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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environment Friendliness & Recycling Options For Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Televisions

Garg, Ankit January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Environment friendly products can be defined as products which show significant environmental improvements made at their most important life-cycle stages. For durable goods, life-cycle stages include manufacturing, use, and end-of-life of product. Reverse Supply Chain Management is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value and/or proper disposal. The efficient and proper use of 5R’s processes namely Remanufacturing, Refurbishment, Reuse, Repair; and Recycle help the product to be greener and environment friendly. Part of the process also includes the proper disposal of goods which is essential for maintaining a green environment. This study aims at finding the significant factors to be considered by Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Television component manufacturers to manufacture Environment Friendly Product. Various parameters like raw material procurement; water and energy consumption in product manufacturing; the extent of environmental regulations followed; waste production; and waste processing have been considered in this study. A Case Study has been prepared to study the entire manufacturing process of a CRT Television. The case study also looks at the regulations followed by CRT TV component manufacturers in India and how they are different from other countries. An attempt has been made to find out the value which can be recovered at the End-Of-Life of CRT TVs. The case also looks at safe recycling options for CRT TVs. The study shows that CRT TV component manufacturers consider Resource Procurement, Energy Utilization; and Compliance with Regulations to a significant extent. Also, an attempt has been made to develop an Environmental Friendly Index (EFI). The EFI depends on resource procurement, energy utilization, waste production, waste processing, and existence of environmental team in the company. There have been no steps taken by these component manufacturers towards dealing with return goods. All the return goods are dealt with by recyclers, who extract the material through unscientific and non-environmental friendly ways. The recyclers are not able to extract all the useful material, which if done in an efficient way, will result in more material recovery.

Energy Efficient Scheme Using Handshaking For Broadcast In A Wireless Ad Hoc Network

Sathya Prakash, K R 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The applications of ad hoc wireless networks envisaged in this thesis are those related to issues of disaster management, rehabilitation, security and defense. The circumstances in such situations warrants the deployment of a quick ad hoc network that is simple and uses minimum resoures to get started. The communication within the network has to be reliable and it has to be simple so that it can be deployed in extremely compex topography and other climatic conditions. Since large batteries cannot be assumed to be at our disposal for the sake of communication at all the times, energy conservation by way of energy efficient schemes is a paramount issue. Ad hoc wireless networks are broadcast networks by nature. For all the communications, transmissions by the nodes are broadcast into the air. A networkwide broadcast is distinguished from this. When a node wants its data to reach all the other nodes in the network then it initiates a networkwide broadcast. There may be nodes in the network that are not directly reachable by the node that wants to do a networkwide broadcast. Networkwide broadcast is used by ad hoc wireless networks for routing protocols, updating of network status information, network organization and multicasting. Most importantly, the applications envisaged out of this thesis need all their data communication as networkwide broadcast alone. In an ad hoc wireless network, a networkwide broadcast is usually effected by the flooding mechanism, which is inherently inefficient, since all the nodes in the network have to transmit the same information. It is possible to exploit the topology of the network in such a way, that only a few of the nodes need to transmit the information to complete a networkwide broadcast. The thesis deals with a new scheme for a networkwide broadcast implemented in the media access control (MAC) layer of an ad hoc wireless network. The new scheme is developed by extending the concept of handshaking signals used in unicast, to the networkwide broadcast scenario. In the case of unicast, where there is an intended recipient, handshaking is done for reliability and happens through the RTS and CTS packets. This idea is extended to suit the networkwide broadcast scenario and the consequences are discussed in detail in the thesis. Intuitively, adding more packets for handshaking increases the number of bytes transmitted. But the results obtained are interesting, since the network transmits fewer bytes per networkwide broadcast, on an average, with the newly proposed scheme. A comparison is done with the implementation of simple flooding following the IEEE 802.11 standard. These results have been demonstrated by simulations. The average improvement is nearly 2.5 times reduction in the number of bytes transmitted per networkwide broadcast. The performance of a networkwide broadcast in an ad hoc wireless network is usually affected badly by losses due to transmssion error in the medium. In a medium with errors, persistence improves reliability. This reliability helps in bringing robustness. The advantage of the proposed scheme is that it uses the idea of persistence to ensure the networkwide broadcast reachabilityto be almost independent of transmission error rate. The MAC layer ensures that the broadcast packet reaches each and every node that is connected to the node that initiates the etworkwide broadcast. The effects of collision are also overcome. Our simulations establish that the scheme works correctly, and gives good performance.

