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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de destinação de resíduos da construção civil baseado na análise da infraestrutura e legislação do município de São Paulo / Model of waste disposal of the civil construction based on the analysis of the infrastructure and legislation of the municipality of São Paulo

Pedro Lombardi Filho 31 May 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação focou na análise do sistema de gerenciamento de transporte e destinação dos RCC gerados na cidade de São Paulo e na elaboração de uma descrição funcional para um programa tutorial futuro que possibilite a aproximação dos usuários geradores de RCC às soluções mais adequadas de coleta, transporte e destinação fornecidas pelo município. Para tanto, foram coletados dados das empresas de transporte e receptoras de RCC e foi feito o mapeamento destas na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Foram analisadas as informações disponibilizadas pelo poder público quanto ao seu acesso e à participação dos usuários no processo, assim como o papel do Estado, não só como agente fiscalizador, mas também como motivador e educador. A infraestrutura do sistema de transporte e destinação dos RCC foi avaliada e o fluxograma do processo foi montado, considerando essa análise e a sequência de fluxos. O fluxo delineado demonstra vários caminhos em consequência das quantidades geradas de RCC e das suas classes, que determinam os tipos de transporte e os locais de destinação. Quanto às informações disponibilizadas pela prefeitura, as mesmas não são adequadas, pois seu acesso não está claro nos sites oficiais e faltam elementos que facilitem a compreensão dos usuários geradores para a integração efetiva no processo / This dissertation has focused on the analysis of the management system of transport and destination of RCCs generated in the city of São Paulo and on the elaboration of a functional description for a future tutorial program that will allow an approximation of the RCC generating users to more adequate solutions for collection, transport and destination offered by the municipality. For this purpose, data were collected from the RCC transport and receiver companies and a mapping of the metropolitan region of São Paulo was made. The information provided by the public authority was analyzed as to its access and the participation of users in the process, as well as the role of the State both as a fiscal agent and as a motivator and educator. The infrastructure of RCC transport and destination system was evaluated and the flowchart of the process was created considering this analysis and the sequence of flows. The outlined flow demonstrates several paths as a result of the quantities of RCC generated and of their classes, which determines the types of transport and the locations of destination. The information made available by the town hall is not adequate though, because its access is not clear on the official sites and the elements that facilitate the understanding of the generating users for an effective integration in the process are missing

Lönsamhet med avfallshantering i produktion : En utvärdering av Skanska. Sandåkern etapp 1 och etapp 2 / Profitability of waste management in production : An evaluation of Skanska, Sandåkern Stage 1 and Stage 2

