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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eco-systemic awareness

Hopkins, Shawn B 26 November 2003 (has links)
The project aims to create a general awareness of our personal impact on our planet, while meeting the value based requirements of the client. Working within an existing context and land use creates the challenge of integrating a sustainable design proposal into this context which is preconceived as being less desirable. Eskom requires a value based conference facility within the selected culturally significant structures of the Pretoria-West power station. An analysis of the existing buildings on the selected site and its surrounding context has been undertaken within the documentation. This is to fully understand the implications of placing a design concept within the context, allowing the opportunity to respond to these implications. Energy has been conceptualised within the proposed urban framework. This energy goes beyond just proposing urban activity hubs and explores the energy within the connection lines between these hubs. This process has been inspired by the Curitiba urban precedent within this document and the associated need within a South African context. The concept aims to involve the "hierarchical" groups of our society, with this process involving people who would normally not partake in the urban energy being created within and around the proposed awareness facility. This process will undoubtedly create conflict between these groups. This conflict is the tool used to provoke thought and raise awareness. The boundaries of the sustainable approach within this proposal extended beyond just the technical requirements of the building. It deals with social, environmental and economic factors that influence the concept as a whole, within its urban environment. Although the trial and error process has lead to constant change, from the concept through to the details of the project, the result is a high quality conference facility, that supports sustainability, within a waste sorting environment. The design synthesis, although unpredictable, will provoke thought and allow an environment where people can empower themselves - on multiple levels. / Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Architecture / unrestricted

Kauno miesto gyventojų atliekų rūšiavimo motyvacijos sąsajos su Eko taškų įkūrimu / Interfaces between The Waste Sorting Motivations Of Kaunas City Residents And Establishment Of The Eco Points

Mačiulskienė, Evelina 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti Kauno miesto gyventojų atliekų rūšiavimo motyvacijų sąsajas su Eko taškų įkūrimu. Uždaviniai: Įvertinti Kauno miesto gyventojų motyvaciją bei įpročius rūšiuoti atliekas. Nustatyti Kauno miesto gyventojų motyvacijos bei įpročių rūšiuoti atliekas sąsajas su Eko taškų įkūrimu. Metodika: Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2013 m. lapkričio – 2014 m. vasario mėnesiais. Anoniminės anketos būdu apklausti 271 Kauno miesto gyventojai. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant statistinį programinį paketą SPSS v20. Surinktų duomenų skirtumų patikimumas buvo vertinamas chi kvadrato (χ2) kriterijumi. Statistinė išvada laikyta patikima, kai p < 0,05. Rezultatai. Kauno miesto gyventojų rūšiavimo motyvacijos veiksniai: ekonominės naudos (patogumo) - 48 proc., aplinkos apsaugos (vertybiniai) - 33 proc. ir socialinio priklausomumo (bendruomeniškumo) – 19 proc. (p<0,05). Daugiausia gyventojai atskiria: stiklo taros (99,3 proc.), makulatūros (62,3 proc.) ir PET gėrimų taros (55,7 proc.) (p<0,05). Eko taškais naudojasi - 62,8 proc. visų rūšiuojančių stiklo tarą, 54,3 proc. – rūšiuojančių PET gėrimų tarą. Rūšiavimui sudarytas galimybes vertino puikiai 79,9 proc. makulatūrai šalinti naudojančių Eko taškus, o specialiuosius konteinerius tik 19,0 proc., 86,4 proc. stiklo tarai šalinti naudojančių Eko tašką, o specialiuosius konteinerius tik 33,3 proc. (p<0,05). 70,8 proc. kiekvieną dieną ir 78,9 proc. kiekvieną savaitę atskiriantiems stiklo tarą, 78,2 proc. kartą į savaitę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate interfaces between waste sorting motivations of Kaunas city residents and the establishment of Eco points. Objectives: To evaluate waste sorting motivations and habits of Kaunas city residents; to determine the interfaces between Kaunas residents’ motivations and habits related to waste sorting and establishment of the Eco points. Methodology: The study has been started on November, 2013 and completed February, 2014. 271 of Kaunas city residents were interviewed by Anonymous questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed using statistical software package SPSS v20. The reliability of the collected data differences was evaluated by chi-square (χ2) criteria. Statisted result is reliable if the p-value< 0.05. Results. Waste sorting motivation factors of Kaunas city residents: economical benefits (convenience) - 48%, environmental protection values – 33%. and social belonging (community factor) – 19% (p < 0.05). Mostly residents sort this waste: glass containers (99.3%), waste paper (62.3%) and PET beverage containers (55.7%) (p < 0.05). Conditions for waste sorting were evaluated as perfect by: 79.9% of those who sort waste-paper by using Eco points and only 19.0% of those who sort waste-paper by using special containers; 86.4% of residents who sort glass containers by using Eco points and only 33.3% of those who sort glass containers by using special containers (p < 0.05). 70.8% of respondents sorted glass containers every day and 78.9% were... [to full text]

