Spelling suggestions: "subject:"computable general equilibrium"" "subject:"computables general equilibrium""
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Avaliação do padrão de consumo de bens e serviços de saúde: uma abordagem de equilíbrio geral computável para a economia brasileiraMotta, Glaucia Possas da 14 December 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-15T13:31:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2011-12-14 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A população brasileira vem sofrendo, nas últimas décadas, transições decorrentes de mudanças nos níveis de mortalidade e fecundidade, o que pode ser atribuído a melhorias nas condições de vida, devido a avanços econômicos, ambientais, assim como na saúde pública e medicina. Uma das implicações desse processo é o aumento da expectativa de vida, que reflete diretamente no padrão de consumo dos indivíduos. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação teve por objetivo principal analisar o impacto de alterações nas preferências das famílias em direção a bens e serviços de saúde, e consequentemente, do consumo desses bens e serviços sobre a produção setorial, indicadores macroeconômicos, como PIB, Emprego, Saldo Comercial Externo, Investimento e Bem Estar, diante desse novo cenário de transição demográfica. Para tanto, utilizou-se um modelo de Equilíbrio Geral Computável, calibrado com dados da Matriz Insumo-Produto para o Brasil e das Contas Nacionais em Saúde, relativos ao ano de 2005. Destacam-se os seguintes resultados: i) para sustentar o aumento do consumo de bens saúde, o PIB deve ser mais elevado em relação ao cenário base; ii) para consumir mais saúde os agentes reduziriam o consumo de todos os outros tipos de produtos; e iii) a análise de bem estar para a saúde mostra que mudanças das preferências e dos preços em direção a esses bens implicam em uma elevação na renda para compensar o consumidor pelas variações de preços, ou seja, ele precisará de uma renda mais elevada para consumir mais saúde. / The Brazilian population has suffered in recent decades transitions arising from changes in levels of mortality and fertility, which can be attributed to improvements in living conditions, due to advances in economic, environmental, and public health and medicine. One implication of this process is the increase in life expectancy, which directly reflects the consumption pattern of individuals. In this context, the present work was aimed at analyzing the impact of changes in household preferences toward goods and health services, and consequently the consumption of these goods and services on the production sector, macroeconomic indicators such as GDP, employment, Trade Balance, Investment and Welfare, before this new scenario of demographic transition. For this purpose we used a Computable General Equilibrium Model, calibrated with data from the Input-Output Matrix for Brazil and the National Health Accounts, for the year 2005. We highlight the following results: i) to support the increased consumption of healthgoods, GDP should be higher compared to the baseline scenario, ii) to consume more health, agents reduce the consumption of all other types of products; and iii) the analysis of well-being to health shows that changes in prices and preferences toward these assets imply a rise in income to compensate the consumer for price changes, i.e.. it needs a higher income for consume more health.
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Impacto das exportações brasileiras sobre o setor de energia: uma análise de equilíbrio geralCosta, Ludmilla Rodrigues 20 March 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-03T19:36:27Z
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-20 / O objetivo principal do trabalho é investigar a influência que as variações nas quantidades e nos preços dos principais produtos da pauta de exportação brasileira exercem sobre os setores de petróleo e gás natural, energia elétrica, biomassa e no setor de energia como um todo. Além disso, é possível visualizar os impactos causados nas variáveis macroeconômicas de emprego, saldo da balança comercial e PIB. O comportamento do setor de energia, comparativamente aos demais setores da economia, em termos de valor adicionado e investimento desse setor, demanda das famílias, demanda por exportações e oferta de bens domésticos são analisados a partir das simulações implementadas. O ano de calibragem do modelo EFES-ENERGY é 2002 e a base de dados identifica 43 setores, dos quais um representa o setor de energia, e 77 commodities das quais três representam os bens energéticos da economia. Os resultados revelaram que houve, a curto prazo, um impacto positivo no PIB do setor de energia influenciado principalmente pelo setor de petróleo e gás natural. E, a longo prazo, ocorreram impactos positivos nos investimentos do setor de energia, com destaque para o setor de biomassa. / The aim of the present work is to analyze the impact of quantity and price changes of the main goods in the Brazilian export list on sectors such as oil and natural gas, electrical energy, biomass and the energy sector as a whole. Additionally, the influence of these changes on the macroeconomic variables, like employment, trade balance and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is examined. The performance of the energy sector, in terms of its value added and investment, household consumption, export demand, supply of domestic goods, is analyzed by means of micro-simulations of the Computable General Equilibrium model. Based on the EFES-ENERGY model, gauged for 2002, the brazilian economy is divided into 43 sectors and 77 commodities. One out of 43 sectors and three out of 77 commodities are referred to the energy sector. The main results show that the shift of price and demand curves of the main Brazilian export commodities has a positive impact upon GDP in the short run, mainly because of oil and natural gas sectors. On the other hand, positive impacts have occurred in the energy sector investments, especially if the biomass sector is considered.
