Spelling suggestions: "subject:"computer network resources"" "subject:"coomputer network resources""
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Automatic genre classification of home pages on the web /Kennedy, Alistair. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (B.C.S.)--Dalhousie University, Halifax. / "Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor of computer science with honours at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 2004." Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-35). Also available in PDF via the World Wide Web.
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A web-based, enterprise-wide, integrated information system as the source of high quality information for decision-making processes in the Department of Education in South AfricaBaxter, Claude Brian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Education Management Information System (EMIS) is the business unit that is responsible for
information management and business reporting in the Department of Education. EMIS finds it difficult to
provide high quality information to the Department of Education internally and its stakeholders externally
and attributes the reduction of the quality of its education information to factors such as the organisational
nature of the South African education system, the lack of information management standards and
practices, the low level of information technology skills in EMIS, the existence of a multitude of disparate
information systems in the Department of Education and Provincial Education Departments, and the
apparent discontinuity in the flow of information from education institution level to the national
department and back. Most research in information management confirmed the state of EMIS as being
typical of most large organisations whose functioning depends on the quality of their information. The
factors that influence information quality in EMIS had been identified as accuracy, timeliness, consistency
and relevance of the information. A “quick-fix” to the information problem is not possible but research in
information systems management indicates that there are trends in the electronic business arena that may
provide an acceptable solution to most of the problems encountered by EMIS. This report investigates the
nature of EMIS problems in terms of information management and investigates possible solutions to the
problems. The investigation is done within the framework of acknowledged information systems planning
process and aligned to the process model of information management.
An exposition is given on the theory pertaining to information management, information systems and
information systems management to give insight into the particular fields of study and their
interdependencies. A section on business intelligence is included since business reporting is the primary
function of EMIS. Investigations into information systems development indicate an exponential growth in
electronic technology development specifically the Internet and the Web. The information systems plan
provides the framework or set of guidelines to determine the information systems solution that will be able
to solve their problems. The research report included four stages of the information systems plan
framework. The first stage pertains to the identification of minimum information required from the
education sector and supporting sectors to provide high quality education information for decision-making
and planning. The second stage determines and benchmarks the state of EMIS in terms of information
management processes. The third stage investigates the trends in electronic business and specifically
electronic information systems applications. Current best practices indicate that a possible solution to
information management problems in large organisations is the application of a web-based, electronic,
enterprise-wide, integrated information system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: EMIS as ‘n besigheidseenheid in die nasionale Onderwysdepartement is verantwoordelik vir
inligtingsbestuur en verslaggewing. EMIS vind dit moeilik om hoë kwaliteit inligting intern aan die
onderwysdepartement en ekstern aan sy rolspelers te verskaf. en skryf die verlaging in die kwaliteit van
inligting toe aan faktore soos die organisasiestruktuur van die Suid Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel, die gebrek
aan standaarde vir inligtingsbestuur en -praktyke, die lae vlak van inligtingstegnologiekennis van die
personeel in EMIS, die bestaan van ‘n magdom van ongelyksoortige inligtingstelsels in die nasionale
onderwysdepartement en provinsiale onderwysdepartemente en die sigbare diskontinuïteit in die vloei van
inligting vanaf die onderwysinrigtings na die nasionale onderwysdepartement en terug. Die meeste
navorsing in inligtingsbestuur bevestig dat die toestand waarin EMIS verkeer tipies is van die meeste
groot organisasies wie se funksionering van die kwaliteit van hulle inligting afhang. Die faktore wat ‘n rol
speel in die kwaliteit van inligting in EMIS word geïdentifiseer as akkuraatheid, tydigheid, uniformiteit en
geldigheid. ‘n Vinnige oplossing vir die inligtingsprobleem is nie moontlik nie maar navorsing in
inligtingstelselsbestuur dui aan dat daar tendense in die rigting van elektroniese besigheidarena is wat
aanvaarbare oplossings bied vir die meeste van EMIS se probleme. Hierdie verslag ondersoek die aard van
EMIS se probleme in terme van inligtingsbestuur en ondersoek moontlike oplossings vir die probleme.