Enkätundersökning om attityder gentemot källsortering bland invånarna i Kiruna centralort

Axiotou, Anna-Maria January 2017 (has links)
Recycling is one of the most significant action we can do to reduce the environmental impactof waste. More efficient use of natural resources and the reduced greenhouse gas emissions is two major environmental benefits. The people that live on this planet have a key role in increasing recycling by sorting their household waste. Therefore, residents must take a responsibility for their consumption and the use of the planets resources. People's attitudes tosort waste is therefore essential for understand recycling behaviour and intensions. This study aims to examine waste recycling behaviour, with a focus on attitudes and factors that affect the recycling behaviour among residents in Kiruna, the northern most municipalityof Sweden. 97 inhabitants in the central part of Kiruna participated in the survey. It was found that lack of recycling stations and curbside collection were factors that affected people to recycle. The study also showed that the residents had a positive attitude to recycle because ofthe level of knowledge about the benefits of recycling.

Atliekų rūšiavimo Lietuvoje įpročiai ir jų pokyčiai: gyventojų nuomonės tyrimas / Waste sorting habits and their changes in Lithuania: citizens opinion survey

Nalivaika, Stasys 14 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas išanalizuoti atliekų rūšiavimo bei tvarkymo situaciją Lietuvoje, atlikti gyventojų nuomonės vertinimą, nustatyti jos kitimo tendencijas 2010 m. – 2012 m. laikotarpiu. Tyrimas atliktas remiantis moksline literatūra, sukauptais statistikos duomenimis ir vykdytos gyventojų nuomonės apklausos duomenimis. Pastaruoju metu augant vartojimui, pakuočių kiekiui, pirkimo-pardavimo kultūrai krypstant prie smulkių daiktų vienkartinio įpakavimo, po ekonominės krizės vėl atsigaunant statyboms, gamybai neišvengiamai susiduriama su dideliu susidarančių atliekų kiekiu šalyje. Visuose sektoriuose Lietuvoje kasmet susidaro apie 4,5 mln. t. atliekų: iš jų gyventojų komunalinių atliekų šiek tiek daugiau nei 1 mln. t., gamybos, pramonės, žemės ūkio, transporto ir kitų ūkinių veiklų apie 3 milijonai tonų. Nustatytų aplinkos apsaugos pažeidimų atliekų sektoriuje skaičius didėja 2002 m. jų buvo šiek tiek virš tūkstančio, o 2009 m. viršijo du tūkstančius, Vienam gyventojui tenkančių mišrių komunalinių atliekų kiekiai taip pat pasižymi didėjimo tendencija, apie 300 kg 2004 metais ir 330 kg 2012 metais (per aštuonis metus išaugo trisdešimčia kilogramų). Atsižvelgiant į emigraciją ir dar statistiškai neįtrauktą realų gyventojų kiekio sumažėjimą, mišrių komunalinių atliekų kiekis susidarantis vienam gyventojui per metus gali būti žymiai didesnis. Atlikus išsamią literatūros ir surinktų anketinių duomenų analizę nustatytos pagrindinės priežastys kodėl Lietuvos visuomenėje komunalinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work purpose is to analyse the situation of waste sorting and management in Lithuania and accomplish the assessment of residents’ opinion, identify trends in 2010 – 2012 years period. The research has been conducted on the ground of scientific literature, collected statistical data and the data of accomplished residents’ interrogation. Nowadays when consumption and the number of packing is increasing, purchase and sale culture is turning to the usage of disposable packing of small items, when after the economic crisis construction and manufacture are reviving again, we inevitably face a huge amount of waste appearing in the country. Every year in all sectors of Lithuania about 4, 5 million tons of waste are accumulated: where domestic household waste work out slightly more than 1 million tons, whereas manufacturing, industrial, agricultural, transport and other waste work out about 3 million tons. The number of breaches of environment protection in waste management sector is increasing. In 2002 there were slightly more than a thousand of such breaches, whereas in 2009 the number exceeded two thousands. The number of domestic household domestic household domestic household domestic household waste which falls on one resident has increasing tendency and figures up to 300 kg per person in 2004 and 330 kg per person in 2012. Within eight years the amount increased by thirty kilos. Considering the emigration and real statistically undocumented decrease of the number of residents... [to full text]

