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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leadership entrepreneurial en communauté pour une performance durable : études de cas dans le tourisme à base communautaire Homestay, en Thailande / Entrepreneurial leadership in the community for sustainable performance : case studies from the successful Homestay community-base tourism in Thailand.

Chaiyakhet, Netdao 18 July 2014 (has links)
Le but principal de cet étude est de fournir un état des lieux complet du style deleadership entrepreneurial effectif dans le tourisme à base communautaire Homestay pour uneperformance durable, en utilisant la bonne performance du tourisme à base communautaireHomestay qui opère en faveur du développement durable. La stratégie du cas d'étude, qui estune des stratégies de la méthodologie de la recherche qualitative, est utilisée. Les données sontcollectées depuis plusieurs sources: preuve documentaire, observation des participants, etentretiens avec le leader et les personnes de trois communautés. La principale conclusion decette étude a montré que pour développer un leadership entrepreneurial effectif pour uneperformance durable, le leadership entrepreneurial nécessite trois principes : ambidextriecognitive, SEERS (responsabilité et durabilité sociale, environnementale et économique), etconscience de soi et sociale, comme le principe de Greenberg et al. (2011). Toutefois, l'aspectambidextrie cognitive peut être substitué par l'utilisation d'équipes de consultants effectives. Deplus, ces caractéristiques de personnalité peuvent être développées pour des communautésdurables. / The main purpose of this study was undertaken in order to provide a comprehensivepicture of the effective entrepreneurial leadership style in Homestay community-based tourism(CBT) for sustainable performance by using the good-performance of Homestay CBT inThailand with has the operation toward to sustainable development. The case study strategies,which is one of the strategies in the qualitative research methodology was used. Data werecollected from multiple sources: documentary evidence, participant observation, and interviewswith the leader and people in three communities. The main finding of this study showed that todevelop the effective entrepreneurial leadership for sustainable performance, theentrepreneurial leadership needs three principles; Cognitive ambidexterity, SEERS (social,environmental, and economic responsibility and sustainability), and self-and social awarenessas the principle of Greenberg et al. (2011). However, in Cognitive ambidexterity aspect couldsubstitute by using the effective consultant teams. Besides, those of personality characteristicsare able to develop for sustainable communities.

Musealização de territórios e turismo de base comunitária: reflexões sobre a comunicação e a salvaguarda do patrimônio da Reserva Extrativista do Mandira, Cananéia/SP / Musealization of territories and community-based tourism: reflections about the communication and safeguard of the heritage of the Extractive Reserve of Mandira, in Cananeia, SP, Brazil

Guerra, Marília Falcone 13 September 2016 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa buscamos entender as contribuições da Museologia para iniciativas de turismo de base comunitária desenvolvidas em Reservas Extrativistas (Resex), de forma a promover o conhecimento e a valorização do patrimônio (e do território-patrimônio) das populações tradicionais habitantes dessas áreas e, assim, colaborar para a implementação dessa categoria de Unidade de Conservação (UC). Nesse processo, a discussão se amplia para uma reflexão sobre as Resex como potenciais museus (mais especificamente como ecomuseus) e como cenário para o fato museal. A pesquisa tem como estudo de caso a experiência de turismo de base comunitária desenvolvida desde 2004 pela Comunidade Quilombola do Mandira, beneficiária da Resex do Mandira, localizada no município de Cananéia/SP. Os métodos utilizados envolvem pesquisa teórica e de campo. O estudo é fundamentado em autores e referenciais teóricos das Ciências Humanas -- notadamente da Antropologia e da Museologia -- e das Ciências Naturais; na análise dos inventários de patrimônio coordenados pelo Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) e pelo Instituto de Terras de São Paulo (Itesp); na avaliação do processo de comunicação das referências patrimoniais; e em entrevistas semiestruturadas com membros da Comunidade do Mandira, com representantes de órgãos públicos e de Organizações Não-Governamentais. / In the present study, we seek to understand the contributions of Museology for community-based tourism initiatives carried out in Brazilian Extractive Reserves (Resex), our goal being to promote knowledge and valorization of the heritage (and territory-heritage) of the traditional populations who live in these areas, thus collaborating for the implementation of this category of Conservation Unit (UC). In this process, our discussion widens to encompass a reflection about Resex as potential museums (more specifically, eco-museums) and as a setting for the museal fact. We use as a study case the community-based tourism experience conducted since 2004 by the Quilombola Community of Mandira, which is the beneficiary of the Mandira Resex, in the municipality of Cananéia, state of São Paulo. Our methods involve field and theoretical research. The study builds on the works of authors and theoretical background of Human Sciences -- particularly Anthropology and Museology -- and Natural Sciences; on the analysis of heritage lists coordinated by the Socioenvironmental Institute (ISA) and the Institute of Lands of São Paulo (Itesp); on an evaluation of the process of communication of heritage references; and on semi-structured interviews with members of the Mandira community, government agency officials, and members of NGOs.

