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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transspråkande, ett alternativ i ett flerspråkigt klassrum? –en systematisk litteraturstudie om transspråkande klassrummet

Andersson, Josefin, Fahlin, Ella January 2020 (has links)
There are three different strategies for language learning, translation, code switching and translanguaging. In this systematic review we have investigated how important translanguaging is for students language- and knowledge development. The aim of the review is to acknowledge which support there is for teachers when using translanguaging in the classroom. We have analyzed eight different studies focusing on students and teachers development when using translanguaging, to find a conclusion to if it is important. The results show that translanguaging is presented positively both in general but mostly in classrooms and that translanguaging is a helping tool for students to show their full knowledge.

Betydelsen av lärarens förväntningar på elevers prestationer i NO-klassrummet utifrån språkliga aspekter / The significance of the teacher’s expectations of students’performance in the science classroom based on linguistic aspects

Nilsson, Hanna, Kirschner, Sabina January 2021 (has links)
Följande kunskapsöversikt innefattar forskning kopplat till förväntningar samt språkliga och sociala aspekter i relation till elevers prestationer inom de naturvetenskapliga ämnena med fokus på grundskolenivå. Översikten syftar till att sammanställa forskning inom valt problemområde. Texten har delats in i språkbruk, social klass, engagemang och maktperspektiv då vi värderat dessa som avgörande kopplat till betydelsen för den språkliga kunskapsutvecklingen i NO-undervisning. Frågeställningarna berör även lärarens förväntningar på elever samt vilken betydelse det kan ha för elevers prestationer. Metoden som applicerats är en systematisk datainsamling som består av vetenskapliga texter. Resultatet grundar sig i en analys av ett flertal vetenskapliga artiklar som berör ovan aspekter. Resultatet implicerar att det finns faktorer som inverkar på elevers prestationer och har en avgörande betydelse för den språkliga kunskapsutvecklingen. För lärarprofessionen är det viktigt att vara medveten om denna betydelse samt hur undervisningsinnehållet ska planeras och genomföras för att gynna elevers språkliga kunskapsinhämtning. Slutsatsen påvisar en komplexitet i förhållandet mellan förväntningar, språkliga och sociala aspekter och elevers prestationer. Trots problematiken detta för med sig tycks forskning peka på att om ämnesinnehållet arbetas på ett medvetet och stöttande vis, kommer det påverka elevernas prestationer på ett fördelaktigt vis.

Lärares arbete med flerspråkighet som resurs i matematikundervisningen

Samuelsson, Petronella January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, schools have become increasingly multilingual, which must considered in mathematics teaching as the proportion of multilingual pupils is constantly increasing. Teachers ideas about teaching in multilingual mathematics classrooms, towards multilingual students and multilingualism are thus crucial to the students’ school achievements and identity information. Therefore, in-service teachers in compulsory school need to acknowledge multilingual pupils and language and cultural resources. Mathematics teaching needs to be adapted to a linguistic and cultural diversity in the classroom, where the students' different languages are used, and are seen as good resources.The method for collecting data relevant for this study: qualitative studies, which includes interviews and observations with active teachers in compulsory school. Relevant scientific articles were found in various databases, secondary sources, and also consultation with our supervisors and other course mates. However, the basis for this study is based on the empirical material that emerged in the qualitative interviews and observation, linked to relevant research.The result in this study are designed to provide knowledge about which aspects, teachers consider to be important, and knowledge development for multilingual students in mathematics education.

Genrebegreppets varierade uttryck som skrivdidaktisk resurs i grundskolans tidigare år

Ridell, Kim January 2020 (has links)
In this study, genre is a central concept. With a theoretical basis in three pragmatical genre traditions, an analytical tool is formulated, making it possible through different criteria to identify varied expressions of the genre notion in the syllabus for Swedish with a focus on early compulsory school and three textbooks with explicit focus on the teaching of genres. The analysis mainly draws upon six writing discourses (Ivanič, 2004), which enables me to study the actual and potential expressions of genre in the curriculum and study materials.The analysis shows that the written genre expressed in the analysed text materials is heavily influenced by a sociosemiotic perspective of genre, emphasizing internal structure, and that it is, regardless of study material, situated within the genre discourse. The variation in how genres are expressed in the texts concern whether they are influenced by the process discourse or social practices discourse as well. Genre is also discussed from a sociorhetorical perspective, focusing on the social context, but is shown to have limited expression in the text materials within this study.The study concludes that the genre notion within the Swedish curriculum for the school subject Swedish in primary school and within the study materials have de-emphasised the social purpose of genres. It also concludes that genre is too varied and complex in its semantic and pragmatic variation in different discourses inside and outside of school practises to be recognized in actual teaching.

