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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apie trečios eilės liestinių sluoksniuočių geometriją / About the tangent bundle geometry order 3

Mickutė, Laura 23 June 2005 (has links)
In this work is analysed the tangent bundle geometry order 3. Those bundles are defined like 3 - jet space. Co - ordinates transformation formulas of those bundles are received, how the object of linear connection inducted affine connections is demonstrated. In this work the theorem how the object of linear connection of tangent bundle inducted linear connection of tangent bundle order 3 is proved.

不對稱政治與兩岸關係 / Politics of Asymmetry and the Cross-Strait Relations

于芝雅, Arday, Julia Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的在於以Brantly Womack的不對稱關係理論,來研究兩岸關係,並測試其理論的有效性。有關不對稱關係理論,原本以經濟及軍事面向為分析焦點。本論文則將民主及主權等相關理論列入分析範疇,並使得不對稱理論的研究範圍擴大。此外,有關第三方的角色,尤其是美國的角色,也納入了論文的討論與分析。因此,不對稱關係的研究,也將從雙邊關係,拓展到三邊關係。本論文將對不對稱的三角關係,作出了理論及政策上的貢獻。 / The basic aim of this current thesis is to place the connection between China and Taiwan into Brantly Womack’s concept of asymmetric connections. The main question of the study is if the relations across the Taiwan Strait are an asymmetric one and if so, does this connection fit into the framework of the mentioned theory. The presence of non-symmetry or the lack of it is to be proven uniquely through the sectors of economy and military, by comparing the two actors in these spheres. With the step of taking these two sectors as the basis of the examination and including a democratically governed territory in the study, not just the limitations of the original concept will be broadened, but a gap will be filled that has existed in the field. Additionally, a third party, the United States is introduced into the connection between Beijing and Taipei. The nature of the study of the relations will change from bilateral to triangular. As a result, the concept of asymmetric triangle will take the place of the asymmetric connections theory for the duration of one chapter.

Estudo teórico-experimental do efeito da laje na transferência de forças em ligações viga-pilar misto preenchido / Experimental and theorical analysis of slab effect on the force transfer strength of steel beam to concrete filled columns connection

Rômulo da Silva Farias 07 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a influência da laje de concreto armado em uma ligação viga-pilar misto mediante um estudo experimental e uma modelagem numérica. A ligação considerada é constituída por uma viga de aço unida a um pilar misto preenchido através de barras rosqueadas que trabalham como parafusos passantes. Esse tipo de ligação já foi investigado em trabalhos anteriores, mediante análise experimental em modelos que não incluíam a laje, resultando em uma indesejável ruptura dos parafusos. A análise da ligação completa, com a presença da laje de concreto tornando a ligação uma ligação mista, além de ser mais realista, melhora as características de resistência e rigidez do modelo, além de tornar mais dúctil o seu comportamento. Para isso foram analisados três modelos experimentais que se diferenciam pela ausência ou tipo de conector de cisalhamento presente na região interna do pilar misto. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a ruptura da ligação passou a ser determinada pela laje, associada ao escoamento da armadura longitudinal sem que a ligação viga-pilar fosse comprometida. Para a análise numérica foi utilizado o pacote computacional DIANA®, baseado no método dos elementos finitos. Os modelos numéricos foram desenvolvidos e calibrados pelos resultados experimentais, produzindo resultados bastante satisfatórios. Finalmente foi realizada uma análise numérica paramétrica variando a armadura longitudinal da laje e a resistência do concreto com o objetivo de se entender melhor a influência desses parâmetros no comportamento da ligação investigada. / The main objective of this work was to analyze the contribution of the concrete slab for the behavior of a steel beam-concrete filled composite column connection through an experimental program and also a numerical modeling. The considered connection was constituted of steel beams connected to a concrete filled tubular column of rectangular cross section by means of passing bars. This type of connection was studied before through an experimental analysis of connections that did not include the slab, resulting in failure of the passing bars. In the present study, the presence of the slab is considered, turning the connection a composite one. The studied model is more representative of the real structure, and also improves the resistance and the stiffness of the connection, turning the behavior more ductile. Three specimens were tested, where the studied variable was the type of shear connector, angles or stud-bolts, and one specimen without connectors as a reference. The obtained results showed that the failure was determined by the slab, associated to the yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement, without affecting the beam column connection. The finite element based software DIANA® was used to the numerical analysis. The numerical models were developed and calibrated by the experimental results, producing a good agreement. Finally, a parametric analysis was done, varying the slab longitudinal reinforcement and the concrete strength in order to better understand the influence of these parameters in the behavior of the studied connection.

