Spelling suggestions: "subject:"compliance."" "subject:"kompliance.""
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Advisory Board: Marcus Traut25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Biography and Marcus Traut's five supporting pillars of compliance
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Mentors: Cheryl E. Zuckerman25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Biography of Cheryl E. Zuckerman
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Mentor: Annette Torres25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Biography of Annette Torres
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In-house lawyer under the new German legislationMayer, Bernd R., Zeibig, Nicola 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Recently professional regulations regarding in-house lawyers have undergone a serious change that will profoundly change their occupational profile. This paper illustrates the legislative process that led to the new regulatory framework. It further discusses the potential problems arising from the cornerstones of professional conduct on the one hand and the typical daily tasks of in-house lawyers on the other hand.
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Company-internal studies from the public prosecutor's perspectiveWimmer, Renate 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The processing of the "Siemens case" has not only triggered an unexpected compliance shaft in Germany but has also meant that in the meantime internal investigations are commissioned in nearly all the major public investigations for corruption or other economic crimes by the companies concerned. A critical analysis of "10 years after Siemens" shows that this trend has led to a variety of open legal issues and a different handling in the judicial practice. A legal regulation is likely to be inevitable in the long run.
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Perceptions of Self-Disclosure in Interpersonal Compliance-GainingVande Zande, Ann R. (Ann Rachel) 05 1900 (has links)
One hundred thirty-five undergraduate students were queried at North Texas State University. Perceptions of self-disclosure as a compliance-gaining tactic were surveyed. A fifteen item questionnaire was utilized. Fourteen questions were tested by an analysis of variance. One question was tested by chi-square. Data indicated that self-disclosure was viewed as an effective compliance-gaining tactic for both males and females; but females were perceived as more effective than males utilizing the tactic. Self-disclosure utilized as a compliance-gaining tactic was perceived as appropriate by both males and females. Results indicated females and males have similar perceptions regarding the appropriateness of utilizing the self-disclosure tactic. Male and female raters did not differ significantly from each other.
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Health Attribution Beliefs and Compliance in Ecological PatientsMilam, Melody J. (Melody Joy) 12 1900 (has links)
The relationship between health attribution belief systems and compliance in an ecological treatment regimen was examined in 40 patients with environmental illness. Internal and chance scales on the Health Attribution Test (HAT) were found to be related to reported level of compliance for each subject. Data were subjected to Chi square analysis with highly significant results obtained. Ecology patients appear to take responsibility for their own health and treatment and, although they feel themselves to be victims of fate, they comply with treatment on a high level.
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Patient Behaviors: Development of a Rating SystemMartin-Cannici, Cynthia Elaine 05 1900 (has links)
The patient's failure to cooperate effectively in the patient/physician (patient and physician) interaction has been shown to be a problem of significant magnitude. In the present study, an attempt was made to identify specific, patient behaviors which might be related to physician judgment of a good patient and progress of treatment. A checklist of 37 behaviors was compiled. A series of 100 patients was observed during their interaction with physicians and occurrences of behaviors from the checklist were noted by an experimenter. Physicians also indicated whether the patient was considered to be a good patient and whether treatment was progressing as expected. For every third patient, physicians noted the occurrence of behaviors from the checklist. An association was found between some behaviors from the checklist and the physicians' judgment. There was also shown to be a difference in the ability of the experimenter and the physicians involved to detect these behaviors.
