Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conflicts management"" "subject:"onflicts management""
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Konfliktų vadyba ir jų sprendimų modelis bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Conflicts management and the soliution of conflicts in the secondary schoolObulaitis, Pranas 08 June 2004 (has links)
The comprehensive school of Lithuania is oriented towards humanistic relations. The background of this education is humanistic psychology that is poited to the natural powres and abilities of a child. Social skills are being developed through the creation of safe surroundings.
In order to create such surroundings it is necessary to deal with interpersonal conflicts of schoolchildren.
The talking point in our schools today is the soliution of conflicts. If we want to cope with this problem, we have to find more alternative ways of soliution and prepare the community of a school for them. New interpersonal relations – learning trought cooperation – have to be presented in our schools.
More efficient and radical reforms in the schools of Lithuania are allowed by the intensifying laws of education. Lots of various and distinctive programmes of preventionare being produced and preventive projects are being done as well. The number of people, who work according to these programmes, is inreasing because it is becoming a popular advantage, wich supplements individual capacity.
It is intended to explicate pedagogical and psychological backing for families, to creat a secure setting in primary forms that would be comfortable and fitted for both learning and teaching. Such things as a great regard of scool members for each other or for collective objectives of a school depend on this setting. We should also consider such important factors like friendly and relations of... [to full text]
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Konfliktų valdymas organizacijose: modelio teorinis ir empirinis pagrindimas / Conflicts management in the organizations: model‘ empirical and theoretical groundingJesaulenkienė, Rita 27 August 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: pagrįsti konfliktų valdymo modelį valstybiniame ir privačiame sektoriuje.
Tyrimo objektas: konfliktų valdymo modelis valstybiniame ir privačiame sektoriuje.
Siekiant įgyvendinti darbo tikslą, iškelti šie uždaviniai:
1. Apibendrinti konflikto sampratą ir priežastis mokslinėje litertūroje;
2. Teorinės literatūros analizės pagrindu sukurti konfliktų valdymo modelį organizacijose;
3. Atskleisti konfliktų valdymo strategijas;
4. Pagrįsti sukurtą konfliktų valdymo modelį teoriškai;
5. Tyrimo pagrindu pagrįsti sukurtą konfliktų valdymo modelį valstybiniame ir privačiame sektoriuje.
H1. Konfliktų valdymo modelio pagrindimas organizacijose grindžiamas jei:
- modelio kūrimas bus siejamas su konfliktų prevencija;
- modelius kurs vadovai arba organizacijos darbuotojai;
- kuriant modelius bus atsižvelgta į grupės ypatumus (amžių, darbo pobūdį, siekiamus tikslus) ir pastebėtos jos silpnosios vietos.
- modelio pagrindinė sudedamoji dalis bus konflikto priežasties analizė.
H2. Konfliktų valdymo modeliai skirtinguose sektoriuose turėtų turėti ir panašumų ir skirtumų, nes:
- kiekviename konflikto sprendime turėtų vyrauti prielaida - atvirumas, tarpusavio pasitikėjimas ir pasirengimas bendradarbiauti, kuri yra skirtinga.
- kilusius konfliktus linkę spręsti ne pagal iš anksto sudarytą konfliktų valdymo modelį.
- konfliktų valdymo modelis grindžiamas priežasties ir pasekmės analize.
Tyrimo metodai:
Mokslinės literatūros analizė buvo naudojama siekiant atskleisti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of the research: to ground the model of controling conflicts in state and private sectors.
The object of the research: the model of controling conflicts in state and private sectors.
Seeking to put the objective of the thesis into life, these tasks were approached:
- to generalize the conception of conflict and reasons in scientific literature;
- to create the model of controling conflicts on the base of theoretical analysis of literature;
- to reveal strategies of controling conflicts;
- to ground created model of controling conflicts theoretically;
- on the base of research to ground created model of controling conflicts in state and private sectors.
