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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative seismic behavior the retrofit of 60year old hospital between CFRP materials and concrete walls by nonlinear static analysis

Criales, Xiomara, Altamirano, Anilú, Huaco, Guillermo 01 January 2022 (has links)
The Casimiro Ulloa Hospital is a confined masonry structure more than 60 years old that does not satisfy the requirements of the Peruvian seismic code E.030 and it is located at high seismic zone. Therefore, this hospital is susceptible to collapse and becomes an essential deficient structure. Therefore, the present study is based on a comparative analysis between reinforced concrete wall and CFRP sheets through the nonlinear Push Over method in order to obtain which is the best reinforcement in structural capacity. The reinforcement with eight L-shaped concrete walls of 15 cm thick located at the corners of the structure, increased the strength of the hospital by 115% in longitudinal direction (Axis X) and 108% in transversal direction (Axis Y), and also increased the ductility by 3% and 117% in the directions respectively. The other reinforcement was carried out with CFRP sheets and anchors. The sheets were designed with a width of 9 inches and were placed in an X-shape in the masonry load-bearing walls and the anchors were implemented in the corners of the laminate walls in order to ensure adequate load transfer between the sheets and the surface. This reinforcement increased the strength of the structure by 345% in axis X and 150% in axis Y and increased the ductility by 59% in longitudinal direction and 331% in transversal direction.

Walls: Exploring the layers of a building

Dalvi, Vikrant Vijay 11 July 2006 (has links)
Wall, traditionally an enclosing element in architecture, has been used throughout the ages for functions like privacy, protection, definition of spaces, and also to provide attractive facades. Visually walls can be more than a mere static element. Over time, attempts have been made by various architects to explore and redefine the role of a wall as an architectural element. The wall can enhance, adorn, aggrandize, beautify, embellish...... My thesis aims at exploring the role of a wall in a building and moving beyond the boundaries of its primary functions. The wall in this project is a multi-layered , transparent, clear and lucid enclosure wrapping the inner solids. The idea is to have solid and opaque geometrical planes and volumes as inner cores and masking these with an outer envelope of double-glass and steel. The study delves further into the interaction between the three assemblies. / Master of Architecture

Estudio comparativo del comportamiento sísmico de una edificación reforzada con muros de concreto armado y con disipadores de fluido viscoso

Rodríguez Aguirre, Anita Pamela 12 March 2020 (has links)
La presente tesis, está enfocada al estudio del comportamiento sísmico comparativo de una edificación reforzada con muros de concreto armado y disipadores de fluido viscoso para evaluar su efectividad desde el punto de vista estructural. Por ello, se ha evaluado la estructura existente para verificar la necesidad de reforzar. Luego, se ha evaluado el edificio incorporando muros estructurales para determinar su comportamiento sísmico. También, se ha evaluado el edificio añadiendo disipadores, para ello se tuvo en cuenta la ubicación de los dispositivos con los valores del coeficiente de amortiguamiento, y de ese modo analizar el comportamiento sísmico. De acuerdo a la evaluación, se obtuvo una reducción máxima de distorsiones del 74% y 76% en X para el edificio con muros y disipadores respectivamente, y para Y el 65% en el edificio con muros y el 56% con disipadores en ambos casos comparados con la estructura actual. De los resultados, se puede apreciar que en ambos reforzamientos las distorsiones se reducen cumpliendo con lo permisible. Asimismo, en relación a las cortantes se obtuvo que en el edificio con muros incrementa en 143% al edificio existente, sin embargo, los desplazamientos se disminuyen; y en el reforzamiento con disipadores se reducen en 26% en comparación al edificio en estudio, ello es de gran relevancia debido a que los elementos estructurales van a soportar menor fuerza sísmica. Por lo tanto, la propuesta con disipadores es la más efectiva, debido a que posee menor intervención de área y reduce el movimiento sísmico en la estructura. / This thesis is focused on the study of comparative seismic behavior of a building reinforced with concrete walls and fluid viscous dampers to evaluate its structural effectiveness. Therefore, the existing structure has been evaluated to verify the need for reinforcement. The building has then been evaluated incorporating structural walls to determine its seismic behavior. Also, the building has been evaluated by adding fluid viscous dampers, for this took into account the location of the devices with the values ​​of the damping coefficient, and thus analyze the seismic behavior. According to the evaluation, a maximum reduction of distortions of 74% and 76% in X was obtained for the building with walls and dampers respectively, and for Y the 65% in the building with walls and the 56% with dampers in both cases compared to the current structure. From the results, it can be seen that in both reinforcements the distortions are reduced by complying with the permissible. Also, in relation to the forces, it was obtained that in the building with walls increases in 143% to the existing building, however, the displacements are decreased; and in the reinforcement with dissipaters are reduced by 26% compared to the building under study, this is of great relevance because the structural elements will withstand less seismic force. Therefore, the proposal with fluid viscous dampers is the most effective, because it has less area intervention and reduces the seismic movement in the structure. / Tesis