Stenman Sandman, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
On behalf of Skanska, the goal is to develop proposals for improving the work environment around the waste management to improve the sorting of construction waste to ultimately reduce costs and improve the order of the workplace. The study involves comparing two construction stages erected by Skanska with Riksbyggen contracting Sandåkern in Umeå. Why was there more residue in the second stage than in the first? What can be useful for future projects and what opportunities should we create in order to reach a continuous improvement on both the working environment and sorting of waste? Interviews are the basis for some of the conclusions about the differences in the amounts of waste at the two stages and are included as appendices, at the end of this thesis. A combined result from the questions asked during the introduction has resulted in an "Easy to do right" - template. Where the idea is that the template is to become a poster at the workplace in size A3. The poster will contain small, simple tips on how waste can be reduced and the work environment could be improved. This can be achieved by sorting through the materials available on site and keep the necessary things, which will improve the overview of what is available and fewer materials would break or disappear due to a messy environment. It is good to use both breaks and lunches to dispose of materials with the “feed-cart” and bring the cart back after the break. Let everyone participate in how to developing the workplace and what kind of daily routines it should have. It makes everyone become more committed to keep on doing it. A cable that hangs down from the ceiling or the floor could cause an injury, this need to be taken care of by securing it so no one will get hurt. Holes that may exist should also be covered so that no one will trip and fall. Sorting out the fractions will save money since then the waste company doesn’t have to charge extra for their sorting of the recycled materials. When everyone keeps a high level of cleanliness it reduces the spread of dust, clutter in the workplace and prevents materials from getting destroyed which would result in an increased amount of waste. The management of construction waste can be improved with simple and sound means, which will create a safer work environment and a quieter life. Through these small, simple means there is both the environment and money to save and a sense of coming home healthy and happy to ones family at the end of the work day. It is something that we all want to achieve, not only construction companies, but also individual to be happy with their work. Let's put our heads together and build a better and safer future for both nature and the individual. / Examensarbetet är utfört efter ett förslag från Skanska Hus med målsättningen att ta fram förslag till förbättringar av arbetsmiljön kring avfallshanteringen och med den kunna förbättra sorteringen av byggavfallet för att i slutändan kunna minska kostnader och få en bättre ordning på arbetsplatsen. Studien handlar om att jämföra två etapper som utfördes av Skanska med Riksbyggen som byggherre på Sandåkern i Umeå. Varför blev det mer avfall på den ena etappen än den andra? Vilka delar kan vi ta med oss till kommande projekt och vilka möjligheter bör vi hitta för att nå en ständig förbättring kring både arbetsmiljö och sortering av avfall? Intervjuer ligger till grund för några av de slutsatser kring skillnaderna i avfallsmängderna på de båda etapperna och finns med som bilagor. (Bilaga 1, 5, 6) Resultatet från de frågeställningar som ställs under inledningsdelen ligger till grund för ”Lätt att göra rätt” – mall. Tanken att mallen ska kunna bli en poster ute på arbetsplatsen i A3 storlek. Där presenteras små enkla tips om hur avfallsmängder kan reduceras och arbetsmiljön förbättras. Avfallsmängden kan minskas genom att sortera materialet på plats och endast försöka ha det mest nödvändiga kvar. Det ger en bättre överblick över vad som finns och material som går sönder eller minskas. Det är bra att använda tiden runt raster och luncher att frakta bort material i fodervagn Starke Arvid och ta med vagnen tillbaka efter rasten. Alla ska vara delaktiga i hur arbetsplatsen utformas och vilka rutiner som bör finnas. Det gör att alla blir mer engagerade för för gjorda överenskommelser. Att vara noga med säkerheten och arbetsmiljön, t.ex. genom att hänga upp kablar från golv och tak och täcka eventuella hål för undvikande av fallolyckor. Genom att sortera upp fraktioner väl sparar det pengar på eftersortering men även återanvändning av återvunnet material. Om alla håller städningen på en bra nivå minskar dammspridningen, oreda på arbetsplatsen och materialförstörelse som resulterar i ökad avfallsmängd. Hanteringen av byggavfall kan förbättras med enkla och sunda medel, vilket skapar en tryggare arbetsmiljö och en lugnare arbetsdag. Genom dessa enkla små medel finns det både pengar att hämta, en miljö att rädda och en känsla av att komma hem hel och glad till sin familj i slutet av arbetsdagen. Det är något som vi alla vill uppnå, inte bara byggföretaget utan även individen som ska trivas med sitt arbete. Om vi slår våra kloka huvuden ihop så bygger vi en bättre och tryggare framtid för såväl naturen som individen.

Bygg- och rivningsavfall- Hanteras kakel och klinker på rätt sätt? / Construction- and demolition wasteAre tile and clinker handled correctly?

