Spelling suggestions: "subject:"compliant"" "subject:"ompliant""
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Membrane Hinges for Deployable SystemsSkinner, C. Mitchel 12 July 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Origami-inspired and deployable technology has become increasingly common in a variety of applications including satellite and antenna designs for space applications. The drive to utilize ultra-thin materials in the design of these deployable space structures has led to the development of membrane hinges. Membrane hinges show promise as an effective surrogate fold because of their potential advantages including requiring minimal volume and mass, allowing for small bending radii, and functioning without lubricant. Two challenges associated with membrane hinges include reliability after repeated cyclic loading and predictability of a large deployable with radially-unconstrained membrane hinges. The research presented includes the cyclic testing and a design analysis of membrane hinges in deployable systems. Additionally, demonstrations of membrane hinges in a variety of applications are included.
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Development of a Variable Camber Compliant Aircraft Tail using Structural OptimizationGood, Matthew G. 21 July 2004 (has links)
The objectives of the research presented in this thesis are the development of a seven degree-of-freedom morphing airplane and the design and integration of a variable camber compliant tail. The morphing airplane was designed and manufactured to study the benefits of large planform changes and flight control morphing. Morphing capabilities of each wing consist of 8 in. wing extension and contraction, 40° of wing sweep and ±20.25° of outboard wing twist in addition to 6 in. of tail extension and contraction. Initial wind-tunnel tests proved that for a large range of lift coefficients, the optimal airplane configuration changes to minimize the drag.
Another portion of this research deals with the development of a structural optimization program to design a variable camber compliant tail. The program integrates ANSYS, aerodynamic thin airfoil theory and the Method of Moving Asymptotes to optimize the shape of an airfoil tail for maximum trailing edge deflection. An objective function is formulated to maximize the trailing edge tip deflection subject to stress constraints. The optimal structure needs to be flexible to maximize the tip deflection, but stiff enough to minimize the deflection of the tip due to aerodynamic loading. The results of the structural optimization program created a compliant tail mechanism that can deflect the trailing edge tip with a single actuator ±4.27°. / Master of Science
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Origami Without Paper: Surrogate Folds for Origami-Inspired MechanismsRunning, Ivyann Oveson 06 January 2025 (has links) (PDF)
Origami is a useful tool for generating novel spatial mechanisms that can address needs in a variety of fields. However, replicating paper folding in other materials requires surrogate folds---some way to approximate folding in otherwise rigid materials. This work presents a collection of potential surrogate fold designs suitable for use in origami-inspired applications. The designs are sorted into families and rated against several design characteristics of interest to engineers and designers to create the Surrogate Fold Catalog. The catalog is formatted to be searchable and filterable based on manufacturability, kinematic motion, and additional utility. Using this collection of surrogate folds can improve the efficiency of the design process and the efficacy of the final design. The value of integrating surrogate folds early in the design process is demonstrated in the design of gossamer reflectarray antennas. Mathematical models are provided that predict the location and amount of slip required to allow the array to roll compactly and minimize plastic deformation. Surrogate folds for different folding patterns are designed to allow for the predicted slip. Several cases of the design and use of surrogate folds with a range of materials and applications are presented, including forged carbon fiber and stained glass. A physical collection of various surrogate folds is shown as the Foldable Book of Surrogate Folds. Digital versions of the Surrogate Folds and the Foldable Book of Surrogate Folds are available in supplementary material.
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Programmable Mechanical Metamaterials with Negative Poisson's Ratio and Negative Thermal ExpansionHeo, Hyeonu 12 1900 (has links)
Programmable matter is a material whose properties can be programmed to achieve particular shapes or mechanical properties upon command. This is an essential technique that could one day lead to morphing aircraft and ground vehicles. Metamaterials are the rationally designed artificial materials whose properties are not observed in nature. Their properties are typically controlled by geometry rather than chemical compositions. Combining metamaterials with a programmable function will create a new area in the intelligent material design. The objective of this study is to design and demonstrate a tunable metamaterial and to investigate its thermo-mechanical behavior. An integrated approach to the metamaterial design was used with analytical modeling, numerical simulation, and experimental demonstration. The dynamic thermo-mechanical analysis was used to measure base materials' modulus and thermal expansion coefficient as a function of temperature. CPS, the unit cell of the metamaterial, is composed of circular holes and slits. By decomposing kinematic rotation of the arm and elastic deformation of a bi-material hinge, thermo-mechanical constitutive models of CPS were developed and it was extended to 3D polyhedral structures for securing isotropic properties. Finite element based numerical simulations of CPS and polyhedral models were conducted for comparison with the analytical model. 3D printing of multi-materials was used for sample fabrication followed by tests with uniaxial compressive mechanical tests and thermal tests at 50℃. From the analytical model of the metamaterial, the contour plots were obtained for the effective properties – Poisson's ratio, the effective coefficient of thermal expansion of the metamaterial as a function of geometry and materials. A controllable range of temperature and strain was identified associated with maximized thermal expansion mismatch and contact on the slit surface of CPS, respectively. This work will pave the road toward the design of programmable metamaterials with both mechanically- and thermally- tunable capability and provide unique thermo-mechanical properties with a programmable function.
