Spelling suggestions: "subject:"consolidation."" "subject:"konsolidation.""
771 |
Effet de la pratique mixte sur les processus de consolidation lors de l'apprentissage concomitant de deux tâches interférentesLéonard, Marc-André 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Srovnání vodohospodářských zařízení v k.ú. Vidov, k.ú. Lékařova Lhota a k.ú. Roudné po pozemkových úpravách / Comparison of Water Management Structures in Cadasters Vidov, Lékařova Lhota and Roudné after Land ConsolidationsSTIFTER, Vilém January 2015 (has links)
The extent of measures against erosion and floods, which belong to water management structures, is enormous. Any of these, including the technical, agrotechnical and organizational ones, should be correctly incorporated into the landscape. Erosion is a natural phenomenon, often affected by man (unsuitable agricultural practices, growing of monocultures), causing considerable damages. In the frame of land consolidation, these measures should perform positively and act against natural disasters. My task was to compare the effects of these measures on three model cases of land consolidation: cadasters of Vidov, Lékařova Lhota and Roudné. My comparison was based on several points, mentioned in detail in my thesis, chapter 3: Main aims. In the Conclusions I summarize, whether or not these measures are in accord with the project documentation and whether or not they had a positive effect on the site and in which extent.
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Zpracování návrhu pozemkové úpravy ve zvolené lokalitě / Projection of land consolidation for selected localityMENCL, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the proposal of land consolidation in the cadastral area Břeží u Žinkov. Description of the area is the part of the land consolidation as well as erosion control measures to protect the land fund, measures to access to the property, measures for the creation and protection of the environment and water management. The final part of the proposal is to create the claims inventory of three owners and to propose a new land arrangement for selected owners. The results of this thesis are the improvement of environment protection and suitable solution of the land arrangement.
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Papel de mTOR na formação e reconsolidação da memóriaJobim, Paulo Fernandes Costa January 2011 (has links)
Novas informações assimiladas pelo sistema nervoso primeiramente ficam em um estado de labilidade para depois se estabilizarem através de um processo conhecido como consolidação, que envolve síntese de proteínas. Depois da reativação, uma memória previamente consolidada retorna ao seu estado de labilidade, e para que volte a ser estável, é necessário que haja novamente síntese de proteínas. Este segundo processo é chamado de reconsolidação. Recentemente os mecanismos moleculares e celulares envolvidos na regulação da síntese protéica relacionados à formação de memória de longa duração vêm sendo esclarecidos. A proteína alvo da rapamicina em mamíferos (mTOR) modula a plasticidade sináptica pela regulação da fosforilação de dois alvos: a proteína ribossomal S6K e a proteína de ligação 4E. A amígdala basolateral e o hipocampo dorsal são parte integrante do sistema neural envolvido na formação e expressão de diversos tipos de memórias. Estudos indicam que a via de sinalização da mTOR no hipocampo tem um papel importante na consolidação da memória de ratos submetidos a tarefa de esquiva inibitória e reconhecimento de objetos e na reconsolidação da memória de medo contextual condicionado. Contudo, estudos anteriores não avaliaram o efeito da inibição de mTOR amigdalar sobre a memória de esquiva inibitória e reconhecimento de objetos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar o efeito da inibição de mTOR na amígdala basolateral por rapamicina na consolidação e reconsolidação da memória de esquiva inibitória e reconhecimento de objetos e comparar estes resultados com a inibição de mTOR no hipocampo. Ratos Wistar machos foram submetidos à cirurgia estereotáxica para implantação de cânulas na amígdala basolateral e hipocampo dorsal. Os animais foram submetidos à tarefa de esquiva inibitória, um modelo animal de memória de caráter aversivo, e a tarefa de reconhecimento de objetos, um modelo animal de memória de caráter pouco aversivo. Para investigar o efeito da inibição de mTOR na consolidação e reconsolidação da memória, os animais receberam microinfusões de rapamicina intra-amigdalar e intra-hipocampal em diferentes tempos em torno do treino e do teste. Nós demonstramos que a via de sinalização de mTOR na amígdala basolateral é necessária para consolidação da memória de esquiva inibitória e de reconhecimento de objetos. Nós também mostramos que a reativação torna a memória novamente suscetível e sensível à inibição de mTOR por rapamicina. / Memory formation requires protein