Some Applications Of Integer Sequences In Digital Signal Processing And Their Implications On Performance And Architecture

Arulalan, M R 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Contemporary research in digital signal processing (DSP) is focused on issues of computational complexity, very high data rate and large quantum of data. Thus, the success in newer applications and areas hinge on handling these issues. Conventional ways to address these challenges are to develop newer structures like Multirate signal processing, Multiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO), bandpass sampling, compressed domain sensing etc. In the implementation domain, the approach is to look at floating point over fixed point representation and / or longer wordlength etc., related to number representations and computations. Of these, a simple approach is to look at number representation, perhaps with a simple integer. This automatically guarantees accuracy and zero quantization error as well as longer wordlength. Thus, it is necessary and interesting to explore viable DSP alternatives that can reduce complexity and yet match the required performance. The main aim of this work is to highlight the importance, use and analysis of integer sequences. Firstly, the thesis explores the use of integer sequences as windowing functions. The results of these investigations show that integer sequences and their convolution, indeed, outperform many of the classical real valued window functions in terms of mainlobe width, sidelobe attenuation etc. Secondly, the thesis proposes techniques to approximate discrete Gaussian distribution using integer sequences. The key idea is to convolve symmetrized integer sequences and examine the resulting profiles. These profiles are found to approximate discrete Gaussian distribution with a mean square error of the order of 10−8 or less. While looking at integer sequences to approximate discrete Gaussian, Fibonacci sequence was found to exhibit some interesting properties. The third part of the thesis proves certain fascinating optimal probabilistic limit properties (mean and variance) of Fibonacci sequence. The thesis also provides complete generalization of these properties to probability distributions generated by second order linear recurrence relation with integer coefficients and any kth order linear recurrence relation with unit coefficients. In addition to the above, the thesis also throws light on possible architectural implications of using integer sequences in DSP applications and ideas for further exploration.

Cooperative Communication In Store And Forward Wireless Networks Using Rateless Codes

Bansal, Gaurav 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we consider a cooperative relay-assisted communication system that uses rateless codes. When multiple relays are present, the relay with the highest channel gain to the source is the first to successfully decode a message from the source and forward it to the destination. Thus, the unique properties of rateless codes ensure that both rate adaptation and relay selection occur without the transmitting source or relays acquiring instantaneous channel knowledge. We show that in such cooperative systems, buffering messages at relays significantly increases throughput. We develop a novel analysis of these systems that combines the communication-theoretic aspects of cooperation over fading channels with the queuing-theoretic aspects associated with buffering. Closed-form expressions are derived for the throughput and end-to-end delay for the general case in which the channels between various nodes are not statistically identical. Results are also shown for the benchmark system that does not buffer messages. Though relay selection combined with buffering of messages at the relays substantially increases the throughput of a cooperative network, it also increases the end-to-end delays due to the additional queuing delays at the relay nodes. In order to overcome this, we propose a novel method that exploits a unique property of rateless codes that enables a receiver to decode a message from non-contiguous and unordered portions of the received signal. In it, each relay, depending on its queue length, ignores its received coded bits with a given probability. We show that this substantially reduces the end-to-end delays while retaining almost all of the throughput gain achieved by buffering. In effect, the method increases the odds that the message is first decoded by a relay with a smaller queue. Thus, the queuing load is balanced across the relays and traded off with transmission times. We derive conditions for the stability of this system when the various channels undergo fading. Despite encountering analytically intractable G/GI/1 queues in our system, we also gain insights about the method by analyzing a similar system with a simpler model for the relay-to-destination transmission times. Next we combine the single relay selection scheme at the source with physical layer power control at the relays (due to the diversity provided by the rateless codes, power control at the source is not needed). We derive an optimal power control policy that minimizes the relay to destination transmission time. Due to its computational and implementation complexity, we develop another heuristic easily implementable near optimal policy. In this policy, power allocated turns out to be inversely proportional to the square root of channel gain. We also see that this policy performs better than the channel inversion policy. Our power control solution substantially decreases the mean end-to-end delays with a marginal increase in throughput also. Finally, we combine bit dropping with power control at the relays which further improves the system performance.

