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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A genre-theoretic analysis of human rights texts in Xhosa

Mavela, Xolani Shadrack 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis employs the theoretical framework of text construction advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996) for the analysis of human rights magazine texts in isiXhosa. The theory employed in this study includes linguistic elements, which can be included in teaching methodology for developing the learners' analytic skills in analyzing the discourse structure of written texts. These kinds of analytic skills are strongly reflected in Curriculum 2005 for the learning area languages. The thesis employs a range of textlinguistic strategies for analyzing written genre texts on human and civil rights issues. It is argued that the incorporation of these strategies by teachers in the process of language teaching in Curriculum 2005 will enable the learners to analyse texts successfully and to gain an awareness about how language is used in texts. For the purpose of analysis in this thesis, texts from the Bona magazine with contents ranging on human and community or civil rights were collected. The thesis demonstrates that text analysis involves to a large extent, an investigation of generic factors such as the communicative purpose, the culture and the community in which the text is produced. Following the discussion of the generic features of texts, a broad definition of the term text is explored, and the textlinguistic construction and certain levels of analysis are identified. In addition to this, the study demonstrates that analysis of the linguistic structure of texts needs to incorporate the discussion of the parameters of the ethnography of writing advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). The ethnography of writing entails that a detailed analysis of texts should address the following questions: 'Who writes what to whom, for what purpose, why, when and how?' The study explores the implications and rationale for incorporating text analysis in language teaching and learning. Lastly, the relationship between the theoretical underpinnings assumed in this study, and the learning outcomes of Curriculum 2005 are explored. This study demonstrates that the theoretical framework of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) which underlies in the construction of written texts, will not only introduce the language learner to an inclusive language pedagogy, but can be employed for effective text analysis of isiXhosagenre texts on human rights in popular magazineslike Bona. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis maak gebruik van die teoretiese model van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) vir die analise van menseregte tydskrifartikels in isiXhosa. Die teorie wat aangewend word in die studie sluit linguistiese elemente in wat ingesluit kan word in taalonderrigmetodologie vir die ontwikkeling van leerders se analitiese vaardighede in die analise van diskoersstrukture van skriftelike tekste. Hierdie soort analitiese vaardighede word sterk gereflekteer in Kurrikulum 2005 vir die leerarea van tale. Die tesis wend 'n verskeidenheid tekslinguistiese strategieë aan vir die analise van geskrewe genre tekste oor menseregte en burgerlike regte vraagstukke. Daar word betoog in die studie dat die insluiting van hierdie strategieë deur onderwysers in die proses van taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005 leerders in staat sal stelom tekste suksesvol te ontleed en 'n bewussyn te kry van hoe taal in tekste gebruik word. Vir die doeleindes van analise is hierdie tesis is tekste gebruik uit die BONA tydskrif met 'n inhoud oor menseregte en gemeenskaps- en burgerlike regte. Die tesis demonstreer dat teksanalise in 'n groot mate 'n ondersoek behels van generiese faktore soos kommunikatiewe doelstelling, die kultuur en die gemeenskap waarin die teks geproduseer word. Na 'n bespreking van die generiese faktore van tekste word 'n breë definisie van die term "teks" ondersoek, en die tekslinguistiese konstruksie en bepaalde vlakke van analise word geïdentifiseer. Hierbenewens demonstreer die studie dat die linguistiese analise van tekste die bespreking moet insluit van die parameters van die etnografie van geskrewe tekste soos voorgestaan deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996). Die etnografie van geskrewe tekste behels dat die analise van tekste die volgende vrae ondersoek: Wie skryf wat vir wie vir watter doel, waarom, wanneer en hoe? Die studie ondersoek die implikasies en motivering vir die insluiting van teksanalise in taalonderrig. Laastens word die verhouding tussen die teoretiese grondslae, wat aanvaar word in hierdie studie, en die leeruitkomste van Kurrikulum 2005 ondersoek. Die studie toon aan dat die teoretiese raamwerk van Grabe en Kaplan (1996), wat onderliggend is aan die konstruksie van geskrewe tekste, kan aanvaar word om leerders in te lei in 'n meer inklusiewe taalonderrig en kan aangewend word vir effektiewe teksanalise van isiXhosa genre tekste gebaseer op die menseregte in populêre tydskrifte soos Bona.

Assessment of professional behaviour in occupational therapy education: investigating assessors’ understanding of constructs and expectations of levels of competence.