Vliv typu bydlení na třídění odpadu - modelová studie Písecko / Impact of type of housing on waste recycling - case study of the Písek region

VACKOVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
My thesis aims to clarify issues regarding waste sorting and the willingness of the population according to the type of their residence to sort waste. The theoretical part focuses on waste management in the Czech Republic and neighbouring countries. The main objective was to describe the waste management in the Písek region. I concentrated on the description of particular technologies, especially recycling. Another chapter describes the relationship of the population to waste sorting, as human behaviour and lifestyle are the main causes of environmental damage. Recycling may be the right way to decrease the negative impact of human society on the environment. The practical part presents the results of the quantitative research conducted by means of a questionnaire. According to the respondents´ answers, I was able to conclude the differences of waste separation between the town and village. From the total of 247 respondents, 80 % sort the waste, 16 % sometimes sort it, and 4 % never do so. The categories of respondents differ in the amount of waste sorting, however, the difference is not statistically significant (Chi Squared test = 2,075; s. v. = 4; p = 0,722). Depending on the type of residence, the highest percentage 87 % - of waste sorting occurs in the housing estate category and zero percentage of respondents in this category never sorts. I was also concerned with the difference in the degree of sorting of individual commodities depending on the type of residence. It is significant only in the amount of sorting hazardous waste (Chi Squared test = 18,5; s. v. = 4; p = 0,001). In the case of other commodities, the type of residence does not affect the amount of their separation. It is obvious that the type of build-up area affects the way of life of the population and thus the amount of waste they produce. In general, the degree of diversity in respondents´ waste sorting depends on their education, experience, life priorities and public awareness of waste management.

Optimalizace systému řízení reverzní logistiky odpadů / Optimalization of reverse waste management system

SOVOVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis we discusses the problem of waste management, which means the gathering, concentration, collection, purchase, sorting, transport, storage, treatment, recovery and disposal of waste, of course. This work actually focuses on the management of waste paper. This issue was also deals with waste management the reverse logistics.

Exploring opportunities for the improvement of recycling behaviours in universities : The case of the Blåsenhus campus of Uppsala University

Hureau, Alexandre January 2018 (has links)
As the environmental footprint of humans continue s to grow, and the amount of easily available resources keeps dwindling, many countries and institutions have turned towards the concept of circular economy as a way of diminishing their impact on the environment. Based in the idea of closing the resource loop by reducing the need for new resources, increasing efficiency, and reusing resources that are already extracted, many efforts have gone towards transforming our sys tem towards a circular economy. Unfortunately, recycling, identified as a vital part of the move towards circular economy, has been found to be less than optimal in many countries, despite efforts to improve the system. This study examines methods of improving environmental and recycling behaviour in the context of a university setting, the Blåsenhus campus of Uppsala University. Identifying barriers to remove and incentives to apply through a series of focus groups, this study then runs a trial period wher e measures are implemented. These include ads on the campus’ monitors, as well as posters indicating the benefits of recycling, as well as the impacts of failing to do so, information sheets clearly indicating how to recycle the most commonly misplaced ite ms, and the movement of certain bins to make recycling easier to access in relation to the burnables bins. The findings of this study are that the combined use of barrier removal along with the implementation of incentives, can be beneficial to the rates at which waste is recycled.

Analýza hospodaření s odpady a obaly na vybraném území / Waste and Container Management Analysis at Selected Area

NOVÁKOVÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The aim of my diploma work is a study of economizing with packings and waste products in the selected area from the point of view of environment, economy and logistics. For my work I have chosen the towns with extended sphere of competence of the South Bohemian region and there I have analysed the problem. The production of waste in the monitored towns was similar when we checked the mixed waste per 1 000 inhabitants in 2008. It was about 252 tons. In comparison with it the amount of sorted waste was in the followed towns considerably different. People sorted out the most in Vimperk ? 80,30 t of waste and the least in Trhové Sviny ? 1,55 t of waste per 1 000 inhabitants. The South Bohemian region could fulfil one of the goals of The Plan of Waste Management. This goal is to lower 20 % of the weight share of waste stored on the waste dumps by 2010 comparing to 2000. The goal is being gradually fulfilled and it is likely to be kept.