Fundamentals Limits Of Communication In Interference Limited Environments

Mohapatra, Parthajit 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In multiuser wireless communications, interference not only limits the performance of the system, but also allows users to eavesdrop on other users’ messages. Hence, interference management in multiuser wireless communication has received significant attention in the last decade, both in the academia and industry. The interference channel (IC) is one of the simplest information theoretic models to analyze the effect of interference on the throughput and secrecy of individual messages in a multiuser setup. In this thesis, the IC is studied under different settings with and without the secrecy constraint. The main contributions of the thesis are as follows: • The generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF) has emerged as a useful approximate measure of the potential throughput of a multiuser wireless system. Also, multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver can provide additional dimension for signaling, which can in turn improve the GDOF performance of the IC. In the initial part of the thesis, a K-user MIMO Gaussian IC (GIC) is studied from an achievable GDOF perspective. An inner bound on GDOF is derived using a combination of techniques such as treating interference as noise, zero-forcing receiving, interference alignment (IA), and extending the Han-Kobayashi (HK) scheme to K users. Also, outer bounds on the sum rate of the K-user MIMO GIC are derived, under different assumptions of cooperation and providing side information to the receivers. The derived outer bounds are simplified to obtain outer bounds on the GDOF. The relative performance of these bounds yields insight into the performance limits of the multiuser MIMO GIC and the relative merits of different schemes for interference management. • Then, the problem of designing the precoding and receive filtering matrices for IA is explored for K-user MIMO (M × N) GIC. Two algorithms for designing the precoding and receive filtering matrices for IA in the block fading or constant MIMO IC with a finite number of symbol extensions are proposed. The first algorithm for IA is based on aligning a subset of the interfering signal streams at each receiver. As the first algorithm requires global channel knowledge at each node, a distributed algorithm is proposed which requires only limited channel knowledge at each node. A new performance metric is proposed, that captures the possible loss in signal dimension while designing the precoders. The performance of the algorithms are evaluated by comparing them with existing algorithms for IA precoder design. • In the later part of the thesis, a 2-user IC with limited-rate transmitter cooperation is studied, to investigate the role of cooperation in managing interference and ensuring secrecy. First, the problem is studied in the deterministic setting, and achievable schemes are proposed, which use a combination of interference cancelation, relaying of the other user’s data bits, time sharing, and transmission of random bits, depending on the rate of the cooperative link and the relative strengths of the signal and the interference. Outer bounds on the secrecy rate are derived, under different assumptions of providing side information to receivers and partitioning the encoded message/output depending on the relative strength of the signal and the interference. The achievable schemes and outer bounds are extended to the Gaussian case. For example, while obtaining outer bounds, for the Gaussian case, it is not possible to partition the encoded message or output as performed in the deterministic case, and the novelty lies in finding the analogous quantities for the Gaussian case. The proposed achievable scheme for the Gaussian case uses a combination of cooperative and stochastic encoding along with dummy message transmission. For both the models, one of the key techniques used in the achievable scheme is interference cancelation, which has two benefits: it cancels interference and ensures secrecy simultaneously. The results show that limited-rate transmitter cooperation can greatly facilitate secure communications over 2-user ICs.

