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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av väggenomföringar av typen RIP / Development of Wall Bushings of Type RIP

Karlsson, Jens January 2015 (has links)
Examensarbetet har genomförts på ABB Components i Ludvika. ABB Components är en affärsenhet inom ABB-koncernen som tillverkar nyckelkomponenter till transformatorer, bland annat genomföringar som kan ses som en isolerande hylsa vars uppgift är att föra högspänd ström genom jordade plan. Examensarbetets syfte är att utföra en förstudie som sedan ska fungera som underlag för ABB Components utvecklingsarbete vad gäller genomföringar av typen RIP (Resin Impregnated Paper). Bakgrunden till förstudien är ökade miljökrav världen över vilket innebär en marknad där miljöfrågor får allt större inverkan. Följden av marknadens utveckling är att ABB Components har insett att de har ett glapp i produktportföljen vad gäller genomföringar av typen RIP. För att skapa det underlag som är nödvändigt för att nå målet med förstudien har metoder som intervjuer, observationer och sökningar i databaser tillämpats. Målet med förstudien har sedan uppnåtts genom att generera lösningskoncept i form av CAD-modeller. Utifrån lösningskoncepten har sedan en identifiering av begränsningar i tillverkningsprocesser varit möjlig. Identifiering av begränsningar i tillverkningsprocesser har sedan konstaterat att ABB Components har kunskapen och de resurser som krävs för att tillfredsställa marknadens behov vad gäller genomföringar av typen RIP. / This thesis has been carried out at ABB Components in Ludvika. ABB Components is a business unit within ABB Group, which manufactures key components for transformers, including bushings that can be seen as an insulating sleeve whose function is to bring high-voltage current through a grounded plane. The thesis aims to carry out a pilot study that will serve as basis for ABB Components development of bushings of type RIP (Resin Impregnated Paper). The background to the pilot study is increased environmental requirements worldwide, which means a market where environmental issues are increasingly impact. The consequence of market developments is that ABB Components have recognized that they have a gap in the product portfolio in terms of bushings of type RIP. To create the information that is necessary to achieve the aim of the pilot study, methods such as interviews, observations, and searches in databases has been applied. The aim of the pilot study has been achieved by generating solution concepts in the form of CAD models. Based on solution concepts, an identification of limitations in manufacturing processes has been possible. Identification of limitations in manufacturing processes has determined that ABB Components have the knowledge and resources necessary to satisfy the market's needs in terms of bushings of type RIP.

Sustainable flue-gas quench : For waste incineration plants within a water-energy-environment nexus perspective

Al Hamrani, Emad, Grönberg, Nils January 2017 (has links)
The function of a flue-gas quench is to remove additional contaminants from flue-gas and to reduce the wastewater from a waste incineration plant. The aim of this degree project is to find how the system is affected by using a quench and what factors limits the performance. This is done by modelling and simulating a waste incineration plant in Aspen Plus. Data and plant schematics were obtained by a study visit to Mälarenergi Plant 6 situated in Västerås, Sweden, which were used as model input and for model validation. The results have shown that the amount of wastewater can be reduced by more than half compared to a plant without a quench. The heat produced in the condenser, when discharging water to the boiler, would be lowered by up to 20%. For systems with a quench present when more water was discharged to the boiler both the heat production and the pollutant capturing became better. However, the system has limits regarding the amount that could be recirculated, in the form of temperature limits in different parts of the system. In addition, if the heat load is low there is an insufficient amount of wastewater generated in the condenser to run the quench. In that situation, clean (fresh) water needs to be used instead. Using clean water is unwanted since the plant will then consume more resources while still producing less heat than a plant without a quench would.

Vyhodnocení vlastností vzdušných iontů vytvářených různými zdroji iontů / Air ionts measurement

Lazorka, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The work is focused on the composition of the atmosphere, the processes that take place in it, especially on the formation of atmospheric ions and the energy that must be supplied to ionize the gas. The work examines the influence of aerosol particles on the concentration of ions and also how air ions influence the human health. Last but not least, there is mentioned a comparison of the possibilities of artificial air ionization for interiors.

