Spelling suggestions: "subject:"computationalstatistics"" "subject:"computationalmechanics""
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Feature detection for geospatial referencing / Bildanalys för automatisk georefereringNilsson, Niklas January 2019 (has links)
With the drone industry's recent explosive advancement, aerial photography is becoming increasingly important for an array of applications ranging from construction to agriculture. A drone flyover can give a better overview of regions that are difficult to navigate, and is often significantly faster, cheaper and more accurate than man-made sketches and other alternatives. With this increased use comes a growing need for image processing methods to help in analyzing captured photographs. This thesis presents a method for automatic location detection in aerial photographs using databases of aerial photographs and satellite images. The proposed pipeline is based on an initial round of tests, performed by using existing feature detection, description and matching algorithms on aerial photographs with a high degree of similarity. After which further modifications and improvements were implemented to make the method functional also for handling aerial photographs with a high level of inherent differences, e.g., viewpoint changes, different camera- and lens parameters, temporary objects and weather effects. The method is shown to yield highly accurate results in geographical regions containing features with a low level of ambiguity, and where factors like viewpoint difference are not too extreme. In particular, the method has been most successful in cities and some types of farmland, producing very good results compared to methods based on camera parameters and GPS-location, which have been common in automatic location detection previously. Knowledge of these parameters is not necessary when applying the method, making it applicable more generally and also independently of the precision of the instruments used to determine said parameters. Furthermore, the approach is extended for automatic processing of video streams. With lack of available ground truth data, no definite conclusions about absolute accuracy of the method can be drawn for this use case. But it is nevertheless clear that processing speeds can be greatly improved by making use of the fact that subsequent video snapshots have a large graphical overlap. And it can indeed also be said that, for the tested video stream, using a type of extrapolation can greatly reduce the risk of graphical noise making location detection impossible for any given snapshot. / Då drönarindustrin växer så det knakar, har flygfoton blivit allt viktigare för en rad applikationer i vårt samhälle. Att flyga över ett svårnavigerat område med en drönare kan ge bättre översikt och är ofta snabbare, billigare och mer precist än skisser eller andra alternativa översiktsmetoder. Med denna ökade användning kommer också ett ökat behov av automatisk bildprocessering för att hjälpa till i analysen av dessa fotografier. Denna avhandling presenterar en metod för automatisk positionsbedömning av flygfoton, med hjälp av databaser med flygfoton och satellitfoton. Den presenterade metoden är baserad på inledande tester av existerande feature detection, feature description och feature matching algoritmer på ett något förenklat problem, där givna foton är väldigt grafiskt lika. Efter detta implementerades ytterligare modifikationer och förbättringar för att göra metoden mer robust även för bilder med en hög nivå av grafisk diskrepans, exempelvis skillnad i synvinkel, kamera- och linsparametrar, temporära objekt och vädereffekter. Den föreslagna metoden ger nöjaktiga resultat i geografiska regioner med en proportionellt stor mängd grafiska särdrag som enkelt kan särskiljas från varandra och där den grafiska diskrepansen inte är allt för stor. Särskilt goda resultat ses i bland annat städer och vissa typer av jordbruksområden, där metoden kan ge betydligt bättre resultat än metoder baserade på kända kameraparametrar och fotografens GPS-positionering, vilket har varit ett vanligt sätt att utföra denna typ av automatisk positionsbestämning tidigare. Dessutom är den presenterade metoden ofta enklare att applicera, då precisionen för diverse mätinstrument som annars måste användas när fotot tas inte spelar in alls i metodens beräkningar. Dessutom har metoden utökats för automatisk processering av videoströmmar. På grund av bristfälligt referensdata kan inga definitiva slutsatser dras angående metodens precision för detta användningsområde. Men det är ändå tydligt att beräkningstiden kan minskas drastiskt genom att använda faktumet att två påföljande ögonblicksbilder har ett stort grafiskt överlapp. Genom att använda en sorts extrapolering kan inverkan från grafiskt brus också minskas, brus som kan göra positionsbestämning omöjligt för en given ögonblicksbild.