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L'adhésion du Liban à l'OMC : une évaluation d'impact ex ante macro et micro économique / Lebaon's accession to the WITO : an ex ante macro and micro-economic impact assessmentTabbah, Ghada 08 June 2015 (has links)
Bien que la littérature théorique et empirique étudiant les effets de l’OMC et d’une libéralisation commerciale sur les performances économiques des pays et sur le bien-être soit riche, il existe une absence de consensus quant aux liens commerce-croissance-pauvreté. Les liens ne sont ni simples, ni automatiques et requièrent d’être traités avec précaution, tout en prenant en compte les spécificités nationales et le contexte particulier de chaque pays. D’où l’attention particulière apportée à l’économie libanaise, une économie en reconstruction, caractérisée entre autres par un déficit commercial chronique et engagée depuis 1999 dans le deuxième plus long processus d’adhésion à l’OMC, qui semble loin d’être achevé. Pour examiner les impacts potentiels de l’adhésion du pays à l’OMC sur les grandeurs macroéconomiques, un modèle d’équilibre général calculable dynamique est employé, et différents scénarios sont simulés. L’analyse en équilibre général est combinée avec une analyse de micro-simulation comptable, évaluant les impacts micro-économiques sur les différentes catégories des ménages. Les résultats suggèrent que l’adhésion du pays à l’OMC entraînerait une évolution plus favorable des grandeurs macro-économiques par rapport au scénario de base (surtout lorsqu’un mécanisme d’augmentation de la productivité totale des facteurs entre en jeu). Une adhésion permettrait également une baisse de la pauvreté et des inégalités, en améliorant la situation des travailleurs non qualifiés. / Although the theoretical and empirical literature studying the effects of the WTO and trade liberalization on the economic performance of countries and the well-being is rich, it remains that there is a lack of consensus on the links trade-growth-poverty. The links are neither simple nor automatic and require to be treated with caution, and to take into account national specificities and the particular context of each country. Hence the special attention given to the Lebanese economy, characterized among others by a chronic trade deficit, and by the second longest WTO accession process, which dates from 1999 and seems far from over. To examine the impacts of Lebanon’s accession to the WTO on macroeconomic variables, a dynamic CGE model is used, and different scenarios are simulated. Using a sequential approach, the general equilibrium analysis is combined with a microsimulation analysis, evaluating the micro-economic impacts on different categories of households, poverty and inequality. The results suggest that the country's accession to the WTO leads to a more favorable economic performances compared to the baseline scenario (especially when the mechanism of the increase in total factor productivity is put into play). It also allows a reduction in poverty and inequality, by improving the situation of unskilled workers.