Snyman, Margaretha Alberta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The development of professional behaviour is one of the core components of occupational therapy education. The assessment of professional behaviour poses a problem as the constructs and expectations are not clearly defined; this results in compromised inter-rater reliability. The purpose of the study was to investigate assessors’ understanding of the constructs and the expectations deployed during the assessment of professional behaviour of third and fourth year occupational therapy students during clinical practice. A case study design was used in the qualitative study. Clinical supervisors were involved in: (1) a focus group interview to scrutinise the usefulness of the current assessment instrument and (2) a participatory discussion to determine their understanding of the constructs of professional behaviour and the level of expectations to be set for third and fourth year students respectively. This study confirms that the development of effective assessment of professional behaviour entails a number of pivotal steps that include developing a shared definition of the constructs thereof and the expectations at different levels of undergraduate training, the refinement of the assessment instrument and training of assessors in the use of this assessment instrument. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van professionele gedrag is een van die kern komponente in arbeidsterapie opleiding. Die assessering daarvan bied egter uitdagings aangesien die konstrukte en verwagtings nie duidelik gedefinieer is nie; dit het gekompromiteerde geldigheid en betroubaarheid tot gevolg aangesien verskillende assessore die professionele gedrag van studente verskillend assesseer. Hierdie studie het die ondersoek van kliniese toesighouers se begrip van die konstrukte en hul verwagtings tydens die assessering van professionele gedrag van derde- en vierdejaar arbeidsterapiestudente tydens kliniese prakties ten doel gehad. ‘n Gevallestudie ontwerp het die basis van ‘n kwalitatiewe ondersoek gevorm. Kliniese toesighouers is betrek in: (1) ‘n fokusgroeponderhoud om die bruikbaarheid en gebruikersvriendelikheid van die huidige assesseringsinstrument te bepaal; en (2) ‘n deelnemende groepbespreking om hul begrip van die konstrukte van professionele gedrag en die verwagte vlakke van funksionering vir onderskeidelik derde- en vierdejaar studente te ondersoek. Hierdie studie bevestig dat die ontwikkeling van effektiewe assessering van professionele gedrag ‘n aantal essensiële stappe behels. Hierdie stappe sluit die ontwikkeling van ‘n gedeelde definisie van die konstrukte en verwagtinge van professionele gedrag in, asook die verskil in verwagtinge op die onderskeie vlakke van voorgraadse opleiding, die verfyning van die bestaande assesseringsinstrument en die opleiding van assessore in die gebruik daarvan.

A framework for the design and implementation of competency-based teacher education programmes at the University of Namibia

Engelbrecht, Frederik Daniel Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Competency-based education (CBE) was introduced in the 1970s in the United States of America and its philosophical and practical dimensions are still being explored. As the Government of Namibia subscribes to CBE for all levels of education, the University of Namibia needs to understand this approach to education and how such programmes are ideally designed and implemented to bridge the gap between education (graduateness) and training (competence). The goal of this study was to develop a contextualised CBE programme design and implementation framework. International programme design and implementation frameworks were analysed and synthesised and applied to a local university programme, the Advanced Diploma in Education, in order to test the validity of an international framework and adapt it to local conditions. A qualitative research approach was used. On the one hand, data on the Advanced Diploma in Education (ADEd) was generated through methods such as stakeholder feedback on the ADEd design questionnaire as well as the analysis of relevant design and implementation documents. The post-hoc qualitative approach included a literature review, a visit to Australian universities and an international survey regarding the proposed design and implementation framework. The findings of the study pertain to programme design and programme implementation. The programme design findings emphasised the importance of the management of change to a CBE approach, the format of module descriptors and the assessment of competence. The implementation findings highlighted the necessity of administrative changes to accommodate CBE features, the training of staff and continuous evaluation of the teaching environment and lecturer performance. The study concludes that CBE appears to be appropriate for teacher education in Namibia when certain pitfalls are avoided and recommends that CBE programme designers at the Faculty of Education at the University of Namibia might apply the researched framework, comprising a comprehensive design and implementation section.