Do passado que insiste em persistir: conflitos e possibilidades para um desenvolvimento do turismo de base comunitária na Vila de Barra do Una em Peruíbe (SP) / The past that insists on persisting: conflicts and possibilities for development of community-based tourism in Barra do Una village in Peruibe (SP).

Ferreira, Paulo Tacio Aires 27 May 2015 (has links)
O histórico de criação e gestão de áreas protegidas brasileiras configurou-se como experiências antidemocráticas, pouco estimuladoras da participação social. O desenvolvimento do turismo no Brasil possui um histórico, a princípio, guiado por modelos centralizadores e, posteriormente, orientado pelas idéias políticas neoliberais que privilegiaram setores privados em detrimento do desenvolvimento de comunidades locais. Seguindo esses modelos, a criação da Estação Ecológica Juréia-Itatins (EEJI), uma unidade de conservação de proteção integral, não permitia moradias e usos de populações, gerando alterações no modo de vida das populações tradicionais inseridas em seu interior. Com as lutas dos povos da região, o local transformou-se em um Mosaico de Unidades de Conservação, englobando áreas protegidas de uso sustentável, categorias mais flexíveis, cujas possibilidades de usos ainda estão sendo discutidas e negociadas pelos atores da região: moradores, ocupantes não tradicionais e a Fundação Florestal, o órgão gestor da área. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as possibilidades de desenvolvimento do turismo de base comunitária na Vila de Barra do Una, localizada no município de Peruíbe, São Paulo, e também inserida na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Barra do Una (RDSBU). Consideram-se os conflitos decorrentes da existência de áreas protegidas no local, bem como os impactos socioculturais ocasionados pelo turismo. A metodologia utilizada foi a etnografia, com foco na descrição densa de Clifford Geertz (2012), partindo da construção de uma narrativa de segunda mão, recurso importante para entendimento das mudanças ocorridas no local estudado e suas perspectivas futuras. Apresenta-se como resultados que a comunidade desenvolveu relativa experiência por meio de suas lutas políticas e vivência com a prática do turismo, onde é perceptível uma organização socioprodutiva da atividade. A comunidade estudada (incluindo todos os grupos sociais implicados na vila) possui alguns aspectos positivos para o desenvolvimento de um turismo de base comunitária: os moradores (tradicionais e ocupantes não tradicionais) possuem larga identificação e enraizamento territorial; apresentam uma organização social relevante; desenvolveram uma larga experiência tanto política e também com a atividade do turismo; e agregaram parceiros, ainda que em alguns momentos tenha havido conflitos com estes. Por outro lado, também possuem alguns desafios a serem transpostos: nas premissas de conservação da unidade de conservação, as instituições públicas como a Fundação Florestal precisam também incluir a sociodiversidade nos processos de tomada de decisões, levando em conta o direito indispensável da participação social; devem, além disso, pautar pela clareza e transparência na gestão da área protegida, para este fato recomenda-se os princípios estabelecidos por Graham, Amos, Plumptre (2003). Conclui-se que a comunidade necessita manter o esforço de buscar e ter consciência da importância da união coletiva, tencionando superar o subaproveitamento da atividade, retomar parcerias que já foram realizadas em outros tempos, para adiante trabalhar um turismo mais planejado. / The historical of establishment and management of protected Brazilian areas was configured as anti-democratic experiences that were marked by having lower stimulation of social participation. The development of tourism in Brazil has a history, at first, guided by centralizing models and subsequently guided by neoliberal political ideas which favored private sectors at the expense of the development of local communities. Following these models, the creation of Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station (EEJI), an integral protection conservation unit, did not allow housing and population uses, by the time generating changes in the lifestyle of the traditional populations, once inserted on their interiors. As a result of the struggles of the regional people, the local became in a Conservation Unit Mosaic, covering protected areas of sustainable use, flexible categories, whose uses possibilities are still being discussed and negotiated by the regional actors: residents, non-traditional occupants and the Forestry Foundation, the management body area. The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential development of community-based tourism in Barra do Una village, located in the municipality of Peruibe, state of Sao Paulo, which is also included in the Sustainable Development Reserve Una Bar (RDSBU). The conflicts are considered due the existence of protected areas in the local, such as social and cultural impacts related to tourism. The methodology used was ethnography, focusing on the \"thick description\" of Clifford Geertz (2012), based on the construction of a narrative of \"second boot\", an important resource for understanding the changes in the studied site and its future prospects. It is presented as results of that, community developed on experience through their political struggles and experience with practice of tourism whose the socio-productive organization is noticeable. The community studied (including all social groups involved in the village) has some positive aspects to the development of a tourism community-based: residents (traditional and non-traditional occupants) have wide identification and traditional roots; have a relevant social organization; developed a wide experience both politically and with the tourism activity; and added partners, although in some instances has been conflict with each other. On the other hand, they also have some challenges to be overcome: in protected premises of the protected unit, public institutions such as the Forestry Foundation also need to include social diversity in decision-making processes, taking into account the essential right of social participation; should also be guided by clarity and transparency in the protected area management, for this fact recommended to the principles set out by Graham, Amos, Plumptre (2003). We conclude that the community needs to maintain efforts to seek and be aware of the importance of collective union intends to overcome the under-utilization of the activity, take back partnerships that have already been carried out at other times, to work on a more planned tourism.