Comportamento de chumbadores grauteados de ligações viga-pilar parcialmente resistentes a momento fletor / Behavior of grouted dowel of partial moment resistant beam-to-column connections

Eduardo Aurélio Barros Aguiar 05 May 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento dos chumbadores grauteados, usados em ligações viga-pilar parcialmente resistentes a momento fletor. O foco da pesquisa foi a análise teórica e experimental do mecanismo resistente do chumbador inclinado. O programa experimental englobou 15 modelos, sendo que as variáveis analisados foram: a) diâmetros dos chumbadores, de 16 mm, 20 mm e 25 mm; b) inclinações dos chumbadores, de 0º (chumbador normal à interface), 45º e 60º; c) resistência à compressão do concreto adjacente ao chumbador, sendo usado concreto das classes C35 e C50; d) aplicação de força de compressão normal à interface. Os resultados experimentais indicaram aumentos significativos tanto na capacidade última quanto na rigidez a cisalhamento do chumbador. Foram realizadas simulações numéricas, onde foi verificada a sensibilidade dos resultados aos parâmetros inerentes à interface concreto - almofada de apoio, sendo desenvolvidas expressões para estimar tais parâmetros. Com base na análise experimental e em análises numéricas, foram propostos modelos analíticos que conseguiram representar de forma satisfatória a influência da inclinação e demais parâmetros analisados no mecanismo resistente do chumbador. / This research deals with the behavior of grouted dowels, used in partial moment resistant beam-to-column connections. The focus of the research was the theoretical and experimental analysis of dowels resistant mechanism. The experimental program include 15 models, and its variables analyzed were: a) the dowel diameter of 16 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm; b) the dowel inclination of 0° (dowels perpendicular to the interface), 45° and 60°; c) compressive strength of concrete adjacent to the dowels of classes C35 and C50, d) application of compression load, normal to the interface. Experimental results indicated significant increases in ultimate capacity and the shear stiffness of the dowels. Numerical simulations were carried out which identified the sensitivity of results to the parameters of the interface concrete bearing pad, and developed expressions to estimate such parameters are given. Based on experimental and numerical analysis analytical models have been proposed that could adequately represent the influence of inclination and other parameters in the mechanism resistant dowels.

Reforço e incremento da rigidez à flexão de ligações viga-pilar de estruturas de concreto pré-moldado com polímero reforçado com fibra de carbono (PRFC) / Flexural strengthening and stiffness increasing of precast beam-to-column connections by NSM CFRP strips

Tatiana de Cássia Coutinho Silva da Fonseca 18 December 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma técnica de incremento da resistência e da rigidez à flexão de ligações de elementos de concreto pré-moldado, com aplicação de laminados de polímero reforçado com fibra de carbono (PRFC). O procedimento adotado consiste na colagem dos laminados de PRFC em entalhes no concreto de cobrimento, de acordo com a técnica conhecida como \"near-surface mounted\" (NSM), de modo a incorporar à ligação novos elementos resistentes à tração. Para solidarizar a ligação e possibilitar a transferência de esforços de compressão entre os elementos de concreto existentes, preenchem-se os espaços vazios (grauteamento) com argamassa fluida à base de cimento Portland. Foram desenvolvidos modelos em escala reduzida, com o intuito de representar os mecanismos resistentes de uma ligação viga-pilar composta por encaixe de dente Gerber e consolo, com uso de chumbador, almofada de apoio e graute. Esse tipo de ligação é muito utilizado na construção de galpões e tem, na sua concepção original, comportamento essencialmente de articulação. Em uma etapa preliminar, realizaram-se ensaios para a caracterização da aderência segundo a configuração de reforço proposta. Os resultados dessa análise subsidiaram a fixação do comprimento de laminado a ancorar e a escolha do tipo de resina a empregar para colagem do reforço. Os modelos representativos da técnica de reforço proposta foram preparados, cada um deles, pela montagem de um elemento de pilar-consolo com elementos de viga nos respectivos chumbadores e almofadas. Foram também preparados modelos de referência para o estudo da influência da almofada de apoio e do grauteamento no comportamento resistente e da deformabilidade da ligação. Nesses modelos, as juntas eram perfeitamente conjugadas, isto é, os trechos de viga foram concretados com um elemento pré-moldado de pilar-consolo posicionado dentro da fôrma, sem disposição de almofadas. Todos os modelos de ligação foram reforçados e submetidos a ensaios estáticos. Esses ensaios consistiram na aplicação de carregamento cíclico alternado de curta duração, solicitando-se os modelos a momento fletor positivo ou negativo. Este trabalho também apresenta procedimento executivo de ensaios dinâmicos para avaliação da rigidez dos modelos de ligação em três condições: modelo íntegro reforçado, modelo reforçado fissurado (após aplicação de carregamento de aproximadamente 30% do carregamento de ruptura da ligação, em ensaio estático) e modelo reforçado rompido. Com o reforço, a ligação apresentou comportamento semi-rígido e adquiriu resistência à flexão compatível à de estrutura monolítica armada com barras de PRF. / This work presents the development of a technique for flexural strengthening and stiffness increasing of precast beam-to-column connections by the embedding of FRP strips into grooves made on the concrete cover. According to this technique, the tension in the connection is transferred by the Near-Surface Mounted (NSM) FRP strips. To allow the transference of compression efforts among the concrete elements, the empty spaces are filled out with grout. Small-scale specimens were developed to represent the resistant mechanisms of pined beam-to-column connection composed by elastomeric cushion and dowels. Preliminary experimental tests on bond behavior of NSM strips were carried out. The results analysis conducted the decision about the adhesive type and bond length to be employed in the beam-to-column connection specimens. Each specimen was made of the assembly of a column section connected to beam sections through their respective dowels and cushions. The connection specimens were reinforced by embedding CFRP strips in the lateral concrete cover and filling out the spaces between beams and column. In addition, control specimens were prepared to study the influence of the cushion and grout in the connection performance. In those models, the joints were conjugated perfectly, which means that the beam sections were laid inside the wooden forms and cast together with a precast column section with no cushions between them. Experimental static and dynamic tests were done. The tests results show that strengthened connection exhibits semi-rigid behavior and acquires flexural strength compatible to monolithic structure reinforced with FRP bars.