A process of quality improvement for outcomes-based critical care nursing education

Van Belkum, Corrien January 2001 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A thoughtfully planned learning program provides a blueprint for critical care nursing and gives direction to theory and clinical practice. The design of a learning program for critical care nursing that is adaptive, learner focussed and integrated, helps nurses acquire the necessary competencies (knowledge, technical skills and attitudes/values) needed for critical thinking. It also enables critical care nurses to grow professionally and to develop expertise in critical care nursing. Outcomes-based education has become the "new buzz word" in South Africa, and a paradigm shift from content-based to outcomes-based education has become essential. Institutions are concerned with efficient and effective approaches to critical care nursing delivery. The institution (nursing department) proves its worth by anticipating patient care needs and planning its learning program cognizant of the need to correlate activities with the institution's (nursing department) mission and outcomes. Planning that meets the learning needs of the critical care nursing learners not only provides the ability to meet job expectations, but also experiences for professional growth and satisfaction. In an age of nursing shortage, a well planned, integrated and outcomes orientated critical care learning program is essential. The outcome of the research was identified as a process of quality improvement for outcomes-based critical care nursing education, which included validated standards to facilitate quality critical care nursing education. This was researched by utilising an adapted Laing and Nish Model for Quality Assurance (1981) as the research strategy. Seven (7) steps were identified, namely: Step one included the identification and clarification of values; step two determined criteria, established standards for outcome, structure and process; step three ratified criteria and validated standards; step four identified and analysed factors influencing the results; step five selected appropriate actions to maintain or improve critical care nursing education; step six implemented the selected actions and in step seven, assessment (testing) was done. In steps two and three of the quality improvement process the Muller's (1996) Three Phase Model for Standard Development was implemented. Seven (7) standards were identified and formulated, namely: Standard one - Quality improvement; Standard two - Standard formulation; Standard three - Philosophy; Standard four - Legislative framework; Standard five - Curriculum development (learning program development); Standard six - Outcomes-based education; and Standard seven - Critical care nursing education. During the process of validation of the standards, standards five and six were combined and became Standard five - Outcomes-based learning program development. In step three the Delphi technique as part of the second phase of Muller's model (1996), was utilised to gain expert opinions / validation of standards. Operationalisation and assessment of the validated standards as part of a process of quality improvement for outcomes-based critical care education were done in a higher education institution. The results of this pilot study that was done supported the central theoretical assumption, namely that outcomes-based critical care nursing facilitates quality critical care nursing. The uniqueness of the research lies in the fact that in outcomes-based critical care nursing education there is no formal process of quality improvement for outcomes-based critical care nursing education. In this research, standards were developed and presented as part of a process of quality improvement for outcomes-based critical care nursing education. These standards should guide the developer of an outcomes-based critical care nursing education program during the development of the learning program (meso curriculum) and could be utilised to judge the quality of the current learning programs' quality. Five of the six standards are generic and could be utilised with minor adjustments in any higher education learning program. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Weldeurdagte leerprogram dien as 'n bloudruk vir kritiekesorg-verpleging, en rig beide die teorie en die kliniese praktyk. Die ontwerp van 'n leerprogram vir kritiekesorg-verpleging wat ge"integreerd,leerder-gefokus en aanpasbaar is, help verpleegkundiges om die nodige vaardighede (kennis, tegniese vaardighede en houdings/waardes) vir kritiese denke te ontwikkel. Dit stel kritiekesorg verpleegkundiges ook in staat om professioneel te groei en om kundigheid in kritiekesorg-verpleging te ontwikkel. Uitkoms-gebaseerde onderrig is die "nuwe wagwoord" in Suid-Afrika en het 'n paradigmaskuif van inhoud-gebaseerde- na uitkoms-gebaseerde onderrig genoodsaak. Instellings is begaan oor doeltreffende en effektiewe benaderings vir die lewering van kritiekesorg verpleging. Die verrnoe van 'n instelling (departement verpleging) om pasientsorq-behoeftes te voorspel en om die kritiekesorg leerprogram se aktiwiteite in ooreenstemming met die instelling (departement verpleging) se missie en verwagte uitkomstes te beplan, bewys die waarde van die instelling (departement verpleging). 8eplanning wat aan die leerbehoeftes van die kritiekesorg-Ieerders voldoen, bevredig nie aileen hul werksverwagtinge nie, maar het ook professionele groei en genoegdoening tot gevolg. In Goed-beplande, ge"integreerde en uitkoms-georienteerde kritiekesorg leerprogram is essensieel in 'n tyd waar verpleegtekorte aan die orde van die dag is. Ten einde gehalte-verpleegonderrig te fasiliteer, is die uitkoms van die navorsing as 'n proses van gehalteverbetering vir uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorgverpleegonderrig, wat gevalideerde standaarde insluit, ge"identifiseer. 'n Aangepaste Laing en Nish Model vir Gehalteversekering (1981) is as navorsingstrategie vir hierdie navorsing gebruik. Sewe (7) stappe is ge"identifiseer, naamlik: Stap een sluit die identifisering en verduideliking van waardes in; stap twee bepaal kriteria en skep standaarde vir uitkoms, struktuur en proses; stap drie bekragtig en valideer die standaarde; stap vier identifiseer en ontleed faktore wat die resultate belnvloed; stap vyf selekteer toepaslike aksies om kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig te handhaaf of te verbeter; stap ses implementeer die geselekteerde aksies en in stap sewe is assessering (toetsing) gedoen. Muller (1996) se Drie Fase Model vir Standaardontwikkeling is in stappe twee en drie van die gehalteverbeteringsproses ge"implementeer. Sewe (7) standaarde is ge"identifiseer en geformuleer, naamlik: Standaard een - Gehalteverbetering; Standaard twee - Standaardformulering; Standaard drie - Filosofie; Standaard vier - Wetlike raamwerk; Standaard vyf - Kurrikulumontwikkeling (Ieerprogramontwikkeling); Standaard ses - Uitkoms-gebaseerde onderrig; en Standaard sewe - Kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig. Tydens die valideringsproses van die standaarde, is standaarde vyf en ses gekombineer as Standaard vyf - Uitkomsgebasseerde leerprogramontwikkeling. Gedurende stap drie is die Delphitegniek tydens die tweede fase van Muller (1996) se model gebruik om deskundige opinies te verkry I die standaarde te valideer. Operasionalisering en assessering van die gevalideerde standaarde as deel van In sisteem van gehalteverbetering vir uitkoms-gebaseerde onderring is in 'n hoeronderwysinstelling gedoen. Die resultate van hierdie toetsstudie het die sentrale teoretiese aanname, naamlik dat uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorg-verpleging gehalte kritiekesorg-verpleging fasiliteer, ondersteun. Die uniekheid van hierdie navorsing is gelee in die feit dat daar in uitkomsgebaseerde kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig, geen formele proses van gehalteverbetering vir uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig is nie. In hierdie navorsing is standaarde ontwikkel en aangebied as deel van In sisteem van gehalteverbetering vir uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorg-verpleegonderrig. Hierdie standaarde kan tydens die ontwikkeling van die leerprogram (mesokurrikulum), die ontwikkelaar van In uitkoms-gebaseerde kritiekesorgverpleegondderigprogram begelei, en kan gebruik word om die gehalte van huidige leerprogramme te beoordeel. Vyf van die ses standaarde is generies en kan, met minimale veranderinge in enige hoer onderwys leerprogram gebruik word.