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O Ciclo diÃrio de precipitaÃÃes pluviais no municÃpio de Fortaleza, em intervalos de cinco minutos / The Daily cycle of rainfall in the city of Fortaleza, in five-minute intervalsFrancisco Edson Pinheiro Pessoa 23 April 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa trata da distribuiÃÃo infradiÃria de precipitaÃÃes intensas no MunicÃpio de Fortaleza, Estado do CearÃ. Foram utilizados 30 anos de observaÃÃes pluviogrÃficas, digitalizadas, da estaÃÃo climatolÃgica da Universidade Federal do Cearà no Campus do Pici. Os estudos foram realizados com uma Ãnica sÃrie, com todos os valores para determinar o regime anual. Posteriormente, foram utilizadas as 12 sÃries mensais, cobrindo o perÃodo de 30 anos, para estudar a sazonalidade. Os dados anuais foram ajustados a curvas senoidais e a polinÃmios do terceiro grau, forÃados para manter a continuidade, denominados polinÃmios cÃclicos. Observou-se que o horÃrio de mÃxima pluviosidade ocorre no inÃcio do dia e o mÃnimo ocorre no inÃcio da noite, Estudou-se tambÃm, nas sÃries mensais, o tamanho do intervalo de tempo entre o mÃximo e o mÃnimo de pluviosidade. Esse intervalo de tempo foi correlacionado com a duraÃÃo do dia de insolaÃÃo. Conclui-se que hà uma forte correlaÃÃo entre a duraÃÃo do dia de insolaÃÃo e o intervalo de tempo entre o pico de mÃxima e de mÃnima pluviosidade. / The research deals with the daily distribution of intense rainfall in the city of
Fortaleza, CearÃ. Were used 30 years of pluvi
ograph observations of the
climatological station of the Federal University of CearÃ, in Campus do Pici. The
studies were conducted with a single series, with all the values
to determine an
annual basis. Later, were used 12 monthly series, covering the p
eriod from 30 years,
to study the seasonality. Annual data were adjusted to sinusoidal curves and
polynomials of the third degree, forced to maintain continuity, called cyclic
polynomials. It was observed that the maximum rainfall occurs in the early hours
the day and the minimum rainfall occurs in the early evening. It was also studied in
the monthly series the time interval size between the maximum and the minimum
rainfall. This time interval was correlated with the duration of insolation. It
that there is a strong correlation between duration of insolation and the
time interval between the maximum and the minimum rainfall
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Simulation of helium flow through ion guide with COMSOL multiphysicsHedkvist, Adam, Ahrman, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
The program COMSOL Multiphysics was used to simulate a flow of helium gas transporting ionized fission products out of an ion guide. Two important parameters to study from the simulation was the evacuation time and velocity of the ions. The mean evacuation time was shown to be 0.1173s, and the velocity of a single particle peaked at 2500m/s, 1000-1500m/s being more common.
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Algèbre linéaire exacte, parallèle, adaptative et générique / Adaptive and generic parallel exact linear algebraSultan, Ziad 17 June 2016 (has links)
Les décompositions en matrices triangulaires sont une brique de base fondamentale en calcul algébrique. Ils sont utilisés pour résoudre des systèmes linéaires et calculer le rang, le déterminant, l'espace nul ou les profiles de rang en ligne et en colonne d'une matrix. Le projet de cette thèse est de développer des implantations hautes performances parallèles de l'élimination de Gauss exact sur des machines à mémoire partagée.Dans le but d'abstraire le code de l'environnement de calcul parallèle utilisé, un langage dédié PALADIn (Parallel Algebraic Linear Algebra Dedicated Interface) a été implanté et est basé essentiellement sur des macros C/C++. Ce langage permet à l'utilisateur d'écrire un code C++ et tirer partie d’exécutions séquentielles et parallèles sur des architectures à mémoires partagées en utilisant le standard OpenMP et les environnements parallel KAAPI et TBB, ce qui lui permet de bénéficier d'un parallélisme de données et de taches.Plusieurs aspects de l'algèbre linéaire exacte parallèle ont été étudiés. Nous avons construit de façon incrémentale des noyaux parallèles efficaces pour les multiplication de matrice, la résolution de systèmes triangulaires au dessus duquel plusieurs variantes de l'algorithme de décomposition PLUQ sont construites. Nous étudions la parallélisation de ces noyaux en utilisant plusieurs variantes algorithmiques itératives ou récursives et en utilisant des stratégies de découpes variées.Nous proposons un nouvel algorithme récursive de l'élimination de Gauss qui peut calculer simultanément les profiles de rang en ligne et en colonne d'une matrice et de toutes ses sous-matrices principales, tout en