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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise das tensões de polimerização em função das dimensões do espécime em sistemas de alto compliance / Polymerization stress as function of specimem dimensions in a high compliance system

Letícia Cristina Cidreira Boaro 03 June 2008 (has links)
Objetivo: avaliar a influência das dimensões do corpo-de-prova, Fator C e volume sobre a tensão de polimerização através de ensaios laboratoriais, e a distribuição de tensões através da análise por elementos finitos (FEA) em sistemas de teste com alto compliance. Material e Métodos: um compósito quimicamente ativado (Bisfil 2B, Bisco) foi inserido entre bastões de acrílico com 4, 6 e 8 mm de diâmetro fixados às garras de uma máquina de ensaios universais. A altura dos corpos-de-prova foi determinada ajustando-se a distância entre as extremidades dos bastões (0,5, 1, 2 ou 4 mm). A tensão de polimerização nominal foi determinada dividindo-se a força máxima de contração após 30 minutos de monitoramento pela secção transversal dos bastões. A distribuição das tensões foi avaliada através de modelos lineares elásticos axissimétricos. Os dados de tensão nominal foram analisados utilizando-se ANOVA de dois fatores e teste de Tukey (=5%) e análises de regressão tendo Fator-C ou volume como preditores. Resultados: a interação entre diâmetro e altura foi significante (p<0,01). Os valores de tensão nominal variaram entre 1,3 e 3,8 MPa. Para um mesmo diâmetro, houve um aumento na tensão com aumento da altura do espécime. Para as alturas 0,5 e 1 mm, apenas o diâmetro de 8 mm apresentou valores de tensão maiores que os demais. A tensão nominal apresentou correlações negativas com o Fator C e correlações lineares positivas com o volume para cada um dos diâmetros separadamente. Quando a tensão foi dividida pelo volume do corpo-de-prova, os valores obtidos apresentaram correlações lineares positivas fortes com o Fator C para cada um dos diâmetros separadamente e forte correlação negativa com o volume para todo o conjunto de dados. A simulação por elementos finitos mostrou que na direção longitudinal as tensões de tração aumentaram proporcionalmente com a altura, enquanto as tensões compressivas diminuíram. Na direção transversal as tensões de tração foram mais intensas nos espécimes de menor altura, e isto foi mais evidente nos espécimes de maior diâmetro. Conclusões: a tensão aumentou com a altura e com o diâmetro do corpo-de-prova. O Fator C não se mostrou um bom preditor da tensão, o mesmo acontecendo com o volume. Entretanto, este último apresentou uma correlação inversa forte com os dados de tensão normalizados pelo volume de compósito. Na direção longitudinal, foram observadas regiões com tensões compressivas, mais intensas nos corpos-de-prova de menor altura. A distribuição de tensões da direção transversal foi mais intensa nos espécimes de menor altura e maior diâmetro. / Objective: evaluate the influence of specimen dimensions, C-factor and volume on polymerization stress values through mechanical testing, as well as stress distribution by finite element analysis (FEA) in high compliance systems. Material and Methods: a self-cure composite (Bisfil 2B, Bisco) was inserted between acrylic rods with 4, 6 and 8 mm diameter attached to the opposite ends of a universal testing machine. Specimen height was determined by adjusting the distance between the rods (0,5, 1, 2 ou 4 mm). Nominal stress was determined dividing the maximum shrinkage force registered after 30 minutes by the crossection of the rods. Stress distribution was evaluated in axissymmetric, linear elastic models. Stress data were analyzed by twoway ANOVA/Tukey test (=5%) and regression analyses using C-factor or volume as predictors. Results: the interaction between diameter and height was significant (p<0.01). Stress values varied from 1.3 to 3.8 MPa. For a given diameter, stress increased with height. For 0.5 and 1 mm, only the 8 mm diameter specimens presented higher stress. Nominal stress showed negative correlations with C-factor and positive correlations with volume for each diameter separately. When stress was divided by specimen volume, values presented strong positive linear correlations with C-factor for each diameter and a strong negative with volume for the entire data set. FEA revealed that in the longitudinal direction, tensile stresses increased with height, while the compressive stresses decreased. Transversally, tensile stresses were more intense in specimens with lower heights, more noticeably in higher diameters. Conclusions: stress increased with specimen height and diameter. C-factor was not a suitable stress predictor, neither was the specimen volume. However, the latter presented a strong inverse correlation with stress data normalized by specimen volume. In the longitudinal direction, regions with compressive stresses were observed, more noticeably in specimens with lower height. Transversally, stress was more intense in specimens with lower height and higher diameter.

