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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation analytique et caractérisation expérimentale de microphones capacitifs en hautes fréquences : étude des couches limites thermiques, effets des perforations de l’électrode arrière sur la déformée de membrane / Analytical modeling and experimental characterisation of condenser microphones at high frequencies : analysis of the thermal boundary layers, effects of holes in the backing electrode on the displacement field of the membrane

Lavergne, Thomas 30 September 2011 (has links)
Les microphones capacitifs sont des transducteurs réciproques dont les qualités (sensibilité, bande passante et tenue dans le temps) en font des instruments de mesure performants. Couramment utilisés jusqu’à présent en récepteurs dans l’air à pression atmosphérique et à température ambiante, dans la gamme de fréquences audibles, ils sont correctement caractérisés dans ce cadre depuis près de trente ans. Mais aujourd’hui, leur miniaturisation (par procédé MEMS) et leur usage nouveau en métrologie fine (en récepteurs comme en émetteurs) - qui exigent une connaissance précise de leur comportement dans des domaines de fréquences élevées (jusqu’à 100 kHz), dans des mélanges gazeux aux propriétés différentes de celles de l’air et dans des conditions de pression et de température beaucoup plus élevées ou beaucoup plus basses que les conditions standards - nécessitent une caractérisation beaucoup plus approfondie, aussi bien en terme de modélisation qu’en terme de résultats expérimentaux. C’est ainsi que ici -i/ les effets des couches limites thermiques (seules les couches limites visqueuses sont habituellement retenues) sont introduits dans le modèle, ce qui amène dans le chapitre premier à une étude analytique de la diffusion thermique en parois minces (dont la portée dépasse le cadre strict du transducteur), -ii/ l’influence des orifices de l’électrode arrière sur la déformée de la membrane est traitée au départ par une méthode analytique originale, qui permet de traduire les conditions en frontière non uniformes sur la surface de l’électrode sous forme de sources locales virtuelles, associées à des conditions de frontière rendues uniformes (chapitre second), -iii/ des solutions analytiques nouvelles, dépendant à la fois des coordonnées radiales et azimutales, sont obtenues pour le champ de déplacement de la membrane et pour les champs de pression dans les cavités du microphone par usage de théories modales compatibles avec les couplages multiples qui y prennent place (troisième chapitre), -iv/ un modèle de « circuit à constantes localisées » (reporté pour l’essentiel en annexe) est proposé, à des degrés divers de précision, qui permet en particulier d’accéder de façon simple à la sensibilité et au bruit thermique du microphone (fin du quatrième chapitre), -v/ une étude au vibromètre laser à balayage a été réalisée (début du quatrième chapitre), qui permet non seulement de mettre en évidence pour la première fois les déformées de membrane complexes qui apparaissent en hautes fréquences, mais encore de les quantifier et par-delà de valider les résultats théoriques obtenus et donc les modèles proposés (même s’ils restent perfectibles comme indiqué dans la conclusion). / Condenser microphones are reciprocal transducers whose properties (sensitivity, bandwidth and reliability) make them powerful measurement tools. So far, they have been commonly used as receivers in the audible frequency range, in air at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature, they have been appropriately characterised in this context for nearly thirty years. But nowadays, their miniaturisation (using MEMS processes) and their new use for metrological purposes (as receivers as well as transmitters) require much deeper theoretical and experimental characterisations because they require an accurate knowledge of their behaviour in high frequency ranges (up to 100 kHz), in gas mixtures, whose properties differ from those of air, and under pressure and temperature conditions much higher or much lower than standard conditions. Thus, here, -i/ the effects of the thermal boundary layers are introduced in the model (only viscous boundary layers are usually accounted for), leading, in the first chapter, to an analysis of the thermal diffusion of thin bodies (whose scope is beyond the strict frame of capacitive transducers), ii/ the influence of the holes in the backing electrode on the dynamic behaviour of the membrane is initially handled with an original analytical method which allows expressing the non-uniform boundary conditions at the surface of the backing electrode as fictitious localised sources associated to uniform boundary conditions (second chapter), -iii/ new analytical solutions, depending both on the radial and azimuthal coordinates, for the pressure field and for the displacement field inside the cavities behind the membrane are expressed using modal theories in agreement with the strong couplings which occur between the different parts of the transducer (chapter three), -iv/ "lumped element circuits", which are more or less approximated (presented in the Appendix), more particularly result in expressing and assessing the sensitivity and the thermal noise (end of chapter three), -v/ experimental results, obtained from measurements of the displacement field of the membrane using a laser scanning vibrometer, both highlight and quantify for the first time the complex behaviour of the membrane in the highest frequency range, and finally lead to the validation of the theoretical results and therefore, the models presented here (even if the latter may still be improved as outlined in the conclusion).