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Etude dynamique d’un palier compliant lubrifié à l’aide de fluide réfrigérant / Dynamic study of compliant bearing lubricated with refrigerant flowBouchehit, Bachir 12 March 2017 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années à nos jours, les paliers à gaz sont utilisés avec succès sur une large gamme de turbo-machines. Certains de ces systèmes sont utilisés dans des environnements de contrôle de l’environnement par gaz réfrigérant. Dans ce travail, nous présentons un modèle théorique et numérique qui tient compte de la transition du lubrifiant vapeur / liquide, la transition de l’écoulement laminaire / turbulent et les variations 3D de la viscosité et de la température dans le fluide et les solides pour les deux situations statiques et dynamiques. Ce modèle comporte : la résolution de l'équation de Reynolds généralisée pour les fluides compressibles à viscosité variable en 3D, la description des effets de la turbulence en utilisant l'approche phénoménologique de Elrod, en utilisant un champ de viscosité turbulente 3D, la résolution de l’équation d’état non linéaire du lubrifiant, capable de décrire la transition vapeur / liquide et une approche thermique local afin d'obtenir une estimation 3D de la température du fluide, grâce à l'équation d'énergie pour film mince. La prise en compte également des effets thermiques dans les solides. Dans cette étude, nous avons montré l'importance d'une description précise des paramètres du film fluide, dont les variations influencent largement le comportement du palier. Parmi les principales théories, il y a: lubrifiant compressible, avec un comportement non-linéaire près de la transition vapeur / liquide, la transition vapeur / liquide et le calcul des paramètres équivalents du mélange, un écoulement turbulent du fluide pour le palier GFB à grande vitesse en utilisant un modèle 3D de la viscosité turbulente, un comportement 3D pour la viscosité, en particulier les variations inter-films (dépendant de la température), et un comportement 3D pour la température, en particulier dans le sens transversal du film afin d'être compatible avec la viscosité, mais également dans la direction axiale afin de tenir en compte du gradient de température potentiel qui modifie considérablement le profil 3D de la température du palier. Ces deux comportements statiques et dynamiques du palier compliant GFB sont analysés. / For years now, gas bearings are successfully used over a large panel of turbo-machineries. Some of these systems are bound to be run in controlled environments such as refrigerating gas. In this work we present a theoretical and numerical model which takes into account the vapor/liquid lubricant transition, the laminar/turbulent flow transition and both temperature and viscosity 3D variations in the fluid and the solids for both static and dynamic situations. This model involves: the resolution of the generalized Reynolds equation for compressible fluids with 3D variable viscosity, the description of the turbulence effects by the phenomenological approach of Elrod, using a 3D eddy viscosity field, the resolution of a non-linear equation of state for the lubricant, able to describe the vapor/liquid transition and a local thermal approach to obtain a 3D estimation of the fluid temperature, thanks to the thin-film energy equation. The thermal effects in solids are also taken into account. In this study, we showed the importance of an accurate description of the film parameters, which variations largely influence the bearing behaviour. Among the principal theories, there are: compressible lubricant, with an appropriate non-linear behaviour when close to the vapor/liquid transition, vapor/liquid transition and calculation of the mixture equivalent parameters, turbulent flow for high-speed GFBs with a 3D eddy viscosity mode, a 3D behaviour for viscosity, particularly the cross-film variations, (temperature dependent)and a 3D behaviour for temperature, particularly in cross-film direction in order to be consistent with viscosity, but also in the axial direction in order to account for potential temperature gradient which considerably modifies the bearing 3D temperature profile. Both static and dynamic behaviours of GFBs are analysed.