Ökad källsortering för materialåtervinning : Åtgärdsförslag för att minska mängden byggavfall som källsorteras i fraktionen brännbart

Langborg, Julia, Tavana Nejad, Frida January 2020 (has links)
There is a great need for reducing the extraction of limited resources of the Earth today. Oneway to achieve this, inter alia, is through increased recycling of material. The UN is activelytaking action on the matter, on a global level, and regionally the European Union hasdeveloped a directive on material waste. The Swedish construction sector is responsible forapproximately a third of the total generated waste, and measures regarding construction wasteshould thus be prioritized. Based on the abovementioned EU directive, the SwedishEnvironmental Protection Agency has developed a national action plan for waste, in whichconstruction and demolition waste is a focal point. JM AB is one of the leading corporationsin the Nordic countries in terms of housing development projects and one of their keyconcepts is sustainability. Not only does JM conduct its work in accordance with the currentrecommendations of both national and regional bodies, but in addition it has raised theambitions even further.JM is actively working to reduce the amount of landfill waste as well as the total amount ofwaste, and it has a good structure in place for doing so. An area of improvement with recyclingthat has now been identified is separation at source of combustible waste. Materials such aswood, plastics and corrugated cardboard can be separated from other combustible materials.This would not only increase the waste being recycled but also decrease the waste being burntfor energy extraction. The purpose of this thesis is to examine obstacles and possibilitieswithin the current recycling of combustible waste. The main ambition is for the results toprovide a foundation for the work of JM with regards to this, but hopefully other corporationsand actors within the construction sector will find the results useful and helpful as well.An internal survey was conducted and the questionnaire included both open questions andquestions with multiple-choice answers. Six employees at JM also participated in interviews.For added depth and more thorough analysis two waste contractors were also interviewed.Furthermore, a literature review was conducted and suggested that there is a strong need forchange in recycling within the entire construction sector. The review also showed that manysimilar problems exist in other construction companies.The survey, literature review and interviews lead to several action proposals of varying extentand complexity. Some of them are more specific, such as clearer signage on containers, newtank solutions, introduction of recycling instructions, and focus on recycling of wrappingplastics. Other proposals respond to more complex issues, such as a lack of commitment andsubstandard planning in the initial stages. What increases dedication and commitment is veryspecific for each individual. A shift in behavior relative to recycling, as well as increasedknowledge of combustibles, are both necessary. For this to happen a continuous effort isrequired, which in and of itself is a challenge, as well as clear leadership, division ofresponsibilities, and top down support within the corporate group.In a broader perspective, better cooperation from all actors within the construction sector isnecessary. An increased producer responsibility overall is required and improvements inwaste management alone is not sufficient. Producers should ensure that products andwrapping can be reused or recycled. This requires better and easier access to recycling, butalso a viable market for recycled material, and by extension manufacturers should be obligedto use more recycled material in their products.

Främjande av hållbar avfallshantering på kommunala arbetsplatser : En enkätundersökning om attityder och andra faktorer som påverkar anställdas beteenden kring avfallssortering / Establish sustainable waste management at municipal workplaces; : A survey on attitudes and other factors influencing employees’ behaviorsregarding waste sorting

Sonehag, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Waste is a complex challenge when it comes to reaching a more sustainable society, to achieve this everyone needs to get involved, not only in the own household but also at the workplace. Unsorted waste increases the risk of toxic substances being released in nature as well as a more rapid depletion of resources which then results in an increase of required amounts of energy to be utilized. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence employees’ behaviors regarding waste sorting at municipal workplaces. By gaining a better understanding of the factors that affect this behavior and the role attitudes play in it, obstacles and opportunities for achieving higher levels in the waste hierarchy could be identified. A survey was conducted amongst employees at a Swedish municipality to study what influenced the frequency of the waste sorting they performed. A significant difference between behavior at home and in the workplace was confirmed. The results showed that attitudes about the importance of waste sorting did influence behavior, but there were factors that hindered the behavior from occurring more frequently. Lack of knowledge about waste management, unclear routines, perceived low engagement from colleagues and thus no clearly established social norms, as well as poor access to sorting bins, were factors that proved to disrupt the correlation between attitudes and behavior. The motivation and willingness for more accurate waste sorting exist among employees, but more education, greater access to sorting facilities, and transparency from management are needed.

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