The role of beliefs, conceptualisations and experiences of OBE in teaching practice

Ramukumba, Mokholelana Margaret 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / The implementation of OBE has significant implications for teachers’ work; adopting an OBE approach entails reconstruction of professional knowledge and a redefinition of planning procedures, teaching approaches and assessment practices. A teacher attempting to make sense of OBE, learning outcomes, assessment standards, band levels, NQF, etc. will inevitably bring his/her worldviews, past experiences and beliefs into the process of teaching and learning, and would also need to engage with new concepts to keep track of the changes in meaning and priorities. Within this changing education scenario OBE, as an initiative, offers opportunities for new pedagogies to flourish, marking a departure from the safe haven of traditional pedagogy. Therefore a perspective on teachers’ beliefs regarding OBE can provide an alternative interpretive lens for researchers through understanding teachers’ actions and thoughts. Purpose: The aim was to examine strategies teachers employ in their classrooms in response to their beliefs about OBE. Teachers’ epistemological beliefs were explored and linked to OBE pedagogical frameworks and classroom management practices. Their belief systems were divided into three categories – the teachers’ views about OBE, mathematics knowledge, and the teaching and learning of mathematics. This study was based on the belief that conceptions are specific meanings given to phenomena, derived from different experiences involved in helping individuals make sense of their world. Furthermore, those worldviews in turn influence how new information is perceived. Methodology: The researcher adopted a qualitative exploratory design. The method of choice for this study was a combination of elements of phenomenology and ethnography. Nineteen teachers were interviewed and observed. The sample was drawn from two former Model C schools and three township schools. Data were analysed qualitatively. Findings: The findings confirmed that there are multiple beliefs that constitute a personal epistemology. Therefore, to investigate some unique entities of the belief system such as OBE requires examining the broader belief system. The majority of teachers responded to OBE implementation with uncertainty, anger, frustration and anxiety. In the absence of certainty about OBE and faced with a myriad of classroom iv challenges, teachers relied on their experience to make decisions regarding what was important to know, they drew on their own personal teaching theories more than what they thought about OBE to make judgments of learning processes. This study concludes that the link between teachers’ beliefs, conceptualisation of OBE and teaching practice is weak. Their beliefs about the nature of mathematics knowledge, teaching and learning mathematics had stronger connections with, and represented the basis for teachers’ pedagogical purpose behind their preferred teaching practice.