O balançar da rede: turismo comunitário da Rede Tucum no Facebook / The balance of the network: Community Tourism Network of Tucumán on Facebook

Silva, Fernando José Sousa da 27 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T14:10:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Jose Sousa da Silva.pdf: 2796886 bytes, checksum: 952b3e3ea4e875be72e59d5917016142 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Tourism is an important economic activity in Brazil. It is seen as inducer of social inclusion, development, generating employment and income. However, its standard organization cause social and environmental impacts without generating development. In contrast to this type of tourism, some organized groups propose alternative models. Among them, is the Community-based tourism, whose basis lies in the mobilization of the collective potencial of theses groups for the defense and the maintenance of their land and heritage. Tourism is understood here as a practice of consumption and entertainment anchored in leisure with strong communicational aspect. As concern to communication, it's understood as a process of interaction and building relationships. This dissertation analyzes the communication and promotional strategies of the community-based tourism on the coastal area of Ceará. The focus of this work is the Rede Tucum - Rede Cearense de Turismo Comunitário on Facebook. The site is, nowadays, one of the biggest sites of social networking in users numbers. Also, it's a important tool for Rede Tucum to communicate with its members and to promote the comunnity-based tourism. The observation and subsequent analysis of the actions of Tucum on Facebook focus on four axs: the coexistence in the site of a profile and a web page, the communities albums, the use of hashtags and the contents published by Tucum. The analysis of Tucum's page and profile aims to identify if there are differences in their uses. About the albums, the focus will be on those dedicated to introduce the communities. The intention is to investigate if those album are performing the function of introducing the communities to potential travelers. The observation of the use of hashtags seeks to identify whether the Rede Tucum uses it in their publications, and if the answer is positive, what are the terms used and to that they are related. About the publications on Tucum's page, will seek to discern themes it ponders and shares in its time line. The research identified the need for the construction of a communication policy for the Rede Tucum so that it can give cohesion to its actions of communication and promotion of the community-based tourism. / O turismo é uma importante atividade econômica brasileira. É encarado como indutor de inclusão social, desenvolvimento e geração de emprego e renda. No entanto, o padrão de organização que rege seu modelo dominante, a partir de suas ações, provocam impactos sociais e ambientais sem gerar desenvolvimento. Contrapondo-se a esse tipo de turismo, alguns grupos organizados propõem modelos alternativos. Dentre eles, está o turismo comunitário, cuja base reside na mobilização do potencial coletivo para a defesa e a luta da manutenção de suas terras e de seu patrimônio. O turismo é aqui entendido como prática de consumo e entretenimento ancorada no lazer e que possui forte aspecto comunicacional. Comunicação enquanto processo de interação e construção de relações. A dissertação consiste em analisar as estratégias de comunicação e promoção do turismo comunitário na zona costeira cearense, tendo como foco a Rede Tucum - Rede Cearense de Turismo Comunitário. Foram analisadas as ações da Rede Tucum no Facebook. O site de rede social digital é, atualmente, um dos maiores sites mundiais em termo de usuários e uma ferramenta de comunicação e promoção muito utilizada pela Rede Tucum. A observação e consequente análise das ações da Rede Tucum no Facebook se detêm em quatro eixos: a coexistência no site do perfil e da página da Rede, os álbuns de fotografias das comunidades participantes, o uso de hashtags e os conteúdos publicados pela Rede. A análise da página e perfil da Rede Tucum objetiva identificar se há diferenças em seus usos. A análise dos álbuns de fotografia focará naqueles dedicados a apresentação das comunidades. Com isso, averígua-se se os álbuns exercem a função de apresentar as comunidades a possíveis viajantes. Com o uso de hashtags procura-se identificar se a Rede as utiliza em suas publicações e se, a resposta for positiva, quais os termos que são utilizados e a que eles estão relacionados. Quanto às publicações na página da Rede Tucum, busca-se discernir sobre quais temas ela pondera e compartilha em sua linha do tempo. A pesquisa identificou a necessidade da construção de uma política de comunicação da Rede para que possa dar coesão às suas ações de comunicação e promoção do turismo comunitário.