Příspěvek k optimální syntéze filtračních obvodů / A Contribution to Optimal Synthesis of Filters

Szabó, Zoltán January 2012 (has links)
The presented dissertation thesis is focused on the optimization of filtering circuit synthesis. In the five main sections of this work, the author analyzes partial problems related to several areas within the synthesis of modern filtering circuits. The first chapter constitutes an examination of elementary aspects which characterize present-day integrated circuits in voltage feedback operational amplifiers, and this main content is further complemented with a view on possible application of these circuits for the designing of filtering circuits as proposed within subsequent parts of the thesis. In this context, the second chapter contains a description of the design and optimization of digitally controlled universal filters tunable by means of digital potentiometers originally produced for audio technology. These digitally controlled circuits are increasingly utilized as analog preprocessing blocks in digital signal processing systems. The most extensive portion of the dissertation is dedicated to a complex analysis of individual configurations of economical, purposely lossy active function blocks and modern voltage operational amplifiers. This part of the thesis aims at providing a detailed insight into the characteristics of individual configurations of examined circuits; furthermore, in this respect, the author proposes a comparison of various application possibilities relating to these circuits and their wider use in the field of active frequency filters optimization. The described section of the work also includes a definition and examples of application of the designed and realized program, which facilitates significant simplification of purposely lossy ARC filters. In the penultimate part of the dissertation thesis, the design, development, and verification of a suitable synthesis procedure are presented together with the optimization of data and (in particular) power models of EMC filters. Based on the verification of characteristics inherent with the designed models of EMC filters, the suggested measuring procedure related to these filters is described, including the design of a station for measuring elementary parameters of line anti-interference devices up to very high frequencies. In the last section of the thesis, the author discusses the procedure of air ions concentration measurement through an aspiration condenser and analyzes the systematic and random errors as well as the optimization of filtration characteristics of the applied measurement method. This part includes the description of the design and characteristics of the realized fully automated measurement system with an aspiration condenser.