TUNC, GOKHAN 22 May 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis, design, and construction of tilt-up wall panel

Lim, Chim Chai 17 November 2012 (has links)
The idea of tilt-up construction started in America in the early I900’s. In the beginning, this technique was mainly used on structures such as industrial warehouses and factories. However, recent developments and improvements in tilt-up construction technique and accessories have enabled this building method to be applied to many architecturally appealing offices and residential structures. There are many details the design-build team must consider to ensure the success of a tilt-up project. The floor slab must be designed for panel casting and to withstand the loading of the mobile crane which will be used to lift the panel. The crane capacity affects the panel size and weight. Proper curing and bondbreaker application are very important to reduce bonding and to ensure clear cleavage between concrete surfaces. Changing rigging configuration consumes expensive crane time and must be reduced to minimum possible. The availability of ground-release quick connect/disconnect tilt—up hardware improves workers safety and speeds up the erection process substantially. Although the stress analysis of simple wall panels during erection can be done by hand, panels with more complicated geometry or with openings, are more efficiently analysed with a computer. Many manufacturers have technical services to help in the design of insert layout so that the concrete will not be over stressed when the panel is tilted into position. After the panel is plumbed, it is braced temporarily before the final connection is made. For in-place loading there are now design aids available which ease the design process. When properly designed and built, tilt—up has proved to be a fast, efficient, and economical building construction technique. / Master of Science

Análise estrutural dos efeitos dos deslocamentos dos apoios de edifícios de paredes de concreto moldadas no local. / Structural analysis of the effects of displaceability of concrete reinforced wall building supports molded on site

Santos, Marcell Gustavo Chagas 22 February 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo da sensibilidade de estruturas de paredes de concreto moldadas no local quanto à deslocabilidade dos seus apoios, a fim de determinar sua influência na redistribuição dos esforços nos elementos estruturais. Para tanto, utiliza-se um modelo de referência, que discretiza a superestrutura através de elementos finitos de casca e avalia a interação solo-estrutura através de métodos iterativos, que consideram a rigidez da edificação, a heterogeneidade do solo e o efeito de grupo das fundações. Para quantificar e avaliar os efeitos da interação solo-estrutura realiza-se um estudo paramétrico, em que a influência do tipo de fundação (profunda ou superficial), número de pavimentos (cinco, dez e quinze) e a forma da edificação (quadrada e alongada) são avaliadas. Um modelo simplificado de análise estrutural, em que a interação solo-estrutura é considerada e as paredes de concreto são discretizadas por elementos de barra, acima do segundo pavimento, foi proposto e avaliado, por meio de comparações com os resultados do seu respectivo modelo de referência. Por fim, foram discutidas as implicações e a importância da consideração do efeito da deslocabilidade dos apoios e feitas recomendações sobre a modelagem simplificada. Observa-se: alívio dos apoios com maiores recalques, tendência de uniformização dos recalques, maior influência nas paredes inferiores e suficiência dos cincos primeiros pavimentos na definição de rigidez solo/estrutura. / In this paper, a sensitivity study was carried out of concrete reinforced walls molded on site regarding the displaceability of their supports, in order to determine their influence on the redistribution of internal forces in structural elements. In order to do this, a reference model was used, which discretizes the superstructure using shell finite elements and evaluates the soil-structure interaction by iterative methods that consider the rigidity of the building, the soil heterogeneity and the group effect of foundations. To quantify and assess the effects of soil-structure interaction, a parametric study was carried out in which the influence of the type of foundation (deep or shallow), number of floors (five, ten and fifteen) and the shape of the building (square, elongated) are evaluated. A simplified model of the structural analysis, in which the soil-structure interaction is considered and the concrete walls are discretized by bar elements, above the second floor, was proposed and evaluated by comparing its respective reference model with the results. Finally, the implications and the importance of considering the effect of displaceability of the supports were discussed and recommendations were made about the simplified modeling. The analysis denotes: relief of reactions on supports with larger settlements, tendency of settlements standardization, larger influence on the lower walls and that the first five floors are enough to define the relative soil/structure stiffness.