A ictiofauna de um riacho costeiro em Cananeia - SP : composição, história natural e seu uso na implementação de atividade de turismo sustentável /

Souza, Gabriel Raposo Silva de. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Domingos Garrone-Neto / Resumo: Neste trabalho estudamos a composição, distribuição e história natural da comunidade de peixes em um riacho litorâneo da Mata Atlântica. Além disso, relatamos um estudo de caso envolvendo a utilização desta ictiofauna como ferramenta de divulgação e conscientização ambiental, no âmbito do projeto “Peixes do Lagamar”. Conduzimos os estudos ictiofaunísticos em três trechos do rio das Minas, no município de Cananeia, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo. Apesar de estar localizado, em sua maior parte, dentro do Parque Estadual do Lagamar de Cananeia, o rio das Minas não possuía registros a respeito de sua ictiofauna. Realizamos observações diretas (mergulho livre) e indiretas (BRUVS – Baited Remotely Underwater Video Station) durante dois anos (2017 e 2018) e coletas tradicionais (covo, picaré, puçá etc.) somente em uma campanha (set./2017). Ao todo, registramos 31 espécies, pertencentes a 14 famílias e cinco ordens, com 28 espécies no trecho a jusante, 17 no trecho intermediário e seis a montante, fato que esteve relacionado ao gradiente altitudinal existente entre os pontos de coleta. Descrevemos dois comportamentos para Geophagus brasiliensis: i) uma nova tática de forrageamento e ii) uma associação alimentar do tipo “nuclear-seguidor” com o lambari Deuterodon iguape. De forma complementar, realizamos estudos de capacidade de suporte no rio das Minas e em um outro riacho da região, o rio Mandira, identificando áreas com potencial de receber visitantes para a prática de atividad... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In this work, we study the composition, distribution and natural history of the fish community in a coastal stream of the Atlantic Forest. In addition, we report a case study involving the use of this ichthyofauna as a tool for dissemination and environmental awareness, within the scope of the "Peixes do Lagamar" project. We conducted the ichthyofaunistic studies in three stretches of the Rio das Minas, in the municipality of Cananeia, south coast of the state of São Paulo. Despite being located, for the most part, within the Lagamar de Cananeia State Park, the Rio das Minas had no records regarding its ichthyofauna. We conducted direct observations (snorkelling) and indirect observations (BRUVS - Baited Remotely Underwater Video Station) for two years (2017 and 2018) and traditional captures (fish trap, seine net, dip net and hook) in only one campaign (sep/2017). In total, we recorded 31 species, belonging to 14 families and five orders, with 28 species in the downstream section, 17 in the intermediate section and six upstream, a fact that was related to the altitudinal gradient existing between the collection points. We describe two behaviours for Geophagus brasiliensis: i) a new foraging tactic and ii) a "nuclear-follower" food association with tetra Deuterodon iguape. In addition, we carried out studies of carrying capacity in the Rio das Minas and another stream in the region, the Rio Mandira, identifying areas with potential to receive visitors for the practice of flot... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Mulheres da Praia do Sono: um estudo sobre g?nero, turismo e sustentabilidade no litoral sul do Rio de Janeiro / Women from Praia do Sono: a study on gender, tourism and sustainability in the southern coast of Rio de Janeiro