Läckgren, Robin, Osama, Yesen January 2014 (has links)
Inom byggbranschen omsätts stora mängder byggavfall. Avfallet är svårt att hantera för att det består av så stora mängder. Restavfall som kommer från en byggarbetsplats källsorteras. Avfall från byggnation och rivning innehåller många olika typer av miljöfarliga ämnen, vilket förorsakar miljöföroreningar. Farliga ämnen riskerar att läcka ut i marken och ut i naturen. Branschen har funderat på om kakel och klinkers verkligen deponeras på rätt sätt idag från byggavfall och rivning. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka om kakel och klinkers innehåller metaller som kan vara miljöfarliga. Halterna i ytskikten uppmättes och genom att utföra laktester kunde vi analysera avgivningen från materialen i olika miljöer. Det visade sig att kakel och klinker innehåller höga halter av metaller som kan läcka ut till omgivningen vid lågt pH-värde. Slutsatsen från laktesterna är att om kakel och klinker hanteras på rätt sätt i neutral eller basisk miljö är det inte miljöfarligt, eftersom samtliga utlakningsvärden vid pH åtta till tio låg inom gränserna. Men vi ser en fara om kakel och klinker hamnar i en sur miljö som har ett lågt pH runt fem till sex. Då är kakel och klinker inte inert avfall och skall alltså inte hanteras som det. Detta gör att kakel och klinker inte bör användas som till exempel fyllnadsmassor, utan att det bör deponeras som det görs idag. Arbetet bygger till stor del på diskussioner och samtal med Structor i Örebro och MTM på Örebro Universitet. / The construction industry deals with large quantities of construction waste. The waste is difficult to manage because of large amounts. Residual waste that comes from a construction site is recycled. Waste from construction and demolition includes many different types of pollutants causing environmental pollution. Hazardous substances likely to leach into the soil and into the wild. Structor have been thinking about if tile and clinkers tiles really are deposited in the right way today from construction waste and demolition. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether tile and clinker contains metals that can be harmful to the environment. The contents in the surface layers were measured and by performing leaching tests, we could analyze the leakage from materials in different surroundings. The samples proved that tile and clinker have high level of metals in the materials that can be given off to the environment at low pH. The conclusion from the leaching tests is that if the tiles are handled properly in the neutral or alkaline environment, it is not harmful to the environment because all results of leaching tests at pH values between eight and ten were within limits. But we see a danger if tiles end up in an acidic environment that has a low pH of around five to six. Then the tiles are not inert waste and therefore should not be handled like that. Tiles should thus not be used to such as aggregate, but it should be deposited as is done today. The work is largely based on discussions and conversations with Structor in Örebro and MTM at Örebro University.

Propuesta de agregado reciclado para la elaboración de concreto estructural con f’c=280 kg/cm2 en estructuras aporticadas en la ciudad de Lima para reducir la contaminación ambiental / Proposal of recycled aggregate for the elaboration of structural concrete with f’c = 280 kg/cm2 in structures provided in the city of Lima to reduce environmental pollution

Bazalar La Puerta, Luis Ricardo, Cadenillas Calderón, Miguel Antonio Jesús 23 October 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación para optar el título en Ingeniería Civil, con énfasis en la rama de construcción, tuvo como finalidad evaluar y comparar el comportamiento del concreto con diferentes proporciones de sustitución de agregado grueso natural (AN) por agregados de concreto reciclado (ACR) con el fin obtener un diseño de concreto que permita la disminucion y uso de agregados naturales, y asi disminuir la depredacion de canteras. El comportamiento se evaluó mediante el análisis de las propiedades mecánicas y durabilidad de los tipos de mezclas realizados con el objetivo de obtener una proporción de sustitución óptima de AN por ACR para que las propiedades se encuentren dentro de los parámetros que indican las normas. Por otro lado, se realizó un modelo de una estructura aporticada para hacer una Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental mediante el uso de la metodología Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) en el programa Athena y, posteriormente, se comparó los resultados obtenidos en dicho programa. / The present research work to choose the degree in Civil Engineering, with emphasis in the construction branch, had the purpose of evaluating and comparing the behavior of concrete with different proportions of substitution of natural coarse aggregate (AN) by aggregates of recycled concrete (ACR ) in order to obtain a concrete design that allows the reduction and use of natural aggregates, and thus reduce the depredation of quarries. The behavior was evaluated by analyzing the mechanical properties and durability of the types of mixtures made with the objective of obtaining an optimal substitution ratio of AN by ACR so that the properties are within the parameters indicated by the standards. On the other hand, a model of a contributed structure was made to make an Environmental Impact Assessment by using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology in the Athena program and, subsequently, the results obtained in said program were compared. / Tesis

Moderní jednotka pro energetické využití odpadů o střední kapacitě / Up-to-Date Medium Capacity Waste-to-Energy Unit

Krišpín, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The submitted Master Thesis deals with the technological/mechanical solution of an up-to-date medium capacity waste-to-energy plant. Operational requirements and basic parameters related to a concrete region are specified in the introduction of the Thesis. This is supplemented by a flow-sheet of the plant with the description of main process subsystems. To meet the goals of the Thesis basic balance information is summarized and related schemes included. These data represent principal inputs for the on-site plant as well as basic parameters for the design of key equipment. These pieces of equipment are schematically drawn including their basic parameters and a description of construction. All the available innovative solutions are taken into account. The Thesis provides also a technical-economic analysis for being able to evaluate the overall project.