LUIS CARLOS CASTILLO MARTINEZ 16 October 2017 (has links)
[pt] Em sistemas de refrigeração por compressão de vapor, o projeto adequado dos circuitos para o refrigerante nos trocadores de calor pode ter um impacto significativo no seu coeficiente de performance (COP). O projeto otimizado dos circuitos de refrigerante em sistemas de refrigeração com trocadores de calor do tipo tubo-aletado não é trivial, devido à complexidade de sua representação assim como o elevado número de possíveis combinações, mesmo quando metodologias inteligentes de otimização são empregadas. No presente trabalho propõe-se uma nova metodologia para a otimização simultânea (condensador e evaporador) dos circuitos do refrigerante em sistemas de refrigeração com trocadores de calor de tipo tubo-aletado. Esta metodologia, aqui denominada como GAFIS (Genetic algorithms applied in filtered spaces), mostra-se mais eficiente que as metodologias até então descritas na literatura. Foi aplicado o método GAFIS, em conjunto com um simulador completo para o sistema de refrigeração, Genesym, na otimização de unidades comerciais de condicionamento de ar de alto desempenho. Estudaram-se casos onde o sistema atingiu aumentos de até 15,3 por cento no coeficiente de performance. Em outros estudos, obtiveram-se casos onde o custo de produção foi reduzido em 3,85 por cento (do custo total da unidade), mantendo-se um similar desempenho (capacidade e COP). Testes de otimização, considerando-se diferentes diâmetros dos tubos, na construção dos trocadores de calor, e sistemas com distribuição não uniforme de velocidade de ar, também foram realizados com o GAFIS. Igualmente foram estudados condensadores de microcanais, devido ao interesse atual da indústria com estes trocadores de calor. A otimização do circuito para o refrigerante, neste caso, é relativamente simples, devido ao baixo custo computacional das simulações. Entretanto, modelos de simulação adequados para estes tipos de trocadores de calor só recentemente começaram a surgir, e não têm sido explorados de maneira adequada até a presente data. Explorou-se no presente trabalho, a influência, no desempenho térmico do condensador, dos parâmetros que definem o circuito do refrigerante. Para tal efeito, desenvolveu-se um modelo de simulação baseado em análise local, validado com dados experimentais disponíveis, de condensadores de microcanais de uso automotivo com diâmetro hidráulico (lado do refrigerante) de 0,9 e 1,0mm, para refrigerantes R-134a, Fluid-H e R-1234yf. Foram encontradas relações diretas entre os parâmetros geométricos que definem os circuitos de refrigerante no condensador e seu desempenho térmico. Tal fato pode ser utilizado como orientação expedita para o projeto do circuito ótimo do condensador. / [en] Refrigerant circuiting in condensers and evaporators has a significant effect in the performance of refrigeration systems. The optimized project of the refrigerant circuits in refrigeration systems with plate-fin heat exchangers is not trivial, due to the complexity of their representation as well as the high number of possible combinations, even when methodologies of intelligent optimization are used. The present work proposes a new methodology for the simultaneous optimization of refrigerant circuiting in air-air refrigeration systems with plate-fin heat exchangers. This new methodology, here defined as GAFIS (Genetic algorithms applied in filtered spaces), has proven to be more efficient than traditional methods. The GAFIS method was applied, in conjunction with a full refrigeration system simulator, Genesym, for the optimization of high performance commercial air-conditioning units. Typical cases were studied and a coefficient of performance improvement of up to 15.3 percent has been observed. In other studies, there were cases where the manufacturer s predicted cost was reduced in 3,85 percent (of total cost of the unit), while a similar thermal performance (capacity and COP) was maintained. Optimization tests, considering different diameters of tube, for the construction of heat exchangers, as well as systems with non-uniform air velocity distribution, were also performed with the GAFIS method. Microchannel condensers were also studied, given the current interest of industry on this kind of heat exchanger. The optimization of the refrigerant circuiting, in this case, would not be a major problem, due to the low computational cost of its simulation. However, simulation models appropriate for these types of heat exchangers have only been recently in use, and, to date, have not been adequately explored. In the present work, the influence on condenser performance of parameters that define the refrigerant circuiting has been investigated. For this purpose, a simulation model, based on local analysis, was developed. It was validated against experimental data, available from automotive microchannel condenser tests, with hydraulic diameters (refrigerantside) of 0.9 and 1.0mm for refrigerants R-134a, Fluid-H and R-1234yf. A direct relation was found between the geometric parameters that define the condenser refrigerant circuiting and its thermal performance. This fact can be appropriately used as guidance for expeditious design practices of the optimal refrigerant circuit of the condenser.

Trigenerace a její využití v praxi / Trigeneration and its use in practice

Čupera, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
e master's thesis clarifies the concept of trigeneration and the principle of absorbing cooling. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of this method of manufacture cool with compressor cooling. It presents an overview of the implementation of a developing cold absorption and performance. Acquainted with the types of absorption chillers of the two leading suppliers, their characteristics and existing applications of these refrigeration units in operation in the Czech Republic and abroad. It also assesses the possibility of using these units in conjunction with a cogeneration unit powered by internal combustion engine. It follows from the economic assessment of costs and income of the absorption chillers and compressor chillers and on concrete examples and an assessment of the effectiveness of the various options.