FARIAS, Maria Morena Pinto Martins 15 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-05-03T21:45:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Maria Morena Pinto Martins Farias.pdf: 3048591 bytes, checksum: 868b70963e6e6a33ba6d4c890ceaa7fb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-03T21:45:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Maria Morena Pinto Martins Farias.pdf: 3048591 bytes, checksum: 868b70963e6e6a33ba6d4c890ceaa7fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-15 / CNPq / This study intends to look at the growing presence of women on sustainable development practices at Praia do Sono, in the city of Paraty/RJ, through the comparative analysis of communitarian tourism and the artisanal practice of craftwork. To think about cai?ara communities in contemporary society is also to reflect about the implementation of economical practices which allow the reproduction and survivor of these people together with environmental conservation of the coast areas. With this goal, the research compared two kinds of economical development practices developed at Praia do Sono: those inducted by the State and by civil society organizations, such as the craftwork project made by women known as Bordadeiras da Praia do Sono. On the other hand, the iniciatives and activities made by local communities and developed autonomously such as communitarian tourism. The research's focus lies on the centrality of women's management in the development of these economical practices, seeking to reflect on how women activate their family and neighborhood networks in order to organize activities and how the growing female presence on the income generation has been manifesting itself on the social relations of gender inside the family and the community. / A proposta do estudo ? analisar a crescente presen?a feminina nas pr?ticas de desenvolvimento sustent?vel na Praia do Sono, localizada no munic?pio de Paraty/RJ, a partir da an?lise comparativa do turismo de base comunit?ria e da pr?tica artesanal do bordado. Pensar comunidades cai?aras na sociedade contempor?nea ? tamb?m refletir sobre a implementa??o de pr?ticas econ?micas que permitam a reprodu??o e a sobreviv?ncia destes povos em conjunto com a conserva??o ambiental das ?reas costeiras. Com este objetivo, a pesquisa buscou analisar comparativamente dois tipos de pr?ticas de desenvolvimento econ?mico em curso na Praia do Sono: aquelas induzidas pelo Estado e organiza??es da sociedade civil, como ? o caso do bordado elaborado por mulheres que comp?e o grupo reconhecido como as Bordadeiras da Praia do Sono. E as iniciativas e atividades protagonizadas pelas comunidades locais e desenvolvidas autonomamente como o turismo comunit?rio. O foco da pesquisa recaiu sobre a centralidade da gest?o feminina no desenvolvimento dessas pr?ticas econ?micas, buscando refletir sobre como as mulheres acionam suas redes de parentesco e vizinhan?a na organiza??o das atividades e como a crescente presen?a feminina na gera??o de renda tem se manifestado nas rela??es sociais de g?nero dentro da fam?lia e da comunidade.