Riscos de conformidade tributária: um estudo de caso no estado de São Paulo / Tax risks compliance: a case study in the State of São Paulo

Roberto Kazuo Miyoshi 18 November 2011 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa foram analisados os riscos tributários relacionados à conformidade tributária paulista concernente ao ICMS. Para obter dados em profundidade com vistas a alcançar o objetivo da pesquisa, utilizou-se de um estudo de caso de uma indústria que implantou um gerenciamento de riscos tributários, até então inexistente. Através de entrevistas e observações realizadas no ambiente da empresa, foi possível delinear os processos e procedimentos pertinentes ao ICMS paulista, e socorrendo-se à metodologia sugerida pelo Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO) para o gerenciamento de riscos, identificou-se os seus componentes. O gerenciamento de riscos tributários foi analisado, buscou-se identificar e avaliar os riscos e os fatores que os desencadeiam, descrever as atividades de controle e as respostas aos riscos implantadas que causam impacto nos custos de conformidade tributária. Avaliou-se as metodologias de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa de mensuração de riscos, e foram encontrados pontos fracos e fortes em ambas as metodologias. Observou-se que a percepção da empresa sobre os riscos tributários não possui completa aderência com a avaliação quantitativa. Os recursos humanos foram identificados como o fator de risco mais relevante dentro do ambiente da empresa investigada. Verificou-se também que ao estabelecer as atividades de controle e resposta aos riscos tributários, incorre-se em uma elevação nos custos de conformidade tributária, mas este impacto é mitigado pela redução à exposição dos riscos tributários. / In this research were analyzed the tax risks for São Paulo tax compliance related to the ICMS. To get data in depth in order to achieve the objective of the present research, it was used a case study of an industry that has implemented a management of tax risks, which didnt exist until then. Through interviews and observations implemented in the environment of the company, it was possible to outline the processes and procedures related to ICMS of São Paulo, and being helped by the methodology suggested by the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO) for the management of risks, its components were identified. The management of tax risks was analyzed, it was tried to identify and to assess the risks and factors that trigger them, describe the implemented activities of control and the responses to the tax risks that impact on the tax compliance costs. The quantitative and qualitative methodologies of risk measurement were evaluated, and were found strengths and weaknesses in both methodologies. It was observed that the perception of the company on the tax risks has no complete adherence with the quantitative evaluation. The human resources were identified as being the most relevant risk factor within the environment of the investigated company. It was also found that while establishing the control activities and response to the tax risks, it incurs an increase in the tax compliance costs, but this impact is mitigated by the reduction to the exposure of tax risks.

Analyse de quelques problèmes de contact glissant / Analysis of some sliding contact problems

