont liés aux idéations suicidaires et à l'utilisation de drogues par les jeunes GLB. Ces résultats suggèrent des pistes d'intervention pour les cliniciens travaillant au près des jeunes GLB et de leurs parents. Les interventions devraient être conduites auprès des deux parents puisque leurs réactions sont liées à différentes composantes de l'adaptation de leur enfant. Cet article a été soumis pour publication au périodique Sex Roles. Suivant la présentation des deux articles de cette thèse, une discussion générale résume et intègre les principaux résultats, souligne notre contribution unique, note les limites de l'étude, puis propose des pistes de recherche future. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : coming out, orientation sexuelle, famille, parent, gai, lesbienne, bisexuel, relations familiales, adaptation, identité sexuelle

The outcomes project

Castillo, Jose Raul 17 June 2011 (has links)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender young people face a landscape of prejudice and intolerance when first coming to terms with their identities. In these moments of confusion, they often turn to their parents for support, yet parents often lack the information and resources necessary to support their LGBT child. The outcomes project interviews LGBT people about their "coming out" experience, and presents their video interviews a multi-platform website. The interviews appear alongside written accounts that highlight common themes encountered in research. The website also links to well-sourced resources for parents coming to terms with a child's disclosure. By telling these stories in a context that encourages an empathetic response, The outcomes project aims to give parents the information and understanding they need to support their LGBT child. / text

Gays contanto suas histórias: uma análise organizacional, lexical e discursiva das narrativas de sair do armário / Gays telling their stories: an organizational, lexical and discursive analysis of Coming out stories

Michael Luiz de Freitas 24 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar as histórias de sair do armário sob seu aspecto organizacional, lexical e discursivo. Busca-se apontar que padrões organizacionais prevalecem nas histórias, que léxicos significativos predominam e como os léxicos predominantes são avaliados em termos de Afeto, Julgamento e Apreciação. Para o exame organizacional, a análise se apropria do quadro analítico de Labov e colaboradores (1967; 1972), por ser pioneiro nos estudos sobre narrativas orais de experiência pessoal; em seguida, lança mão dos elementos do Padrão Problema-Solução (PPS), proposto por Hoey (1983; 2001), por iluminar o aspecto cíclico das referidas histórias. Para a análise lexical, esse estudo se ampara nos preceitos e técnicas da investigação eletrônica de textos da Linguística de Corpus (TOGNINI BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McENERY e HARDIE, 2011), conjugado ao conjunto de programas WordSmith Tool 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Já sobre o aspecto discursivo, em especial sobre a linguagem da avaliação, a análise privilegiou a metafunção interpessoal da Linguística Sistêmico Funcional (Halliday, 2004) e lançou mão das categorias do subsistema da ATITUDE da Teoria da Avaliatividade, proposto por Martin (2000) e Martin e White (2005). O Corpus analisado consiste de sete narrativas, coletadas pelo método da Entrevista Narrativa, à qual se voluntariaram homossexuais do sexo masculino, entre (20) vinte a (30) anos de idade, oriundos da zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da análise da organização da narrativa mostraram que as histórias de sair do armário são episódicas, são contadas com muitos recursos avaliativos como descritos por Labov e se organizam por meio do Padrão Problema-Solução. Os resultados da análise lexical revelaram a predominância do item eu e mãe/ela nas sete histórias coletivamente. Por fim a análise discursiva, sob a ótica da linguagem atitudinal, aponta que os itens eu e mãe/ela, que apontam para o narrador e suas mães, são marcados por Afeto (emoções) e Julgamento (comportamento). A dissertação em seu final combina as três linhas de análise para fazer uma reflexão sobre o peso social do que significa sair do armário para o sujeito gay / This work aims to investigate organizational, lexical and discursive aspects of the so-called coming-out stories. It seeks to point out the stories organizational patterns and significant lexis and how this lexis may be evaluated in terms of Affect, Judgement and Appreciation. For the analysis of organization, the analysis resorts to Labov (1967, 1972) and collaborators analytical framework, because of their pioneer work in the studies of oral narratives of personal experience, and then it makes use of elements of the Problem-Solution Patterns (PPS) , proposed by Hoey (1983, 2001), for illuminating the cyclic aspect of those stories . For the lexical analysis, this study resorts to the precepts and techniques of electronic research of texts in Corpus Linguistics (TOGNINI-BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McEnery&HARDIE, 2011), and the suite of programs WordSmith Tool 5.0 (Scott, 2010). On the discursive aspect, in particular in terms of the language of Appraisal, the analysis focuses on the interpersonal metafunction of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 2004) and makes use of subsystem of Attitude categories from Appraisal Theory, as proposed by Martin (2000) and Martin and White (2005) . The corpus analyzed consists of seven narratives collected by means of the Narrative Interview method. These were collected from seven volunteer gay males, between twenty to thirty years of age, born and living in Rio de Janeiro. The results of the analysis of the narrative organization suggests that Coming Out stories are episodic, are told with many evaluative resources as described by Labov and are organized by the Problem-Solution Pattern. The results of lexical analysis revealed the predominance of the item eu and mãe/ela in the seven stories collectively. Finally, the discourse analysis, from the perspective of attitudinal language, points out that the items eu and mãe/ela, the narrators and their mothers, are represented by Affect (emotions ) and Judgement (behavior). The dissertation in its final stages combines the three lines of analysis to make a reflection upon the social weight of coming out for the gay individual

