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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling of Heat Losses through Coated Cylinder Walls and their Impact on Engine Performance

Escalona Cornejo, Johan Enrique 13 April 2021 (has links)
[ES] Actualmente, los vehículos propulsados por motores de combustión interna alternativos (MCIA) constituyen uno de los mayores agentes contaminantes para el medio ambiente. En este sentido, ha existido una importante cooperación internacional para promulgar leyes que regulen las emisiones contaminantes. De manera que los fabricantes de coches han impulsado el desarrollo de tecnologías más limpias y amigables con el medio ambiente. Ante esta situación, ha surgido recientemente la electrificación, como uno de los proyectos más ambiciosos de la industria automotriz para los próximos años. Sin embargo, esta meta parece aún lejana en el horizonte. En tal sentido, la hibridación con motores térmicos y eléctricos parece ser el camino a seguir en el corto plazo. Por consiguiente, los MCIA seguirán siendo la principal fuente de propulsión terrestre durante los años venideros. Para mitigar los inherentes efectos contaminantes de los motores de combustión interna, se han propuesto diferentes tecnologías para desarrollar motores más eficientes. Entre ellas, la aplicación de recubrimientos térmicos en las paredes de la cámara de combustión apunta a reducir las pérdidas por calor en el motor, y así aumentar su eficiencia térmica. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar el impacto de aplicar recubrimientos térmicos en las paredes de la cámara de combustión en motores de combustión interna. En este sentido, determinar los flujos de calor experimentalmente a través de las paredes es complicado y no del todo fiables, debido a que dependen de la medición de las temperaturas de pared. Por este motivo, el CFD-CHT es utilizado. El primer paso fue validar la herramienta computacional que es utilizada para los cálculos en motores de combustión interna. Para ello se realizó un estudio preliminar en geometrías sencillas como una tubería circular o un canal rectangular. Se evaluaron los modelos de transferencia de calor y se determinó la relevancia de ciertos parámetros como la rugosidad. Para complementar el estudio, se realizó un análisis de las temperaturas en una geometría más realista como el pistón de un MCIA. Los valores de temperatura calculados por el software fueron casi iguales a las medidas experimentales. Por consiguiente, la fiabilidad de la herramienta computacional fue verificada. Seguidamente, se plantea una metodología para abordar al problema de modelar capas muy finas de recubrimientos térmicos en el espacio tridimensional. Para de esta manera poder simular las paredes recubiertas en la cámara de combustión. La metodología consiste en definir un material equivalente con un espesor y número de nodos que permitan un mallado computacionalmente realista. Para ello se utilizó un DoE en combinación con un análisis de regresión múltiple. Los primeros estudios se llevaron a cabo en un motor de gasolina. El modelado se llevó a cabo para dos configuraciones: motor con paredes metálicas y motor con pistón y culata recubiertos. A través de un análisis exhaustivo de la transferencia del calor, se evaluó el impacto que tenía aplicar el revestimiento térmico en el motor. La comparación con datos experimentales demuestran la utilidad del cálculo CHT para evaluar las pérdidas de calor en un MCIA. Sin embargo, ninguna mejora fue observada en el motor de gasolina debido al tipo de recubrimiento aplicado en las paredes de la cámara de combustión. Las simulaciones llevadas a cabo en el motor de gasolina permitieron determinar que los cálculos CHT son computacionalmente largos. En este sentido, una serie de estrategias diseñadas a optimizar los cálculos han sido analizadas con el fin de reducir los tiempos de cálculo. A través de este estudio, se encontró una metodología para optimizar la malla del dominio computacional. Esta última, emplea un refinamiento AMR basado en la distancia de pared. Este método es utilizado para modelar el impacto de aplicar un revestimiento tér / [CA] Actualment, els vehicles propulsats per motors de combustió interna alter- natius (MCIA) constitueixen un dels majors agents contaminants per al medi ambient. En aquest sentit, ha existit una important cooperació internacional per a promulgar lleis que regulen les emissions contaminants. De manera que els fabricants de cotxes han impulsat el desenvolupament de tecnologies més netes i amigables amb el medi ambient. Davant aquesta situació, ha sorgit recentment l'electrificació, com un dels projectes més ambiciosos de la indústria automotriu per als pròxims anys. No obstant això, aquesta meta sembla encara llunyana en l'horitzó. En tal sentit, la hibridació amb motors tèrmics i elèctrics sembla ser el camí a seguir en el curt termini. Per consegüent, els MCIA continuaran sent la principal font de propulsió terrestre durant els anys esdevenidors. Per a mitigar els inherents efectes contaminants dels motors de combustió interna, s'han proposat diferents tecnologies per a desenvolupar motors més eficients. Entre elles, l'aplicació de recobriments tèrmics en les parets de la cambra de combustió apunta a reduir les pèrdues per calor en el motor, i així augmentar la seua eficiència tèrmica. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és estudiar l'impacte d'aplicar reco- briments tèrmics en les parets de la cambra de combustió en motors de combustió interna. En aquest sentit, determinar els fluxos de calor experi- mentalment a través de les parets és complicat i no del tot fiable, pel fet que depenen del mesurament de les temperatures de paret. Per aquest motiu, el CFD-CHT (Computational fluid dynamics-Conjugate Heat Transfer) és utilitzat. El primer pas va ser validar l'eina computacional que és utilitzada per als càlculs en motors de combustió interna. Per a això es va realitzar un estudi preliminar en geometries senzilles com una canonada circular o un canal rectangular. Es van avaluar els models de transferència de calor i es va determinar la rellevància de certs paràmetres com la rugositat. Per a complementar l'estudi, es va realitzar una anàlisi de les temperatures en una geometria més realista com el pistó d'un MCIA. Els valors de temperatura calculats pel software