Die ondersoek word gedoen binne die raamwerk van ‘n aanvaarde inligtingstelsel-beplanningsproses wat
opgestel is om binne die prosesmodel vir inligtingsbestuur te val.
‘n Uiteensetting van die teorie ten opsigte van inligtingsbestuur, inligtingstelsels en inligtingstelselbestuur
word gegee ten einde insig oor die betrokke studieterreine en hul interafhanklikheid te gee. ‘n Afdeling
oor besigheidsintelligensie word ingesluit aangesien besigheidsverslaggewing die primêre funksie van
EMIS is. ‘n Ondersoek na inligtingstelselontwikkeling dui op ‘n eksponensiële groei in die ontwikkeling
van die elektroniese tegnologiebedryf en spesifiek die Internet en Web. Die inligtingstelselsplan voorsien
die raamwerk of riglyne waarbinne die inligtingstelseloplossing gesoek kan word. Die navorsingsverslag
sluit vier fases van die raamwerk van die inligtingstelselsplan in. Die eerste fase het te make met die
identifisering van die minimum inligting wat nodig is vir besluitneming en beplanning. Die tweede fase
stel die toestand van EMIS ten opsigte van inligtingsbestuur vas. Die derde fase ondersoek die neigings in
elektroniese besigheidstransaksies en toepassings. Huidige beste praktyke dui aan dat ‘n moontlike
oplossing vir die inligtingsbestuurprobleme van groot organisasies die toepassing van ‘n web-gebaseerde,
elektroniese, geïntegreerde inligtingstelsel, wat al die komponente van die onderneming insluit, is.
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Readiness assessment of selected tourism institutions for electronic business system applications in the Western Cape tourism industryTafane, Zamikhaya 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The tourism sector in the province is regarded as one of the major economic sectors that have
been found to have significant growth prospects. Indeed it’s revitalising and captivating to
see the provincial tourism industry organizing itself to adapt to the new challenges of the
knowledge economy, while also retorting to the new demands emerging from the needs and
the expectations of the customers. The Western Cape tourism industry is currently preparing
itself for the knowledge intensive marketing of its products and services and is also faced
with challenges arising from the need to exploit electronic business systems for the benefits
of the entire industry and its role players.
In a nutshell, this requires the Western Cape tourism industry to understand the operation of
global economic systems and strive towards locating itself strategically within them, and also
develop strategic alliances with developing countries in order to reshape the system of global
governance to achieve more equitable outcomes. Simultaneously, it requires that it equip the
provincial economy as a whole, its sectors and enterprises to meet the challenges facing it in
becoming sustainable competitive environment.
This is an exploratory study of which the research problem is whether the selected tourism
institutions are ready to implement electronic business systems. The proposed research study
findings indicate the readiness level of the selected institutions in implementing electronic
business systems.
The research methodology instruments of the study were twofold. Both a modified
questionnaire designed by Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to evaluate
companies’ readiness in electronic business systems application was used, as well as a
structured interview to acquire qualitative data was also used.
The paper is not only a result of my personal interest in electronic business field, most
importantly, it is of necessity to understand the concepts and principles of ‘electronic
business’ and ‘Destination Marketing Organisation’ as they apply to the Western Cape
tourism industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toerismesektor in die provinsie word beskou as een van die vernaamste ekonomiese
sektore wat beduidende groeivooruitsigte toon. Dit is inderdaad opwindend en fassinerend
om te sien hoe die provinsiale toerismebedryf homself organiseer om by die nuwe uitdagings
van die kennisekonomie aan te pas, terwyl daar ook voldoen word aan die nuwe eise wat uit
die behoeftes en die verwagtinge van die klante voortspruit.