Painéis de vedação de concreto moldados in loco: avaliação de desempenho térmico e desenvolvimento de concretos / Cast-in-place monolithic panels of concrete: evaluation of thermal performance and development of concrete

Sacht, Helenice Maria 28 August 2008 (has links)
A carência habitacional é atualmente um dos maiores desafios urbanos para as políticas públicas das cidades brasileiras e deve impulsionar a busca de soluções tecnológicas para o desenvolvimento de habitações com baixo custo e desempenho satisfatório. Nesse contexto se insere o sistema construtivo de painéis monolíticos de concreto moldados in loco. Nesta pesquisa apresenta-se uma proposta de desenvolvimento de concretos destinados ao sistema construtivo de painéis monolíticos moldados in loco, tendo como referencial, além dos requisitos técnicos de trabalhabilidade, resistência mecânica e durabilidade, a influência dos painéis no desempenho térmico das habitações. Com isso, o desenvolvimento dos concretos assim como a definição de espessura do painel de vedação foi realizado, considerando as particularidades das oito diferentes zonas bioclimáticas brasileiras e as tipologias construtivas adotadas pela Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano (CDHU) e Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF). Por meio de simulações computacionais do desempenho térmico de edificações térreas (com laje plana, com laje inclinada e sem laje) e multipavimentos (cobertura e segundo pavimento), avaliaram-se as espessuras dos painéis (8, 10 e 12 cm) e as massas específicas dos concretos (1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 e 2400 kg/m³) adequadas em relação às características climáticas das localidades analisadas, utilizando como parâmetro a norma NBR 15575 Edifícios habitacionais de até cinco pavimentos - Desempenho, da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. A partir da avaliação do desempenho térmico das tipologias selecionadas, dentre os concretos e as espessuras de painéis analisadas, observou-se que as tipologias com painéis de concreto com massa específica de 2400 kg/m³ e com espessura de 12 cm foram as que apresentaram os melhores resultados para as oito regiões bioclimáticas analisadas. / Nowadays, the lack of housing has been one of the biggest urban challenges to the Brazilian public policies and should impel the search for technological solutions by the development of housings with low-cost and satisfactory performance. In this context is the constructive system of cast-in-place monolithic panels of concrete. This dissertation presents a proposal for the development of concretes destined to the system having the technical requirements of workability, mechanical resistance and durability, and the influence of the panels peculiarities on the thermal performance of the housings as reference. Herewith, the development of concretes as well as the panels thicknesses definition has been realized, considering the particularities of the eight different Brazilian climate zones, and the constructive typologies used by the Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano do Estado de São Paulo (CDHU) and Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF). By means of computational simulations of thermal performance of one-storey (with plane and inclined slabs, and without slab) and multi-storey (last and second floors) constructive typologies, the suitable panels thicknesses (8, 10 and 12 cm) and concretes densities (1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 and 2400 kg/m³) in relation to the climatic characteristics of the analyzed places were determined, having the standard NBR 15575 Residential buildings up to five storied Performace of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas as parameter. Starting from the evaluation of the thermal performance of the selected typologies, among concretes and panels thickness analyzed, the use of concretes panels with densities of 2400 kg/m³ and thicknesses of 12 cm has been presented better results for the eight Brazilian climate zones.