H1. Substantiation of the model controling conflicts is grounded if:
- creation of the model will be linked with prevention of conflicts;
- the model will be created by bosses or employers;
- while creating models, peculiarities of the group (age, nature of work, achievable tasks) and observed weaknesses will be taken into account;
- The main component of the model will be analysis of conflict reasons.
H2. Models of controling conflicts in different sectors should have similarities and differencies, as:
- in the solution of each conflict should the precondition prevail – frankness, mutual confidence and preparation for cooperation, which is different;
- arrising conflicts are inclined to be solved not according beforehand made model of controling conflicts;
- the model of controling conflicts are... [to full text]
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A construção de um modelo \'alternativo\' de gestão de conflitos: usos e representações de justiça restaurativa no estado de São Paulo / The construction of an \"alternative\" model of conflict management: uses and representations about restorative justice in the state of São Paulo (Brazil)Tonche, Juliana 31 August 2015 (has links)
Num contexto de grande demanda aos canais de acesso à justiça, ganha terreno no país a justiça restaurativa conjuntamente a outras formas alternativas de administração de conflitos. Iniciativas relacionadas a estas novas formas de gerir os conflitos estão surgindo nas mais diversas regiões no país, encorajadas por juízes com o objetivo claro de evitar que casos considerados de baixo potencial ofensivo, cometidos em sua maioria por adolescentes de escolas públicas, sejam criminalizados e cheguem ao Judiciário. Esta tese se centra sobre a análise específica de programas alternativos de justiça restaurativa que funcionam no estado de São Paulo. Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com base no estudo de caso de programas de justiça restaurativa que funcionam no estado de São Paulo, além de entrevistas com profissionais e observação participante de círculos restaurativos que aconteceram em uma escola na cidade de São Caetano do Sul (SP), argumento como estas iniciativas não estão rompendo com as lógicas do sistema de justiça comum, como a princípio se poderia supor. Em realidade, além de integrarem um quadro em que nosso sistema de justiça criminal continua sendo central, estão aumentando as possibilidades de expansão da rede de controle social, inaugurando configurações inéditas de programas que mesclam o formal e o informal, saber leigo e expertise. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram também que a justiça restaurativa, a despeito de seu potencial transformador, ainda tem se defrontado com dificuldades para ser efetivamente implantada. As resistências com as quais têm que lidar reportam-se desde às suas fundamentações teóricas, passando pelos próprios operadores do Direito e população que é atendida pelos programas, que não entendem o modelo enquanto expertise (caso dos profissionais do Direito), ou como um benefício para os envolvidos (caso dos adolescentes e familiares participantes), ainda inscritos dentro um marco punitivo em relação à gestão de conflitos. / In a context of high demand for access to justice in Brazil, restorative justice programs in conjunction with other alternative forms of conflict management are spreading across the country. Initiatives related to these new ways of conflicts management are emerging in different regions, encouraged by judges with the objective of preventing cases considered of low offensive potential, committed mostly by teenagers from public schools, to be criminalized and to come the courts. This thesis focuses on the specific analysis of alternative programs of restorative justice that are operating in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). Through a qualitative research, based on a case study of restorative justice programs, as well as interviews with professionals and participant observation of restorative circles that happened at a school in the city of São Caetano do Sul (SP), I argue that these initiatives are not breaking with the logic of the ordinary justice system, as it might seem at first. Actually, besides being part of a framework in which our criminal justice system remains central, these iniciatives are increasing the possibilities of expansion of social control network, inaugurating unprecedented programs that are mixing formal and informal, lay knowledge and expertise. The reserach results also show that restorative justice, despite its transformative potential, still has been facing difficulties to be effectively put in practice. The resistances with which they have to deal report since its theoretical foundations, through the law operators themselves and population that is attended by the programs that do not understand the model as an expertise (case of legal professionals), or as a benefit for those involved in the conflict (case of adolescents and participating family members).