Die Wes-Kaapse toerismebedryf berei homself tans voor vir die kennis-intensiewe
bemarking van sy produkte en dienste en kom ook te staan voor uitdagings wat spruit uit die
behoefte om elektroniese besigheidstelsels tot voordeel van die hele bedryf en sy rolspelers te
Kortom vereis dit van die Wes-Kaapse toerismebedryf om die bedrywighede van wereldwye
ekonomiese stelsels te verstaan en daarna te streef om homself strategies daarin te plaas, en
ook om strategiese alliansies met ontwikkelende lande te vorm ten einde die stelsel van
wereldwye bestuur te hervorm om billiker uitkomste te lewer. Terselfdertyd moet die
provinsiale ekonomie as geheel, sy sektore en ondernemings toegerus word om te voldoen
aan die uitdagings waarvoor dit te staan kom terwyl dit ’n volhoubare mededingende
omgewing word.
Hierdie is ’n verkennende studie waarvan die navorsingvraagstuk is, of die geselekteerde
instellings gereed is vir die implementering van elektroniese besigheidstelsels. Die
bevindings van die beoogde navorsingsondersoek sal die gereedheidsvlak aandui van die
geselekteerde instellings om elektroniese besigheidstelsels te benut.
Die navorsingsmetodologie het tweeledig van instrumente gebruik gemaak. Een daarvan was
‘n spesiaal aangepaste vraelys wat deur BDC ontwerp is om maatskappye se gereedheid vir
die toepassing van elektroniese besigheidstelsels te evalueer, en die ander ‘n gestruktureerde
Die studie is nie bloot ’n gevolg van my persoonlike belangstelling in die veld van
elektroniese besigheid nie, maar die belangrikste is om die konsepte en beginsels van
‘elektroniese besigheid’ en ‘Destination Marketing Organisation’ te begryp soos dit op die
Wes-Kaapse toerismebedryf betrekking het.
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The making of a community newspaper website : http://www.helderberg.comHoffman, Bernard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Helderberg.com started out as a Virtual Village, with its roots firmly entrenched in the
community newspaper from which it developed - the DistrictMail. It quickly evolved into a
full blown community newspaper website with its own business model, earning its own way.
Dotcoms are based on a virtual business model not seen up till now, trying to replace 'bricks
and mortar' with 'clicks and mortar', making it difficult for investors to evaluate its worth.
The DistrictMail community newspaper has been the heartbeat of the Helderberg, reflecting
the news and views of the people of the area, for almost seventy-five years. Helderberg.com
adds value and completes the circle.
The success of companies depends on profitability. Bringing old and new media together,
helderberg. com is the first community newspaper website to carry its own advertisers, and the
first to break even and even make profit in the notoriously difficult dotcom internet arena.
This paper examines how a community newspaper website is made - dissecting the internal
and external makings, and shows helderberg. com is based on a structure and business model
that has economic sustainability on which similar sized community newspapers, can launch or
build their online enterprise. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Helderberg.com het begin as 'n Feitedorp ("Virtual Village"), stewig gewortel in die
streekkoerant waaruit dit ontwikkel het - die DistriksPos. Dit het spoedig 'n volwaardige
gemeenskapskoerant-webtuiste geword met 'n eie sakemodel en in staat om geld te verdien.
Dotcom besighede is gebaseer op 'n virtuele sakemodel soos wat tot dusver nog nie gesien is
nie. En probeer om 'klippe en pleister' met 'klikke en pleister' ('bricks and mortar' with 'clicks
and mortar') te vervang met die gevolg dat dit vir beleggers moeilik is om die waarde daarvan
behoorlik te evalueer.
Die DistriksPos is die hartslag van die Helderberg en reflekteer die standpunte van sy inwoners
vir langer as 75 jaar. Helderberg.com voltooi hierdie kringloop en voeg waarde daaraan toe.
Die sukses van 'n maatskappy word beoordeel na gelang van verdienste. Deur ou en nuwe
media bymekaar te bring word helderberg. com die eerste gemeenskapskoerant-webtuiste wat
adverteerders dra en die eerste wat finansieel gelyk breek en selfs 'n wins wys in die berugte
dotcom internetarena.
In hierdie mini-tesis word ondersoek gedoen oor hoe 'n gemeenskapskoerant-webtuiste geskep
word deur die interne en eksterne kwaliteite daarvan te ontleed. Dit toon hoe helderberg. com
gebaseer is op strukture en 'n sakemodel wat ekonomies volhoubaar is, en waarop
gemeenskapskoerante van soortgelyke grootte hul internet-bedrywe kan grond.