Estudo teórico-experimental de ligação viga-pilar com almofada de argamassa e chumbador para estruturas de concreto pré-moldado / Theoretical and experimental study of beam-to-column connection with pad of mortar and bolts for precast concrete structures

Fábio Yoshio Sawasaki 05 May 2010 (has links)
As ligações com chumbador e almofada, sem continuidade estrutural, são comumente empregadas em obras de concreto pré-moldado como galpões, edifícios de poucos pavimentos e no topo de pilares. Na análise estrutural, este tipo de ligação é caracterizado como articulado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo fazer um estudo com este tipo de ligação levando em conta que a transferência de momento fletor ocorrerá em função da rigidez proporcionada por uma almofada de compósito de argamassa e por chumbadores de aço. A idéia é considerar o benefício da redução das solicitações nos elementos de concreto pré-moldado, particularmente, na base dos pilares. A análise experimental foi feita com modelos em escala reduzida 1:2. Foram ensaiados quatro modelos da ligação que são: a) Modelo 1 - chumbadores de aço CA-25 e almofada de compósito de argamassa; b) Modelo 2 - chumbadores de aço CA-25 e almofada de policloropreno; c) Modelo 3 - chumbadores de aço CA-50 e almofada de compósito de argamassa e; d) Modelo 4 - chumbadores de aço CA-50 e pilar com largura igual a 50% maior que os casos anteriores e almofada de argamassa. Foi feita ainda a análise numérica tridimensional dos modelos da ligação utilizando o software Ansys e análises de pórtico plano para avaliar a distribuição de solicitações ao longo de estruturas representativas. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de projeto para prever o comportamento da ligação. Com as simulações de pórtico plano, onde foram consideradas as semirigidezes das ligações, obteve-se uma redução de até 48% do momento fletor na base dos pilares para um edifício de quatro pavimentos, cujas ligações viga-pilares apresentavam um consolo de 40 cm, e de 21,8% para um edifício de um pavimento do tipo galpão, cujas ligações continham quatro chumbadores, considerando apenas a carga de frenagem. A análise de deslocamentos nos pórticos planos também aponta o benefício da consideração da semirigidez nas ligações. Uma redução de deslocamento horizontal do topo do pórtico do tipo galpão de até 32,8% para o modelo com ligações com quatro chumbadores e somente força horizontal, e de até 71,9% para o edifício de quatro pavimentos considerando as ligações semirígidas com consolos de 40 cm. / Connections with bolts and pad, without structural continuity, are commonly used in construction of precast concrete as one-storey building, building with a few storeys and on top of columns. In structural analysis, this type of connection is characterized as pinned, that is, without restriction of the rotation on the connection. This work aims to make a study of this type of connection taking into account that the transfer of bending moment will occur due to the stiffness provided by a pad of mortar composite and the steel bolts. The idea is to consider the benefit of reducing the demands on the elements of precast concrete, particularly at the base of the columns. The experimental analysis was done with models scale 1:2. Four models of connection were tested: a) Model 1 - steel bolts CA-25 and pad of mortar composite, b) Model 2 - steel bolts CA-25 and chloroprene rubber pad, c) Model 3 - bolts of CA-50 steel and pad of mortar composite, and d) Model 4 - steel bolts CA-50 and column with a width of 50% larger that the others and mortar pad. It was still a three-dimensional numerical analysis of the lead models using Ansys software and frame plan analysis to evaluate the stress distribution along the representative structures. A model design to predict the behavior of the connection was developed. Based on the numerical simulations on precast concrete frames, semi-rigidity of connections was take in to account, it was obtained a reduction of up to 48% of the bending moment at the base of the columns of a four-storey building, which beam-to-column connections had a corbel 40 cm, and 21,8% for a one-storey building, which connections contained four bolts, considering only the horizontal load. The analysis of displacements in the plane frame also shows the benefit of considering the semi-rigidity connections. Reduction in horizontal displacement of the top of the one-storey building to 32,8% for the model with four bolts in the connections with only horizontal force, and 71,9% for the four-storey buildings with semi-rigid connections considering the corbels of 40 cm.