Análise estrutural dos efeitos dos deslocamentos dos apoios de edifícios de paredes de concreto moldadas no local. / Structural analysis of the effects of displaceability of concrete reinforced wall building supports molded on site

Marcell Gustavo Chagas Santos 22 February 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo da sensibilidade de estruturas de paredes de concreto moldadas no local quanto à deslocabilidade dos seus apoios, a fim de determinar sua influência na redistribuição dos esforços nos elementos estruturais. Para tanto, utiliza-se um modelo de referência, que discretiza a superestrutura através de elementos finitos de casca e avalia a interação solo-estrutura através de métodos iterativos, que consideram a rigidez da edificação, a heterogeneidade do solo e o efeito de grupo das fundações. Para quantificar e avaliar os efeitos da interação solo-estrutura realiza-se um estudo paramétrico, em que a influência do tipo de fundação (profunda ou superficial), número de pavimentos (cinco, dez e quinze) e a forma da edificação (quadrada e alongada) são avaliadas. Um modelo simplificado de análise estrutural, em que a interação solo-estrutura é considerada e as paredes de concreto são discretizadas por elementos de barra, acima do segundo pavimento, foi proposto e avaliado, por meio de comparações com os resultados do seu respectivo modelo de referência. Por fim, foram discutidas as implicações e a importância da consideração do efeito da deslocabilidade dos apoios e feitas recomendações sobre a modelagem simplificada. Observa-se: alívio dos apoios com maiores recalques, tendência de uniformização dos recalques, maior influência nas paredes inferiores e suficiência dos cincos primeiros pavimentos na definição de rigidez solo/estrutura. / In this paper, a sensitivity study was carried out of concrete reinforced walls molded on site regarding the displaceability of their supports, in order to determine their influence on the redistribution of internal forces in structural elements. In order to do this, a reference model was used, which discretizes the superstructure using shell finite elements and evaluates the soil-structure interaction by iterative methods that consider the rigidity of the building, the soil heterogeneity and the group effect of foundations. To quantify and assess the effects of soil-structure interaction, a parametric study was carried out in which the influence of the type of foundation (deep or shallow), number of floors (five, ten and fifteen) and the shape of the building (square, elongated) are evaluated. A simplified model of the structural analysis, in which the soil-structure interaction is considered and the concrete walls are discretized by bar elements, above the second floor, was proposed and evaluated by comparing its respective reference model with the results. Finally, the implications and the importance of considering the effect of displaceability of the supports were discussed and recommendations were made about the simplified modeling. The analysis denotes: relief of reactions on supports with larger settlements, tendency of settlements standardization, larger influence on the lower walls and that the first five floors are enough to define the relative soil/structure stiffness.


Oliveira, Daiana Fauro de 08 January 2016 (has links)
Post-occupancy evaluation is a mechanism of great importance for the performance evaluation of a building, as it makes it possible to evaluate the quality of the built environment regarding technical, functional, aesthetic and behavioral factors and diagnosing negative aspects and deficiencies in the space.Therefore, this work evaluated the social interest housing complex Loteamento Zilda Arns , in Santa Maria-RS, using methods such as questionnaires applied to residents, technical inspections and photographic surveys, the goal being to identify deficiencies and pathological manifestations of the construction process with cast-in-place concrete walls as well as to evaluate the quality and performance of the material and finishes used in the housing units and the complex itself. The opinion and satisfaction of the residents were taken into account. Sixty randomly selected housing units from the complex were inspected. These buildings are built with cast-in-place concrete walls, a commonly used rapid implementation system for massive building of housing.The main problem identified in the housing complex is related to the absence of collective equipment and leisure areas. As far as housing is concerned, pathological manifestations were identified with regards to the construction process and quality of the material applied in the buildings. Despite the problems uncovered by the postoccupancy evaluation, most of the residents are satisfied, which might not be related to the constructive quality and environmental comfort levels offered by their current housing unit but rather to the precarious state of their previous homes. / A Avaliação Pós-Ocupação é um mecanismo de grande importância para a verificação do desempenho das edificações, pois torna possível investigar a qualidade do ambiente construído, considerando fatores técnicos, funcionais, estéticos e comportamentais, diagnosticando aspectos negativos e deficiência do espaço. A partir disso, este trabalho de pesquisa avaliou as habitações de interesse social do Loteamento Zilda Arns, em Santa Maria-RS, através da utilização de métodos que envolveram a aplicação de questionários aos moradores, vistorias técnicas e levantamento fotográfico. O objetivo foi identificar as deficiências e manifestações patológicas do sistema construtivo de paredes de concreto moldadas in loco, avaliar a qualidade e o desempenho dos materiais e acabamentos das unidades habitacionais e do loteamento, considerando a opinião e satisfação dos moradores. Foram vistoriadas 60 unidades habitacionais, selecionadas aleatoriamente em todo o loteamento. As edificações são construídas com o sistema de paredes de concreto moldadas no local, o que caracteriza um sistema de rápida execução, comumente utilizado para a construção massiva de habitações. O principal problema identificado no loteamento está relacionado à ausência de equipamentos comunitários e áreas de lazer. No que se refere a habitação, foram identificadas manifestações patológicas relacionadas ao sistema construtivo e a qualidade dos materiais empregados na edificação. Apesar dos problemas identificados na aplicação da Avaliação Pós-Ocupação, a maioria dos moradores está satisfeito, porém esse fato pode estar relacionado com a situação precária da moradia anterior e não pela qualidade construtiva e níveis de conforto ambiental oferecidos na atual unidade habitacional.