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Foreign language learning in the age of the internet : a comparison of informal acquirers and traditional classroom learners in central BrazilCole, Jason January 2015 (has links)
Several recent studies (e.g., Benson and Chik, 2010; Sockett, 2014) suggest that as a result of changes in technology and the concomitant emergence of a globalized culture, highly effective out-of-class, informal English acquisition is becoming more common. The present study compared high-level, well-motivated Central Brazilian classroom-trained learners (CTLs) with fully autonomous self-instructed learners (FASILs) of similar backgrounds. Using linguistic tests, a questionnaire and a structured interview, the study analysed group differences as well as individual differences in language proficiency, learner histories, behaviour, beliefs, and attitudes. The key research question asked whether there existed, in more than rare circumstances, FASILs who attained levels of proficiency at least as high as highly-motivated, well-trained CTLs? Furthermore, if the knowledge and skills of FASILs were, in some respects, superior to those of CTLs, what variables accounted for the advantage? FASILs significantly outperformed CTLs across a battery of linguistic tests measuring a range of knowledge and skills. Test results indicated that while CTLs tended to plateau at upper intermediate levels, FASILs generally improved through advanced levels, often achieving native-like levels of knowledge and use. The strongest contributing factor to proficiency was found to be self-determined motivation driven by a personalized relationship with English often marked by a transnational identity. The evidence suggests this type of motivation, significantly more associated with FASILs than CTLs, led users to engage deeply with the linguistic details of informal sources. The findings challenge dominant paradigms in several fields of SLA which prioritize expert regulation over independent discovery and controlled, collaborative environments over real-world contexts of use entered into for personal reasons. A hoped for consequence of this study is that SLA research and teaching practice will begin to recognize and promote rather than regulate or dismiss the unique learning arcs that more and more English learners experience in their everyday lives.
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An investigation into information security practices implemented by Research and Educational Network of Uganda (RENU) member institutionKisakye, Alex 06 November 2012 (has links)
Educational institutions are known to be at the heart of complex computing systems in any region in which they exist, especially in Africa. The existence of high end computing power, often connected to the Internet and to research network grids, makes educational institutions soft targets for attackers. Attackers of such networks are normally either looking to exploit the large computing resources available for use in secondary attacks or to steal Intellectual Property (IP) from the research networks to which the institutions belong. Universities also store a lot of information about their current students and staff population as well as alumni ranging from personal to financial information. Unauthorized access to such information violates statutory requirement of the law and could grossly tarnish the institutions name not to mention cost the institution a lot of money during post-incident activities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the information security practices that have been put in place by Research and Education Network of Uganda (RENU) member institutions to safeguard institutional data and systems from both internal and external security threats. The study was conducted on six member institutions in three phases, between the months of May and July 2011 in Uganda. Phase One involved the use of a customised quantitative questionnaire tool. The tool - originally developed by information security governance task-force of EDUCAUSE - was customised for use in Uganda. Phase Two involved the use of a qualitative interview guide in a sessions between the investigator and respondents. Results show that institutions rely heavily on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems and services and that all institutions had already acquired more than three information systems and had acquired and implemented some of the cutting edge equipment and systems in their data centres. Further results show that institutions have established ICT departments although staff have not been trained in information security. All institutions interviewed have ICT policies although only a few have carried out policy sensitization and awareness campaigns for their staff and students. / TeX
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Factors enabling and constraining ICT implementation in schools: a multiple case study of three secondary schools in LesothoKalake, Matsitso January 2009 (has links)
This study focused on the implementation of ICTs in secondary schools in Lesotho. The main question addressed was: What are the enabling and constraining factors in the implementation of ICTs in schools? The work was undertaken in recognition of the fact that schools in the country were autonomously acquiring computers and using a variety of curricula without much coordination and policies from the government. There were factors encouraging schools to delve into this educational change: and challenges were already evident. This required further investigation. The research approach commenced with a critical review of the literature. Literature was drawn from developed and developing countries in order to understand the process of ICT implementation from a variety of contexts. The enquiry about the implementation process in all the countries focused on the rationale behind the use of ICTs in schools. ICT policies guiding implementation, principal leadership, teacher professional development and ICT resources. The literature review was followed by case studies of three secondary schools in Mafeteng district in Lesotho. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods of research, the study sought to determine from key people in three case study schools their overall understanding of how the process of implementation was carried out and what they perceived as enablers and constraints. The findings revealed that planning, access arrangements, training, support and to a lesser extent resources played a role in either impeding or encouraging the key ICT implementers at school and classroom level. Additionally, the key role of the principal and the MoE were highlighted in the study.