Rektors ledarskap och organisation i Montessorifriskolor – en intervjustudie av tre rektorer

Svensson, Elisabeth January 2018 (has links)
Svensson, Elisabeth (2018). Rektors ledarskap och organisation i Montessori- friskolor – enintervjustudie av tre rektorer. (Principals leadership and organization in Montessori-schools - aninterview study of three principals). Pedagogik, Institutionen för Skolutveckling och ledarskap,Fakulteten för Lärande och samhälle, Malmö universitet.The research that has taken place has consisted of interviews with principals in two Montessorischools(F-6, F-9) and one Montessori-inspired school (F-6). My purpose with this study was toinvestigate how principals pedagogically lead and organize the daily work connected with how theschool structurally is built and lead. The interviews have been accomplished by a manual withquestions and are semi-structured. I have with a phenomenologically approach tried to describe,interpret and analyze the principals daily work from respondents own perspective. In my analysis,I have used the complexity theory in order to understand and interpret the complexity of the schoolorganization and two models of leadership, transformational and transactional leadership. Theresult of the analysis shows that the Montessori-school principals strategically consciously workwith attitudes and methods of working in the context of learning and teaching. I have identified abasis for how school leadership can be practised within the Montessori pedagogy. I have also in myanalysis established the fact that many of the characteristics of the Montessori pedagogy correspondwith what is stated in the curriculum of the compulsory school (Lgr 11). In relation to theleadership of the principals I have been able to state the fact that both a transformational and atransactional leadership are represented in the three schools. I have made the complexity in theprincipal’s leadership evident in the relation to the organization of the schools and have identifiedan obvious challenge and conflict of interest between the main organization, that is controlled bythe committee, and the principal and the staff of the the schools. My analysis clearly shows that theopinion of all three principals is that the daily work in the school organization is complex. I make acomparison with the complexity theory, which indicates that when the abstract and the simplifiedissues in the daily work meet with the more concrete and complex issues, this will cause difficultiesin the organization. .The study can hopefully increase the knowledge of principals’ leadershiprelated to the organization in Montessori-schools and be complementary to further research in thisfield.

To know a subject - Teachers' views about the subject of technology : How the subject of technology is described and approached by teachers in the lower secondary school