Blandat byggavfall : Vägen mot en miljömässig hållbar avfallshantering / Mixed construction waste : The path to environmentally sustainable waste management

Stenmark, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Construction of new buildings and restoration of existing buildings is causing waste. Often,the waste consists of a mixture of different materials, also called “mixed waste”. Waste fromconstruction sites stands for over 35 % of the entirely waste in amount Sweden and is aconsiderable contributing factor to the carbon dioxide emissions. It is very important that theamount of waste is reduced, and different materials are separated in order to achieve increasedsustainability. This report will examine the alternatives for building companies to minimisethe mixed waste fraction from their construction sites, using waste statistics from constructionprojects in the northern part of Sweden and a survey answered from the site managers at theconstruction company. The results show that mixed waste is one of the largest fractions ofwaste from construction projects, and it is also one of the most expensive fractions. Theenvironmental benefits and the economic gain a reduced mixed waste can contribute with, isan important step to reduce the climate impact from construction work. This paper willhopefully inspire some new ideas for minimising the mixed waste fraction at constructionproject, for example the displaying of containers for the different waste fractions. To separatethe different waste fractions efficiently and is beneficial regarding the environmental impactand the economy of the building companies.

Ökad källsortering för materialåtervinning : Åtgärdsförslag för att minska mängden byggavfall som källsorteras i fraktionen brännbart

Langborg, Julia, Tavana Nejad, Frida January 2020 (has links)
There is a great need for reducing the extraction of limited resources of the Earth today. Oneway to achieve this, inter alia, is through increased recycling of material. The UN is activelytaking action on the matter, on a global level, and regionally the European Union hasdeveloped a directive on material waste. The Swedish construction sector is responsible forapproximately a third of the total generated waste, and measures regarding construction wasteshould thus be prioritized. Based on the abovementioned EU directive, the SwedishEnvironmental Protection Agency has developed a national action plan for waste, in whichconstruction and demolition waste is a focal point. JM AB is one of the leading corporationsin the Nordic countries in terms of housing development projects and one of their keyconcepts is sustainability. Not only does JM conduct its work in accordance with the currentrecommendations of both national and regional bodies, but in addition it has raised theambitions even further.JM is actively working to reduce the amount of landfill waste as well as the total amount ofwaste, and it has a good structure in place for doing so. An area of improvement with recyclingthat has now been identified is separation at source of combustible waste. Materials such aswood, plastics and corrugated cardboard can be separated from other combustible materials.This would not only increase the waste being recycled but also decrease the waste being burntfor energy extraction. The purpose of this thesis is to examine obstacles and possibilitieswithin the current recycling of combustible waste. The main ambition is for the results toprovide a foundation for the work of JM with regards to this, but hopefully other corporationsand actors within the construction sector will find the results useful and helpful as well.An internal survey was conducted and the questionnaire included both open questions andquestions with multiple-choice answers. Six employees at JM also participated in interviews.For added depth and more thorough analysis two waste contractors were also interviewed.Furthermore, a literature review was conducted and suggested that there is a strong need forchange in recycling within the entire construction sector. The review also showed that manysimilar problems exist in other construction companies.The survey, literature review and interviews lead to several action proposals of varying extentand complexity. Some of them are more specific, such as clearer signage on containers, newtank solutions, introduction of recycling instructions, and focus on recycling of wrappingplastics. Other proposals respond to more complex issues, such as a lack of commitment andsubstandard planning in the initial stages. What increases dedication and commitment is veryspecific for each individual. A shift in behavior relative to recycling, as well as increasedknowledge of combustibles, are both necessary. For this to happen a continuous effort isrequired, which in and of itself is a challenge, as well as clear leadership, division ofresponsibilities, and top down support within the corporate group.In a broader perspective, better cooperation from all actors within the construction sector isnecessary. An increased producer responsibility overall is required and improvements inwaste management alone is not sufficient. Producers should ensure that products andwrapping can be reused or recycled. This requires better and easier access to recycling, butalso a viable market for recycled material, and by extension manufacturers should be obligedto use more recycled material in their products.