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När följsamheten fallerar : Metoder för ökad följsamhet till läkemedelsbehandling hos patienter med schizofreni eller schizofreniliknande tillstånd / When compliance fails : Methods for increased medication compliance in patients with schizophrenia or schizophrenia spectrum disordersJansson, Rebecca, Stalby, Christina January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bristande följsamhet är ett vanligt problem bland personer med schizofreni eller schizofreniliknande tillstånd. Oönskade biverkningar, bristande sjukdomsinsikt och stigmatisering är faktorer som påverkar följsamheten. Bristande följsamhet kan leda till återfall, försämrad livskvalitet och ökad risk för missbruk och suicid. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa omvårdnadsmetoder som sjuksköterskor kan använda för att förbättra följsamheten till läkemedelsbehandling hos patienter med schizofreni och schizofreniliknande tillstånd. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på elva kvantitativa studier som undersöker metoder för förbättrad följsamhet vid schizofreni. Resultat: Tre olika kategorier av metoder identifierades: individcentrerade, familjefokuserade och läkemedelsfokuserade metoder. Individcentrerade metoder såsom motiverande samtal och adherence therapy fungerade bäst i kombination med varandra. Familjefokuserade metoder var effektiva, särskilt när de skräddarsyddes efter den kulturella kontexten. Läkemedelsfokuserade metoder var påminnelser, belöningar och möjligheten för patienten att själv påverka läkemedelsvalet. Slutsatser: Individcentrerade, familjefokuserade och läkemedelsfokuserade metoder kan alla vara effektiva hjälpmedel för sjuksköterskor i mötet med patienter med schizofreni eller schizofreniliknande tillstånd och bristande följsamhet till läkemedelsbehandling. Klinisk betydelse: Resultatet har visat att flera av metoderna är effektiva. De skulle, enskilt eller i kombination med varandra, kunna vara till nytta för sjuksköterskor i klinisk praxis. / Background: Poor compliance to medication is a common problem among patients with schizophrenia or schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Medication side effects, poor insight into illness and stigma are factors that affect compliance. Poor compliance can lead to relapse, decreased quality of life, and an increased risk of substance abuse and suicide. Aim: The aim of this study is to shed light on methods that nurses can apply in order to increase compliance to medication in patients with schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Method: A literature review of eleven quantitative articles that examine methods for increased compliance in patients with schizophrenia. Results: Three different categories were identified: individualized, family focused and medicine focused methods. Individualized methods like motivational interviewing and adherence therapy worked best combined. Family focused methods were effective, especially when they were tailored according to the cultural context of the family. Medicine focused methods were reminders, rewards and the opportunity to choose your own medication. Conclusions: Individualized methods, family focused methods and medicine focused methods can be effective methods that nurses can use in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia or schizophrenia spectrum disorders, who are nonadherent to medication. Clinical significance: Several of these methods have proven to be effective. When used separately, or in combination with each other, they could be of use for nurses in clinical practice.
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Ortoptisters upplevelser av vad som påverkar följsamhet till amblyopibehandling hos barnMalmsten, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Amblyopi är en synnedsättning som uppkommer under de första levnadsåren och orsakas av bristande stimulans eller hämning av celler i synbarken. Följsamhet till behandlingen är viktig hos barn med amblyopi för att kunna utveckla en optimal synskärpa. En dålig följsamhet kan leda till bestående synnedsättning, ökat lidande och minskad livskvalitet. Följsamhet kan kopplas till de tre engelska termerna compliance, adherence och concordance, som definieras på olika sätt.
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att ur ortoptistens perspektiv belysa vad som är av betydelse för följsamhet vid behandling av barn med amblyopi.
Metod: Data samlades in genom nio intervjuer med verksamma ortoptister. Databearbetning genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys.
Resultat: I resultatet framträder fyra områden som påverkar följsamheten. Barnets förutsättningar, hur behandlingen hanteras, kommunikation och behandlingens utformning, resultat och påverkan i vardagen upplevs av ortoptisterna som faktorer som både främjar och försvårar följsamheten. Mycket av resultatet stämmer överens med tidigare forskning, men att ortoptisterna upplever att familjekonstellation och bemötande har betydelse för följsamhet är nytt.
Slutsats: Vid amblyopibehandling hos barn är det nödvändigt att ortoptisten har kunskap om och förståelse för vad som har betydelse för följsamhet. Med denna kunskap kan ortoptisten på flera områden verka för ett bättre behandlingsresultat där barnet uppnår optimal synskärpa. Ortoptistens syn på följsamhet påverkar på vilket sätt som hen får ansvar för barnets följsamhet.
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