synthesis, but only recently the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of protein synthesis related to the formation of long term memory has been elucidated. During memory formation, new information is acquired by the central nervous system as an initially fragile trace that over time becomes stable through a process known as consolidation. After reactivation, previously consolidated memories might return to a labile state, requiring a new round of protein synthesis to be restabilized. This second process is called reconsolidation. The basolateral amygdala and dorsal hippocampus are part of the neural systems involved in the formation and expression of several types of memory. One key regulator of protein synthesis is mTOR, a protein critical for different forms of synaptic plasticity by regulation of two targets: S6K and 4EBP. Evidence indicates that the mTOR signaling pathway in hippocampus has an important role in consolidation in rats of inhibitory avoidance and object recognition in rats, as well as in reconsolidation of contextual fear conditioning. However, previous studies have not examinated the effect of amygdalar mTOR inhibition on reconsolidation of inhibitory avoidance and object recognition. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of amygdalar mTOR inhibition by rapamycin on consolidation and reconsolidation of inhibitory avoidance and object recognition, and compare the results with those obtained with hippocampal mTOR inhibition. Male rats Wistar underwent stereotaxic surgeries for cannulae implantation above the basolateral amygdala or dorsal hippocampus. After recovery, the animals were trained in inhibitory avoidance, an aversive memory task, or object recognition, a less aversive task. To investigate the effect of mTOR inhibition on memory consolidation and reconsolidation, we administered rapamycin, a specific mTOR inhibitor, into the basolateral amygdala or the dorsal hippocampus before or after training or reactivation. Our results provide evidence that mTOR in the basolateral amygdala and hippocampus might play a role in inhibitory avoidance and object recognition memory formation and reconsolidation.
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Estudo comparativo de ensaios de compressão confinada em argilas e areias saturadas utilizando o ensaio CRS / Comparative study of confined compression tests on saturated clays and sands using the CRS testMontemezzo, Rodrigo Fabiano January 2005 (has links)
Nesta dissertação é descrita a construção de um equipamento de ensaio de adensamento com velocidade de deformação constante (CRS) no Laboratório de Geotecnologia (LAGEO). Durante os testes de funcionamento, foram ensaiados dois solos: um solo arenoso obtido junto ao trevo de acesso da BR 290 (Free Way) no município de Santo Antonio da Patrulha e um solo argiloso coletado no pátio da Infraero na Av. Sertório em Porto Alegre. Foram realizados um total de 17 ensaios incluindo ensaios convencionais em amostra indeformada de areia e de argila, ensaios convencionais em amostras deformadas de areia e de argila, ensaios em prensa pneumática com carga incremental e ensaios CRS em amostras deformadas e indeformadas. As diferentes técnicas empregadas na obtenção dos resultados mostraram-se bastante satisfatórias e as concordâncias alcançadas nas curvas de “e x σ’v (esc. log)” mostraram a adequação do equipamento desenvolvido. Os ensaios em argila puderam ser realizados com tempos de 4 a 8 horas com resultados comparáveis aos convencionais, especialmente em relação aos coeficientes de adensamento. A utilização de diferentes velocidades de deformação mostrou a influência da velocidade nos resultados. / In this work an apparatus for consolidation tests with constant rate of strain has been built and tested in the Laboratório de Geotecnologia (LAGEO) of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). During the initial tests two soils were tested: a sandy soil obtained close to the road junction of the BR 290 (Free Way) with the access of Santo Antonio da Parulha town and a clayey soil sampled in the Infraero plot at Av. Sertório, Porto Alegre. A total of 17 tests were carried out, including conventional tests on undisturbed samples of the clay and the sandy soil, conventional tests on remoulded samples of sandy and clayey soils, tests on a pneumatic frame with incremental loads and tests with constant rate of strain (CRS) on remoulded and undisturbed specimens. The various test techniques employed resulted in quite comparable results. The similarity of the curves “e x σ’v (log)” showed the quality of the apparatus built. The test on clay were carried out in 4h to 8h with comparable results to the conventional tests which take much longer times. The results are quite similar in relation to the coefficients of consolidation. The use of differente rates of strain in some tests showed the influence of the rate in the test results.