Utilização de veículo aéreo não tripulado (VANT) na identificação de resíduos de construção civil (RCC) dispostos em locais inadequados

Parente, Dênis Cardoso 09 November 2016 (has links)
Existe um número considerável de áreas utilizadas como pontos de descarte de resíduos de construção civil na cidade de Palmas – TO que extrapolam o alcance das ferramentas de controle e fiscalização do município, principalmente em pontos dentro do perímetro urbano. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo principal verificar a aplicabilidade da utilização de imagens obtidas pelo veículo aéreo não tripulado (VANT), no auxílio da identificação dos resíduos e de pontos de descarte de resíduos de construção civil (RCC) em áreas irregulares da cidade. De posse do instrumento, foram tomadas como unidade amostral áreas de descarte preliminarmente mapeadas por meio de imagens de satélite com resoluções espaciais menos refinadas. Com metodologia que permitisse atestar a potencialidade dos produtos gerados em termos de fotointerpretação, precisões geométricas e geográficas, foram feitos sobrevoos com diferentes sobreposições de imageamento e com a utilização de pontos de controle coletados por meio de GPS de precisão. Os resultados encontrados mostram que as imagens aéreas obtidas e os ortomosaicos gerados podem auxiliar de forma confiável, rápida, segura e com melhores informações na identificação de pontos de lançamento de RCC, atestando que as plataformas VANTs e os sensores passíveis de serem acoplados à elas podem servir adequadamente como tecnologia para sensoriamento remoto, como ênfase no estudo proposto. / There are a considerable number of areas used as waste disposal points for construction in the city of Palmas - TO, which extrapolate the reach of the control and inspection tools of the municipality, especially in points within the urban perimeter. The present research has as main objective to verify the applicability of the use of images obtained by the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), in the aid of the identification of the residues and points of disposal of construction waste (RCC) in irregular areas of the city. Once the instrument was in possession, preliminary sampling areas were mapped using satellite images with less refined spatial resolution. With a methodology that allowed to attest to the potential of the products generated in terms of photointerpretation, geometric and geographic precisions, overflight with different overlays of imaging and with the use of control points collected through precision GPS were made. The results obtained show that the aerial images obtained and the generated ortomosaic can help in a reliable, fast, safe and with better information in the identification of points of launch of RCC, attesting that the platforms VANTs and the sensors that can be coupled to them can Adequately serve as a technology for remote sensing, as an emphasis on the proposed study.

Durabilidade de concretos com agregados reciclados / Durability of concrete with recycled aggregate