van ser quasi iguals a les mesures experimentals. Per consegüent, la fiabilitat de l'eina computacional va ser verificada. Seguidament, es planteja una metodologia per a abordar el problema de modelar capes molt fines de recobriments tèrmics en l'espai tridimensional, per a d'aquesta manera poder simular les parets recobertes en la cambra de combustió. La metodologia consisteix a definir un material equivalent amb una grossària i nombre de nodes que permeten un mallat computacionalment realista. Per a això es va utilitzar un DoE (Design of experiments) en combinació amb una anàlisi de regressió múltiple. Els primers estudis es van dur a terme en un motor de gasolina. El mod- elatge es va dur a terme per a dues configuracions: motor amb parets metàl·liques i motor amb pistó i culata recoberts. A través d'una anàlisi exhaustiva de la transferència de la calor, es va avaluar l'impacte que tenia aplicar el revestiment tèrmic en el motor. La comparació amb dades experi- mentals demostren la utilitat del càlcul CHT per a avaluar les pèrdues de calor en un MCIA. No obstant això, cap millora va ser observada en el motor de gasolina a causa de la mena de recobriment aplicada en les parets de la cambra de combustió. Les simulacions dutes a terme en el motor de gasolina van permetre determinar que els càlculs CHT són computacionalment llargs. En aquest sentit, una sèrie d'estratègies dissenyades per a optimitzar els càlculs han sigut analitzades amb la finalitat de reduir els temps de càlcul. A través d'aquest estudi, es va trobar una metodologia per a optimitzar la malla del domini computacional. Aquesta última, empra un refinament AMR basat en la distància de paret. / [EN] Currently, vehicles powered by internal combustion engines (ICE) are targeted as contributing largely to environmental pollution. In this regard, there has been significant international cooperation to enact laws that regulate the polluting emissions. Hence, the car manufacturers have oriented efforts to the development of cleaner and more eco-friendly technologies. In order to face this situation, electrified vehicles have emerged as one of the most promising projects in the automotive industry for the coming years. However, this target still seems far on the horizon. In this sense, hybridization with thermal and electric engines seems to be the path to follow in the short term. Consequently, ICEs will continue to be one of the important sources of terrestrial propulsion in the coming years. To mitigate the inherent polluting effects of internal combustion engines, different technologies have been proposed to develop more efficient engines. Among them, the application of thermal coatings on the combustion chamber walls. This technology aims at reducing the heat losses in the engine, and thus increase its thermal efficiency. The main objective of this thesis is to study the impact of coating the combustion chamber walls of an engine on heat losses and thermal efficiency. The experimental definition of the heat fluxes through the walls is complex and not very reliable because it requires the measurement of wall temperatures. For this reason, CFD-CHT (Computational fluid dynamics-Conjugate Heat Transfer) is used. The first step was to validate the computational tool employed for CFD-CHT calculations in internal combustion engines. For this, a preliminary study in simple geometries such as a circular pipe or a rectangular channel was performed. Heat transfer models were evaluated and the relevance of certain parameters such as roughness was determined. To reinforce the study, a thermal analysis in a more realistic geometry such as the piston of a CI engine was carried out. The temperature values calculated by the software were almost the same as the experimental measurements. Consequently, the reliability of the computational tool was verified. Next, a methodology was proposed to address the problem of modeling very thin layers of thermal coating for three-dimensional CFD-CHT calculations. The methodology consists in defining an "equivalent material" with a thickness and number of nodes that allow a computationally realistic mesh. For this, a DoE in combination with a multiple regression analysis was employed. The first CFD-CHT simulations in ICEs were carried out for a gasoline engine. The study was performed for two configurations: metallic engine and engine with coated piston and cylinder head. An exhaustive heat transfer analysis was made in order to determine the impact of applying the thermal coating on the engine. Comparison with experimental data proved the suitability of the CHT calculations to evaluate heat losses in ICEs. However, no improvement on engine efficiency was observed in the gasoline engine due to the type of coating applied on the combustion chamber walls. Experience with the gasoline engine calculations showed that CHT calculations were very time consuming. In this regard, some strategies aimed at optimizing the calculations were analyzed in order to reduce calculation times. The most successful methodology was based on AMR cell refinement to optimize the mesh and reduce significantly the computational costs. This approach was used to study the impact of applying a new generation thermal coating on the piston top of a Diesel engine. The results obtained indicated that this type of coating allows for some improvement in the thermal efficiency of the engine without affecting its performance. / The author wishes to acknowledge the financial support received through contract FPI-2018-S2-1205 of the Programa para la Formación de Personal investigador (FPI) 2018 of Universitat Politècnica de València. Parts of the work presented in this thesis have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme undergrant agreement No 724084.The author wishes to thank IFPEN for their permission to use their single cylinder engine geometry and experimental results, as well as Saint Gobain Research Provence for providing the coating characteristics.The respondent wants to express its gratitude to CONVERGENT SCIENCE Inc. and Convergent Science GmbH for their kind support for performingthe CFD-CHT calculations using CONVERGE software / Escalona Cornejo, JE. (2021). Modelling of Heat Losses through Coated Cylinder Walls and their Impact on Engine Performance [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165244 / TESIS