Community-Based Tourism: An Exploratory Study of Barbados

Jones, Bertram O'Brian 01 January 2016 (has links)
Tourism, Barbados's primary industry, declined substantially from the outset of the 2008 global recession, triggering an economic slump in the local economy. The purpose of this exploratory study was to explore the views of 20 Barbadian tourism executives regarding the ability of community-based tourism (CBT) to resuscitate Barbados's tourism industry. The participants included 10 from the government and 10 from the business sector; all possessed knowledge of CBT and worked with tourism for at least 10 years. Arnstein's ladder of citizen participation constituted the conceptual framework of this study. Participants were recruited by snowball and purposive sampling. Data were collected using an interview guide with semistructured interview questions, an audio recorder, and interview notes. The collected data were coded and analyzed using thematic analysis, which involved collating the most cited codes into potential themes and developing thematic maps. The major themes that emerged from the data analysis of the private sector included the use of CBT as a means to solidify social relationships among locals and tourists and its ability to encourage repeat vacations. The major themes that materialized from interviewing the government workers included the need for the education of residents regarding the importance of their roles as stakeholder participants and the obligation by the relevant officials to stem any potential for criminal activity that could occur through CBT implementation. Repeated vacations through CBT could give rise to positive social change in the island by generating increased foreign currency injections and improving the social well-being of Barbadians and the Barbados economy.

Networks, technology and regional development: small tourism enterprises in Western Southland, New Zealand

Clark, Vanessa Unknown Date (has links)
Tourism is increasingly being used as a tool to stimulate regional development in rural areas. Small tourism enterprises (STE) lie at the heart of the industry and form a major part of the tourism sector. Characterised by flexible organisational structures and small size, STE are well positioned to respond to a growing demand for unique personalised visitor experiences. Information and communications technologies (ICT) enhance access to information, improve the efficiency of business activities and promote networking between businesses, community and travellers at the local, regional and international level.Western Southland is a predominantly rural region in the far south of New Zealand. Promoting the development of a cohesive tourism industry in the Western Southland region will benefit individual operators, their communities and the region as a whole. Using the case of Western Southland, this study explores the profile and characteristics of STE; their perceptions of the value of networking and collaboration, and their attitudes towards and use of ICT. Also considered are the implications of STE attitudes and behaviour in relation to the New Zealand Tourism Strategy and the New Zealand Digital Strategy goals in shaping regional development. A variety of business and community stakeholders are part of the broader case study contributing a rich understanding of the dynamics of the region. A mixed method approach is used to collect data through a series of semi-structured interviews and a survey. Key findings show that limited planned networking is occurring and there is a need to increase STE awareness of the benefits of collaborative activities in order to promote active engagement with other STE. Existing networks are found to be largely informal and embedded in the social and cultural context of communities. The level of ICT use by STE varies, and considerable support is required to encourage operators to upskill. National development goals promote ideals of sustainable communities and businesses, and are aligned with what operators envisage for their region.

An economic analysis of community-based tourism in Thailand / Eine wirtschaftliche Analyse des ländlichen Tourismus in Thailand

Suriya, Komsan 11 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Networks, technology and regional development: small tourism enterprises in Western Southland, New Zealand

Clark, Vanessa Unknown Date (has links)
Tourism is increasingly being used as a tool to stimulate regional development in rural areas. Small tourism enterprises (STE) lie at the heart of the industry and form a major part of the tourism sector. Characterised by flexible organisational structures and small size, STE are well positioned to respond to a growing demand for unique personalised visitor experiences. Information and communications technologies (ICT) enhance access to information, improve the efficiency of business activities and promote networking between businesses, community and travellers at the local, regional and international level.Western Southland is a predominantly rural region in the far south of New Zealand. Promoting the development of a cohesive tourism industry in the Western Southland region will benefit individual operators, their communities and the region as a whole. Using the case of Western Southland, this study explores the profile and characteristics of STE; their perceptions of the value of networking and collaboration, and their attitudes towards and use of ICT. Also considered are the implications of STE attitudes and behaviour in relation to the New Zealand Tourism Strategy and the New Zealand Digital Strategy goals in shaping regional development. A variety of business and community stakeholders are part of the broader case study contributing a rich understanding of the dynamics of the region. A mixed method approach is used to collect data through a series of semi-structured interviews and a survey. Key findings show that limited planned networking is occurring and there is a need to increase STE awareness of the benefits of collaborative activities in order to promote active engagement with other STE. Existing networks are found to be largely informal and embedded in the social and cultural context of communities. The level of ICT use by STE varies, and considerable support is required to encourage operators to upskill. National development goals promote ideals of sustainable communities and businesses, and are aligned with what operators envisage for their region.

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