Painéis de vedação de concreto moldados in loco: avaliação de desempenho térmico e desenvolvimento de concretos / Cast-in-place monolithic panels of concrete: evaluation of thermal performance and development of concrete

Helenice Maria Sacht 28 August 2008 (has links)
A carência habitacional é atualmente um dos maiores desafios urbanos para as políticas públicas das cidades brasileiras e deve impulsionar a busca de soluções tecnológicas para o desenvolvimento de habitações com baixo custo e desempenho satisfatório. Nesse contexto se insere o sistema construtivo de painéis monolíticos de concreto moldados in loco. Nesta pesquisa apresenta-se uma proposta de desenvolvimento de concretos destinados ao sistema construtivo de painéis monolíticos moldados in loco, tendo como referencial, além dos requisitos técnicos de trabalhabilidade, resistência mecânica e durabilidade, a influência dos painéis no desempenho térmico das habitações. Com isso, o desenvolvimento dos concretos assim como a definição de espessura do painel de vedação foi realizado, considerando as particularidades das oito diferentes zonas bioclimáticas brasileiras e as tipologias construtivas adotadas pela Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano (CDHU) e Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF). Por meio de simulações computacionais do desempenho térmico de edificações térreas (com laje plana, com laje inclinada e sem laje) e multipavimentos (cobertura e segundo pavimento), avaliaram-se as espessuras dos painéis (8, 10 e 12 cm) e as massas específicas dos concretos (1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 e 2400 kg/m³) adequadas em relação às características climáticas das localidades analisadas, utilizando como parâmetro a norma NBR 15575 Edifícios habitacionais de até cinco pavimentos - Desempenho, da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. A partir da avaliação do desempenho térmico das tipologias selecionadas, dentre os concretos e as espessuras de painéis analisadas, observou-se que as tipologias com painéis de concreto com massa específica de 2400 kg/m³ e com espessura de 12 cm foram as que apresentaram os melhores resultados para as oito regiões bioclimáticas analisadas. / Nowadays, the lack of housing has been one of the biggest urban challenges to the Brazilian public policies and should impel the search for technological solutions by the development of housings with low-cost and satisfactory performance. In this context is the constructive system of cast-in-place monolithic panels of concrete. This dissertation presents a proposal for the development of concretes destined to the system having the technical requirements of workability, mechanical resistance and durability, and the influence of the panels peculiarities on the thermal performance of the housings as reference. Herewith, the development of concretes as well as the panels thicknesses definition has been realized, considering the particularities of the eight different Brazilian climate zones, and the constructive typologies used by the Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano do Estado de São Paulo (CDHU) and Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF). By means of computational simulations of thermal performance of one-storey (with plane and inclined slabs, and without slab) and multi-storey (last and second floors) constructive typologies, the suitable panels thicknesses (8, 10 and 12 cm) and concretes densities (1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 and 2400 kg/m³) in relation to the climatic characteristics of the analyzed places were determined, having the standard NBR 15575 Residential buildings up to five storied Performace of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas as parameter. Starting from the evaluation of the thermal performance of the selected typologies, among concretes and panels thickness analyzed, the use of concretes panels with densities of 2400 kg/m³ and thicknesses of 12 cm has been presented better results for the eight Brazilian climate zones.

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