étant un algorithme état de l'art de l'élimination de Gauss. Nous étudions aussi les conditions pour qu'un algorithme de l'élimination de Gauss révèle cette information en définissant un nouvel invariant matriciel, la matrice de profil de rang. / Triangular matrix decompositions are fundamental building blocks in computational linear algebra. They are used to solve linear systems, compute the rank, the determinant, the null-space or the row and column rank profiles of a matrix. The project of my PhD thesis is to develop high performance shared memory parallel implementations of exact Gaussian elimination.In order to abstract the computational code from the parallel programming environment, we developed a domain specific language, PALADIn: Parallel Algebraic Linear Algebra Dedicated Interface, that is based on C/C + + macros. This domain specific language allows the user to write C + + code and benefit from sequential and parallel executions on shared memory architectures using the standard OpenMP, TBB and Kaapi parallel runtime systems and thus providing data and task parallelism.Several aspects of parallel exact linear algebra were studied. We incrementally build efficient parallel kernels, for matrix multiplication, triangular system solving, on top of which several variants of PLUQ decomposition algorithm are built. We study the parallelization of these kernels using several algorithmic variants: either iterative or recursive and using different splitting strategies.We propose a recursive Gaussian elimination that can compute simultaneously therow and column rank profiles of a matrix as well as those of all of its leading submatrices, in the same time as state of the art Gaussian elimination algorithms. We also study the conditions making a Gaussian elimination algorithm reveal this information by defining a new matrix invariant, the rank profile matrix.
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Robust optimization of radiotherapy treatment plans considering time structures of the deliveryOrvehed Hiltunen, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Cancer is the second largest mortal disease in Sweden, and high efforts are made to develop the treatment of cancer. One of the main treatment methods is radiotherapy, which uses ionizing radiation to damage the cancerous cells. This has the chance of stopping the cell reproduction, and the goal is to reduce the tumor and stop the tumor growth. The most common forms of radiotherapy uses external beams to irradiate the tumor. In intensity modulated radiotherapy, IMRT, the beam fluences are optimized to give a highly conformal dose, i.e. a dose distribution which is restricted to the tumor and has low dose values outside of the tumor. A conformal dose is necessary to spare healthy tissue and sensitive organs, and thus keep the side-effects of the treatment at an acceptable level. The optimized beam shapes are created using a multileaf collimator, MLC. Finding the leaf positions and dose levels is formulated as a problem in the framework of mathematical optimization. Currently, one of the limitations in delivering conformal dose is due to patient movement during the treatment. In IMRT, the beams are delivered by consecutive segments, and the exact pairing of the segments with the patient position will have an impact on the delivered dose. This is called the interplay effect, and can cause both underdosage of the tumor and overdosage of the surrounding tissue. There are methods of mitigating the interplay effect. For example, the beam could be restricted to a single phase of the motion by repeatedly turning it on and off. This is known as gating. However, gating and many other interplay mitigation techniques lead to prolonged treatment times, which decreases the clinical throughput, causes higher patient discomfort and gives higher uncertainties in the delivered dose. This makes it desirable to find methods which avoid prolonged treatment times, while still giving highly conformal doses. Ideally, the best method would be to have a beam which follows any target movement. This idea is known as target tracking. In this thesis, an optimization method is suggested which includes the interplay effect in the treatment optimization. Two main treatment strategies are proposed. The method which is simplest to implement clinically is to create plans which are robust against uncertainties in the times for the patient motion. The resulting doses are found to give acceptable target covering where similar, conventional plans give a significant target underdose. To further increase the conformality of the doses, a non-robust method paired with gating technology is suggested. This method can effectively be seen as a target tracking method, and has the possibility to give highly conformal doses under acceptable treatment times.