The teaching of English in grade 8 in an OBE approach

Hansen, Jorgen Kristian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Towards the close of the last century, a new curriculum was introduced in South Africa: Curriculum 2005. This outcomes-based curriculum (OBE) was a radical break with previous education policy: it aimed at eliminating discrimination and encouraging independent learning. This new curriculum, however, left teachers uncertain and confused largely because the in-service training provided did not provide clear direction. This study first describes the attempt by an English teacher to explore the theoretical base of the new curriculum; it then attempts to ascertain whether the teaching of English would have to change as a result of the OBE Curriculum 2005 and whether material selected in the initial phase of Curriculum 2005 would meet the needs of the learners. The survey of the literature on language teaching pays particular attention to communicative language teaching (CLT) with its emphasis on using the language for relevant, real-life communicative acts. In addition, it investigates the origins and nature of outcomes-based education to determine whether CLT and OBE combined are suitable vehicles for effective language teaching. The literature survey also suggests a disjunction between the South African version of OBE and CLT. The strong emphasis on achieving certain predetermined outcomes in South African OBE, with the underlying assumption that learning is linear, runs counter to the CLT view that language learning cannot be controlled. The survey of the literature on CLT and OBE also reveals the need for relevant, interesting material that promotes purposeful communication, encouraging learners to invest in developing their language skills. CLT requires learner engagement in real communication and OBE promotes independent learning and learner responsibility. In the light of the demands made by continuous evaluation and other record keeping, it is unrealistic to expect teachers to design or even adapt material for classroom use. The semi-empirical part of this study attempts to test the appropriacy of the material and its effect on teaching and learning. A qualitative case study traces classroom events in two grade 8 classes over a period of five weeks using a module taken from the material which was in use at the time at a particular school. This material was specifically acquired by the school with a view to meeting the requirements of the OBE curriculum. Learners in the classes were taught by two different teachers, who recorded their observations, in accordance with a basic observation schedule, during this time. Additional data were produced in two sets of questionnaires. The learners who did the module were asked to indicate their perceptions of language teaching in the previous year as well as during the five weeks when the module was , and a selected group of teachers at local schools completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of the new curriculum. The responses to the questionnaires are analysed in relation to the literature survey and the conclusions reached by the two teachers involved. This study reveals that the custom-designed OBE material is not much different from that in traditional language textbooks. It also highlights the difficulties associated with finding language learning material which reflects the dynamics of real-life communication and is hospitable to using the insights of current language acquisition theory, while at the same time meeting the requirements of a South African OBE approach. In reflecting on what is needed in effective curricular change, this dissertation reveals the importance of involving practising teachers in developing a new curriculum and providing them with the necessary professional development opportunities. In that context, carefully designed and selected learning material is likely to contribute significantly to successful change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teen die einde van die vorige eeu is ‘n nuwe kurrikulum, Kurrikulum 2005, ingefaseer in Suid- Afrika. Uitkoms-gebasseerde kurrikulum (UGO), wat ‘n radikale nuwe benadering tot onderrig in hierdie land ingelui het, was daarop gemik om diskriminasie uit te skakel en om onafhanklike leer te vevorder Hierdie nuwe kurrikulum het onderwysers onseker en verward laat vole omdat die indiensopleiding nie duidelik rigtinggewend was nie. Hierdie study beskryf die poging van ‘n Engels-onderwyser om die teoretiese basis van die nuwe kurriculum te peil en dan om vas te stel of die onderrig van Engels sou moes verander as gevolg van UGO/ Kurrikulum 2005 en of die materiaal wat in die aanvangsfase van Kurrikulum 2005 geselekteer is in die behoeftes van die leerders sou voldoen. Die oorsig van die literatuur rakende taalonderrig gee besondere aandag aan kommunikatiewe taalonderrig (KTO), met sy klem op die gebruik van taal vir relevante, lewensgetroue kommunikasie. Verder ondersoek dit die oorsprong en aard van UGO om te bepaal of KTO en UGO gekombineerd voorsiening kan maak vir effektiewe taalonderrig. Dit suggereer dat die Suid- Afrikaanse weergawe van UGO en KTO nie heeltemal met mekaar versoen kan word nie. Die sterk klem op die bereiking van sekere voorafbepaalde uitkomste in Suid-Afrikaanse UGO, met die onderliggende aanname dat leer liniêr is, is teenstrydig met KTO se siening dat taalleer nie beheer kan word nie. Die literatuuroorsig van KTO en UGO openbaar die belangrikheid van relevante, interessante materiaal wat doelgerigte kommunikasie bevorder en leerders aanmoedig om te belê in hul taal vaardighede. KTO vereis dat die leerders deelneem aan werklike kommunikasie en UGO beklemtoon onderwyserfasilitering en leerderverantwoordelikheid. In die lig van die eise wat deurlopende evaluering en ander rekordhouding stel, is dit onrealisties om te verwag dat dat onderwysers materiaal moet ontwerp of selfs aanpas vir klaskamergebruik. Die semi-empiriese deel van hierdie studie poog om die geskiktheid van die materiaal en die effek daarvan op onderrig en leer te ondersoek. ‘n Kwalitatiewe studie vertel wat in twee Gr. 8 klaskamers gebeur het oor ‘n periode van vyf weke toe ‘n module, geneem uit die materiaal wat in gebruik was in ten tyde van die ondersoek, in die klaskamer geïmplementeer is. Die materiaal is spesifiek aangeskaf deur die skool met die oog daarop om die vereistes van die UGO kurrikulum na te kom. Die leerders is onderrig deur twee verskillende onderwysers wat hul waarneemings neersgeskryf het volgens ‘n basiese waarnemingskedule. Addisionele data is verkry met twee stelle vraelyste. Die leerders wat die module meegemaak het, is gevra vir hul persepsies rakende taalonderrig die vorige jaar sowel as gedurende die vyf weke toe die module gebruik is, en’n geselekteerde groep onderwysers aan plaaslike skole het ‘n vraesly voltooi oor hul persepsies van die nuwe kurrikulum. Die response op die vraelyste is ontleed met verwysing na die literatuurstudie en die gevolgtrekkings van die twee onderwysers wat betrokke was . Hierdie studie onthul dat die spesiaal ontwerpte UGO materiaal nie baie verskil van dit wat in tradisionele taalhandboeke te vinde was nie. Verder beklemtoon dit die probleme wat ondervind word met die vind van geskikte taalleermateriaal wat die dinamika van werklike kommunikasie reflekteer en die insigte van die huidige linguistiese teorie aangaande taalaanleer akkommodeer, terwyl dit die vereistes van ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse UGO benadering probeer bereik. Waanner daar gereflekteer word oor wat nodig is vir effektiewe kurrikulêre verandering, openbaar hierdie dissertasie die belangrikheid daarvan om diensdoensde onderwysers te betrek in die ontwikkeling van ‘n nuwe kurrikulum en om hulle toe te rus met die nodige professionele ontwikkelingsgeleenthede. In daardie konteks is dit waarskynlik dat sorgvuldig ontwerpte en geselekteerde leermateriaal aansienlik sal bydra tot suksesvolle verandering.