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Rozhodčí pravidla UNCITRAL a jejich využití v praxi / Application of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules in practice.Hejný, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
- Application of the UNCITRALArbitration Rules in practice This master thesis deals with the new trends in arbitration and their applicability by the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as the most important ad hoc arbitration rules worldwide. The purpose of the master thesis is to clarify how UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules are applied in practice related to the new trends and compared to "rival" institutionalized arbitration rules. The aim of the master thesis is to determine which of these trends can be incorporated in the form of new provisions into the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and to what extent such an amendment would be beneficial to the "user" of these rules. It is worth noting that the aim of the thesis is not to provide an exhaustive enumeration of all current trends in the arbitration. The thesis is divided into three parts; each part is made up of several chapters. The first part analyzes the basic elements of the arbitration, the differences between institutionalized and ad hoc arbitration as well as the basic elements of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The second part deals with the new trends in arbitration: expedited procedure, summary procedure (summary dismissal) and consolidation of arbitrations. In the introduction, there is a list of all above-mentioned trends in the arbitration. In later...
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The impact of food and beverage mergers on the shareholder value with specific reference to South AfricaMyeni, Wiseman Bellingham Wanda January 2007 (has links)
This study is aimed at investigating the effect of mergers and acquisitions on the share
prices and dividends involving South African companies in the food and beverage
A sample of 79 mergers from 1999 to 2005 was used. The data was analysed using the
event study methodology and descriptive statistics. In addition, the paired t-test was also
conducted to test the significance of the results. The results were presented using graphs,
tables and charts.
The results showed that target companies obtained negative abnormal returns during the
announcement of mergers while acquiring companies on the other hand received positive
abnormal returns. The results imply that it can no longer be generalized that target
companies always win and acquiring companies lose during the merger activity.
On the other hand, the dividends for target companies increased significantly after the
merger, while the dividends for acquiring companies remained insignificantly negative
after the merger. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBL
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Caminhos e descaminhos do processo de democratização de Moçambique : democratização pacífica ou uma trégua tensa?Cuco, Arcénio Francisco January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho discute o processo de democratização de Moçambique, iniciado em 1992 com o Acordo Geral de Paz (AGP) entre o Governo liderado pela Frelimo (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique) e a Renamo (Resistência Nacional de Moçambique), que pôs fim a uma guerra civil que durou dezesseis anos. Embora haja outros partidos políticos, o processo de democratização tem-se polarizado entre a Frelimo e a Renamo. Por essa razão a discussão do tema está em torno destes dois partidos, pois suas ações são determinantes para a consolidação da democracia no país. A pesquisa foca-se especialmente ao período 2005-2015 (período do governo de Armando Guebuza) momento em que várias incertezas, quanto à possibilidade da consolidação democrática, marcaram o processo. Neste sentido, a pesquisa tem como questão de partida a seguinte: Quais as possibilidades e limites para uma eventual consolidação democrática em Moçambique? Ou seja, que fatores podem contribuir para que a democracia moçambicana se consolide? Defende-se a ideia de que a democracia em Moçambique está sendo construída num ambiente em que os dois principais atores (Frelimo/Renamo) responsáveis pela assinatura do AGP conservam um poder real. Por um lado a Frelimo controla o Poder desde o AGP, em 1992, e por via disso o controlo da Forças de Defesa e Segurança e, por outro lado, a Renamo mantendo um grupo de milícias armados alegadamente para proteger o seu líder. Esta situação alimenta um conflito armado latente com todos os elementos para brotar a qualquer momento O principal objetivo é analisar criticamente a influência da polarização do processo entre a Frelimo e a Renamo para a consolidação da democracia em Moçambique. Esta discussão se enquadra dentro do tema de transições política e consolidação democrática, que vem dominando alguns debates dentro da Ciência Política, sobretudo aos dilemas da passagem de um regime de caráter autoritário para um regime de natureza democrático e os dilemas da consolidação do sistema democrático. A pesquisa é de natureza documental, destacando-se três tipos de documentos: oficiais (protocolos do AGP, algumas leis fundamentais e alguns vídeos contendo discursos das principais lideranças desses partidos); jornais (Savana e Notícias e Boletim sobre o Processo Político em Moçambique) e; relatórios acadêmicos (Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos, afrobarometer, Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project). / Seeking