Fahrman, Birgit January 2021 (has links)
For teaching to be successful, teachers must be well-educated and have knowledge in many different fields. With a combination of solid subject knowledge, good teaching skills and the ability to balance these qualities, teachers can support students’ learning. However, Swedish compulsory school technology teaching does not always meet the requirements for a desired learning environment.   This thesis aims to extend our knowledge of how teachers perceive the subject of technology, its content and purpose and our understanding of how the teachers develop this knowledge. Two sets of data have resulted in three separate studies. Study 1 (paper 1) focus on experienced technology teachers’ views of their own teaching. Study 2 and 3 (paper 2 and 3 respectively) concern the views of novice technology teachers. Different theoretical frameworks enable understanding of the analysis. The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) framework is applied on in-depth interviews. Theories about curriculum emphases together with a conceptual framework for technology concerning the subjects’ content were applied on the short-answer interviews about purpose and content of the subject. Findings show that experienced technology teacher highlight different purposes for technology education (depending on background) but agree upon that teaching must be student-active. They emphasize the design process as important and specific for the subject and that technology teaching requires various support structures for learning to take place. The novice teachers describe the subject as being hard to grasp with a difficult to understand syllabus. They express uncertainty about planning, implementing, and assessing teaching in relation to certain content as well as practical activities.     The three studies, separately and together, point to the importance of subject knowledge. Understanding of the technology subject seems to be the first step towards grasping how the subject should be taught. Future training of technology teachers must focus on knowledge of the subject's characteristics and understanding the subject’s purpose and content. A greater effort is also needed for everyone involved to create a common vision concerning the nature, purpose, and place of the technology subject in Swedish schools that contributes to pupils' understanding of the world around them while laying a good foundation for their further studies / Undervisning i skolämnet teknik behöver, precis som alla skolämnen, ha välut­bild­ade lärare med såväl breda som djupa kunskaper inom ämnet. Kombinationen goda ämnes­kun­skaper, goda pedagogiska färdigheter och förmågan att balansera dessa till­sammans möjliggör för läraren att stödja elevernas lärande och få till en miljö som möjliggör inlärning. Dock har det visat sig att teknikundervisning i grundskolan inte alltid lever upp till kraven och att teknikundervisning därmed riskera att inte knytas till teknikämnets syfte och innehåll.    Denna uppsats syftar till att ge ökad kunskap om hur lärare uppfattar ämnet teknik, dess innehåll och syfte, samt att förstå hur lärarna utvecklar sin kunskap inom skolämnet teknik. Två datainsamlingar har resulterat i tre delstudier. Studie 1 fokuserar på erfarna tekniklärare och deras beskrivningar av sin egen under­visning. Studie 2 och 3 utgår empirin från blivande tekniklärares utsagor. Insamlad data utgår från kortare eller längre intervjuer med deltagande lärare. Olika teoretiska ramar möjliggör förståelse av den insamlade empirin där pedagogiska ämneskunskaper (PCK, pedagogical content knowledge) tillämpas på materialet från de genomförda längre intervjuerna. Teorier som utgår från kunskapsemfaser för de naturvetenskapliga ämnena samt teknik tillsammans med ett konceptuellt ramverk för teknikämnet som rör kunskapsinnehållet tillämpades på de kortare inter­vjuerna utifrån ämnets syfte och innehåll.       Resultaten visar att erfaren tekniklärare lyfter fram olika syften (beroende av bakgrund) för teknik­undervisningen men är överens om att undervisningen måste vara elevaktiv. De betonar designprocessen som viktig och specifik för ämnet och att teknikunder­visningen kräver olika stödstrukturer för att lärandet ska kunna ske. De blivande lärarna beskriver ämnet som svårt att greppa med en svår­för­ståelig kursplan. De uttrycker osäkerhet om planering, implementering och be­döm­­ning av under­visning i relation till visst ämnesinnehåll samt kring praktiska aktiviteter.                  De tre studierna pekar alla på vikten av goda ämneskunskaper och en förståelse för teknik­ämnet karaktär. Dessa kunskaper utgör ett första steg mot att förstå hur ämnet kan undervisas. Utbildning av tekniklärare framöver behöver även fokusera på förståelse av ämnets syfte och innehåll för att undervisning i teknik ska kunna bidrar till att utveckla elevernas förståelse för omvärlden och samtidigt lägger en god grund för deras vidare studier.                     Nyckelord: teknikundervisning, tekniklärare, grundskola

Anpassningar för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter i naturvetenskaplig undervisning

Claesson, Hilda January 2017 (has links)
This paper is about a study on how Swedish science teachers with pupils in grades 4-6, ages 10-12, plan and adapt the way they teach in order to integrate pupils who have concentration difficulties. The methods that were used to acquire data for this study were mainly interviews with science teachers for grades 4-6. These interviews consisted of various open questions where the teachers were able to affect the outcomes of the conversations. Apart from the teacher interviews the study also consists of complementary collection of data through observations of science lessons and by interviews with a few of the pupils. The pupil interviews were used as a complement to the teacher interviews, and their focus was to extract some knowledge of the pupils’ own experiences of the science subject and whether or not they get the support they need in those classes.The results of the study indicate that adaptations which occur in theoretical assignments are slightly different from those which occur in practical assignments. Generally speaking there seems to be less need for adaptations in the practical assignments when it comes to students with concentration difficulties. One of the generally most important adaptations is the increase of clear structures and detailed instructions for each assignment. This adaptation is not only beneficial for students who have concentration difficulties, but for them it is crucial as their learning capacity decreases significantly in conditions of unstructured and unclear lessons. Many of the teachers find themselves unable to entirely fulfill their ambitions of adapting their classes for all students due to limited time and/or resources.