Distributed Algorithms for Power Allocation Games on Gaussian Interference Channels

Krishnachaitanya, A January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
We consider a wireless communication system in which there are N transmitter-receiver pairs and each transmitter wants to communicate with its corresponding receiver. This is modelled as an interference channel. We propose power allocation algorithms for increasing the sum rate of two and three user interference channels. The channels experience fast fading and there is an average power constraint on each transmitter. In this case receivers use successive decoding under strong interference, instead of treating interference as noise all the time. Next, we u se game theoretic approach for power allocation where each receiver treats interference as noise. Each transmitter-receiver pair aims to maximize its long-term average transmission rate subject to an average power constraint. We formulate a stochastic game for this system in three different scenarios. First, we assume that each user knows all direct and crosslink channel gains. Next, we assume that each user knows channel gains of only the links that are incident on its receiver. Finally, we assume that each use r knows only its own direct link channel gain. In all cases, we formulate the problem of finding the Nash equilibrium(NE) as a variational in equality problem. For the game with complete channel knowledge, we present an algorithm to solve the VI and we provide weaker sufficient conditions for uniqueness of the NE than the sufficient conditions available in the literature. Later, we present a novel heuristic for solving the VI under general channel conditions. We also provide a distributed algorithm to compute Pare to optimal solutions for the proposed games. We use Bayesian learning that guarantees convergence to an Ɛ-Nash equilibrium for the incomplete information game with direct link channel gain knowledge only, that does not require knowledge of the power policies of other users but requires feedback of the interference power values from a receiver to its corresponding transmitter. Later, we consider a more practical scenario in which each transmitter transmits data at a certain rate using a power that depends on the channel gain to its receiver. If a receiver can successfully receive the message, it sends an acknowledgement(ACK), else it sends a negative ACK(NACK). Each user aims to maximize its probability of successful transmission. We formulate this problem as a stochastic game and propose a fully distributed learning algorithm to find a correlated equilibrium(CE). In addition, we use a no regret algorithm to find a coarse correlated equilibrium(CCE) for our power allocation game. We also propose a fully distributed learning algorithm to find a Pareto optimal solution. In general Pareto points do not guarantee fairness among the users. Therefore we also propose an algorithm to compute a Nash bargaining solution which is Pareto optimal and provides fairness among the users. Finally, we extend these results when each transmitter sends data at multiple rates rather than at a fixed rate.

Interference Modeling in Wireless Networks

Shabbir Ali, Mohd January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Cognitive radio (CR) networks and heterogeneous cellular networks are promising approaches to satisfy the demand for higher data rates and better connectivity. A CR network increases the utilization of the radio spectrum by opportunistically using it. Heterogeneous networks provide high data rates and improved connectivity by spatially reusing the spectrum and by bringing the network closer to the user. Interference presents a critical challenge for reliable communication in these networks. Accurately modeling it is essential in ensuring a successful design and deployment of these networks. We first propose modeling the aggregate interference power at a primary receiver (PU-Rx) caused from transmissions by randomly located cognitive users (CUs) in a CR network as a shifted lognormal random process. Its parameters are determined using a moment matching method. Extensive benchmarking shows that the proposed model is more accurate than the lognormal and Gaussian process models considered in the literature, even for a relatively dense deployment of CUs. It also compares favorably with the asymptotically exact stable and symmetric truncated stable distribution models, except at high CU densities. Our model accounts for the effect of imperfect spectrum sensing, interweave and underlay modes of CR operation, and path-loss, time-correlated shad-owing and fading of the various links in the network. It leads to new expressions for the probability distribution function, level crossing rate (LCR), and average exceedance duration (AED). The impact of cooperative spectrum sensing is also characterized. We also apply and validate the proposed model by using it to redesign the primary exclusive zone to account for the time-varying nature of interference. Next we model the uplink inter-cell aggregate interference power in homogeneous and heterogeneous cellular systems as a simpler lognormal random variable. We develop a new moment generating function (MGF) matching method to determine the lognormal’s parameters. Our model accounts for the transmit power control, peak transmit power constraint, small scale fading and large scale shadowing, and randomness in the number of interfering mobile stations and their locations. In heterogeneous net-works, the random nature of the number and locations of low power base stations is also accounted for. The accuracy of the proposed model is verified for both small and large values of interference. While not perfect, it is more accurate than the conventional Gaussian and moment-matching-based lognormal and Gamma distribution models. It is also performs better than the symmetric-truncated stable and stable distribution models, except at higher user density.