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A study of effective technology intergration into teaching and learning : a case studyRamorola, Mmankoko Ziphorah 08 1900 (has links)
The ability to utilise information and communication technologies (ICTs) has become a new literacy for the twenty first century. This literacy raises a number of challenges for teachers’ vis-à-vis their technical ability, knowledge and expertise in ICTs. These challenges are also identified by the White paper on e-Education as: participation in the information society, impact of ICTs on access, cost effectiveness and quality of education, and integration of ICTs in the teaching and learning process. There is a gap in the ability of learners and teachers to use ICTs effectively, to access online content, to create content of their own, to communicate and collaborate, and to integrate technology into teaching and learning. There is also little evidence of technology integration into classroom activities such as systematic planning and implementation of lessons. This study describes barriers to effective technology integration in senior secondary schools.
This was a qualitative case study conducted in technology rich senior secondary schools in the Tshwane North District, Gauteng Province. Data was collected from semi-structured interviews with office-based and school-based officials, focus group interviews with learners, lesson observations and document study. The findings point to lack of ICT specialist teachers to teach students computer skills, lack of teaching experience with ICTs, lack of support from the Department of Education, insufficient technology resources and absence of desired integration of ICTs in the curriculum. The long term aim of the study is to make substantive recommendations on the integration of ICTs in teaching and learning.
In conclusion, this study clearly indicates that there are schools around Gauteng Province with computer technologies that are not used for teaching and learning. Based on the research findings and suggestions for further research, a national strategy for designing and implementing computer technology policy should be developed in Tshwane North Region to integrate technology effectively into teaching and learning. This will help teachers to plan and teach with technology and assist learners to become technologically compliant with 21st century demands. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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An investigation into the factors that influence customers' adoption of e-servicesPersad, Kamisha 02 1900 (has links)
Customer satisfaction is a key concern in any business strategy. It is often assumed that customer satisfaction can be enhanced using e-services. E-service is defined as interactive service received via the Internet (Jiang et al., 2013). E-service has contributed to business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce by providing on-demand solutions to customers. The relationship with the customer is enhanced by introducing self-service options, product customisation and variety. However, there may also be negative impacts, such as techno-stress and lack of online customer assistance. The primary aim of this research was to develop a conceptual framework to describe the correlation relationship between the factors that influence customers’ adoption of e-services.
Organisations use the Internet to attract customers, to conduct financial services and obtain information. This research focussed specifically on online shopping. The Grounded Theory research methodology was chosen for its flexibility and iterative comparison of data. A quantitative survey was conducted to determine the relative significance of the factors uncovered by the Grounded Theory methodology and to validate the hypothesis of the conceptual model.
Customer adoption is attained where customer satisfaction is high, where the customer sees value in the service, and where there is customer loyalty or trust. To date, research has focussed primarily on developed countries. Many challenges face South Africa as a Newly Industrialised Country (NIC). The negative factors facing developing countries in terms of e-service adoption include: lack of infrastructure, economic constraints and an emergent socio-political framework. The aim of this research was to build a conceptual model for explaining interrelationships between the identified factors that have an impact on customer e-service adoption. The customer’s perception of technology-driven services affects the organisation’s reputation, which in turn affects profitability. This research will be beneficial to managers in local organisations that thrive on e-services. An understanding of customer preferences will lead to improvement of customer services in South Africa. / Information Science / M. Sc. (Information Systems)
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Fostering digital literacy through web-based collaborative inquiry learningFu, Jun 01 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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