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A construção de um modelo \'alternativo\' de gestão de conflitos: usos e representações de justiça restaurativa no estado de São Paulo / The construction of an \"alternative\" model of conflict management: uses and representations about restorative justice in the state of São Paulo (Brazil)Juliana Tonche 31 August 2015 (has links)
Num contexto de grande demanda aos canais de acesso à justiça, ganha terreno no país a justiça restaurativa conjuntamente a outras formas alternativas de administração de conflitos. Iniciativas relacionadas a estas novas formas de gerir os conflitos estão surgindo nas mais diversas regiões no país, encorajadas por juízes com o objetivo claro de evitar que casos considerados de baixo potencial ofensivo, cometidos em sua maioria por adolescentes de escolas públicas, sejam criminalizados e cheguem ao Judiciário. Esta tese se centra sobre a análise específica de programas alternativos de justiça restaurativa que funcionam no estado de São Paulo. Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com base no estudo de caso de programas de justiça restaurativa que funcionam no estado de São Paulo, além de entrevistas com profissionais e observação participante de círculos restaurativos que aconteceram em uma escola na cidade de São Caetano do Sul (SP), argumento como estas iniciativas não estão rompendo com as lógicas do sistema de justiça comum, como a princípio se poderia supor. Em realidade, além de integrarem um quadro em que nosso sistema de justiça criminal continua sendo central, estão aumentando as possibilidades de expansão da rede de controle social, inaugurando configurações inéditas de programas que mesclam o formal e o informal, saber leigo e expertise. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram também que a justiça restaurativa, a despeito de seu potencial transformador, ainda tem se defrontado com dificuldades para ser efetivamente implantada. As resistências com as quais têm que lidar reportam-se desde às suas fundamentações teóricas, passando pelos próprios operadores do Direito e população que é atendida pelos programas, que não entendem o modelo enquanto expertise (caso dos profissionais do Direito), ou como um benefício para os envolvidos (caso dos adolescentes e familiares participantes), ainda inscritos dentro um marco punitivo em relação à gestão de conflitos. / In a context of high demand for access to justice in Brazil, restorative justice programs in conjunction with other alternative forms of conflict management are spreading across the country. Initiatives related to these new ways of conflicts management are emerging in different regions, encouraged by judges with the objective of preventing cases considered of low offensive potential, committed mostly by teenagers from public schools, to be criminalized and to come the courts. This thesis focuses on the specific analysis of alternative programs of restorative justice that are operating in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). Through a qualitative research, based on a case study of restorative justice programs, as well as interviews with professionals and participant observation of restorative circles that happened at a school in the city of São Caetano do Sul (SP), I argue that these initiatives are not breaking with the logic of the ordinary justice system, as it might seem at first. Actually, besides being part of a framework in which our criminal justice system remains central, these iniciatives are increasing the possibilities of expansion of social control network, inaugurating unprecedented programs that are mixing formal and informal, lay knowledge and expertise. The reserach results also show that restorative justice, despite its transformative potential, still has been facing difficulties to be effectively put in practice. The resistances with which they have to deal report since its theoretical foundations, through the law operators themselves and population that is attended by the programs that do not understand the model as an expertise (case of legal professionals), or as a benefit for those involved in the conflict (case of adolescents and participating family members).