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Pragmatic Design of Compliant Mechanisms using Selection MapsHegde, Sudarshan January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
A pragmatic method for designing compliant mechanisms is developed in this thesis, by selecting among existing mechanisms one that may be modified as required. This method complements existing techniques by answering questions of the existence and multiplicity of solutions for the given specifications of a practical problem. The premise for the method is a 2D map that juxta- poses the problem-specifications and the characteristics of compliant mechanisms in a database. The selection of the most suitable mechanisms is similar to Ashby's method of material selection. In our method, stuffiness, inertia, and the inherent kinematic characteristics of compliant mechanisms are analogous to material properties in Ashby's method. These characteristics capture the lumped behavior of compliant mechanisms in static and dynamic situations using spring-lever (SL) and spring-mass-lever (SML) models. The work includes the development of computation- ally efficient methods to compute the SL and SML model characteristics of single-input and single-output compliant mechanisms. Also developed in this work is a method to determine a feasible map by solving the governing equations of equilibrium and several inequalities pertaining to problem- specifications. The map helps not only in assessing the feasibility of the specifications but also in re-designing the mechanisms in predetermined ways to nd multiple solutions, all of which account for practical considerations. The method pays due attention to the overall size, strength considerations, manufacturability, and choice of material. It also enables minimal alterations of the problem-specifications when the user prefers a particular mechanism in the database. All these features are implemented in a web-based Java program with a graphical user interface that can be accessed at http://www.mecheng.iisc.ernet.in/ m2d2/CM design. Six case- studies that include micro machined inertial sensors, miniature valve mechanisms, ultra-sensitive force sensors, etc., are documented in detail to demonstrate the usefulness of the method in practice.
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Aplicação do método da otimização topológica para o projeto de mecanismos flexíveis menos suscetíveis à ocorrência de dobradiças. / Topology optimization to design hinge-free compliant mechanisms.Silva, Marcelo Colpas da 01 June 2007 (has links)
Os mecanismos flexíveis são dispositivos capazes de transmitir força e movimento através da deformação elástica. Têm grande importância a uma série de aplicações nas quais os mecanismos de corpos rígidos não seriam viáveis, como por exemplo, os sistemas microeletromecânicos. Existem várias maneiras pelas quais os mecanismos flexíveis podem ser projetados, sendo a otimização topológica um método bastante difundido por ser de aplicação sistemática, ou seja, não requer do projetista qualquer ação analítica durante a etapa de projeto. Na maioria dos casos, o método da otimização topológica combina o método dos elementos finitos com um método de programação matemática. Logo, faz-se necessário discretizar a região do espaço na qual o material disponível será distribuído para determinar o mecanismo flexível adequado à aplicação desejada. Freqüentemente, o mecanismo projetado apresenta duas regiões sólidas unidas por um único nó pertencente à malha de elementos finitos. Durante a transmissão do movimento, este nó age como uma dobradiça conectada às duas regiões. Trata-se de um efeito indesejado, pois compromete a modelagem e a fabricação do componente mecânico. Assim, neste trabalho, foram estudadas técnicas destinadas à redução da ocorrência das \"dobradiças\" no projeto de mecanismos flexíveis por otimização topológica. Foi implementado em linguagem C um código que permite projetar mecanismos flexíveis submetidos a um único carregamento ou múltiplos carregamentos (mecanismos multi-flexíveis). Com o objetivo de analisar e explorar outros aspectos da formulação implementada no código, investigou-se também a sua utilização no projeto de estruturas rígidas. Como resultado, é mostrada a influência dos diversos parâmetros de otimização no projeto de mecanismos flexíveis sem dobradiças, permitindo analisar a eficácia da formulação implementada. / Compliant mechanisms are devices capable of transmitting force and displacement through elastic deformation. They are extremely important for a number of applications in which the mechanisms of rigid bodies would not be feasible, such as microelectromechanical systems. There are several ways through which compliant mechanisms can be designed, being topology optimization a highly diffused method because of its systematic application, once, it does not require from the designer any analytical action during the stage of the project. In most cases, topology optimization method combines the finite element method with a mathematical program method. Therefore, it is necessary to discretize the region of the space in which the available material will be distributed to determine the appropriate compliant mechanism for the desired application. However, the mechanism designed often presents two solid regions united by one single node. During movement transmission, this node acts as a hinge connected to both regions. This is an undesired effect, as it compromises the modeling and manufacturing of the mechanical component. Thus, this work covers techniques aiming at reducing the occurrence of hinges in the design of compliant mechanisms through topology optimization. A code in C language was implemented, which allows the design of compliant mechanisms subjected to one single load or multiple loads (multi-compliant mechanisms). With the purpose of analyzing and exploring other aspects of the formulation implemented in the code, its use in the design of rigid structures was also investigated. As a result, the influence of several optimization parameters in the design of compliant mechanisms without hinges is shown. This allows to analyze the efficiency of the formulation implemented.