Gays contanto suas histórias: uma análise organizacional, lexical e discursiva das narrativas de sair do armário / Gays telling their stories: an organizational, lexical and discursive analysis of Coming out stories

Michael Luiz de Freitas 24 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar as histórias de sair do armário sob seu aspecto organizacional, lexical e discursivo. Busca-se apontar que padrões organizacionais prevalecem nas histórias, que léxicos significativos predominam e como os léxicos predominantes são avaliados em termos de Afeto, Julgamento e Apreciação. Para o exame organizacional, a análise se apropria do quadro analítico de Labov e colaboradores (1967; 1972), por ser pioneiro nos estudos sobre narrativas orais de experiência pessoal; em seguida, lança mão dos elementos do Padrão Problema-Solução (PPS), proposto por Hoey (1983; 2001), por iluminar o aspecto cíclico das referidas histórias. Para a análise lexical, esse estudo se ampara nos preceitos e técnicas da investigação eletrônica de textos da Linguística de Corpus (TOGNINI BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McENERY e HARDIE, 2011), conjugado ao conjunto de programas WordSmith Tool 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Já sobre o aspecto discursivo, em especial sobre a linguagem da avaliação, a análise privilegiou a metafunção interpessoal da Linguística Sistêmico Funcional (Halliday, 2004) e lançou mão das categorias do subsistema da ATITUDE da Teoria da Avaliatividade, proposto por Martin (2000) e Martin e White (2005). O Corpus analisado consiste de sete narrativas, coletadas pelo método da Entrevista Narrativa, à qual se voluntariaram homossexuais do sexo masculino, entre (20) vinte a (30) anos de idade, oriundos da zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da análise da organização da narrativa mostraram que as histórias de sair do armário são episódicas, são contadas com muitos recursos avaliativos como descritos por Labov e se organizam por meio do Padrão Problema-Solução. Os resultados da análise lexical revelaram a predominância do item eu e mãe/ela nas sete histórias coletivamente. Por fim a análise discursiva, sob a ótica da linguagem atitudinal, aponta que os itens eu e mãe/ela, que apontam para o narrador e suas mães, são marcados por Afeto (emoções) e Julgamento (comportamento). A dissertação em seu final combina as três linhas de análise para fazer uma reflexão sobre o peso social do que significa sair do armário para o sujeito gay / This work aims to investigate organizational, lexical and discursive aspects of the so-called coming-out stories. It seeks to point out the stories organizational patterns and significant lexis and how this lexis may be evaluated in terms of Affect, Judgement and Appreciation. For the analysis of organization, the analysis resorts to Labov (1967, 1972) and collaborators analytical framework, because of their pioneer work in the studies of oral narratives of personal experience, and then it makes use of elements of the Problem-Solution Patterns (PPS) , proposed by Hoey (1983, 2001), for illuminating the cyclic aspect of those stories . For the lexical analysis, this study resorts to the precepts and techniques of electronic research of texts in Corpus Linguistics (TOGNINI-BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McEnery&HARDIE, 2011), and the suite of programs WordSmith Tool 5.0 (Scott, 2010). On the discursive aspect, in particular in terms of the language of Appraisal, the analysis focuses on the interpersonal metafunction of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 2004) and makes use of subsystem of Attitude categories from Appraisal Theory, as proposed by Martin (2000) and Martin and White (2005) . The corpus analyzed consists of seven narratives collected by means of the Narrative Interview method. These were collected from seven volunteer gay males, between twenty to thirty years of age, born and living in Rio de Janeiro. The results of the analysis of the narrative organization suggests that Coming Out stories are episodic, are told with many evaluative resources as described by Labov and are organized by the Problem-Solution Pattern. The results of lexical analysis revealed the predominance of the item eu and mãe/ela in the seven stories collectively. Finally, the discourse analysis, from the perspective of attitudinal language, points out that the items eu and mãe/ela, the narrators and their mothers, are represented by Affect (emotions ) and Judgement (behavior). The dissertation in its final stages combines the three lines of analysis to make a reflection upon the social weight of coming out for the gay individual