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Conflits et résolution des conflits en Afrique subsaharienne : l'élaboration de la gestion des conflits / Conflicts and conflicts resolution in subsaharan Africa : the development of conflict managementSow, Fatou Kine 11 May 2012 (has links)
Le continent africain a connu une grande période de conflictualité dans les années 1990 ; cettepériode coïncide avec l’essoufflement des politiques purement altruistes des pays occidentauxqui, hésitent de plus en plus à engager leurs troupes dans des conflits qui ne sont pas les leurs.En Afrique, le maintien de la paix est un défi de tous les temps ; l’Union africaine doit réagiraux menaces contre la paix et la sécurité par des réponses collectives fondées et soutenues pardes mécanismes cohérents.D’une résolution des conflits centralisée et contrôlée par le Conseil de sécurité des Nationsunies, s’est progressivement mis en place une alliance entre le système des Nations unies etl’Union africaine ; l’affirmation des interdépendances dans la recherche de la stabilitéimplique la coordination des stratégies et des programmes de sécurité et de défense entre lesdifférents acteurs de la paix sur le continent.Les mécanismes d’action sont repensés et les stratégies bouleversées. Et pour éviter lajuxtaposition des acteurs et l’évitement du chaos, la cohésion et la coordination entre desinstitutions prend son élan.La CEDEAO a prouvé sa capacité à mener une force d’interposition jusqu’au cessez-le-feu etle retour de la paix dans le conflit du Libéria ; elle s’est dotée de mécanismes d’interventionreconnus et structurés qui vont servir de levier à l’UA dans l’élaboration de ses propres outilsde maintien de la paix et de la sécurité sous régionales et régionales.La gestion des conflits va être rénovée avec une vraie architecture de paix et de sécurité del’Union africaine qui, désormais, s’est dotée de mécanismes fonctionnels et de forcesafricaines formées, opérationnelles et surtout interopérables avec les forces des organisationsinternationales.La question de la sécurité et de la stabilité en Afrique et les enjeux de reconstruction qu’ellepose, a nécessité la redéfinition des relations internationales en Afrique subsaharienne.Ces problématiques vont permettre à l’Union africaine d’élaborer et d’instituer la gestion desconflits sur le contient. / The African continent has experienced a long period of conflict in the 1990s, this periodcoincides with the exhaustion of purely altruistic policies of Western countries, increasinglyreluctant to commit troops in conflicts that are not theirs.In Africa, peacekeeping is a challenge of all time, the African Union must respond to threatsagainst peace and security through collective responses based and supported by coherentmechanisms.In a conflict resolution controlled and centralized by the United nations Security Council, hasgradually established an alliance between the UN system and the African Union. Theassertion of the interdependencies in the search for stability involves the coordination ofstrategies and programs of security and defense between the different actors of peace on thecontinent.The mechanisms of action are reconsidered and the strategies changed. And to avoid thejuxtaposition of actors and avoiding chaos, cohesion and coordination among institutions isgaining momentum, its dash.ECOWAS has a proven ability to lead a peacekeeping force until the cease-fire and the returnof peace in the conflict in Liberia. It has mechanisms recognized and structured interventionthat will serve lever to the African Union in developing its own tools for peacekeeping andsecurity sub-regional and regional.Conflict management will be renovated with a real architecture of peace and security of theAfrican Union, which now has functional mechanisms and African forces trained, operationaland especially interoperable with the forces of international organizations.The issue of security and stability in Africa and the challenges of reconstruction it poses,necessitated the redefinition of international relations in sub-Saharan Africa.These issues will enable the African Union to work out for developing and establishingconflict management on the continent.