The “elektron” Collection of Communication Engineering and Precision Technology

Mauersberger, Klaus 03 September 2024 (has links)
The traditional division of electrical engineering into strong and weak current engineering is no longer common today, following a pronounced differentiation in the discipline. For historical purposes, however, the collections need to be traced back to the way they originated so that they can be categorized. This explains why two collections − housed, significantly, in the archetypal home of weak current technology, the Barkhausen Building − are presently exhibited according to their original connection to the subjects of weak current technology and precision engineering. These are the Acoustic-Phonetic Collection and the “elektron” Collections. The latter most closely reflects the divergent paths taken during the development of weak-current technology and precision engineering. As a consequence, it was created from different historical sources and its structure is that of a teaching collection containing museum objects.

Robust Precoder And Transceiver Optimization In Multiuser Multi-Antenna Systems

Ubaidulla, P 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The research reported in this thesis is concerned with robust precoder and transceiver optimization in multiuser multi-antenna wireless communication systems in the presence of imperfect channel state information(CSI). Precoding at the transmit side, which utilizes the CSI, can improve the system performance and simplify the receiver design. Transmit precoding is essential for inter-user interference cancellation in multiuser downlink where users do not cooperate. Linear and non-linear precoding have been widely investigated as low-complexity alternatives to dirty paper coding-based transmission scheme for multiuser multiple-input multiple-output(MU-MIMO)downlink. Similarly, in relay-assisted networks, precoding at the relay nodes have been shown to improve performance. The precoder and joint precoder/receive filter (transceiver) designs usually assume perfect knowledge of the CSI. In practical systems, however, the CSI will be imperfect due to estimation errors, feedback errors and feedback delays. Such imperfections in CSI will lead to deterioration of performance of the precoders/transceivers designed assuming perfect CSI. In such situations, designs which are robust to CSI errors are crucial to realize the potential of multiuser multi-antenna systems in practice. This thesis focuses on the robust designs of precoders and transceivers for MU-MIMO downlink, and for non-regenerative relay networks in the presence of errors in the CSI. We consider a norm-bounded error(NBE) model, and a stochastic error(SE) model for the CSI errors. These models are suitable for commonly encountered errors, and they allow mathematically and computationally tractable formulations for the robust designs. We adopt a statistically robust design in the case of stochastic error, and a minimax or worst-case robust design in the case of norm-bounded error. We have considered the robust precoder and transceiver designs under different performance criteria based on transmit power and quality-of-service(QoS) constraints. The work reported in this thesis can be grouped into three parts, namely,i ) robust linear pre-coder and transceiver designs for multiuser downlink, ii)robust non-linear precoder and transceiver designs for multiuser downlink, and iii)robust precoder designs for non-regenerative relay networks. Linear precoding: In this part, first, a robust precoder for multiuser multiple-input single-output(MU-MISO)downlink that minimizes the total base station(BS)transmit power with constraints on signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio(SINR) at the user terminals is considered. We show that this problem can be reformulated as a second order cone program(SOCP) with the same order of computational complexity as that of the non-robust precoder design. Next, a robust design of linear transceiver for MU-MIMO downlink is developed. This design is based on the minimization of sum mean square error(SMSE) with a constraint on the total BS transmit power, and assumes that the error in the CSI at the transmitter(CSIT) follows the stochastic error model. For this design, an iterative algorithm based on the associated Karush-Kuhn-Tucker(KKT) conditions is proposed. Our numerical results demonstrate the robust performance of the propose designs. Non-linear precoding: In this part, we consider robust designs of Tomlinson-Harashima precoders(THP) for MU-MISO and MU-MIMO downlinks with different performance criteria and CSI error models. For MU-MISO systems with imperfect CSIT, we investigate the problem of designing robust THPs under MSE and total BS transmit power constraints. The first design is based on the minimization of total BS transmit power under constraints on the MSE at the individual user receivers. We present an iterative procedure to solve this problem, where each iteration involves the solution of a pair of convex optimization problems. The second design is based on the minimization of a stochastic function of the SMSE under a constraint on the total BS transmit power. We solve this problem efficiently by the method of alternating optimization. For MU-MIMO downlink, we propose robust THP transceiver designs that jointly optimize the TH precoder and receiver filters. We consider these transceiver designs under stochastic and norm-bounded error models for CSIT. For the SE model, we propose a minimum SMSE transceiver design. For the NBE model, we propose three robust designs, namely, minimum SMSE design, MSE-constrained design, and MSE-balancing design. Our proposed solutions to these robust design problems are based on iteratively solving a pair of sub-problems, one of which can be solved analytically, and the other can be formulated as a convex optimization problem that can be solved efficiently. Robust precoder designs for non-regenerative relay networks: In this part, we consider robust designs for two scenarios in the case of relay-assisted networks. First, we consider a non-regenerative relay network with a source-destination node pair assisted by multiple relay nodes, where each node is equipped with a single antenna. The set of the cooperating relay nodes can be considered as a distributed antenna array. For this scenario, we present a robust distributed beam former design that minimizes the total relay transmit power with a constraint on the SNR at the destination node. We show that this robust design problem can be reformulated as a semi-definite program (SDP)that can be solved efficiently. Next, we consider a non-regenerative relay network, where a set of source-destination node pairs are assisted by a MIMO-relay node, which is equipped with multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas. For this case, we consider robust designs in the presence of stochastic and norm-bounded CSI errors. We show that these problems can be reformulated as convex optimization problems. In the case of norm-bounded error, we use an approximate expression for the MSE in order to obtain a tractable solution.