Structures de Clifford paires et résonances quantiques / Even Clifford structures and Quantum Resonances

Hadfield, Charles 19 June 2017 (has links)
Ce manuscrit se compose de deux parties indépendantes. La première partie de cette thèse étudie les structures de Clifford paires. Pour une variété riemannienne munie d’une structure de Clifford paire, nous introduisons l’espace de twisteurs en généralisant la construction d’un tel espace dans le cas d’une variété quaternion-hermitienne. Nous construisons une structure presque-complexe sur l’espace de twisteurs et considérons son intégrabilité lorsque la structure de Clifford est parallèle. Dans certains cas, nous pouvons aussi le fournir d’une métriquekählerienne ou, correspondant à une structure presque-complexe alternative, d’une métrique “nearly Kähler”. Dans un second temps, nous introduisons une structure appelée Clifford-Weyl sur une variété conforme. Il s’agit d’une structure de Clifford paireq ui est parallèle par rapport au produit tensoriel d’une connexion métrique sur le fibré de Clifford et une connexion de Weyl. Nous démontrons que la connexion de Weyl est fermée sauf dans certains cas génériques de basse dimension où nous arrivons à décrire des exemples explicites où les structures de Clifford-Weyl sont non-fermées. La seconde partie de cette thèse étudie des résonances quantiques. Au-dessus d’une variété asymptotiquement hyperbolique paire, nous considérons le laplacien de Lichnerowicz agissant sur les sections du fibré des formes multilinéaires symétriques.Lorsqu’il s’agit de formes bilinéaires symétriques, nous obtenonsune extension méromorphe de la résolvante dudit laplacien à l’ensemble du plan complexe si la variété est Einstein. Cela définit les résonances quantiques pour ce laplacien. Pour les formes multilinéaires symétriques en général, une telle extension méromorphe est possible si la variété est convexe-cocompacte. Dans les deux cas, nous devons restreindre le laplacien aux sections qui sont de trace et de divergence nulles. Nous utilisons ce deuxième résultat afin d’établir une correspondance classique-quantique pour les variétés hyperboliques convexescocompactes.La correspondance identifie le spectre du flot géodésique (les résonances de Ruelle) avec les spectres des laplaciens agissant sur les tenseurs symétriques qui sont de trace et de divergence nulles (les résonances quantiques). / We study independently even Clfford structures on Riemannian manifolds and quantum resonances on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds. In the first part of this thesis, we study even Clifford structures.First, we introduce the twistor space of a Riemannian manifold with an even Clifford structure. This notion generalises the twistor space of quaternion-Hermitian manifolds. We construct almost complex structures on the twistor space and check their integrability when the even Clifford structure is parallel. In some cases we give Kähler and nearly-Kähler metrics to these spaces. Second, we introduce the concept of a Clifford-Weyl structure on a conformal manifold. This consists of an even Clifford structure parallel with respect to the tensor product of a metric connection on the Clifford bundle and a Weyl structure on the manifold. We show that the Weyl structure is necessarily closed except for some “generic” low-dimensional instances,where explicit examples of non-closed Clifford-Weyl structures are constructed. In the second part of this thesis, we study quantum resonances. First, we consider the Lichnerowicz Laplacian acting on symmetric 2-tensors on manifolds with an even Riemannian conformally compact Einstein metric. The resolvent of the Laplacian,upon restriction to trace-free, divergence-free tensors, is shown to have a meromorphic continuation to the complex plane. This defines quantum resonances for this Laplacian. For higher rank symmetric tensors, a similar result is proved for convex cocompact quotients of hyperbolic space. Second, we apply this result to establish a direct classical-quantum correspondence on convex cocompact hyperbolic manifolds. The correspondence identifies the spectrum of the geodesic flow with the spectrum of the Laplacian acting on trace-free, divergence-free symmetric tensors. This extends the correspondence previously obtained for cocompact quotients