Tools for Teaching and Learning

Saxell, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
Tools for teaching and learning- A study of how some teachers of English and History perceive the role of different educational materials with regard to their own teaching and pupils’ learningThe main purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate and analyse how teachers of English and History at two compulsory schools in the south of Sweden perceive the role of different educational materials, with regard to their own teaching and pupils’ learning. To obtain a deeper understanding of the complex user-process that educational materials are a part of, frame factor theory serves as a tool that facilitates the interpretation and understanding of the collected data. The theory, which consists of different divisions, describes factors that control and interfere with education.Our results are based on a qualitative method where thirteen surveys initially were answered by teachers of English and History, eight teachers were then also interviewed about their perception of educational materials in relation to their own teaching and pupils’ learning.The main result of our study is that socio-cultural factors have the clearest effect on teachers’ selection of educational materials, such as pupils’ background and previous experiences.

Do they understand?

Kaminski, Tomas January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to investigate students’ understanding of the learning requirements for grade E in English in year 9 at a secondary school in the south of Sweden. Additionally, the student’s teacher is also interviewed to provide a context and setting for the study. The student data was conducted using open-ended questionnaires while the teacher was interviewed using a semi-structured qualitative approach. In their responses to the questionnaire, the students showed different degrees of understanding of parts of the syllabus. Some students were able to answer all questions and were capable to express themselves, however some students did not answer all the questions. Furthermore, a majority of the students felt that the language in the syllabus was difficult to understand. The teacher believed that the language in Lgr11 makes it difficult for students to understand the text. Additionally, she believed that the language is difficult even for teachers.

Här pratar vi svenska! : Ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv på språkutveckling / We speek Swedish in here! : Special need coordinators´perspective on language development

Saran, Melahat, Andersson, Anette January 2023 (has links)
Förväntat kunskapsbidrag Examensarbetet förväntas bidra med en bättre förståelse och en ökad kunskap om hur det språkutvecklande arbetet för flerspråkiga elever i grundskolan ser ut och vilka framgångsfaktorer det finns för språkutvecklande undervisning med flerspråkiga elever. Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien är att utifrån ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv synliggöra internationell och nationell forskning och få en bredare kunskap kring hur det språkutvecklande arbetet med flerspråkiga elever i grundskolan kan se ut. Preciserade frågeställningar: 1. Vilka metoder används enligt forskningen i det språkutvecklande arbetet med flerspråkiga elever i grundskolan? 2. Vad är framgångsrika faktorer i arbetet med flerspråkiga elevers språkutveckling i grundskolan, enligt forskningen? Teori Examensarbetet har en teoretisk förankring utifrån två teoretiska perspektiv och inspireras av den sociokulturella teorin samt systemteori. Utifrån båda teorierna läggs fokus på elever och yrkesverksamma inom en skolkontext. Metod Examensarbetet är en systematisk litteraturöversikt som är baserad på internationell och nationell forskning, vetenskapliga artiklar och studier inom tidsramen 2013 till 2022. Resultat Resultat visar att translanguaging (transspråkande) är framträdande som språkutvecklande metod för flerspråkiga elever i grundskolan. Lärarnas attityder och deras tillåtande av flerspråkighet är en framgångsfaktor i undervisningen av flerspråkiga elevers språkutveckling i grundskolan. Specialpedagogiska implikationer Specialpedagoger som är yrkesverksamma inom skolans verksamhet har en central och viktig roll i arbetet med att stötta lärarna. Detta för att de ska kunna utforma den undervisning och miljö som eleverna har rätt till och utifrån deras behov och förutsättningar för att kunna nå kunskapsmålen. Specialpedagogen har också en övergripande blick över verksamheten och kan bidra med sin kunskap och kompetens för ett organisatoriskt utvecklingsarbete som bland annat ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt kan vara. / This systematic review is a study about how compulsory schools, national and international,work with multilingual students´ language development. Our aim with this review is to increase the knowledge about language development work with multilingual students in compulsory schools, by finding out which methods are used and what successful factors there are. Majority of the results show translanguaging as a commonly used method and teachers´attitudes towards multilingualism are the successful factors in language development of multilingual students.We discuss the results from a special need coordinators perspective and come to a conclusion at the end of this review, about how special need coordinators can apply these findings in their work with multilingualism in compulsory schools.

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