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Mathematical analysis and approximation of a multiscale elliptic-parabolic systemRichardson, Omar January 2018 (has links)
We study a two-scale coupled system consisting of a macroscopic elliptic equation and a microscopic parabolic equation. This system models the interplay between a gas and liquid close to equilibrium within a porous medium with distributed microstructures. We use formal homogenization arguments to derive the target system. We start by proving well-posedness and inverse estimates for the two-scale system. We follow up by proposing a Galerkin scheme which is continuous in time and discrete in space, for which we obtain well-posedness, a priori error estimates and convergence rates. Finally, we propose a numerical error reduction strategy by refining the grid based on residual error estimators.
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Extended analysis of a pseudo-spectral approach to the vortex patch problemBertolino, Mattias January 2018 (has links)
A prestudy indicated superior accuracy and convergence properties of apseudo-spectral method compared to a spline-based method implemented byCòrdoba et al. in 2005 when solving the α-patches problem. In this thesis wefurther investigate the numerical properties of the pseudo-spectral method and makeit more robust by implementing the Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform. Wepresent a more detailed overview and analysis of the pseudo-spectral method and theα-patches problem in general and conclude that the pseudo-spectral method issuperior in regards to accuracy in periodic settings.
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A pseudoparabolic reaction-diffusion-mechanics system : Modeling, analysis and simulationVromans, Arthur January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, parabolic-pseudoparabolic equations are derived coupling chemical reactions, diffusion, flow and mechanics in a heterogeneous medium using the framework of mixture theory. The weak solvability in 1-D of the obtained models is studied. Furthermore, it is numerically illustrated that approximate solutions according to the Rothe method exhibit expected realistic behaviour. For a simpler model formulation, the periodic homogenization in higher space dimensions is performed. / <p>Research is funded by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO) with MPE-grant 657.000.004, and a research stay at Karlstads Universitet is funded by NWO cluster Nonlinear Dynamics in Natural Systems (NDNS+).</p>
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Aplicação e analise de um modelo de qualidade de agua para a determinação da concentração de cloro livre residual em um setor de abastecimento de agua / Use and analysis of water quality model to determine the free residual chlorine concentration in the water supply setorTrimboli, Marcelo Jose 09 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Edevar Luvizotto Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T19:18:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Trimboli_MarceloJose_M.pdf: 5392045 bytes, checksum: cc7d8b290241329ec9e101fc336f718c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Neste trabalho são estudadas e avaliadas as etapas que visam a aplicação de modelagem matemática para obtenção de parâmetros de qualidade como a concentração de cloro livre residual em sistemas de abastecimento de água. Como estudo de caso e avaliação da proposição fui empregado o setor de abastecimento de Vila Liberdade na Cidade de Jundiaí-SP. Os resultados foram comparados com medições exaustivas de campo / Abstract: This work were studied and evaluated the stages that look for the use of the mathematics modeling to get parameters of quality like residual free chlorine concentration in network pipes . How case study and valuation of the proposition it was used the water supply sector of Vila Liberdade in the town of Jundiai - estate of São Paulo, BraziL The results were compared with exhaustive field measures / Mestrado / Recursos Hidricos / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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Kidney Dynamic Model EnrichmentOlofsson, Nils January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores and explains a method using discrete curvature as a feature to find regions of vertices that can be classified as being likely to indicate the presence of an underlying tumor on a kidney surface mesh. Vertices are tagged based on curvature type and mathematical morphology is used to form regions on the mesh. The size and location of the tumor is approximated by fitting a sphere to this region. The method is intended to be employed in noninvasive radiotherapy with a dynamic soft tissue model. It could also provide an alternative to volumetric methods used to segment tumors. A validation is made using the images from which the kidney mesh was constructed, the tumor is visible as a comparison to the method result. The dynamic kidney model is validated using the Hausdorff distance and it is explained how this can be computed in an effective way using bounding volume hierarchies. Both the tumor finding method and the dynamic model show promising results since they lie within the limit used by practitioners during therapy.
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