Analysis and Compression of Large CFD Data Sets Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

Blanc, Trevor Jon 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Efficient analysis and storage of data is an integral but often challenging task when working with computation fluid dynamics mainly due to the amount of data it can output. Methods centered around the proper orthogonal decomposition were used to analyze, compress, and model various simulation cases. Two different high-fidelity, time-accurate turbomachinery simulations were investigated to show various applications of the analysis techniques. The first turbomachinery example was used to illustrate the extraction of turbulent coherent structures such as traversing shocks, vortex shedding, and wake variation from deswirler and rotor blade passages. Using only the most dominant modes, flow fields were reconstructed and analyzed for error. The reconstructions reproduced the general dynamics within the flow well, but failed to fully resolve shock fronts and smaller vortices. By decomposing the domain into smaller, independent pieces, reconstruction error was reduced by up to 63 percent. A new method of data compression that combined an image compression algorithm and the proper orthogonal decomposition was used to store the reconstructions of the flow field, increasing data compression ratios by a factor of 40.The second turbomachinery simulation studied was a three-stage fan with inlet total pressure distortion. Both the snapshot and repeating geometry methods were used to characterize structures of static pressure fluctuation within the blade passages of the third rotor blade row. Modal coefficients filtered by frequencies relating to the inlet distortion pattern were used to produce reconstructions of the pressure field solely dependent on the inlet boundary condition. A hybrid proper orthogonal decomposition method was proposed to limit burdens on computational resources while providing high temporal resolution analysis.Parametric reduced order models were created from large databases of transient and steady conjugate heat transfer and airfoil simulations. Performance of the models were found to depend heavily on the range of the parameters varied as well as the number of simulations used to traverse that range. The heat transfer models gave excellent predictions for temperature profiles in heated solids for ambitious parameter ranges. Model development for the airfoil case showed that accuracy was highly dependent on modal truncation. The flow fields were predicted very well, especially outside the boundary layer region of the flow.