Problematické životní situace osob s homosexuální orientací / Problematic life situations of person with homosexual orientation

VESELÁKOVÁ, Jesika January 2011 (has links)
Homosexuality may be encountered in all cultural and historical formations. Different cultures have different views of sexuality, its expression and forms in general. The difference of the homosexual orientation and the way this phenomenon is reflected in the society influences the life of persons with homosexual orientation. Individuals are often confronted with an inner conflict with the heterosexual majority, which may result in his existential stress. Mastering problematic situations in life depends on the personality of an individual with homosexual orientation, the expectations of his/her social environment ambience and the support that his/her surroundings that the individual perceives in this environment. At present, there is increasing interest in homosexuality as a social phenomenon. In the theoretical part, I summed up the Euro-American views of homosexuality and outlined the religious roots of the present-day view of homosexuality. Subsequently, I dealt with living conditions connected with the homosexual orientation. The view of problematic life situations and crises of persons with homosexual orientation was, resulting from the substance of the subject, the most important basis for the practical part of my diploma thesis. The basic objective that I endeavoured to fulfil was to describe the life situations and problems that are connected with homosexuality, seen from the subjective point of view of persons with homosexual orientation. I limited the research area to the actual viewing of one?s own minority sexuality by a homosexual man/lesbian woman, and viewing their social background reacting to their different orientation. The study was intended as qualitative research from the very beginning. To conduct the specific research I chose the attitude by means of the phenomenologic research. The experience that an individual had gone through was recorded by means of an interview and subsequently analysed. This interview created a basis for the description and interpretation of the experience conveyed. Drawing on the facts obtained it is possible to recommend various forms of education activity, the purpose of which is a higher information level in both the homosexually and heterosexually oriented public. Further, I recommend drawing up quality methodology focusing on decreasing the homophobic attitudes in the majority society in the Czech Republic. It is necessary to observe a professional attitude lessons on the topic of homosexuality within sexual education at primary schools, which will be based on a unified methodology. To create a legislative basis concerning adoption and assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic, it will be necessary to adopt measures have to be adopted that will eventually result in an absolute elimination of discrimination of the minority with homosexual orientation.

Spécificités du stress lors de la divulgation de son homosexualité : Spécificités des stratégies de coping, de l’évaluation des risques, du vécu émotionnel et du risque suicidaire lors d’une situation stressante particulière : l’annonce de son homosexualité