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Transportation Infrastructure Investment and Economic Integration: A Case of Vietnam Economy / ベトナムを対象とした交通インフラ投資と経済統合に関する研究Vu, Trung Dien 26 September 2011 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第16380号 / 工博第3461号 / 新制||工||1523(附属図書館) / 29011 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 小林 潔司, 教授 岡田 憲夫, 准教授 松島 格也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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<p> </p>
<p>This dissertation assesses three aspects of the economic implications of heat stress-related labor-capacity losses. Given that low-income countries around the tropics are at most risk, our analyses focus on these and the vulnerable households within them. First, we consider the optimal allocation of labor for small-scale agricultural households. We build an agricultural household that takes into consideration that these households will be affected by heat stress as producers, consumers, and workers simultaneously. Using this model and a sample of households from Pakistan, we determine that for most households it would be optimal to increase their supply of family labor to agricultural self-employment. However, if work preferences are also affected, even modestly, then decreased supply of family labor to agriculture would be observed. </p>
<p>Next, we turn to country-level welfare losses across the globe focusing on the role of trade in mitigating or exacerbating these. We consider nine West African economies and determine which benefit from international trade, which are made worse-off, and we fully delineate the factors and channels that determine this. Broadly, we find that net exporters of agricultural commodities will benefit via global price changes, and conversely net importers will be made worse off by global price changes. However, countries that experience especially large labor capacity losses in their export sectors can also see loss-mitigating effects from trade as their export prices rise more sharply that the global average. An alternative perspective shows that some countries are affected more by their own heat stress-related productivity losses, while others are affected more due to global changes. </p>
<p>Lastly, we consider the poverty impacts of heat stress-induced labor capacity losses in West Africa. Using a macro model, we determine changes in real incomes of households near poverty in seven West African countries, then use household microsimulations to determine poverty impacts. We find that poverty impacts are heterogenous in direction and magnitude across household-types and countries. In five of the seven countries, poverty headcounts increase, ranging from 1.5% in Cote d’Ivoire to 7.8% in Nigeria. In two countries, there is either little change or a decrease in poverty: in Cameroon poverty increases by 0.6% and in Guinea it decreases by 1.7%. The key channel behind this heterogeneity is how loss of labor productivity affects relative returns to factors of production. Returns to unskilled agricultural labor can increase due to increased demand for this labor to dampen losses of agricultural output. </p>
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Sur la modélisation et la préparation de la politique économique des régions ultrapériphériques d'Europe : le cas des Départements d'Outre-Mer / On the modeling and preperation of economic policy for Ultra peripheral regions of the european union : the case of the French overseas regionsMathouraparsad, Sébastien 24 March 2011 (has links)
Dans le cas des DOM, singulièrement la Guadeloupe, qui sont à l'aube de l'expérimentation de réformes profondes de politiques économiques, l'élaboration d'un outil de simulation macroéconomique tel qu'un MEGC apparaît naturellement comme une exigence plus que souhaitable. Ce recours à la construction de modèles spécifiques pour les DOM est en parfaite cohérence avec l'une des principales conclusions du rapport d'information diligenté par le Sénat aux lendemains de la crise sociale du début de l'année 2009. Les appels à projet de la Commission europèenne et du Ministère de l'Outre-mer vont justement dans le sens de pallier celte carence puisque la politique économique des RUP de façon générale est conduite à vue sans aucun outil d'investigation ex ante. Nous avons conçu plusieurs modèles. Parmi eux, CloDyn est le premier modèle macroéconomique pour les DOM à vocationopérationnelle. Composée de plus de 2000 équations, ce modèle d'équilibre général calculable tient compte de nombreuses rigidités sur les marchés des biens et services et du travail et se décline sous deux versions: statique et dynamique. Les élasticités ont fait l'objet d'estimations économétriques. Il tient compte de nombreuses spécificités tant au niveau de la fiscalité de ces régions (octroi de mer, taxe sur les carburants, subventions à l'exportation) que du coût des facteurs (exonérations des charges sur les bas salaires, sur rémunératio des fonctionnaires). Il repose sur une formalisation des mécanismes en oeuvre dans ces économies que nous avons appelé le DOM disease pour expliquer les dysfonctionnements persistants sur le plan macroéconomique. / In the case of the French overseas regions, particularly of Guadeloupe, which are just beginning to experiment with economic policies radical reforrns, the development of a macroeconomic simulation tool such as a CGE model appears naturally as a highly desirable requirement. The use of the construction of specifie models for DOM is fully consistent with a major finding of the report commissioned by the Senate in the aftermath of the social crisis of the early 2009. As a malter of facts, the purpose of the calls for project initiated by the European Commission and the Ministry of Overseas is to remedy this deficiency, since the RUP economie policy is generally to conduct no investigation tool ex ante. We designed several models. Among them, CloDyn is the first operational DOM-based macroeconomic rnodel. Composed of more than 2000 equations, this computable general equilibrium model takes into account many rigidities in the markets for goods and services and labor and is available in two versions: static and dynamic. Elasticities have been econometrically estimated. lt rests on many features of both taxation (dock dues, fuel tax, export subsidies) and the cost factors (exemption from charges on low wages, remuneration of civil servants). Il is based on a formalization of the mechanisms at work in these economies we calied the DOM disease to explain the persistent failures in such economies. lt also evaluates the monetary poverty among households with the use of a block of microsimulation model and we allow a profane in GAMS to use this tool and conduct its own analytical work thanks to a user friendly interface.