Souleiman Isman, Yahyeh 23 May 2017 (has links)
Les phénomènes de contact impliquant des corps déformables abondent dans l'industrie, notamment dans les structures mécaniques. En raison de leur complexité intrinsèque, les phénomènes de contact sont modélisés à l'aide de problèmes aux limites fortement non linéaires. De ce fait, la modélisation de ces phénomènes pose plusieurs difficultés mathématiques. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation, l'analyse variationnelle et l'analyse numérique de problèmes de contact glissant intervenant en mécanique des solides, pour des matériaux élastiques, viscoélastiques et viscoplastiques. La première partie de cette thèse rappelle quelques résultats préliminaires, notamment des outils mathématiques et mécaniques nécessaires pour réaliser la suite de ce travail. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude de quelques problèmes de contact glissant sous diverses conditions de contact et frottement. Pour chacun de ces problèmes, nous introduisons les formulations fortes et des formulations variationnelles. Ensuite, nous obtenons des résultats d'existence et d'unicité des solutions faibles, sous certaines hypothèses de petitesse, ainsi que des résultats de convergence. Enfin, nous proposons une approximation numérique de certains problèmes de contact à l'aide de schémas discrétisés. Pour ces schémas, nous obtenons des résultats d'estimation de l'erreur. / Contact phenomena involving deformable bodies abound in industry, especially in mechanical structures. Due to their intrinsic complexity, contact phenomena are modelled with strongly nonlinear boundary problems. For this reason, the modelling of these phenomena gives rise to various mathematical difficulties. In this thesis, we are interested in the modelling, the variational analysis and the numerical analysis of problems of sliding contact in solid mechanics for elastic, viscoelastic and viscoplastic materials. The first part of this thesis concerns some preliminary results, in particular the mathematical and mechanical tools necessary to carry out the continuation of this work. The second part is devoted to the study of some problems of sliding contact under various conditions of contact and friction. For each of these problems, we introduce strong formulations and variational formulations. Then, we obtain results of existence and uniqueness of the weak solutions, under smallness assumptions, as well as results of convergence. Finally, we propose a numerical approximation of some contact problems based on the etudy of discretized schemes. For these schemes we obtain error estimates results.

Non-compliance pacienta v ordinaci rehabilitace / Non-compliance of the Patient in Surgery Rehabilitation

Strumínská, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the phenomenon of non-compliance (patient and healthcare provider services) in public rehabilitation surgery, with private physiotherapist and in special lymfocentre surgery using questionnaire. The theoretical part deals with the issue of non-compliance and explains the terms associated with it, describes the kind of rehabilitation, physiotherapy and mention epidemiological data. The result of practical part is the evaluation questionnaire and testing hypotheses.

O compliance no Brasil: a empresa entre a ética e o lucro / Compliance in Brazil: the company between ethics and profit

Bragato, Adelita Aparecida Podadera Bechelani 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-06-05T19:55:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Adelita Aparecida Podadera Bechelani Bragato.pdf: 1625812 bytes, checksum: 95413ba53ca51266c229f67ad3d1ee8a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-05T19:55:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adelita Aparecida Podadera Bechelani Bragato.pdf: 1625812 bytes, checksum: 95413ba53ca51266c229f67ad3d1ee8a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Globalization brought with it positive and negative effects and, among the negative effects, it was possible to observe the companies' search for profit at any cost, even if, for that, there was violation of labor rights, environmental impacts, discrimination, unfair competition, misleading advertising , etc. However, in recent years, a paradigm shift has begun to emerge, both from consumers and stakeholders, who are increasingly looking for ethical, transparent and accountable products and companies.This paradigm shift forced companies to change their profile and reinvent themselves, otherwise it would lose its reputation, a very important factor for business sustainability. It is irrefutable that companies seek the profit necessary for their maintenance, however, this can no longer be the main factor, that is, companies should also observe ethical standards, transparency, social responsibility in order to comply with praise The corporate social function. Thus, the problem that the research faces is whether compliance would be the appropriate tool for the company to fulfill its social function without losing the much needed profit for its maintenance. So, in order to respond to the present questioning, the research, through the hypothetical-deductive method, seeks to address the emergence of the company, as well as the forms of companies accepted by Brazilian law. Subsequently, it seeks to analyze ethics, transparency, social responsibility as forms of corporate sustainability, and, finally, to enter the subject of compliance, object of this work. In response to the problem, it is understood that compliance will allow the company to trace a successful trajectory with ethics and transparency. / A globalização trouxe consigo efeitos positivos e negativos e dentre os efeitos negativos, pôde ser observado a busca das empresas pelo lucro a qualquer custo, ainda que, para isso, houvesse violação de direitos trabalhistas, impactos ambientais, discriminação, concorrência desleal, propaganda enganosa, etc. No entanto, nos últimos anos começou a surgir uma mudança de paradigma tanto por parte dos consumidores, quanto pelos stakeholders que, buscam cada vez mais produtos e empresas éticas, transparentes e responsáveis. Essa mudança de paradigma obrigou as empresas a mudarem seu perfil e se reinventar, caso contrário, perderia sua reputação, fator esse muito importante para a sustentabilidade empresarial. É irrefutável que as empresas buscam o lucro necessário à sua manutenção, no entanto, isso não pode mais ser o fator principal, ou seja, as empresas também deverão observar os padrões éticos, a transparência, a responsabilidade social, a fim de cumprir com louvor a função social empresarial. Dessa forma, a problemática que a pesquisa enfrenta é se o compliance seria a ferramenta adequada para a empresa cumprir sua função social sem deixar de auferir o lucro tão necessário à sua manutenção. Assim, com o intuito de responder ao presente questionamento, a pesquisa, por meio do método hipotético-dedutivo, busca abordar o surgimento da empresa, assim como as formas de empresas aceitas pelo Direito brasileiro. Posteriormente busca analisar a ética, a transparência, a responsabilidade social como formas de sustentabilidade empresarial para, finalmente adentrar ao tema compliance, objeto do presente trabalho. Em resposta à problemática, entende-se que o compliance permitirá à empresa traçar uma trajetória de sucesso com ética e transparência.