A conceptual analysis of teacher education in South Africa in relation to the norms and standards for educators

Waghid, Y., Adams, Noel David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Education))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / 241 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i-xii and numbered pages 1-230. Includes bibliography. / Digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Educators at schools are expected to implement education policy changes promulgated through policy frameworks by the Department of Education in South Africa. However, whether these teachers are equipped to implement education policy or whether they have interacted sufficiently with policy issues remains a contentious issue. My contention is that pre-service and in-service teachers are expected to perform certain roles and demonstrate certain competences, as required or implied by changing education policy frameworks, like the Norms and Standards for Educators (Department of Education, 2000), but might not necessarily be equipped to do so. This dissertation utilised conceptual analysis and a literature review, as research methods, to explore constitutive meanings of the concept 'education policy' in relation to teacher education transformation in post-apartheid South Africa, with reference to the Norms and Standards for Educators (Department of Education, 2000). Constitutive meanings (Fay, 1975) of post-apartheid teacher education refer to all those shared assumptions, definitions, and conceptions, which structure teacher education transformation and post-apartheid teacher education in certain definite ways. Without these constitutive meanings, according to Fay (1975: 76), social practices, like teacher education, could not exist. By revealing these constitutive meanings, in terms of the interpretive paradigm (Fay, 1975: 78), I have given a possible explanation of post-apartheid teacher education, by articulating the conceptual scheme that frames post-apartheid teacher education. These constitutive meanings, which were extracted from a literature review, were explored in relation to the main question of this dissertation: Can the new teacher education policy framework, as set out in the Norms and Standards for Educators of 2000, improve teaching and learning in South African schools? I argue that the latter process will not materialise because of question marks over the transformative potential of the Norms and Standards for Educators (Department of Education, 2000). The mentioned policy framework may be an inappropriate framework to structure and guide the transformation of existing teacher education practices because of certain conceptual gaps. These conceptual gaps are stumbling blocks to transform existing teacher education practice and improve teaching and learning in our schools in the post-apartheid era. I argue that these gaps could be bridged if the Norms and Standards for Educators are reconceptualised along the lines of Benhabib's (1994) deliberative democratic model. Deliberation is necessary because policy alone cannot lead to the transformation of post-apartheid teacher education. Deliberation is also necessary because of the limitations on the state's power to enforce its will through promulgated policy. More engagement, via deliberation, is needed between the government, educational leaders, policy-makers and the other policy actors, like teachers, bureaucrats and teacher education institutions. The arguments of Burbules (1997) and Biesta (2004) seem to substantiate my claim that education policy, alone, cannot lead to the improvement of teaching and learning in our schools. Burbules (1997) posits that teaching is a complex human endeavour that is characterised by predicaments or dilemmas, which cannot be permanently solved. I argue against the integration of the seven roles, as advocated by the Norms and Standards for Educators, because of certain dilemmas. We need the tragic perspective on teaching, of Burbules (1997), to approach teaching differently. Biesta (2004) also urges us to approach teaching differently, by advocating a new language for education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word van Suid-Afrikaanse opvoeders by skole verwag om opvoedingsbeleid veranderinge, wat via beleidsraamwerke gepromulgeer is deur die Departement van Onderwys, te implementeer. Wat egter 'n kontensieuse kwessie bly is of hierdie opvoeders toegerus is om opvoedingsbeleid te implementeer en of hulle genoegsaam omgegegaan het met beleidskwessies. My argument is dat daar van voor-diens- en indiens opvoeders verwag word om sekere rolle te speel en sekere kompetensies of bekwaamhede te demonstreer, soos vereis of geimpliseer deur veranderende opvoedingsbeleid raamwerke, soos die Norme en Standaarde vir Opvoeders (Departement van Onderwys, 2000), maar dat hulle nie noodwendig toegerus is om dit te doen nie. Hierdie proefskrif utiliseer konseptuele analise en 'n literatuur oorsig, as navorsingsmetodes, om konstituerende betekenisse van die konsep 'opvoedingsbeleid', in verhouding tot onderwyseropvoeding transformasie in postapartheid Suid-Afrika, met verwysing na die Norme en Standaarde vir Opvoeders (Departement van Onderwys, 2000), te eksploreer. Konstituerende betekenisse (Fay, 1975) van post-apartheid onderwyseropvoeding verwys na al daardie gedeelde aannames, definisies, en konsepsies, wat onderwyseropvoeding transformasie en post-apartheid onderwyseropvoeding op sekere definitiewe maniere struktureer. Sosiale praktyke soos onderwyseropvoeding kan volgens Fay (1975: 76) nie sonder hierdie konstituerende betekenisse bestaan nie. Ek het hopelik, deur die ontbloting van hierdie konstituerende betekenisse, in terme van die interpretatiewe navorsingsparadigma (Fay, 1975: 78), 'n verduideliking gegee van post-apartheid onderwyseropvoeding, deur my artikulasie van die konseptuele skema wat die realiteit van onderwyseropvoeding op sekere maniere definieer. Hierdie konstituerende betekenisse, wat onttrek is van 'n literatuur oorsig, was geeksploreer in verhouding tot die hoof vraag van hierdie proefskrif: Kan die nuwe onderwyseropvoeding beleidsraamwerk, soos uitgespel in die Norme en Standaarde vir Opvoeders van 2000, onderrig en leer in Suid-Afrikaanse skole verbeter?