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Perspektiva ekonomických vztahů rozšířené EU a Ruska, budování společného ekonomického prostoru / Perspective of the EU-Russia economic relations – building common economic spaceSokolov, Ivan January 2003 (has links)
The main objective of the doctorate thesis was to explore the causes of the current state of relations between the EU and Russia and to provide substantiation for future effective cooperation. The main analytical assumption of the thesis is that deeper regional economic cooperation creates positive effects for improvement of economic relations. Based on that assumption a complex exploratory framework with solid theoretical grounding was created in order to evaluate potential gains from trade liberalization scenarios between the EU and Russia. Main research is focused on the three following areas: historical background of economic relations, current developments and perspectives of the future cooperation in light of trade liberalization. Historical background of common economic relations stems from political and economic development on both sides, legal and institutional framework and problematic areas. Current development of trade and economic relations is based on analysis of trade flows in goods, trade in services and capital flows. Analysis of the future development is based on three liberalization scenarios: - Accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization (WTO), - Free trade agreement (FTA) -- scrapping customs tariffs between the EU and Russia, - Comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA+) -- reduction of non-tariff barriers to trade, liberalization of trade in services and capital flows, regulatory harmonization. Meta-analysis of different computable general equilibrium (CGE) modeling is used to evaluate the liberalization scenarios. Research results proved positive effects of trade liberalization for both sides. However, comprehensive free trade agreement seems to be the most effective form of trade liberalization with maximum economic welfare gains for the EU and the Russian Federation.
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Impactos de acordos de livre comércio sobre o Rio Grande do Sul : uma análise inter-regional com o modelo de equilíbrio geral ArsetiSilva, Rodrigo Rodrigues January 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é apresentado o modelo ARSETI (Analysis of Rio Grande do Sul Equilibrium for Trade Impact). Uma estrutura inter-regional de equilíbrio geral computável desenvolvido para análise da economia do Rio Grande do Sul e o Resto do Brasil no sentido de elaboração de políticas econômicas em relação a acordos comerciais a nível mundial. Os blocos/países foram analisados através da seguinte distinção entre os mercados externos: Argentina, MERCOSUL, ALCA, União Européia, China e Resto do Mundo. O Estado gaúcho mantém certa vantagem com relação ao país sobre o processo de abertura comercial com o MERCOSUL, apesar de ambos ganharem, caso o acordo se estabelecesse de maneira plena (tarifa zero). Acordos mais amplos como ALCA e União Européia não são, necessariamente, ruins para o estado do sul do país, mas beneficiam relativamente mais o restante do país no longo prazo. Na possibilidade da implementação do ALCA, o Rio Grande do Sul pode, eventualmente, se preparar para um novo período de concentração industrial na região sudeste do país. / In this work model ARSETI is presented (Analysis of Rio Grande do Sul Equilibrium will be Trade Impact). An interregional structure of computable general balance developed for analysis of the economy of the Rio Grande do Sul and the Remaining portion of Brazil in the direction of elaboration of economic policies in relation the commercial agreements the world-wide level. The blocks/countries had been analyzed through the following distinction between the external markets: Argentina, MERCOSUL, ALCA, European Union, China and Rest of the World. The State gaucho keeps certain advantage with regard to the country on the process of commercial opening with the MERCOSUL, although both to gain case the agreement if established in full way (tariff zero). Agreements ampler as ALCA and European Union are not necessarily bad for the state of the south of the country, but they relatively more benefit the remain of the country in the long stated period. In the possibility of the implementation of the ALCA, the Rio Grande do Sul can eventually be prepared for a new period of industrial concentration in the Southeastern region of the country.