Skleník / Glasshouse

Sejbalová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with design of a load-bearing steel structure, i tis located in ZOO Zlín areal. The building serves as a glasshouse. It is a single-storey building with circle plan, 39,04 m diameter and 15,63 m height. Space construction follows spherical cap of a sphere with diameter 40 m. Variant A building is design as a fuller dome. Variant B building consists of hexagons, which are getting smaller with height, at the upper part is the hexagonal geometry cancelled and geometry made from triangles follows. This thesis contains design of a pedestrian bridge, which carries all technical loads. The thesis contains static report of the beams a design of main joints.

Vivienda Colectiva de Interés Social con Servicios Comunitarios en laderas del Morro Solar / Social Collective Housing with Comunity Services in hillsides of the Morro Solar

Rojas Alarcón, Alejandro Claver 21 January 2020 (has links)
El proyecto está situado en las laderas al sur de la ciudad de Lima. Actualmente existe una serie de problemas urbanos tales como la escasez de áreas verdes, problemas de accesibilidad, falta de conexión peatonal y vehicular, déficit de equipamiento urbano, que afecta la calidad de vida de los pobladores. Las laderas de Lima se han ido poblando sin tener referentes, ni participación del Estado, que hoy han llegado a albergar a más de 3 millón de personas. Es por esto que se planteó la solución de acoplarse a las propuestas de intervención del programa Barrio Mío y el Plan de Desarrollo Urbano de Lima y Callao (PLAM 2035) en las laderas del Morro Solar en Chorrillos. La propuesta de tesis se enfoca en crear nueva infraestructura habitacional, con la “progresividad” como herramienta fundamental para el diseño y materialización de las diversas tipologías de vivienda, permitirá que esta sea mejorada, transformada y adaptada a las necesidades y preferencias de sus habitantes. El diseño arquitectónico está basado en la disposición e inserción de los bloques de vivienda perpendiculares a la topografía, y a través de ellos, cruza la “alameda central” del proyecto, donde ocurren diversas actividades comerciales que permiten la interacción entre usuarios. En los bloques, se propuso la “calle elevada” que conecta las viviendas en todos los pisos con el espacio urbano en ladera, que busca no ser un corredor o lugar de paso, sino de permanencia. / The project is located on the hills of the city of Lima. There are currently a series of urban problems such as the lack of green areas, accessibility problems, lack of pedestrian and vehicular connection, urban equipment deficit, which affects the quality of life of the inhabitants. The hillsides of Lima have been populated without having references, or participation of the State, which today have reached more than 3 million people. That is why the solution was proposed to join the intervention proposals of the Barrio Mío program and the Urban Development Plan of Lima and Callao (PLAM 2035) on the slopes of the Morro Solar in Chorrillos. The thesis proposal focuses on creating new housing infrastructure, with “progressivity” as a fundamental tool for the design and materialization of the different types of housing, it will allow it to be improved, transformed and adapted to the needs and preferences of its inhabitants. The architectural design is based on the layout and insertion of the housing blocks perpendicular to the topography, and through them, crosses the “central mall” of the project, where various commercial activities occur that allow interaction between users. In the blocks, the “elevated street” that connects the houses on all floors with the urban hillside space, which seeks not to be a corridor or place of passage, but of permanence, was proposed. / Tesis

Návrh severního sjezdu z VRT do stanice Světlá nad Sázavou / Design of the Southern Connection from the High-Speed Line to Svetla nad Sazavou Station

Dvořák, Matěj January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis contains the design of the alternative northern connection of high-speed track Prague – Brno – Breclav to station Svetla nad Sazavou, including optimization of the main track between kilometres 95.3 and 102.3. This connection will be used as the temporary end of the high-speed track. Design speeds of the connection are 160 kph and 200 kph, switches are in kilometres 95.9 and 98.5.

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