Energy Usage in Railway Wayside Object Heating : Modeling of melting of Ice, Estimation of heating power requirement in Switch and Renewable energy feasibility for a Railway system

Kapoor, Sidharth January 2022 (has links)
Trafikverket operates about 12000 Switches and crossings (SnCs) of which 6800 are equipped with an electrical heating system of 10−30kW power to keep SnCs functional throughout the winters by keeping them free of Snow/Ice. The energy consumption is approximately 200−130GWh/year costing approximately 10−15 million Euros annually. Electricity demand is continuously rising in Sweden and if coupled with unpredictable events can highly impact the grid energy mix and electricity prices which can lead to a higher operating carbon footprint & expenses. This master thesis work is developed through a couple of research programs to investigate the power usage in wayside objects. Currently, work is in progress to make the wayside objects ‘smart’ so that they can operate fully autonomously with two objectives to reduce the overall power consumption and obtain it from local energy resources. Mathematical modeling of unsteady close contact melting of rectangular Ice/Snow blocks of different volumes on the horizontal surfaces has been solved using numerical methods to calculate the melting time and power requirement. A parametric study has been done for various sizes, and initial & hot surface temperatures. Further, using ANSYS Fluent, CFD simulations have been performed to calculate the heat transfer rate from the Rail body for various combinations of heat source & ambient temperature, and wind speeds. These results shall help to devise a control strategy for the dynamic power supply which can help to optimize the power consumption. Finally, evaluating the renewable resources potential; ground source heat pumps using borehole U-pipes appear to be the best option which can drastically reduce the electricity requirement for the optimized heating power requirement. Most of Sweden has granite bedrock which is one of the reasons for the successful deployment of heat pumps. It’s definitely worth expanding its usage in other sectors as well like Railways. / Trafikverket driver cirka 12 000 spårväxlar och spårkorsningar varav 6 800 är utrustade med ett elektriskt värmesystem på 10 - 30kW effekt för att hålla växlar och korsningar funktionella under hela vintrarna genom att hålla dem fria från snö/is. Energiförbrukningen är cirka 200-130 GW h/år och kostar cirka 10-15 miljoner euro per år. Efterfrågan på el ökar kontinuerligt i Sverige och kan i kombination med oförutsägbara händelser i hög grad påverka nätets energimix och elpris vilket i sin tur kan leda till ett högre koldioxidavtryck och högre driftskostnader. Detta examensarbete utvecklades genom ett par forskningsprogram med fokus på strömförbrukningen i järnvägssystemet. Just nu pågår ett arbete med att göra järnvägssystemet "smart" så att det kan fungera helt automatiskt med två mål: att minska den totala energiförbrukningen och få den från lokala energiresurser. Kontaktsmältning av rektangulärt is/snö-block av olika volymer på horisontella ytor har lösts med hjälp av numeriska metoder för att beräkna smälttid och effektbehov. En parametrisk studie har gjorts för olika storlekar och initiala och varma yttemperaturer. Vidare, med hjälp av ANSYS Fluent, har CFD-simuleringar utförts för att beräkna värmeöverföringshastighet från järnvägsspåret för olika kombinationer av värmekälla och omgivning temperatur och vindhastigheter. Dessa resultat ska bidra till att utforma en styrstrategi för den dynamiska strömförsörjningen som kan bidra till att optimera strömförbrukningen. Slutligen, för att utvärdera potentialen för förnybara resurser, verkar bergvärmepumpar som använder borrhåls U-rör vara det bästa alternativet som drastiskt kan minska elbehovet för det optimerade värmeeffektbehovet. Större delen av Sverige har berggrund av granit vilket är en av anledningarna till den framgångsrika utbyggnaden av värmepumpar. Det är definitivt värt att utöka användningen i andra sektorer också som järnvägar.

Applicabilité de la réduction de modèles à la conception aérothermique collaborative des systèmes d'air secondaire des turbomachines / Applicability of aerothermal model reduction to collaborative design of turbomachinery secondary air system