Numerické metody zpracování obrazů z mikroskopu s rotujícím kondenzorem. / Numerical image processing methods for rotating condenser microscope images processing

Týč, Matěj January 2008 (has links)
Tato práce popisuje vznik obrazu v transmisním světelném mikroskopu s proměnnou aperturou kondenzoru. Tento způsob pořizování obrazu je výhodný při pozorování tlustých vzorků, což jsou objekty, u kterých je v mikroskopickém měřítku významná výška. Klasické transmisní mikroskopy pro tento výzkum vhodné nejsou, protože výsledný obraz, který produkují, obsahuje patrné informace z velkého objemu vzorku mimo oblast, která je vyšetřovaná. Tento problém byl vyřešen po vynálezu konfokálního mikroskopu, který je ovšem daleko dražší a má i některé nevýhody navíc. Cílem je zpracovat obrazy pořízené pomocí kondenzoru s rotující aperturou tak, aby došlo k redukci podílu nežádoucí informace a obraz se tak stal "čistším". Tato metoda zpracování obrazu nemohla být použita v minulosti, protože tehdejší počítače neměly dostatečnou paměť a výkon. Na tuto metodu se dá nahlížet jako na převod množiny výstupů z mikroskopu s vylepšenou osvětlovací soustavou na odpovídající množinu výstupů konfokálního mikroskopu.

Chilled Water System Modeling & Optimization

Trautman, Neal L. 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The following thesis looks into modeling a chilled water system equipped with variable speed drives on different piece of equipment and optimization of system setpoints to achieve energy savings. The research was done by collecting data from a case-study and developing a system of component models that could be linked to simulate the overall system operation.

Parametric Study of a Thermal Energy Storage Module Coupled with a Heat Exchanger

Kulkarni, Rituja 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.


Gibson, Marc A. 08 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.


PONUGOTI, PRIYANKA 02 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Simulation of a storage freezer operating with a binary nonazeotropic refrigerant blend Part I. Equation of state cycle selection compressor model and air-cooled condenser model

Tipton, Russell C. January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental Investigations on Non-Wetting Surfaces

Stoddard, Ryan Manse 24 May 2021 (has links)
Superhydrophobic (SHS) and lubricant-infused surfaces (LIS) exhibit exceptional non-wetting characteristics that make them attractive for energy production applications including steam condensation and fouling mitigation. The dissertation work focuses on application of non-wetting surfaces to energy production using a systematic approach examining each component of surface fabrication in three functional areas. First, SHS and LIS are fabricated using robust, scalable methods and tested for durability in heated, wet conditions and under high-energy water jet impingement. Clear performance differences are shown based on surface texturing, functionalizing agent, and infused lubricant. Second, SHS and LIS are applied to tube exteriors and evaluated for their ability to produce sustained dropwise condensation in a typical power plant condenser environment. The surfaces are shown to produce heat transfer coefficients up to 7-10 times that of film-wise condensation, with condenser effectiveness of 0.92 or better compared to effectiveness of about 0.6 in conventional condensers. Third, LIS on the interior of tubes are assessed in accelerated mineral fouling conditions. LIS are shown to mitigate calcium sulfate and calcium carbonate fouling under laminar conditions. The results of the study bear profound benefits to reducing the levelized cost of condensers and water uptake in thermoelectric power plants, that currently consume about 50% of the total water use in the U.S. / Doctor of Philosophy / Creating durable, hybrid surfaces for improved steam condensation and fouling mitigation would provide substantial impact to power generation worldwide. Bioinspired, non-wetting surfaces, such as superhydrophobic (SHS) and lubricant-infused surfaces (LIS) exhibit exceptional non-wetting characteristics that make them attractive for energy applications. Each of these non-wetting technologies, however, faces durability and scalability challenges that make them unfeasible for widespread, practical adoption. As a result, decades of materials science research have stagnated in the research laboratories with limited demonstrations of dropwise condensation and fouling mitigation in static situations. The dissertation work focuses on application of SHS and LIS to energy production using a systematic approach examining each component of surface fabrication in three functional areas. First, SHS and LIS are fabricated using robust, scalable methods and tested for durability using ASTM standard static and dynamic evaluation methods. Clear performance differences are shown based on surface texturing, functionalizing agent, and infused lubricant. Second, dropwise steam condensation on the surfaces are shown to exhibit heat transfer performance an order of magnitude greater than film-wise condensation in a typical power plant condenser environment. The surfaces are shown to produce heat transfer coefficients up to 7-10 times that of film-wise condensation, with condenser effectiveness of 0.92 or better compared to effectiveness of about 0.6 in conventional condensers. This work presents for the first time, a non-dimensional correlation for a priori prediction of LIS heat transfer performance given known qualities of the LIS. Third, challenges of fouling mitigation in power plants have been studied for over a decade. This work demonstrates for the first time that LIS applied to the interior of tubes mitigate calcium sulfate and calcium carbonate fouling in both static and laminar flow conditions.

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