QoS Aware Quorumcasting Over Optical Burst Switched Networks

Balagangadhar, B G 07 1900 (has links)
Recently there is an emergence of many Internet applications such as multimedia, video conferencing, distributed interactive simulations (DIS), and high-performance scientific computations like Grid computing. These applications require huge amount of bandwidth and a viable communication paradigm to coordinate with multiple sources and destinations. Optical networks are the potential candidates for providing high bandwidth requirement. Existing communication paradigms include broadcast, and multicast. Hence supporting these paradigms over optical networks is necessary. Multicasting over optical networks has been well investigated in the literature. QoS policies implemented in IP does not apply for Wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) or optical burst switched (OBS) networks, as the optical counterpart for store-and-forward model does not exist. Hence there is a need to provision QoS over optical networks. These QoS requirements can include contention, optical signal quality, reliability and delay. To support these diverse requirements, optical networks must be able to manage the available resources effectively. Destinations participating in the multicast session are fixed (or rather static). Due to the random contention in the network, if at least one or more destination(s) is not reachable, requested multicast session cannot be established. This results in loss of multicast request with high probability of blocking. Incorporating wavelength converters (WCs) at the core nodes can decrease the contention loss, however WCs require optical-electrical-optical (O/E/O) conversion. This increases the delay incurred by optical signal. On the other hand all-optical WCs are expensive and increase the cost of the network if deployed. Goal of this thesis is, to provide hop-to-hop QoS on an existing all-optical network (AON) with no WC and optical regeneration capability. In order to minimize the request vi Abstract vii lost due to contention in AON, we propose a variation of multicasting called Quorumcasting or Manycasting. In Quorumcasting destinations can join (or leave) to (or from) the group depending on whether they are reachable or not. In other words destinations have to be determined rather than knowing them prior, as in the case of multicasting. Quorum pool is minimum number of destinations that are required to be participated in the session for successful accomplishment of the job (k be the size of quorum pool). Providing QoS for manycasting over OBS has not been addressed in the literature. Given the multicast group (with cardinality m > k) and the number of destinations required to be participated, the contribution of this work is based on providing necessary QoS. In this thesis we study the behavior of manycasting over OBS networks. In OBS networks, packets from the upper-layer (such as IP, ATM, STM) are assembled and a burst is created at the edge router. By using O/E/O conversion at the edge nodes, these optical bursts are scheduled to the core node. Control header packet or burst header packet (BHP) is sent to prior to the transmission of burst. The BHP configures the core nodes and the burst is scheduled on the channel after certain offset time. In the first part of the thesis, we explain the different distributed applications with primary focus on Grid over OBS (GoOBS). We study the loss scenario due contention and inadequate signal quality for an unicast case in OBS network. We further extend this to manycasting. We modify the BHP header fields to make the burst aware of not only