Rizzo, Giovanna Falzetta 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-04-10T19:01:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GIOVANNA FALZETTA RIZZO.pdf: 4328364 bytes, checksum: c9d6f46d59c6df71381b35bbaab4f27e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T19:01:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GIOVANNA FALZETTA RIZZO.pdf: 4328364 bytes, checksum: c9d6f46d59c6df71381b35bbaab4f27e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de S?o Paulo - FAPESP / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Civil construction is one of the industries that most impact the environment. The extraction of natural resources, the cement production, the concrete production and the use of its components, beyond the reckless generation of construction, materials that are often discarded as ?rubble?, affects directly affect the environment, the society and cities. Construction waste is already used in many European countries as recycled aggregates for concrete mix with for structural purposes. In Brazil, its use is still restricted to concrete without structural function, because the characteristics of the recycled aggregates can increase the permeability of the concrete. Due to the high porosity of the recycled aggregate when compared to the natural ones, it is expected that the concrete produced with the recycled aggregate higher porosity and consequently, fluids and gases will be easier to penetrate inside, directly affecting the durability and the useful life of reinforced concrete structures. In order for recycled aggregates to be a possible substitute for natural aggregates in the concrete mix for structural purposes, this work aims to study the parameters that affect the durability, determining and comparing through laboratory tests the physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete produced with different types of recycled aggregate. Four different types of coarse aggregates were defined for the accomplishment of this work, natural (AN), concrete (ARCO), cement-based materials aggregate (ARCI) and treated cement-based materials aggregate and two levels of natural aggregate replacement by aggregates recycled, 20 and 30% were employed. The concretes were tested in the ages of 7, 28, 90, 180 days and after 180 days of immersion in saline solution. The physical and mechanical characteristics of the concretes were determined, as well as indirect measurements of durability, such determination of air permeability, chloride ion penetration, carbonation and migration of chloride ions. The results indicated that concrete using recycled concrete aggregate (ARCO) produced 100% of crushed concrete presented characteristics similar to conventional concrete, and that the increase in the substitution content of 20 to 30% did not cause significant loss in concrete characteristics. As for the cement-based materials aggregate (ARCI), the results obtained for concrete with 30% substitution content were higher than for the concrete produced with the substitution content of 20%, and when compared to the conventional concrete the results presented by both concretes were inferior. However, for the substitution content of 30% even the results being inferior to the conventional concrete it presented good mechanical behavior. The concretes produced with the treated cement-based materials aggregate (ARCI Treated) did not present better performance than those with cement-based materials aggregate (ARCI) for most of the characteristics evaluated indicating that the proposed treatment was not adequate. / A constru??o civil ? uma das ind?strias que mais causam impacto ao meio ambiente. A extra??o desenfreada dos recursos naturais, a produ??o de cimento, a produ??o de concreto e a utiliza??o dos seus componentes, al?m da gera??o imprudente dos res?duos de constru??o civil, materiais esses que muitas vezes s?o descartados como ?entulho? afeta diretamente o meio ambiente, ? sociedade e ?s cidades. Os res?duos de constru??o civil j? s?o utilizados em muitos pa?ses da Europa como agregados reciclados para a mistura de concreto com fins estruturais. No Brasil, a sua utiliza??o ainda ? restrita a concretos sem fun??o estrutural, devido ? grande variabilidade do agregado reciclado, e o que elas influenciam nas caracter?sticas do concreto e em sua durabilidade. Devido ? alta porosidade do agregado reciclado quando comparado ao agregado natural, espera-se que o concreto produzido com o agregado reciclado apresente maior porosidade. E, consequentemente, flu?dos e gases possuam maior facilidade em penetrar em seu interior, afetando diretamente a durabilidade e a vida ?til das estruturas de concreto armado. Para que seja poss?vel a amplia??o no campo de consumo dos agregados reciclados, este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os par?metros que afetam a durabilidade, determinando e comparando atrav?s de ensaios laboratoriais as caracter?sticas f?sicas e mec?nicas de concretos produzidos com diferentes tipos de agregado reciclado. Foram definidos quatro diferentes tipos de agregados gra?dos para a realiza??o deste trabalho, o natural (AN), o de concreto (ARCO), o ciment?cio (ARCI) e o ciment?cio tratado (ARCI Tratado) e dois teores de substitui??o do agregado natural pelos agregados reciclado: 20 e 30%. Os tra?os de concreto foram ensaiados para as idades de 7, 28, 90, 180 dias e ap?s 180 dias de imers?o em solu??o salina. Foram determinadas as caracter?sticas f?sicas e mec?nicas dos concretos, al?m de ensaios de medi??o indireta da durabilidade, como a determina??o da permeabilidade ao ar, penetra??o de ?ons cloreto, carbonata??o e migra??o de ?ons cloreto. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que concreto utilizando o agregado reciclado de concreto (ARCO) produzido com 100% de concreto britado apresentou caracter?sticas similares ao concreto convencional, e que o aumento no teor de substitui??o de 20 para 30% n?o ocasionou perda significativa nas caracter?sticas do concreto. Quanto ao agregado ciment?cio (ARCI), os resultados obtidos para o tra?o com teor de substitui??o de 30% foram superiores daqueles com o tra?o produzido com o teor de substitui??o de 20%, e quando comparados ao concreto convencional os resultados apresentados para ambos os tra?os foram inferiores. Por?m, para o teor de substitui??o de 30% mesmo os resultados sendo inferiores ao concreto convencional foi obtido um bom comportamento mec?nico. Os concretos produzidos de agregado ciment?cio tratado (ARCI Tratado) n?o apresentaram melhor desempenho que os com agregado ciment?cio (ARCI) para a maioria das caracter?sticas avaliadas indicando que o tratamento proposto n?o foi adequado.