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Projeto de mecanismos flexíveis baseado no efeito da flambagem não linear utilizando o método de otimização topológica. / Design of compliant Mechanisms based on nonlinear buckling behavior using the topology optimization method.Lahuerta, Ricardo Doll 12 September 2017 (has links)
Mecanismo Flexível é um dispositivo mecânico utilizado para transformar movimento, força ou energia entre as portas de entrada e saída sem a presença de juntas, pinos baseados em uma estrutura em monolítica, em outras palavras, a transformação do movimento é dada pela flexibilidade de sua estrutura. Deste modo a transformação pode ser direcionada em uma direção em específico, amplificando ou reduzindo o deslocamento ou força aplicados. Por este motivo mecanismos flexíveis tem grandes aplicações em micromanipulação e nano posicionamento. A concepção deste tipo de mecanismo é complexa e uma das possibilidades de elaboração deste dispositivo mecânico é através da distribuição de flexibilidade ou rigidez dentro do domínio de projeto utilizando o Método de Otimização Topológica (MOT), que essencialmente combina algoritmos de otimização numéricos como Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF), por exemplo. A grande maioria das classes de mecanismos flexíveis existentes trabalha sob pequenos deslocamentos, na ordem de micro ou nano metros, no entanto, existe uma classe de mecanismos que utiliza o recurso da flambagem não linear para operar com grandes deslocamentos. O procedimento de concepção desta de classe de mecanismo é complexa e ainda se encontra em estagio inicial, necessitando de aprimoramentos que permitam o seu projeto completo via métodos computacionais. Portanto, esta tese foi desenvolvida como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia computacional para projetar esta classe de mecanismo flexível inovador que emprega a flambagem não linear na sua estrutura como meio para obter sob grandes deslocamentos na porta de saída. A metodologia desenvolvida se baseia no MOT para obter a topologia da estrutura que satisfaça as restrições de projeto. A modelagem do comportamento físico da estrutura utiliza uma formulação variacional não linear do problema elástico, considerando a cinemática não linear com um modelo constitutivo policonvexo. O modelo de material aplicado para obter a topologia da estrutura do mecanismo foi o Solid IsotropicMaterial with Penalization (SIMP) com um algoritmo de otimização numérico baseado no método de ponto interior, onde foi utilizada a implementação do IpOpt em conjunto com a plataforma Python FEniCS de soluções de Equações Diferenciais Parciais (EDPs). São apresentados resultados bidimensionais de mecanismos considerando algumas configurações de geometria, condições de contorno e restrições de flambagem não-linear, como incremento de carga. / The compliant mechanism is a mechanical device used to transform displacement, force or energy between the input and output ports without joints, pins based on a monolithic structure, in other words, the motion transformation is given by the flexibility of its structure. In this way the movement can be defined to a specific axis direction, amplifying or reducing the applied displacement or force. For this reason, the compliant mechanism has significant applications in micromanipulation and nanopositioning system. The design of this type of device is intricate, and one way to achieve such design is trying to distribution flexibility or rigidity within the design domain using the Topology Optimization Method (TOM), which essentially combines numerical optimization algorithms with Finite ElementMethod (FEM), for example. Most models of existing compliant mechanism work under small displacements, in the order of micro or nanometers, nevertheless, there is a class of such mechanisms that uses the nonlinear buckling behavior to operate under large displacements. The design process of this mechanism type is complicated and is still at early stages, requiring improvements that allow a complete design process via computational methods. Therefore, this thesis goal is to develop a computational methodology to create this class of innovative compliant mechanism that employs nonlinear buckling behavior to work under large displacement at the output port. The approach developed is based on TOM to achieve the optimal structure topology that satisfies the design and optimization constraints. The modeling of the elasticity behavior of the structure relies on the nonlinear variational formulation, applying the nonlinear kinematics with a polyconvex constitutive model. The SIMP is employed as a material model to obtain the optimal topology of the mechanismstructure with a numeric optimization algorithm based on the interior point method, where the IpOpt implementation was used with the high-level Python interfaces to FEniCS to solve the partial differential equations (PDEs) problem. Two-dimensional results ofmechanisms are presented considering some geometric, boundary configuration, and including nonlinear buckling as design constraints.