contention on the next-hop link, but also bit-error rate (BER). By using recursive signal and noise power relations, we calculate the BER (or q-factor) of the link and schedule the burst only if the required BER threshold is met. Thus all the bursts that reach the next-hop node ensure that contention and BER constraint are met. This are called “Impairment-Aware (IA) Scheduling”. Burst loss in the network increases due to BER constraint. Hence we propose algorithms to decrease the burst loss and simultaneously providing the sufficient optical signal quality. We propose three algorithms called IA-shortest path tree (IA-SPT), IA-static over provisioning (IA-SOP), and IA-dynamic membership (IA-DM). In IA-SPT destination set is sorted in the non-decreasing order of the hop-distance from source. First k of them are selected and bursts are scheduled to Abstract viii these destinations along the shortest path. In IA-SOP we select additional k0(_ m − k) destinations where k0 is the over provisioning factor. Over provisioning ensures that burst at least reach k of them, decreasing the contention blocking. However as the burst has to span more destinations, the fan-out of the multicast capable switch will be more and the BER could be high. In IA-DM destinations are dynamically added or removed, depending on contention and BER. Destination is removed and new destination is added based on the two constraints. Our simulation results shows that IA-DM out performs the other two algorithms in terms of request blocking. We show that IP-based many casting has poor performance and hence there is a need for supporting many casting over OBS networks. We verify our simulation results with the proposed analytical method. In the next part, we focus on provisioning QoS in many casting. QoS parameters considered for analysis include, signal quality i.e., optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR), reliability of the link and, propagation delay. In this work we consider application based QoS provisioning. In other words, given the threshold requirements of an application, our aim is to successfully schedule the burst to the quorum pool satisfying the threshold conditions. We use a de-centralized way of the scheduling the burst, using BHP. With the help of local-network state information, the burst is scheduled only if it satisfies multiple set of constraints. Corresponding reception of burst at the node ensures that all the QoS constraints are met and burst is forwarded to the next hop. QoS attributes are either multiplicative or additive. Noise factor of the optical signal and reliability factor are multiplicative constraints, where as propagation delay is additive. We define a path information vector, which provides the QoS information of the burst at every node. Using lattice theory we define an ordering, such that noise factor and propagation delay are minimum and reliability is maximum. Using path algebra we compute the overall QoS attributes. Due to multiple set of constraints, the request blocking could be high. We propose algorithms to minimize request blocking for Multiple Constrained Many cast Problem (MCMP). We propose two algorithms MCM-SPT and MCM-DM. We consider different set of service thresholds, such as real time and data service thresholds. Real time services impose restriction on signal quality and the propagation delay. On the other hand Abstract ix data services require high reliability and signal quality. Our simulation study shows that MCM-SPT performs better than MCM-DM for real-time services and the data services can be provisioned using MCM-DM.

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