Empowering teachers to implement the life orientation learning area in the senior phase of the General Education and Training Band

Christiaans, Daleen Joan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / When CURRICULUM 2005, hereafter C2005 (Department of Education [DoE], 1997b), was implemented in Grade 7 in 2000 none of the in-service teachers were sufficiently trained to teach Life Orientation. Higher Education Institutions had only then started to adapt teacher-training programmes to meet the needs of an outcomesbased curriculum for all aspiring teachers. Some in-service teachers had been trained as subject specialists in some of the focus areas contained within Life Orientation, like Physical Education, Guidance and Religious Education, but no teacher had been trained, pre-service or in-service, to be a specialist in all of the focus areas contained within Life Orientation. The Department of Education prepared teachers for the implementation of C2005 (DoE, 1997b) by means of a weeklong orientation programme. Teachers were orientated to an outcomes-based philosophy and teaching approach, and to specific outcomes and assessment criteria, but no content training was offered. A Life Orientation teacher is expected to have a body of knowledge on a range of subjects or focus areas as prescribed by the specific outcomes (DoE, 1997b). This study is aimed at researching the Life Orientation learning area and investigating the ways and level of preparation teachers had received to equip them to implement Life Orientation in the Senior Phase of the General Education and Training Band. A case study was used as a research design and specific schools in the Education Management and Development Centre Metropole North were selected to participate in the case study. Qualitative and quantitative data were obtained through questionnaires, interviews and observations. A descriptive research strategy was employed to capture, analyse and interpret the data. The research found that there were gaps in the preparation of Life Orientation teachers to implement C2005 (DoE, 1997b). Recommendation are made with regard to training and support programmes to ensure that teachers are adequately empowered to implement Life Orientation in the Revised National Curriculum Statement (DoE, 2002b) in the General Education and Training Band and in the National Curriculum Statement (DoE, 2003b) in the Further Education and Training Band.

Die impak van die uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys-assesseringsbeleid op die werkslading van onderwysers

Arnold, Alvin Mark 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The aim of this paper is to obtain an indication of the impact of an outcomes-based assessment policy on the workload of six teachers of a secondary school. Since the implementation of Outcomes Based Education (OBE) there are great expectations to implement new approaches in relation to planning, instruction and assessment guidelines that teachers should follow. Despite these guidelines assessment remains a problem area because teachers are still grappling with the assessment principles of OBE. The new outcomes-based approach to assessment encourages teachers to integrate their instruction with classroom-based assessment. Teachers however do not appear to be integrating their instruction with their assessment. Teachers are blaming the lack of integration to a lack of time. This research is an attempt to assess the time teachers spend on instruction, assessment and extra mural activities. Although this is a qualitative research, it offers a quantifiable reality that is relative to the context of six selected teachers and the context in which the teachers and school is situated. Policy is not static and thus it should be continuously tested to determine whether the aim of the particular policy is practicable. Thus I am of the opinion that research of this nature can be an important mechanism for policy enactment because indicators inform policy makers about the policy. The findings of this research proposes to "put in numbers" what teachers have to say, in other words, to reflect the quantified realities of the workload of teachers.

Reconceptualising assessment practices in South African schools: making an argument for critical action

Swartz, Jennifer-Hellen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / On the surface the National Assessment Policy is transformative in nature because it promotes notions of shaping educational practice that will enhance the interests of learners in a meaningful way. It promotes ideas of transparency and a partnership between learners and educators that presupposes that learners are fully involved at every stage of their learning in decisions that affect their progress. This creates the impression that teaching and learning take place in a democratic environment where constant consultation and consensus are the order of the day. The policy ultimately envisages a kind of learner who would have the ability to participate as a critical citizen in society. Looked at from a critical perspective, this criteria-referenced outcomes framework seems to be a contradiction to transformative policy and practice. The predetermined criteria outlined in the policy seem to negate its intention of creating a schooling system through which critical citizens can emerge. The focus of this thesis, therefore, is firstly to make a critical analysis of assessment in OBE and its stated transformation objectives and, secondly, to reconceptualise assessment practices in South African schools by making an argument for critical action. This analysis will explore the issue of power relations in the classroom and their impact on participatory, deliberative and democratic classroom interaction as a condition imperative for a transformative OBE curriculum. This issue is pertinent and central not only to the improvement and promotion of teaching and learning, but also because of the profound implications it has for how we view educational transformation in South Africa.

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