to discuss about the Mozambican process of democratization, which began in 1992 with the Peace General Accord between Frelimo (Mozambique Liberation Front), the Party Government leader at the time, and Renamo (Mozambique National Resistance), the armed opposition, which ended a civil war that lasted sixteen, is drawn up this research. Although there are other political parties, the process of democratization is being polarized by Frelimo and Renamo. Thus, the topic of debate is around these two parties because their actions are crucial for the country democracy consolidation. This study focus on Armando Guebuzas governance era (2005-2015) time that so many uncertainties situations, in terms of possibility of democratic consolidation, marked the process. In this term the query is, are there possibilities and limits of an eventual democratic consolidation in Mozambique? In other words, which key factors can contribute to consolidate the Mozambique's democracy? It argue that, democracy in Mozambique is being built in an environment in which the two main actors (Frelimo / Renamo) responsible for signing the GPA retain real power. On the one hand, Frelimo has been in control of Power since the GPA in 1992, and thus, controls the Defense and Security Forces and, on the other hand, Renamo maintaining a group of armed militias allegedly to protect its leader This situation fuels a latent armed conflict with all the elements to sprout at any moment.The main objective is to analyze critically the influence of this polarization of Frelimo and Renamo, on the process, for democracy consolidation in Mozambique. This debate falls on theme of political transition and democratic consolidation, mainstream of debates in political science, especially to the dilemmas of the passage of an authoritarian regime to a system of democratic nature and dilemmas of democratic consolidation system. It´s a documentary research based in three type of documents: official (GPA protocols, some fundamental laws and some videos containing speeches of the main leaders of these parties), newspapers (Savana, Notícias and Boletim sobre o processo político em Moçambique) and; academic reports (Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos, afrobarometer, Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project).
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[pt] No presente trabalho é realizado um estudo experimental das
características de compressibilidade e adensamento de
argilas moles. Foram
realizados ensaios convencionais de adensamento (SIC) e
ensaios de
adensamento com velocidade constante de deformação (CRS) -
em diferentes
velocidades - ensaios de adensamento com uma face drenante
e ensaios
traxiais. As amostras foram remoldadas em laboratório, a
partir de uma mistura
de bentonita e caulim, na proporção de 98 : 2 em peso, e
istoropicamente, a fim de se garantir uma melhor qualidade
quanto à
homogeneidade e isotropia do material. Os resultados são
obtidos e analisados
através das curvas típicas para os ensaios de adensamento.
São obtidos os
valores dos parâmetros de compressibilidade e de
adensamento do material. Por
fim é proposto um novo método para obtenção coeficiente de
vertical (Cv) e feita uma análise comparativa com métodos
existentes na
literatura. / [en] In the present work it is carried out an experimental
study of the
compressibility characteristics and consolidation of a
soft clay. Standard
Incremental Consolidation (SIC) and Constant Rate of
strain (CRS) - in different
speeds - triaxiais tests and consolidation with one
drenate tests had been carried
trough. The samples had been remoulds in laboratory, from
a mixture of
bentonita and kaolin, in the ratio 98 : 2 In weight, and
confined under isotropic
conditions, in order to guarantee one better quality how
much to the homogeneity
and isotropy of the material. The results are gotten and
analyzed through the
typical curves for consolidation tests. The values of the
parameters of
compressibility and consolidation of the material are
gotten. Finally a new method
for attainment of the vertical consolidation coefficient
(Cv) and made a
comparative analysis with existing methods in literature
is considered.
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Porovnání zásad tvorby KPÚ v zahraničí a v ČR / Comparison of principles of land consolidation in the Czech republic and abroadBOČEK, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis confronts the evaluation of land consolidation in various European countries and compares their approaches to implementation of land consolidation with the approach used in the Czech Republic. Detailed characteristics of the countries were supposed to point out a variety of problems that the described countries had to deal with. Every country was discussed in a separate chapter in which it was given enough space for an extensive description. The description of the countries included a briefly summarized historical development of land consolidation, legislative data used for the implementation of land consolidation and means of solving various problems of the realization of land consolidation in the selected countries. The assessed countries were the Czech Republic, Romania, Cyprus and Sweden. The conclusion of the thesis illustrates the fact that the means of the realization of land consolidation in each country come close to each other due to, among others, the possibility of drawing subsidies from the European Union funds.
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