Costini, Pierre 19 May 2017 (has links)
Une méthode non intrusive de construction d’un modèle de remplacement de l’écoulement dans une cavité de système d’air secondaire de turboréacteur est recherchée. Le modèle réduit doit pouvoir être intégré dans un modèle de l’ensemble du moteur et couplé à la thermique de la structure pour simuler son comportement thermique sur une mission complète sous aile. Pour cela, il doit prendre un grand nombre de paramètres en entrée, retourner autant de sorties et être utilisable sur des intervalles de variations étendus de ces paramètres. Plusieurs approches sont envisagées et implémentées, puis appliquées à la modélisation d’une cavité sous turbine fictive :— Création de surfaces de réponse des termes de la décomposition ANOVA des flux pariétaux.— Création de surfaces de réponse des flux pariétaux combinée avec une méthode de raffinement adaptative exploitant la trajectoire dans l’espace d’entrée issue du couplage modèle réduit - modèle de structure.— Réduction de dimension des champs d’interface échangés à partir de résultats des itérations du couplage des modèles thermiques de l’écoulement et de la structure, puis création de surfaces de réponse des coordonnées réduites.Cette dernière voie permets d'obtenir des résultats encourageants sur le cas test proposé d'abord dans le cas à conditions limites d'entrée de l'écoulement fixées, puis en incluant des variations de certaines d'entre-elles. / A non intrusive method to create surrogate models describing the flow in jet engines’ secondary air system is desired. The resulting model must be integrated in a thermal model describing the whole engine during a complete mission under the wing. This requires the model to use a high number of input and output parameters and to be valid on a broad domain of variation of its parameters. Several approches are explored in this thesis and applied to a simplified turbine cavity :— Surrogate modeling of terms of the ANOVA decomposition of wall fluxes.— Surrogate modeling of wall fluxes combined with an adaptive refinement method exploiting the trajectory followed by the input parameters during the coupling between the metamodel and the structural model.— Dimensionality reduction of the interface data exchanged during the coupling between flow and structure thermal model and surrogate modeling of the resulting reduced coordinate.This last approach leads to good results on the test case considered in this thesis with fixed inlet boundary conditions and then with variations of some of the inlet parameters.

Experimental Aerothermal Performance of Turbofan Bypass Flow Heat Exchangers

Villafañe Roca, Laura 07 January 2014 (has links)
The path to future aero-engines with more efficient engine architectures requires advanced thermal management technologies to handle the demand of refrigeration and lubrication. Oil systems, holding a double function as lubricant and coolant circuits, require supplemental cooling sources to the conventional fuel based cooling systems as the current oil thermal capacity becomes saturated with future engine developments. The present research focuses on air/oil coolers, which geometrical characteristics and location are designed to minimize aerodynamic effects while maximizing the thermal exchange. The heat exchangers composed of parallel fins are integrated at the inner wall of the secondary duct of a turbofan. The analysis of the interaction between the three-dimensional high velocity bypass flow and the heat exchangers is essential to evaluate and optimize the aero-thermodynamic performances, and to provide data for engine modeling. The objectives of this research are the development of engine testing methods alternative to flight testing, and the characterization of the aerothermal behavior of different finned heat exchanger configurations. A new blow-down wind tunnel test facility was specifically designed to replicate the engine bypass flow in the region of the splitter. The annular sector type test section consists on a complex 3D geometry, as a result of three dimensional numerical flow simulations. The flow evolves over the splitter duplicated at real scale, guided by helicoidally shaped lateral walls. The development of measurement techniques for the present application involved the design of instrumentation, testing procedures and data reduction methods. Detailed studies were focused on multi-hole and fine wire thermocouple probes. Two types of test campaigns were performed dedicated to: flow measurements along the test section for different test configurations, i.e. in the absence of heat exchangers and in the presence of different heat exchanger geometries, and heat transfer measurements on the heat exchanger. As a result contours of flow velocity, angular distributions, total and static pressures, temperatures and turbulence intensities, at different bypass duct axial positions, as well as wall pressures along the test section, were obtained. The analysis of the flow development along the test section allowed the understanding of the different flow behaviors for each test configuration. Comparison of flow variables at each measurement plane permitted quantifying and contrasting the different flow disturbances. Detailed analyses of the flow downstream of the heat exchangers were assessed to characterize the flow in the fins¿ wake region. The aerodynamic performance of each heat exchanger configuration was evaluated in terms of non dimensional pressure losses. Fins convective heat transfer characteristics were derived from the infrared fin surface temperature measurements through a new methodology based on inverse heat transfer methods coupled with conductive heat flux models. The experimental characterization permitted to evaluate the cooling capacity of the investigated type of heat exchangers for the design operational conditions. Finally, the thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger at different points of the flight envelope during a typical commercial mission was estimated by extrapolating the convective properties of the flow to flight conditions. / Villafañe Roca, L. (2013). Experimental Aerothermal Performance of Turbofan Bypass Flow Heat Exchangers [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34774 / TESIS

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