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Les réformes institutionnelles maliennes face aux enjeux de la bonne gouvernance : de la gouvernance d'identification à la gouvernance d'appropriation / Malian institutional reforms and the challenges of good governance : from identification governance to ownership governanceAguissa, Abdoul Aziz 16 May 2014 (has links)
Concept en vogue ou novlangue, la gouvernance est devenue une équation, ces dernières années, notamment pour les États africains en quête de légitimité à la faveur de la démocratisation. Ainsi, à travers cette thèse, nous choisissons, après avoir situé le concept, de décrire les repères à la fois historiques et actuels du Mali dans sa construction épistolaire, de visualiser les réseaux d'acteurs et les différentes distanciations empiriques qui ont marqué la construction et la déconstruction du système politique ou de l'idéal étatique. Cette démarche nous a conduit à situer de fortes antinomies qui font que nous qualifierons la gouvernance au Mali de « gouvernance d'identification ». L'analyse du contexte nous conduira alors à nous pencher sur le paradigme de la gouvernance sous l'angle de l'appropriation ou « gouvernance d'appropriation ». Les pistes de réflexion mises en perspective concernent, ainsi, à la fois l'établissement d'une congruence entre la gouvernance et les réformes institutionnelles et la prise en compte de la crédibilité de la gouvernance , aux niveaux national et territorial, pour une meilleure réforme institutionnelle. Enfin, nous ouvrons des perspectives sur la situation post-crise au Mali qui demandent à intégrer les leçons à tirer par tous les acteurs, afin d'éviter que le Mali ne retombe dans une situation similaire à celle qui a prévalu avant l'intervention de la « force serval ». / Popular concept or contemporary “jargon”, governance has become in recent years an issue mainly for African states seeking legitimacy through democratization. So through this thesis, we define the concept, describe the references from history and present perspectives in Mali in its epistolary construction, stakeholder networking, different empirical distancing that marked the construction and deconstruction of the ideal state or the political system. This approach enables us to situate the strong antinomies for which we refer to governance in Mali as “governance of identification”. The analysis of the context will help us study the paradigm of governance under the prism of ownership or “ownership governance”. The perspective lines of reasoning concern both the establishment of the congruence between governance and institutional reforms and the taking into account of the credibility of governance at national and territorial levels for a better institutional reform. Finally we open perspectives for the post crisis situation in Mali which require to take into account the lessons learnt by different actors in order to avoid that Mali falls back again in a similar situation to the one prevailing before “serval force” intervention.
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Gestão de conflitos em canais de distribuição: um estudo aplicado em uma empresa do setor automotivoMatos, José Alberto da Rosa de 31 March 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-20T20:16:24Z
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Dissertacao Jose Alberto da R de Matos.pdf: 1182124 bytes, checksum: c7fd74d08622c516abf9794ad63912d4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-20T20:16:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Jose Alberto da R de Matos.pdf: 1182124 bytes, checksum: c7fd74d08622c516abf9794ad63912d4 (MD5)
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Gestão de conflitos em canais de distribuição: um estudo aplicado em uma empresa do setor automotivoMatos, José Alberto da Rosa de 31 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Justiça restaurativa e ato infracional: representações e práticas no judiciário de Campinas - SPChinen, Juliana Kobata 20 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Juliana Kobata Chinen (juju.kobata@gmail.com) on 2017-05-16T02:36:17Z
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Dissertação JR FGV Juliana Kobata Chinen VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 2899755 bytes, checksum: 73646015085ed7727c62ca18f43eeb00 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2017-05-16T12:41:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação JR FGV Juliana Kobata Chinen VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 2899755 bytes, checksum: 73646015085ed7727c62ca18f43eeb00 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-16T13:31:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação JR FGV Juliana Kobata Chinen VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 2899755 bytes, checksum: 73646015085ed7727c62ca18f43eeb00 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-04-20 / Restorative justice proposes a consensual administration of conflicts emphasizing the victim's harm, the responsibility of the perpetrator, and the needs of those involved in the conflict. The model is based on dialogue, respect and empowerment of the parties directly and indirectly involved. The present research aimed to reflect on the facilitators and complicating factors of the adoption of restorative justice by the traditional court system, focusing on the experience developed in the Child and Youth Court of Campinas since 2007. Besides