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O custo do isolamento brasileiro: uma análise sob a ótica de um modelo de equilíbrio geral computávelCechin, Alícia 16 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2017-04-17T19:16:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-16 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O aumento dos Acordos Preferenciais de Comércio (APCs) tem modificado o cenário do comércio internacional. No caso brasileiro, o país se mostra relativamente isolado no cenário das negociações comerciais preferenciais, não possuindo um conjunto de acordos comerciais importantes com parceiros extra-regionais. Nesse sentido, o estudo busca examinar através de um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável (GTAP), os efeitos que a criação de APCs com importantes parceiros comerciais do Brasil teria sobre variáveis-chave para a economia, especialmente bem-estar e comércio internacional. Além das reduções das tarifas de importação, o trabalho também explorou os efeitos da redução das barreiras não-tarifárias (BNTs). Os impactos da formação de acordos de livre comércio geralmente se concentram naqueles setores mais protegidos antes da criação do bloco. Nas simulações realizadas neste trabalho, isso também se observou. Os resultados mostraram um aumento expressivo nas exportações de produtos primários e de baixa intensidade tecnológica, quando simulada a redução parcial e plena das tarifas de importação, no entanto quando simula-se além da redução das tarifas de importação a redução das BNTs, verifica-se que o sistema produtivo brasileiro pode ser afetado de diferente forma. Com a redução plena de tarifas e BNTs, as exportações brasileiras de setores de maior conteúdo tecnológico seriam as mais beneficiadas, enquanto a liberalização parcial das BNTs, além de reduzir a magnitude das exportações em todos os acordos, iria estimular mais setores de menor conteúdo tecnológico em vários acordos. No que se refere ao ganho de bem-estar, verifica-se o mesmo comportamento das exportações, mas quando ocorre a redução das BNTs, o maior ganho de bem-estar é obtido em setores de maior intensidade tecnológica. / The increase in the PTAs (Preferential Trade Agreements) has modified the international trade scenario, in the case of Brazil, the country appears to be relatively isolated in the context of trade negotiations, lacking a set of important trade agreements with extra-regional partners. In this sense, the study seeks to examine, through a computable general equilibrium model (GTAP), the effects that the creation of PTAs with important trade partners of Brazil would have on key variables for the economy, especially welfare and trade International. In addition to the reduction of import tariffs, the work also explored the effects of reducing non-tariff barriers (NTBs). The impacts of forming free trade agreements generally focus on those sectors most protected before the bloc was created. In the simulations performed in this work, this was also observed. The results show a significant increase in exports of primary products and low technological intensity, when simulated the partial and full reduction of import tariffs, however, when the reduction of NTBs is allowed in addition to the reduction of import tariffs, it is verified that the Brazilian productive sector can be affected differently. With the full reduction of tariffs and NTBs, Brazilian exports of sectors with higher technological content would be the most benefited, while the partial liberalization of NTBs, besides reducing the magnitude of exports in all agreements, would stimulate more sectors of lower technological content in most agreements. With regard to welfare gains, the same behavior of exports is observed, when reduction of NTBs occur, the greatest welfare gain is obtained in sectors of higher technological intensity.
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Un modèle d'équilibre général calculable pour questionner la TVA dans les pays en développement : les cas du Niger et du SénégalDe Quatrebarbes, Céline 04 February 2015 (has links)
La TVA est une taxe ad valorem facturée par les entreprises à leurs clients mais dont seule la différence entre la taxe collectée par l’entreprise et celle qu’elle a supportée sur ses achats est reversée à l’ Etat. Selon ce mécanisme, la TVA repose uniquement sur la consommation finale et semble adaptée aux principes d’une taxe indirecte optimale pour la maximisation du bien-être collectif. Cependant, dans les PED, la taille de l’assiette, les problèmes de remboursement des crédits de TVA et le non assujettissement de certains producteurs, modifient le fonctionnement de la taxe. Afin d’appréhender l’impact de la TVA dans les PED avec un nouveau regard, les effets de la taxe sur l’allocation des ressources et la distribution des revenus sont étudiés à l’aide d’un Modèle d’ Equilibre Général Calculable ad hoc appliquée à des problématiques spécifiques au Niger et au Sénégal. Les résultats des simulations montrent que l’analyse de l’impact de la TVA ne peut pas se contenter d’un discours commun, ni du point de vue du consommateur, ni de celui du producteur. / In theory, VAT has always been considered as a consumption tax (Lauré, 1957). Liable producers transfer to the government the difference between the VAT collected on sales and the VAT paid on their inputs. VAT is therefore a tax on final consumption born by the consumer and collected by the producer. With tax abatement principle, VAT seems adapted to the principals of an optimal indirect tax for the maximization of the collective wellbeing. However, if VAT exemptions are implemented or if the tax administration is inefficient in issuing refunds for VAT credits or simply due to non-liable producers, VAT increases producer’s tax burden and viewing the VAT only as a consumption tax becomes inaccurate. In order to take into account these complexities, we built the first Computable General Equilibrium Model in order to shed some light on resources allocation and income distributions of the tax in Niger and Senegal. Simulation results show that an analysis of the VAT’s impact cannot rely only on a common line, neither from the consumer’s nor the producer’s point of view.
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