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Compliant Prosthetic Knee Extension Aid: A Finite Elements Analysis Investigation of Proprioceptive Feedback During the Swing Phase of AmbulationRoetter, Adam Daniel 28 October 2008 (has links)
Compliant mechanisms offer several design advantages which may be exploited in prosthetic joint research and development: they are light-weight, have low cost, are easy to manufacture, have high-reliability, and have the ability to be designed for displacement loads. Designing a mechanism to perform optimally under displacement rather than force loading allows underlying characteristics of the swing phase of gait, such as the maximum heel rise and terminal swing to be developed into a prosthetic knee joint. The objective of this thesis was to develop a mechanical add-on compliant link to an existing prosthetic knee which would perform to optimal standards of prosthetic gait, specifically during the swing phase, and to introduce a feasible method for increasing proprioceptive feedback to the amputee via transferred moments and varying surface tractions on the inner part of a prosthetic socket. A finite elements model was created with ANSYS to design the prosthetic knee compliant add-on and used to select the geometry to meet prosthetic-swing criteria. Data collected from the knee FEA model was used to apply correct loading at the knee in a SolidWorks model of an above-knee prosthesis and residual limb. Another finite element model was creating using COSMOSWorks to determine the induced stresses within a prosthetic socket brought on by the compliant link, and then used to determine stress patterns over 60 degrees of knee flexion (standard swing). The compliant knee add-on performed to the optimal resistance during swing allowing for a moment maxima of 20.2 Newton-meters (N-m) at a knee flexion of 62 degrees. The moments applied to the prosthetic socket via the compliant link during knee flexion and extension ranged from 5.2 N-m (0 degrees) in flexion, to 20.2 N-m (62 degrees) in extension and induced a varying surface tractions on the inner surface of the socket over the duration, thus posing a possible method of providing proprioceptive feedback via surface tractions. Developing a method for determining the level of proprioceptive feedback would allow for less expensive and more efficient methods of bringing greater control of a prosthesis to its user.
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Contribution à l'étude de la compliance et du vieillissement des prothèses artérielles / Contribution to the study of the compliance and the ageing of arterial prosthesesKhoffi, Foued 20 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude a pour but d’étudier la compliance et le vieillissement des prothèses artérielles dans des conditions in-vitro réalistes. Une technique de mesure de la compliance statique et dynamique des prothèses artérielles sans ajout de membrane étanche, a été mise au point, contrairement aux essais pratiqués par tous les dispositifs actuels. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les prothèses sont bien moins compliantes qu’annoncé par les fabricants et présentent une compliance très éloignée des artères saines de l’hôte. Il a été démontré que l’ajout d’une membrane même très souple, introduit des couplages entre la structure prothétique et la membrane. La caractérisation physico-chimique des prothèses ayant subi le vieillissement accéléré a permis d’en comprendre les mécanismes liés à la détérioration de la « durée de vie utile » de ces prothèses. Ce processus est marqué essentiellement par une modification de la structure textile de la prothèse (surtout une forte atténuation de cosselage) et une chute de la compliance longitudinale et de la compliance radiale. De plus, une diminution légère des propriétés dynamométriques des filaments constituant les prothèses a été mise en évidence. La dégradation s’est aussi manifestée par une variation du taux de cristallinité des fibres. / The goal of this work is to study the compliance and the ageing of arterial prostheses under in vitro realistic conditions. A technique for measuring the static and dynamic compliance of arterial grafts without internal compliant membrane (ICM) was developed, contrary to the tests performed by all the current devices. Results have show that the prostheses are less compliant than announced by the manufacturers and have a very remote compliance than the healthy host arteries. It was demonstrated that the addition of an ICM introduces coupling between the prosthetic structure and the balloon. The physico-chemical characterization of the prostheses having undergone the accelerated ageing allowed to understand the mechanisms related to the deterioration of the "useful life" of these prostheses. This process is essentially marked by a modification of the textile structure of the prosthesis (particularly a high attenuation of crimping) and a fall of the longitudinal compliance and the radial compliance. In addition, a slight decrease of tensile properties of the filaments constituting the prosthesis was highlighted. Degradation is also appeared by a change in the rate of crystallinity of fibers.
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