L'ordre public environnemental et le contrat de droit privé / Environmental public policiy and contract

Lequet, Pierre 08 July 2019 (has links)
La protection de l’environnement et le contrat de droit privé apparaissent tantôt antinomiques, tantôt complémentaires. En tant qu’instrument juridique des activités économiques, le contrat concourt à la crise écologique. Cette crise menace la pérennité des conditions d’une vie développée sur terre pour les générations présentes et futures. L’objectif de développement durable requiert l’élaboration d’un ordre public environnemental permettant de contrôler la conformité du contrat de droit privé à la conservation de l’intérêt environnemental.Induisant l’existence d’un ordre public environnemental de la multitude de règles impératives de protection de l’environnement, nous proposons une théorie générale de l’ordre public environnemental ainsi que son articulation avec le contrat de droit privé.Cette dernière révèle que si la validité du contrat de droit privé est conditionnée au respect de l’ordre public environnemental, la bonne réalisation de l’ordre public environnemental est conditionnée à la reconnaissance de la fonction environnementale du contrat. / Protection of the environment and the contract appear to be sometimes contradictory, sometimes complementary. As a legal instrument for economic activities, the contract contributes to the ecological crisis. This crisis threatens the sustainability of the conditions for a life developed on earth for present and future generations. The objective of sustainable development requires the construction of an environmental public policy to control the conformity of the private law contract with the conservation of the environmental interest.Inducing the existence of an environmental public policy from the multitude of mandatory environmental protection rules, we propose a general theory of environmental public policy and its articulation with the private law contract.The latter reveals that while the validity of the private law contract is conditional on compliance with environmental public policy, the proper implementation of environmental public policy is conditional on recognition of the environmental function of the contract.

Permeability of Selves and Compliance with Therapeutic Homework

Scott, Gregory Brian 12 1900 (has links)
A model of the person as a "community of selves" was used to investigate how adopting the perspective of different selves influenced anticipated compliance with therapy homework designed to decrease academic procrastination. A model of resistance to change derived from personal construct theory was used to predict which selves subjects would tend to see as more likely to take on the role of carrying out the homework. Focusing on different selves was found to influence anticipated compliance, and the model of resistance to change was partially successful in predicting which selves would be seen as more likely to carry out the homework. Implications for therapy and research are discussed within the framework of a model of first and second order change.