Vliv obtokového součinitele na návrh a geometrii přímého výparníku pro chladící jednotku / The Effect of the Bypass Factor on Design and Geometry of the Evaporator for the Cooling Unit

Vytasil, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on effect of the bypass factor on design and geometry of the evaporator for the cooling unit of data centre. Effect of the bypass factor on individual design parameters is solved in detail. All dependendecies are captured by using graphs in which s placed a cement on that parameter. In part C, mathematical and physical solutions are demonstrated calculations and processes leading to the design of the exchanger. In the end, evaluation of the calculations is done and there is also showed possible improvements for the practise.

Modelling of Heat Pumps Working with Variable-Speed Compressors

Ossorio Santiago, Rubén Josep 06 August 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La tecnología de bombas de calor se ha vuelto estratégica en Europa, está extendiéndose rápidamente y se planea que reemplace las calderas de gas en un futuro cercano. Sin embargo, aún enfrenta desafíos, como encontrar refrige-rantes nuevos viables y altamente eficientes, y mejorar aún más el rendimiento del sistema. Para abordar este último problema, han surgido las bombas de calor de velocidad variable que prometen reducir el consumo anual e incremen-tar el confort adaptando la potencia suministrada a las necesidades cambiantes. Esta tecnología se está implementando ya, pero carece de una metodología estandarizada para diseñar y seleccionar sus componentes. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo establecer pautas de diseño generales para la selección y diseño de componentes de bombas de calor de velocidad variable, y ofrecer información valiosa que se pueda traducir en herramientas para asistir en la simulación, diseño, selección y detección de fallas en estos dispositivos. El contenido del estudio se puede dividir en tres áreas temáticas: En una primera parte, se estudian los compresores de velocidad variable. El compresor es el primer componente que se selecciona en una bomba de calor, modula la capacidad y es el principal consumidor de energía. Sin embargo, no existen metodologías bien establecidas para modelar su comportamiento. En esta parte, se realizan ensayos de caracterización de compresores de velocidad variable y sus inversores para comprender su comportamiento y proporcionar correlaciones compactas para modelar su rendimiento. En la segunda parte, se propone una metodología para dimensionar los intercambiadores de calor en bombas de calor de velocidad variable. Nor-malmente, se diseñan para una potencia fija y temperaturas de trabajo constan-tes, sin embargo, en las bombas de velocidad variable, la capacidad y las tempe-raturas de trabajo fluctúan significativamente con el tiempo. En esta parte, se estudia la evolución del rendimiento de los intercambiadores de calor con la capacidad (velocidad del compresor) y se propone una metodología de selec-ción/dimensionamiento que considera la evolución de la capacidad requerida y de las condiciones climáticas externas a lo largo del año. Por último, se evalúa la circulación del aceite en las bombas de calor de velocidad variable. Gestionar la lubricación en los compresores de velocidad variable es un problema típico ya que, para tener suficiente lubricación a bajas velocidades, el compresor termina bombeando un exceso de aceite a altas velo-cidades. En esta parte se estudia la evolución de las tasas de circulación de acei-te con la velocidad y se analiza teóricamente su efecto en el rendimiento de la bomba de calor. / [CA] La tecnologia de les bombes de calor s'ha tornat estratègica a Europa, s'està estenent ràpidament i es preveu que substituïsca les calderes de gas en un futur pròxim. Tanmateix, encara s'enfronta a desafiaments com trobar refrigerants nous viables i altament eficients, i millorar encara més el rendiment del sistema. Per abordar aquest darrer problema, han sorgit les bombes de calor de velocitat variable que prometen reduir el consum anual i incrementar el confort adaptant la potència subministrada a les necessitats variables. Aquesta tecnologia ja s'es-tà implementant, però manca d'una metodologia estandarditzada per dissenyar i seleccionar els seus components. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu establir pautes de disseny generals per a la se-lecció i disseny de components de bombes de calor de velocitat variable, i oferir informació valuosa que es pugui traduir en eines per ajudar en la simulació, disseny, selecció i detecció de fallades d'aquests dispositius. El contingut de l'estudi es pot dividir en tres àrees temàtiques: En una primera part, s'estudien els compressors de velocitat variable. El compressor és el primer component seleccionat d'una bomba de calor, modula la capacitat i és el principal consumidor d'energia. Tanmateix, no hi ha metodo-logies ben establides per modelar el seu comportament. En aquesta part, es realitzen assajos de caracterització de compressors de velocitat variable i els seus inversors per comprendre el seu comportament i proporcionar correlaci-ons compactes per modelar el seu rendiment. En la segona part, es proposa una metodologia per dimensionar els inter-canviadors de calor en bombes de calor de velocitat variable. Normalment, es dissenyen per a una potència fixa i temperatures de treball constants, no obs-tant això, en les bombes de velocitat variable, la capacitat i les temperatures de treball fluctuen significativament amb el temps. En aquesta part, s'estudia l'evo-lució del rendiment dels intercanviadors de calor amb la capacitat (velocitat del compressor) i es suggereix una metodologia de selecció/dimensionament que considera l'evolució de les càrregues i de les condicions climàtiques externes al llarg de l'any. Finalment, s'avalua la circulació de l'oli a les bombes de calor de velocitat variable. Gestionar la lubricació als compressors de velocitat variable és un pro-blema típic, ja que per tenir suficient lubricació a baixes velocitats, el compres-sor acaba bombejant un excés d'oli a altes velocitats. En aquesta part s'estudia l'evolució de les taxes de circulació d'oli amb la velocitat i s'analitza teòricament el seu efecte en el rendiment de la bomba de calor. / [EN] Heat pump technology has become strategic in Europe, it is rapidly spread-ing, and it is planned to replace gas boilers in the near future. However, they still have challenges to solve, such as finding new viable and highly efficient refriger-ants and further increasing their system performance. For this latter issue, vari-able-speed heat pumps arise, which claim to decrease annual consumption and increase comfort by adapting the delivered capacity to the changing loads. This technology is being implemented but lacks a standardized methodology to de-sign and select its components. This thesis aims to establish comprehensive design guidelines for selecting and designing variable-speed heat pump components and give insights that can translate into valuable information and tools for engineers to assist them in the pump simulation, design, selection and fault detection. The content of the study can be divided into three thematic areas: In the first part, variable-speed compressors are studied. The compressor is the first selected heat pump component; it modulates the capacity and is the primary energy consumer. However, there are no well-established methodolo-gies to model their behavior. In this part, extensive testing of variable-speed compressors and their inverters was carried out to understand their behavior and to provide compact correlations to model their performance. The second part proposes a methodology to size heat exchangers for variable-speed heat pumps. Typically, they are designed for a fixed capacity and constant working temperatures. However, the capacity and working tempera-tures fluctuate significantly overtime in variable-speed pumps. In this part, the performance evolution of heat exchangers with capacity is studied, and a meth-odological selection/sizing technique is proposed that considers the evolution of external climatic conditions and loads over the year. Lastly, the oil circulation in variable-speed heat pumps is assessed. Man-aging lubrication in variable-speed compressors is a typical issue, as a design valid for sufficient lubrication at low compressor speeds will end up pumping excess oil at high speeds. In this final part, the evolution of oil circulation rates with speed is studied, and its effect on heat pump performance is theoretically analyzed. / I am indebted to the Spanish and European governments for their financial support with the grant PRE2018-083535, which made this research possible. Their commitment to academic excellence and research advancement has been crucial in successfully completing this thesis. / Ossorio Santiago, RJ. (2024). Modelling of Heat Pumps Working with Variable-Speed Compressors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203104 / Compendio

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