the introduction and a chapter dedicated to methodological notes, the research was structured in three more chapters, starting with theoretical assumptions about restorative justice and its rapprochement towards juvenile justice in the Brazilian context. Next, the empirical field observed in the Campinas justice system was presented, addressing the history of the program implementation, its structure and its operation, and quantitative and qualitative data of the last two years. Priority was given to a qualitative approach to the case study, with interviews regarding the actors involved in the project, follow-up visits (pre-circles and restorative circles) and collection of statistical data on the restorative processes in Campinas. Finally, it was promoted discussions articulating the theory of restorative justice with the results of the immersions in the field, exploring the merits and critical factors of a program developed in the justice system, highlighting the following themes: (a) institutional visibility and structure; (b) the discourses and roles of institutional actors; (c) the symbolism of authority; (d) accountability and responses to the conflict; (e) selection of cases, increased social control and access to justice; and (f) the alternative or complementary role of restorative justice in regards to the justice system. The results of the study were in compliance with previous researches in the sense that, despite its transformative potential, the model has encountered several difficulties to be effectively developed, acting more as a reinforcement to the existing justice system than as a real alternative, considering a broader purpose of criminal policy. It was concluded that, while restorative justice plays an important role in qualifying a response to conflict, it should not be limited in its performance, at the risk of losing its critical power to oppose the current system. / A justiça restaurativa propõe a administração consensual de conflitos enfatizando o dano sofrido pela vítima, a responsabilização pelo autor dos fatos e as necessidades dos envolvidos. O modelo pauta-se no diálogo, respeito e empoderamento das partes direta e indiretamente envolvidas na relação conflituosa. A presente pesquisa buscou refletir sobre os fatores facilitadores e os complicadores na adoção da justiça restaurativa pelo Poder Judiciário, com foco na experiência desenvolvida na Vara da Infância e Juventude de Campinas, desde 2007. Além da introdução e de um capítulo dedicado a notas metodológicas, o trabalho foi estruturado em mais três capítulos, iniciando-se com pressupostos teóricos sobre a justiça restaurativa e a sua aproximação com a justiça juvenil no contexto brasileiro. Em seguida, apresentou-se o campo empírico observado no sistema de justiça de Campinas, abordando-se o histórico de implantação do programa, a sua estrutura e o seu modo de funcionamento atuais, além de dados quantitativos e qualitativos dos últimos dois anos. Priorizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa do estudo de caso, com a realização de entrevistas com os atores institucionais, o acompanhamento de atendimentos (pré-círculos e círculos restaurativos) e a coleta de dados estatísticos sobre os processos restaurativos em Campinas. Por fim, buscou-se promover discussões articulando a teoria da justiça restaurativa com os resultados das imersões no campo, explorando-se os méritos e os pontos críticos de um programa alocado no Judiciário, a partir dos seguintes temas: (a) a visibilidade e a estrutura institucionais; (b) os discursos e os papéis dos atores institucionais; (c) a carga simbólica da autoridade; (d) a responsabilização e respostas ao conflito; (e) a seleção de casos, o aumento do controle social e o acesso à justiça; e (f) a justiça restaurativa como alternativa ou reforço ao sistema de justiça. Os resultados do trabalho vão ao encontro de pesquisas anteriores, no sentido de que, apesar do seu potencial transformador, o modelo tem encontrado diversas dificuldades para ser efetivamente desenvolvido, atuando mais como um reforço ao sistema de justiça vigente do que como uma real alternativa, considerando-se uma finalidade mais ampla de política criminal. Concluiu-se que, embora a justiça restaurativa cumpra um papel importante no sentido de qualificar uma resposta ao conflito, não deve ter a sua atuação limitada, sob o risco de perder sua força crítica de se contrapor ao sistema corrente.
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Návrh postupu manažera při stmelování pracovního kolektivu / Suggestion of Manager´s Working Group Uniting ProcedureStejskalová, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
This thesis analyses problems related to the creation of the working team coupled with the process of it’s members‘ cohesion. The theoretical part of the work contains an introduction and explanation of basic concepts related to given issues. In particular, we look at the issue of the manager's personality, the theory of social Gross, work teams, styles of leadership and management teams. The last chapter contains general recommendations of basic skills in the approach of managers and management teams. The practical part is focused on the analysis of the investigation file, the analysis of the facto. The aim of the project is to design such a manager process strategy, which leads to team cohesion thereby increasing work efficiency.
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