A influência do uso da argamassa estabilizada na diminuição de impactos ambientais

Weissheimer, Luís Fernando 24 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-06-12T16:55:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luís Fernando Weissheimer_.pdf: 3421242 bytes, checksum: 04b1fa9c628dd1d13a12334fe2e6e93b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-12T16:55:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luís Fernando Weissheimer_.pdf: 3421242 bytes, checksum: 04b1fa9c628dd1d13a12334fe2e6e93b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-24 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / PROSUP - Programa de Suporte à Pós-Gradução de Instituições de Ensino Particulares / A construção civil é uma atividade fundamental para o desenvolvimento da sociedade, gerando empregos, qualidade de vida e desenvolvimento econômico. Porém, através do uso descontrolado de recursos naturais, tem gerado grande volume de resíduos e impactos ambientais negativos consideráveis. Ao passo que novas tecnologias surgem como alternativas ao tradicional desperdício presente nessa atividade, esse estudo analisou a influência da substituição do uso de argamassa convencional pelo uso de argamassa estabilizada na geração dos resíduos classificados como Classe A pela Resolução 307 (CONAMA, 2002). Para tal, foram quantificados os resíduos gerados durante a execução de três obras residenciais verticais, denominadas Edifícios A, B e C, avaliando-se, por meio de técnicas estatísticas, a variação na taxa de geração de resíduo Classe A em decorrência da mudança do sistema de produção de argamassa convencional (A e B) para o sistema de argamassa estabilizada (C). Após a análise dos resultados, considerando que o único sistema construtivo que sofreu alteração foi o tipo de argamassa, constatou-se redução na taxa de geração de RCD Classe A de aproximadamente 31% no edifício C, onde foi utilizada a argamassa estabilizada, em comparação com a média dos Edifícios A e B, onde foi utilizada argamassa convencional. Foram, ainda, coletadas amostras de cada tipo de argamassa, enviadas para análises de lixiviação e solubilização frente aos critérios da NBR 10.004 (ABNT, 2004), não sendo apontadas diferenças significativas entre as amostras para esses parâmetros, concluindo-se que utilização da argamassa estabilizada reduz de forma significativa a quantidade de RCD no canteiro de obras, sem o aumento de risco de contaminação ambiental por parte do mesmo. / Civil construction is a fundamental activity for society’s development, generating jobs, life quality and economic development. However, through the uncontrolled use of natural resources, it has generated a large amount of waste and considerable negative environmental impacts. While new technologies arise as alternatives to the traditional waste present in this activity, this study analyzed the influence of the replacement of conventional mortar by the use of stabilized mortar in the generation of waste classified as Class A by Resolution 307 (CONAMA, 2002). For this, the waste generated during the execution of three vertical residential buildings, named Buildings A, B and C, were quantified, using statistical techniques to evaluate the variation in the rate of generation of Class A waste due to the change in the system of conventional mortar (A and B) for the stabilized mortar system (C). After the results analysis, considering that the only construction system that changed was the type of mortar, it was verified a reduction in the rate of generation of Class A CDW of approximately 31% in Building C, where the stabilized mortar was used, in comparison with the average of Buildings A and B, where conventional mortar was used. Samples were also collected from each type of mortar, sent for leaching and solubilization analyzes against the criteria of NBR 10.004 (ABNT, 2004). Since no significant differences between the samples were indicated for these parameters, it was concluded that the use of mortar reduces significantly the amount of CDW at the construction site, without increasing the risk of environmental contamination by the same.

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