Charbonnier, Elodie 03 July 2013 (has links)
La littérature met en avant les nombreux signes de souffrances présents chez les jeunes homosexuels (addictions, dépression, anxiété…). Selon le « minority stress model » (Meyer, 1995), cette souffrance peut être mise en lien avec les nombreux stresseurs rencontrés par les homosexuels, plus particulièrement les stresseurs spécifiques à leur appartenance à une minorité sexuelle, comme par exemple la divulgation de leur homosexualité. En appuie sur le « minority stress model » et le modèle transactionnel du stress, cette recherche vise à mieux comprendre le déroulement de la divulgation de leur homosexualité, et les caractéristiques du stress durant cette annonce, en comparaison à d'autres situations hautement stressantes. L'étude 1 est quantitative est vise à mettre en lumière les spécificités du stress durant cette annonce, en comparaison à d'autres situations stressantes. L'étude 2 est une démarche qualitative. Elle vise à compléter les données de l'étude 1 et à mettre en évidence les différentes étapes qui composent la construction de leur identité sexuelle.Les résultats de l'étude 1 rendent compte des spécificités du stress durant la divulgation de leur homosexualité. Celles-ci se retrouvent à différents niveaux de transaction stressante (caractéristiques de la situation, évaluation primaire, secondaire, stratégies de coping et vécu émotionnel). Ces résultats illustrent également la prévalence du risque suicidaire des jeunes homosexuels lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à une situation hautement stressante. Les résultats de l'étude 2 confirment ceux de l'étude 1, et mettent en avant la complexicité de la construction de leur identité sexuelle. / The literature highlights many signs of suffering present in young homosexuals (addictions, depression, anxiety, suicidal risk ...). According to the minority stress model (Meyer, 1995), this pain can be linked to many stressors faced by homosexuals. The various stressful experiences which they face have been grouped under the term “minority stress”, such as disclosure of their homosexuality. According to the transactional stress model and the minority stress model, this research aims to better understand the course of the disclosure of their homosexuality, and characteristics of the stress during this announcement, compared to others highly stressful situations. Study 1 is a quantitative study which emphasize specificities of stress during the announcement, compared to others stressful situations. Study 2 is a qualitative approach. It aims to complement data from study 1 and to highlight different stages of sexual identity construction.Results of study 1 reflect specificities of stress during the disclosure of their homosexuality. These are found at different levels of stressful transaction (characteristics of the situation, primary assessment, secondary, coping strategies and emotional experience). These results also illustrate the prevalence of homosexuals suicidal risk when faced with a highly stressful situation. Results of study 2 confirm those of study 1, and highlight the complexity construction of sexual identity.

In conversation with a gay man : a deconstruction of autobiographical documents

Wolson, Shane 18 September 2007 (has links)
This study offers the reader an opportunity to glimpse the world and narrative of a gay man recently come out of the closet and to be invited to participate in his search for improved understanding of his sense of identity. It is a study of autobiographical works in order to gain insight into the changes occurring in the author’s sense of identity but is also in itself an autobiographical work. It is a reflection on the author’s story and an interpretation of aspects of that story, using selected documents written by him over a period of time, in order to highlight specific changes that occur in his sense of identity. The aim of this study is to generate some insight into the sense of identity of a gay man, and optimistically other marginalised groups of people, with specific focus on the changes that have occurred over. This study will be approached from a social constructionist paradigm using qualitative and interpretative methods to analyse the various autobiographical works. This will provide information on the changes that occur over time in a gay man’s sense of identity. / Dissertation (MA (Counselling Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / MA / unrestricted

The lived experience of South African, black, Xhosa-speaking lesbians in Nelson Mandela Bay

Venter, Aneké January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the study was to gain a holistic understanding of the lived experiences of four South African, black, Xhosa-speaking lesbians in Nelson Mandela Bay. Contextual, exploratory, descriptive qualitative research based on a phenomenological approach was conducted and analysed through interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). A combination of purposive and snowball sampling was used to recruit participants and semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted with four South African adult, black, Xhosaspeaking females of homosexual orientation between the ages of 18 to 35 years. Findings indicate that the participants experience the following: (a) sexual development as a major influence on their sexual- and self-identity, (b) homosexual sexual orientation had a psychological impact on their lives, (c) they have a holistic understanding of who they are, and this understanding of themselves, has positively influenced their lives, (d) their homosexual sexual orientation has influenced the personal relationships in their lives in both positive and negative ways, (e) society has influenced their lives both positively and negatively because of their homosexual sexual orientation , (f) social networking can act as a risk to unintentional disclosure of homosexual sexual orientation and (g) they have experienced discrimination in various areas of their lives because of their homosexual sexual orientation. Some suggestions for future research included exploring lesbian stereotypes within the broader society, as well as inside the black lesbian community and examining the so-called differences between city and township lesbians with an emphasis on beliefs, attitudes, practices, subcultures and gender identity issues.

The Lived Experience of Gay Male College Students After Coming Out to a Heterosexual Roommate in a Residence Hall: A Phenomenological Investigation

Burton, Shawn R. 15 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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