Estimation de la pression aortique à l'aide de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique : développement d'un modèle biomécanique d'écoulement / Estimation of aortic blood pressure using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and blood flow modeling

Rachid, Khalil 17 September 2018 (has links)
Les maladies cardiovasculaires représentent la première cause de mortalité dans le monde. L’hypertension artérielle et l’hypertrophie du ventricule gauche en constituent deux facteurs de risque souvent asymptomatiques. Dans ce contexte, la pression aortique s’impose comme un indicateur de la santé cardiovasculaire reflétant non seulement les propriétés biomécaniques des artères centrales mais aussi la post-charge ventriculaire. La mesure de ce paramètre hémodynamique est donc cruciale pour le diagnostic et la prise en charge thérapeutique. L’objectif de ce travail est d’estimer non-invasivement la pression aortique en couplant l’Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Cardiovasculaire (IRM-CV) à la modélisation de l’écoulement sanguin. Nous avons ainsi opté pour un modèle biomécanique unidimensionnel (1D) réduit, prenant en compte l’interaction du sang avec la paroi élastique de l’aorte. Ce segment 1D est couplé en sortie à un modèle Windkessel, dit 0D, modélisant l’ensemble du réseau vasculaire en aval de l’aorte. Les paramètres locaux du modèle 1D ainsi que ses conditions aux limites (conditions d'entrée et paramètres du modèle 0D) sont déterminés à partir des données acquises non-invasivement par IRM-CV. Cela permettrait des prédictions 1D spécifiques à chaque sujet/patient. Nous avons évalué la validité du modèle sur des fantômes d’aorte saine et pathologique. Un banc expérimental compatible avec l’IRM a été mis en œuvre; il reproduit au mieux l’écoulement aortique in vivo. Des mesures de pression invasives ont été confrontées à celles prédites par le modèle 1D. Nous avons également évalué la sensibilité du modèle 1D aux paramètres d’entrée. / Cardiovascular (CV) diseases remain the most common cause of death worldwide. Hypertension and left ventricle hypertrophy are two major risk factors associated to such diseases. In this context, aortic blood pressure is considered as a biomarker of increased CV risk and, more generally, a CV health indicator. In fact, it encodes information about biomechanical properties of central elastic arteries and represents left ventricle afterload. Assessment of this hemodynamic parameter is thus crucial for CV disease diagnosis and for evaluating therapeutic benefits. The aim of this work is to non-invasively assess the aortic blood pressure by coupling CV Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CV-MRI) to blood flow modeling. We thus developed a reduced one-dimensional (1D) flow model taking into account the fluid-structure interaction. A Windkessel (or zero-dimensional (0D)) model describing the arterial tree downstream of the aorta was coupled to the 1D segment. Both 1D model parameters and boundary conditions (inlet condition and 0D model parameters) were non-invasively determined using CV-MRI data. This gives the opportunity of deriving subject- or patient-specific blood flow models. To validate our approach, we applied our model to both healthy and pathologic aorta phantoms. Each phantom was mounted in an experimental setup reproducing as well as possible in vivo aortic flow and compatible with the MRI environment. Invasive pressure recording was compared to predicted pressure waves. We also performed a sensitivity analysis of our reduced 1D model.

Compliance Elliance Journal

Schneider, Hendrik 18 August 2015 (has links)
CEJ is an open access e-journal that publishes engaging articles geared towards practitioners, scholars, and students in the compliance field. It offers a platform for compliance experts to share their innovative ideas with others who are interested or are already involved in the compliance industry.

Compliance : the new international law

Banks, Theodore L. January 2015 (has links)
Theodore Banks is a partner at Scharf Banks Marmor LLC in Chicago, and President of Compliance & Competition Consultants, LLC. He is the editor of the Corporate Legal Compliance Handbook, published by Wolters-Kluwer, and an adjunct professor at Loyola University Chicago School of Law, where he teaches corporate compliance. This article is based on a presentation to the University of Denver Sturm College of Law (March 2015).

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